Arduino Linx Labview
Arduino Linx Labview
Arduino Linx Labview
N. Suwondo and D. Sulisworo
Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1 Introduction
The success of technology in the classroom is not determined by the technology it-
self but by how technology enables teaching and learning [1][2]. Integrating a student-
centered learning strategy and technology will improve learning performance [3].
Hands-on learning strategies will engage students’ learning of certain theories or con-
cepts [4][5], reasons for the strategies in some universities being changed regarding
physics learning [6][7]. However, in the application of this change, there are some
constraints because of relatively expensive lab equipment or apparatus. Fortunately,
innovations in information technology are providing new and cheaper opportunities
and a good degree of accuracy in equipment available for learning. One of the possibil-
ities is the integration of Arduino-LINX- LabVIEW (ALL) for learning [8][9][10].
Some of the advantages of ALL-based learning apparatus development are it is cheap-
er, simpler, and able to describe the observed phenomenon well. These advantages are
very suitable for learning.
One of the most important physics concepts in the area of electricity is the transient
phenomenon in the resistor-capacitor circuit (RC circuit). This dynamic phenomenon is
abstract, and the use of manual apparatus to observe it requires skill. It is not a simple
activity for students and needs considerable time. Real-time visualization of transient
Short Paper–Hands-on Learning Activity Using an Apparatus for Transient Phenomena in RC Cir-
cuit Based on Arduino UNO R3-LINX-Labview
symptoms based on information technology is easier and its attractive appearance will
engage students and improve their understanding of the concept.
Development of characteristics similar to that device is possible using an Arduino
platform as an alternative to meet the learning requirements. An Arduino platform has
been used on physics experiments apparatus in many activities, for instance on damped
oscillations [11], low cost-scientific instrumentation based on open-source [12], and
simple harmonic oscillation [13]. The study of RC transient symptoms is in unreal-time
graphics [14] as well as in real-time graphics [15] but still uses relatively expensive
apparatus. This research developed an apparatus for the transient phenomena in an RC
circuit based on Arduino UNO R3-LINK-LabView, which is cheaper and has good
accuracy for learning activities.
2 Theoretical Background
An RC circuit is an electric circuit consisting of a resistor and capacitor driven by a
current source. It is known as an RC filter or RC network. This is the simplest type of
RC circuit. For this research, the RC circuit is shown in Figure 1. An RC circuit can be
used to filter the signal by blocking a specific frequency and passing others. Two of the
most common RC filters are the high-pass filter and the low-pass filter; the filter band-
pass and the band-stop filter usually require an RLC filter.
Charging the capacitor will happen if the left leg of the resistor is connected to a
voltage source. Discharging an electrical charge in the capacitor occurs when the left
leg is a resistor connected to a ground.
Equations (1) and (2) represent the voltage of the charging and discharging capacitor
processes, respectively.
!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!" !. (1)
!! ! ! !! !!!!! !!" (2)
Equations (3) and (4) represent the current of the charging and discharging capacitor
processes, respectively.
!! ! ! ! !!" (3)
!! !
!! ! ! ! ! !!" (4)
3 Method
! ! !! !!" (6)
Furthermore, the current fitting model on charging and discharging of the capacitor
is shown in equations (7) and (8).
!! ! ! ! !!" (3)
! ! !! !!" (7)
Short Paper–Hands-on Learning Activity Using an Apparatus for Transient Phenomena in RC Cir-
cuit Based on Arduino UNO R3-LINX-Labview
This study also compared the data quality on slow data acquisition, 250 mS or 4 Hz
and 50 mS or 20 Hz. The suitable time for data acquisition could be decided using the
comparison results.
LabView LINX
4.1 Result
The complete configuration of the electronic circuit apparatus is shown in Figure 3.
Using the collected data, the current of the capacitor is equal to the voltage of R di-
vided by the value of R. The fritzing diagram, as seen in Figure 4, shows a scheme of
the connection between the equipment and materials. A real picture of the apparatus
configuration is shown in Figure 5. See the breadboard for the instrument connections.
All instrument interaction of the transient phenomena in the RC circuit based on ALL
can be traced on the block diagram captured from the LINX software as shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 7 shows the capture of the current and voltage while charging and discharg-
ing the capacitor. It is configured to collect data every 50 mS. From the graphics, the
characteristic of the phenomena can be analyzed. The curves represent the current and
voltage dynamics of the charging and discharging of the capacitor. One of the fitting
results of the data is shown in Figure 8, especially for voltage value on the capacitor
Short Paper–Hands-on Learning Activity Using an Apparatus for Transient Phenomena in RC Cir-
cuit Based on Arduino UNO R3-LINX-Labview
Fig. 7. The capture of current and voltage graphic on charging and discharging process
Based on the measurement results using digital ohmmeter kaise SK-6222, the value
of the potentiometer resistor is 3.78 k! and the value of resistor R is 1 k!. The value
of the capacitor is 2200 "F. The source voltage is 5 V. Considering the time sequence
for data acquitition is 50 mS as shown in Figure 7, then the value of a and b in equa-
tions (5) and (6) can be calculated. The results are 5.0 V and 0.0950 S-1. While the
value of a and b in equations (7) and (8) are 0.0010 A and 0.0950 S-1, those values are
used as references for the fitting process of data acquisition for the current and voltage
during the charging and discharging of the capacitor. Table 1 shows the results of a
and b based on equations (5), (6), (7) and (8).
Process Charging Discharging
Coefficient a b a b
Unit A S-1 A S-1
Reference Value 0.001 0.095 0.001 0.095
Data 0.00095 0.087 0.00097 0.089
Deviation (%) 4.80 7.64 3.00 5.41
Correlation 0.994 0.994
Shortly, for the sequence time 250 mS, the deviation of a value ranges from 0.2% to
7.5% and 8% to 16% for b value. Correlation r is in the range of 0.963 to 0.999. It
means that this apparatus showed good performance. It can be used as an instrument
for a student laboratory activity. Based on the results of this study, the correspondence
between the calculated parameter using the collected data and the reference values is
good for a 50 mS case. The results of this calculation are presented in Table 1.
4.2 Discussion
At first, the assembling process using a jumper looked too complicated. But the
simple circuit makes assembly easier. In this study, connecting the instruments using a
jumper is merely to simplify setting up and breaking down the apparatus configuration.
On the other hand, the assembly process is a part of the activity to increase students’
motoric skills. The activity during this study revealed that adding the automatic capaci-
tance measurement unit and the automated charging and discharging, the capacitor will
improve the system’s performance. The focus is on observation of the phenomena. If
the students are unmotivated at first, it will influence their engagement during their
Even though the apparatus showed good performance, teachers should pay attention
to the selection of learning strategies. As stated at the beginning of this paper, technol-
ogy is a tool to enable learning. Based on a previous study, the personalized learning
environment has the possibility of utilizing this learning apparatus for physics learning.
The new learning approach should be modeled to identify the benefit of this learning
On the one side, Arduino offers many opportunities to be diversified in others areas
by adding various sensors and features. This apparatus can be developed into a prop for
the various dynamics of current or voltage of a capacitor circuit combined with other
components, such as diodes and op-amp. It also can be modified into a generated
waves device, differentiator circuit, integrator, filter, or more. But this study focused
on the learning implementation first.
Short Paper–Hands-on Learning Activity Using an Apparatus for Transient Phenomena in RC Cir-
cuit Based on Arduino UNO R3-LINX-Labview
5 Conclusion
This study showed that the learning apparatus development using ALL for observa-
tion of transient phenomena in an RC circuit offers good possibilities for student learn-
ing. The data from the experiment using this apparatus can be calculated and analyzed
properly and showed good performance. The characteristics of an RC circuit, including
dynamic graphs of current and voltage of the capacitor charging and discharging in
real-time, can be observed. Additionally, this device can be assembled more cheaply,
more easily, and more simply. LINX-LabVIEW as a part of this apparatus contributes
to the quite interesting interface. In general in the next study, all benefits of this appa-
ratus should be implemented to find the effect of the learning strategy to enhance stu-
dent learning performance.
6 References
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7 Authors
N. Suwondo is senior lecturer at Physics Education Study Program of Ahmad
Dahlan University, Jl. Prof. Supomo, Janturan, Yogyakarta, 55164 Indonesia (e-mail:
D. Sulisworo has expertise on educational technology and as scholar at Graduate
Program of Ahmad Dahlan University, Jl. Pramuka No. 42, Yogyakarta 55161, Indo-
nesia (e-mail: