Tuition Fees: For International Students 2020-21
Tuition Fees: For International Students 2020-21
Tuition Fees: For International Students 2020-21
for International
International Tuition Fees for 2020-21
Undergraduate £14,000
Postgraduate £14,000
Business School
Undergraduate £14,000
Postgraduate £15,000
Undergraduate £14,000
Postgraduate £14,000
*Excluding PGDE and PGCE programmes which are charged at the standard undergraduate international rate.
Faculty of Engineering & Science
Undergraduate* £14,000
Postgraduate* £14,000
Pre-registration deposit Discount on full payment
Students withdrawal, Note
interruption, deferral or
non-registration Unless arrangements, as set out in this
leaflet are agreed at registration, you will
be unable to register. Should you have any
Where a student withdraws from a queries or problems regarding your fees,
programme, the deposit is not refundable. please contact your local Student Centre or
Any monies due to be refunded will be the International Office.
returned to the student’s home country.
Students starting programmes in subsequent
A student’s withdrawal must conform to the years will pay the published fee for new
university’s withdrawal policy. entrants to the relevant academic year
and will come under a different set of
Requests for a student to defer or interrupt arrangements to those advised here. The
his or her studies will only be allowed in university will endeavour to minimise any
exceptional circumstances and must conform increases.
to university policy.
The fees for any new programmes will be
determined after the validation. Tuition
The university will notify UK Visa & fees are subject to an annual fee setting
Immigration when a student withdraws, exercise and will rise annually by no more
interrupts or defers from the study. than RPI- X + 3% (Retail Price Index excluding
mortgage interest payments +3%). We would
For more on withdrawal and interruption only consider an increase to the fee rate for
of studies, see continuing students to reflect the increased
support/withdrawal-and-interrupt/ cost of delivering the course in subsequent
interrupting years. This does not apply to students
studying in the Medway School of Pharmacy,
whom should contact the International
Failure to pay fees Office.
Registration for continuing students is Any fee rate increase would be considered
dependent on the previous year’s tuition on the basis that it was needed to reflect the
fees being paid in full. The student who have increased cost of delivering the programme in
fees outstanding will become subject to the subsequent years.
university policy for non-payment of tuition
fees. You won’t be able to, for example,
submit work, receive your award certificate,
attend your graduation ceremony or re-
register on subsequent years of study or a
new programme at the university.
International Office
University of Greenwich
Greenwich Campus
Old Royal Naval College
Park Row
London SE10 9LS
United Kingdom