Trending Need For Co-Working Spaces in India

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Abha Pilli*, Anjela Prakash*, Preeti Anjali Barwa*, Shraiya Mathur*, Valliammai RM*, Vishesh Srivastava*, Piyush
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi

Abstract- Recent years have seen the birth and advancement of offers landlords and owners with excess space a new type of
co-working spaces that are probably going to influence models of occupant that can reinvigorate older properties. Even hotel
work and organizations. This paper means to through a light on chains, retailers, libraries and restaurants are getting in on the
the trends, and marketing tactics that should be proposed for action.
setting up a co-working space. To describe this growing The topics covered in our paper are as follows:
phenomenon, the current paper presents an in-depth analysis of 1) Abstract
existing literature and identifies the social, organizational and 2) Introduction
managerial issues raised by the development of co-working. How 3) Literature Review
managers and professionals can can increase a superior handle of 4) Global Trends in Co-working Space
the wonder and the potential advancement of working 5) Rise of Co-working space culture in India
environments and associations, just as a superior comprehension 6) Marketing Tactics
of the degree to which creating cooperating spaces may summon 7) Conclusions
development in associations and the executives rehearses.


Index Terms- Co-working space, technology, contractors, trends Launching a business is a tough experience. Most of
entrepreneurs start thinking on their own, taking challenges
I. INTRODUCTION alone. To help them to structure their ideas and benefit from a
The topic taken up by us is upon the trending and growing real friendly and innovative environment, co-working spaces were
estate sector initiative of co-working spaces. An unfamiliar created in the US and exist now in many different countries.
concept 10 years ago and poorly understood even now, co- Co-working spaces consists in renting a desktop in an open space
working is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the commercial for a very flexible period. The space is shared by other people
real estate market. In the few years since the concept began to coming from very different backgrounds: entrepreneurs,
take hold, the industry has grown to include more than 11,000 associations, artists, students, researchers… The “co-workers”
shared workspaces around the globe. While major U.S. and U.K. can interact so that everyone brings his own talent to a project,
co-working markets are beginning to show signs of maturity, the improving the outcome. The co-working space is based on
demand in second-tier cities and emerging markets is fueling important values: participation, sharing and open-mindedness.
double- and even triple-digit growth for co-working centers. Commercial "desk share" spaces have been around for a while,
providing a professional setting for independent contractors to
Though its growth has been profound, the shared workspace meet clients and get things done. But co-working is a different
market—including serviced offices, co-working spaces, animal, one that draws inspiration from open source software
incubators, accelerators and more—represents less than 1% of precepts and the lessons of the dot-com boom and bust. For
the world’s office space. Nevertheless, co-working and the atomized freelancers sick of Starbucks and longing for human
broader category of flexible workplaces are important trends interaction, co-working offers plug-and-play collegiality.
worthy of owner, investor and occupier attention. The co-working space has been inspired by open source software
precepts and dot-com boom. The number of one-person
In the early days of co-working, these trendy, collegial spaces businesses rose from 16.5 million in 2000 to 20.4 million in 2005
primarily housed entrepreneurs, small businesses and according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Typically, independent
freelancers .But as awareness of this new workplace alternative contractors, freelancers, entrepreneurs and work-at-home
has grown, so has the attention of corporate occupiers. Driven by professionals were sick to work in isolation and were looking for
demand factors, including new-generation work styles and the human interaction. They were seeking an alternative to coffee
desire for real estate portfolio agility, C-suite executives from shops and café buying endless cup of tea to benefit from the free
human resources, operations, real estate and finance are Wi-Fi.
increasingly interested in how co-working affects their work Commercial “desk share” spaces already exist since a large time.
practices and policies—and how they need to design, manage But co-working space is a different concept. “Co-workers” want
and operate their workplaces .On the supply side, co-working to make connections, fostering collaboration and sharing

knowledge. Co-working gathers people who work independently If you are co-working space, it is time to grow and
but who share values and look for the synergies that a common branch out.
space shared with talented people can bring. C. Additional Out of Box Services: As per the latest Co-
The co-working space is essentially dedicated to lonely working trends, shared office spaces have started to
entrepreneurs seeking socializing opportunities. “According to a provide many additional services to their co-workers
2007 CDW survey of over, 2000 workers showed that 79% of just like a big corporate company provides its
workers employed in the private sector and half of workers employees. Some ongoing trends in co-working spaces
employed in the public sector were worried about feeling isolated for 2019 include babysitting, a chartered accountant for
and missing human interaction if they were to start a your start-up, making office space pet-friendly, bank
telecommuting”. tie-ups for a loan, business account etc. If a co-working
Some entrepreneurs who dare launching their own business can space is missing out on these basics and does not go the
now share their experience thanks to the co-working space. This extra mile for its clients, it might soon start losing out
movement has been enhanced with the freelance culture of Web customers to newly opened spaces.  
2.0, starting building communities. The co-working is an D. Niche Co-working Spaces: There are cities in the world
example that the online relationships can translating into face-to- that house over 100 co-working spaces and most of
face interactions: “it’s social networking in meat space” them are fully occupied. The trend of niche co-working
Charles Planck, CEO of Articulated Impact said: “You find that has already been introduced and is sure to grow further.
if you are at home too much, you lose your edge in dealing with An example that just imagine – a co-working space for
people”. This differs from a café like Starbucks where people artists, only for females, for developers and coders, co-
generally don’t know each other and consumers don’t have their working space especially for writers, etc.
own reserved area. E. Connection to Nature: Trends suggest that co-working
This kind of space is mainly used by freelancers, web spaces are getting more inclined towards greenery. A
programmers, entrepreneurs, every kind of profession that can be space that has ample plants, flowers and well
done online. Co-workers choose this concept because most of the maintained green walls are somehow more attractive to
time they are too creative for corporate environment. The mix co-workers. Co-working trends suggest that new design
between dorm lounge, ad agency style and cybercafé is suited to concepts have also started to include an artificial
their way of working. waterfall, stones, beaches like structures and other
More dedicated spaces co-working spaces are being created to things that depict nature within the space.  
match with specific demand. For example, Geff DiMasi launched
a space gathering designers, journalists, architects and online
developers called Junto inspired by a club for mutual
improvement that Benjamin Franklin established to explore
questions of “Morals, Politics, or Natural Philosophy.”
To conclude, users’ first direct benefit from the co-working space
is the fact to join a community. Co-workers value the support of
the organization and the advice from their colleagues. The
community is the key competitive advantage of co-working
spaces where collaboration and participation are clearly


A. Technology: Co-working Trends in 2019 suggest that

space owners are more focused on technology.
Technology has taken over in such a way that there will
be no need to hire even a single manager to take care of
the co-working space. Access cards, co-working space
management software, booking system, attendance
system, automated invoices, time trackers etc. have all
become advanced. All human interference and hassles
have been outgrown.
B. Multiple Locations: As per co-working trends, people
tend to opt for a space that has more than 1 location
within a city since they get a choice to work at any of
the locations. Frequent travelers or businessmen tend to
opt for co-working spaces that have multi-city locations.

F. Community, Culture & Classes: People come to co- G. The Corporate Shift: Earlier co-working spaces were
working spaces to work but as per recent trends in co- meant for freelancers, solo entrepreneurs or small
working culture, there much more than workspace that businesses but now day’s even corporate companies are
is needed. From weekly lunch to events and from yoga exploring co-working spaces for their employees. This
classes to meditation sessions, all are becoming a part of shift is happening for the good as it is building more
the co-working concept. trust in co-working spaces.    
meant for all kinds of people irrespective of their work
or personality.
IV. RISE OF CO-WORKING SPACE CULTURE IN D. Tier II markets will see major growth
INDIA The industry has reached tier II cities in the past couple
Co-working spaces have disrupted the traditional work of years, and we believe this trend will continue in the
environment today, witnessing an enormous growth in the last future as well. While Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru
five years. The demand continues to gain momentum across have the maximum number of co-working spaces in
India so much that about 13 million people are expected to work India, cities such as Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Kochi,
out of co-working spaces by 2020. Indore, and Jaipur will see the chic agile spaces
India’s budding start-up community and steady economic mushrooming in the coming years.
development are drivers of growth of the flexible workspace With office rents continuing to increase across India, the
industry. India is the second-largest market for flexible total area leased by co-working spaces in Tier I and Tier
workspaces in APAC, second to China. A staggering $3 billion II cities could touch 6 to 10 million sq. ft. by 2020.
has been injected into co-working spaces in Asia-Pacific in the E. Consolidation of players in the sector
past four years, according to CBRE research.
Co-working spaces in India have witnessed more than
Co-working spaces have also grown rapidly in recent years, 350 players fighting for the share of pie to be ahead in
reaching a total footprint of almost 40 million sq. ft. as of H1 the sector and become sustainable in a short period of
2018 in 16 major Asia Pacific cities including Bengaluru, time. With more and more shared office spaces entering
Mumbai and Delhi NCR. These cities have also emerged as the the sector, consolidation is on the cards. A few large
hub of the co-working culture in India. In June 2018, Delhi NCR, operators will rise-up and build an association with the
Mumbai and Bengaluru had approximately 2.9, 2.8 and 4.1 smaller firms for better economies of scale.
million sq. ft. of space available respectively, which averages to
F. Automation and expansion of service offering
about 2.83 percent of the total real estate available for those
cities. Most of the spaces host tech companies, but they
themselves rely on manual processes. Co-working
An emerging and swiftly growing sector, the market for co-
spaces will become tech-savvy themselves in the near
working spaces doubled in 2017. The growth sustained in 2018
future. Booking a seat or a conference room, generating
and is expected to persist this year.
an invoice, paying for services or maintenance bill,
Key Trends in Indian Co-working Space:
tracking attendance – all operational aspects will be
A. Large enterprises will embrace agile workspaces automated. Office management will become seamless,
eliminating human error or bias in the coming future.
Startups have been early adopters of co-working spaces,
Agile workplaces will also offer services beyond what is
but the upcoming year will see corporates tapping into it
being currently offered including host investor meetings
as well. Some big names such as Amazon and Starbucks
for start-ups, provide financial guidance, etc.
are leading this trend. They are realizing that working
alongside young, energetic and like-minded people G. Productivity and collaboration efforts will increase
outside the traditional office set up can lead to Productivity may be another aspect that will see a major
innovation, boost in productivity and employee shift at these spaces. Various facilities such as crèches
satisfaction. and yoga classes will be incorporated to enable
B. Traditional industries to switch to co-working options productivity.
While technology and ecommerce companies have been Additionally, collaboration initiatives will be boosted to
flag-bearers of co-working spaces, more traditional help people network and work together in a cohesive
sectors such as banking, insurance, manufacturing, etc. workplace. Events, workshops, seminars, and meet and
will fuel the growth of agile workspaces this year. greets will be hosted by co-working places.
Corporates today want to represent themselves as new- Smartworks’ ‘Smartweekenday’ programme provides
age companies with more modern culture to attract networking and collaboration opportunities through its
young talent. Providing flexible work options is an array of regular events, ranging from pet therapy, indoor
effective approach. games and tournaments, and stand-up comedy, among
C. Niche co-working spaces to emerge
H. Multi-location spaces to witness more growth
Co-working options are modern workspaces with latest
amenities such as fast Wi-Fi, conference rooms, snack The jet-setting crowd prefers to rent co-working spaces
bar, game zone, etc. and yet generic in nature. They are that offer the flexibility of being leveraged in multiple
locations. Travelers are opting for membership that can

be used on the go. Keeping with this trend, a lot of co- B. Membership Scheme: Have a scheme in place where
working brands are planning to open up in newer perks are being provided to members. Create a member
locations. referral program: give discounted rent or membership
I. Quality of co-working spaces will get better fees when members bring in a successful referral such
The design, comfort and overall look and feel of co- as Cafeteria access, Gym Subscription or even a Health
working spaces is also likely to improve. The coveted Insurance Program. This will attract the customers to
Google, Facebook vibe will be the new normal. Modern sign up for the Co-working Space.
interiors, trendy furniture, standing desks, and big Once or twice a month, allow members, and even non-
screen TVs will be incorporated to grab a larger share of members, to come work in your space for free (and
the co-working tribe. Recreational rooms will also be include free internet usage). Keep these days limited to
elaborate this year. continue to bring in profit, but make sure to have them
to bring in new members as well as continue to keep
J. Clean-tech and greener spaces will be an order of the your old. Strategize your schemes with customized
day incentives depending on the durability of the members.
We believe spaces will move to cleaner solutions to
reduce their carbon footprint. Solar-powered energy,
copper ACs, etc. will be used to make the space more
efficient and curtail damage to the environment.
Co-working, a fast-evolving vertical, was a completely
new idea just a few years ago. The industry has seen
innovation being built in year-on-year. The above trends
will make co-working even more fascinating as we see
it grab a larger pie from traditional workplaces. The
flexible workspace industry will further disrupt, and this
year is definitely going to be exciting.

C. Social Media Strategy : You may use localize targeting

V. MARKETING TACTICS by using Google Ads and Facebook Ads and ensure that
A. Quality Website: It’s important to start with the basics. there is a page dedicated to the page. You may also use
A good quality website which states the mission of the other alternate platforms such as Twitter and Instagram
Co-working space as well as rates which are to showcase the building design, pictures of the
competitive in nature. It’s also important to include a members and events being conducted. Develop a social
blog or a newsletter, posts of which have the potential to media calendar and stay up to date by using it on
connect with the growth of the prospective organization. weekly basis. Post about workshops, promotions, co-
You are constantly letting customers know why you are working space events and community updates.
different and the value you can provide to them. Your List your co-working space on “Google my business”.
message should be reflected briefly on the site. Your Simply listing and verifying your spaces with Google
site is a representation of your brand and usually a My Business you can greatly enhance your visibility for
customer’s first impression of your workspace. Getting FREE. Google automatically shows your local
the website up and running is half of the battle. We need workspace to customers looking for your services,
to make sure we invest the proper care and specifically in your area. Ask users to rate your space on
consideration when optimizing your website for the Google, social media, directories like yellow pages and
search engines. If our website performs poorly, loads yelp.
slowly or is not mobile optimized we are going to have
trouble showing up on the search engines. A brief
checklist of the essentials below:
1. SSL Certification On the Website
2. Implementing the correct Title Tags, Metadata,
URL and Target keywords on the site
3. Uploading website property to Google Search
4. Creating .xml sitemap
5. Add Google Analytics to the website
6. Ensure images and content are compressed and
being properly cached on the website
D. Partnership with Local Businesses: Collaboration with
local shops to provide their brands – such as coffee
shops or corporate gift cards. This can be a good

advertising opportunity for the Co-working space. them since they may only be in town a few days a
Inbuilt a social and local proof and reputation month.
management thus potential leads will see your space
working for like-minded people, thus they will be more
likely to try your space out. It also shows that you truly
care about your concept and your customers. Nothing VI. CONCLUSION
can be better than having the local co-working As the shared workspace format gradually gains acceptance with
community experience what your co-working space has the mainstream occupier, it is being regarded as positive
to offer. workplace experience and slowly acquiring an aspirational
Ideas to promote local business: quotient with the occupier and the employee. With industry
1. Get involved with the town’s chamber of leading paymasters such as Google, Microsoft, Oracle and
commerce. Twitter engaging their top talent in large co-working spaces
2. Host charity and non-profit events to enhance successfully, the co-working space is well positioned as a “Cool”
local impact. place to work and is a significant attraction for prospective
3. Bring in industry influencers who can teach employees. Some co-working operators are going above and
workshops and spread valuable knowledge to beyond the conventional amenities offered by the co-working
help local business. industry by providing free beer, health club facilities and even a
4. Partner with incubator or create your own to Jacuzzi to acquire the coveted “Cool” tag. Recent entrants such
help companies afford space in the beginning. as WeWork, CoWorks and Smart works have been pushing the
5. Organize community beginnings outings to limits and merging the services offered by pure play co-working
send business to local merchants and vendors. spaces, serviced offices and business centers and these elements
E. Host Events : You may rent our your Co-working space are fast coalescing into modern shared working environments
to not only your members but to also host local events, that are collectively represented as the co-working phenomenon.
art galleries, celebrity parties and concerts. This can Going forward, with the advent of major co-working players in
bring the community to the building and thus more India and an increasing number of such facilities coming up
probability of prospective customers coming on board. across cities to cater to the demand of start-ups and SMEs, the
Hosting events will also give your co-working space a co-working sector is expected to thrive and could prove to be a
press outreach which can attract journalists who can significant disruptor on India’s commercial real estate market.
cover about your business and thus craft a suitable pitch While co-working companies accounted for just under 0.2 mn sq.
for every valuable stakeholders in the event. Promote mt (2 mn sq. ft.) of the 3.8 mn sq. mt (3.8 mn sq. ft.) annual
your business showcasing the type of benefits being commercial office space transactions volume, the expansion
provided like provision of healthcare schemes, day care plans of major players and the increasing appetite for this format
benefits. Rents your business to weddings, college art from occupiers, property owners and co-working operators
galleries, local pop-up boutiques, band competitions, should see annual transaction numbers triple from current levels
entrepreneur conferences, photography sessions, even a over the next 3 years. Currently, Bengaluru, Mumbai and NCR
weekly food truck roundup. house most of the co-working stock in India followed by
Hosting events, in general, are great, especially ones Hyderabad and Pune.
like hackathons where people spend long enough in the However, it is still early days for the co-working segment and not
place, and invest enough emotional energy, that they all the co-working operators are likely to be able to hold their
feel connected to the space after they leave. own in the long run, owing to their inability to mitigate risks in
their business models or have enough stronghold in nonprime
F. Advertise Toward Commuters – You can reach out to markets. Globally, maintaining occupancy levels is the most
travelers and commuters by putting up posters on taxis, challenging task of a co-working operator and the Indian market
popular hotels and Metro rail. There are directory will be no exception. While the aggressive pricing being used
syndication websites that can post your local listings to currently will address this to an extent, the financial strain could
hundreds of local directories like Yahoo, Bing, lead to compromises on service delivery resulting in poor
foursquare which exposes your website to far end customer experience and could prove to be the biggest risk for
commuters. the industry today. This would expectedly result in consolidation
Use platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite to attract new among co-working operators and the market would be divided
members and increase the turnout of your events. Take amongst a handful of large players. The rapid growth of co
the time to listen to your members and provide value working facilities and more particularly providers, will inevitably
rather than just “space amenities”. lead to casualties and also drive consolidation in the sector as
Engage your community to whom you want to reach out recently witnessed with the merger between Naked Hub and
to cause it is imperative to frequently communicate and WeWork.
inform them and then take their valuable feedbacks.
Target nomadic commuters which will be ideal ones for Key findings:
the business and can generate more recognition and 1. Due to the changing perceptions of the office, the
revenue. Make sure to offer a flexible membership for
workplace is now being looked at as an environment
that needs to be managed and optimized. It is being

viewed as an instrument that could drive a dynamic and President, Research; Yashwin Bangera Assistant Vice
vibrant culture of corporate productivity impacting the President, Research; Pradnya Nerkar Associate
financial, cultural and environmental ethos of the Consultant, Research. Knight Frank Research Reports.
organization. This far reaching agenda warrants an “Co-Working: Office of The
element of specialization. The co-working operator is Future”.
filling this niche and is fast being regarded as a ocuments/en/india-office-market-co-working-the-
specialist in workplace management who can cultivate office-of-the-future-5637.pdf
an environment of collaborative enterprise that yields [6] Prof. Anil Gupta.IIM A Publication. “The Co-Working
tangible benefits to the occupier. Space Concept”.
2. A co-working operators’ need to outperform market uuid=029aa576-2508-4974-808c-
rents also tends to improve the prospects of the entire 91df12ab6c5c&groupId=642050
property they occupy. This has also led the landlord to [7] Kay Sargent. Hok Publication. “Co-Working: A
consider the operator as collaborator rather than a Corporate Real Estate
competitor. Perspective”.
3. The number of Co-working spaces across the globe has [8] Robin Chhabra. YOURSTORY. “How coworking
grown by 3,050% since 2010 while the number of spaces have become a hot property for office real estate
people working in these facilities has exploded by close sector”.
to 8,000% in the same period by growing from 21,000 spaces-have-become-a-hot-property
seats to 1.7 mn seats, according to Statista Dossier.
[9] Cat Johnson. “Creative Ways to Market Your
Coworking Space: Tips from the
4. India is at the cusp of a co-working revolution with
several large players spread across the country. There
are close to 200 co-working operators running an
[10]Dodd Caldwell. Moon Clerk. “10 Coworking Space
estimated 400 shared workspaces across the country
Marketing Tips to Drive More
5. While co-working companies took up a modest 0.17 mn
sq. mt (1.8 mn sq. ft. ) in 2017, the first quarter of 2018 [11] Namita Sonthalia. Blog@sneed. “Effective Marketing
itself has exceeded the annual tally of 2017 at 0.19 mn Strategies For your Coworking
sq. mt (2 mn sq. ft.). Space”.
6. The co-working phenomenon is gaining wider [12]Ananya Bhattacharya, “Why co-
acceptance with the mainstream Indian occupier as big working spaces are becoming popular in metropolitan
corporates today constitute approximately 50% of the india”.
overall client roster. This share can go as high as 80% in spaces-are-becoming-popular-in-metropolitan-india
the more premium priced offerings. [13]Research reports,
7. The expansion plans of major players and the reports/india-research-archives
increasing appetite for this format from occupiers,
property owners and co-working operators should see
annual transaction numbers triple from current levels AUTHORS
over the next 3 years.
Abha – Abha Pilli, Student, IIFT and
Anjela –Anjela Prakash, Student, IIFT and
Preeti –Preeti Anjali Barwa, Student, IIFT and
[1] Work Design Magazine.
[2] Coworking resources. Shraiya – Shraiya Mathur, Student, IIFT and
Valliammai – Valliammai RM, Student, IIFT and
[3] All Work.
[4] Coworking mag. Vishesh –Vishesh Srivastava, Student, IIFT and
[5] Dr. Lee Elliott Partner, Department Head, Commercial
Research; Dr. Samantak Das Chief Economist and Piyush – Piyush Vijayan, Student, IIFT and
National Director – Research; Vivek Rathi Vice

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