Term Paper Assignment

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Q. No.

1 Direct personal investigation method is paresis than indirect investigation method

This is true that direct person investigation is the method where data is directly collected from
the source and not from any mediator or secondary document.

Q. No. 2 Difference between qualitative and quantitative research

When you hear qualitative, think of "qualities". For quantitative, think "quantities".
Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the
reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of
decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often
needed, rather than large samples.
In the social sciences, quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of
quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. The objective of quantitative
research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to
phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides
the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of
quantitative relationships.
Qualitative means a non-numerical data collection or explanation based on the attributes of the
graph or source of data. For example, if you are asked to explain in qualitative terms a thermal
image displayed in multiple colors, then you would explain the color differences rather than the
heat's numerical value.
Qualitative- That is an apple tree.
Quantitative- There are 500 apples on that three.
Q. No.3 Difference between simple bar chart and histogram

Both charts display a summary value of a continuous variable that has been split into groups.

In bar charts, the groups are typically categorical variables.

In histograms the groups are typically intervals of another continuous variable.

# of people enrolled in each department of a college would suit a bar chart

# of people in each income quintile in your city would suit a histogram

One implication of this difference is that a natural order exists on the grouping axis of a
histogram, but not a bar chart. In other words, it usually makes sense to sort a bar chart by value
of the bar but a histogram should almost always remain sorted by the order of the groups. Using
the examples above:

It would make sense to order the college departments from highest to lowest enrollment.
It wouldn't make as much sense to order the income quintiles by most to least people, you would
end up with a counter-intuitive graph.

Bar charts usually have a space between the bars, histograms usually don't - reflecting the subtle
differences in the relationships between adjacent groups.

There's no real hard line, the underlying representational metaphor is the same - numerical value
encoded as length on one axis and binned into groups on the other. The Level of measurement of
the grouping axis is the source of the difference, but it isn't black and white and there are no
definitive rules separating the two chart types.
Q No. 4 explain pie diagram why is called pie diagram

Pie Chart

The “pie chart” also is known as “circle chart”, that divides the circular statistical graphic into
sectors or slices in order to illustrate the numerical problems. Each sector denotes a proportionate
part of the whole. To find out the composition of something, Pie-chart works the best at that
time. In most of the cases, pie charts replace some other graphs like the bar graph, line plots,
histograms etc.
Pie Chart Formula

The pie chart is an important type of data representation. It contains different segments and
sectors in which each segment and sectors of a pie chart forms a certain portion of the
total(percentage). The total of all the data is equal to 360°.

The total value of the pie is always 100%.

To work out with the percentage for a pie chart, follow the steps given below:
 Categorize the data

 Calculate the total

 Divide the categories

 Convert into percentages

 Finally, calculate the degrees

Therefore, the pie chart formula is given as

(Given Data/Total value of Data) × 360°

Pie Chart Example

Imagine a teacher surveys her class on the basis of their favourite Sports:

Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton

10 5 5 10 10
The data above can be represented by a pie-chart as following and by using the circle graph
formula, i.e. the pie chart formula given below. It makes the size of portion easy to understand.

Step 1: First, Enter the data into the table.

Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton

10 5 5 10 10
Step 2: Add all the values in the table to get the total.

I.e. Total students are 40 in this case.

Step 3: Next, divide each value by the total and multiply by 100 to get a per cent:
Football                         Hockey 

(10/40) × 100 (5/ 40) × 100 (5/40) ×100 (10/ 40) (10/40)×
=25% =12.5% =12.5% ×100 100
=25% =25%
Step 4: Next to know how many degrees for each “pie sector” we need, we will take a full circle
of 360° and follow the calculations below:

The central angle of each component = (Value of each component/sum of values of all the

Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton

(10/ 40)× 360° (5 / 40) × 360° (5/40) × 360° (10/ 40)× 360° (10/ 40) × 360°
=90° =45° =45° =90° =90°
Now you can draw a pie chart.

Step 5: Draw a circle and use the protractor to measure the degree of each sector.

Uses of Pie Chart

 Within a business, it is used to compare areas of growth, such as turnover, profit, and

 To represent categorical data.

Why is called pie diagram

While it is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced, there are variations on the
way it can be presented. The earliest known pie chart is generally credited to William
Playfair's Statistical Breviary of 1801.

Q.No. 7 Differentiate between absolute and relative measure of dispersion

Absolute measures of Dispersion are expressed in same units in which original data is presented
but these measures cannot be used to compare the variations between the two series. Relative
measures are not expressed in units but it is a pure number. It is the ratios of absolute dispersion
to an appropriate average such as co-efficient of Standard Deviation or Co-efficient of Mean

Absolute Measures

 Range
Quartile Deviation
 Mean Deviation
 Standard Deviation

Relative Measure

 Co-efficient of Range
 Co-efficient of Quartile Deviation
 Co-efficient of mean Deviation
 Co-efficient of Variation.

Q No. 8 why measure of dispersion can never be negative

The sample standard deviation, s, is obtained by summing the squares of the differences between
each value and the sample mean, dividing by n–1, and then taking the square root. Therefore the
algebraic formula for the sample standard deviation is:

In other words the standard deviation is the square root of the variance of all individual values
from the mean. The more variation in the data, the higher the standard deviation will be. If there
is no variation at all, the standard deviation will be zero. It can never be negative.

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