Sources-Data 1
Sources-Data 1
Sources-Data 1
At the broadest level, information sources that are available to the marketing researcher can
be classified as primary or secondary.
Primary data
-are collected for a specific research need: in this sense they are customised and require in
most cases, specialised data-collection procedures. Interviewing methods and experimental
designs are used to collect primary data.
Secondary data
-involve already published data collected for purposes other than the specific research need at
i) internal secondary data are available within the organisation-for example, accounting
records, management decision support systems, or sales records.
ii)external secondary data are available outside the organisation from two main sources:
library and other public sources and syndicated services that that involve data collected under
standardised procedures intended to serve the needs of a variety of clients.
Characteristics of primary and secondary data
1.Primary data are gathered for a specific purpose and conform to the objective of a particular
research design.
2.Because gathering primary data requires specialised expertise( for example survey design
and administration),it can be both expensive and time-consuming.
3.Because secondary data already has been collected and may be published, their acquisition
is relatively inexpensive: they frequently can be located quickly using appropriate printed
reference tools or newer information technologies.
4. The examination of available secondary data is a pre-requisite to the collection of primary
data; indeed, it can help the researcher to define the parameters of the primary research. For
example , national consumption patterns of a product collected by a trade association like the
Retailers Association of Zimbabwe(secondary data)may provide useful benchmarks against
which a firm’s sales(primary data) can be measured.
5.The examination of secondary data can be of critical importance in strategic marketing
planning because it may alert management to future threats or opportunities in the