Ogbe Se

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Ogbe seere ni seeke

Adifa fun Akinlawon

Nigba ti nbe niragun ota

Ebo ni won ni ko wase

Ogbe seere ni seeke

Ori Akinlawon wa dota


Ogbe seere ni seke

Cast divination for Akinlawon

When he was in the midst of enemies

They asked him to make sacrifice

Ogbe seere ni seeke

Akinlawon's head later turns good


Ifa says that the person that they casted this Odu for should make sacrifice so that
he/she will be victorious over his/her enemies. Ifa also says that this person is
amidst some enemies. Ifa says this person may have journey ahead, he should
make sacrifice so that people will not deceive him indirectly. Ifa says that he
should make sacrifice for journey mercies and bring home good things.


Akinlawon is confused on how he will be victorious over his enemies. He later

made up his mind and consulted ifa on how his life will be better. Ifa says
Akinlawon should make sacrifice and finally became victorious over his enemies.
Ifa also says that he will famous and things will change for good.

2) Igba nla ani ha

Adifa fun ese kan soso ogbe

Nse awo lode ajase

Ebo won ni ko wase

Ogbebo orubo

Ogberu oteru

Ero ipo

Ero offa

Eyin ori bi ogbe gbe selo

Igba nla ani ha

Cast Ifa for Ese kan soso ogbe

He is travelling with his priesthood to Ajase

They asked him to make sacrifice

He made the sacrifice

And it was accepted

Pilgrims of Ipo

Pilgrims of Offa

You cannot believe where Ogbe escaped through


Ifa says that the person that they casted this Odu for should make sacrifice in this
verse. Ifa also says that this person has a enemy that does not want good things
for him. Ifa assured him that when he makes sacrifice, he will surely be victorious
over his enemies.


Ese kan soso ogbe is the one that can't stand what he has been battling with. He
consulted ifa on how his life will worth living. Ifa foresee a prosperous journey
ahead too, but there are evils on the way that's why he was asked to make
sacrifice and also make use of giant rat as part of the ingredients. Every angle the
priest mentioned in this verse was touched by Ese kan soso ogbe. People of Ajase
are always disturbed by thieves, they unite themselves together and agreed on a
particular time that nobody must be seen outside. Anyone that is out at that time
will be apprehended as a thief. They agreed with the vigilantes that they will kill
the person. Ese kan soso ogbe was not aware of their new law, he entered Ajase
late in the night and they apprehended him and beat the hell out of him thinking
he was a thief. They finally incarcerate him. Later they picked a date for his
execution. Funnily, Esu came him and asked maybe he make sacrifice before he
exits his town which he said yes. Esu plea for his release but they did not grant it.
Esu assemble the giant rat together when it remains a day before Ese kan soso
will be killed. Esu dig a hole from Ese kan soso Ogbe's town down to the prison
where he was dumped. He later escape through that hole. Ifa says he will always
guard this person. The guards were instructed to bring him out and they saw the
hole where he escape through.

3)Majowere majowere

Bi eni oti e ku

Aje owere die

Adifa fun Afoju abu fun aro

Nigba ti won jo nse ore atilewa lailai

Ebo won ni ko wase

Nje beni o ti e ku

Eni a jowere die

Majowere majowere


Majowere majowere
If someone will still die

Someone should still try and enjoy the minimal time left

Cast ifa for the blind and the crippled

When they are still much together

They asked them to make sacrifice

If someone will die

Someone should still try and enjoy the minimal time left

Majowere majowere


Ifa says that the person that they casted this Odu for should make sacrifice and
also be careful of who he/she should trust. Ifa foresee that people will try and
give wrong advice that will befall this person. So this person must always consult
Ifa subsequently on how his life will keep moving forward. He agreed on all what
the priest said and things keep working for him.

Afoju (Blind) and Aro ( Crippled) are friends before animosity(bad blood) came in
between them. The Crippled later deceive the blind to the riverside, he said he
consulted ifa and they were asked to jump into the river . He said his cripple legs
will be straighten and also assured the blind that his eyes will also be wide
opened as well. Later on, the blind consulted Ifa and the priest told him to make
sacrifice which he did. On the D-day, both of them gets to the riverside not
knowing that the cripple has roll down a big stone beside the river. He took the
blind to the riverside and told him that, he knows he cannot see him but he
should listen to his movement and he accepted. The cripple appease Osun
immediately after the sacrifice. The cripple says he is going first which he threw
the stone inside the water shouting. Immediately, the water splashed on the blind
eye balls, he was trying to clean up his face that is how he regain his sight back
and saw the cripple beside him.

4)Oju ti npon awo

Apon ku ko
Osi ti ta awo

Atala ni

Bope boya

Yo fi oro yi se erin rin

Adifa fun Oosa nla Oseremogbo

Eleyi ti yo fi Aro se akora eru

Ebo won ni ko wase

Eru ti mora lola mi

Eru ti mora loso mi doba

Oosa nla o eepa


The paucity the priest is facing

Is not eternal

Whatever poverty the priest is battling with

Is for better tomorrow

Sooner or later

They will surely laugh with the words

Cast Ifa for Oosa nla Oseremogbo

The one that will buy a cripple as his first slave

They asked him to make sacrifice

The slave that I bought make me wealthy

The slave that I bought turned me to a king

Orisa nla I hail you


Ifa says that the person that they casted this Odu for should know obatala as
his/her Orisa and should always appease obatala frequently. Ifa advise this person
should take note of all this warnings in this verse.


Oosa nla visits the market and that is how he does visit five days interval, he was
about to visit the market again. He later made up his mind and consult ifa and
they said nothing will happen to him. He was asked to make sacrifice and was also
warned not to tamper with someone's else property. On getting to the market, he
met only one slave which he paid for the slave immediately. Oosa nla excuse
himself to urinate when he came back he told the slave to stand up.
Unfortunately, the slave is crippled and respond to Orunmila that he can not
stand up. Orunmila told him that how will he move from that spot to his place.
Orunmila had no option than to carry him. When they got home, there are some
things the cripple can not do. Orunmila will always help out. On a fateful day, the
cripple was moving from one place to another and finally spilled into a pit full of
money at the farm. Orunmila was trying to help him out and sees money in the
pit. Orunmila later make it in life. Ifa says he should always listen to whatever the
priest tells him.

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