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Disaster Resilient Infrastructure: Study

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Laboratory of Hydraulics,
1990 - 2000 Hydrology and Glaciology
of the Swiss Federal Institute
Building a Cuilurc 01 Prevenlion of Technology, Zurich
'Pamcrrhlpr for a Sairr World
In the 2111 Cenhity"

Coping study on

Cornmissioned by the
Secretariat for the International Decade for
Natural Disaster Reduction
for the
IDNDR F'rogr-amme Forum 1999
"Partnerships for a safer world in the 21 st century"
-- 111 -


In December 1998 an agreement was signed to provide support for the organization of IDNDR
Program Forum to be held in July 1999 and its preparatory process through undertaking a
coping study on the theme Disaster Resilient Infrastructure by Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,
Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW) of ETH Zurich within the project "Coping Studies on
Research Needs for Future Disaster Reduction". These coping studies ars implemented and
coordinated by the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, the Programme for the
Study of International Organizations (HEX-PSIO).
VAW is doing research only in some fields of natural hazards Le. floods, debris flow,
impulse waves and ice avalanches. Therefore, it was necessary to find partners to contribute to
this report. Fortunately it was possible to find experts in each field of natura! hazard that were
willing to write a chapter of this report. I take this opportunity to thank all authors for their
valuable conmbutions. A detailed list of ali authors is provided.
To contribute to the coping study was a chalienge. It is not easy to summarize the essentials
on such limited space. And if the report gets too voluminous it would be too difficult tc read. 1
hope that the right equilibrium was found and this report introduces the reader on the main
problems, risks, but also research needs and necessary activities to be taken in relation to
natural hazards.
I want to thank Dr. Warner, Director of PIIO, the project coordinator for the excellent
cooperation and Dr. Hagrr for having coordinated as a project head.

Prof. Dr. H.-E. Minor

- v-

Contributing Authors

Ammann, Walter J. Dr., Head, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche
Research (SLF), Flüelastrasse 11,7260 Davos Dorf

Boll, Albert WSL, Abtl. Wasser-, Erd- und Felsbewegungen,

8903 Binnensdorf
Bonnard, Christophe Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (EPFL,), 1015 Lausanne

Conedera, Marco FNP Sottostazione Sud delle Alpi, Via Belsoggiomo 22,
6504 Beliinzona
Descoeudres, Francois Prof. Dr., Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne
Fohn, Paul M.E. Dr., Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
(SLF), Flüelastrasse 11,7260 Davos Dorf
Funk, Martin Dr., Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology
(VAW), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
8092 Zürich
Ger ber, Vdei-ner ‘FJSL, A M . \Vr,sser-, Erd- urid Felsbewegungen,
8903 Birmensdorf
Hager, Wilii H. Prof. DI-. , Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology
(VAW), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
8092 Ziirich
Lnbiouse, Vincent Dr., ME:R, Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne
Mrtrgreth, Stefan Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF),
Flüelastrasse 1 1,7260 Davos Dorf
Minor, Hans-Erwin Prof. Di-., Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology
(VAW), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
8092 Ziirich
Montani-Stoffel, Sara Dr., Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne
Sruder, Jost A. Dr., Studer Engineering, Thujastrasse 4,8038 Zürich
Vischer, Daniel L. Prof.enl. Dr., c/o Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and
Glaciology (VAW), Swiss Federai Institute of Technology
(ETH), 8092 Zürich
ViiIIiet, Laiirent Prof. Dr., Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne
Zí mnierli, Bruno Dr., Fachhochschule FHZ, Hochschule für Technik und
Architektiir, ‘Technikumstr. 21, 6048 Horw
- 1-

1.1 Introduction 9
1.2 Static and dynamic wind loads 9
1.3 Codes 10
1.4 Possibilities to prevent disasters 10
1.4.1 Roofs 10
1.4.2 Exterior walls and fqades 11
1.4.3 Airdomes and tents 11
1.4.4 Scaffolding and cranes 13
1.4.5 Tanks, vessels and cooling towers 13
1.4.6 Towcrs, masts and stacks 13
1.4.7 Bridges 13
1.4.8 Erection stages 14
Reference 15

2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Avalanche hazard and damage scenarios 18
2.3 Avalanche protection measures 19
2.3.1 General overview 19
2.3.2 Avalanche forecasting 19
2.3.3 A\drincfit. hazard mapping 22
2.3.4 Technical measiirec 23
2 -3.5 hloiii1t:iii-i forest 25
2.4 Avalanche risk arid management 25
2.5 Research needs 25
2.5.1 Physics drid mechanics of snow 25
2.5.2 Avalrinclie forecasting 25
2.5.3 Avalanche hazard mapping 26
2.5.4 Technical measures 26
2.5.5 Kick mmigcment 26
References 27

3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Historical icc avalanches 29
3.3 Starting zoncs a n d run-out distances of ice avalanches 31
3 . 4 Ice avalanche hazard mapping 33
3.5 Prediction of the break-off time 33
3.6 Outlook 35
References 35

4.1 Introdiiction 37
4.2 Rockfall resilient infrastructure 38
4.2.1 Stabilisation methods 38
4.2.2 Protecting measures 38
4.3 Wire net rockfall barriers 39
4.3.1 Introduction 39
4.3.2 Full-scale testing of rockfall barriers 40
4.3.3 Forces and design criteria 41
4.3.4 Summary and outlook 42
4.4 Rock sheds 43
4.4.1 Introduction 43
4.4.2 Description of problem 43
4.4.3 Test device 43
4.4.4 Quantitative evaluation of forces 45
4.4.5 Inclined impacts 46
4.4.6 Conclusions 46
References 46

5.1 Introduction 49
5.2 Main factors for landslide resilient infrastructure 49
5.3 Slide resilient infrastructiire 50
5.3.1 Modification of slope geometry 50
5.3.2 Retaining smictures 51
5.3.3 Intemnl slopc' reinforcement 51
5.3.4 Di-:iiii:ige 52
5.4 Debris flow i-c.silient ii1fr;isuiictiir-e 53
5.4.1 Esc:iloriared r i \ w protedon scheme 53
5.4.2 Laterid protection dams and dikes 54
5.4.3 Emergency spillway structure 54
5.4.4 Structure separating bed load from water (Japanese trap) 54
5.5 Guidelines to improve the safety of disaster resilient infrastructure 54
References 55

6.1 Introduction 57
6.2 Features of inipiilse \v;ivec 58
6.3 Impulse wave niriup aiid overtopping 60
6.4 Consequences for infrastructure 61
6.4.1 Reservoir ovmopping 61
6.4.2 Wave niniip 61
6.5 Reservoir d r a w d o w i 62
6.6 Recoiiiiiiend;It io r I s 63
Reference 63

7.1 Characteristics and damages 65
7.2 Importance of infrastructure for disaster response arid rehabilitation 66
7.3 Vulnerability of infrastructure 66
7.3.1 characteristics of infrastructural systems 67
7.3.2 Vulnerability of inIiasmcniral systems 67
7.3.3 Vulnerability of infrastructural components 68
7.4 Risk mitigation measures 68

8.1 Introduction 71
8.2 Forest fire data bases 71
8.3 Fire history 71
8.4 Effects of forest fires 72
8.5 Fire risk prediction 73
8.6 Fire be11:iviour iiiodelling 73
8.7 Fire nimngeiiien? 74
8.8 Conclusions 74
References 75


9.1 Dams aiid riiiclur power plants 77
9.2 Pipelinc-houndsupply and disposal plants, transportation schemes 78
9.3 Buildin:< 81


H.-E. Minor
Economic losses attributable to natural hazards rise steadily as the figures of Munich
Reensurance demonstrate. And eacn year a notable number of persons are killed or displaced at
least for some time from their home areas. There are several reasons for the increase of impact
by natural hazards:
Extension of settlements including the corresponding infrastructure and productive plants is
continuing. Not only the growing number of people is a reason but also the steady
improvement of the built environment. Globalization and the pronounced division of labor
in world economy will add even more in the future.
There is and will be more infrastructure in the future that can be damaged; its construction
cost is steadiIy increasing.
Human activities with its settlements and infrastructure spread into endangered areas
sometimes brcause no other space is available. This is convenient just on a short sight.
Consrructiun cosrs at flood plains for example are lower than on hilly ground. Since floods
occur not every year, larger floods more than five years ago are normaly forgotten.
Sports-activities and tourism also push into more extreme areas and add to the necessaq
All these muctures are exposed to a high risk but at the same time they are expected to
withstand disastrous impacts during natural hazards. This is not always possible. Man must
realize that 100% safery does not exist, especially not if structures are exposed consciously to
natural hazard. They cannot be made safe against all possible impacts of natural hazards. Lq
some cases it is simply not possible because of lack of technical means while it would be much
too expensive in other situations.

Another approach is to define hazard zones. In the most critical zones with a high hazard
potential construction could be prohibited, in the second zone with a moderate potential hazard,
prescriptions should be made to armour structure against the natural hazard, and in a third zone
owners have to be informed about existing hazard. Additionally it is essential to build up a
second line of defence in case the first defense line fails. Needless to state that a warning
system as well as rescue measures have to be installed. The warning system is then effective
provided real-time-prediction is possible and the rescue measures are effective if extensive
training has been cm-ied out for specific hazards.
The various natural hazards have different character because they are governed by different
physical processes. Accordingly, the methods of hazard intervention also differ. Table O. 1
attempts to demonstrate these differences and at the same time intends to show the possibilities
of intervention. Three zones have been distinguished:
Origin or source of hazard,
Propagation or spreading area, and
Zone of impact.

For extreme natural hazards, structures are essentially not able to resist, while other can be dealt
with by a correct design. For many natural hazards it is nearly impossible to intervene at the
source, for some, however, this approach is feasible such as landslides. Then, of course, this
should be the first line of activity. As can be seen from Table 0.1 intervening in the
propagationlspreading area is effective for many natural hazards.
In addition to the possible actions to be taken as listed in Table 0.1, consequent regional
planning with definition of hazard zones would reduce considerably the impact of natural
hazards to infrastructure Iflizard zoning should be defined not only for one natural hazard

scenario, but all natural hazards of a site should be investigated at the same time define the
combined risk of endangered areas.
In this context it must be mentioned that different hazards are treated separately by the
corresponding specialist. However, two or more natural hazards may interact and the experts
have to come up with a common definition of solution. Future research has to take this aspect
also into account.
The different chapters of this report aim to present the specific research needs in more detail
or define the necessary activities to be carried out to make infrastructure more disaster resilient,
as regarded by the authors.
Table 1 Possibilities of hazard intervention

Hazard o o o o @a Ob @ O @ o
wind snow ice rockfall landslides debris flow impulse wave: earthquake forest floods
Lone avalanches avalanches fires
3rigin or supporting slope geometry, check dams in
a m structures, retaining torrents and scour stabilize
artificial su-uctures, measures, slides,
release of slopc reinforce- as for landslide draw down none none
none avalanches, none limitcd ment, reservoir,
silviculture, drainage. control
reforestation Large, steep slide velocity
cannot bc
stabilized I
?ropagation deviation structures to protection dams Retention
qreadtng little, dams, divert various to keep debris basins,
rn consida retaining avalanche structures none fl~w fmm drawdown of none flood plain
vortex dams, away from to hold vaiunerable reservoir diversion
shedding retarding vulnmble brick structures SUuCtUfeS,
structures stnictures mkfall reducesediment
Japanese trap and drift wood

lonc of desuate increase

impact apply shcd striict urcs see landslides vcry limited design of river capacity,
state structures vcry limited rock she& arc csscntially structures, flood dykes,
of the art not able to resist but also more space for
design thnist by lands- 3f infia- river,
lide structure increase erosion
- 9-

B. Zimmerli
The best chance to reduce disaster caused by storms is to build the stnictures conforming to the
state-of-the-art in wind engineering or at least for normal structures to the wind codes
(Münchner Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft 1989). Structures and their components should be
built with sufficient resistance. Very exposed terrains like the top of mountains and exposed
coastal regions need special regulations imposed by the government.
An important influence on damage control have insurance companies. They have the
possibility to steer to a certain point the public, the industxy and the authorities, and may force
the policy holders to prevent damage.

The dynamic pressure acting on the surface of the building is proportional to the square of the
wind velocity. At the edges of the roofs and the walls in the wind direction the pressure and
suction forces may reach the multiple of the usual dynamic wind pressure. Generally the
distribution is more erratic if the shape of the building is irregular and sharply-edged. The
damage on roofs and facades shows clearly, where the extreme pressures have an influence.
Often designers are suprised by the locations of the damage, which means that the engineering
education is incoinplete.
In the design of buildings and components the indications and prescriptions of the codes
should be used. In certain cases the static approach to wind loads does R o t show the true
interactions between the structure and the wind flow. The unsteady and turbulent flow can
cause resinance of the structure. Fig.1.1 shows a design mistake in the concept of cooling
tower construction. Damages may occur even at moderate wind velocities. The parameters of

Fig. 1.1 Cooling towcrs damaged by exceptional wind load.

- 10-

vortex shedding used in the codes are known. The modem tendency to higher and at the same
time lighter stnictures make them more susceptible to vibration.
Wind engineering deals with wind-induced vibrations. Measurements in situ and in wind
tunnels together with computer simulations of the wind flow allow specialists to predict the
wind loads on unusal and new structures.

Most of the countries have detailed design regulations concerning wind action. Some are not
compelling and sometimes even contradictory. Therefore, engineers tend to save money with
measures against wind load. Economically this is certainly the wrong way since even in
extremely exposed coastal regions the savings are less than 4 percent, compared to perhaps the
total loss of the structure. The basic values of wind velocities are often derived from a wind
velocity (as a mean over 10 minutes) measured in the average every 50 years. These values are
converted to peak pressures.
Some of the problems pertaining to wind codes will be shortly discussed. First not all
countries can provide the Recessary meteorological data over a sufficiently long period,
especially in topographically exposed terrains. Changes of the climate cannot be predicted with
the necessary reliability.
Secondly the wind codes are no more readable for ordinary engineers or architects. Only
with typical examples for wind actions in courses for professionals will this problem be
resolved. The regulations often show buildings of simple shape whereas very complex
stnicturzs musi be buil; in daily application. This problem becomes even more acute in the
context of roofs and facades. For many structural shapes the pressure and suction distributions
are not known. The investor often is not willing to pay wind tunnel testing for better load
prediction. Experience of damage is not transferred to the knowledge of engineers. Only a few
years after major disasters engineers are forced to reduce expenses against wind action. The
influence of neighbouring buildings is not sufficiently taken into account. The danger of debris
transported by wind in agglomerations is also not considered. The many details which have to
be accounted for in design against wind action ask for a long experience in the profession of
engineers, architects and especially workmen. All the preceding aspects taken into account will
allow us to build structures which resist storms.

Every year insurance companies all over the world pay damages of a huge extent. They would
be able to collect data of all the damages and to transmit the experiences to the interested
engineers and architects. This happens very seldom, but it could be the decisive step to a
disaster-resilient strategy. Since there is still no move in this direction, some typical arguments
for damages and possible preventions will be discussed. The whole spectrum of essential
causes, even such beyond wind storms, will be discussed.
1.4.1 Roofs
Why are roofs damaged most of all? Causes include larger wind velocity with increasing height
over ground, vortex shedding at sharp comers and cantilevering roofs, small roof weight,
insufficient anchoring of the roof to the building, poor fixing of the skin to the roof structure
and inexistent maintenance of roof elements such as chimneys or antennas. Roof damage is
especially annoying because the rain destroys the insulation and increases the total damage
considerably. The parts loosened from the roof are transported by the wind. They hit other
buildings. Sometimes the stability of the whole building is threatened if the roof is blown off.
Measures against these kinds of damage can be derived from what has been said
- 11 -

F i g . l .2 Roof damaged by falling tree during a storm.

The trees taust have a reasonable distance €ram the building or they should only reach the
eaves (Fig.l.2). Due to a limited overhang suctions and pressures are reduced. Reliable
connections between the roof and the underlying structure are important. Nails are normally not
the ideal solution. The skin of the roof can be fixed to the beams by screws.
1.4.2 Exterior walls and facades
Exterior walls are damaged by extreme storms only. Since more and more expensive and at the
same time sensitive materials are used, the wind forces will impair curtain walls and panels
more frequently in the future. Debris and hailstones increase the damage to such buildings
dramatically. Glass areas are even more sensitive to wind actions (Fig.l.3). Resonacce
vibrations are an additional cause of failure. The same is valid for gates and sliding doors of
hangars and halls. Because of the demand for small weights the gates are produced of light
metals. Under high wind pressure this material may deform extremely. Often the gates leave the
frame and are therefore destroyed. Possible preventive measures are given as examples.
The elements of the facade and of the insulation need sufJicient anchoring to the masonry
and to the steel profiles. The material should be resistent against hail. Big glass elements should
have flexible suspensions and subdivided panels. Light metal gates should be stiffened to such
an extent, that the deformations are limited according to the dimensions of the frame. The
determining elements must be maintained and checked on corrosion. It is important to take into
account the internal pressure correctly.
1.4.3 Airdomes and tents
Airdomes are a modem development in civil engineering whereas tents are rediscovered today.
Both are very susceptible to wind action, especially if certain important safety measures are
overlooked (Fig.l.4). The material is normally PVC with a thickness of 0.7 - 1.2 mm. In the
interior a small overpressure is needed. The wind forces on the domes are modest. Damage
starts if the interior pressure is not increased early enough or if the anchors cannot withstand the
lift forces. Therefore, the following rules should be respected for airdomes.
At least two bellows must be installed, which can quickly increase the interior pressure with
the upcoming storm and which are able to maintain the pressure if one below fails. Since the
electricity is often interrupted during storms, an emergency power generator is needed. The
steering of the bellows should be connected with an anemometer, which allows to increase the
pressure if the critical wind velocity is reached.
- 12-

Fi g- 1 . 3 Damages on building facade due to storm.

The bearing structure of a tent has to be designed to extremely high wind actions. The safety
regulations of tents normally consider this problem for severe hazard situations. Important is
the anchoring of the cables into the ground. If the material is tearing, the situation is modified
completely. The wind entering the tent may cause a so-called 'flying' building.
- 13-

1.4.4 Scaffolding and cranes


The sufficient anchoring of temporary structures is often neglected (Fig.l.5). This leads to
heavy damages not only for the scaffolding and the cranes but also for the environment. Cars,
buildings and sometimes even persons may be harmed. Some simple rules have to be respected
to prevent damage.

F i g . 1.4 Roof damage of air dome.

The sczffclding needs a safe connection with the building under construction or under
repair. Weather forecasts have to be followed to stop working early enough. The maintenance
of scaffolding and cranes is important. The cranes should be fixed to the rails with bolts and
Joints. The crane-jib should be free to adapt itself to the wind direction, without threatening
neighbour buildings. A further possibility is to take apart the crane or the scaffolding shortly
before the srorm arrives.
1.4.5 Tsnks, vessels and cooling towers
During cc..nstruction tanks are often threatened by storms because the cover providing the
n e c e s s q sriffness is missing. The overalling of the open section caused by vortex shedding in
resonance with the structure can lead to complete structural failure (Fig.l.l).
The prrirention of damage is possible if the tanks are connected sufficiently to the foundation
and if ovezzlling is prevented by stiffeners and tendons. The roof should be mounted during an
early stage of erection.
1.4.6 Towers, masts and stacks
Because cf rhe usually slender form, towers, masts (Fig.l.6) and stacks are highly susceptible
to vibraticn. If certain measures are taken the risk of damage is small. Tendons can reduce long
period vikrations, but tendons have to be checked against vibration and the anchorage in the
ground CLst be guaranteed. The vortex shedding can be reduced by aerodynamic devices.
Passive c~is13active damping measures reduce wind induced vibrations.

1.4.7 Bridges
Similar \<bration problems are observed with long span suspension bridges. Torsional
vibratioric and galloping effects may cause the collapse of the bridge (Fig.1.7). Wind tunnel
tests and ;-furailedcalculations allow to reduce the risk of failure. The section must be adapted to
- 14-

F i g . l .5 Damage of temporary construction by wind.

aerodynamic needs. Horizontal and vertical stiffeners as well as active and passive dampers
connected to the hangers reduce vibrations.

F i g . l .6 Darnage of mast due to wind storm.

1.4.8 Erection stages

During construction the storni risks are usually higher than for the final stage. The construction
stages need exact hazard szenarios like the completed structure. Sheathing often gets similar
wind forces as roofs and wails. Risks can be avoided by simple organizational measures.
- 15 -

Struts, bracings and tendons must be used to stabilize the construction stages, sometimes
they may be mounted only shortly before the storm arrives. The material has to be secured
(bundled, fixed) on the camp especially if light masses and big surfaces are involved.

F i g . l .7 Stages of damage of suspension bridge.

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft (1989). Storm.
- 17-

W. J. Ammann, P.M.B. Fohn
For alpine countrics, avalanchcs represent one of the major hazards, threatening pcople in villages as well as on
highways and railways. Mcasurcs have to be taken to reduce avalanche n s k Avalanche hazard mapping as a basis
for land use planning is one of the most cost-effective measures to reduce or even avoid avalanche exposure. In
many situations, tcchnical mcasurcs such as supporting structures and deflecting dams, or short-term measures
such as avalanche forccasting, artificial avalanche release or evacuation might be the action of choice to reduce
the avalanche risk to an acceptable level. It is important to evaluate the different measures within the frame of an
overail risk management procedure.

In the European Alps expanding settlements and increasing mobility due to tourism lead to a
growing number of constructions in terrain threatened by avalanches. Eleven million people live
in the Alpine region from France over Switzerland, Italy, Austria to Slovenia. Due to winter
tourism this number is temporay tripled. A number of important highways and railways cross
the Alps. For example over 19'000 vehicles daily cross the Gotthard pass, a very important
transit route between Italy and Germany (CIPRA, 1998). Since the catastrophic avalanche
winter in 1950/51 the mobility of people in terms of vehicle-kilometres might have increased by
a factor of 100. It is therefore no surprise that avalanche mitigation has continued to play an
important role in the life of the people living in the Alps. In Switzerland alone, over the past 50
years, about 1.5 billion Swiss francs have been invested in engineering construction work for
avalanche protection such as snow supporting structures, deflectors or snow sheds. Together
with the daily avalanche forecasting, the avalanche hazard zoning and sustainable silviculture of
the protection forests this has led to a high degree of safcty (compared to other hazards) in
denseiy populated mountainous areas and on roads with high traffic volume.

E'¡ g . 2 . 1 Devastating dense flow avalanches at Evolkne/VS,

Switzerland, causing 12 fatalities on 21st February 1999.

F i g.2.2 Huge powder snow avalanche, released for research purposes at

the SLF test-site Vallée de la SionneRS, Switzerland on
10th February 1999.
- 18 -

Although avalanche research and avalanche hazard mitigation have made major progress in
the last.&cad-es, t h m are still deficiencies and not enough knowledge and suitable tools to
sufficiently protect life and property. The catastrophic winter 1998/99 with many hundreds of
devastating avalanches all over the Alps clearly showed this. In Switzerland alone, 17 people
have becn killed daring January/ February 1999, half of them in buildings, half of them on
roads and in the backcountry. The total amount of damages is estimated at 1 billion CHF
composed of 250 Mio CHF direct damage cost and 750 Mio. CHF indirect damage cost. The
neighbouring alpine countries suffered from similar experiences during this devastating period.
A total of 75 fatalities in the European Alps had to be counted in January/' February 1999.


Instabilities in the snow cover and external impacts can cause avalanches at slopes with an angle
of 25'45'. Extreme weather situations with heavy snowfall during several days may lead to
catastrophic avalanches threatening villages, access roads and railways. Different kinds of
avalanches occur depending on the characteristics of the snow pack, the snow volume
involved, the slope angle or additional loading. Slab avalanches are most frequent and typically
are of moderate size and involve snow masses in the order of a few lOOOm3 up to some
lO'OOOm3. On a long year average, most fatalities are due to accidental snow slab avalanche
releases, initiated locally by off-piste skiers, ski mountaineers, or similar leisure activities (in
Switzerland 24 out of 26 fatalities). Especially in the last decade only very few people have
been killed on open roads or in settlements (Tschirky, 1998).

F i g.2.3 Situation at Goppenstein/VS in February 1999. Several dense

flow avalanches from both valley sides threatened the
Loetschberg railway, the access road and a temporary
construction site for the tunnelling work.

This annual statistic may drastically change during a winter period with exceptional
meteorological and nivological conditions as experienced in January/ February 1999. Situations
with return periods of several decades may threaten a whole country severely endangering
people and their settlements, vehicles on roads and railways, forest and agricultural landscape.
- 19-

The devastating avalanches of January/ February 1999 were mostly big powder-snow and/or
dense flow avalanches consisting mainly of dry, loose snow, which started to rupture
spontaneously under their own weight. The rupture pitüiñe-wXs often situated- át the base of
several snow layers, accumulating a 2 - 4 m thick snow pack. Huge snow masses up to more
then 1 Mi0 m3 were sometimes involved and the resulting avalanches advancing down to vailey
level, endangering settlements, roads and railways (Fig.2.1 and 2.2).
In addition to direct damages in terms of fatalities, destroyed buildings, devastated forests
and agricultural landscape, even much more important indirect damage costs result. These latter
are costs due to interrupted roads and railways, failures in the electricity distribution and in
communication, reduced accessibility of tourist resorts, and decrease in hotel reservations
2.3.1 General Overview
Several classification possibilities exist for the large variety of avalanche risk reducing
measures. Most used is a sub-division into short- and long-term protection measures (Salm et
al. 1990):
Short-term protection nieasiu-es
avalanche forecasting, warning
artificial release of avalanches
closure of roads and railways
evacuation of people and cattle

Long-tern protection measures

hazard mapping, land use planning
construction measures
supporting structures (starting zone of avalanches)
deviation dams (avalanche path)
snow sheds (roads, railways crossing avalanche path)
retaining dams (deposition zone of avalanches)
retarding constructions (deposition zone of avalanches)
silvicultural measures
reforestation, combined with technical measures

2.3.2 Avalanche forecasting

The avalanche hazard forecasting and the subsequent measures such as evacuation of people in
exposed settlements, the shut-down of roads and railway lines and the artificial release of
avalanches under con trolled conditions are called organisational or short term measures.
Efficient use of these measures need a close interaction and co-operation between all national,
regional and local security commission staff-members and nation-wide public avalanche
awareness programmes. All Alpine countries operate national and/or regional avalanche
warning centres, which forecast the avalanches on a daily basis. With the introduction of the
European Avalanche Hazard Scale in 1993 a common language to describe the snow cover
stability and the probability of an avalanche release has been found which is now being used in
all European countries (Meister 1994).
Avalanche warning has been a key task of the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and
Avalanche Research in Davos (SLF) since it was established over half a century ago. In the
past, the predominant methods used for avalanche forecasting at SLF have been conventional,
i.e. snow stability and avalanche hazards were predicted without analytical techniques such as
formal numerical and symbolic algorithms. Until the early 1990s avaZanche forecasting at SLF
was mainly based on intuition, experience and local knowledge of the forecaster.
- 20 -

A paradigm shift is currently taking place: Information systems and computer programs are
becoming more and more important, assisting the forecaster in collecting and analysing large
amounts of field data (Russi et al., 1998). Mathematical analysis of measurements, numerical
simulations of weather and snow-pack (Lehning et al. 1998) and symbolic and statistical
computations of the avalanche hazard are the key elements of modem avalanche forecasting,
which can be described as computer-aided avalancheforecasting (CAF). A similar approach is
followed in France (Durand et al. 1998). However, theforecaster with his intuition, experience
and local knowledge still plays a decisive role in the forecasting process. While the computer
helps to assimilate information, to assess the hazard risks, to support the forecaster in his
decision and to distribute forecasts via modem communication channels, it is still the
forecasters ultimate responsibility to check and modify the computer's prediction.

A three level concept (national, regional, local level) for the avalanche forecasting is being
realised within the Swiss concept Avalanche Warning Switzerland CH2000.The SLF provides
the first two levels, the daily national bulletin and the regional bulletins, local securit
commissions are responsible for the local level (regional means an area of 1000 - 5000 km , 1
local an area of 100 km2). The overall aim of this concept is to modemise avalanche warning
in Switzerland and to improve the tempoial and spatial resolution of avalanche fcrecasting on a
national, regional and local level, thereby helping to prevent avalanche accidents. Fig.2.4
shows the general architecture containing all major modules and information paths. Shaded
boxes denote input sources and white boxes indicate computer models.


I snow I


Local avalanche


lorecasting forBcdser

larecasling lorecaster

F i g. 2 . 4 General architecture for the avalanche forecast in Switzerland

(Russi et al., 1998)

Fig . 2 . 5 Snow cover layering (seasonal density evolution), calculated

with Snowpack, a computer model developed at the SLF
(Lehning et al. 1999).

The bullerins represent an important tool for all local and regional security commissions in
their risk management processes, e.g. to close a road, to evacuate people or to order the
artificial release of potential avalanches. Basic information for the bulletins are gathered by a
network of 75 snow and avalanche observers and 60 automatic measuring stations throughout
the Swiss Alps (Russi et al. 1998). The forecaster's expert knowledge completed with a
continuuusly operated numerical snow pack model (Fig.2.5, Lehning et al. 1999) analyse the
extensive set of data. The numerical model evaluates the internal state of the snow cover
involving temperature, density and grain type profile, moisture content, layering, surface or
depth hoar. Additional software like e.g. NXD2000 (Russi et al. 1998) for the local level
- 21 -

provides a fast and efficient decision support (Fig.2.6). Even so these models made good
progress in the last years, they cannot fulfil all wishes of precision in space and time (Buser
1989, Fohn 1998).

I - -C-F

I 1. I

Fig.2.6 Input and output window of NXD2000, the Swiss local

avalanche forecasting software tool.

While the web is the main information channel for the general public, a service called
1nfoBOX was set up by the SLF three years ago. This service links together national, regional
and local avalanche specialists in Switzerland. So far, about 140 specialists, i.e. people who are
in charge of avalanche safety in villages or towns, in ski areas or on highways, are using the
SLF InfoBOX service. Via this servicc, snow and weather data from automatic st-" aLions or
weather forecasts can be accessed 24h a day (Fig.2.7).

< -

Fig.2.7 IMIS network. Automatic snow (left) and weather (right)

station at Sirnplon Pass/VS Switzerland.
- 22 -

All other short-term, temporary measures like artificial release, traffic closure, evacuation of
people and cattle are subsequent measures in critical periods. Stoffel (1996) discussed the
different techniquis-fo? artificial avalanche release. Evacuation has to be based on well defined
evacuation procedures to prevent additional hazardous situations for the people involved. In
such critical situations the local government supported by avalanche experts has to take

2.3.3 Avalanche hazard mapping

Hazard maps serve as basic document for avalanche risk evaluation, especially with respect to
land-use planning (for a more detailed overview see Margreth and Gruber 1998). In
Switzerland hazard mapping begun after two catastrophic avalanche periods in January and
February 1951. The first avalanche hazard maps in Switzerland were elaborated for Gadmen
and Wengen in the Canton of Bern, 1954 and 1960, respectively. Dangerous zones were
designated according to occurred disastrous events in a more qualitative way without taking into
account climatic factors or quantitative avalanche calculations. In course of time the methods
were improved and avalanche models introduced to calculate the dynamic behaviour. This
development led for example to the Swiss guidelines for avalanche zoning (BFF 1984) and the
Guidelines f o r the calculation of dense flow avalanches (Salm et al. 1990). The two
publications are today the most important tools for the elaboration of avalanche hazard maps in
Switzerland. In recent years numerical simulation, GIS and DTM tools led to substantial
improvements (Gmber et al. 1998a,b). Two parameters were chosen to quantify the potential
hazard for a given site:
Expectedfreyuency of an avalanche reaching a given site (frequency is normally expressed
by the return period),
Intensity of an avalanche (intensity is expressed by the avalanche pressure exerted on a wall
of a building. As this pressure is assumed to increase with the square of speed and
propcrtional to density, the kinetic energy of snow masses is also included).
To be able to distinguish variable hazard intensities and run-out scenarios, several hazard
zones are defined:

Red zone: Pressures of more than 30 kN/m2 for avalanches with a return period of up to 300
years, and/ or avalanches with a return period up to 30 years independent of pressure,

Blue zone: Pressures of less than 30 kN/m2 for avalanches with return periods between 30 and
300 years,

Yellow zone: For powder-snow avalanches with pressure less than 3 kN/m3, and return
periods more than 30 years. For dry-snow avalanches with pressure unknown, and return
periods more than 300 years,
White zone: No avalanche impacts to be expected,
Gliding Snow: Area of pronounced danger for gliding snow at locations without avalanches or
with impacts larger than by avalanche effects.
The elaboration of hazard maps must strictiy follow scientific criteria and methods including
expert knowledge. The goal is to determine the extreme avalanche on a reliable basis. Field
visits to assess the avalanche terrain, the examination of the avalanche cadastre as a map with all
known avalanches in history, including their extent and date, additional information from
competent local people or from old chronicles, the check of local climatic conditions and
dynamic avalanche calculations are important tools. The dynamic calculations are used for:
- 23 -

Predicting an extreme event, probably not registered in a cadastre,

Delimiting the hazard zones for the different return periods, __ ._

Calculating run-out distances and pressures as a function of avalanche frequency.

In Switzerland the VoeZEmy-Salm model is used since more ;han 20 years for estimatinE
avalanche speeds, flow heights and run-out distances of dense flow avdanches (Salm et ax
1990). The use of the Voellmy-Salm model requires a careful estimation of its input parameters
as fracture dspth, friction parameters or avalanche size (Margreth et al. 1998). To check the
sensitivity the calculations have to be made with different input parameters. Critical assessment
of the results is important. It has to be pointed out that dynamic calculations are just one part of
hazard assessment. In recent years, many such dynamic calculation methods have been
proposed, some of which are routinely and effectively used by practitioners (Salm et al. 1990).
Numerical methods using FE-or FD- techniques have set new standards in the use of avalanche
dynamics models (McClung et al. 1995, Bartelt et al. 1997). User-friendly GIS- and DTM-
tools are additional assets to complete and facilitate avalanche hazard mapping (Gmber et al.
1998a, 1998b).
2.3.4 Technical measures

Technical, long-tenn avalanche defense measures are used in the starting zone to prevent the
release of avalanches (supporting structures) and in the avalanche track and run-out zones
(avalanche sheds, deflecting and catching dams) to reduce the damaging effect of descending
S u p p o rt ing st rii c f 11 res

The wide application of supporting structures had its beginning after the severe avalanche
winter 1950/51. Since then the technology has reached an advanced stage. More than 500 krn
supporting steel bridges and snow nets have been built over the last 50 years. All experience
gathered through these decades is summarised in the Swiss Guidelines (1990). The aim of
supporting structures is to prevent the start of large avalanches or at least to limit snow motions
to an harmless extent. Fully developed avalanches can not be stopped and retained by
supporting structures (Margreth 1996).

I? i g . 2 . 8 S tee1 supporting structure above Davos/S witzerland

(Sc liiahom).
- 24 -

The first effect of supporting structures is to introduce an overall increase in the stability of
the inclined snow. The acting snow-pack forces are redistributed, compressive reaction forces
are iricreased, shear forces, which dominate stability, are decreased. The second effect consists
in iimiting the mass of snow put in motion and in retarding and catching it. The vertical height
must correspond to the extreme snow depth with a return period of at least 100 years. The
adopted snow height is a crucial point for the design to guarantee the effectiveness of
supporting structures. In February 1999, some lines of structures were overfilled with snow,
more than 550 cm of snow were measured at 2500 m a.s.1. Technically feasible are
constructions for up to 7 m of snow. Typical structure heights in Switzerland vary between 3m
and 5m.
Today steel bridges andflexible snow nets are predominantly used. The costs for supporting
structures are about 1.0 - 1.5 Mio CHF. Due to these high costs, supporting structures are
mostly used for the protection of settlements. The constructions are designed for a period of
100 years. Maintenance of older supporting structures is therefore becoming more and more
Deflecting and catching dams
Deflecting and catching dams are relatively cheep compared to the supporting structures but
need enough space and volume to be effective. Deflecting and catching dams are normally earth
darns, sometimes combined with stone masonry to increase the slope-inclination at the impact
side. The height of catching dams may reach 15 - 20 m, depending on the avalanche velocity
and the snow volume to be retained (Fig.2.9). An overflow of the dam crest has to be avoided.
Catching dams may also be used to retain mudflows.

F i g.2.9 Deflecting dam near DisentidGR Switzerland.

F i g - 2 . 1 O Snow deposit of an avalanche near Elm/GL Switzerland (end

of Fcbruary 1999).

A va la rt cli e s Ii e ds

Avalanche sheds to protect roads and railway lines are effective measures if the avalanche track
is narrow and the shed construction sufficiently long (Fig.2.3). In situations where the
avalanche deposition zone is widely spread, a shed construction would become too long. In
such situations, and in view of an integral risk management, road closures are often the only
cost-effective measures (Fig.2.10). Since a few years Swiss guidelines exist on the design of
avalanche sheds (ASB/SBB 1994). One meter of snow shed costs, as an average, about
25'000 CHF.
- 25 -

2.3.5 Mountain forest

The mountain forest corresponds to the most effective and the cheapest protection for villages,
roads and railways. The trees retain the snow; stabilise the snow-pack and prevent avalanches
to start. The mechanical resistance of the trees is not sufficient to stop avalanches. Therefore,
the protection function of the mountain forest against avalanches is only valid for starting zones
below the timber-line. In Switzerland, about 1000 km2 of forest area serves primarily as
avalanche and rock-fall protection. If this effect would have to be replaced by technical means,
a yearly investment of 2 Billion CHF would be necessary.
Risk management is an integral approach of human thinking and acting covering the anticipation
and the assessment of risk, the sys:ematic approach to limit the risk to an accepted level and to
undertake the necessary measures. Avalanche risk is the result of the temporal and the spatial
overlapping of the two independent domains potential avalanche danger and spatial area in use.
The avalanche danger is described by the avalanche probability and the extent of the avalanche.
The spatial area in use corresponds tc the probability of presence of any objects and the value of
these objects (or the number of people present).
To avoid the disastrous effects of avalanches, different kinds of prevention measures are
used to reduce the avalanche risk to an acceptable level. These measures have to be seen as an
integral set of possible protection measures. In most cases a combination of the different
measures is used. The optimal combination can be found by maximising the cost-effectiveness
and cost-benefit of all possible avalanche control measures. The identification of the avalanche
danger in terms of probability of occurrence, the estimation of the risk potential based on the
vulnerability of the corresponding values exposed to risk, the assessment of protection goals
and the cost-estimaticn for control measures are basic principles to be applied in XLintegral risk
management approxh (Wilhelm 1997 and 1998, Heinimann et al. 1998).
Cost-effectiveness can be expressed in terms of amount of money spent per saved life
(Wilhelm 1997). For avalanche control measures, it varies to a large extent, depending on the
actual situation (1 to 20 Mio CHF). The whole risk management process is iterative with
several assessment and control loops. For p r e l i m i n q design purposes Wilhelm (1998)
established simplified cost-effectiveness evaluation charts which will be published as a
BUWAL-Guideline for the risk assessment of roads and railways.
2.5.1 Physics a n d mechanics of snow

Snow as material for avalanches is a complex mixture of air, water and ice, which is in our
environment always close to its melting point and henceforth changes its physical properties
continuously in time and space. This metamorphic process which changes the shape of the
snow particles from fine dendrites to rounded grains or other shaped particles depending on
temperatures, density, solar insulation and wind has to be known in detail if the formation of
the various types of avalanches should be predictable for detailed avalanche forecasting.
Unfortunately, a massive lack of knowledge still exists to quantitatively describe shrinking,
settling and re-cristallisation processes combined with the corresponding changes in mechanical
properties such as shear resistance and cohesion within the snow pack.
2.5.2 Ava I a n c ti e forecast i ti g

To increase the acciiracy of avalanche forecasting in time and space, research has to concentrate
on questions such as:
- 26 -

How can the stability of a slope be quantitatively assessed and introduced in operational
avalanche forecasting service? What are the triggering mechanisms for the release of
How can the known local and temporal variability of the snow cover on slopes and of its
stability be taken into account?,
How can snow drift be quantitatively described on a local to regional scale and how can this
description be used to improve avalanche forecasting? and
How can the information available on a local, regional and national scale ‘be combined and
used as input to avalanche warning models (statistical methods, expert systems, neurona1
networks) which support the decision process?
2.5.3 Avalanche hazard mapping
Avalanche hazard mapping is closely linked to avalanche dynamics. Various dynamic avalanche
models have been developed in the last 20- 40 years based on different flow types (hydraulic,
aerosol, mixed, granular). Also statistical models, based on a few topographical factors and
observed run-out distances compete with the various flow type models as far as run-out
distances are concerned (Lied 1998).
Significant improvements in the avalanche dynamics calculations which serve as a basis for
hazard mapping could be obtained by:
Improved knowledge of initial conditions (fracture area and depth of sliding snow layers,
quality of sliding snow, e.g. friction coefficients) all dependent on the return period,
Development of adequate physical models to describe the flow regime of dense-flow
avalanches (Barteit and Gruber 1997), the snow entrainment in powder-snow avalanches
(Issler 1998) and the impact mechanisms on structures.
Validation of physical models and numerical modelling with field and laboratory data. Real
progress will only be possible when field and laboratory data will be available covering all
major parameters influencing avalanche dynamics. Since 1997, the SLF operates therefore a
test-site in the Vallée de la SionneBrS, Switzerland (Fig.2.2 and 2.10, Ammann 1998). There it
is possible to study the overall dynamic behaviour of dense-flow and powder-snow avalanches
and to measure avalanche impact forces along their path.
2.5.4 Technical measures
Avalanche defence structures and dams still need improvements:
Design of the load bearing capacity of the foundations (anchors),
Design of defence structures in permafrost sub-soil (Stoffel 1995),
Implementation of maintenance strategies for existant structures,
Design of deflecting and retaining dams (McClung and Mears 1995),
Design of reinforced structures in the blue avalanche hazard zone.

2.5.5 Risk management

Major improvements in risk reduction may be achieved by a consequent risk management.

Research efforts are needed in the following domains:
The devastating events in January/ February 1999 demonstrated the importance of indirect
damage costs. Damage patterns have changed, the increased mobility and missing
awareness of the public are major reasons. To develop strategies to take care of this changed
damage pattern will be an important task.
What is the acceptable risk level? Has aversion to be taken into account?
Development of tools to assess the cost-effectiveness of different defence strategies for
settlements, roads, rail ways.
- 27 -

* Implementation of a strategy for the continuous education of local and regional avalanche
safety responsibles.

F i g . ? . 11 SLF avalanche test-site Vallée de la Sionne. View on

avalanche track with the location of different obstacles.

Ammann, W. (1998). A new Swiss test-site for avalanche experiments in the Vallée de la
SionneNalais. Proc. Int. Snow Science Workshop, ISSW: Sunriver USA.
ASB/SBB (1994). Richtlinie Einwirkungen Liuf Lawinenschutzgalerien. Eidg. Drucksachen-
und Materialzentrale: Bern.
BFFEISLF (1984). Richtlinien zur Berücksichtigung der Lawinengefahr bei raumwirksamen
Tatigkeiten. Bundesamt für Forstwesen B E , Eidgenossisches Institut für Schnee- und
Lawinenforschung SLF; EDMZ: Bern.
Bartelt, P., Gruber, U. (1997). Development and calibration of a Voellmy-fluid dense snow
avalanche model based on a Finite Element Method. Internal Report 718. Eidg. Institut für
Schnee- und Lawinenforschung: Davos (unpublished).
Buser, O. (1989). Two years expenence of operational avalanche forecasting using the nearest
neighbours method. Annals of Glaciology 13: 3 1-34.
CIPRA (1998). Alpenreport: Daten, Fakten, Losungsansitze, CIPRA-International (Hrsg).
Durand, Y., Giraud, G., Mérindol, L. (1998). Short-term numerical avalanche forecasting
used operationally at Météo-France over the Alps and Pyrenees. Annals of Glaciology 26:
Fohn, P.B.M. (1998). An overview of avalanche forecasting models and methods. Proc. NGI
203: 19-27.
Gauer, P. (1998). Blowing and drifting snow in Alpine terrain: Numerical simulations and
related field measurements. Annals of Glaciology 26: 174-178.
- 28 -

Gruber, U. (1998a). Der Einsatz numerischer Simulationsmethoden in der Lawinengefahren-

kartiening. Moglichkeiten und Grenzen. PhD-thesis, Mitteilung des Eidg. Institutes für
Schnee- und Lawinenforschung; Davos (in press).
Gruber, TJ:, Bartelt, P., Haefner, H. (1998b). Avalanche hazard mapping using numerical
Voellmy-fluid models. Proc. NGZ Anniversaq Conference, Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute: 117-121.
Heinimann, H.R., Hollenstein, K., Kienholz, H., Krummenacher, B., Mani, P. (1998).
Methoden zur Analyse und Bewertung von Naturgefahren. Umwelt-Materialien 85,248 S .
Hrsg. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL): Bern.
Issler, D. (1998). Modelling of snow entrainment and deposition in powder-snow avalanches.
Annals of Glaciology 26: 253-258.
Lehning, M., Bartelt, P., Brown, B. (1998). Operational use of a snowpack model for the
avalanche warning service in Switzerland: Model development and first experiences. Proc.
NGI 203: 169-174.
Lehning, M., Bartelt, P., Brown, R.L., Russi, T., Stockli, U., Zimmerli, M. (1999).
Snowpack model calculations for avalanche warning based upon a new network of weather
and snow stations. Cold Regions Science and Technology, in press.
Lied, K. (1998). Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI. Proc. NGI Anniversary
Conference Norwegian Geotechnical Institute: 7-14.
Margreth, S. (1996). Experiences on the use and the effectiveness of permanent supporting
structures in Switzerland, Proc. Canadian Avalanche Society Snow Science Workshop,
ISSW 96: Banff.
Margreth, S . , Gruber, U. (1998). Use of avalanche models for hazard mapping. Proc.
60 Jahre Schneeforschring, Eidg. Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung, SLF: Davos
(in press).
Meister, R. (1994). Country-wide avalanche warning in Switzerland. Proc. ZSSW94: 58-71.
McClung, D., Mears, A. (1995). Dry-flowing avalanche run-up and run-out. Journal of
Glaciology 41( 138): 359-372.
Russi, T., Ammann, W., Brabec, B., Lehning, M., Meister, R. (1998). Avalanche warning
Switzerland CH 2000. Proc. Int. Snow Science Workshop, ISSW’98: Sunriver, USA.
Salm, B. (1987). Schnee, Lawinen und Lawinenschutz. Vorlesungsmanuskript ETH: Zurich.
Salm, B., Burkard, A., Gubler, H.U. (1990). Berechnung von Fliesslawinen. Eine Anleitung
für den Praktiker mit Beispielen. Mitteilung 47. Eidg. Institut für Schnee- und
Lawinenforschung: Davos.
Stoffel, L. (1995). Bautechnische Grundlagen für das Erstellen von Lawinenverbauungen im
alpinen Permafrost. Mitteilmg 52. Eidg. Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung, SLF:
S toffel, L. (1996). Künstliche Lawinenauslosung. Hinweise für den Praktiker. Mitteilung 53.
Eidg. Institutes für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung, SLF: Davos.
Swiss Guidelines (1990). Richtlinien für den Lawinenverbau im Anrissgebiet. BUWAL, WSL,
Eidg. Institut für Schnee und Lawinenforschung, SLF: Davos.
Tschirky, F. (1998). Lawinenunfille, Vorabdruck des Winterberichtes SLF 61,SLF: Davos.
Wilhelm, C. (1997). Wirtschaftlichkeit im Lawinenschutz. Methodik und Erhebungen zur
Beurteilung von Schutzniassnahmen mittels qualitativer Risikoanalyse und okonomischer
Bewertung. Mitteilung 54.Eidg. Institutes für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung: Davos.
Wilhelm, C. (1998). Beurteilung der Kosten-Wirksamkeit von Lawinenschutzmassnahmen an
Verkehrsachsen. Praxishilfe, Vollzug Umwelt, BUWAL, SLF: Davos.
- 29 -

At. Funk, S. Magreth
Ice avalanches form when a large mass of ice breaks off from a glacier, drops down slope
driven by gravity and bursts into smaller pieces of ice. In most cases, ice avalanches are the
normal process of mass wastage of high altitude, alpine glaciers on steep slopes, so called
hanging glaciers. A typical feature of hanging glaciers is the absence of an ablation area where
ice can melt and the rocess by which ice mass is being removed is the release of chunks of ice
(typically 103-105m ) at the glacier front. Such events can happen at any time of the year and
have often been observed in the Alps and in other high mountain regions of the world.
The detachement of larger ice masses from a steep glacier is an extremely rare event and
characteristically occurs during an active phase with enhanced sliding motion, which usually
lasts for a few weeks during the melt season. The slip off of a large ice mass can also occur if
the stability of a steep glacier reaches a critical state. The failure of one of the retaining forces
can then lead to an ice fall. The typical mass is 105-106 m3and has sometimes the potentid to
impinge on settlements and other fKed installations in high mountain areas.
The effect of ice avalanches is comparable to that of snow avalanches, the main difference
being that they can occur a l any time of the ye=. The most destructive ice avalanches happen in
winter when they release or entrain additional snow masses. Such combined snow/ice
avalanches can cover v e r y long run-out distances.

The largest known ice fall i n the Alps happened on 11 September 1895 in the Bemese Alps in
Switzerland, where the mijor part of a glacier (five million m3) slipped off from the summit
area of Altels and fell oiito a n alpine pasture killing six people and 158 cows (Fig.3.1) (Heim
1896, Rothlisberger 1081). Both authors have attempted to analyse the possible causes of this
detachment. The prominent curve-shaped fracture line at the head of the niche left by the
avalanche indicates failure under tensile stresses. Basal and shear adhesion and shear resistance
at lateral abutments were the stabilizing forces. The gravitational pull and the sum of the
retaining forces have 1e:icIied a critical equilibrium from which the spontaneous release of the
avalanche occured whcri oiie of the retaining forces failed. Probably this occured by warming of
a frontal zone frozen to the bedrock. As a consequence, the aerial extent of this zone became
reduced and the lodin: o i l the still frozen parts increased up to the shear strength of ice. Very
warm summers i n the year\ preceding the ice fall support this hypothesis.
More recently, on 30 August 1965 a major portion of the terminus of Allalingletscher
(Valais, Switzerland) detached unexpectedly, slid down a rock slope of some 27" over a vertical
distance of 400 m and continued for further 400 m across the flat bottom of the valley, claiming
88 victims at the Mattmiirk construction site (Fig.3.2). The volume of the ice avalanche was
estimated at 0.5- 1 inillioii 1113. Subsequent glaciological investigations showed that the ice
avalanche had occiireti diir iiig a phase of enhanced motion as a result of intensive bed-slip of an
even larger mass t h a n that which broke off. It could be inferred that enhanced sliding on the
rock substratum Inlist 1i:ive occured already some 2-3 weeks prior to the sudden slump of the
avalanche. It could be obxwed that such active phases with enhanced sliding motion took place
quite regularly at inter-val:, o f one to three years, starting usually in late summer or in fall, but
always ending at the beginriing of wiiiter without any significant ice fall occurence. Similar
movement irregii1:irities c ~ : nbe obseived on many other steep glacier tongues. This active phase
was a necessary bur riot ;i sufficient condition for the lower part of the Alialingletscher tongue to
slide off. The convex bed topography and an unfortunate mass distribution, combined with the
active phase, p1:iyt.d a iii:tjor role i n that catastrophe (Rothlisberger 198 1, Rothlisberger and
Kasser 1978).
- O€ -
- 31 -

The road was blocked over a distance of 20 m and the air pressure injured three persons and
knocked down some hikers (Margreth and Funk 1998). The Gutzgletscher, a so-called hanging
glacier, is situated on a moderately inclined bed in the very steep north-west face of Wetterhorn
mountain and ends in a frontal ice cliff. Small ice avalanches occur there every year, but they
never endangered the road during the summer season.

F i g -3.3 The ice avdanchc from Giitzgletscher (Foto U. Schiebener).


A number of ice avalanche situations have been recorded and analysed by Alean (1985) in a
comprehensive study, in w,hich he discusses some of the morphological features of the starting
zone and irivestiptes the relation between ice volume, run-out distance, velocity and travel
time. It is appropriate to dijtingiiish tietween two tiiain types of idealized bedrock morphologies
with respect to potential starting zones affecting the failure process. According to Haefeli (1965)
two different kinds o f failtire can occur: wedge failure (type I) and slab failure (type 11)
(Fig .3.4) :

For glaciers with a g p e 1 starting zone (break-type), the underlying rock topography shows
in general a sharp break in angle, so that the glacier (called hanging glacier) flows over a
moderately inclined (< 10") bed and ends in a frontal ice cliff (e.g. Gutzgletscher). The
temperatures at the bed of a type I starting zone can be either temperate (at pressure melting
point) or cold (below pressure melting point). When the ice cliff becomes too steep or even
overhanging, an ice laniella breaks off (&en 1977). Typical ice volumes breaking off in this
process are 10~-10Sd.
For glaciers M ' i t h a tcinperate bcd and a type I1 starting zone (ramp-type) very large ice
volumes (typically i 05- 1O6 m3) can be released. The complex mechanisms leading to the
failure of these large ice masses resting on ramp-type starting mne were discussed above for
the cases of Allalingletscher and Altels. In case of glaciers frozen to the bed, observations
showed that ice masses (typically 103-105 m3) become detached by progressive fracture at
englacial interfaces.
- 32-

Type II : ramp- type, slab failure

Type I: break- type. wedge failure


transverse crevasse
gliding of the ice mass
ice segment breaking off on the "bedrock"
initial flow thickness
"bedrock"with break d,= initial flow thickness

do =(max.O.5) h,

F i g.3.4 Types of starting zones (after Margreth and Funk 1998).

Major ice avalanches from cold ramps or hanging glaciers can occur during the whole year,
whereas their occurence seems to be limited to the late melt season in the case of temperate
To obtain a rough estimate o f the run-out distance of ice avalanches, Alean (1985) proposed
to relate the average slope of ice avalanche trajectories to their volumes and characteristic terrain
parameters (Fig.3.5). With a cliissification of terrain parameters, a grouping of the points in
Fig.3.5 was possible (lines A l , B1, C1 and D1; Alean, 1985). The model proposed is not
complete enough for detailed hazard mapping. This method is only justifiable for short reaches
or for overview studies. In addition, the powder part is neglected in this model.

-oe 70 -

5 60-
4 0 .

40t O

?i:Li-- 1 - 1 I I I 1 *1
20 '5 JG 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
VOLUME [log v]

E' i g . 3 . 5 Average slopes (YO)and volumes (V in m3)of ice avalanches

(after Alcan 1985)
- 33 -


Classical hazard maps are used for municipal landuse planning. For this type of hazard map the
scenario of the extreme winter event is in general decisivo. The hazard zones are defined in
terms of recurrence interval and potential impact pressure. In Switzerland the red zone means a
high potential hazard with impact pressures of 30 W a or more for recurrence intervals up to 300
years. In red zones building activities are prohibited. In the blue zone the potential hazard is
considered to be moderate and there is a limited possibility to build reinforced buildings.
Sometimes a yellow zone is added which accounts for the powder part of avalanches. In
comparison to snow avalanches it is much more difficult to assign a realistic recurrence interval
to extreme ice avalanche events.

Another type of hazard map is used as a tool for avalanche warning and evacuation during
periods of imminent glacier fall. These hazard maps are prepared for specific ice fall scenarios
with varying break off volumes. Closure of roads or evacuations are h.posed according to the
prevailing hazard situation. For the hazard assessment of ice avalanches similar procedures as
for snow avalanches are Lised. The mapping requires as far as possible application of
quantitative and objective criteria, including:
Avalanche history: information from former ice fall events is very valuable especially for the
calibration of avalanche dynamic models.
Analysis of topography and terrain parameters: characteristic features in the terrain must be
recognised. Therefore the starting zone, track and runout have to be examined. Often
different flow directions are possible. Steep slopes below a hanging glacier can be starting
zones for secondary snow avalanches. If there are cliffs in the track powder avalanches can
Glaciological analysis: first, the: potential for ice falls of a dangerous glacier has to be
identified. Urifavoiir;ible developments of a glacier and possible break off volumes can be
detected by r e g i i l x monitoring using aerial photographs and hotogrammetry. Typical
scenarios with Irarinble ice masses for winter and summer conditions are established. The
most reliable method t i ) predici the time of breaking off is based on glacier motion
measurenierit .
Avalanche &,'timrii( s Laic ril~zrioris.the results from avalanche dynamics calculations can be
used to quantify avalanche impact pressures and runout distances for different ice masses.
As the physical proces\es of ice avalanches are largely unknown, no advanced numerical
models exist. 'I'ticrefore Gniple models developed for snow avalanches are also applied for
ice avalanches. 'The model calculations are useful if the input parameters can be calibrated
from well dociinierircd c~erits.The initial conditions depend mainly on the starting zone type
(Fig.3.4). Ciirrzrit :ival,tric-he dynamic models often fail for complex situations.
Expert knnivlciigc rrnci judgement: in parallel to scientific reasoning, expert knowledge and
judgement is fiindrirnerital. An important point is that the expert explains what is factual and
f d y known and what are the consequences of the main uncertainties.


A warning by a n expert is difficult to use for hazard mitigation unless it includes a forecast of
the time of f i n d detxhnierir. The possibilities to forecast a major ice avalanche depend on the
mechanisms leading to [hi: detachment of a large ice mass. In this respect, the thermal
conditions at the gl;icier- bc(i itre important. Measurements of the movement of ice masses on
ramp-type stitfling zones (type 11) frozen to the bed or ending in a frontal ice cliff (type I starting
zone) during the clc.st~ibili~.~i:iori phase have revealed a regularity by which they accelerate for a
long time prior t o tlic :ic:ii;il breaking off (Rothlisberger 198l).Using a finite element
cornput:ition:il riiotic.1 for i t t i ' analysis of stress and flow of an ice mass breaking off from a cliff,
- 34 -

k e n (1977) has shown that a stepwise crack extension alternating with viscous flow leads to
the observed form of the velocity-time re1ationship.h the case of a lamella breaking off at the
frontal ice cliff of hanging glaciers (type i starting zonej, which are not always frozen to the
bed, the volume of blocks or lamellae breaking simultaneously off from the cliff is limited. It
seems that also in this case a particular movement versus ame relation is valid like that for cold

50 1O0 150 200

t [days]

Fi g . 3 . 6 Upper paneI: measured positions Si (circles) and resulting

hyperbolic function. Lower panel: velocity-time function.
D a y 0 corresponds to March 16, 1990.0: observed event
(August 20, 1990) and c: calculated 1, (August 17, 1990).

The case of a type I1 starting zone with a temperate glacier bed is more complicated. When a
large area of the bed is inclined at a critical angle, large amounts of ice may break off (Altels
1895 and Allalingletscher 1965). The processes leading to the slip off of the tongue of
Allalingletscher during a particular sliding situation do not allow any predictions, except that a
high rate of sliding is ope of the observable factors. This active phase was only one of the
necessary condition for the ice fall. While the gradual development of the active phase permits
to forecast the growing malnnclie risk, it remains impossible to predict the time of breaking off.
No such experiences exist for Altels-type ice falls. The only reported obseníation was a
progressive increase of the ice thickness in the frontal zone during the year prior to the
catastrophe (Heini 1896).

The experience with hanging glaciers or steep glaciers frozen to the bed is much better. In the
case of a cold ice mass on a 45" slope of Weisshorn above Randa (Valais, Switzerland),
Rothlisberger (198 I ) and Flotron (1977) found that the curve representing the progressive
increase in velocity with time can be closely approximated by the following hyperbolic function:

u : = uO +--, a (3.1)
where ZI is the velocity at time t and the other parameters are constant. To determine the assumed
time of breaking off roo, n least square procedure was applied with the integrated form of
equation (1) and the displacement measurements si at different times ti (Wegmann et al., 1998).
Although theoretically breaking off occurs at c=t, experience has shown that rupture takes place
- 35 -

for c < tw when high acceleration rates are reached. Recently, a large icefall from a hanging
glacier situated in west facing slope of Eiger (Bemese Alps, Switzerland) could be forecast
within three days based on 13 position measurements Si, the last measurement sn being
performed one month prior to break off (Fig.3.6) (Funk, 1995; Lüthi and Funk, 1997).
Chances of forecasting this type of ice avalanche are therefore fairly good.

The investigation of steep glaciers is of practical importance when they are the origin of
hazardous ice avalanches. Expenence shows that very large ice avalanches are extremely rare
events. Related to this scarcity, human activities tend to spread into endangered zones. A basic
rule valid for large ice falls is, that if a partkular one has occwed once, it will happen again in a
similar way. Unfortunately, our records do not extend sufficiently far back to enable an early
warning of a dangerous situation. As a consequence, forecasts of imminent danger become
Chances of forecasting ice avalanches originating from cold glaciers or from glaciers ending
on type I starting zones (break-iype, Fig.3.4) are fairly good if adequate displacement
measurements are performed during the destabilization phase.Additional experience, especially
immediately before final breaking off, is necessary to give more insight into the critical
acceleration phase.
Temperate glaciers ending on type IT starting zones (ramp-type, Fig.3.4) can release large ice
masses. Expenence has shown that the risk is small during most of the year (quiescent phase).
Only during a period of a few weeks with enhanced sliding during the late melt season a
detachment can be expectedin view of the uncertainties concerning the mechanisms of the fast
sliding phase, a successful prediction of individuul avalanche events is very difficult. Further
efforts to improve the undektilnding of the fast sliding process and the release mechanism of
large ice avalanches are needed. As the physical processes of ice avalanches are largely
unknown, no advanced numerical model exist. To improve the accuracy of ice avalanche hazard
maps funher progi-ess i n :tv:ilariche niodeling is necessary.

Alean, J. (1985). Ice avalanches: some empirical information about their formation and reach.
Joitrnal of Glaciology 31 (109): 324-333.
Flotron, A . (1977). Movement studies on hanging glaciers in relation with an ice avalanche.
Journal of Giliciology lO(8 1): 67 1-672.
Funk, M. (1995). Cilncio1o;ie appliqiiée en Suisse: Deux cas récemment traités: Grimsel-Ouest
et glacier siispeiidu cktris l a face ouest de I'Eiger. In Gierscher im stündigen Wandel:
179-188, S A N W , \rdf Hochschiilverlag AG: Zünch.
Haefeli, R. (1965). Note sur la classification, le mécanisme et le controle des avalanches de
glaces et des ciucs g1:iciaires extraordinaires. Symposium International sur les Aspects
Scientifiques des Avalanches de Neige: Davos. In Extrait de la publication de 1'A.I.H.S.
69: 316-325.
Heim, A. (1896. Die Gletsclierlnwine an der Altels am 11. September 1895. Neujahrsblarrder
Naturforsclze~idcnGcsellscliaft in Ziirich 98, 63 pages.
Iken, A. (1977). Movement o f a large ice mass before breaking off. Journal of Glaciology
19(81): 565-005.
.- 36 -

Liithi, M., Funk, M. (1997). Wie stabil ist der Hangegletscher am Eiger. Spektrum der
Wissenschaft (5): 2 1-24.
Margreth, S., Funk, M. (1998). Hazard mapping for ice and combined snow/ice avalanches -
two case studies from the Swiss and Italian Alps. In International Snow Science Workshop
ISSW98, Sunriver, Oregon: 368-380
Rothíisberger, H. (198 I). Eislawinen und Ausbrüche von Gletscherseen. In P . Kasser (Ed),
Gletscher und Klima - glaciers et climat, Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden
Gesellschaft, wissenschaftlicher Teil 1978: 170-212. Birkhauser Verlag: Basel, Boston,
stu ttgart.
Rothlisberger, H., Kasser, P. (1978). The readvance of the Allalingletscher after the ice
avalanche of 1965. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Mechanism of Glacier Variations, 30.9.-
1 1.10.1976, Alma-Ata,. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy, Khronika,
Osuzhdeniya 33: 152- 164.
Wegmann, M., Funk, M., Flotron, A., Keusen, H. (In press). Movement studies to forecast
the time of breaking off of ice and rock masses. In Proceedings af the IDA'DR-Conference
on Early Warning Systons for the reduction of natural Disasters, Potsdam, Germany.
- 37 -


F. Descoeudres - S. Montani Stoffel

A. Boll and W. Gerber
V. Labiouse
In order to assess the technical possibilities of individual rockfalls or catastrophic falls of large
rock masses, it is first necessary to briefly define which types of phenomena will be
considered, as well as their intensity and probability of occurrence. According to a generally
admitted classification, the generic term ZandSZides includes ail gravity induced movements of a
soil or a rock mass along a slope (WP/WLI 1990). Five major mechanisms can be

fall topple slide flow spread.

The major characteristic for rockfalls is the suddenness of their occurrence, associated with the
high particle velocity. Block velocities of 20 to 40 m/s are commonly observed on landslide
Rockfalls consist of free falling blocks of different sizes which are usually detached from a
steep rock wall or a cliff, after an initial block roppZing (block overturning) or a local slide,
associated with gravity, wri:er pressure in the joints or adjacent block thrust. The block
movement also includes boiincing, rolling and sliding with rock block fragmentation during
slope impact (Fig. 4.1).

F i g. 4 . 1 Diflrrcnt partirle psitions during a rockfall.

In Switzerland, an important research programme called Matterock has been accomplished

recently (Rouiller et al 1998). It deals with the study of the structural pattern of the cliff,
confronted with the local topography and with the assessment of the probability that a rockfall
can occur, for a given volume and shape.

Rock blockfall analysis methods are used in order to predict the block path and the block
energy during movement (Giani 1992). A block detached from a rock face may have the
followinrr tvpes of inovenient ciiirinr! flight: fret: falling, bouncing, rolling, or sliding. Analytical
- 38 -

procedures for the mathematical description of the rockfall phenomenon, that consider the
geometrical and mechanical characteristics, have been set up by several researchers in the last
twenty years. The analytical formulations can oe divided into two categories: rigorous methods
and lumped mass methods. In the rigorous method analysis, the size and shape of the blocks
are assumed to be known "a priori" and ail the block movements, including those involving the
block rotation, are considered. In the lumped mass method, however, the single block is
considered to be a simple point of mass m and velocity v. Therefore, the rotational moments are
not taken into accouct.
When focusing on the relation between the dangerous natural phenomenon and the man-
made structures to be protected (buildings, roads, lifelines), it is worth noting that the disaster
resilient infrastructures have to be designed mainly in the slope exposed to rockfdls, because no
relevant protection can be taken in the source area, except some attents of local stabilisation in
the cliff zone. This is often hard to attain and dangerous to modify.


4 . 2 . 1 Stabilisation methods
The modification of the cliff geometry by drilling and blasting is an hazardous solution,
associated with difficulties in controlling the fail of the blasted rock itself as well as in assessing
the stability of the remaining rock masses.
However, the face of the clif'f can be protected by bolting and shotcreting in order to reduce
the rate of weakening of the rock mass or of the weathering process. The remedial works are
not easy to execute and their effectiveness difficult to quantify by means of stability analyses or
visual observations.

4 . 2 . 2 Protecting measures (Fig. 4.2)

The design of protecting measures involves the evaluation of the rockfall characteristics and the
slope geometry (Descoeudres 1997). Rockfall modelling allows the designer to compute the
maximum possible length of the path of a flying block, the distances between the bounces, the
elevation of the block trajectory above ground, the velocities and the energy assumed by the
block at any time of the movement. I n situ observations of past rockfall damages allows
calibration of the model.



l- I




- I- __ _ _ - - -1--
- - - ! - / - _ I

10 30 50 100 200 5C0 1000 2000 5000 10'000 50'000 LJ

Fir. 4 . 2 En:rri\, dissinstcd tn diffcrent nrotextion s l r u c t m s
- 39 -

Modification of slope geometry

The creation of benches or ditches in a slope to stop failing blocks can be effective. The position
of the benches is designed by simulating a large number of rockfalls in a computer model where
the benches are incorporated. The rock exposed on the plane of the beams can be covered with
uncompacted rockfill or earthmaterial to absorb a large part of the impact energy.
Slope ditches are used to catch the blocks after a fall to prevent rolling or to change the block
movement from falling to rolling. Rockfall modelling can also be applied for the best ditch
positioning and for the ditch geometry design (depth and width).
Barriers and wire net systems
Rail walls and other stiff barriers are often used, either individually or in combination with
ditches. Their capacity of energy absorption is low. The kinetic energy of deformation is about
10 to 50 kNm or kJ.
Flexible wire net systems, supported by hinged steel posts, have been extensively developed
during the last ten years. A detailed description is given in section 4.3. The energy absorbing
capacity has been improved from about 250 kJ in the 1980ies to more than 2'000 kJ nowadays
with ring net ~ o n s ~ u c t i o n s .
Rock Sheds
Rockfall shelters are usually concrete structures covered on the roof by an absorbing material
such as soil backfill used as a shock absorbing cushion. These protecting structures are
expensive but efficient, and consequently used in areas with serious rockfall problems. A
detailed description and design approach is given in secticx 4.4.
Reinforced earth retaining structures
Earthdams, often reinforced at the upstream-impact slope with strip / sheet metallic or wire
elements, can absorb the largest kinetic energies of failing rocks, up to 30'000 kJ. The impacts
of blocks of about 20 to 30 tons with velocities of 30 to 40 d s create important deformations in
the earth dam. A periodic control of the works is therefore required. Reparations are possible
after a major event.


4.3.1 In t rod u c t i o n
For the last ten ye:lrs. flekible wire net systems have become an integral part in the
protection against rockiali. 1 hest: modern structures consist of steel wire nets supported by
hinged steel posts, \\,liich itre tied back by wire ropes that contain rope brakes (Fig.4.3).
In order to stop a rock, the maximum kinetic energy of the rock has to be smaller than the
energy absorbing capacity of the rockfall barrier. For the last ten years, this energy
absorbing capacity has been considerably improved by the use of more sophisticated
structural components and structural alterations. In 1985, rocks with a kinetic energy of
about 250 kJ could be stopped; nowadays, ring net constructions capable of withstanding
more than 2000 kJ are possible (Gerber and Haller 1997). These results could not have been
achieved without co-operation between industrial f m s and research institutes. This applies
particularly to the testing of structural components and complete systems. Rockfall barriers
have been tested 111 differer.t countries (e.g. IJSA, Japan, Taiwan, China, France, Italy,
Switzerland) and wwki-witic contacts between researchers are quite close. In Switzerland,
extensive full-scale testing lias been carried out by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,
Snow and Landscape Kese<iich(WSI,) and two industriai f m s , one of the latter having a
world-wide reputation for its flexible rockfall barriers. In the following, some major results
will be presented.
- 40 -

Fig.4.3 Rockfall Banicr with Brake Rings and Strain Gauges.

4.3.2 Full-scale Testing of Rockfall Barriers

The testing site at Beckenried in Switzerland is characterised by a fairly stable rock surface
with a slope angle of about 45". In the first tests (Test Series 1) a cable crane was used to
move the rocks up to the top of the slope from where they were set into motion, accelerated
down the slope and - after several impacts with the ground - ended in the barrier, which was
to be tested. Due to this set-up, the energies acting onto the barrier differed considerably. All
the same, in 1990 a first important step in the development of rockfall barriers was reached,
namely, the improvement in energy absorbing capacity from about 250 W to about 400 W.
This was, so to say, the birth of the highly flexible type of rockfall barrier, internationally
employed ever sirice.

The aim then was to obtain higher values of a rock's kinetic energy and, accordingly, of
the barrier's energy absorbing capacity. To this purpose, a new cable crane was installed. In
Test Series 2, the rocks remained suspended from the cable crane during part of its
downward motion, were released in full flight some distance above the barrier and hit the
groynd prior to rolling or bouncing into it. The impact velocities were mostly lower than 20
ms- . In Test Series 3, the rocks were aimed directly from the doynward moving cable
crane at the rockfall bamer with a given velocity of about 26.5 ms- . This set-up made it
possible to not only calculate the energy of a rock in advance, but also to hit specific points
of the barrier quite accurately. In 1992 Test Series 3 raised the energy level to about 1000 kJ
(Gerber and Bolt 1993) and by the end of 1997,2000 W could be absorbed.
Comparing inteniational results, it is essential to stress the fact, that all the maximum
values of impact energy mentioned in the context with our tests, were fully absorbed by the
rockfall bamers themselves. That means, that no ground contact occurred during the
deceleration phase of the rock in the net, and that the systems suffered no damage.
- 41 -

Fig. 1.1 Rockhi1 Barricr at impact.

4.3.3 Forces arid Design C r i t e r i a

From a structural engineer’s point of view, the energy based design method, where a
rock’s kinetic energy is compued with the energy absorbing capacity of the rockfdi barrier,
has its severe drawbacks. It can, among other things, not provide information about
important safety aspects such as the factors of safety against partial or total collapse. It is
quite clear, that, as long as a more sophisticated engineering design method is not available,
all the different types of rockfall barriers have to be tested individually in full-scale tests. W e
are quite sure that full-scale tests will always be necessary to a certain extent. Considering
the high costs of such tests, it would be highly desirable to minimise their number.
Accordingly, we started to concentrate our efforts on the determination of forces acting
during impact - a first step towards proper engineering design based on calculations rather
than tests only. Detailed studies on the relationship between forces, bending moments and
energy dissipation resulted, when i n one test a steel post was deliberately struck (Boll
Gerber and Haller (1997) report that a fast frame film camera was used to establish
velocities, how the relationship between velocity and time allowed the calculation of the
deceleration of each rock of given n i a s , and how it was possible to compute the effective
forces acting on the rocks and the barriers, respectively. For two years, tensile strain gauges
have also been used to record the forces acting on wire ropes, namely, guy ropes and net
supporting ropes.
- 42 -

.. -,-

. . .~
~ .. ~. .

-0,l 0,O O,1 O 2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0
Time ( s )

Fig. 1 . 5 Strain Gauge Readrngs (1500 kJ -Test; 500 Samples per


The maxiniurn peak forces occur at about 0,2 to 0,5 seconds after contact between the
rock and the barrier. The sooner they occur, the higher they are; thereby representing rather
stiff and fairly flexible systems, respectively.
From the point of view of rnaintenan,ce, a stiff system, that can still safely absorb the
required energy, is obviously ideal. The forces, on the other hand, have to be kept within
reasonable limits. It is therefore essential to optimise the stiffness of a system and its
elements according to the required energy capacity. By judicious design of each different
barrier, the maximum peak forces in the ropes could be held at well under 250 kN, more or
less independent on the specific maximum impact energy for which that particular system
had been designed. In a barrier designed to withstand an impact energy of 2000 kJ, for
example, this energy can be dissipated within 0,5 seconds.

4.3.4 Summary and Outlook

The last ten years of research, development and testing have yielded interesting and
impressive results. The energy absorbing capacity of rockfall barriers has been raised by a
factor of eight, and the scient il'ic and technical knowledge has improved considerably.
Despite these efforts mid results there remain, alas, still many design problems unsolved.
Only current arid futcirc \+ark c;in provide answers.
- 43 -

In Switzerland, as well as in many other countries, Standards on rockfall barriers and

unified testing procedures are about to be issued. This, of course, is an important step
forward. We have to make sure, however, that individual research, development and testing
will still be carried on to assure future progress.


4.4.1 Introduction
in mountainous areas, highways frequently follow steep slopes. Because exposed to avalanches
and falling rocks, they are usually protected at hazardous places by rock sheds (Fig. 4.6).
These structures are characterised by a highly reinforced concrete roof slab covered by a soil
layer used as a shock absorbing cushion.
To have a better knowledge on the damping abilities of the covering cushion, and thus to
acquire a reasonable estimation of the impulsive load due to a rockfall, an experimental study
was carried out at the rock mechanics laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne (Labiouse et al. 1996). This research work formed part of a specifications for the
design of rock sheds (Montani Stoffel 1998).

4.4.2. Description o f problem

o f
o --


Fig. 4.6 Rockshed. Fig. 4.7 Dcfinition of problem.

The impulsive force F on the structure and the penetration depth d are mainly governed by three
factors (Fig.4.7) :

Mass ni, equivalent sphere radius r..velocity v and impact angle a of rock blocks;
Slope, thickness e and material properties of covering cushion;
- Structural characteristics of rock shed (scheme, strength, stiffness, natural frequencies).

4.4.3 Test device

The tests were conducted in a 5 m diameter and 8 m deep shaft (Fig. 4.8). At its bottom, a
reinforced concrete slab (3.4 m x 3.4 m x 0.2 m) on four supports was covered by a soil
layer. The experiments were conducted by block impacts on this set-up, varying the parameters
according to Table 4.1.
- 44 -

Table 4.1 Range of tcst parameters

Mass of block m [t] 0.1, 0.5, 1
Radius of block r [m] 0.21, 0.36, 0.45
Impact velocity v [m/s] 4.4 +. 14
Soil layer thickness e [m] 0.35, 0.5, 1.0
Soil modulus ME [Wa] (whether compacted or not) 600.43 'O00
Impact angle a ["I 44, 67, 90

The shape of the falling weights was cylindrical with a spherical bottom, made of steel shells
filled with concrete. Three kinds of soil materials were used: (1) gravel 3/32, (2) filling
materials that can be economically laid on real structures: (3) materials from alluvial fans or
scrap rocks from tunnei excavations.

/I \ falling

concrctc slab
(3.4 ni x 3.4 111 x 0.2 in)

Fig. 3.8 Elevation of test shaft. F i g .4.9 Elevation of testing shaft and for
inclined impacts.

During an impact test, data were either directly measured or indirectly calculated from other
measurements. From the accelerometer located on the falling block, the deceleration of the
weight during the impact was measured. Then a first integration enabled to determine the
decrease of velocity with time, and a second integration the block penetration into the soil layer.
The impulsive force Fa,, is defined as the deceleration of the falling weight multiplied by its
Assuming a perfectly centred impact (above P1 pressure meter) and an axisymmetrical
distribution of earth pressure acting upon the surface of the concrete slab, the so-called
integrated force as the resultant interaction force acting on the slab was determined (Fig.4.7).

To evaluate the significant parameters for the slab design, a qualitative interpretation was
performed analysing systematically the influence of each parameter. The important parameters
of this preliminary study are:

weight of block and its falling height,

thickness of soil cushion a n d its compaction degree.
- 45 -

4.4.4 Quantitative evaluation of forces

From the experimental resLiíts, the relationship between the work due to the block penetration
Fa,, . d and the potential energy of the block E, was analyzed. From simple models, this
relatian was established to be linear as

.d=1.6* . (4.1)
It is worthwhile to notice that the M E - M O ~ U (Modulus
~US of subgrade reaction obtained from a
standardised plate bearing test on the soil layer) has no influence on this relation.

The modulus has an effect on the relation between impulsive force and penetration of the block,
however. Thz penetration follows approximately an elastic Hertz law with a small correction
due to the influence of the internal friction angle as

From Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2) results for the inzpulsiveforce

This dimensionally hoinogerieous formula is to that developed by the Japan Road Association
119781. The differences are:
- the layer thickness e 113s 3 siiriiliu influence for an infinite layer only,
- the internal friction angle is not included in the Japanese expression. This influence could not
be assessed from thc experirncnts and the exponent 0.2 of tanyí originates from numerical
studies by Genchi et al. ( 1996), A l o n t m i et al. (1997), and Donzé et al. (1999).
A formulation for the iritcgr-circil~orc.('tins been developed in a similar way as


This equation is similar to Eq.(4.3) with respect to the influence of the ME modulus and the
potential energy Epc>[.
Differences for the other parameters include:
Although an influerice of rtic friction angle on the integrated force seems to be obvious, it
has not been introduced ticre, OM ins to divergent results.
As expected, the force aciiiig or: the slab is inversely proportional to the layer thickness,
with the borderline case o f a zero íorce for a layer of infinite thickness.
The integrated force is proportiorial to the square root of the slab stiffness k divided by the
oscillating mass after iinpact (mass of the block m + equivalent mass of the soil cushion and
the slab M). This terni c a n also be deduced from simple energy considerations (Tonello
- 46 -

For both, the impulsive force Fa= and the integrated force Finl agreement between calculated
and measured values was observed. Although the impact energies of the test campaign were
important for laboratory experiments (100 W), they remain much smaller than on real rock
sheds (up to 2000 kJ). For this range of high energies, it is expected that the influence of the
plastic characteristics of the soil cushion &e. internal frictior angle) becomes important, and the
effect of the elastic charactenstics thus less important.
The validity range of the proposed equations related to a minimal layer thickness is: e250 cm
and e 2 2d. Otherwise, the required damping conditions are not satisfied and the integrated
force is acting nearly as a single load. For instance, for impacts on a 35 cm thick layer, it has
been observed that the measured forces are larger than the calculated.

4.4.5 Inclined impacts

To evaluate the influence of the impact angle, some additional tests were conducted by changing
the testing device as shown in Figure 4.9. A ring and a strap were attached by an articulation to
the wall of the testing shaft. During the fall, the block was dropped in the ring, the attachments
stabilising the system horizontally break, the whole system block-ring-strap described a circle
by turning around the articulation to produce an inclined impact. The impact angle was varied
by changing the attachment point and the length of the strap. The main results were:
For blocks completely stopped after first impingement, the impulsive force doesn't change.
However, a reduction of this force occurs when the block keeps a part of its kinetic energy
after impact.
The reduction of thc integrated force a:; a function of die impact anglz a is


4.4.6 Conclusions
A qualitative interpretation of the expenmental results allowed to analyse systematically the
influence of each parmieter. The most important factors with regard to the design of rock sheds
- the weight of the block and iis fdlling height,
- the thickness of the soil cushion and its compaction degree.

The several forces rneasured during the testing campaign were compared qualitatively. Then,
statistical analyses resulted i n mathematical expressions for the impulsive force and the
integratedforce. Some of the results may be influenced by the specific test program. Although
the impact energies were large for laboratory experiments (100 U), they remain much smaller
than on real rock sheds (up to 2000 U). For that reason, an in-situ testing program should be
undertaken in the future.

Boll, A. (1995). Tragsicherheit von Stahlstützen in Steinschlagverbauungen. Schweizer
Ingenieur und Archirekt 113(45): 1035-1039.
Descoeudres, F. (1997). Aspects géomécaniques des instabilités de falaises rocheuses et des
chutes de blocs. Société Srtisse de mécanique des sols ef des roches 135: 3-1 1.
Donzé F. V., Magnier S . A., Montani S. and Descoeudres F. (1999). Numerical simulation of
rock block impacts on soil-covered sheds by a discrete element method (to be published).
Genchi R., Calvetti F., Nova R. (1996). Studio degli effetti dell'impatto di massi su una
struttura di protezioiie rigidii, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- 47 -

Gerber, W., Boll A. (1993). Massnahmen zum Schutz gegen Rutschungen und Steinschlag.
In: Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (Hrsg.):
Naturgefahren, Forwnfr(r Wissen: 33-38.
Gerber, W., Haller, B. (1997). Safe and economical rockfall protection barriers. In: LEE,
H.K.; Yang, H.S.; Chung, S.K. (eds) Proceedings of the Ist Asian Rock Mechanics
Symposium: ARMS ‘97. A regional Conference of ISRM/Seoul/Korea/13-15 October
1997. Environmental and Safety Concerns in Undergound Construction 2: 915-920.
Bdkerna: Rotterdam.
Giani, G.P. (1992). Rock slope stability analysis. Baikema: Rotterdam.
Japan Road Association (1978). Handbook of prevention against rockfalls. Tokyo: Japan (in
Labiouse V., Descoeudres F., Montani S. (1996). Experimental study of rock sheds impacted
by rock blocks. Structural Engineering International IABSE 3: 171-176.
Montani S . , Descoeudres F., Bucber K. M. (1997). Numerical analysis of rock blocks
impacting a rock shed covered by a soil layer, S. Pietruszczak, G.N. Pande, eds.,
Numerical Models in Geomechanics, NUMOG Vl, Montréal: 641-646. Balkema:
Montani Stoffel S. (1998). Sollicitation dynamique de la couverture des galeries de protection
lors de chutes de b!ccs, Pkü-Theyis 1899. EPFL: Lausanne, Switzerland.
Rouiller J.-D., Jaboyedoff M. (1998). Pentes instables dans le Pennique valaisan - Matterock.
Vdf ETH: Zurich.
Tonello J. (1988). Généralitks et approche de modeles simples, Stage paravalanches, A et B,
WP/WLI (1990). Int. Geot. Soc. UNESCO W.P. on World Landslide Inventory. Bull. Int.
A SS. of Eng. (;<:O/. 41: 5-12.
- 49 -

C. Bonnard and L. Vulliet
Landslides, permanent movements or catastrophic events can be defined according to the types
of phenomena as well as by their intensity and probability of occurrence. According to a
generally admitted classification the generic term Landslides includes all gravi ty-induced
movements of a soil or rock mass along a slope (WP/WLI 1990), which may be composed of
five major mechanisms (l>fuU,(2) topple, (3) slide, (4),flow,or ( 5 ) spread. Both fEst quoted
mechanisms are already dealt with in the preceding chapter on rockfall, whereas spread is a
peculiar phenomenon hardly related with slopes, but more to large scale settlement of
underlying soft layers, for which no global resilient infrastructure can be imagined, except rigid
structures for buildings. 'Therefore this chapter mainly deals with slide3 (translational,
rotational, complex phenomena of various sizes - from 1 ha to several km ) and with mud
and debnsflows which often extend over smaller areas than slides, but are more dangerous in
terms of damage.
The first major characteristic to mention for these two types of phenomena is their non-
repetitivity : uiilike snow avalanches they induce either a slow permanent movement or a sudden
violent displacement of soil masses with a variable percentage of water, but the conditions of
such events will never be reproducible, so that, for their analysis, statistics is not an adequate
tool and experiencs of past events is riot always significant. However, a detailed observation of
their characteristics and behaviour oftt:n allows a proper determination of the hazard they imply,
by the adequate identification of w;uning signs and analysis of preparatory and triggering
When focusing on the relation between the dangerous naturai phenomenon and the man-
made structure to lx protected (buildings, roads, lifelines), it is worth noting that in the case of
debris flows the disnstcr resilient infrastructures have to be designed mainly in the transition
zone, as no relevant íiction can be taken in the source area, except reforestation, and as the cost
of structures resisting by ihemselves to the pressure of the flow is too high. In the case of
slides, the notions of zone of origin, transition and impact are irrelevant, as most of the man-
made structures arc located on the moving mass itself; therefore either the planned
infrastructures tend to blocl. or slow down the sliding mass, which is the most frequent case
(eg. by drainage, fill or- a m hors), or the structures themselves are designed so as to tolerate or
impede movements of their basement (DUTI 1985). The foundations of bridge piles laid on
bedrock can also be protected from the sliding niass above by a concrete shaft surrounding them
and ensuring a sufficient gap to allow :ui independent movement.


As far as slides are concerned, four main factors condition the feasibility of stabilization
projects. First the depth of the active sliding mass imposes limits to any type of resilient
infrastructure arid is one of the major criteria to select the appropriate system (for instance length
of anchors, depth of drainage boreholes or trenches, etc.). Thus many landslide zones in
Switzerland as we11 as in the world cannot be stabilized due to the large depth of the sliding
niass, exceeding 100 ni.
Then the velociry o f the slide, considering mainly its average permanent movement,
determines the possibility of application of some construction techniques, specially when the
major displacements are co~icentratedat a unique slip surface. For example, vertical drainage
boreholes are only applicalJle when the movement is slow enough (approx. 1 c d y e a r ) to allow
a stabilizing effect to o m i r &fore they are sheared.
- 50 -

A third important point is the occurrence of differential movemenfs in some lateral zones of a
slide or at the limits of a secondary slip surface which induce unhomogeneous conditions in
terns of depth, velocity, movement pattern, so that the buildings and lifelines in these zones can
be severely affected. These first three factors are somehow related to the general notion of
intensity in a h a m d analysis.
The last factor rather deals with the concept of probability which has to be also considered in
a hazard and risk analysis. It includes the potential for progressive or sudden accelerations
which often cause distress to supposedly resilient infrastructure. Such accelerations depend
mainly on the variations of climatic conditions, either at a short-term scale (high intensity
rainfail during some days to some months) or at a long-term scale (periods of several wet years,
global climate change). The effects of an increase of precipitations can be either direct, raising
the groundwater level and inducing higher áriving forces in the sliding mass, or indirect, for
example through more significant erosion rate at the toe of the slide. Such a relation is quite
often complex and needs long-term monitoring to assess this parameter.
As far as úebrisflows are concerned, the last factor mentioned above is certainly prevailing,
as high intensity srorms are the main cause of disaster. In this case the major difficulty lies in
the determination of local precipitation distribution as intense rainfall occurring on 2 limited
drainage area may not be recorded at the nearby raingauge station.
A second factor for assessing the intensity of the event is the dope of the stream in which it
occurs, as it will directly condition the velocity of the debris flow, and thus the potential for
increasing the sediment mass by tmsion.
A final factor is the availability oi’loose materials in the upper part of the drainage area either at
the surface and liable to direct erosion, or along the torrent channel which may be mobilized by
local lateral slides, inducing the phenomepon of retention and consecutive violent outflow.


In order to reduce or to stop pernianently the movements of slides and thus limit their
disasterous impact, foiir main classes of remedial measures can be used. Indeed they also apply
to the stabilisation of rockfrill soiirce zones. This presentation corresponds to an internationally
approved list (WP/WI,I 1990, I’opescu 1996).

5 . 3 . 1 h‘íodificatiori of slope geometry

As the driving and resisting forces within a sliding mass are mainly related to the geometrical
Characteristics of the slope, the basic way to reach a definitive and sure stabilisation of a slide,
provided it is of fairly limited dimensions, can include the following earthworks :
- Removal of material froin the upper arca, with a possible substitution by lightweight fill.
- Construction of a buttress berrn or fill at the toe (Seve and Pouget 1998).
- Reduction of the geriernl slope angle and trimming of loose surface material.

However these eartti\vnrks oEtzii require a lot of surrounding space to organize construction
activities and affect a large p a t if not the whole surface of the unstable zone, so that in many
cases it is not econoinically and socially applicable.
- 51 -

5 . 3 . 2 Retaining structures
A similar action, but inducing a localized increase of resisting forces by the application of
structural means, at the surface or at shallow depth, can include the following types of retaining
structures :
Gravity retaining walls and reinforced concrete walls.
Crib block walls, which are more flexible than retaining walls.
Gabion walls, also useful against toe erosion (Federico 1985).
Passive piles and caissons, sheet piles.
Reinforced earth retaining structures (with strip/sheet polymer/metaLlic elements).
Buttressed counterforts of coarse-grained material, providing an increase of shear resistance
(Seve and Pouget 1998).
Several quoted solutions combine also the advantages provided by drainage action and the
reliability offered by mass movements. However their action at shallow depth may impede
providing a reliable protection against deeper instability phenomena that can be induced by long-
term erosion at the toe of the slide.
5 . 3 . 3 Internal slope reinforcement
A series of improvements i n drilling and grouting techniques as well as in the design of
soil/rock inclusions have allowed an impressive development of stabilization means by internal
reinforcement, leading to applications even at large depth and insuring long-term stability. The
main advantage of most of the following techniques consists in applying effective resisting
forces at the level of the slip surface :
- Rock bolts and soil nailing.
- Anchors (prestressed or not).
- Micro-piles and anchored piles (see Fig.5.1) (Wichter and Meiniger 1985).
- Grouting and jetting.

Fi g.5.1 La Criblette landslide stabilized by prestressed anchors along

A9 motorway near Lausanne.
- 52 -

In the same category of stabilization means it is possible to add heat treatment and elecírosmosis
as well as freezing, although their applicability is really reduced to very specific situations.
Finally much has been said about biotechnical slope stabilization, which induces an internal
reinforcement at very shallow depth through man-made wooden structures and the roots of
some specific plants. But although it appears a sustainable means, its long-term effect is often
not guaranteed as the vegetation may decay due to drought and as deeper slip surfaces may
cause the destruction of such smctures.

5.3.4 Drainage
Finally, giving due consideration to the fact that groutidwater is the main destabilizing factor of
unstable slopes, the different types of drainage, superficial or underground, constitute one of
the most efficient means to control or at least reduce slide movements, especially for large
landslides. Several systems have been developed and applied in various sites of Switzerland (as
well as in the yorld), in a wpole range of situations, implying sliding volumes from some
thousands of m to 1 billion m . The main drainage systems include :
- Surface drains to divert run-off water from flowing onto the slide area, by collecting ditches
or by wooden, mortar or see! channels.
- Shallow or deep trench drizins (max. depth 15 m) with pipes, filled with free-draining
geomateriaís, Le. coarse granular fills protected by geosynthetics (Cancelli 1985).
- Buttress counterforts, localized trenches, masks or gabion structures providing a draining
and a mechanical effect.
- Vertical small diameter boreholes with pumping or vacuum dewatering, siphoning or self
draining into a gallery or an underlying pervious rock layer (Noverraz and Bonnard 1993).
- Vertical large diameter wells filled with coarse material, with gravity draining at the toe by a
horizontal borehole or a gaiiery.
- Subhorizontal borelioles frorti the surf3ce or from a shaft.
- Drainage tiinncls, galleries or adits.

Additionally vegetative pl:intii!g which induces a higher evapotranspiration can also be

considered as a drainn;;e mcans.



Fig.S.2 Cross-scclion of St-Imier landslide with location of

investigation boreliolcs and drainage wells.
- 53 -

Two major problems arise however in the use of drainage. First the future efficiency of a
drainage system of any kind is difficult to predict, as the localized effect of drainage works will
not fully extend to the whole slip surface and thus only increase locally the resisting forces
( S h e & Pouget, 1998). Then the actual groundvater conditions are difficult to assess and can
be modified substantially by extreme climatic conditions. Drainage works need also regular
monitoring and maintenance works in order to check that their long-term operational capability
corresponds to the original design. Despite of these limitations inducing often a partial
stabilization, drainage works often appear as the most adequate and economical counter-
measure to insure the safety of structures and lifelines located on a slide (Fig.5.2) (Noverraz
and Bonnard 1993, Gabus et al. 1988).

Some major drainage works have been carried out these last 20 years in Switzerland in order
to provide a complete or improved stabilizatior.of large landslides. Although being certainly not
exhaustive, a list of some interesting cases (including only drainage works) may be given :
Arveyes Landslide (canton of Vaud) where 16 deep boreholes equipped with pumps reduced
to 1 mm/year the velocity of a 25-106m3 slide (1983-1986) (Gabus et ai. 1988).
La Frasse Landslide (canton of Vaud) where 28 boreholes equipped with pumps tried to
reduce the velocity of the lower p u t of a 60-106m3 slide; but several were rapidly sheared
(1995). Surface drainage channels had also been carried out (Noverraz et al. 1998).
Ballaigues Landslide (canton of Vaud) where hundreds of vertical boreholes (spacing at 2 m)
discharge drained water i n the underlying pervious rock 40 m below the surface and
significantly reduced the movements of a slide (1983-84) (Noverraz et al. 1998).
S t - h i e r Landslide (canton of Berne) where 16 boreholes equipped with pumps limited the
velocity (to 5 :iini/jrc:u 1 o!'a slide o n which a college was built (1981), despite of some very
wet years (Novci-r;tz and Ikmiixd 1993).
Braunwald Laridslide (cariton of Gluus) where a drainage trench carried out by z diaphragm
wall equipment was built with a jacked tunnei beiow it, in order to protect a hotel at the eúge
of a very large slide zone I 1983).
Campo Va1lem:tggiri slide (canton of Ticino) where a 2 km long gallery with radial boreholes
below a huge inndslitic. (1.109 ni3) was built in order to control the movements which
showed sometirncs tiizti a.:celerations (1996) (Noverraz et al. 1998).


~ l debris and mud flows (showing velocities in excess of 10 4 s )

The high energy c ! c \ . e l o p ~ tjy
and the Iarge voliiiiic of ri-;iri,portcd riiliterial (reaching sometimes 50000 m3) impedes most of
the time the safe dcsiyii o!' i.oiitninriient structures with concrete walls or earthfill dams (an
interesting exception ma!' tic: quoted at Les Crétaux Landslide (canton of Wallis) where two
reservoirs were operated alternately and then emptied to store frequent small debris flows).
Therefore four mairi ciasscs of remedial measures can be used to control these events before
they hit structures or which are essentially not able to resist to such thnist.

5.4.1 Escalona teti ri r p rot eclion scheme

The first possible m i o n is in build a series of concrete or wooden dams of limited height, in the
stream beds Lvith :t debris flow potential, so as to reduce the flow velocity, impede regressive
erosion and retain ;I part o!' t h e dcbrit; flow mass before it reaches the lower alluvial fan where
structures have to tic: protcwc'd. Check dams have been carried out quite often in Alpine regions
for more than a ccritiiq', pro\ iding even a partial stabilization of a whole slide slope at the Swiss
largest landslide at 1 IeinzciiberdGR (Noverraz et al., 1998).
- 54 -

5 . 4 . 2 Lateral protection dams and dikes

The second possible action irequently carried out consists in the construction of lateral dams or
dikes along the stream bed in the expansion zone (alluvial fan), so as to avoid that the debris
flow may overtop the naturpl banks and destroy nearby structures. Debris flow mass control is
then often shifted downward, for instance into the riverbed where the stream merges with the
main river, but such situations may be solved by an adequate junction angle allowing the river
flow to erode the deposited material. This type of work is frequent in the Swiss Alps.

5 . 4 . 3 Emergency spillway structure

When the capacity of the stream bed or artificial channel near the impact zone may be exceeded
in case of very important debris flow, it is possible to foresee a concrete emergency spillway
structure that will divert a part of the debris flow towards a safe zone where no major damage is
liable to occur. Such work has been constructed at the Pissot stream bed (canton of Vaud),
downstream of a first retaining structure of limited capacity and before the channelized stream
passes above A9 motorway.

5 . 4 . 4 Structure separating bed load from water (Japanese trap)

The last control system of debris flows consists in a large open reinforced concrete structure
built below the riverbed and covered by a steel ruck with large spacings between the bars. This
type of sieve allows the draining of the debris flow mass, as the water will fall into the structure
and be. evacuated downstream in Lhe stream bed, whereas the large size bed load rolling on the
subhorizontal gate will loose their transport means, i.e. the muddy water, and thus stop on the
gate or just downstream. Such type of work developed in Japan has been built on the Dorfbach
near Randa (canton of Wallis) anci has proved quite successful.


Despite of the development of IICW stabilization techniques and the improvement of landslide
modelling, the long-term reliability of disaster resilient infrastructure tends to decrease with
time, due to maintenance problems, whereas the safety requirement and induced risks increase,
following the constriictiori of inore and more buildings and lifelines in exposed zones.
Therefore any type of slope stability improvement works has to be completed by a
comprehensive r?ioniruritig systclriz allowing for early detection of a critical behaviour, based on
adequate warning signals. L3ut !inti1 the alarm criteria corresponding to such systems are duly
established and tested, M'hicli may take time, it is necessary to complement resilient
infrastructure with passive rnur~agernentmeasures relying on limited use of endangered land,
whatever are the economic pressures towards its development.
The major research needs deal with the relation between drainage efficiency and the
hydrogeological conditions, especially their evolution with time during crisis events, for which
continuous pore water pressure monitoring is one of the most important information. The role
of unsaturated layers i n the slope stabilization represents also a major research challenge to
master the long tenii be1i:ivioiir of landslides. All the monitoring data should provide a basis for
an adequate risk :irial>~sisi n which direct and indirect economical factors as well as safety
criteria can be duly iiii~iiicletí,which will certainly lead to the necessity of more landslide
resilient infrwriicttire.
- 5s -

Cancelli A. (1985). Stabilization of a landslide near Voltaggio (Northern Italy) by means ot
deep trench drains. Proc. Eur. Sub-Committee on Stabilization of landslides in Europe,
Istanbul 1: 17-27.
DUTI (1985). Détection g t utilisation des terrains instables (Bonnard Ch. et Noverraz F.éds.).
Rapport final. Ecoie Polytechnique Fédéraie de Lausanne, 229 p.
Federico G. (1985). Stabilization of a cut on scaly marl clays. Proc. Eur. Sub-committee on
Stabilization of Landslides in Europe, Istanbul 1: 37-44.
Gabus J.H., Bonnard Ch., Noverraz F., Parriaux A. (1988). Arveyes, un glissement, une
tentative de correction. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Landslides, Lausanne 2: 911-914.
Noverraz F., Bonnnrd Ch. (1993). Stabilization of a slow landslide by drainage wells with
immersed pumps. Proc. 7th i n t . Conf. and Field Workshop on Landslides Bratislava:
Noverraz F., Bonnard Ch., Ilupraz H., Huguenin 1,. (1998). Grands glissements de versants
et climat. Rapportfinal PNR 31. Vdf Zurich, 314 p.
Popescu M. (1996). From landslide causes to landslide remediation. Proc.7th Lnt. Symp. on
Landslides Trondheim 1 : 75-96.
Seve G., Pouget P. (1998). Stabilisaion des glissements de terrain. Guide technique LCPC:
Paris, 98 p.
Wichter L., Meiniger W. (1985). Stabilization of a cutting by reinforced concrete piles and
prestressed anchors near Stutígart. Proc. Eur. Sub-committee on Stabilization of
landslides i t i Eirrope Istanbul 1: 93-109.

WPWLI (1990). Int. Geor. Soc.' UNESCO working party on world landslide inventory -
Cruder1 D.M. Chaimian : A suggested method for reporting a landslide. Bull. Int. Assoc.
o f E n g r g . Geol. 41: 5-12.

W.H. Hager
Waves induced by large masses moving into water are referred to as impulse waves. Given the
typically large momen:um exerted by such masses, i.e. thr product of mass times velocity, the
resulting phenomena produce often shallow waves. Water waves can indeed be subdivided into
deep water and shallow water waves, the first having a small wave height compared to the still
water depth, and the second having a large relative amplitude. Deep water waves are essentially
based on a linear theory and are typically wind exerted. They are not further considered here.
Shallow water waves are highly nonlinear and a mathematical approach is complicate.
Because of large wave amplitudes, the hydrostatic pressure dismbution does not apply, and
streamline curvature effects have to be accounted for. A basic wave type is referred to as the
solitary wave characterized with a single positive wave peak propagating over an otherwisv
plane surface. An intermediate type between solitary and sinusoidal wave types is referred to as
the cnoidal wave, that typically results froín large masses plunging into a fluid.
Currently, some information on impulse waves is available, mainly in terms of compact
masses plunging into a reservoir. Actual slides involve granulate, mud or snow, and cannot be
simulated with a compound mass such as a single block of rock. Impulse waves thus involve a
three-phaseflow containing the slide material, water as fluid and air due to entrainment effects.
This complication is certainly a major reason for limited knowledge on this highly interesting
but dangerous phenomenon.

Fi g.6.1 Vajont arch dani after impulse wave and overtopping in 1963.
- 58 -

Impulse wave into surface waters may originate from earth, rock, snow or glacier
movements. All these slides are related to water, such as thunderstorms, avalanches, extreme
washer conditions or rythmic water level changes. Slides moving into water bodies damage the
region of origin by mechanical fracturing, result in wave action that can destroy shore regions
or can even damage infrastructure such as roads, buildings or other near-shore structures. Of
particular relevance are destructions in man-made reservoirs because a slide can cause runup or
overtopping of a dam that retains a large volume of water. As a result, dambreak may occur
with significant damage to dowastream regions. Such a scenario occurred at various locations
worldwide, but the Vajonr slide in Northern Italy 3n October 9, 1953, is certainly the most
widely known. Conditions were not all together critical for this incidence although the immense
rock avalanche of some 300 Mi0 m3 discharged into the reservoir and created an impulse wave
of about lOOm height. Fortunately, Vajont dam resisted this shock, but a large water volume
overtopped it and killed 3000 inhabitants of the downstream located village Longarone
(Fig.6.1). The following introduces the main features of impulse waves with regard to disaster
resilient infrastructure. This topic is closely related to slides, rock falls and f l m d waves, and
the corresponding contributions should also be consulted.
Waves generated in water bodies due to niomentum release involve three features (Fig.S.2):
O Wave generation due to mass impulse on water M y ,
O Wave propagation over the water surface, and
O Wave impact on water boiindaries, such as shores or man-made structures, including
possible overtopping.

The first wave tias iiornially the mrixirnum wave amplitude, and contains also the maximum
Waves develop from a highly complex phenomena close to impact location into a gradual
surface pheriomenori t h a t is amenable to computational analysis,
Waves decay in height :is they travel over a water body of nearly constant depth,
Typical developed inipiilsc waves are either of solitary or cnoidal wave type, and
Wave runup and particulx-ly wave overtopping depend on shore conditions and are
governed by difficiilt physicxl processes.
Given the coiiiplic:ition\ di!c 10 various phases and abrupt temporal changes, both the impact
an the runup conditioii\ x c C U I I eritly not ,imenable to prediction, except for hydraulic modeling
provided the proper ~ ~ i i i i l m t !h w s are accounted for. Two cases have received particular
attention in the past, iiaiiit.iy [tic plane impulse wave and the spatial impulse wave. These are
described below.
- 59 -

The pZane impulse wave was considered under the following conditions (Fig.6.3):
(1) Relative wave smaller than wave breaking limit, i.e. a relative amplitude smaller than 78%
of the still water depth,
(2) Relative propagation domains larger than 5 and smaller than around 100 times the still
water depth,
(3) Slide velocity larger than about half of wave celerity,
(4) Slide angle larger than about 30" and smaller than 60°,and
(5) Dense slide such as for a rock avalanche but not for exploded material containing much

i ' i

F i g .6.3 Wavc generation into resenoir a) plan, b) section.

The maximum wave amplitude relative to the still water depth a M h o depends on four
dimensionless quantities, namely the slide angle y with a large effect, the relative slide volume
VJbh:) with an intermediate effect, and the prodiict of density ratio (ps/pw) times the relative
distance (hdx) with a relatively small effect. The notation is explained in Fig.6.3, and ps and
pw are densities of slide and water, respectively. For any given potential slide location, the
slide density ps, the slide angle y and the still water depth ho can hardiy be influenced. The only
parameter with a certain degree of variability is the slide volume per unit width V a . The still
water depth can of course be reduced for slides that do not immediately occur, provided the
water eleqation can be drawn down by operliting a bottoni oudet.


Fi g.6.4 Impulse wave generared at point P and propagating towards

rcscnloir shores 'and diim D.
- 60 -

For a slide running into a reservoir resulting in spatial impulse wave, the relative wave
amplitude aM/ho follows previous characteristics, except of lateral wave propagation (Fig.6.4),
and waves propagate radially from the impact location into the water body. The highest wave
occurs in the direction of the slide and waves decay .laterally. Because of energy radiation,
slides into a 3D water body are much smaller than into the plane reservoir.


Consider a water body of still water depth ho containing an impulse wave of amplitude aM and
propagation velocity c,. To estimate the potential of damage, the runup characteristics on a
shore must be known. With L, as the wave length (Fig.6.5) between 0.5Sh&12, the runup
height R=r/ho depends essentially on the relative wave height hM/ik, and slightly on the runup
angle p and the relative wave length L w / h ~The
. runup height may be somewhat reduced when
increasing the runup angle to, say, 90". Wave breaking occurs if the index tanB/(h&)1k3.
An analysis of VAW data summarized by Vischer and Hager ( 1 9 8 ) shows that

This indicates t h a t the runup tieight increases significantly with the maximum wave height, and
slightly with the product [Lw/(fl.ho)].To control runup, one may practically adjust only the
wave height hM, therefore.

I: i E . 6 . 5 L\'a\c runiip on dani or shore, definition of variables.

Reservoirs with a d m i downstream are particularly endangered because dam overtopping

can occur in addition to wave runup. Fig.6.6 shows a definition sketch with Ld as crest width,
r as runup height on a hypothetical shore of angle p, and f the freeboard under still water
conditions. The effect offredionrd can be described as

with Vd=overtopping voluine, and the reference volume

where C1= a constant of the order 0.6, depending on the crest geometry. The overtopping
period varies mainly with the wave period tw=Lw/cw where c,=[g(h,+a~)] 1/2 is the
propagation velocity. Both wave runup and wave overtopping are based on a plane approach
flow. Roughening a shore h a s practically no effect on both wave runup and overtopping
- 61 -

Fi g.6.6 Ovcrtopping of dam with (-) overtopping volume.

Assuming zn average value h M = l . 5 a ~allows further elaboration € Eq.(6.3) for L+ho s

The relative reference volume V a : depends thus exclusively on the relative wave amplitude
aM/ho. Note that V,, corresponds asymptotically to the overtopping volume for (f/r)-+O.


6.4.1 Reservoir o\rerlopping

The infrastructure endnngcred by impulse waves is located along a reservoir shore for wave
runup, and dou'iistre;iiii of the reservoir for wave overtopping. The latter scenario can be
compared with ;I riciitil)rc,lrX :itid niay not directly be countered. The only measure against a
dambreak is defiiiiiis h a m r d zones, such as zone 1 for immediate danger where there is no
chance for evacuation, bec:iiise of thc: darn proximity. Accordingly, no important infrastructure
may be erected in this zone In zune 2, evacuation within a short time is possible though not
simple. This zone should riot be accessible for population and infrastructure for strategic
purposes. In zone 3 only slight damages due to dambreak floods are expected, and evacuation
is strictly possiblc. Procedures of evacuation should be trained with the population involved,
and future infrastructiirt: should be so designed that damages do not lead to significant
conflicts, such as for ;iccess roads to villages endangered, supply lines or buildings of higher
priority. The general reconimendations given for protection against flood waves should be
consulted, because the dmii)reak wave is a kind of extreme flood wave. Certainly a key mode
of protection against dnnibreaks is t h e darn safety technique, involving regular control of all
dam facilities, incliiding iiioiiitoring of slides and settlements, geotechnical displacements,
seepage flow and aioptirig i:ydr-ologic changes

6.4.2 Wave r u n u p

Impulse waves may d;tni;igc infrastructure mainly by wave runup, except for extremely large
slides into a priicticaily full reservoir resulting in overtopping. According to Eq.(6.1) the runup
height r is mainly influenced by the wave amplitude hM, which depends significantly on the
slide angle y, ttie slide voiiinie per u n i t width and the relative distance of slide impact to runup
location x h 0 . For hrgc slitics only the reservoir deprh can be influenced if a bottom outlet is
available. It will bc t i x c i l ! ~ ix~ssiibleto reduce the relative slide volume by widening the slide, as
also the slide :iiigle. I n o i - 1 1 ~ 1to I-etiiic-cttie reservoir level from an originally full reservoir that
- 62 -

corresponds to the design condition (worst case scenario) t!!e temporal slide prediction is of
outmost importance. Again, one may distinguish between three cases:
(1) The slide occurs completely unexpectedly. This may be due to poor management or
surveyance, or due to extreme thunderstorms. Then reservoir drawdown is impossible,
and the slide may cause large scale damage. For cases with a proper nianagement, the latter
incident cannot happen because responsibility would restrict the reservoir filling elevation.
(2) The slide is predicted but within such a short time of occurrence that no significant
reservoir drawdown can be introduced. Then all psople and prrhaps material of general
value have to be safed.
(3) The slide occurs within days or weeks, depending on meteorological conditions mainly.
Then, reservoir drawdown should be initiated to a degree that the downstream community
is not endangered, but losses i n values may be accepted. The latter scenario is closely
related to modern dam safety, and should be the usual case. A slide has to be monitored
and controlled by adequate engineering methods. Cases (1) and (2) have to be excluded.
Case 3 is, to be sure, more or less the only strategy to counter impulse waves. For the other
two cases, there is practically no method of defense, given the enormous potential of energy set
free by impulse waves. A way to protect strategically significant access roads are tunnels,
rather than roads along shores. This concept is often dictated in Alpine countries because of
extremely large slopes. If a n access is strategically determining, this concept can largely
contribute to reducing damages. For example, a bottom outlet gate has to be operated under ail
other conditions, becalise i t will ultimately reduce damages of impulse waves. if such a gate
gets squeezed, or does not move because of power supply shutdown, an complete emergency
concept can fail.


A relevant question rcliited to iinpiilse waves is the drawdown capacity of a reservoir. If a
general reservoir shape is considered that is controlled by a bottom outlet, the time t required
for drawing down a n initially full reservoir of depth Ho to depth H(t) can be given as
t:, =-- [I-- (4/H0)"-0.5] . (6.5)

Here t,=Vd[C,,A(2~~~,,>'/2) is ielerence time with 6=reservoir shape factor, Vo=full reservoir
volume, Cd=dischxgc cocfficietii, approximately equal to 0.60, and A=bottom outlet area.
Typically a valiie 6=2.5 m ~ be y ujed, with extremes 6=1.5 for bucket-shaped, and 6=3.5 for
V-shaped rescrvoirs. Ii1.(6 5 ) thus sitiiplifies to
i/t* =-2- [1 -
To reduce the reservoir elevation by 10% and 50%, say, one would use t/t*=0.10 and
t/t+=0.38, respectively. A f u l l reservoir drawdown requires t/t,=0.50.
Consider a reservoir volume V0=107m3 with a reservoir depth Ho=102m. For a cross-
sectional area of the bottom outlet A=iOm2, one has t*=2.5~10~/[0.60~10~(2~10-102)1~]
=93'2OOs=l.O8d. Such a small reservoir might thus be drawn down to 90% and 50% elevation
heights within t=2-Sh, and 1011, respectively, and might be completely emptied within one day.
If the reservoir had a smaller deptti but the same volume t* increases accordingly. The time
scale is thus dictated b y t*, i t i n t is drawdown of a reszrvoir is fast for:
Smali reservoir voliirnc. V,
Large bottom outlet section A,
Large reservoir depth I I,.
For a given reservoir, onc
- I _ . . i r ', . .rii:iy only influence parameter A, and a large bottom outlet is
- 63 -

Impulse waves can have a desasterous potential of díáxriage combined with a significant degree
of uncertainty. There are practically only two procedures to protect infrastructure: (1) evaluation
of a emergency scheme by assuming the most critical combination of parameters, and (2)
analysis of reservoir drawdown in terms of reservoir and downstream flow characteristics. In
addition the following items rnay be added:
(1) Reservoirs with a potential to impulse waves should be controlled with a bottom ouiZet. If a
bottom outlet is missing, its addition must be seriously considered, not only to counter
impulse waves but also in terms of general dam safety, reservoir sedimentation and a more
flexible reservoir management. If a bottom outlet is available, the drawdown features
should be evaluated in terms of drawdown time and tadwater floods.
(2) Strategic access roads should be protected from floods and impulse waves by road tunnels.
Also, electric power supply lines have to be so arranged that power is available even
during large floods. A bottom outlet whose outlet gates cannot be moved is strictly of no
value. The addition of a n emergency power system based on fuel can be considered as an
alternative. Givcn the t f x treme pressure forces exerted on outlet gates, its operation should
be penodical!y tested.
(3) Research activirics i n impulse waves are currently small, given the complex interactions of
geology, rock a n d icc mechanics, soil mechanics and hydraulics. The latter item has
received particiilarly scarce attention, and questions relating to the effect of approach slide
velocity, slide mixture characteristics, effect of air entrainment or momentum transfer
during impact on the uater body are not yet treated at all. To the author's knowledge,
VAW has currently one of the few research activities worldwide on impulse waves, and it
is hoped that [he ciirrerii experiniental approach will be extended by a numerical research
study to predict fiir-field effects of impulse waves on reservoirs.
Impulse waves are one oí' iiie spectacular but also one of the very dangerous natural hazards,
therefore. Its kno\vledye slioiiici definitely be iiiiproved by an appropriate funding. This report
aims to outline the possible procedures aiid to indicate directions which should be taken to
reduce damages of' I I W S ; i i i i i v:ilues.

Vischer, D.L., Wager, W.H. (1998). Darn hydraulics. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester,
New York.
- 65 -

J. A. Studer
An earthquake is a sudden ground motion produced by abrupt displacement of rock masses,
usually within the upper 5 t o 30 km of the earth's crust. Most earthquakes result form the
movement of one rock mass over another in response to tectonic forces. The rupture of the rock
masses causes the ground to vibrate at frequencies ranging from about 0.1 to 50 Hz (cycles per
seconds). As a generalisation the shaking severity increases as the magnitudes of the
earthquake increases, and decreases as the distance form a site to the fracture plane increases.
Experience shows that surface geological materials and the topography may influence the level
and nature of the ground shaking strongly, an effect often underestimated in current hazard
There are no means to prevent earthquakes and currently no possibility exists
to predict short temi occurence with accuracy in terms of location and size of
zarthqilake and lime of occurence. The only possibilities to reduce the
earthquake dnriiages are appropriate planning and construction measures.
In terms of human arid ccoiiornic loss seismic shaking is the most significant factor contributing
to the overall eartliqiiake Iin~ard.Shaking conmbutes to losses not only through direct vibratory
damages to man-imde striictures but also indirectly through triggering of secondary efsecrs
such as landslides or rockfalls or even other forms of ground failures (soil liquefaction,
slumping or settleinents). T h u s , an important element in seismic hazard zoning on a regional
basis is the geoyap1iic:il as: ecsnient of potential ground shaking.
In addition to strong grmiiid motion, a variety of associated phenomena can cause serious
damage and loss oí' l i \ ~ c :
Surfacefaidliq. I'tic offsei o r tearing of the earth surface by differential movements across a
fault is an obvious 1inz;ird to structLires built across active faults. A variety of structures have
been damaged b y siirfncc fLiiilting, including buildings, railways, roads, tunnels, bridges,
canals, water u d l s and water mains, electricity lines and sewers. Surface faulting can be
particularly severe to structures partly embedded in the ground and for underground pipelines
or tunnels. Sufiice faulting generally affects a long and narrow zone ranging from few meters
to more than 100 in. Siibsidiiry branch faults have extended as much as 10 km from the main
fault and secoridwy faultiris Iins been observed more than 25 km away from the main fault. The
lengths of the rupt:irc 1i:ivt: i-:;nsed from few 100 m up to about 400 km. Their size is important
for zoning piirposcs ;iroiirid ;t(-iivefaiilts.
Tectonic suDsicioirc~n):tii i i ) l f í :ire iisii:illy accompanied by surface faulting. The deformation
zone near the fault break, or may involve major differential
may be local, affeciiriy ;i I I ; L I - I - ~ W
vertical and horizontal iiiovcments over broad parts of the earth crust. This local deformation
can distort or tilt síriic[~ires.Regional tectonic deformations constitute a hazard to shore-line
facilities and extensive hyiraulic systems where broad scale changes in land elevation occur
relative to the water level. Such changes can affect hundreds of square km of the earth surface
and can damage 1i;irbolir fxilities, canals and other structures. During the 1964 Alaska
earthquake for exariiple piers, docks, breakwater structures, roads, railways, airstrips, and
buildings were tcctonicnlly lowereti relatively to the sea level resulting in permanent or
intermittent iniiri(iatior1. íii oilier ;ireas tectonic uplift caused shallowing of harbours and
waterways and tliiis rc\tricttxi their ~ i x .
Landslides, rockjiills, t r i ~ i i i i r t i iIic'c. Emhqiiake shaking can dislodge rock and debris o n steep
slopes, triggering 1 ocLf;ili, snon' x i d ice avalanches. Ground shaking can initiate shallow
debris slides on stcbcp arid less ofreri rock slumps and rock fall on moderate slopes. Under
- 66 -

certain geological conditions shaking can reactivate dormant slumps or block slides.
Avalanches can be triggered in weakly cemented fine graded material, such as loess, that form
steep stable slopes under ncn-seismic conditions. Even small water-saturated sand lenses can
mgger major landdides in nearly horizontal clay deposits, as occured in the 1964 Alaska
earthquake in Anchorage.
Liquefaction. Areas having layers of water-saturated loose fine sand or silt typically deposited
in the past 10000 years can temporally loose their strength and behave as a viscous fluid due to
severe ground shaking. Structures founded on such deposits settle, tilt or rip apart (Japan) as
the soil spreads laterally. Buried structures may float up. Ground shaking can cause lateral
movements on the top of liquefied surface layers. Such large subsoil deformations usually
interrupt service lines (water supply, sewer, gas or electricity). Due to soil liquefaction the port
facilities of Kobe for instance were out of service for several months due to the February 1995
earthquake. In the harbour area the entire watersystem went out of service due to liquefaction,
induced excessive subsoil deformations, and hindering also fire fighting activities.
Tsunamis. A tsunami (Japanese word meaning harbour wave) consists of a series of long
waves caused by a sudden vertical displacement of a large area of the sea floor during an
undersea earthquake. I n deep water the waves may riot be observed. Upon resching shallow
water around islands or the continental shelf the height of the wave increases greatly reaching
30 m and a speed of over SO krn per hour. The devastating wave front of a tsunami crashes
inland, sweeping all away sometimes beaching ships hundreds of meters inland. Successive
wave crests, typically arriving 10 to 45 minutes later, may continue to pond the coast for
several hours. Several days may pass before the sea returns to nomal state.
Seiches. In lakes tectonic movements can induce long waves also, with a period of several
minutes to few ten minutes. These can spill low level shores or dams causing erosion damage.



As already tiienrioncd, e , i i ~ i i q i i Ast cannot be prevented and there are no possibilities to predict
short-term occiiw~iccu i t t i my dcgree of accuracy. Earthquakes affect large areas by various
effects and niay producc enormous hiitriati and economic losses. They have therefore a
significant effcct on devcloptneni of a country. Earthquake resilient infrastructure becomes a
prerequisite for ;in effec*tivedisaster response and fast reconstruction activities after an event as
for fast econoriiicLil recoveq..
In developitig coiitirrirls governmental organisations and industries are usually concentrated
to few heavily populated areas. A n event in such an area has an enormous effect on such a
country. The developmerit of the whole country can be set back for years leading also to further
social and po1itic:il problems. Disaster resilient, particularly earthquake resilient infrastructure is
an imponant issiie of the overall sustainable development process of such a country, therefore.


Vulnerability is defined as the degree of loss to a given element at risk resulting from a given
hazard at a given severity level (cg. vulnerability of a 4 stoned office building of masonry type
in a n earthquakc intensity M S K XI). For an infrastructural system one has to distinguish
between the system Vulnerability and the vulnerability of each component (service lines,
structures, or control s\,stems). Clotiventional vulnerability assessment concentrates often only
on structural vitliicr;il~ility(darmge to the i;tnictural system), but the functional vulnerabiiity is
~ ~ i ~ ) t i ~usually
at least as impor [ : i n [ . t " ~ ~ ~ ~ vl(íwraí,ii/iiy ~ / is higher than structural vulnerability,
such tliat furict i o i i ; i I f.:iil urc precxdes the srr.uctur:il failure. Functional vulnerability often can be
reduced witti t i i g h l ~co!.
~ 1 cft'r.c.ii\ c n1c:iris.
- 67 -

7.3.1 Characteristics of in f ras t r uc t u ral systems

Every infrastructure-system consists of structures (individual and interconnected structures),
equipment, power-supply, control systems, etc. One distinguishes between object-oriented
systems (OS) as hospitals, police- and fire-stations, central food-storage and network-oriented
systems (NS) as electricity-, gas-, water-, sewer-systems.
The following types of infrastructural systems are particular important during disasters:
Public Services: Hospitals (OS)
Police-stations (OS)
Fire-stations (OS)
Central food distribution centres (OS)

Water: Water supply (NS)

Sewers (NS)

Transportation: Roads, highways (NS)

Railways (NS)
Airport (OS)
Iinrboiirs (NS)

Telecommunication : S urkiie based telecommunication (NS)

Mod iilar telecommunication (OS)

Energy supply: Electricity (NS)

Gas (NS)
Petrol, Gasoline (OS or NS)
The characteristics and the individual importance of those systems and its components vary in
every country from site to sit(:.

7.3.2 Vulncrabilit!. of irifi-nst r-tictuwi systems

In a infrastructiird sJ'sterii :lot c \ ' ~ yirtructure, or subsystem has the same importance to
maintain the funcrionnlity of iiie sy?,teiii. During a disaster not every public service has to
function to the same extent 3s ir1 norrnal times, e.g. to maintain the public health system in
emergency periods. Kot every hospital has the same importance, and equal emergency
capacities. The responsible aictlloriricrs of every infrastnictural system have do define services to
be provided during each type of disaster. This so-called reduced mode will vary with the
disaster type and its intensity. The system vulnerability has to be evaluated to maintain such
reduced modes. To car-efiiily define reduced modes of services is a delicate political problem
with ecnomic con szq iieiicc'Y..
Line-based systcms :is \v;iicr ;irid power lines cross wide areas with different geological and
topographical conditions i n \ olving local and temporal interruptions. Such systems can most
effectively be strengthened by introducing some network redundancy. Redundancy also
improves the opernliotiul availdu'liric~sin normal times.
The behaviour or object-based systcms depends heavily on local site conditions. A careful
site selection with respecr to earthquake hazard is important. Avoiding unfavourable site
conditions such as loose soil deposits, or high water table reduces the hazard damages. When
strengthening is foreseen, the infliicrice on the shaking level and the overall underground
behaviour has to h e evaliiateti cLircfiilly. Practical experience demonstrates often lacks in this
- 68 -

7.3.3 Vulnerability of infrastructural components

Methods to asses the vulnerability of struct.ures are well established. Experience from past
earthquakes demonstrates that structures built according to modem codes, typically later than
1980, face limited damage. Methods also exists to assess the óehaviour of underground due to
strong shaking (e.g. liquefaction potential). At least some parts of an infrastructure have also to
fulfill serviceability criteria.
Mechanical and eIectrical components
Experience for the assessment of vulnerability for ordinary mechanical and electrical equipment
under earthquake excitation is not really available.


Mitigation means taking actions to reduce the effects of a hazard before it occurs. The term
mitigation applies to a wide range of activities aiming to better assess the hazard and to reduce
the vulnerability of systems. These can range from the physical protection, like constructing
stronger buildings and strengthening existing structures, introducing redundancy in a system to
procedural iinprove/rioir s 1i k ~ i,n t rod ucing standard techniques for incorporating hazard
assessment in land-use planning, or preparation of disaster response and reconstruction plans.
Building disaster-protection rakes time. i n urban areas most of the infrastructure is not built
to modem codes and clirrility assiirance methods. In rural areas most buildings and part of the
infrastructure are non-engineered. To achieve an earthquake resilient infrastructural system,
therefore, takes time and requires a contir.uous effort in improving the system resistance,
maintaining or iniproviiig the system safety level and providing the necessary funding. This
task is difficult for disshters w i l h longer return periods like earthquakes. An entire earthquake
resilient infrastructural system is econoniically nor feasible as also not reasonable. Therefore, a
prioris) of real needs is Imed on:

(1) Careful definition of ihe rquired reduced mode of the system,

(2) Evaluation of the 1tiipori;inc~eof a11 sJstem components to maintain the reduced mode,
(3) Hazard assessmeii[ t;ikirig into account local conditions and
(4) Vulnerability of rht: iiiiportant components.
Mitigration planing slioiild aini to develop a safety culture in which ail members of the society,
fiom regional to 1oc:il governtiizritril orgariisations, leaders of industries and services as weli the
general public are aware of the h z x r d they face and will support mitigation efforts.
The main principles to :icliicvc ;ir1 earthquLikeresilient infrastructure system are:
Design of scri*icc tI(’ntYJr-kSsystettzs (transportation, water supply and sewer, energy
supply or telecoiiii~i~iriicntion) needs careful planning to reduce the systemsfailwe. Long
supply lines cut ;ii any pniiit. lnterconnected networks are less vulnerable to local failures
provided t h a t int-iividii;il sections can be isolated when necessary. Systems with
centralised coiittol f,iciliti\ again involve a higher risk than decentraiised systems with
several iiitercoriiiected control centres. In such systems redundancies are a must.
Careful location o f nc.ii~fac,iliries,in particular infrastructural systems as also community
facilities like hospitals o r schoo!s play an important role in reducing settlement
vulnerability in urban :ireas. Deconcentration of risk elements is important. Microzoning
of earthquake h:iz:ird is 3 bnsic tool for risk mitigation.
- 69 -

Link between different sectors of economy may be vulnerable to disruption by disaster.

Diversification of the economy is a way to reduce the risk of economy breakdown in the
aftermath of an event and thus reducing the capability of a fast recovery. A strong
economy seems to be the best defence against any type of disaster. Within a strong
economy, governments are able to maintain a resistant infrastructure and provide
economic incentives to encourage institutions and individuals to take disaster mitigation
The main steps of earthquake risk mitigation can be summarisd as follows:
Assess carefully regional and local settlements, economy and social vulnerability. Assess
also the effects of large events on the economical and social conditions. Set priorities
where and to which extent mitigation measures are mandatory.
Define infrastructiiritl systems important for disaster response and reconstruction.
Define socially and economically acceptable functionality for every infkastructural system.
Assess carefcilly h a z m i by taking into account regional and local geological and
topographical effects as well as secondary hazards mggered by earthquakes.
Assess infrastructural system vulnerability taking into account structural and functional
aspects as well as redundancy and fast repair possibilities.
- 71-

M. Conedera


Forests vary significantly with the 1ocLtion. The following refers particularly to Alpine
forests with a typical elevation of 500 to 2000 m a.s.1. in the moderate climate zone. In
Switzerland most forest fires occur in the Southern part, a small region of 4'OOO km2 (10%of
the total national area) with a forest cover of 44% (176'000 ha). Other minor fue-sensitive
regions are the Northern part of the canton of Grison and the canton of Wallis.


In 1992 a forest fire research project was started within the Swiss National Research Program
31 (NRP 31) Clirnatc Clraizge arid Natitral Disasters by the. branch station south of the A l p
of the Swiss Federal Institute €or Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (FNP Sottostazione
Sud delle Alpi). The NRP 31 projecr enabled to reconstruct fue data concerning date, time,
duration, cause of ignition, area burnt, fire type, forest habitat, and other variables from more
than 5500 fire events since 1900 (Conedera et al. 1993). This information has been organised
in a relational database. A similar data base is now in progress for the canton of Wallis
(Bochatay and Moulin 1998). The spatial and temporal analysis of wildfue Occurrence has
been studied for the canton of Grison through a case study (Langhart et al. 1998).


Based on the correspondiris fire data base the fire history for southern Switzerland in this
century has been recreated (Conedera et al. 1996). The significance of these factors was then
verified by comparing the results with charcoal concentrations in recent sediments from the
lake of Onglio (Timer et al. 1998). The most notable aspect of fire regime development in
this century is the general increase in the occurrence of fires since the sixties with a marked
rise of summer fircs since the seventies (Conedera et al. 1996, Fig. 8.1).
- 72 -

Paleoecological methods were used in order to reconstnict prehistoric forest fires and their
possible effects on vegetation (Tinner and Conedera 1995, Tinner et al. 1998, Tinner et al.
1999, Berli et al. 1994). In southern Switzerland the highest fire frequency occurred in the
Holocene during the Bronze and Iron ages due to anthropogenically ir!duceú fire (slash and
bum practices, Tinner et al. 1999). All marked peaks in the charcoal curve since the Neolithic
correlate with decreases of tree pollen (Tinner and Conedera 1995, Tinner et al. 1999).


Different fire ecology studies on the effects of forest frres are being carried out. The main
issues are:
Post-fire vegetation reaction (tree, shrub and grass layer),
Effects on invertebrate diversity,
Post-fue runoff and soil erosion (splash and sheet erosion),
Effects on soil water content,
Effects on soil microorganisms.

Tab. 8.1:

Institute Unit Group Field of Participa

lea der(s) activity tion EU-
- - Projects
Swiss Fedcrai FNP Marco Conedera Fire ecology, Minerve
Institute for Sotlostazion Pctcr Marxer Fire 11;
Forest, Snow c Sud dcllc Marco Moretti management Promethe
and Landscapc Alpi us
Research __ S.V.
ccological Pcr.cr Blascr Effects on
pccsws soil
13 io(iivcr\ily Pcrcr Dueili Effects on
- invertebrates
land sca pi* F. Dcndroecolo
d)fniiiiiic Sc Iiucingrubcr €7
in a nag c 11 I c !I
:jvalanchc Perry Bartelt Modelling Inflame
d y nnrn ics
ETH Zurich [)-\!’A1 I 0 Daiiic I Risk Minerve
hl:iridallaz prediction I1
University of c;col>oLiri ic. Brigilia Paiaeohistory
Beme ínstitiitc Ainrnann
W i i l y Tinner
1)cparlmc:nt Helmut Effects on
0f E iscnbeer soil
University of Ikparlmcn t BrillaAllgower Modelling Minerve
Zurich of Aridreas Fire II;
G coy rapt1 y Bachmann Management Inflame
University of ínstilutc of Picrrc Hainard Effects on
iausanne 13 o u n y vegetation
University of ilc [ x i r i i i i ~ t~ n llclrniit Leser Effects on
Basel or C . M’üihrich soil
(;cocr:\plz ,
- 73 -

Although these studies are going on, first results for the chestnut forests in southern
Switzerland are available:
Repetition of fires leads to an impovenshment of the vegetation towards fie-tolerant
species (Delarze et al. 1992, Hofmann et al. 1998, Berli 1996),
This development is not only depended on the original floristic composition, but also
on the survival strategies of the different species (Hofmann et al. 1998),
Long-term repeated fires lead to a reduction of the nutrient level (Marxer et al. 1998,
Delarze et al. 1992, Hofmann et al. 1998),
Forest fires increase soil erosion, runoff and risk of debris flow. The magnitude of this
effect seems to be a function of fire severity (Marxer et al. 1998),
In burned areas the richness of species of many faunistic groups (spiders, carabids, ants)
is higher than in unburned areas (Moretti et al. 1998),
Distribution of the species' abundance of the burned areas reflect typically an unstable
(disturbed) and dynzmic ecosystem (Moretti et al. 1998),
Different fire regimes (fire frequency and time elapsed since the last fue) have clear
effects on faunistic diversity (Moretti et al. 1998).


The general increase i n the occurrence of forest fires since the sixties (Conedera et al. 1996)
makes it increasingly necessary to improve thti.forest fire risk prediction methods. Different
fire risk prediction approaches are operational or in development in Switzerland:
Statistical model based on the Poisson distribution (Mandallaz and Ye 1997),
Hybrid expert system for the spatial prediction of wildfire danger (Bolognesi 1996),
GIS-based franiewrork for wildfire risk asiessment (Schoning et al. 1997).

Due to the :inrliropogeiiic origin of most fires, factors describing human activities (i. e.
weekends or ho1id:iys) l i x l to be integrated i n fire risk forecasts (Mandallaz and Ye 1997).

Fifi.li.2 Forcst lire in Sta. Maria (Misox) in April 1997.

- 74 -


Fire behaviour modelling may be approached with two different scales: Landscape scale
(Schoning et al. 1997) and Fuel bed scale (burn table, Bartelt 1997). The basis for the fire
behaviour modelling on the landscape level is the Rothermel model for the behaviour of
surface fires. For any given point it calculates local intensity and spread parameters for the
head of a surface fire. The fire spread model is implemented in SPARKS, a prototype fire
behaviour modelling application. It is fully integrated in a commercial Geographical
Information System (ARCDNFO), built on its raster modelling and applications development
functionalities (Schoning et al. 1997). In order to provide input data for the fire behaviour
modelling, fuel models were built for different forest types in Switzerland (Allgower et al.
The small scale approach proposes to investigate the thermodynamical properties of the
forest fuel bed as well as the mechanics of forest fire spread by field observations, laboratory
experiments and numerical modelling in combination. Fire intensity and fire spread velocity
are studied in laboratory experiments (burn table) and numerical modelling (Bartelt 1997).

Fig.8.3 Night vicw of thc burning siopc above Mezzivico (Tessin) in April 1997.


Although forest fires i n the Alps seldom became a threat to life and property of local residents
and tourists, some problems originate from forest fires in connection with the protection
function of the forest, soil conservation or economical aspects of the timber industry.
Therefore it is important to implement the acquired knowledge on forest fires in decision
support sysrems and computer based management tools.

Different studies w'ere already carried out on this topic: GIS-analysis for wildfire
management planning i n the Swiss National Park, Internet applications in the context of
wildfire management, a GIS-based framework for wildfire risk assessment (Bachmann et al.
- 75 -

1997, Bartsch et al. 1998) and a study on the integration of fire effects on vegetation in fire
management strategies (Fürst and Conedera 1996).

Fig.8.4 Fire line of the 1998 organized fire experiment by the FNP
Sottostazione Sud delle Alpi in St. Antonino (Ticino).


With these activities the Swiss research groups participated in European projects like
MINERVE2, I N F L A ~ I Eand PROXIETIIEUS S.V. since 1994 (Tab.8.1). The ongoing studies on
prediction, modelling, ecology and effects of forest fires allow to obtain decisive instruments
for supporting the responsible fire management authorities and fire brigades in order to aim at
a more differentiated fire manageiiierit strategy for Switzerland.


Allgower B., Harvey S., Rüegsegger M. (1998). Fuel models for Switzerland: Description,
spatial pattern, index for torching and crowning. I11 International Conf. Forest Fire
Research, 14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology 2: 2605-2620.
Bachmann A., Schoning R., Allgower B. (1997). Feuermanagement mit Geographischen
Informationssystemen. Geograpliica Helvetica 1.
Bartsch A., Allgower B., Bachmanri A . (1998). Expert knowledge based tools for wildfire
management in Switzerland. 111 International Conf. Forest Fire Research, 14th Conference
on Fire and Forest Meteorology 2 : 2293-2294.
Bartelt, P. (1997). Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of forest fire spread i n
Southern Switzerland. Iizterrial Research Plan Birmensdorf, 10 p.
Berli, S. (1996). Braizdspirretz ir1 detz Wüldern der Alpensüdseite. Swiss Federal Institute for
Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, 123 p.
Berli, S., Cherubini, P., Scoch, W. (1994). Rekonstruktion von Bestandesfluktuationen,
Bodenmachtigkeit wid Feuergeschichte über 7000 Jahre BP mittels Holzkohle-Analysen.
Bot. Helv. 104: 17-30.
Rochatay, J., h?ouliii, J.B. (199s). Inventaire des incendies de foret dans le Canton du Valais
et création d’iine h s e de données. Oiteriml paper 12 p.
- 76 -

Bolognesi, R. (1996). Prévision des feux de foret: Conception, implémentation et évaluation

d'un modele de prévision spatio-temporelle. Rapportfinal Minerve 2. Davos, 46 p.
Cone¿i?%a,-M., Marcozzi, Ríí:; Jud, B. (1993). Banque de données sur les incendies de foret au
Sud des Alpes suisses. Symposium Contribution of European Engineers to Reduction of
Natural Disasters 29.-30. Sept., Lausanne: 165-171.
Conedera, M., Marcozzi, M., Jud, B., Mandallaz, D., Chatelain, F., Frank, C., Kienast, F.,
Ambrosetti, P., Corti, G. (1996). Incendi boschivi al Scd delle Alpi: Passato, presente e
possibili sviluppi futuri. NRP 3i Report, Bellinzona, 140 p. (in Italian).
Delarze, R., Caldelari, D., Hainard, P. (1992). Effects of fires on forest dynamics in Southein
Switzerland. Vegetation Science 3: 55-60.
Fürst, M., Conedera, M. (1996). Valutazione delle conseguenze degli incendi boschivi, in
funzione della pianificazione antincendio al Sud delle Alpi della Svizzera. Rapportofinale
progetto IDNDR, Bellinzona, 29 p. (in Italian).
Hofmann, C., Conedera, M., Delarze, R.,Carraro, G., Giorgetti, P. (1998). Effets des
incendies de foret sur la végétation au Sud des Alpes suisses. Mitreiiung 73 der
Eidgenossischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft 1: 1-90.
Langhart R., Bachmann A., Allgower B. (1998). Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfire
occurrence (Canton of Gnscm, Switzerland). Proc. I11 Int. Conf. on Forest Fire Research,
Luso Coimbra, Portugal, 16. -- 20. November 2: 2279 - 2292.
Mandallaz, D., Ye, R. (1997). Prediction of forest fires with Poisson model. Canadian
Journal of Forest liesearch 27(10): 1685-1694.
Marxer, P., Conedera, C., Scliiiub, D. (1998). Postfire runoff and soil erosion in sweet
chestnut forests iri Soiitti Switzerland. Proceedings I11 Int. Conf. Forest Fire Research
Luso, Coimbra, Portugal, 16. 20. November 2: 1317 - 1331.

Moretti, M., Ii¿jrdeycri, P.,Conedera, M., Duelli, P., Edwards, P.J. (1998). The effects of
wildfire on spiders and carabid beetles in deciduous forests on the southern slope of the
Alps (Ticino, Switzerland). I1 I International Conf. Forestfire research, 14th Conference
on Fire and Forest Meteorology 2: 1465-1475.
Schoning Reto, Biichniarin Aridreus, Allgower I3ritta (1997). GIS-based framework for
wildfire risk assessment. Final Report of the MINERVE 11-Project.
Tinner ,W., Hubsclimid, P.,\Vc.lirli, M., Ammnnn, R., Conedera M. (1999). Long-term forest
fire ecology arid dyii:iriiics i r i ,outhern Switzerland. Journal of Ecology 87: 273-289.
Tinner, W., Coriederii. M., Ariiiiixiri, B., Glisseler, ILW., Gedye, S . , Jones, R., Sagesser, B.
(1998). Pollen arid cli:irco;il iii llilie wdiments compared with historically documented
forest fires i n soiiitic.rii S u ~ i t z c r h r i dsirice AI:) 1920. The Holocene 8: 31-42.
Tinner, W. :irid Corieticr ;I. &l. ( 1')95j. iiici:igiiii pnleobotaniche sulla storia della vegetazione e
degli inceridi 1orcst:ili diii ante I'(1Ioccnc al Lago di Origlio (Ticino meridionale).
Bollettino ricllrr Soci(Jtí?'l-i(,il/(.sc di .í'(:i(JtizNarurali 83: 91-106.



D.L. Vischer
Three domains of infrastructure defense against floods may be distinguished: (1) Dams and
nuclear power plants, with a federal protection level, (2) Plants of water and energy supply
with directions and recommendations involving authorities and private associations, and (3)
Remaining infrastructure for which no guidelines are actually available, and for which
infrastructure defense is a private concern. Currently, this state is particularly discussed though
not realized.


For dams and nuclear power plants, the federal authorities are in. charge of security aspects.
This is due to the national and even international significance of such infrastructure. Therefore,
their damage is not the prime concern but the prevention of particularly long reaching
Up till today, Switzerland has riot been hit by dam failures. The fact, that such disasters have
occured internntion:iliy rind that roughly one third may be demonstrated to result from
overtopping is noteworthy. As long as dams are operational, floods can be significantly stored
or at least dampened. If f u l l dams fail, however, the resulting flood is much larger than when
there would have been no storage, and has an enormous potential of destruction. The Swiss
regulations ain: to escludz any dem failure, rhersfore. This concept is based on three bases,
including (1) structural safety, (2) control and (3) emergency concept. i n the following, these
three items are shortly reviewed.

Fig.!)-1 Spillway overflow at Contra arch dam close to Locarno,

S\vitzcrlnnd, 221rn height, into service since 1966.
-78 -

Structural safety is considered the most important feature of dams including their design and
execution. Dams have to resist of course the enormous water pressure, particularly during
floods. In addition they include a spillway to exclude overtopping (Fig.9.1). The hydraulic
design of spillways includes thus two design discharges, namely the one thousand year flood,
and the catastrophic discharge.
The one rhousand year flood should be diverted without any damage to the dam. The
following assumptions are thereby considered: (1) T h i s flood snters a full reservoir, with ail
inrakes closed (particularly important for Switzerland with an general use of water power), (2)
The reservoir freeboard relative to wave action and other imponderables are guaranteed. For
dams equipped with gates, the (n-1) condition has also to be satisfied, invoking that the gate
with the largest discharge capacity is closed during the flood event.
The catastrophic discharge is defined as being equal to the one thousand years discharge
times a factor of 1.5 applied to both flood peak and basis, and corresponds roughly to the ten
thousand years discharge. This flood should pass the spillway without initiating dam failure but
causing some minor damages. The freeboard can partly be used and the (n-1) condition applies
only to embankment dams.
Conrrol as the second basis oí' the security concept guarantees that a dam with itsconsiderable
longevity does not teniporally change. This may mean that gated spillways remain always fully
operational, or that temporal changes in hydrology are accounted for by a corresponding design
flood. The latter niay caiise a n increase of the spillway facilities.
The emergency concept as tht: third basis includes emergency drawdown of the reservoir
level to inhibit dam failure or waning of' downstream zones if this is impossible. In regions
where the flood would arrive within 1.5 hours after a dam break, the warning is made with
specially in stalled water e merge nc y sirens.
For nuclear power plnnts, flood protection is basically required though not detailed up till
today. There arc ctirr-cntly no !>tand;ird:; available as for dams, and a local procedure is
accounted for. S\\,itzcrl:ind Lvilii o n l y t'oiir' nuclear power plants has no real need as compared
to about 200 d m i s iimicr fccier-:i! :iiitliority. Such dams are characterized by a height larger than
10 m, a reseroir voiiiriic~1;irgt.r t h a n 50.000 m3 or it specific potential of damage. Cantonal
authorities are i n duty for- the lois ot'smnllcr dams.


The pipeline systems iiicliidz the water and gas supply, the electricity supply and the sewage
disposal schemes. Given their locally fixed installation, their damage by natural disasters is
particularly large.
Drinking and iridustrini tt*otct slipply ;is used in Switzerland originate by 80% from the
groundwater reservoirs anti bl, 20'70 from lakes. There is a federal law dating from 1991 and
relating to the securing of drinking water i n emergency situations. It contains minimum criteria
regarding quantity and qiiali ty of supply waters and also regulates the responsibilities. Details
are left over to owners and operators which are members of the Swiss Gas and Water
Association SG WA. Accordingly, a SGWA-regulation indicates the design and operation of
drinking water emergeiicy siipplic.s, with cmly a general account to floodings, however.

Spring and lake watcr iritiikes arc flood-proof in general, whereas groundwater fountains are
often not if they are Iot.iitcd i n f Iood plains and thiis suffer from floodings. Contaminant flood
water can enter :i foiiii[:iiii :irid thiis contaminate a complete supply system. Groundwater
fountains are tliiis eie\f;itcd i o ;it)ovc the flmd level, typically on a small artificial hill to inhibit
-79 -

Earthborne water supply systems are not really in danger during floods, except damages due
to scour or erosion. During the Brig disaster in 1993, the supply pipelines were damaged and
filled with solid matter, which eventually reached the filters upstream of the buildings and
caused clogging. The drinking water supply was practically out of operation and the
reoperation was significantly retarded. The current guidelines thus recommend to place filters
sufficiently high that sedimentation is impossible and cleaning remains simple.

Sewer.7 are typically based on the combined sewcr system practice, with stormwater and
sewage in the same pipeline. Separation into the treatment facilities and the receiving waters
occurs at so-called stormwater overflow structures. The most important guidelines are included
in the 1991 federal law o n water protection, with details dealt with by the Swiss Water
Pollution Association VSA.
A sewer with stormwater floods can cause additional floodings, an effect not further
elaborated here. The impact of natural floods on sewer systems is of relevance, however.
Stormwater overflows normally discharging sewage into the receiving waters can become
intake structures to a sewer system during high flood levels. Such undesirable events can be
countered by clieck valves with sonle risk for clogging in both flow directions. They are
therefore not gener~illyaccepted. The flood level can even reach lower bui!¿ing iniakes which
must be located :it ;i cemiiii !iiininium elvation, according to VSA-regulations.

Out-of-the-river floodings may cause damage to sewers via submergence and intake by
manholes. Examples such as those of Poschiavo in 1987, and Brig in 1993 have led to highly
undesirable conditions with a complete clogging by mainly sand and gravel. Only after a
fortnight, the sem'ers of Brig for example were flushed with high-pressure systems. It seems
that this potential o f d:irii:ige cannot really be countered by infrastnictural protection.

Cutleis of szwage ::e:itr?ient facilities into a receiving water car? also be influenced by
floodings, arid the outlet elevation is normally located at the 100 years flood level. Therefore,
the sewage is oftc'ri elcv;itc(! with screw piinips to a sufficiently high level. These pumps are
located either ;it tlic fiiL.iIil>, inlet, or Imween v;irious basins of the plant, or even at the facility
outlet. If the trc;i'riicnt l-:ii.ility is still subject to floods, the control installations are at least
located at flood-pi oof c s l c \ . ; i t i o r i .

The Swiss gn.r ~ í / p / ~i?,í vixised on iiiiported gas. Therefore, this country has a distribution
network but no ::is pociiirt ion phiits. The distribution network is not really sensitive to floods,
although there niiglit bc ;i (1;image potential for pipelines located close to rivers and brooks. An
example is the pipclinc riiririing :ilon,< Rhone river which might be scoured by out-of-the-river
floods. Then, esp.mimis c i i i occur. A t the time of design, it was necessary to demonstrate that
the Rhorie ri\rer is :ictii:illJ :>tablei n terms of thalweg geometry, and river migration could be
excluded. A n adtli rioriiil sct)iir arid erosion protection was only exceptionally applied. The
control of such pipelines i.; under the Swiss Federal pipeline inspectorate and details are
regulated by SGM'Ij.

The Swiss clcctt-ic siqipl) involves roughly 60% hydropower and 40% nuclear power. The
flood-proofing oi its irifrnsrructure was already discussed. One may add that practically all
dams are related IO hydropower and only few are used for flood storage. Flood security of river
powerplants with a large potential of damage follow similar regulations as dams. The
overground powcrhoiises :ire usually in the flood regions and must be made floodproof,
therefore. Vie x c c s s road aid the powerhouse entrance must be elevated at least above the 100
years flood level. 1'or iindu-;:roiind powerhouses, flooding danger is low and safety may easily
be obtained by :i >ui'ticiciitIy high entrance elevation. There are actually no guidelines available.
The coordinator o f such (;iic;tioiis is itie Swiss Electricity Supply Association.

The gross distr-ihiiiiori ot' electricity involves high tension networks, whose poles are
normally flood-p:.oof. 131.t.~il;clo~iis :ire thus seldom and are not really known for the Swiss
electric supply i i L ' i \ . \ 01 k . 'I iic I x g c switcliyrirds are normally erected sufficiently above flood
elevation, \vlicrc;i\ s i i i ; i i l c s i \\,arks iii;iy l x locared i n flood risk zones. As was demonstrated by
-80 -

recent incidents the corresponding subworks, transformation stations and distribution cabins
are often nouufficiently safe-agai-st floods. Cable lines may enhance flooding of electricity
stations. Due to an old and unfortunate tradition, the measuring, dismbution, regulation and
safety installations of the buildings are generally installed at the basement where they. may
immediately break down.

I: i g . Y . 2 Shorc protcction a t Rcuss rivcr close to Gotthard highway

iiinncl, witti concrctc groins of 66 t weight.

Fi g.9.3 Shield backup bridge, schematic streamwise section, design

cxnmple of Cimavilla bridge at Poschiavo, Switzerland.

The Swiss telephone rzenuork is laid practically always underground and seems to be less
prone to flood danxiges as coinpared to the electrical network. Handies increase of course the
conimunication snfety during flood flows.
-81 -

Traffic infrastructiire related to flood safety has a widely varying degree of protection.
Railroads are particularly safe in this country and critical locations are often crossed with
embankments. When running along rivers, the railroads have a special protection against bank
erosion. Bridges are so high as to inhibit any overtopping or side flows. Along steep slopes,
notorious brooks are often bypassed over galleries. The sane methods are also used with
highways and other strategic roads (Fig.9.2). In contrast, few works have been erected for
normal highways, and damages are particularly numerous with road culverts and small bridge
openings. ThesPu latter may cause significant backwater with corresponding floodings upstream
or result in bridge clogging by sediment and float.
Some disasterous river overtoppings were initiated by bridges substructures too close to the
water level. Two recent designs were introduced for bridges where their elevation cannot be
increased, namely a so-called culvert bridge and the lift bridge. The culvert bridge (Fig.9.3)
inhibits the bridge flooding by forcing water and sediment through the opening, whereas the Z@
bridge (Fig.9.4) just releases the water flow. Two lift bridges have been built in Brig, one for a
public road, the other for the railroad.

Few probleiiis x i s e n,it h tlic ni;tri!r suspension railways because their poles can easily be
designed flood-pro()f.

Buildings in the Alps ;ire rioriiially rAotflood-proof, as was already mentioned. Given that all
the buildings are irisiired, :irid insurances do not apply different risk classes, no particular
stiniulus is created for hiiiiciing protection. Therefore, even new buildings can be found in out-
of-the-river floodplains with garages and other installations in the basement. A 1993 federal
law is in order t h a t deiiiands ;i n m p p i n g of natural hazard zones. Thus, rules and orders are
supposed to follow i n ternis o f b~iildingprotection. The corresponding guidelines are still
missing, but may include:
- Hood-proof design of biiiidirigs typically on small earth pourings (Fig.9.5), on piers or
be hind local eiiibn nk men I L ,
- Omission of basements or ddiriori of seals for entrances, light and air supplies.
- Structural means against erosion arid water pressure, including buoyancy.
- Irnproveiiient of'flood resistance of' water anti power supply to the buildings considered.
-82 -

The realization of structural means seems rather simple, given the general stability of Alpine

Fig.9.S Building at Saas Balm, Switzerland, in the flood reach of

S a x c r Vispa. The earth fill renders it practically floodproof.

It can also be mentioned that Alpine buildings are generally heated with oil, and an oil tank is
normally located close to the cellar that may be damaged by floods. It can thus buckle or even
swim up. The latter case is pxticulnrly dangerous because it leads to a failure of the connecting
pipes, and the leaking of oil coritmiiri:ites the groundwater. Therefore, water authorities require
also safety measures against rliost: incidents.

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