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08-2001 - Public Cyclone Shelters - QLD Public Worls

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for submission to


August 2002

Prepared by Mullins Consulting Pty Ltd for the Queensland Government.





3.1 Shelter Location 5
(a) Access
(b) Storm Tide
(c) Flood
(d) Land Slip
(e) Other
3.2 Structure 7
(a) Wind Loads
(b) Debris Loads
(c) Earthquake Loads
(d) Permanent and Imposed Loads
3.3 Human Factors 9
(a) Area per Occupant
(b) Occupancy Duration
(c) Lighting
(d) Safe Movement and Access
(e) Access for People with Disabilities
(f) Ventilation
(g) Amenities
(h) Communications
(i) Emergency Power
(j) Emergency Provisions
(k) Waterproofing and Weatherproofing
3.4 Other Factors 14
(a) Fire Detection and Emergency Warning
(b) Lightning Protection
3.5 Shelter Management 15
(a) Shelter Operations Plan
(b) Shelter Maintenance Plan
(c) Signage


APPENDIX I Specifications and Guidelines

APPENDIX II Reference Documents
APPENDIX III Stakeholder Distribution List

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

The “Design Guidelines for Australian Public Cyclone Shelters” document has been
developed by the Department of Public Works, Queensland. Emergency Management
Australia (EMA) provided funding for the project under the 2001/02 EMA Projects
Program. Stakeholders in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland have
reviewed the document. A list of the stakeholders to which the draft document was
distributed is included in Appendix III.

This report has been prepared by Mullins Consulting Pty Ltd, as a consultant to the
Department of Public Works Queensland, with Project Services as the sub-consultant for
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and building surveying issues, with input
from QBuild Disaster Management Services. Mullins Consulting has addressed civil and
structural engineering issues.

The consultant and sub-consultants were represented by:

Mullins Consulting Pty Ltd: Dr. Peter Mullins
Project Services: Mr. Garry Leis, Building Surveyor
Mr. Allan Russell, Electrical Engineer.
Mr. Len Taplin, Mechanical Engineer.
Mr. David Robinson, Disaster Coordinator.

QBuild Disaster Management Services was represented by Mr. John Rossiter.

Comments were received from:

Mr. Allan Shaw – Rockhampton City Council.
Mr. Jeffrey Harris – Mackay City Council.
Mr. David Farmer – Cairns City Council.
Mr. Nabil Yazdani – Department of Local Government and Regional Planning,
Western Australia.
Mr. Brian Milanovic - Townsville City Council.
Mr. Fabio Finocchiaro - Department of Lands, Planning and Environment in consultation
with Emergency Services and Construction Agency, Northern Territory.
Mr. Ain Kuru – Department of Local Government and Planning, Queensland.
Ms. Carolyn Honeywill – Emergency Services, Queensland.

The document has been amended where appropriate to incorporate comments and the
contributors advised accordingly.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
The objective of this document is to provide guidelines for design requirements of public
cyclone shelters in Australia. Guidelines are included for site selection, for the design of
new buildings and for the assessment and upgrading of existing buildings, including
management and operational aspects.

Public cyclone shelters are buildings that provide shelter during a severe tropical cyclone.
The requirements of shelters occupied after the cyclonic event (recovery centres) differ
from the requirements for shelters occupied during the event (public cyclone shelters).
This document only addresses design guidelines for public cyclone shelters (occupied
during a severe tropical cyclone) and does not address the requirements of recovery
centres (occupied after the event). Issues such as the number of shelter spaces required
within a community, and the acquisition and activation of buildings are beyond the scope
of this document.

The need for shelter buildings during a severe tropical cyclone arises from people who do
not have suitable accommodation to resist wind load and wind borne debris (e.g.
travellers, caravan park residents) or who are evacuated from areas which may be
inundated by the sea water due to a tidal surge. Accommodation of people from potential
storm tide inundation areas presents the greatest need for shelter.

A number of authorities have designated public cyclone shelters (for example, Northern
Territory since Cyclone Tracy in 1974, and some local governments in Queensland and
Western Australia). Discussions with a number of the authorities indicated that there is a
lack of consistency in the performance requirements of the public cyclone shelters within
Australia and in some cases the standards adopted were below that required by current
building regulations.

The lack of consistency and inadequate standard of public cyclone shelters was
highlighted by a program initiated by the Queensland Government Department of Public
Works in 1998 to identify existing buildings that were suitable or could be made suitable
as shelters during a severe tropical cyclone (References 20,21,22).

The program was initiated out of concerns that people housed in those shelters might be
placed at risk during a cyclone, due to potential flooding of the shelter or structural
inadequacy of the building and building fabric.

Assessments were based upon criteria developed by the Department of Public Works,
which included potential flood and storm tide levels and building resistance to cyclonic
winds and flying debris.

No building was assessed as suitable without upgrade works. Investigation of upgrade

works revealed conflicts between the requirements of the Building Code of Australia
(Reference 16) and that of a public cyclone shelter.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
This work led to Emergency Management Australia commissioning the Department of
Public Works to prepare national guidelines for cyclone shelter performance criteria.

While no national guidelines have been developed in Australia to date, the United States
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a comprehensive document
in July 2000 on design and construction guidance for community shelters in America
(Reference 24). The document addresses community shelters that will provide protection
during tornado and hurricane events. However, the document was not developed for
Australian design and construction although it is the most applicable reference available.

The Design Guidelines for Australian Public Cyclone Shelters document is based upon a
review of the criteria developed by the Department of Public Works, with reference to
state, national and international practices, standards and legislation. These guidelines have
incorporated requirements identified by stakeholders in Western Australia, Northern
Territory and Queensland and are intended to present a consensus on the proposed criteria
for the design of public cyclone shelters in Australia.

Design guidelines primarily address the safety of people in the shelter. The shelter is not
intended for the purpose of storage of property. It is intended that people enter the shelter
with minimal personal effects (e.g. waterproof satchel containing personal papers and
valuables such as insurance papers and passports; special medicines and baby needs;
battery radio, torch and spare batteries; light snacks and drinks).

Guidelines contained in this document relating to the strength of the shelter building are
consistent with and additional to the Building Code of Australia (References 16, 17)
requirements for designated emergency shelters in the cyclonic regions of Australia (refer
Section 3.2). While designated emergency shelters are constructed to resist a more severe
cyclone than normal buildings within the community, it is possible that a cyclone with
even greater severity could occur and may result in failure of the shelter building.

These guidelines provide a method of assessment to ensure the shelter is “fit-for-purpose”.

They address the temporary use of a building, or a portion of a building, with basic
amenities to provide safe shelter for a large number of people during a tropical cyclone of
severity Category 1, 2, 3 or 4.

The guidelines are not applicable to shelters in Category 5 cyclones, except in a portion of
Western Australia between latitudes 20 and 25 degrees. In this location of Western
Australia the Building Code of Australia (Reference 16) specifies the design requirements
to be greater. Shelters in this location in Western Australia are to be designed for gust
wind speeds up to 356 km/hr (Section 3.2(a)). Shelters in this location of Western
Australia are not applicable for a Category 5 cyclone with gust wind speeds greater than
356 km/hr.

A Category 5 cyclone is the most severe category of cyclone, with gust wind speeds greater than 280 km/hr.
There is no defined upper limit on the gust wind speed of a Category 5 cyclone.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
In addition to location and structure of the building, basic human factors to be
incorporated into the building such as lighting, ventilation, amenities and others are

Although the shelter will be used for the assembly of persons, the normal use of the
building may not necessarily be for assembly purposes. The Building Code of Australia
classifies buildings according to their usage, and most State Building Legislation
considers an occupation other than in accordance with the design classification to be an
offence. However, under special circumstances, relevant State Legislation (e.g.
Queensland State Counter Disaster Organization Act (Reference 34) and the Standard
Building Regulation – Regulation 96 (Reference 36)) provide a legislative framework so
that a building can be used for a purpose other than that which it is classified, provided the
building is fit for the purpose.

It is suggested that a formal risk management assessment (including disaster risks) is undertaken for each
shelter in accordance with AS/NZS 4360.

The guidelines for design of public cyclone shelters are categorised in the following
sections as:
• Shelter Location – Factors affecting the location of the shelter including storm tide
heights, river or creek flood levels, access and the location of existing significant
• Structure – Loads that the building structure and external fabric, including
windows and doors, are to resist during the cyclone are defined.
• Human Factors – Human factors encompassing both comfort and life safety issues
including floor area per occupant, duration of occupation, lighting, ventilation,
communications, amenities and emergency provisions along with safe movement
and access, emergency power, waterproofing and weatherproofing.
• Other Factors - Fire safety issues including fire detection and emergency warning
and lightning protection.

Notes are informative. They do not form part of the guidelines, but provide explanation
and comment on the guidelines.

3.1 Shelter Location

The shelter shall be located so that: access to the shelter is maintained; the shelter
is not inundated by storm tide or flooded by river or creek flow; the shelter is not at
risk from landslip or other significant hazards.

(a) Access
The shelter shall be located so that access to the shelter is maintained prior to,
during and after the cyclonic event.

(b) Storm Tide

The shelter floor level is to be above the 10,000 year return period storm tide
height, including allowances for wave setup and wave runup.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
Buildings, which have the lower levels inundated, but upper levels above the
design storm tide height are considered not suitable, unless there is an access
route to the building that is above design storm tide height and the building and
foundations are assessed as structurally adequate to resist the wind and water
Notes: It is estimated that buildings constructed to resist a 1 in 2,000 year cyclonic wind load
(Section 3.2(a)) would, when material capacity reduction factors are considered, have a
probability of failure of 1 in 10,000. Loads associated with wave action are greater than loads
associated with wind. A building not designed to resist wave loads is likely to fail when
subjected to wave loads. The return period for storm tide height is based upon the premise that
the building would fail should it be subjected to wave loads. Estimates of 1 in 10,000 year
storm tide height have been published (Reference 27).

Storm surge is a rise above normal water level of the ocean due to the combined effects of
surface wind and reduced atmospheric pressure associated with a tropical cyclone.
Storm tide level results from the combined action of storm surge and astronomical tide height.
Wave setup is a quasi-steady super-elevation of the water surface due to the onshore mass
transport of water caused entirely by the action of breaking waves.
Wave runup is the vertical height above still-water level (wave setup level) to which the rush of
water reaches when a wave breaks against a structure or beach.

(c) Flood
The shelter floor level is to be at least 300mm above the 100 year return period
river or creek flood or, where no estimate is available, the design flood level
shall be the maximum known flood level. The backwater effect on flood levels
due to the design storm tide shall be considered in determining the design river
or creek flood heights.

Where the hydrology of the area is such that flooding with high water
velocities may occur concurrently with the cyclonic winds the criteria defined
for storm tide shall apply to floods.

Stormwater drainage shall be provided in the form of piped systems, overland

flow or levies to ensure that the floor level of a shelter located below ground
level is substantially dry during the design rainfall intensity (100 year return
period). Provisions shall be made to ensure that the water level does not
exceed 1m depth within the shelter should the piped system become blocked or
levies overtopped or breached by a 1 in 2,000 year event.
Note: While flooding may be associated with cyclonic activity, a river or creek flood may not
necessarily occur at the same time as the destructive phase of cyclonic winds. Depending upon
the hydrology of the area a flood may occur at a similar time or some days later.

(d) Land Slip

The shelter shall not be at risk from landslip. Where a local authority considers
a site to have a potential for landslip the site shall be assessed by a geotechnical
engineer. The risk of failure shall be greater than 1 in 2,000.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
(e) Other
The shelter shall not be located near significant hazards such as: hazardous
materials (e.g. fuel or chemical storage), physical hazards (e.g. other building
or heavy falling debris), high voltage overhead power lines etc. The safe
separation distance between the hazard and the shelter shall be assessed for
each shelter and is dependent upon the nature and magnitude of the hazard.

3.2 Structure
The building structure and external fabric, including windows and doors, shall be
capable of resisting the following loads.

(a) Wind Loads

Public cyclone shelters are to be designed for a minimum gust ultimate wind
speed of 280 km/hr (77.8 m/s) in the tropical cyclone region (region C) which
is consistent with the upper limit of a category 4 cyclone and for a minimum
gust wind speed of 356 km/hr (99 m/s) in the severe tropical cyclone region
(region D – i.e. Within 50km of the Western Australian coastline between
latitudes 20 to 25 degrees).
Note: The Guide to the BCA (Reference 17) indicates that “designated emergency shelters” are
to be in terms of the BCA Importance Level 4. The BCA (Amendment 11) Table B1.2 (b)
defines the annual probability of exceedance for cyclonic wind loads to be 1:2000.
AS/NZS1170.2 (Reference 3) defines the design ultimate gust wind speed for a return period of
1 in 2000 in the tropical cyclone region of Queensland, Northern Territory and Western
Australia (region C) as 77m/s (277 km/hr) and in the severe tropical cyclone region of Western
Australia (region D) as 99m/s (356 km/hr). By comparison the cyclone severity index defines:
A category 4 cyclone as having a central pressure 920-944 hPa and gust wind speeds of 225-
280 km/hr with a significant potential for damage; Category 5 cyclone as having a central
pressure of less than 920 hPa and gust wind speeds greater than 280 km/hr, with an extreme
potential for damage.

(b) Debris Loads

The external fabric of public cyclone shelters in the Australian cyclonic region
C are to be at least capable of resisting wind debris defined as five spherical
steel balls of 2 grams mass {8mm diameter} impacting at 30 m/s (108 km/hr)
and a 100mm x 50mm piece of timber of 4 kg impacting at 20m/s (72 km/hr).

Note: The Wind Actions Code defines a wind borne debris load in a clause relating to
determination of debris to create a potential dominant opening on a windward wall. The criteria
developed (Reference 28,29,30,31) for shelter buildings are more severe. The criteria are less
severe than the FEMA and the Darwin Area Reconstruction criteria (Reference 18). A more
severe criterion should be adopted for Region D.

The debris potential of a shelter site shall be assessed during the maintenance
inspection and where possible the debris potential shall be reduced by removal
of objects not adequately fixed in position.

The external building fabric (debris screens, cladding, windows and doors)
shall resist the debris load associated with the windward wall positive pressures

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
and the cyclic wind loads associated with the leeward negative pressures (Refer
Appendix I – Specification of Test Criteria and Procedures).

The shelter should be located away from taller structures (Section 3.1(e))
defined by a plane that is 1 vertical to 1 (minimum) horizontal. If a shelter is
located within this zone then the shelter structure and external fabric exposed
to the falling debris shall be capable of resisting the dynamic load associated
with the heaviest building material identified as potential falling debris from
the taller structure.

Note: Falling debris can have considerable mass and fall from taller structures located a short
distance away.

(c) Earthquake Loads

The building is to be designed to resist earthquake loads for a building of
importance level 3 as defined by the BCA and AS1170.4.

Note: The occurrence of earthquakes and cyclones are not correlated. It is proposed that the
shelter design earthquake load be based upon the buildings normal function. It is noted that
wind loads are applied to the exterior of the building while earthquake loads are applied to all
elements including internal walls, with the load related to the mass of the element.

(d) Permanent and Imposed Loads

The structure is to be capable of supporting permanent and imposed loads as
defined by AS/NZS 1170.1 for a building used for public assembly.

Where internal pressures are reduced, in accordance with Clause 5.3.2

AS/NZS1170.2 due to debris protection of windows, the debris screen shall fully
enclose the window and the window and its fixings shall be shown to be capable of
resisting the design wind pressure.

The flexure of windows including louvres shall be limited to ensure they remain
supported by their frames when subjected to the ultimate design loads.

1. Occupants in buildings clad in metal wall sheeting capable of resisting the debris load may
experience excessive noise levels during the cyclonic event. Walls constructed of reinforced
masonry or concrete are preferred.
2. Doors fixed at three points (two hinges and a single lock) are unlikely to satisfy these loading
criteria. Additional fixings to required exit doors may compromise the need to maintain egress.
It is possible to devise an Alternative Building Solution to address additional restraint
requirements necessary to resist loads during times of the cyclone event. Such an Alternative
Solution would be dependent upon management protocols during both the normal use of the
building, and its use during a cyclonic event. Refer to Appendix I for an Alternative Building
Solution to achieve additional restraint where the doorway is a required exit.
3. A test facility capable of undertaking the debris tests for region C has been constructed in the
BHP Building Products Research & Development Laboratory. The laboratory has developed
and tested BHP Stormguard Screens; and tested G James Glazed Door system and a Crimsafe
mesh system for compliance with the debris loads.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
3.3 Human Factors
Human factors encompassing both comfort and life safety issues include:

(a) Area per Occupant

The maximum density is defined as a minimum area of 1m2 per person.
1. The concept of shelter density is that the density be similar to the seating capacity of a movie
theatre. It is not intended to allow for people to sleep in a supine position.
2. This is consistent with the Building Code of Australia, which nominates 1m2 per person as
an appropriate density for uses involving public assembly and gathering: for example
restaurants, theatres, churches, school multi-purpose halls and spectator stands.
3. Some disabled people may require greater area.
4. In comparison FEMA recommends a minimum of 5 ft2 (0.45m2) per person for tornado
shelters and 10 ft2 (0.9m2) for hurricane shelters.

(b) Occupancy Duration

The shelter shall be designed for two periods of occupancy. These periods are
the total occupancy period and the lock-down period. The design total
occupancy period is 36hrs and includes: a period prior to the wind reaching an
average speed of 70km/hr, the period of lock-down of the shelter when the
winds are greater, and a period after the winds have abated but prior to people
departing the shelter. The design lock-down period when windows and doors
are closed to provide protection from winds greater than an average speed of
70km/hr is a maximum of 18hrs.
1. The occupancy duration is dependent upon the duration of the cyclone event. People
should enter the shelter prior to the wind speed impeding walking. The Beaufort Scale
identifies that a Force 8 wind speed with an average wind speed of 62 to 74km/hr impedes
walking. Cyclone category 1 corresponds to a Beaufort Force 8 & 9 wind speed. The
Bureau of Meteorology has advised that during a tropical cyclone (category 4) the period
of time during which wind speeds are greater than 70 km/hr at any one location varies, but
suggests that the period would not typically extend beyond 15hrs. Logistically, it is
preferable if people enter and leave the shelter during daylight. The period between
nightfall and sunrise during the cyclone season varies from about 10hrs to 13hrs
depending on location.
2. The shelter will be locked-down when local conditions and circumstances permit.
3. The average wind speed of 70 km/hr nominated as the design lock-down wind speed is an
assessment of the likely wind speed at which the shelter will be locked-down.
4. Caution should be exercised against premature lock-down where mechanical ventilation
systems are not operating.
5. Caution should also be exercised when winds abate to avoid prematurely opening-up the
shelter. The eye of a tropical cyclone may pass over a cyclone shelter. At this time the
winds will drop dramatically (well below 70km/hr) and can also rise very quickly as the
eye passes over. The shelter should remain locked-down during this period.
6. Beaufort Scale & Cyclone Category Extract:
Force 7 Near gale force 51-61km/hr wind speed
Trees in motion, resistance felt when walking
Force 8 Gale force 62-74 km/hr wind speed Category 1 Cyclone
Walking impeded
Force 9 Strong gale force 75-87 km/hr wind speed Category 1 Cyclone
Damage may occur

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
(c) Lighting
The minimum desirable lighting level is 40 lux with supplementary task
lighting to provide 400 lux in areas for first aid treatment, tea rooms and for
recreation areas where occupants may want to read or write. Emergency
lighting must be installed in accordance with the BCA for a class 9b building.
External lighting is required at the shelter entry. The shelter management plan
shall allow for the provision of torchlights and batteries (Sections 3.4(a);

1. Lighting within the shelter is necessary to calm shelter occupants during the cyclone and to
permit safe movement within the shelter.
2. The minimum desirable level is consistent with AS1680.2 recommendations for indoor car
park lighting.
3. Torch lights and batteries would be used should electrical supply fail and the duration of the
failure exceed the life of the emergency lighting system.

(d) Safe Movement and Access

Safe movement and access provisions including handrails, balustrades and
barriers, human impact on glazing and signage shall comply with the BCA
requirements for the normal usage of the building.

In shelters where it is probable that the floors may be wet during the cyclonic
event, then either the floor coverings shall be slip resistant when wet, or
strategies (Section 3.3(k)) are developed as part of the shelter operations plan
(Section 3.5(a)) to maintain dry floor surfaces during the shelter occupancy
1. The shelter will include a relatively large number of people in an unfamiliar space.
2. It is expected that the normal use of the building will have addressed normal safe access
and movement issues for such a large number of people.
3. In addition to these normal use matters, it is possible that during the cyclonic event the
floors may be wet and the slip resistance of floor surfaces may be affected by moisture.

(e) Access for People with Disabilities

Access for people with disabilities to the shelter areas must be assessed for
compliance with current building regulations. If a complying accessible path of
travel to the shelter area is not available, management arrangements shall be
developed as part of the shelter operations plan (Section 3.5(a)) to ensure that
persons resorting to the facility are escorted or assisted to the shelter area. An
accessible path of travel must be provided between the shelter area and any
amenities, either existing within the building, or provided as temporary
measures during the shelter occupancy.

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1. The Disability Discrimination Act and the Anti-Discrimination Act require non-
discriminatory access to all buildings.
2. Current Building Regulations include prescriptive requirements to ensure access for
people with mobility or sensory impairments. These requirements may affect the access-
way to the shelter and provision of amenities.
3. The normal use of the building will require portions of the building to be accessible. It is
possible that not all of the building would be required to be, or will be, accessible. It is
also possible that those portions that are accessible for normal use may not be the most
suitable portions for functioning as a cyclone shelter.

(f) Ventilation
Sufficient ventilation shall be provided so that the shelter complies with the
performance requirement of the Building Code of Australia, which requires the
shelter to be ventilated with outside air to maintain air quality.

The ventilation system shall ensure that people of varying ages including
children, the aged and handicapped are safely accommodated in the shelter.

The preferred ventilation design concept is that the shelter be conventionally

(mechanical &/or natural) ventilated when the wind speed is less than the
“lock-down” condition (Section 3.3(b)) and naturally ventilated when wind
speeds are above that condition. The natural ventilation system is to be
specifically designed and fitted with dampers with manual override to enable
adjustment of the level of ventilation during the event.

The system shall be protected from damage by debris and the design shall
consider the potential for blockage of the inlet to the ventilation system by
debris. Natural ventilation openings are to be located to maximize cross flow
ventilation, particularly for large shelters.

Design criteria regarding maximum carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, maximum

temperature rise and minimum fresh air levels shall comply with the Detailed
Mechanical Guidelines contained in Appendix I. If the volume of internal
space per person is low (less than 6m3 per person) the fresh air quantity shall
be specifically selected in order to meet the design criteria. The potential that
people occupying the shelter may be in wet clothes and that water may be
entering the shelter during the event should be a consideration in the design of
the natural ventilation system. These criteria are based upon the assumption
that no smoking, cooking or heating are permitted in the shelter.

Use of the shelter facility under these emergency “lock-down” conditions

should be minimized (Section 3.3(b) Notes 4 & 5). Ventilation rates are to be
restored to the Building Code of Australia deemed to comply provisions after
the lock-down period. Management of the ventilation system, including
restrictions on smoking, cooking and heating, is to be documented in the
shelter operations plan (Section 3.5(a)). The plan shall address the evacuation
of the shelter after “lock-down” (i.e. “opening-up”) should natural ventilation

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not be adequate at wind speeds below the design “lock-down” speed and
mechanical ventilation is not available due to damage or loss of power supply.

Car park shelters built under buildings should contain mechanical ventilation
and exhaust systems. Where emergency power is available, these systems
should provide ventilation to the shelter area. Natural ventilation should be
provided to supplement these systems.

Where the construction of basement car parks does not allow access for the
cutting of natural ventilation openings, mechanical ventilation may be required
necessitating the connection of permanent emergency power.

Toilet exhaust systems will preferably be connected to mains supply and

emergency power. Where emergency power is not available, special provisions
will be required to be made to include exhaust via natural ventilation e.g.
venturi systems.

All mechanical ventilation exhaust systems, manual and motorized fresh air
natural ventilation systems shall be performance tested in accordance with the
shelter maintenance plan (Section 3.5 (b)).

1. The need for enclosure of the shelter to provide protection from wind and wind borne
debris and the desire to waterproof the shelter tend to be contrary to the provision of
2. The current deemed to comply requirements contained in the Australian Standard - AS
1668.2 (Reference 9) - do not provide design criteria for emergency situations and are in
excess of criteria deemed acceptable thirty years ago. Ventilation performance criteria
based upon minimum CO2 levels, maximum air movement velocities, odour control and
acceptable temperature rise suitable for people of varying ages in a mostly at rest, although
stressed state, are suggested as being more appropriate for the design of the shelter
ventilation system during lock-down or emergency conditions when wind velocities are
3. External wind pressures associated with cyclonic winds can render mechanical ventilation
equipment ineffectual during the cyclonic event. Mains power supply is likely to fail
during the event and be unavailable for a period after the event. Hence a ventilation system
based upon natural ventilation during the lock-down period of the shelter is the preferred
ventilation system.
4. Car park shelters require special attention, as these enclosures tend to be much larger in
area and capable of housing higher volumes of people.

(g) Amenities
Amenities are to be provided in the shelter. At least 1 toilet is to be provided
for every 40 people in the shelter. The amenities may be existing and/or
temporary facilities and shall include facilities for people with disabilities.
Where provision of temporary amenities is required then the number, type and
location of the amenities is to be defined in the shelter operations plan (Section

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
Where temporary facilities are provided, consideration shall be given to:
a. Adequate screening for privacy purposes
b. Provision of separate facilities for males and females
c. Provision for hand washing
d. Provision for disposal of sanitary napkins

Where access to existing building amenities is not available, temporary

facilities providing amenities for all persons including persons with disabilities
are to be provided. Where temporary facilities for persons with disabilities are
provided (in addition to the above considerations) they shall further provide a
privacy screened enclosure of sufficient size to permit manoeuvering of a
wheelchair, including the possibility of transfer between wheelchairs and
commode chairs (or such other solution as adopted for temporary facilities),
and room for presence and actions of assistants/personal attendants.

(h) Communications
Consideration is to be given to provision of communication systems within the
shelter and external to the shelter. A battery powered hand held megaphone
and a battery-powered radio receiver or television are considered the minimum
provisions for internal and external communications. It is desirable that an
effective communication system is provided between the shelter and the
designated disaster coordination centre.

(i) Emergency Power

It is desirable for shelters designed to accommodate large numbers of people to
be provided with emergency generators. Provision should be made in all
shelters for an external generator inlet socket, connected to a manual change
over switch on the shelter switchboard, to allow for connection of an
emergency generator. Where the generators are external to the shelter the
generators and fuel tanks shall be protected from the effects of wind, rain and
wind borne debris. The generator exhaust shall be located away from shelter air
intakes so that exhaust fumes do not enter the shelter ventilation system. Fuel
tanks shall be located and fuel shut-off systems installed so that the shelter is
not at risk from a fire associated with the generator fuel storage. Where the
generator is to be located within the shelter, ventilation, noise and fire safety
issues are to be addressed. Provision of battery-powered torchlights is a
minimum requirement (Section 3.3(c)).

Note: It is assumed that there is a high risk of power supply failure to the shelter during a

(j) Emergency Provisions

Provision of essential sustenance items including drinking water and food shall
be part of the shelter operations plan (Section 3.5(a)). Preference should be
given to light snacks and hot drinks which do not require any significant level
of preparation or cooking inside the shelter. Community evacuation plans
should incorporate a desire for those seeking shelter to bring items of food

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
(snacks), particularly those who have special diets or needs. Provision of first
aid medical supplies shall also be included in the plan.

(k) Waterproofing and Weatherproofing

The consequences of water penetration into the shelter, due to cyclonic winds,
shall be considered, particularly in relation to: safe movement and access as
wet floors may present a potential hazard; and to ventilation and thermal
comfort conditions as wet clothes for a prolonged period may cause discomfort
and health issues.

Attention should be paid to matters of safety such as ensuring that floors,

particularly principal traffic areas, are provided with non-slip flooring material
such as non-slip matting and/or that procedures are documented in the shelter
operations plan (Section3.5(a)) to ensure frequent and routine removal of water
through methods such as using brooms, mops, squeegees etc.

1. The Building Code of Australia currently expects a building used for assembly purposes to
be both waterproof and weatherproof. This expectation would apply to the normal use of the
2. Cyclonic winds may cause water penetration into the building, particularly gymnasium
style buildings which often have high-level ventilation louvres or openings.

3.4 Other Factors

(a) Fire Detection and Emergency Warning
The shelter must comply with the automatic fire detection and warning
requirements of the Building Code of Australia for its normal use.

The shelter operations plan (Section 3.5(a)) shall provide for suitable
management of fire risk on the basis that there is no electrical power supply,
mains water supply may not be available, and that the fire brigade could not
provide assistance, during the shelter lock down period. The plan should
• Limiting fire ignition through the prohibition of smoking and other naked
flames (such as candles, gas lights etc);
• Eliminating fuel sources by prohibiting gas cylinders in the shelter,
removal of cars, vehicles and stored fuel from the shelter prior to
• Constant surveillance by persons appointed as shelter supervisors;
• Advice to shelter occupants of the limitation of sources of ignition,
combustibles, surveillance techniques, and a warning system to be
employed in case of an emergency.
• Provision of one (1) tri-class (2A: 20B: (E) minimum) fire extinguisher for
each specific risk location, for each shelter management personnel, and for
each 1,000 shelter occupants.
• Provision of two (2) 9-litre water extinguishers at each Fire Hose Reel

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Fire extinguishers shall be tested in accordance with the shelter maintenance
plan (Section 3.5 (b)).

1. The building may not normally include sleeping accommodation but while it is occupied
as a cyclone shelter it may be inhabited by occupants who are asleep or in unfamiliar
surroundings. Early fire warning is required so that the shelter occupants have time to take
preventative action.
2. A real contingency that must be planned for is the loss of electrical power during a
cyclonic event. In such cases many of the fire detection, warning and suppression devices
provided for the normal use of a building will be rendered ineffective. Some systems will
have battery powered back-up, however this is usually only for a limited period and it is
likely that failure of electrical supply during a cyclonic event will exceed the capacity of
such battery back-up.
3. It is unlikely that the Fire Brigade could provide assistance during the shelter lock-down
period. It is also possible that mains water pressure may not be available.

(b) Lightning Protection

Lightning protection shall be provided to protect the shelter structure and to
also provide protection from lightning induced surges in power and
telecommunications cables entering the shelter.

Note: The shelter may have to provide protection from severe electrical storms and must be
provided with adequate lightning protection.

3.5 Shelter Management

Management issues such as the number of shelter spaces required within a
community, and the acquisition and activation of buildings are not considered in
this document. The authority for activation of any designated shelter building and
its management, including development and updating of shelter operations and
maintenance plans, would be as delegated by the respective Local, Disaster District
or State Government Disaster Coordination Committee.

This section of the document addresses shelter operations, maintenance and

signage issues, which relate to the guidelines contained in the previous sections.

(a) Shelter Operations Plan

A shelter operations plan should include clauses regarding: aim; objectives;
authority of the plan; management committee; activation of plan; financial
aspects; concept of operations; roles and responsibilities; staffing; blankets;
sanitation; fire detection; first aid facility; registration; counselling; sustenance;
shelter preparation; communications; pets.

The plan should address training of personnel to manage the shelter. A register
of trained personnel, contact details and availability is to be compiled/updated
annually, prior to the commencement of the cyclone season. A copy of the
register is to be provided to the Disaster District Coordinator.

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The plan should maintain a register of the location of any items needed for the
operation and management of the shelter accommodation and necessary
contact details. This register should be reviewed annually for completeness and
modified accordingly.

The shelter operations plan is to address the shelter management process

including: manning levels and expertise; provision of food and drinking water
(Section 3.3(j)); provision of basic medical supplies (Section 3.3(j)); provision
of amenities (Section 3.3(g)); management including registration of people
entering, accommodated within and leaving the shelter (Sections 3.3(a)(b));
strategies for redirection of people to alternative accommodation should the
shelter reach capacity (Section 3.3(a)); provision and management of
communications within and external to the shelter (Section 3.3(h));
management of public safety issues (e.g. limiting combustibles, fire detection,
ventilation, safe walking areas) (Sections 3.3(c)(d)(e)(f)(i)(k) 3.4(a)(b)); and
enforcement of the operations plan.

The plan should be tested by a training exercise.

No special allowance has been made in the performance criteria for

accommodation of pets.
1. Design Guidelines for Australian Public Cyclone Shelters document is a minimum standard
that primarily addresses the safety of people.
2. Accommodation of pets within the shelter may reduce the number of people able to be
accommodated and has implications regarding ventilation and sanitation.
3. While some pets may be reasonably accommodated within the shelter others should not be
accommodated as they could affect the health and safety of people. Alternative
accommodation could be identified for pets, where such a need is identified.

The potential occupation period is extensive and the shelter operations plan
should consider the needs of people. People in the shelter should be able to
move around and involve themselves in different activities: e.g. reading,
talking and resting etc. The shelter operation plan should ensure this
opportunity is available to all persons resorting to the shelter, including those
with a disability. This may require additional consideration in respect of
persons with disabilities including:
• Having mobility aids available for those persons who have been evacuated
to the shelter without their own personal mobility aids, or
• Making arrangements with search and rescue personnel effecting
evacuations to ensure mobility aids for persons with disabilities are
evacuated with the person,
• Providing additional lighting in certain areas for persons with sight
impairments (e.g. primary circulation routes and amenities areas).

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(b) Shelter Maintenance Plan
The shelter maintenance plan should include: scheduled regular maintenance
works in accordance with the buildings approved maintenance plan; a
scheduled maintenance inspection prior to each cyclone season and
immediately prior to an impending event; a check list of the emergency
supplies which are permanently located within the shelter; an updated list of
sources of provisions not permanently located within the shelter; a list of items
to be inspected/checked (e.g. emergency generators, doors, locks, signage,
drainage, debris screens, lighting etc); and person(s) responsible for the

The annual inspection shall include a fitness-for purpose assessment of the

shelter. This would include assessment of changed circumstances including
any modifications that may have occurred to the shelter or the surrounding
area. Where the changes are detrimental to the shelter, action shall be taken to
ensure the shelter is fit for purpose prior to the commencement of the cyclone

The plan shall ensure that the building is maintained in an appropriate

condition to ensure the shelter is fit-for-purpose.

(c) Signage
The location of the shelter, limitations within the shelter, maximum occupancy
of the shelter and emergency exits should be clearly signed.
It is suggested that a sign be erected near the entry to the shelter that states condition of entry.

This document presents criteria for the design of public cyclone shelters. It provides the
basis for development of national guidelines and forms a standard by which Government
and Disaster Managers can determine the provision of an appropriate level of safety to
address their duty of care to the community.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002



• Specification of Test Criteria and Procedure -

External Fabric of Public Cyclone Shelters. 1

• Specification - Debris Resistant Screens for

Public Cyclone Shelters. 2

• Detailed Mechanical Guidelines

Minimum Requirements 3
Desirable Requirements 4

• Guidelines for an Alternative Building Solution

Example: Additional Restraint to Required Exit Doors. 5

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix I

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002


The external fabric including debris screens, cladding, windows and doors shall comply
with the following test criteria.
Cyclonic Region C
(a) Debris Test Load:
Test Load A:
End-on impact of a piece of timber 4 kilograms in mass, with cross-
section dimensions of 100mm by 50mm, impacting at 20m/s.
Test Load B:
Series of five steel balls of 2 gram mass (8mm diameter) impacting at
30m/s, successively.
(b) Wind Test Load:
Fatigue loading as defined in AS 1170.2-1989 clause 3.6.
In the case of debris screens to be located on walls, the magnitude of the
load may be reduced due to the porosity of the screen by the factor Kp
determined in accordance with AS 1170.2-1989 clause 3.4.13.
Cladding or Debris Screens:
A test specimen shall be subject to successive test loads applied in the following
1) Debris test load A
2) Debris test load B
3) Wind test load
Test load A shall impact the most critical location(s). The testing authority shall
determine the most critical location(s) (e.g. Debris Screens: centre of screen;
centre of frame; fixing location – Cladding: centre of span; fixing location) by
test. Test load B shall successively impact at various random locations on the
Tests shall be undertaken with debris impact at 90 degrees to the surface and at 30
degrees to the surface, measured in a horizontal plane.
A test specimen shall:
(a) prevent a debris missile from penetrating through the screen/cladding;
(b) if perforated, have a maximum perforation width of less than 8mm;
(c) in the case of a debris screen, not deflect more than 0.8 times the clear distance
between the screen and the glazing, at any stage of the test.
(d) be capable of resisting the specified wind load.

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The screens shall be capable of resisting the design debris load and wind load as
defined in the “Shelter Buildings (Cyclone) Criteria for Debris Screens and

(a) The largest aperture in the screen shall be 8mm or less.

(b) To ensure the glazing is not fractured due to screen deflection under impact,
the screen shall be located at a distance at least equal to 1.25 times the
maximum displacement of the screen under the impact load.

(c) The screen shall envelope the glazed panel by either:

1. Returning to the wall to completely envelope the opening;
2. Overlapping the opening by a distance measured in a plane parallel to the
wall, by at least two times the distance the edge of the screen is from the
wall where the maximum distance from the edge of the screen to the wall
is 300mm.
3. A combination of 1 and 2.

The screen shall be designed based upon calculation and test data from a NATA
registered testing laboratory approved to undertake the specified cyclone debris
test. The screen shall be certified, by a Registered Professional Engineer with
expertise in the design and testing of debris screens to the specified criteria.

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The design lockdown condition shall correspond to a minimum average external wind
speed of 70km/hr (refer Sections 3.3(a), (b), (f), (i)).
1. Average wind speed is averaged over 10 minutes.
2. Gust wind speeds are higher than average wind speeds.

• Where external wind velocities are below lockdown conditions:

- fresh air volumes per person be maintained in accordance with the deemed to
comply provisions of the BCA.

- all mechanical ventilation and exhaust systems be operated on mains power.

- provide emergency power and or natural ventilation.

• Where external wind velocity exceeds lockdown conditions:

- carbon dioxide levels shall not exceed 800 ppm or 0.5% by volume.

- minimum ventilation rates be maintained at 1.4 l/s at a space allocation of 6 cubic

metres per person. Minimum ventilation rates to be increased on a pro rata basis
as space allocation volumes decrease.
NOTE: Minimum occupancy allocation of 2.4 cubic metres per person.

- temperature rise with in the enclosure to be limited to 6 degrees C above outside

Note: The 6 degree rise includes an allowance for the drop in the external ambient temperature
during the cyclone of 3 degrees.

• Where toilet exhaust systems are installed these be capable of being activated

• That provision for natural ventilation be provided by way of debris protected grilled
openings to exterior walls and/or doors fitted with adjustable manual dampers to
adjust air volumes and be accessible from within the shelter.

Minimum area of natural ventilation damper openings

Shelter Volume Opening Size

< 100m3 2 @ 0.1 m2 or 4 @ 0.05m2
100 to 200m3 4 @ 0.1 m2 or 8 @ 0.05m2
200 to 1000m3 Multiple Openings 1m2 in total
> 1000m3 Multiple Openings 1m2 in total for each 1000m3 volume

1. All openings to be located on a minimum of two external faces of the shelter - walls or roof. Openings
to be evenly distributed over the area of the shelter as far as the structure allows.
2. The final position and size of ventilation openings may be determined by computer modelling, testing of
models, or on site testing during periods of high wind velocity.

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• Where external wind velocities are below lockdown conditions:

- All installed air conditioning and mechanical ventilation and exhaust systems be
Note: Where air conditioning systems are installed, provision be included to operate the system
on 100% fresh air without recirculation of air.

• Where external wind velocity exceeds lockdown conditions:

- fresh air volumes per person be maintained in accordance with the BCA.

- ventilation openings be provided in excess of minimum area of natural ventilation

damper openings nominated in Detailed Mechanical Guidelines and in accordance
with “Free area of damper openings” as shown below.

• Where smoke and toilet exhaust systems are installed these be capable of being
activated and connected to emergency power

• Improved natural ventilation be provided by way of wind scoop or venturi grilled

openings to exterior walls and doors fitted with adjustable manual dampers to adjust
air volumes and be accessible from within the shelter.

Free area of damper openings

It is recommended that the number and size of ventilation openings be increased above
those nominated in the minimum requirements schedule Appendix II. It is further
recommended that openings be evenly distributed across all faces and the roof of the
structure to maximise natural ventilation.

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix I Page 4

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002


Additional restraint is often required to doors to achieve compliance with shelter building
criteria for resistance to wind and debris loads. To achieve adequate restraint an
alternative building solution may be required. The following presents an alternative
building solution for acceptance of additional restraint to Required EXIT doors in public
cyclone shelters.


(a) Provide pad bolts to the doors, in positions as required to optimise the distribution
of the wind loadings to the door.
(b) The pad bolts to be locked in the open position by padlocks at all times the
building is not serving a function as a cyclone shelter.
(c) Padlocks to have a keying system independent of any master keying system
related to the normal use of the building, and the key to be a registered and restricted
profile requiring the authorisation of the cyclone shelter management for
(d) During use as a cyclone shelter, the pad bolts are only to be driven home during
the “lock-down” phase of the cyclone period. The design lock-down period is the
period when average external wind speeds exceed 70 km/hr.
(e) When the pad bolts are in use, the padlocks are to be totally removed from the
vicinity, or they may be locked into a deactivated position adjacent to the pad bolts,
but not so that they lock the pad bolt in the closed position.
(f) During the time of occupation as a Cyclone Shelter, procedures are to be in place
to ensure that a suitably trained and capable person is to be available to withdraw the
pad bolts at or near each door in the event the door must be used as an emergency
(g) The key to operate the padlocks is to be retained by the person responsible for the
management of the cyclone shelter function – it is not to be retained by the
operator/owner/manager/occupier of the building for its normal function.
(h) A sign is to be placed on or adjacent to any door so fitted to the effect “Pad bolts
are for use during cyclone shelter function only”, or similar words.
(i) The operator/owner/manager/occupier of the building at time other than Cyclone
shelter function are to be advised of these conditions and reasons for provision of the
pad bolts and padlocks, and are to be advised that it is an offence under the Building
Act and the Fire Safety Act to lock the fire exit under any condition – except when
the building is in use as a Cyclone Shelter.

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
The above solution could be accepted as an alternate solution under the Building Code of
Australia having consideration to the following:
1. Deemed-to-Satisfy provision not satisfied BCA clause D2.21
2. Relevant Performance Criteria – DP2(b) ‘So that people can move safely to
and within a building, it must have any doors installed to avoid the risk to
occupants having their egress impeded or being trapped in the building’.
3. Method of assessment relied upon – Comparison with the DTS provisions.
4. Evidence relied upon to support the proposal:
a. Under normal use of the building the pad bolts are locked in the closed
position, the door will function as though the pad bolts were not there and
the exit door can function as required under BCA clause D2.21;
b. The normal building owner/occupier etc of the building does not have
access to the key in order to activate the pad bolts;
c. The key is a restricted and registered profile and cannot be reproduced
without authority of the cyclone shelter manager;
d. The normal building owner/occupant etc is advised through management
procedures and signage at the door of:
i. The reasons the pad bolts are provided.
ii. The function the pad bolts serve.
iii. That it is an offence to activate the pad bolts at any time other than
during use as a Cyclone Shelter.
e. During use as a cyclone shelter, the management of the shelter
incorporates a mechanism to ensure that a suitable instructed and
physically capable person is available at or near each affected door to
deactivate the pad bolts should the door be required to function as an exit.
f. During use as a cyclone shelter the padlocks are either removed or
deactivated thus preventing their use to lock the pad bolts in position
5. Continuing maintenance-in-use consequences of this solution:
a. The Cyclone Shelter management procedures are to include instructions to
the effect:
i. Functioning of pad bolts and padlocks are to be included in an
annual maintenance check prior to the commencement of the
cyclone season. This will consist of at least opening and closing
each pad bolt and padlock and ensuring the explanatory sign is in
place and legible.
ii. Upon alert that the Cyclone Shelter may be required, functioning
of the pad bolts and padlocks is to be checked;
iii. Upon occupation of the Cyclone Shelter, the persons responsible
for the Cyclone Shelter management shall:
1. Unlock the padlocks in order to prepare the pad bolts for
2. Shall either lock the padlocks into a deactivated position at
or near the door, or shall remove the padlocks completely
from the vicinity of the door;

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Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
3. Shall ensure the key to operate the pad bolts is not available
to any persons other than those bearing responsibility for
management of the shelter;
4. Nominate a particular person or persons to remain near to
each exit door including suitable relief and replacement
arrangements, at all times the pad bolts are in the home
position. Those persons shall be instructed in the correct
operation of the pad bolts, and shall have the physical
capacity to operate the pad bolts;
5. Until the pad bolts are driven into the home position, shall
regularly check the pad bolts to ensure that other persons or
occupants have not driven the pad bolts into the home
position prematurely.
iv. The pad bolts shall not be driven into the home position for
restraint purposes prior to shelter lock-down.
v. After the cyclone event and the shelter is opened-up the pad bolts
are to be withdrawn from the home position. Regular checking to
ensure that the pad bolts have not been mistakenly driven back into
the home position is recommenced.
vi. Upon completion of the cyclone event, and removal of the
occupants, the management shall resecure the padlocks to lock the
pad bolts in the disengaged position.
b. The normal occupants, owners and users of the building shall be advised,
via the Cyclone Shelter Management committee, of the following:
i. Doors fitted with additional restraint pad bolts are not to be
regarded differently to any other door serving as a required exit.
That is, the presence of pad bolts and padlocks on the door does
not mean the users/occupants can provide additional similar
security arrangements for their own purposes.
ii. A full explanation of the purpose and function of the additional
pad bolt and padlock restraint system, and the operating conditions
that are in place during a cyclone event.
iii. Specifically advised that in accordance with the Building Act and
Fire safety Act, it is an offence to obstruct free passage through a
nominated exit door.
iv. The necessity to maintain the information sign posted at any door
provided with additional restraint pad bolts.
v. The need to advise the Cyclone Shelter Management committee
should the information signage damaged or removed.

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix I Page 7

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002


• Reference Documents - Cited 1
• Reference Documents - Not Cited 2
• Reference Documents - Draft 3

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix II

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

1. AS/NZS1170.0 Structural design actions Part 0: General principles, Standard

Australia, 2002.
2. AS/NZS1170.1 Structural design actions Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other
actions, Standard Australia, 2002.
3. AS/NZS1170.2 Structural design actions Part 2: Wind loads, Standards Australia,
4. AS1170.4 Earthquake loads, Standards Australia, 1993.
5. AS1288 Glass in buildings – selection and installation, Standards Australia,
6. AS1428.1 Design for access and mobility – general requirements for access –
new building work, Standards Australia, 2001.
7. AS1428.1 Design for access and mobility – tactile ground surface indicators for
the orientation of people with vision impairment, Standards Australia, 1992.
8. AS1668.1 Fire and Smoke Control, 1998.
9. AS1668.2 Mechanical ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality, 1991.
10. AS1680 Interior lighting for safe movement, 1998.
11. AS1720.1 Timber Structures - Design methods, Standards Australia, 1997.
12. AS3600 Concrete Structures, Standards Australia, 2001.
13. AS3700 Masonry Structures, Standards Australia, 2001.
14. AS4100 Steel Structures, Standards Australia, 1990.
15. AS4586 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials,
Standards Australia, 1999.
16. Australian Building Codes Board, BCA96 Building Code of Australia, Canberra,
17. Australian Building Codes Board, BCA96 Guide to the BCA, Canberra, 1996.
18. Darwin Reconstruction Commission, Darwin Area Building Manual (1976).
19. Department of Emergency Services, State Planning Policy on Land Planning for
Natural Disaster Mitigation and Development Assessment – Discussion Paper,
Queensland Government, Brisbane, September 2001.
20. Department of Public Works, Shelter Buildings (Cyclone) Nomination and
Investigation Program Report on Stage 1”, Queensland Government, Brisbane,
July 1998, (3 Volumes).
21. Department of Public Works, Shelter Building (Cyclone) Nomination and
Investigation Program Report on Stage 2, Queensland Government, Brisbane
June 1999, (2 Volumes)
22. Department of Public Works, Shelter Building (Cyclone) Nomination,
Investigation and Upgrade Programs - Report on Shelter Buildings Programs,
Queensland Government, Brisbane, September 2000, (1 Volume).
23. FEMA, National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Mitigation Directorate, Washington D.C, 1st Ed., May
24. FEMA, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Mitigation Directorate, FEMA361, 1st Ed., July

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix II Page 1

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
25. Granger, K., “Managing the Risks to Urban Communities Posed by
Environmental Hazards”, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Cities
Project, GPO Box 762, Brisbane, Qld. 4001
26. Granger, K.J. & Smith, D.I., “Storm Tide Impact and Consequence Modeling:
Some Preliminary Observations”, Mathl. Comput. Modeling Vol. 21, No. 9,
pp15-21, Elsevier Science Ltd. 1995
27. Harper, B., “Storm tide threat in Queensland: History, prediction and relative
risks”, Conservation Technical Report No.10, Queensland Government,
Department of Environment and Heritage, August 1998.
28. Holmes, J.D., “Debris Damage Criteria for Cyclone Shelter Buildings in
Queensland”, Report JDH 99/1, JDH Consulting, April 1999.
29. Holmes J.D., Mullins P.J., The Mechanics of Flying Debris in Severe Wind
Storms, Proceedings of the Australian Wind Engineering Society, Workshop,
Perth, March 2000.
30. Holmes J.D., Mullins P.J., The Mechanics of Flying debris and test criteria,
Proceedings Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Kyoto, Japan
October 2001.
31. Mullins P.J., Rossiter J. and Mollee F., Shelter Buildings – Cyclone, Proceedings
disaster management, crisis and opportunity: hazard management and disaster
preparedness in Australia and the Pacific Region, Conference, Cairns, November
32. Mullins P.J., Holmes J.D., Flying Debris Test Criteria for Post Disaster Function
Buildings in Cyclonic Areas, Proceedings of the Australian Wind Engineering
Society, Workshop, Perth, March 2000
33. Northern Territory Emergency Services, Cyclone Protection in the Northern
Territory, What Are Your Options? Darwin, Ed 2, November 1995.
34. Queensland State Counter Disaster Organization Act, Goprint, Queensland, 1975.
35. Smith, D.I. & Greenaway, M.A., ”Tropical Storm Surge, Damage Assessment and
Emergency Planning – A pilot study for Mackay, Queensland” Resource and
Environmental Studies Number 8, Centre for Resource and Environmental
Studies, The Australian National University, March 1994.
36. Standard Building Regulation, Goprint, Queensland, 1993.
37. State Counter-Disaster Organisation and the Bureau of Meteorology, “Storm Tide
Warning – Response System”, Third edition-July 1997


38. Carter, R.R., Wind Generated Missile Impact on Composite Wall Systems, MS
Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University. Lubbock, TX.
May 1998.
39. FEMA, Interim Guidelines for Building Occupant Protection from Tornadoes and
Extreme Winds, Federal Emergency Management Agency, TR-83A, September

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix II Page 2

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
40. Pietras. B. K., Analysis of Angular Wind Borne Debris Impact Loads, Senior
Independent Study Report, Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University,
Clemson, SC May 1997
41. Sciaudore, J.C., Analysis of Wind Borne Debris Impact Loads, MS Thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, August
42. Texas Tech University Wind Engineering Research Centre, Design of Residential
Shelters from Extreme Winds, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, July 1998.


43. Department of Public Works, Selection Criteria for Public Shelters, Queensland
Government, Brisbane, (3 pages), 1998
44. Department of Public Works, Compliance Criteria for Public Cyclone Shelters,
Queensland Government, Brisbane, (1 page), 1998
45. Department of Public Works, Specification for Debris Resistant Screens for
Public Cyclone Shelters, Queensland Government, Brisbane, (1 page), 1999
46. Department of Public Works, Test Criteria and Procedure for Debris Screens and
Cladding for Public Cyclone Shelters, Queensland Government, Brisbane, (1
page), 1999.
47. Department of Public Works, Shelter Building Upgrade Work – Mechanical
Ventilation – Guidelines for Compliance Criteria, Queensland Government,
Brisbane, (5 pages), 1999.

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix II Page 3

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002


• Northern Territory Government 1
• Western Australia Government 1
• Western Australia - Local Governments 2
• Queensland Government 3
• Queensland - Local Governments 3
• Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Association 7

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

Mr. Fabio Finocchiaro

Director Building Advisory Services
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, Northern Territory
GPO Box 160 Darwin, NT 0801
ph 08 89998960

Mr. Dave Rolland

General Manager
Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Northern Territory
PO Box 61
Palmerston NT 0831
ph 08 89994620

Mr. Mike Bowman

Assistant Director Emergency Services
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services
PO Box 39764
Winnellie NT 0821
ph c/- 08 89223638


State Mitigation Committee

C/- Ms. Jo Harrison-Ward
Executive Director of Emergency Management Services
Fire and Emergency Services Authority, Western Australia
480 Hay St., Perth 6000
ph 08 93239306

Mr. Antony Mee

Manager Building Control
Department of Local Government and Regional Development, Western Australia
32 St. Georges Terrace, Perth 6000.
ph 08 92220405

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 1

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

Wyndham-East Kimberly Council

Ph 08 91681677
Fax 08 91681798

Derby-West Kimberly Shire Council

Ph 08 91911433
Fax 08 91911221

Broome Council
Ph 08 91921202
Fax 08 91921891

East Pilbra Council

Ph 08 91751924
Fax 08 91752668

Port Headland Town Council

Ph 08 91589300
Fax 08 91731766

Roebourne Shire Council

Ph 08 91868555
Fax 08 91851626

Ashburton Council
Ph 08 91891029
Fax 08 91892252

Exmouth Shire Council

Ph 08 99491399
Fax 08 99491277

Carnarvon Shire Council

Ph 08 99411708
Fax 08 99412766

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 2

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

Department of Local Government and Planning, Queensland.

PO Box 31, Brisbane 4001.
Attn: Mr. Ain Kuru
General Manager

Department of Emergency Services, Queensland

PO Box 1425 Brisbane Q 4001
Ms. Carolyn Honeywill
Acting Director
Disaster Mitigation Unit

Department of Public Works, Queensland

Building Division
Asset Management Research & Development
Attn: Mr. Richard Thomas
Policy Project Officer

Department of Public Works, Queensland

Disaster Management Services
Attn: Mr. John Rossiter


Hervey Bay City Council

CEO Mr. Bob Chambers
Ph 07 41974444
Fax 07 41974455

Gladstone City Council

CEO Mr. Kevin Wormald
Ph 07 49700700
Fax 07 49723381

Calliope Shire Council

CEO Mr. Graeme Kanofski
Ph 07 49758100
Fax 07 49757106

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 3

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
Miriam Vale Shire Council
CEO Mr. Jim Nixon
Ph 07 49746222
Fax 07 49746299

Bundaberg City Council

CEO Peter Byrne
Ph 07 41524588
Fax07 41529155

Isis Shire Council

CEO Mr. Stephen Johnston
Ph 07 41921000
Fax 41261604

Livingstone Shire Council

CEO Mr. Jim Brown
Ph 07 49393388
Fax 49393290

Rockhampton City Council

CEO Mr. Gary Stevenson
Ph 07 49368000
Fax 07 49221700

Whitsunday Shire Council

CEO Mr. Tony Hayward
Ph 07 49450200
Fax 07 49450222

Mackay City Council

CEO Mr. Jeffrey Harris
Ph 07 49684444
Fax 07 49442400

Sarina Shire Council

CEO Mr. Neil Ischenko
Ph 07 49561444
Ph 07 49561508

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 4

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
Broadsound Shire Council
CEO Mr. Gordon Webley
Ph 07 49645400
Fax 07 49645444

Hinchinbrook Shire Council

CEO Mr. Alan Harvey
Ph 07 47764600
Fax 07 47763233

Townsville City Council

CEO Mr. Brian Guthrie
Ph 07 47279000
Fax 07 47279053

Thuringowa City Council

CEO Ms Lyn Russell
Ph 07 47738411
Fax 07 47738600

Burdekin Shire Council

SEO Mr. Graham Webb
Ph 07 47839800
Fax 0747839999

Mareeba Shire Council

CEO Mr. Noel Briggs
Ph 0740303900
Fax 07 40923323

Atherton Shire Council

CEO Mr. Phillip Stark
Ph 07 40910700
Fax 07 40914300

Cairns City Council

CEO Mr. David Farmer
Ph 07 40443044
Fax 07 40443022

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 5

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002
Johnston Shire Council
CEO Mr. Peter Roberts
Ph 07 40302222
Fax 07 40614258

Cardwell Shire Council

CEO Mr. Mal Mallyon
Ph 07 40439100
Fax 07 40681772

Douglas Shire Council

CEO Mr. Terry Melchert
Ph 07 40982599
Fax 07 40982902

Cook Shire Council

CEO Ms Leanne Mash
Ph 07 40695444
Fax 07 40695423

Aurukun Shire Council

CEO Mr. Gary Kleidon
Ph 07 40606800
Fax 07 40606191

Burke Shire Council

CEO Mr. Craig Turnour
Ph 07 47455100
Fax 07 47455181

Mornington Shire Council

CEO Mr. Michael Davis
Ph 07 4757200
Fax 07 47457275

Carpentaria Shire Council

CEO Mr. Matthew Mc Goldrick
Ph 07 47451166
Fax 07 47451340

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 6

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

Mr. John Mayo

Media Officer
Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Association of Queensland,
PO Box 5651 West End Qld 4101
Ph 07 33912044
Fax 0733912088

Report to EMA – Design Guidelines Appendix III Page 7

Australian Public Cyclone Shelters August 2002

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