ETCo Insight Paper Co Working Space
ETCo Insight Paper Co Working Space
ETCo Insight Paper Co Working Space
Co-working Space
An alternative to offices
Co-working membership
1. Membership is 2. The monthly rates differ 3. More than 50 per cent of the
offered mainly on for hot desks, fixed desks membership for co-working
a monthly basis. and private offices. spaces are subscribed by MNCs.
well as the activities and events organised by set-up in Singapore. Most of these companies
the operators and members. are small and tend to be in co-working spaces.
In recent years, financial institutions have
Demand for co-working spaces also jumped onto the bandwagon and started
co-working spaces for fintech companies, so
Millennials are making up most of the
that they can work together to develop better
workforce and will soon take up key
solutions for its employees and customers.
management positions. Supported by
For instance, The Open Vault at OCBC is
technology, millennials are used to working
a 2,400 sq ft fintech co-working space in
anywhere and anytime, with many preferring to
New Bridge Road that focuses on wealth
work in informal environments such as cafés.
management, credit and financing, insurance,
They also challenge the need to comply with
cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI).
conventional office cultures.
Marina Bay
Raffles Place
Outside CBD CBD
79% 21% Shenton Way/Robinson
Road/Tanjong Pagar
Figure 2: Distribution of co-working spaces in Singapore. Source: Edmund Tie & Company Research
sq ft
Figure 3: Size of selected co-working operators. Source: Edmund Tie & Company Research
sq ft
Frasers Property (Together CapitaLand City Developments Limited
with GIC)
Figure 4: Size of selected co-working spaces that are co-developed/co-owned with developers in Singapore.
Source: Edmund Tie & Company Research
Figure 5: Collective Works, Capital Tower. Figure 6: Distrii, Republic Plaza. Source: City Developments Limited
Source: WorkSmart Asia
Besides Singapore, shared spaces are growing shared spaces. MNCs also take up shared
in size across the region. In Thailand, co- spaces when their offices are full and when
working spaces started around five years ago. there is a need to find alternative spaces to
Today, there are more than 100 co-working house their employees. Landlords are pleased
space operators. Some operators have also with these new concepts as it ensures their
introduced co-working spaces in unique continuous income.
locations. For instance, convenient stores like
Moving forward, co-working operators are
Family Mart at Sukhumvit 33 have introduced
expected to expand rapidly. International
co-working spaces in their stores (Figure 7).
brands such as Regus, which provides both
Major demand drivers are the startups and serviced office and co-working spaces, are
small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), planning to expand their brand outside of
which take up around 80 to 90 per cent of Bangkok to target a wider range of customers.
Managed by Airtel Lifestyle, this modern co- and light snacks. Memberships range from
working office in Bangkok is located close to daily to monthly packages for hot desking
Rama 4 Road and Sathorn Road and is within or dedicated offices, with up to five hours
walking distance of Lumpini MRT station. of meeting room use per month. The two
Some of the unique features of this designer- meeting rooms can also be booked on an
focused working space include a shared hourly basis. The collaborative meeting rooms
library of lighting and design materials. There include audiovisual equipment geared for
is also a lounge area with free beverages presentations as well.
APW Bangsar
Co-working spaces have taken off
in Malaysia, and such spaces are
often located together with F&B
outlets. One unique example is APW
Bangsar in Kuala Lumpur, which
was formerly used as a commercial
printing factory. APW Bangsar is
now converted into a space which
has F&B outlets,
co-working spaces (6,000 sq ft) as
well as event spaces (from 1,800 –
4,144 sq ft). Some of the activities
here include weekend flea markets,
yoga classes, networking events
and workshops.
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