Fundamentals of The Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of The Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of The Design of Bamboo Structures
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Repo rt on Globa l Observance
World Habitat Day 1986 . UNCHS (Habitat)
English Translation of the official text on the title page
Cover photo: Bamboo culm connected by gluing to a wood fitting, aftera bending test.
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,
op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, prof.dr.J.H. van Lint, voor een commissie
aangewezen door het College van Dekanen in het openbaar te verdedigen op
dinsdag 21 september 1993 om 16.00 uur
English Translation of the official text on the title page
Copromoter: J.J.A.Janssen
To Mylenne, Carlos-Andrés and Mauricio,
who deserve all credit for all these years of sacrifice,
continuous support and con.fidence.
They are my family, they are also my ciosest friends.
This research project would not have been possible without the financial support of the
Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands, and The Costa Rican lnstitute of
Technology (ITCR).
The author wishes to express bis gratitude to bis fellow Ph.D. students in Eindhoven, who
always had a word of support, especially to Harry Vekemans, whobas been a real friend and
a very supportive person.
The collaboration of the staff members of the Pieter van Musschenbroek Laboratory was very
important during the many days of arduous testing.
The personnet of the secretary of the Department of Structural Design of the Eindhoven
University of Technology, bas been specially helpfull. Mrs. A. H. M. Verhoef-Kanters helped
with the fmal editing of the thesis. Mrs. M. Alblas bas been a wonderfuil co-worker and
friend, helping the author and bis family in many ways, from the initial steps in Eindhoven
The author was honoured by the acceptance of memhership by the distinguished members of
the Thesis Comission. Gratitude is expressed to them, fortheir great contribution to the quality
of this thesis, as well as their generous comments and teachings.
Special acknowledgement is made to W.R. de Sitter, the thesis promoter, for his
permanent encouragement, support and teaching. His broad view on engineering matters, and
bis personal qualities, have been a souree of inspiration for the author.
Table of Contents
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Samenvatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Chapter 1: Introduetion . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1-Introductory remarks . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2-Thesis organization . .. . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3-General remark . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
REFERENCES . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ....................... ·. . . . . . . . . 74 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Adaptability of dimensions toa modular system: . . . . . 75 Strengtil predictability: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 effectiveness: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.5-Design Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.6.-Joint evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.7-Proposal fora Conneetlog System for Bamboo Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.8-Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.8.1-0bjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.8.2-Design profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.8.3-Extemal constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
REPERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
C.3.1-Load type one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
C.3.2-Load type two..................................... 140
C.3.3-Load type three ................................... 141
C.3.4-Load type four..................................... 142
C.4-General Remarks ......................................... 143
REPERENCES ...... ; ..................................... 150
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
This thesis presents the results of the theoretica! and experimental analysis of bamboo culms,
subjected to tensile and compressive loads, or acting as beam columns in frameworks.
Glueability of bamboo wood phases is included as wen. The conneetion of bamboo culms is
also analyzed and a proposal based on the use of glue is made.
Evaluation and synthesis is made by presenting some general considerations for the structural
design and analysis of bamboo frameworks.
Dit proefschrift geeft de resultaten weer van de theoretische en experimentele analyse van
bamboe stammen, onderworpen aan trek en drukbelasting, of gebruikt in raamwerken.
De mogelijkheid van het lijmen van bamboe aan hout is onderzocht. De verbinding van
bamboe stammen is geanalyseerd en een voorstel gebaseerd op het gebruik van lijm is
Evaluatie en synthese is verkregen door het weergeven van enkele algemene overwegingen
met betrekking tot het constructief ontwerpen en analyseren van bamboe raamwerken.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
Chapter 1: Introduetion
1.1.-Introductory remarks
This thesis reports the results of a foor year research project on bamboo as a structural
material carried out at the Eindhoven University of Technologyin The Netherlands. This is
of course not the ftrst time such an enterprise has been undertak:en. On the contrary, as shall
be seen from some of the bibliographic references accompanying the thesis, the subject of
structural properties of bamboo has been a research matter since the beginning of this century.
Bamboo has attracted people's attention for centuries, and many publications have been
devoted to the description of the hundreds of applications that mankind has given to this
Applications in the fteld of civil engineering are neither rare nor new. Bridges, panels for
roofing and walling, fun or split culms as earth supporting structures, fun culms as beams or
columns, as wen as elements for the construction of frames and trusses are among the many
applications described in the literature.
Bamboo grows very easily and yields high productivity levels. Moreover, its cultivation does
not harm the environment, because among other teasons culms can be taken from the plant
from time to time onder a rotational scheme. In this way, the plant itself does not die. lnstead,
careful harvesting revitalises its growing. lt can be cultivated in relatively poor soils, helping
to control erosion by water and wind. 1t is therefore a renewable resource.
Nevertheless, people have systematicany decrèased the use of bamboo for construction
purposes. When the author of this thesis asked a Taiwanese experf, ten years ago, why less
and less bamboo was used in construction in south-east Asia, he answered that it had already
been considered to be a poor rnan's material forsome time. Indeed, one sees how the peasants
of Thailand have practically abandoned the practice of building with bamboo though the
material is available and handy as wen, in spite of the fact that this material used to be a
primary construction material all over south-east Asia and Japan. Now, one can observe that
The grass family.
Dr. Wei-chin Lin, head of the Taiwanese mission for the capacitation of bamboo
craftmen and craftwomen in Limón, Costa Rica.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
as soon as rural people have access to wood or other materials, they change to them. Some
social factors are often put forward as the cause for this shift in attitude, among which is the
fact that other matenals give a sort of status to their users, while bamboo emphasizes their
position as the poorest merobers of society.
Social factors are important and they have to be accounted for in the promotion of a product
or material, but it is equally important to look at the causes of human reactions in the
matenals or technologies themselves. What can be observed in the rural areas of south-east
Asia is that people still only use bamboo as a last resource, on a "better than nothing" basis.
Is there any objective reason for this change of attitude ? When people are asked about the
properties of the material for construction purposes, the first problem that is identified by them
is the durability of the culms. Indeed, some field observations and the testimony of people
lead to the condusion that bamboo rots under some conditions in less than one year. When
complexity of the construction and availability allow, this is not a serious problem, because
replacement is cheap and straightforward. In terros of large-scale housing projects, however,
this creates a long term problem of maintenance, unless effective preservation is put in place.
So far no preservation process is readily available to the rural people, at a reasonable cost and
with a sufficient level of efficiency and security. A very important underlying assumption
in this project is that this problem is being attended to by other researchers in different
parts of the world, and that a solution for this problem will be soon available3•
One other major reason for the social neglect of bamboo is the lack of acceptance by
professionals in the construction field. Engineers and architects prefer to work with the
determinacy of a well-known system or material, supported by solid knowledge of its
properties, backed by the existence of a minimum of code specifications on which they can
base their judgement and design decisions. Besides these elements, most engineers and
architects of the third world have a bias in favour of matenals that are traditional ones in the
North, the ones they are taught about. Actually, professionals in the Third world very
frequently suffer from the same problem of social status observed among the rural people of
Research has been ondertaken in several places. Construction oriented research is under
way in the Costa Rican Bamboo National Project, see for example, González ( 1992 ).
Fundamentals ofthe Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
Thailand. In other words, they fmd it a bit degrading to work with such a 'rough' materiallik:e
There is another group too, as observed in Latin America, for whom tradition is proof enough,
that tries to promotetheuse of bamboo based more on 'beliefs' than on technica! and rigorous
knowledge, some times producing a vicious circle of repeated mistakes.
A similar problem of 'acceptance' is encountered among researchers in so-called developing
countries, who endlessly repeat the subjects colleagues from the North tackle in their research
projects, refusing to put their talent and intelligence to the salution of their own nation's
problems. In the ftrst place this occurs because in doing so, they get far more recognition
among the public and the scientiftc community.
Another social issue around bamboo is the sort of target population associated with it.
In that respect, Prof. Krijgsman4 , a member of the Committee of this thesis, once said to the
author that if one wants to promotetheuse of a certain system or material among the needy,
one should flrst demonstrate that it is also acceptable toother [ rich] memhers of a society.
The author very much agrees with that. Poor people are poor because of economie problems,
not because they lack the incentive to be better. So long as a material is regardedas a 'poor
rnan's material' it is condemned to be refused, or to be used only on a very temporary basis.
It is the author' s belief that to some extent there is a conneetion between social and technica!
problems relating to the use of bamboo in the field of civil engineering, building and
architecture. Or even more generally, in relation to overall construction purposes. The link is
the lack of a sufftcient onderstanding of the material among professionals and the general
public. As a matter of fact, it is indeed a rèal difftculty to fmd consistent, ready-to-use and
complete information in this respect
One objective fact is a clear reality, resources are becoming more and more scarce, needs are
growing faster than ever, and bamboo is available, breaking the soil and reaching towards the
sky, as vital as it bas always been, producing a substantial amount of biomass that calls for
our attention. But perhaps more important, bamboo calls for our creativity and scientiftc
Prof.K.J. Krijgsman, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: introduetion
[;;] êJ ~
Figure 1.1: Stepsipbases in the structural design process as employed in this research.
on " joints with bamboo to facilitate construction; strength properties as affected by specific
applications; development of a design code for bamboo; establishment of an engineering data
base to facilitate the use of bamboo in the construction and building industry .. ". All of the
points addressed in this statement of purposes fall within the justification process of design,
in clear recognition of the lack of information at this stage.
In view of this, the major effort, both in terms of time and attention during the development
of the research reported in this thesis, has been put into the investigation of important points
related to the structural nature of bamboo. Design proposals are based on the analysis of the
results of this research.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chopter 1: Introduetion
1.2-Thesis organization.
The thesis follows two different semantic approaches. In the body of the thesis itself, the
major emphasis has been placed upon the description of phenomena and results in qualitative
terms, dealing mainly with those concepts that have direct consequences for the design
process. Quantitative analysis, both theoretica! or experimental, is dealt with in the appendixes.
This set up is only diverged from when necessary for ciarity's sake.
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 describe actlvities at the micro level of material properties, dealing with
tensile and compressive strains and stresses, and the glueability of bamboo, as seen in
figure1.2. Related appendixes are A, B, and C 5•
At the micro level problems are investigated to help find an explanation for the way bamboo
is able to sustain strains and stresses. Tension both perpendicular and parallel to the fibres are
included. The roles of the matrix and of the fibres are discussed and analyzed. The analysis
of bamboo culms under compressive loading is presented in chapter three and appendix B.
Chapter 4 describes the work carried out on the glueability of bamboo wood phases, and the
possibilities of using this approach as a solution to the problem of bamboo connections.
Experimental results on gluing are summarized in appendix C.
A synthesis about design is done at two different instances. Firstly, some considerations are
made at the material element level. Chapter 5 presents a design methodology I proposal for
the conneetion of bamboo structural components based on gluing. A full description of the
designprocessis included. The analysis of a glued conneetion is presentedinappendix D.
Secondly, the designprocessis forther considered at the level of the structure as a whole. In
order to onderstand the important features of bamboo structures, the results of the investigation
of a few features are presented as follows.
Boelding and the calculation of criticalloads are included in appendix E, the analysis of
bamboo trusses and frames is described in appendix F. The content of these appendixes
Shear has not been included as a research subject in this thesis. The reader is referred
to Janssen, (1981) fora good discussion on this subject.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
;::.:::.::::... APPENDIX Jl'
Figure 1.2; Thesis content description
1.3-General remark
Evidently bamboo is a very complex material, and the culms have a complex geometry. In this
workan effort bas been made to accountforthese complexities in an inclusive manner, but
at the same time to keep modelling and descriptions as simple as possible. Parameters are
included in the resulting proposed formulae so that their effect can be studied, and the
proposed models can be adapted to specific conditions after observation of experiments. The
latter were insufficient in our case due to,the lack of sufficient experimental material (only
two species could be explored).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 1: Introduetion
In this sense the proposed models are meant to indicate possible lines of thinking, rather than
to be final and conclusive explanations about complex relations between parameters in a
complex material. Models are proposed with the clear intention of motivating extensive
discussions among bamboo scientists and structural designers. lt is the author's hope that such
a broad discussion would allow clarification of the way these results can be used in every
specific circumstance, and that it would encourage the gathering of fundamental data needed
to validate some of the results described here. In turn it is hoped that in this way, some code
specifications will be agreed upon for bamboo, based on a better onderstanding of the
structural properties of the material.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
the culm and the cross-section in the radial direction. The author reports a maximum tensile
strength in the outer layer of 342 N/mm2 and a minimum in the inner layer of 54 N/mm2 • He
also found a consistent varlation for the elastic modulus. In relation with the position along
the culm, this author found that 'the strength does not vary much from the base to about half
the full height, but that it încreases toward the top where the strength was found to be 30%
to 40% higher. The tensile strength at the nodes was found to be only 80% of the
strength at the internodes.
Ota (1954) reports what seems to be a first attempt to relate mechanica! properties to physical
properties or biologica! factors. He studied the relation between tension at failure and the
sample moisture content on Phyllostachys edulis and Phyllostachys pubescens. He studied
bamboos from different localities, finding a linear experimental formula to relate tensile
strength to moisture content. This same author summarized as well the values of average
density and tensile strength for all the specimens tested, which may allow for comparlsons
with other results. Nevertheless, careful judgement is necessary since no detail is given about
the test procedure.
Karamchandani (1959) examined the suitability of bamboo as a construction material from
a more systematic approach, accounting for a series of engineering factors. In his paper he
reports that the tensile strength for the outer layers varies from 100 to 335 N/mm2 and from
lSO to 160 N/mm2 for the inner layers. This is in very poor agreement with the result
reported by Duff (opus cit). The species tested was Dendrocalamus strictus.
A more comprehensive study on this matter was undertaken by Cox (1969) on Arundinaria
tecta. From his literature review he reports that tensile strength of bamboo depends on age,
physiological varlation of individual culms, habitat, liquid content of soil in the habitat, and
"external physical forces". In the sam'e report it is established that the tensile strength of
individual culms increases from the flrst node to the middle node and then decreases towards
the top, and that specimens from the longest internodes usually had the largest tensile strength
as well. In most cases the node was the weakest section. It is also reported that the Bamboo
Research Committee for the Bureau of Public Highways from Manila stated that tensile
strength increases with "age of the specimen and from the basal to the distal section of
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
individual culms. Besides that, it is reported that in studies both in the United States and in
India it was found that peak values for tensite strength occurred for specimens three to four
year old. The author performed a set of tests on full culms, with special grips to avoid failure
by emshing in the supports. Rate of loading was controlled to a constant of 7 N/mm2/minute,
and the results were 110 N/mm2 on average for the maximum stress and 18670 N/mm2 for
the modulus of elasticity.
~I ~A I:r-1~.......--, -
I I L ~us-100
~140~ 50
wood support
bamboa strip
ctimensions in mm
wood support
A detailed description of a specimen for the tensile test is given by Atrops (1969), as shown
in figure 2.1.
The loading rate was set at 20.27 N/mm2/mln, and the test was carried out for both the outer
skin and the inner part of the culm, with results of 290 N/mm2 and 153 N/mm2 respectively.
No details are given on the studied species .
More recently, McLaughlin (1978) accepted the at the time well-established principle
according to which the mechanical properties of cellulose based matenals correlate very well
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
with density, and he proved that this was indeed a good approach for bamboo as well by
studying the relation between density and tensile strength for very thin samples of bamboo
tissues. This experimental work was performed on Bambusa vulgaris.
dimensions in m.m
Figure 2.2. shows the specimen used by Xiu-Xin (1985) to study the mechanical properties
of Phylostachys glauca from four different locations in China. His report includes data on
tensile strength, moisture and density, and regressionsof tensile stress and age are calculated.
Widjaja and Risyad (1985) studied the relation between anatomical and mechanica! properties
for some Indonesian bamboos.
Testing procedures were as recommended in ASTM 0143-52, 72, though the type of
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Prawirohatrnodjo (1988) also studied some Indonesian bamboos, ftnding average tensile
strengtbs of 297 N/mm2 and 31S N/mm2 for green and dry bamboo respectively. There is no
complete description of test procedures in the paper. Species were Bambusa arundinacea,
Bambusa vulgaris, Dendrocalamus asper, Gigantochtoa apus, Gigantochtoa ater, and
Gigantochtoa verticilliata.
Sharma (1990) reports on an experiment with the objective of investigating the possibilities
of bamboo as reinforcement for concrete T-beams. He studied Bambusa vulgoris and found
parallel tension strengtbs of 145 N/mm2 for specimens with nodes, and 200 N/mm2 for
internode samples. No details are given on the test procedure or other mechanica! aspects.
No reference was found on the tangendal strain or stress1 capacity of bamboa canes,
though many researchers and users mention the fact that bamboo is cleavage prone, being one
of its main advantages when used for handieraft purposes.
This cuerent chapter is dedicated to the description of the tensile characteristics of bamboo.
Experimental observations are described as an appendix (A), and some resulting data are
in the direction perpendicular to the fibres.
introduced, to establish some reference points of further use in the following chapters.
Vascular tissue with the primary function of water transport and that consists of vessels
and tracheids and associated parenchyma and fibres.
~he last-formed primary xylem, that matures after the organ has ceased to elongate and
bas reticulated thickened or pitted walls.
srissue with the major function of transporting metabolites, especially sugars, from
sourees to sinks.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
According to the same author, the ash content is 1-5%, the silica content varles .5-4% on
average increasing from bottorn to top. Most silica is deposited in the epidermis.
The cellulose amounts to more than 50% of the chemical constituents. The lignin is the
second most abundant constituent
Wood normally contains 40-50% cellulose and 20-30% lignin, 10-30% hemicelluloses •
Plant cell component that is soluble in dilute alkali or hot dilute mineral acids with the
formation of simple sugars.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
bearings, or at load application points, where it is therefore possible to find less than the
expected capacity.
Liese (opus cit) says that a close correlation exists between specific gravity and maximum
croshing strength, a claim that is widely supported in the literature. Ghavami (1988) also
maintains that the fibres are the main souree of strength. But fibre content and density are
rather variable. Liese (opus cit) says that besides marked variations from bottorn to top within
one culm, there are differences between individual culms from the same stand. This bas to
be taken into account in attempts to classify this material for engineering purposes.
It has been argued that bamboo is much harder than wood. In actual fact, it is a real problem
for saws and sawing. Probably the major difference between bamboo and wood in this respect
is not hardness, but the characteristics of its fibres8 • First of all, fibres are all aligned to the
axis, which means a perpendicular encounter with the facesof the saw. Second, because of
the concentration of fibres at the cutting planes, the abrasiveness of bamboo is much higher
than that of wood. Tests on this were perforrned in Malaysia ( Latiff et al; 1988). Differences
in wearing capacity between bamboo and rubber wood were as much as five-fold were found.
Friction is a relevant factor in saw-ability, thus bamboo saws should be fabricated bearing this
in mind.
Some ideas can be actvaneed in relation to the mechanism of failure when strains grow in the
direction perpendicular to the fibres.
It has been found (Jeronimides, 1976) that, for wood, the work of fracture for cracks
propagating across the grain is about 100 times greater than those propagating in the grain
direction. On the other hand, in fibre-reinforced materials, fracture working perpendicular to
the fibre is mainly due to the frictional work dissipated in pulling out fibres from the matrix.
It is argued that in the case of wood this mechanism is not available or it is very small. In
any case, since bamboo fibres are longer than wood fibres, and exhibit large diameters as
well, and on top of it all they fully contribute to the tensile capacity because of their
Some people believe that the difficulties for sawing are caused by the high silica content
of the skin of bamboo, but laboratory observations of the author during this research indicate
that difficulties remain, even when the skin has been removed.
Fundamentals Structures
orientation, it is logica! to assume that this friction mechanism is far more important in the
case of bamboo. In the radial and tangentlal directions this mechanism is not at all available,
so therefore the amount of crack energy is much less. In other words, in the transversal
direction only the matrix plays a direct role in the strength.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
dimensions in mm
The first element of concern was to know whether it was possible to find an appropriate place
in the specimen, where strains perpendicular to the fibres could be measured. In other words,
a place where these strains might occur without major disturbances from other effects.
Figure 2.4 shows a typical distribution of tangential strains, and figure 2.6 shows the same
for shear stresses in the specimen. lt should be noted that there is an area at the mid-point
between the holes where conditions are good, since stresses there can be considered as being
purely normal to the fibres.
At the beginning of the analysis, a value for the tangentlal E modulus (perpendicular to the
fibres) had to be guessed. It could be assumed that the tigure is close to that of lignin and,
according to Janssen (1981), it bas been taken between 1000 and 2000 N/mm2 in this
research. The specimen was analyzed under these two extreme conditions, and it was found
that the relation between peak vertical stresses and average ones was equal to 2.97 on
avemge. Now, the peak value occurs, as indicated in figure 2.5, as a compressive or contact
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
L .J23B-2
J .SJ7E-3
I .162B-3
F -.903B-3
E -.126B-2
B -.232B-2
stress (see the bottorn of the left circle, where concentration of lines can be observed). On the
other hand, peak shear values occur in the region indicated in figure 2.6 by a concentration
of lines at the bottorn right of the left circle. lt was later observed that, most of the time, the
crack tends to start right at that point
Por either of the two extreme values of the tangentlal E modulus, stresses along the horizontal
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
MI .lil!
I .545
I .166
E ·1.35
c ·2.11
B ·2.48
mid plane were found to be very small for deformations like the ones observed later in the
laboratory, close to the moment of failure. During the experimental phase, it was decided to
calculate average tangentlal stresses in the plane of failure, so that the tendency of this figure
could be compared to that of density and moisture, or any other physical property , under tbe
assumption that if such a relation existed, it would be observed even by cbecking this gross
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
ii ::~:::
~ .784E-2
~ .209E-2
I -. 367E-2
: ::~~~
. ·.267E-1
I ·.324E-1
. -. 382E-1
: -.497E-1
: -.612E-1
result (because the true values were just scaled). So in what fellows it must be borne in mind
that the values of strengths are only nominal ones.
2.2.2.-Experimental observations:
In the results reported here density has been measured by immersion of the whole specimen
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
so that a better average could be achieved, but evidence suggests that the average of two
smal! samples from both sides of the specimen would equally do.
Table 2.2 presents a summary of statistics of two samples of bamboa with different origins,
Guadua s.p. from Costa Rica, and Gigantochtoa scortechinii Gamble9 from Malaysia.
The sample of Gigantochtoa scortechinii Gamble was brought to Eindhoven only for the sake
of having some indication of the possible stability of the results over the maximum strain
found for Guadua s.p., as will be explained later, but it is acknowledged here that the sample
is smal! (12 specimens picked at random from a stock in the Forest Research Institute,
Malaysia) and that more systematic tests must be undertaken befare being conclusive on
characteristic parameters for this or any other species.
In respect to the results for Guadua s.p., experiments were exhaustive, many samples were
carefully taken on different occasions, and resulting data proved to be consistent enough to
be considered reliable (in total 50 tests were done for specimens with different positions in
the culm and of different diameter, these properties being random ones).
The frrst striking figures in the table are the non-existent correlation between density and
strength and maximum strain. It is important to mention that maximum strain is an
unmistakable feature, since failure occurs in an absolutely brittie way (in the case of non
brittle failure there is always room for discussion about this figure), and density was carefully
deterrnined in this investigation.
9 Gratitude is expressed to Mr. Latiff Mohamad from the Forest Research Institute
Malaysia, who supplied us with a smal! sample.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
It is convenient at this time to take a look at the possible mechanism of failure, befere
discussing other results.
Figure 2.7 shows a close-up of the radial plane of failure for a specimen of Gigantochtoa
scortechinii Gamble and figure 2.8 does the same for a specimen of Guadua s.p.. Cracks
develop joining weak points within the matrix, nonnally being situated around the
intervascular bundles. When the direction of growth of the crack crosses through a bundle,
it follows it surface or that of a fibre strand along the interface with the parenchyma cells and
other weak structures.
It seems clear that the more fibres there are present, the more likely it is that the crack is
Jonger. If, on the other hand, an extreme situation of only fibres and no matrix is taken, then
probably the strength would be very Iow as well. In other words, like in any other composite
material, there has to be an optimum combination of the number of fibres and the amount of
But yet another factor that plays a significant role in the strength is the density of the matrix
itself, since the presence of voids would imply less energy needed to split the element.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The above argumentation suggests that a sort of ceiling exists in relation to density and
strength, that is to say, it is logica! tothink that density would increase the capacity, but only
to a certain maximum, beyond which it may even have a negative effect. In the other
direction, about the same can be said, because there can be a combination of few fibres and
a dense matrix (and therefore very straight cracks), which would then produce another peak
capacity, but the latter would decrease downwards from there if the density of the matrix
decreases (giving rise to an imperfect matrix).
The above argument is put forward more with the intention of motivating specialists in the
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
field because the current research project can not be exhaustive on this matter. Laboratory
observations shed some light on the fracture fashion of bamboo, enabling to indicate that the
above remarks have some objective basis.
The correlation values in table 2.2 thus indicate that we are in the presence of samples which
are very different in nature from the point of view of the way they resist cracking, though
they do have something in common. In both cases, the maximum strain is about the same.
In fact, a hypothesis test was carried out comparing the two samples, only to prove that there
is no difference between their maximum strains. A similar conclusion was reached when these
two samples were compared to another one of Bambusa blumeana from the Philippines.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Though more studies are needed on more species, some evidence has been found to support
the idea that bamboo is able to carry an amount of strain that is rather invariable, or at least
would be so within a smal! range.
As a matter of fact, it was this finding what finally made that focus of attention was
concentrated into the examination of critica! strains, as an interesting design criterion.
Janssen (opus cit) found that the value of Poisson modulus is very stabie for bamboo, and
with this it is possible to relate longitudinal strains and tangential ones, closing a circle that
allows one to establish a design criteria for the material.
Therefore, it is proposed here that a criteria of maximum admissible tangential strain be
eventually adopted as a limiting criteria for design purposes. This would greaüy simplify
design procedures, because, as has been previously observed by many authors, and as is
plainly validated in this research report, bamboo behaves very proportionally. Thus the
calculation of strains would be an easy matter and could function as an easy check of ultimate
capacity. This will be the subject of more discussion in the following chapters, since
validation of this must be found in different stress conditions.
The tangential maximum strains for Guadua s.p., from several samples from different
experiments, were pooled together so that a better appreciation could be achieved, especially
over the variability of the figures. Results are summarized in table 2.3.
item figure
average 1.1 057x 10" 3
standard deviation 1.6170x 10-4
standard error 5.7175xJ0· 5
Table 2.3: Descriptive stalistics for Guadua s.p. from Costa Rica
Ultimate tangential strains
It is recommended here, that similar studies be carried out for culms from other species and
origins, since a lot more data are needed to be conclusive on the generality of these findings.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
1t is possible that different critica! values may be found for different bamboo types, but in any
case, specific design values can be calculated for each characteristic condition.
tA eq.2.(1)
on both sides of strip B, for every increment y. Then, once the tensile load F is applied to the
specimen, defonnations in the y axis will occur. If perfectly proportional behaviour is
assumed then the defonnations in each one of the elementary strips are
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
-,--+------lf----r-- t
-&' .
Figure 2.10: Transition zone between the gauge and the supporting section.
Due to the Poisson effect, each section of the specimen will also deform in the lateral or, in
lhis case, x direction. For strips A and B respectively this deformation is
Fundnmentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
From equations 2.(4) and 2.(5) it can beseen that there is a difference between the unit lateral
deformations in each one of the successive elementary strips. This duferenee leads to the
appearance of shear defonnations which have to be mainly taken by the matrix of the
material, because of the type of structural array in bamboo. From figure 2.10 it can be seen
that the shear angle due to the difference in defonnation is
dy =-2-
Ex eq.2.(7)
2(1 +v)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Integration gives
~ ~ y +~ (11)
4(1 +v )(tA +2my)E,t 1
Since it can be assumed that no change occurs in the section below line a-a, then
In order to know the value of shear stresses at the root of the gauge sec ti on, then a limit value
of eq. 2.(12) has to be calculated, so
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
E"v o, eq.2.(14)
4(1 +v)E1
From data in this chapter it can be seen that this is too close to the maximum stress that
bamboa can carry in the interfibre planes.
That is to say, the shape proposed in ISO 3345 for wood might not be suitable fora material
lik:e bamboo, since there wil! be a tendency to produce a failure of the specimen at the root
of the gauge zone.
It seems, therefore, that a straight specimen may be more promising in the case of bamboo,
or at least one with only a very slight change in section.
An additional conclusion that can be reached from the above result, is that matenals with a
structure lik:e that of bamboo behave very poorly when initia! cracks or sudden changes in
section occur, especially in areas with a high concentration of tensile stresses. An initia! crack
may be regarded as a sudden change in section and therefore a simtlar phenomenon to the one
just described wil! occur.
In choosing a way to measure parallel tension, another problem has to be taken into account,
since large compressive stresses in the transversal direction are developed by the grips. What
is more, the difference in toughness between the steel grips in the testing machine and
bamboo is so important, that it is actvisabie to place a transition material between the grips
and the specimen to avoid damage by contact.
Based on the above and after some trials, the specimen of figure 2.11 was used.
During the development of the specimen, it was found that hard wood is necessary for the
10say tension capacity is 270 N/mm2 , Young's modulus 2000 and 14000 in x and y
respectively. ·
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
making of the supports, since soft woods tend to split and slip under the application of loads.
Of special importance is the choice of gluing length. This very much depends on the type of
glue and of course on the amount of force to be expected 11 • Therefore, some trials are
always actvisabie to get an insight into this problems, and calculations are needed to finally
determine the total length of support.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
300 ------ -----········· ·---·-- ........................ .
~ 150
100 -······-·················-····-- .. ···-························-·-·--·······-·· --·-·-····-··········· ········--····-··--
0 3 6 9 12 15
A problem that wil! later prove to be of great importance is the determination of mechanica!
and geometrie parameters for the rnadelling of the nodes. lt has on occasion been argued that
the thickness of the node is an x number of times the thickness of the internode, a fact that
should be precisely defined to be taken into the analysis.
Figure 2.13 shows a longitudinal section across the node region of a sample of Guadua s.p..
It can be observed that the real shape of the node is complex in nature, ranging from a well
defined disk to a sort of hilly plate. Thickness is smal! compared to that of the internode, and
the transition region between internode and node occurs in a smal! region. In this transition
region fibres bend towards the centre of the diaphragm, or they just stop, or, in the case of
the outermost group, they point outwardly.
All this discontinuity and complexity in the shape of the node region calls for a more indirect
way of determining its properties.
To calculate the elastic modulus of the nodes as reported in this chapter, strain gauges of 30
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
mm were located as shown in figure 2.14, so that the readings averaged the effects there. In
this way the node Young's modulus refers to that average, and whenever used for calculation
purposes, a node length of 30 mm should be used. The problem of the detennination of the
thickness can be overcome since for the length of 30 mm thickness can be considered
constant, because whatever value it takes in the diaphragm, its weight within the 30 mm
length can not be relevant.
Another important reason for following the above recommendation is that the fibres in the
transition zone can not play an important role in the longitudinal stiffness of the element,
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
because before they can take any direct tension energy they have to be straightened, and for
that purpose it is expected that very little energy is needed.
As presented in appendix A, nodes are the weakest and the softest components of the culm.
Average capacity is only about 30% of that of the intemode, and the average elastic modulus
is only 40%.
Since they are the weakest link, their properties are of paramount importance in the deflnition
of design capacities. Their influence in the elasticity of the members becomes very
bamboo strip
strain gauge
-- --1mm
node (re:~~=--
the test) -···---·..l
important as well. The relevanee of this effect is a matter of discussion in appendix F of this
1 Anonymous; 1991. DIANA Finite Element Analysis-User's Manual. TNO Building
Fundamentals Structures
2 Atrops, J.L.; 1969. Elastizitaet und Festigkeit von Bambusrohren. Der Bauingeniur,
Vol 44, pp. 220-225.
3 Cox & Geymayer; 1969. Expedient reinforcement for concrete for use in S.E. Asia.
4 Duff, C.H.;1941. Bamboo and its structural use. The Engineering Society of China,
session 1940-41, paper# ICE.. 1. Institution of Civil Engineers of Shanghai, pp.l-27.
6 Grosser, D.; Liese, W.;1971. On the Anatomy of Asian Bamboos, with special
reference to their vascular bundles. Wood Science and Technology. Vol. 5, pp.290-
8 Jeronimides, G.; 1976. The fmcture of wood in relation to its structure. Leiden
Botanical Series. N.3, pp.253-265.
10 Latif, M.A.; Tamizi, M.M.; Rashid, M.S.; Shukari, M.M.; 1988. Wear resistance of
two commercial bamboo species in peninsular Malaysia and their suitability as a
flooring material.Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, Nov. 14-18,
Cochin, India, pp.223-230.
11 Liese, W.; 1985. Anatomy and Properties of bamboo. Proceedings of the International
Bamboo Workshop, october 6-14, Hangzhou, People' s Republic of China, pp. 196-208.
12 McLaughlin, E.C.; 1979. A noteon the strengthof Jamica grown barnboo. Wood and
Fiber, Vol 11, #2, pp 86-91.
13 Meyer, H.F.; Ekelund, B.; 1923. Tests on the mechanica! properties of bamboo.
Engineering Society of China. Session 1922-1923, Vol22, paper 7, pp 141-169.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamhoo Structures
14 Prawirohatmodjo, S.; 1988. Comparative Strengths of Green and Air Dry Bamboo.
Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, Nov. 14-18, Cochin, India,
15 Ota, M.; 1950. Studies on the properties of bamboostem (part 10). On the relation
between the tensile strength parallel to the grain and the moisture content of splint
bamboo. Bulletin Kyushu University of Forestrv. Vol 23, pp. 155-164.
16 Sharma, A.; 1990. Bamboo Reinforeed Concrete Beams. Proceedings of the IABSE
Symposium, Brussels, pp. 677-682.
17 Soeprayitno, T.; Tobing, L.; Widjaja, E.A.; 1988. Why the Sundanese of West Java
Prefer Slope-inhabiting Gigantochtoa pseudoarandinacea to those Growing in the
Valley. Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, Nov. 14- 18, Cochin,
India, pp. 215-217.
18 Widjaja, E.A.; Risyad, Z.; 1985. Anatomical Properties of some Bamboos Utilized in
lndonesia. Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, October 6-14,
Hangzhou, People's Repoblie of China.
19 Xiu-Xin, L.; Liu-Keqing, W.; 1985. A study on the physico mechanical properties of
culm wood of Phylostachys glauca of Shandong. Joumal of Bamboo Research, Vol
4, #2, July.
Fundamentals of the Structures
values obtained for pieces containing the whole section were 81.6 and 83.1 N/mm1
respectively for both species, for related masses of 965 and 866 kg/m3• He found that
compressive strength decreases towards the node.
Limaye (1952) carried out a matricial analysis of different factors presumably related to the
mechanica! properties of bamboo, namely moisture content, presence of node in the specimen,
position along the culm, and age.
Some comments will be made to summarize the author' s conclusioos.
In re gard to the position of the specimen along the culm and its influence, the author states
that " the main effect between the three positions is significant in all cases. But the
interactloos between ages and positions are not significant for compression and the
interactloos between the position of nodes and positions along the culm are not significant for
modulus of elasticity and compression". A condusion in this research is that the modulus of
Young is much higher for the bottorn position than for both the middle and the top position
in bamboo culms, a fact that the researcher associates with " the greater wall thickness of the
culm near the ground level" (judgement on this affirmation is left to the reader !). Seasoning
was found to be an important factor, increasing the strengthof green bamboo by more than
40%, and it was also found that there is an increase in the strength with age up to three years,
though no further increase in age was studied. The species was Dendrocalamus strictus.
Sekhar and Rawat (1956) made a first attempt to establish a standard test for compression of
bamboo specimens, calling fora ratio of 10 or less for length to wall thickness. This comes
from the review of the work by Limaye (opus cit) and others and the comparison with
specifications for wood. They also suggested that two specimens should be taken, one in the
green condition and the other being kiln dried to 12% moisture content, both originating from
the internode section of the culm.
Atrops (1969) studied the compression and elastic characteristics of bamboo by performing
a total of 108 tests using three types of specimens: a) internode b) nodes at the extremesof
the specimen and c) node at the middle of the specimen . Tests were done at a toading rate
of .33 N/mm2/s and a moisture content of 18.1% on average. The size of the specimens was
chosen according to a relation of diameter to height of 1 to 4. Maximum and minimum
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
strengths found for specimens type a, band c were, respectively, 522- 402, 537- 407, and
528 - 433 N/mm2•
lanssen (1981) performed a very extensive literature review and a comprehensive set of tests
on the compression capacity of bamboo culms on Bambuso blumeana. Some aspects deserve
special attention and will be summarized in the following.
The height of the specimens was 50, 100 and 200 mm, the diameter varied from 70 to 90 mm
and the wall thickness from 5 to 9 mm. The following variables were taken into account,
besides the height of the specimen:
-Moisture content
-position along the culm
-node and internode
The loading speed was set in the range of 2.7 to 3.2 kN/s or about 1.5 N/mm 2, for an
approximate speed of deformation of 0.02 mm/s.
This author reports that failure was either splitting or croshing and that no relation was
found between this and the moisture content. Results between 60 and 176 N/mm2 are
reported. 1t was found that the parameters height of the specimen and node were not
significant and a recommendation was given to search for an explanation for this effect.
The tests showed that there is no difference between the compressive strength of split
bamboos and full culms, at least for the 5 % lower boundary, and a recommendation was
made to carry out compression tests for split bamboos only, using a smaller machine.
A relation between compression strength and density was found as:
fc = 0.094 p eq.3.(1)
fc=.CYJ75p eq.3.(2)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
A polynomial was found to calculate the compressive strength as a function of the age of the
culm at the time of cutting as
N eq.3.(S)
Espiloy (1985) carried out a very complete statistica! analysis of the physical and basic
mechanica! properties of Bambusa blumeana and Gigantochloa levis from the Phillipines,
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
following the recommendations of ASTM1 for small specimens of wood. Variables included
fibre length, fibre diameter, lumen diameter, cell wall thickness, vessel dimensions related to
moisture content, relative density, shrink:age, compression strength, modulus of ropture and
modulus of elasticity, and in turn these mechanic variables were statistically related to outside
diameter, lengtb-to-span ratio and culm wall thickness.
Prawirohatmodjo (1988) performed tests on both full culm 100 mm height and split bamboo
30 x 10 mm x thickness of the culm. The author reports that in his experiment the presence
of a node .in the specimen does not seem to affect the strength, and that moisture content
is a significant factor. No data are included in the paper about the relation of compressive
strengthand density.
By request of the Costa Rican Bamboo National Project (Chaves and Gutiérrez, 1988), Sotela
(1990) produced a handhook for 'physical and mechanica! testing of bamboo'. It includes
recommendations for the determination of density, contractions, bending, compression and
shear capacity. In general, the specifications for bending shear and compression follow
lanssen (opus cit), except that details are given on the number of specimens, the preparation
of specimens prior to testing, and the protocol for reporting results. One important feature is
the use of strain gauges on compression specimens though in a paper by the same author
(Sotela, 1992) he maintains that 'it is difficult to calculate strains from compression tests,
even with electronk devices'. In this paper the physical and mechanica! properties of Guadua
s.p. from two different localities in Costa Rica are compared. This author reeommencts that
the elastic modulus of bamboo is calculated from bending tests only according to the
recommendations of the above mentioned handbook. A comparison is made between bamboo
and some hardwoods from Costa Rica, as summarized in the following table.
American Society of Testing Materials.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Chapter 3: Compression behaviour of bamboo culms
Table 3.1: Bamboo and som~ Costa Rican wood types, after Sotela {opus cit).
The moisture content of each of these wood species was 12%, and it was 15% for the bamboo
in thls case that the length of the specimen is comparable to the diameter, so that
eccentricities due to tapering are negligible.
Detail A shows the fact that the axial stiffness varles along the thickness of the culm,
increasing towards the outside. This means that axial stresses will be mainly taken by the
outermost rings or layers of the culm, creating an uneven dis tribution of stresses, and inducing
relative tensions in the innermost rings. The overall effect of this will be the generation of
radial bending moments as shown in detail B.
The resulting compression in the outermost layers will generate, expansion of the rings in the
tangentlal direction, due to the Poisson phenomena, as pictured in detail C, and it will create
contraction in the innermost rings. The expansion of the outermost rings will eventually lead
to longitudinal crack:ing as shown in figure B.2. The relative difference between the
displacements in the outermost and the innermost rings also creates some sort of annular
crack:ing, indicated by the radial arrows in detail C, as was observed in the laboratory.
In this way bamboo in compression will fait when a critica! value of tangentlal stresses is
reached in the outer skin, initiating a longitudinal crack. This mode of faiture bas been
reported by, for example, Meyer and Ekelund (opus cit), and by Janssen (opus cit).
This faiture mode leads to the conclusion that fibre density could contribute negatively to the
strength of the specimen, since tangentlal tensile strength seems to be the more logical
mechanism, and strength can be better related to the matrix in this case (see chapter 2, section
Secondly, as mentioned in appendix B, it is possible that due to partienlar initial conditions
of the geometry of the specimen, with an especially large influence from tapering in
combination with the presence of friction, radial inward-bending moments occur, as illustrated
in figure 3.2.
Thirdly, as explained in appendix B, when the.specimen is short enough, it is possible to
have failure by contact stresses, something close to a compression failure in a cylindrical or
cubic specimen as observed in other types of materials. This mode of failure, which might
be of interest from the point of view of the material, does not describe the way bamboo
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
ential ._.......
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
3- E8 is constant
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
As shown in figure 3.4, two lateral displacements can be considered, e due to the lateral
expansion of the specimen, and w, due to the bending deformation of the wall of the culm.
It can be shown that the relation between tangentlal strains and radial expansion is given by
w, eq.3.(7)
E =-
e r
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure 3.4:Bearn on elastic foundation model
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
..__2:!-v +n
8(w,. +e} = 0 eq.3.(13)
öx ,. x öx
àv,. eq.3.(15)
ÖX r r
&w, eq.3.(16)
mJtX = -Dx -.-
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
wr = 00
The first component of the right hand side part of this equation can be recognized as the
bockling load of the culm when initial cracking exists, or when the tangentlal capacity of the
culm is negligible. The second component is, therefore, the contribution of the lateral stiffness
of the specimen. To get some idea of the participation of these teems in the whole
r ""40mm t·= 6mm E = 16000- E6 = 2000-- l = 60mm
" mm 2 mm2
Ocr = 144+456
This means that the normal recommendation, to take the length as ten times the thickness of
the specimen to prevent buckling, is far too conservative for bamboo, since the first
component of the criticalload (cracked specimen) already gives a value that is almost three
times the average compressive capacity of bamboo.
It can be concluded that lateral buckling of the walls of the specimen is not a critica! mode
in compression tests. It has tobetaken into account that the model of eq.3.(17) is even more
conservative, because it does not consicter the effect of radial reacting bending moments in
the surface of contact between the specimen and the plates of the machine. Experience
indicates that the height of the specimen should be equal to the diameter at most, in order to
avoid the influence of tapering.
Finally, some comments about the influence of the nodes on the compression capacity.
Janssen (opus cit), Limaye (opus cit), and Sekhar and Rawat (opus cit), among others,
reported that no influence of the nodes on the compression capacity could be found. In
compression tests the node impedes the lateral expansion of the specimen working in tension.
lf the low tensile capacity of the nodes is recalled, on the one hand, and on the other, the fact
that nodes are not flat disks but curved surfaces then it is expected that indeed their
contribution to the lateral stiffness of the walls is small. Even though this is the case, a
simplification can be made by assuming that they are flat disks. The complete analysis is not
presented here, but it can be shown that under these conditions, at the maximum compressive
capacity, average tensile stress in the nodes are equal to about 30 N/mm2, about ten times
their expected capacity, which would explain the experimental findings.
1 Atrops, J.L.; 1969. Elastizitaet und Festigkeil von Bambusrohren. Der Bauingeniur,
Vol 44, pp. 220-225. ·
2 Chaves, A.C.; Gutiérrez, J.; 1988. The Costa Rican Bamboo National Project.
Procedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, Cochin, India, November 14-18,
7 Meyer, H.F.; Ekelund, B.; 1923. Tests on the mechanica! properties of bamboo. The
engineering Society of China. Session 1922-1923, Vol 22, paper 7, pp 141-169.
8 Ota, M.; 1950. Studies on the properties of bamboostem (part 4). Study of the form
of the specimen in the test of compressive strength. Joumal of the Jaganese Forestry
Society. Vol 32, pp. 65-69.
9 Prawirohatmodjo, S.; 1988. Comparative Strengtbs of Green and Air Dry Bamboo.
Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, Cochin, India, November 14-18,
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
i 0.29
l':l 0.19
2 B a
STRESS N/1111'1"'2
Figure 4.1: Bonding test showing all registered defonnations. Glue type: PVAc ( white
wood glue ).
Figure 4.1 shows results of a bonding test. Each one of the curves is codified to identify the
corresponding point of measurement. The codification corresponds to pins, in such a way that
those beginning with 'wood' are related to pins onthe surface of wood, and those beginning
with 'bam' topins located on bamboo. The depth difference between the layer where bamboo
pins and wood pins were located was about 1 mm (see figure C.2). It can be seen that at the
depth where the bam pins are located very little defonnation occurs, compared to that of the
wood pins. This is an indication of the fact that only the innennost layer of bamboo is able
to take stresses from the glue , due to the low shear capacity of the matrix. Glued phases
actually fail because of shear in the interfibre surfaces.
lt can be expected that the shear behaviour of bamboo differs from point to point because of
the different concentration of fibres. Different crack lengtbs may occur as a consequence.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Despite of this fact attention is paid only to the gluing capacity of the inner layer of the culm
in this research report, because of a predetermined interest in transmitting forces to or from
the inside of the culms
2 -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In figure 4.2 it can be seen that the relation between stresses and deformations is very
smooth, almost directly proportional for most of the range. Failure always occurs in a rather
sudden way, and it looks as if the pretoading loop does not seriously affect the characteristics
of the curve.
An experiment was set to examine the influence of certain parameters on the bonding capacity
of the phases. Considered factors were :
- Bamboo density (represented as the average along the thickness).
- Bamboo thickness.
- Bamboo initial diameter.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
soft wood represented by an European conifer of 420 kgr/m 3 , hard wood represented by
a tropical hardwood of 780 kgr/m 3•
PV Ac following the Oerman lnstitute of Normalization ( DIN ) norm 68602B2, Araldite
AW 106 N( 3-dimethylaminopropyl)l-3 propylenediamine.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
of stresses shows an average deformation of about 0.1 mm, without a significant difference
between the two types of glue.
For all practical purposes this deformation is little enough to produce a very stiff connection,
though this fact has to be examined in more detail for every specific application.
d.f.:degrees of freedom
F-ratio: Fisher' s coefficient.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
h 6.20106 .407181 .4312857 5.20623-7.19588
s 5.80141 .300461 .4034309 4.87084-6.73199
r 6.21919 .401665 .4312857 5.22436-7.21401
w 5.78555 .302878 .4034309 4.85498-6.71612
h r 6.34300 .732939 .5705374 5.02697-7.65903
h w 6.01180 .234167 .6587998 4.49218-7.53142
s r 6.05410 .176344 .6587998 4.53448-7.57372
s w 5.64980 .477621 .5103042 4.47271-6.82689
Table 4.2 : 95% confidence limits for the mean S1RENGTHS after an analysis of
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Final stress valnes were then compared to those of a sample subjected only to steadily
increasing load, where no significant difference between the two samples was found. Final
deformation proved not to be affected either. A typical stress deformation plot from this
experiment is shown in figure 4.3.
The experiment was then repeated on another sample for a larger amplitude of the load,
maiutaining the same loading speed. The chosen range was between 10 and 80% of the
expected ultimate stress level. Figure 4.4 shows that deterioration occurs at this level of stress
and rigidity quickly deteriorates leading to the failure of the specimen.
An obvious question arises here. What is the level of stresses for which the behaviour changes
from that reported in figure 4.3 and that of figure 4.4 ?
Because of time limitations, it was not possible to answer this question, but this matter is
worthy of further research.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Another important aspect considered was load reversion. Structures under cyclic loadings
frequently sustaio some degree of reversion of the toading as well. This is especially true of
light structures, because in those cases dead load is small compared to live and other types
of load.
This argument also applies to bamboo structures, and thus it is of interest to know what is
the behaviour of glued phases under the action of reversing loadings.
An experiment was undertak:en for such a purpose. Specimens were loaded with a si~nal of
amplitude -1 00,+ l 00% of the design load. An example of the results is shown in tigure 4.5.
Mter 20 cycles specimens were completely unloaded, and then reloaded till failure, and final
stresses were again compared to those of the steadily increasing load specimens, resulting in
no significant difference between the two sets of results. Final deformation was also the same,
indicating no deterioration of the stiffness. It can be seen that the. amplitude of the loops
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
remained very stabie too, at this level of stresses. Even though no attempt was made to study
the real hysteresis of the glued phases evidence as shown in ligure 4.4 suggests not much
energy dissipation is available and therefore stress design levels should be kept in the
elastic range. Structures in areas prone to seismie activity should be designed for the
maximum earthquake response without any allowance for plastic deformation, that is,
without considering any energy dissipation mechanism, unless other dissipating points are
included, of course. Because of the lightness of bamboo, peak loads are expected to be low
in any case.
In - 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ..q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1t was considered important to observe the sensitivity of the above results to a change in the
speed of the application of the load, because the speed recommended by ISO is very slow as
compared to a real earthquake signal. In the case of the signal of figure 4.3, frequency is
0.008 hertz, while it is considered that the possible range of responses for bamboo structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
are between 0.5 to 20 hertz, depending on a number of facts (mass distribution, stiffness,
support and soil conditions, etc.). In order to observe the effect of this type of load on the
glued phase, the signal of figure 4.6 was chosen. The period of the different trains was
decided after examination of some earthquake registers (Arce,O.A., 1992). Different locations
under different soil conditions, including extremesof stiff and very soft soil were looked into,
so that the experimental input covered those extreme conditions. The basic idea was to imitate
the initial, the intermediale and the final frequency trains that may typically occur in a real
earthquake, for different combinations of amplitudes and frequencies. Because of limitations
on the equipment, digitalization of the signals was not possible, so no real earthquakeinput
was employed. The random character of peak loads that are typical of earthquake signals
could not be replicated either because of the same limitations
It was also found that the equipment was only sensitive to frequencies of or below 0.5 hertz,
after which there was no forther controL Therefore it was not possible to go beyond this level.
Further, it was not possible even at this frequency, to record deformations, because the data
acquisition speed was found to be very slow for this signal, so the experiment was only
checked with a continuous plot of force against time.
Again it was found that the final load of the specimens was not affected by the imposition
of the dynamic signal. What is more, three specimens were subjected to more than fifty cycles
of complete reversal between -100 and +100% of the design load at 0.5 hertz, with no
apparent damage. Specimens were reloaded again up to failure, and the average result showed
no difference with that of the reference sample.
Thoughthese results are only indicative, and more research is needed to be conclusive about
the dynamic properties of glued bamboo wood phases, results so far are encouraging and can
be taken as a confrnnation of the degree of safety of the recommended design level.
The final choice of glue on a given design of course depends on a number of aspects. So far,
evidence suggests that strength is not the most important issue, because, ~ explained before,
faiture occurs inside bamboo.
Three factors must be carefully examined though. First, durability, especially in relation to
weathering, is a problem that requires close examination. In relation to this it has to be
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
0..5 hertz 0..5 hertz 0..5 hertz ftequency
remembered that bamboo requires preservaûon, and, as a complete definiûon of this problem
is yet to be gained, preservants may react with glue, or may impede correct bonding. Second,
glues are normally expensive, and someûmes unavailable in eertaio regions of the third world.
So a cost effecûve choice is always a priority. Third, workability may be important,
depending on the specific design application. It can be, for example, that a filling glue type
is desirabie for some reason. Among other soluûons, a mixture of resin and portland cement'
may turn out te be attractive, because in this case the resin volume is decreased. As a result
there are lower costs with the advantages on the durability side. In addiûón, the need for
Work done by Dr. Jurek Jassienko, a staff member of the University of Technology of
Wroclaw, Poland, duringa sabbatical in the University of Technology of Eindhoven, showed
the potentials of this applicaûon in the case of wood restoration work.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
pressure during the setting period is eliminated, and surface irregularities or are compensated
2 Jindal, U.C.; 1988. Tensile strengthof bamboo fibre-reinforced plastic composites with
different stacking sequences. Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop.
Nov. 14-18, Cochin, India, pp.231-234.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
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Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
The Danish agency for development.
Fundamentals the Design of Bamboo Structures
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S~CTION 11·11
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
conneetion system for bamboo elements is undertaken. The experience summarized in thls
introduetion is employed as background information in the process.
5.2-Deslgn Methodology
A systematic design approach is now given according to the description in figure 5.6.
Basically, the design problem is frrst defined by means of eertaio objectives to be
accomplished by the resulting object, system or technique. In this case structural performance
is the chosen semantic level, since the object to be produced is fundamentally a structural
object Next, constraints of the design are clearly stated. Basically, these frrst two elements
should completely define the design problem, to which the resulting design should be a
plausible solution. An instrument .for the evaluation of the resulting design bas to be
developed, so that decisions can be made over a number of options. The actual application
of the approach is described below.
5.3-0bjective function
" To achieve structural continuity between elements "
In modern construction technology, the concept of conneetion involves the search for
mechanisms such that deformations can be kept largely under control, and that predictions are
, also possible. Structural continuity also conveys the idea of force transmission according to
a certain prescribed and desirabie manner.
Perhaps the main role of the conneetion is indeed to safely transmit loads in a prescribed
manner from element to element, and finally to the ground.
5.4- Constraints.
5.4.1-Intemal Constraints. properties.
In order to define material constraints all relevant features of the material are described and
a synthesis is made, based on the descriptions made in previous sections of the thesis, and on
other sourees where necessary.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
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Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Bamboo is an anisotropic material which shows its best mechanica! properties in the direction
parallel to the grain, coïncident with the longitudinal axis within very small margins of
variation. Loaded in tension fibres face stresses with comparatively little shear disroption of
the weak lignin in between them.
Under compression, lignin does play a significant role and failure occurs because of the
presence of tangentlal expansive forces in the specimen leading to critica! tangentlal strains.
This mixture of high-strength fibres running almost perfectly parallel (but certainly without
crossing), and a weak lignin matrix in between, produces a material with little tensile and
shear capacity in the direction parallel to the grain. Bamboo is a unidirectionally reinforeed
composite with comparatively litOe tangential capadty.
These facts ·are well-known to people in the villages and they actually use weaknesses of
bamboo to their own advantage. They split bamboo longitudinally by wedging a knife in
between the fibres, with very little effort, to produce the raw material they need for baskets
and furniture.
Some of the most promising species are hollow and nearly round. This means there are a
number of problems for the design of connections. Besides that, bamboo canes are tapered
and thickness varlation is important.
Forces generate high tangentlal stresses due to the round and hollow shape. As mentioned
above, the absence of tangentlal or radial fibres creates a set of natura! failure planes along
the longitudinal direction and this stops bamboo from taking advantage of the dome effect,
that could have been expected as a response to forces perpendicular to the culm. Open ends
are then vecy easily crushed and this is no doubt the reason why common practice
reeommencts the location of transversal loads on the nodes, to take àdvantage of their
diaphragm effect. As node distribution along the cane is rather varia~le (Espiloy,l985), this
is not always possible and in any case it works out to be restrictive and rigid from a
constructional point of view.
Another inconvenience associated with the round shape of bamboo is the difficulty of aligning
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
elements to produce a neat joint. This has led to element overlapping, but this produces a very
massive joint, creates serious problems to the modulation and prefabrication of elements and
what is equally important, prevents an easy solution for the problem of interaction between
bamboo frames and other elements of the building. Besides that, overlapping leads to the
creation of ect:entricities, increasing bending moments and secondary effects in the
But the main drawback: of bamboo's shape need not be the stresses involved, but the
difticulties that arise on the geometrie side of the connection. Since sizes occur in a rather
random fashion, each conneetion presents a specific case and produces specific cutting
problems. So the conneetion of elements is a very Iabour intensive task:, that requires highly
qualified work:ers. The amount of sk:ill needed is such that the furniture industry workers are
real artists, and their wages follow suit In Costa Rica, for example, this phenomenon is such
that bamboo furniture is a luxurious product, in spite of the low cost of the material, far
beyond the buying capacity of the low iocome levels of general society (Manger,l991).
Thus bamboo bas a high variability in size, thickness and shape. HoJJowness creates littJe
croshing strength.
5.4.2-Extemal constraints.
Extemal constraints are set up as a list of desirabie characteristics to be fulfilled by the design
Bamboo construction is fundamentally aimed at the solution of infrastructure problems in
areas where sophisticated equipment and technica! capacity are not readily available or are
expensive. Therefore, good design must be simple in terms of the amount of skill and
equipment involved in its production. These conditions are very important because solutions
to building problems in developing countries normally eaU for the participation of untrained
volunteers or users in self-construction projects.
Field tests would be necessary to fully understand and qualify the grade of simplicity of a
design. Factors like those explained by the Theory of Learning and Learning Curves can then
be quantified and accounted for, and, in the same way, the interaction between component and
total costs can be better understood. Stability:
Joints should bestabie in relation to time. Design must take durability into account. in terms
compatible with the expected life of the entire structure.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
and safety estimation. Not even rules of thumb seem to be available. Plausible mechanical
roodels andlor sound experimental data should be the natural companions of proposals for
joints. effectiveness:
Taking the interests of bamboo users into account, any submission or proposition must fulfil
requirements of cost-effectiveness.
In themselves joints are one of the highest components of structural costs in a building. But
it is common knowledge that joints affect the overall structural costs as wen, because they
change the amount of structural material needed, construction time, Iabour needs, architectonic
design possibilities, and so forth. So, the real impact of joints on the total cost is not a simple
matter to determine, and it certainly would be a mistake to simply compare joint to joint by
the cost of, for example, only the matenals involved.
5.5-Design Profile
The analysis of internal constraints indicates certain elements that should be present in a
'Design Profile'. This can be summarized as a set of specifications for the designer and in
this specific case works out to be :
-Avoid peneteation by nails, screws or bolts.
-Avoid open ends.
-Solve the probieros of size adaptability.
-Transfer forces by axially distributing them to the fibre system of the culm.
5.6.-Joint evaluation
In order to compare different design options or joints already available, it is necessary to
produce an instrument, so that the decision on the quality of the different possibilities can be
madeintbemost objective way.
At the end of this chapter an assessment is made of the design proposal, by summarizing its
most important features, and comparing them with the objectives and con,straints of the
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
objective function.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Spoer' s by using a tightened wire that is wound around the culm until it is completely
covered in spite of the author's claim of its dubious effectiveness. So, in both solutions an
attempt is made to take care of the problem of the low tangentlal capacity of bamboo.
Experience shows that taking forces out from inside the eulm solves a number of problems.
For example, the alignment of elements, distribution of emshing stresses, etc. So far, the
problem remains how to transmit forces to other elements without using expensive fittings,
on the one hand, and how to proteet bamboo in the tangentlal direction on the other.
Filling the eulm seems to be a flrst logica! step. To transmit forces from the eulm to the
filling, and at the same time to reinforce bamboo to sustain tangentlal strains, some sort of
adhesive material is needed. Better still, a piece of wood ean be used and glue can be
employed to stick it to the inner surface of bamboo. As shown in chapter four and appendix
C, any normal glue provides a capacity far larger than that of bamboo in the tangentlal
direction. The piece of wood can be regarded as a wood fltting. This component of the
conneetion can be extended outside the culm to meet the outcoming piece of wood from other
elements, and the design of an appropriate way of joining them together can be achieved, as
it is normally done in wood construction. In more demanding structural conditions, some
other type of solution ean be developed.
Figure 5.7 shows a proposal. The main principle bebind it is, as explained before, that the
system takes forces out from inside the culm, distributing contact stresses over as much area
as needed. In order to achieve this a cylindrical piece of wood is glued to the culm internally.
The frrst gain comes from the fact that the presence of the piece of wood changes the intemal
distribution of shear stresses, because of the enlargement of the net second moment of area
in the region of the connection. Obviously, the cross-section is also enlarged. Th is means that
bending stresses are diminished too, compared to those in the vicinity of the connection,
where bamboo acts alone. Normally the thickness of bamboo is small compared to the
diameter of the full combined section. This then produces a low demand on bonding stresses,
as shown in appendix D, where an analysis of stresses is presented for the derivation of rules
for calculation.
Two slots are needed to control cracking during the insection of the wood cylinder into the
Fundamentals the Design of Bamboo Structures
culm, as shown in the figure, because, as said before, bamboo is rarely perfectly round.
Besides this fact, the inner surface must be carefully cleaned prior to gluing. The preparation
of the inner surface can be done using a hand-held drilling machine with sand paper attached
to the drill. Up to 5 mm can be easily removed this way, n'l.aking it possible to use a flxed
diameter siie of the wood cylinder in a variety of bamboo sizes.
It bas been observed in the laboratory that up to 10 mm of difference between diameters can
be dealt with normally by this means.
The way in which forces are transmitted from one structural memher to another very much
depends on the type of structure and the predominanee of one force type upon another. Thus,
a discussion about the actual conneetion of elements is presented in chapter 6, once some
criteria for the structural possibilities of bamboo have been gathered.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
As shown in appendix D, it is possible to predict the level of defonnations in the connecting
system, and it is also possible to calculate material and geometrie requirements. On the other
hand, the study of glued phases in chapter 4 and appendix C shows that structural continuity
is also achieved with the system.
5.8.2-Design profile
All the specifications of the design profile are met by the proposed system. Though size
adaptability is not completely solved, some degree of achievement can be claimed in this
respect as well. However, no complete evaluation of this matter can be made until some
classification system is put in place, because otherwise the designer would always face an
unlimited number of sizes and shapes.
5.8.3-External constraints
The making of the wood cylinders may present some problems in the field, but they can be
made in small workshops to the specifications of the designer. This is economically important
also. The construction industry generates a significant contribution to the economies of
developed countries, mainly because of the amount of economie actlvities that it is able to
generate. In the same way, if bamboo construction proves to be technically feasible, it should
significantly contribute to the development of the economies of developing countries, by
creating business and job opportunities, as well as forward and backward economie linkages.
Once the wood fittings are shop tailored and made, the construction process in the field is
greatly simplified. There is no need for skilied Iabour. Bamboo elements need but Httle
preparation, sand-papering and cleaning of the interlor surface in the region of the connection.
Cutting requires no precision at all, since differences can be taken on by the conneetion itself.
Angle cutting on bamboo is completely eliminated, since this can be done at the extreme end
of the piece of wood.
The cost of wood can also be significantly reduced, since pieces of the required diameters are
often the result of plantation thinning in tropical forests. The amount of glue involved is very
small and good quality can be achieved with normally available types. So, though this can
only be evaluated under real site conditions, it is believed that the cost of the proposal is low
and makes it feasible from an economie point of view.
The system makes the best use of bamboo by tak:ing advantage of its good properties, but
also helps to proteet and improve conditloos in the r!!gion of the connection, not only from
the point of view of stresses, but also from that of protection. No open ends means no place
for insects to hide, neither places of difficult maintenance.
The system allows for the design of modolar systems, concentrating the problem of
dimensions in the conneetion itself, so bamboo becomes sort of neutral in the system, which
is a real relief, since, because of the wide range of shapes and sizes, putting bamboo elements
together would otherwise require very skilied workmanship.
1 Anonymous, 1979. Chinese bamboo artisans preserve ancient craft Engineering News
Record, 202(79) Nr.7 Febr. pp.44-45.
2. Anonymous, 1985. Tiles Bamboo and Cyclones. Project Report. NRD-II Project
3 Duff, C.H.,l941. Bamboo and its structural use. Institution of Civil Engineers
(Shanghai Assodation). Engineering Society of China.
5 Huybers,P.; 1988. The use of roundwood poles for agricultural building structures.
Conference on Wooden Buildingsin Agriculture, Seminar section III, Växjo, Sweden,
Nov.14-17. Publisbed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Lund,
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
11 Sonti V.R., 1959. A Noteon Dome Structures Constructed from Short Bamboo and
Timber Elements. National Buildings Organization of India. Proceedings Symposium
on Timber and allied Product§. New Delhi 18-22 May 1959, pp.319-321.
12 Spoer, P., 1982. The Use of Bamboo in Space Trusses. M.Sc. Thesis, Technica!
University of Denmark.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
levels of safety. For that purpose all one needs to do is to check the maximum tangentlal
capacity for a certain batch or species, and to detennine the elasticity modulus in an
appropriate and reliable way. This can not be done without serious statistkal studies and
carefut laboratory investigations, but in this way the work of the designer can be greatly
simplificated and grow in meaning.
In the following lines, therefore, consequences of the properties of the material and of the
culms are connected to design possibilities from several points of view, covering matters like
loads, shapes, connections and others that may have some relevanee in the detennination of
the design procedure and the final product: the bamboo structure.
There might be some discussion upon the fact that perhaps practice should lead the way in
the development of bamboo use in construction, as some rnaintaio is the case in engineering.
That criticism may be plainly justified, especially because in general tenns a theory in
engineering is not ~really) engineering till it is put to work, that is, until there is some
concrete engineering evidence of it, otherwise it just remains a theory.
In the case of the general methodology of this thesis, theory precedes practice to some extent
(some people will not be surpriscd about this in any case, they probably even applaud the
approach, especially manyin favour of theory first and practice later). But practice in ban1boo
construction 1 is practically nonexistent, so there was no choice but to try to simulate a broad
reality by modelling it, accepting that models may be incomplete, but that at least they may
give some idea of the extreme situations that may arise from extreme valnes of the parameters
involved. The design consequences that are referred to in the next sections contain this
methodological bias, so the reader should keep this in mind.
6.2-Load systems
Loads can be classified in many ways, and it is not the intention of the author to propose
criteria in that sense, or to extensively discuss ideas currently available on this matter. It is
important to acknowledge, though, that there must be a conneetion between the properties of
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
the structural elements that are to be nsed in a construction, and the type of loads that those
partienlar elements may carry in an efficient way.
Perhaps this point is not so obvions in the case of shapeable materials (those that are
susceptible to forming or shaping, the final shape of which is not an intrinsic property),
becanse those materials are precisely shaped to meet certain structural and architectonic
requirements, to mention just two demanding conditions.
From the perspective of the initia! and basic scope of this research project, bamboo is
considered nnshapeable2, that is to say, the accepted objective is to nse the culms as they are
produced by nature, as tubular tapered elements. This shape and the mechanica! properties of
the material shonld in the first place determine the type of loads that a partienlar structure
may carry.
For simplicity's sakeforcescan be grouped according to the effect that they produce in the
element, such as axial forces, transversal forces, bending moments, and twisting moments.
Axial forces can produce compression or tension states in the element.
The final effect on the element depends on a number of conditions, lik:e the shape of the
structure, the position and direction of the forces, the conditions at the supports, initia!
imperfections, creep, time dependency of the loads, etc.
According to the arguments in chapters 2 and 3, bamboo is an elastic brittie material, with
a relatively low modulus of elasticity3• Though the culms have nodes that sometimes are
thought of as strong links, it has been shown that actually nodes are the weakest component
of the culms, and the points where attention should be mostly concentrated. As a general rule,
the more nodes a cnlm has, the less effective it is carrying loads, both from the point of view
of strength and of deformation.
Mostly, it is therefore desirabie that culms carry axialloads only, or at least that transversal
loads and bending moments can be kept to a minimum. Bending moments will be present
anyway, because of initia! imperfections, even in visually straight culms, and becanse of some
~at is, the overall phenomena in the fnll culm, as explained in appendix F.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
time dependency of the shape of the culms, namely creep, that has been observed as an
important factor. Though lanssen (1981) has shown that creep in bamboo is less than in
wood, evidence suggests that the initia! conditions of storage in the process of drying, play
an important role in this matter, because culms supported at two extremes during this period,
usually show important sagging effects. Moreover, bending and shear is introduced by the
connections, which can never behave as perfect hinges.
As said before, nodes also generate bending moments, normally accompanied by twisting. In
the experiment of appendix E, though, it was found that the angle of twisting was not
considerable (but culms were selectedon the criteria of straightness). In terms of twisting, in
any case, the major obstacle remains the fact that research in this area is practically non-
existing. This is of course limiting for the design and calculation of space trusses, especially
those where, because of asymmetrie loading or shapes, torsion may be important.
Though this research project did not cover the study of shear in an explicit manner, we
explained in chapters 2 and 3 how tangentlal strains could be the single most critical
parameter in the definition of the type of faiture in bamboo culms. Transversal shears can be
associated to tangentlal strains (perpendicular to the fibres) , of course, and therefore they
should be avoided. It was pointed out by lanssen (opus cit), that shear calculated according
to bending theory related poorly to the measured capacity of a sample of culms tested in
bending, the roeasored shear capacity being about five times as large. Oddly enough, the
figure found in bending calculations is much closer to the maximum capacity that has been
found in this research project for tension perpendicular to the grain (chapter 2), confirming
how critica! this can be. From the point of view of its composition, bamboo is not natorally
reinforeed for shear, because, compared toa reinforeed concrete beam, 'stirrups' are located
on the longitudinal instead of the transversar direction in a bamboó culm.
So it is important to consider shapes that produce axial loads in the elements. In addition,
account has to be given to bending moments due to initial eccentricities and those generated
at the connections.
The discussion on whether to prefer compressive or tensile forces is a bit more difficult. The
design value for tension and compression works out to be quite similar, but compression
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
capacity is rather irrelevant from a structural point of view, because the culms are usually
slender. Therefore, elastic instability may play a very important role, bringing down the
maximum admissible stresses, depending on a number of parameters as indicated in appendix
A comparison of the values given by eq.E.(74) and the maximum compressive capacity,
typically found for bamboo, indicates that the critica! value of average slenderness at which
the compression changes to buclding is 1 .... = SO • It means that for the more common
species the maximum length for a double hinged strot should be kept under 250 mm, because
under this condition compression would govern the maximum capacity of the element
Soit is clear that elements under compression loads are bound to be much shorter (or less
slender, in any case) than those under tension loads, and that the overall shape of the structure
should reflect this fact.
One possibility that can be examined in relation to the need for augmentation of the second
moment of area concerning elements under compression, would be the use of arrays of two
or more culms.
The left-hand side of figure 6.1 shows an array of four culms of 80 mm in external diameter.
This is perhapsnot the most feasible shape for constructional purposes, but it is proposed bere
only for the sake of the cuerent argumentation, though it will be shown in the next section
that some constructional possibilities do exist.
When the second moment of area of the left side array is compared to that of a single culm
of approximately the same size, as shown on the right hand side of the figure, we find that
they are very simHar to each other. On the other hand, it is always much simpter to build
using single elements, especially if we consider the complexities arising in the connections.
So, bamboo structures should tend to be formed by using single elements instead of groups
of smaller ones.
It can be concluded, therefore, that bamboo structures deliver their best structural
performance onder axialloads.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
In plane trusses, the plates from two or more incoming elements can be pre-welded to each
other and then the rest of the conneetion can be assembled.
The specific way by which plates or steel tips are joined together is left to the creativety of
the designer, but an idea is depicted in figure 6.3 just to show the kinds of possibilities that
can be made available.
Figure 6.3 shows a conneetion in which a small box is made of steel plates, so that the faces
are perpendicular to the axis of the incoming elements. The steel tips are then welded directly
to those surfaces. Welding is thought of bere because it is cheaper than machining of the tips,
but in some cases this can be achieved as well.
Figure 6.4 shows a different solution, where a piece of steel pipe is used as a central element
so that incoming plates, in this case, can be welded to the required angles. lt can be seen that
this type of generic solution gives great flex.ibility to the designer because there are few
restrictions from the perspeelive of the structural shapes that it may support. The amount of
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure 6.3: Conneetion for space truss, with centre steel box element.
steel that is needed is very small and the fabrication of the components is simple compared
to precast steel fittings. A rough calculation of the thickness of the plate shows that a
thickness of only 2.0 mm is needed to match strength and stiffness needs in the connection,
for the expected capacity of bamboo culms between 70 and 120 mm diameters. Experimental
evidence on the use of the mixture of resin and Portland cement at the laboratory of the
Department of Structural Design of the University of Technology of Eindhoven4 very much
supports this idea both from the point of view of strength and stiffness. Though the cost bas
to be evaluated in a field situation, the amount of resin involved suggests that this would not
be a major problem.
From the workof Dr. Jerzy Jasienko, invited researcher, staff member of the University
of Technology of Wroclaw, Poland, who has studied this possibility for the reinforcement of
wood beams with embedded steel bars.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
o. ~ o o. ~ o o. ~ o
-e?O -e?e? -e?O
~ ~
())- 0 ~ ())_ ~ ())_ ~ 0
-e:::? 0 -te::>
combined with the recommendations of section 6.2 leaves the designer free to cespond to the
specific ciccumstances of the problem to be solved.
In spite of that, some other recommendations can be derived from the statements in previous
Though it was argued that the use of a single element, instead of a combination of several
ones, is more efficient from the point of view of the stiffness, there may be other reasons why
it is desirabie to proceed in that manner.
In figures 6.6 and 6.7 we can see that the proposed system can be adapted to cope with this
type of demand. There, a combination is shown of three and four culms, which together form
a chord, or a diagonal element. The culms probably need to be kept together at midspan, and
for this purpose the figures show the use of thin steel bands.
The conneetion is achieved by projecting steel tips out of the wood cylinder, so that these tips
can be welded to a plated or any other central component. As shown in the figures, stiffening
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
plates can be welded to the tips, to ftx the relative position of the culms.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
account. because if the weight of the connections becomes an important factor in the total
weight of the structure (which may happen, due to the lightness of bamboo), then little
capacity may be left to carry the rest of the loads in the structure. An appropriate design of
the shape may allow it to carry quite important loads with only a small amount of bamboo
mass in the structure. Therefore, designer should pay most attention to the relation between
bamboo and total weight so that an optimum can be reached. This fact may in some cases
define the viability of the use of bamboo for a predetermined purpose.
1 Dunkelberg, K; 1985. Bamboo as a Building Material. IL 31 Bamboo. lnstitute of
Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
6 Spöer, P.; 1982. The use of bamboo in space trusses. M.Sc. Thesis, Technica!
University of Denmark, Stmctural Research Laboratory.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.1.1-Most bamboo species have hollow culms, though some solid stemscan be found. The
hollow internodes are conneered toeach other by nodes, or transversal walls (see section 2.1.2
and related references).
7.1.2-Bamboo culms are composed by a matrix that holds fibre strands together. These fibres
run parallel to the axis of the culm, being more concentrared at the top of the culm and
towards the outer layer of the cross-section. The fibres are confined to the fibre strands and
to sclerenchyma sheaths (see section 2.1.2).
7 .1.3-Fibre strands are not continuons along the length of the culm, instead they bend towards
the inside of the nodes (see section 2.3).
7.1.4-No radial fibre strandsexist in the case of bamboo (see section 2.1.2).
7.1.5-Culms are tapered, the wall thickness decreases from bottom to top, and the internode
length varles along the culm.
7 .2.1-The elasticity modulus in the tangentlal direction is about one-eighth the elasticity
modulus in the longitudinal direction (see chapter 2).
7.2.2-No clear correlation could be found between tangentlal tension capacity and density of
the specimen (see section 2.2.2).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.2.3-A maximum tangentlal strain was observed for different samples of Guadua s.p.,
Bambusa blumeana, and Gigantochloa scortechinii, indicatlng the possible existence of a
characteristlc value for bamboo. More research is needed on more species and samples to
verify this aspect This is a matter of importance not only for constructional and structural
purposes but a1so for handieraft (see section 2.2.2).
7.2.4-Fibres contribute indirectly to the tangentlal strength, because they change the 'texture'
of the crack path. The more fibres the crack trajectory encounters, the more energy is needed
to fracture the material. Research on this matter should be ondertaken to determine the
relation between fibre content, density of the non-sclerenchymatose components, and
tangentlal tension capacity (see sectlons 2.2.2 and
7.2.5-A specimen for the determination.of maximum strain at faiture in tangentlal tensionwas
developed. Research is needed to develop a specimen which is also suitable for a simple
determination of strength (see section 2.2.1 ).
7.2.6-Bamboo exhibits an elastlc behaviour in tangential tension, with a brittie mode of failure
(see section 2.2.2).
7.3-Parallel tension
7.3.1-A strong correlation between parallel tension strength and density was found (see
appendix A, eq.A.(l)).
7.3.2-A specimen for the determination of tensile capacity of bamboostrips was developed
(see section 2.3).
7.3.3-Nodes are the weakest components. The capacity of the nodes fora sample of Bambusa
blumeana was found to be only 40% of that of the internode section (see section A.3).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.3.4-Nodes are the more flexible part ofthe culm. The average elastic modulus in the region
of the node (measured over a length of 30 mm, centred at the node position) was found to
be 40% of that of the internode section for a sample of Bambusa blumeana.
7.3.5-No study was undertaken on the structural behaviour of the full culm under tension.
Research should be done on this matter, taking the role of the nodes into account.
7 .3.6-The capacity of strips from the internode section is very high, found to be 270 Nlrrtfl'l
for a sample of Bambusa blumeana. This fact should stimulate research into the use of the
internode sections of bamboo culms in such a way that full advantage is taken of this
capacity. In the use of full culms this capacity can not be used because the nodes are the
limiting factors (see section A.3).
7.3.7-Further research into the utilization of the fibres of bamboo should include the way
different factors affect fibre content and density.
7.3.8-Bamboo presents a perfectly elastic behaviour in parallel tension, with a clearly brittie
mode of failure.
7.4.1-The conditions of the test set-up in compression are a critica! point tobetaken care of.
Friction and stiffness of the loading plates contribute to the modification of the mode of
failure of the specimens (see section 3.1, 3.2 and B.l).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.4.3-When the full culms are intended to be used for structural purposes compressive
capacity should be measured on rings with a ratio of 1:1 for the height and the diameter, and
the test should be run in such a way that friction is limited to the minimum possible (see
sections 3.2 and B.l).
7.4.4-The relation between longitudinal and tangentlal strains is about 0.3. The maximum
tangentlal strain on the external surface of bamboo prior to faiture is about 0.0012 (see
sections 2.2.2 and B.l ).
7.4.5-It is possible to predict the stress level at faiture when the elastic modulus is known,
by using 0.0012 as a limitlog figure for the maximum tangentlal strain (see section B.l).
7.5.1-The major souree of lateral deformation in a bamboo column is the initial lateral
deformation (see sections E.2 and E.5). This bas to be taken into consideration in laboratory
experiments on buckling.
7.5.2-It is possible to measure the criticalload of bamboo culms by using a Southwell Plot
procedure in the laboratory (see sections E.2 and E.5).
7.5.3- The criticalload of bamboo culms is affected by a combination of the change in the
cross-section an4 the change of the elasticity modulus along the length (see eq.E.36 and
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.5.4- lgnoring the influence of the nodes, the calculation of the criticalload as a function of
average properties of the culm gives a conservative estimate (see eq. E.36 and E.37).
7.5.5-Since the nodes are more flexible than the internoctal sections, they decrease the value
of the critica! load of bamboo columns (see chapter 2).
7.5.6-Nodes are a very random feature, so their average influence should be studied for
specific conditions. The results of the Southwell plot procedure can be statistically adjusted
to take the influence of the nodes into consideration, and to simplify the calculation. The
study of the influence of the nodes on the stiffness of culms indicates that the critical Ioad
is overestimated when the nodes are not taken into account (see section E.7 and appendix F).
7.6-Giueabllity of bamboo
7.6.1-The bonding capacity of bamboo glued phases is not affected by bamboo density, nor
by the type of wood, the thickness or the diameter of the culm. A normal wood type of glue
is enough to produce a high-quality conneetion (see section 4.2.1).
7.6.2-Bamboo glued phases can resist cyclic loadings below the design levelwithno damage
or deterioration of the final capacity (see section 4.2.2).
7.6.3-Failure in bamboo glued phases always occurs inside bamboo, therefore bamboo is the
most critical component of the phase (see section 4.2.2).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
7.7.1-Glued wood fittings are a feasible and effective way of taking or transmitting forces to
bamboo beam columns, taking into account the weaknesses of the culms and making use of
their full capacity {see section 5.1, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6).
7.8.1-The use of nails, screws or bolts to conneet bamboo culms entails a number of
disadvantages, because this type of solution concentrates stresses in regions and directions
where bamboo is very weak (see section 5.4).
7 .8.2-The insertion and gluing of a wooden cy1indrical connector in the extremes of bamboo
culms not only allows us to take and transmit forces, but also to reinforce the culm in those
regions (see section C.4).
7.8.3-It is necessary to use steel fittings as central elements in the connections of bamboo
structures. Simpte nailing of the wood fittings leads to low capacity and high rotation of the
connections (see section F.6).
7.8.4-Simple cheap steel fittingscan be designed and developed to conneet the wood fittings
glued to the inner side of the culms. Some examples can be seen in section 6.2. Research
should be concentraled in developing a complete construction system, that is based on the
utilization of the possibilities of the glued wood fitting, allowing for a speedy and efficient
utilization of bamboo in structures.
7.9.1-When the problem of the connections has well been taken care of, it will be possible
to produce bamboo structures that are light, stiff and strong, as shown in section F.6.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
7.9.2-In general, the varlation of the diameter and that of the modulus of elasticity do not
compensate each other in termsof the final stiffness of the culm (see section 0.2).
7.9.3-The intluence of the variation of the cross-section and of the elasticity modulus
produces a reduction of no more than 15% in the bending and the axial stiffness of bamboo,
as compared to the tigure resulting from using average properties of the culms.
7.9.4-Nodes largely affect the bending and the axial stiffness of bamboo culms. Therefore,
it is better from this point of view to use culms with long internodes (see section 0.4).
7.9.5-In general, it can be said that the combined effect of the varlation of cross section and
the presence of nodes results in a rednetion up to 50% of the bending stiffness calculated
using average properties1, and up to 80% of the axial stiffness (see section 0.4).
7.9.6-Both from the point of view of capacity and deformations, trusses and frame trusses are
a much better application of bamboo than frames (see section 6.1 and 6.2).
7 .9. 7-Structural bamboo componentsin compression should be kept under a slendemess of 50.
In this way buckling is controlled, but also bending moments arising from initia!
imperfectloos are kept toa minimum (see section E.7).
7.9.10-As a general mie, the morenodes a culm bas, the less effective it is for carrying loads,
both from the point of view of strength and of deformation.
the average of the properties at the extremes of the culms
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamhoo Structures
7.9.11-The structural behaviour of bamboo culms under twisting loads is an area of research
that is yet to be unexplored.
Structural materials have strengtbs and wealrnesses, and it is up to the structural engineer and
architect to use them in the best possible way for the benefit not just of a specific elient or
idea, but for that of mankind as a whole.
The facts found during this research show that bamboo can be given some restricted structural
use. It is the hope of the author that some elements of relevanee are put forward in this thesis,
so that new structural shapes and applications can be devised. The gatbering of controlled
field experience should be the major focus of attention in the future, and would be the best
way to promote the use of bamboo.
The results of the testing of trusses in the laboratory are encouraging, especially because the
comparison of the weight of the structure with its capacity and stiffness gives a clear vote of
conftdence as regards the potential of the material.
During this research effort, bamboo proved to be a difficult material, sometimes it was even
evasive and impenetrable. Laboratory work on the preparation of specimens of all types has
shown how unworkable it can be, perhaps due to the fact that no tools, at the construction
level, are yet available for bamboo.
During the very last phase of the research project, though, the making of a few trusses
demonstrared that it is possible to build attractive, light, strong and well-engineered structures
from this materiaL As a ftnal statement the author wishes to share bis enthusiam in this sense,
and to encourage engineers and architects, especially those colleagues who have bamboo
available, to give it a chance by using all their inventiveness. Bamboo will pay back.
The attention of bamboo research should move from the speciftcs of the properties of bamboo
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
These results show that strengtbs tend to be higher for higher rates of loading, although it is
clear that more studies are needed to completely onderstand this phenomenon.
The goal of the study regarding the influence of the Ioading rate was to be able to gain some
flexibility in the eventual specifications of the test. This is because most of the laboratories,
where tensile tests may eventually be carried out, may not have conditions good enough to
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
assure a permanent and non variabie rate of loading. So, the question is to what extent some
varlation in the rate ofloading may lead to varlation in the tensile strength measured this way.
Table A.2 reports the test results of the hypothesis that the difference in means between the
two extreme speeds tested is zero. It can be seen that for a confidence interval of 95% this
hypothesis is correct, in spite of the difference in loading rates. Therefore, at least in a
preliminary step, it may be concluded that the proposed test could be done in a eertaio range
of toading speeds without affectlog the results thus obtained in a significant way.
A.2-Inftuence of density
It was found that when moisture and density were taken tagether in the analysis, moisture
accounted for only 20,29% of the variance. In our case, moisture ranged between 12.80 and
17.71 % as it can be seen in table A.3. It can be observed that specimens were not
specifically conditioned from the perspeelive of constant moisture, nor was a wide enough
range selected for this variable, since as we established before, our main interest was to see
the influence of density under some flexibility regarding the values of other parameters 1• No
attempt has been made in this experiment to find a correcting factor for moisture, but its
influence is analyzed anyway, of course, as explained in the following lines. Density and
moisture were measured according to ISO 3131-1975(E) and ISO 3130-1975(E) respectively,
except that the shape of the specimens was changed to smalt strips of 3 mm x 50 mm x
thickness • Table 2.4 gives us some appreciation of the high tensile strength of bamboo
specimens from the internode section of the culm.
Two probieros related to moisture and density become apparent after analyzing table A.3.
First, both density and moisture tend to distribute in the way of a long right tail, but this
factor is even more pronounced in the case of moisture, as revealed by the values of the
skewness coefficients. Second, the distribution of density tends to be flat with short tails, but
this feature is more pronounced in the case of moisture, as shown by the values of the
Kurtosis coefficients. What is more important, the standard values of these coefficients also
show that the normality assumption is very good for density but poor for moisture, facts that
have to be taken into consideration in the analysis.
In spite of the above statement the influence of moisture was also checked by calculating a
regression of tensile strength vs. density and moisture, as shown in table A.4.
Analysis of the significanee levels and the t-factors leads to the conclusion that the regression
The relation between density and tensile capacity was also studied for conditioned
specimens at 12% moisture content, but, again, it was of interest to see if some deviation
from this value wou1d significantly affect the resu1t, which was not found to be the case.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
is not a good one, since the possibility of failing to predict is very high. Perhaps this was to
be expected due to the combination of two variables with two very different distributions as
was shown before.
This result supports the possibility of looking for a simple relation between tensile strength
and density, insteadof complicating the equation by including moisture.
Table A.5 below shows the results of calculating a linear regression of tensile strength and
density. The improverneut in the significanee level can be seen. It can therefore be concluded
that density can indeed be a good estimator of the tensile strength of this batch of bamboo.
An analysis of variances confirnled the accuracy of the model and, therefore, it could be
concluded that
!, = 0.4 p eq.A.(l)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals Structures
Fundamentals Structures
A sample taken from the stock of Bambusa blumeana and Guadua s.p. in the laboratory at
Eindhoven University of Technology, showed that the range of values for the parameters r4
and r, ranged, respectively, from 1.0 to 1.3 and from 0.05 to 0.15. Evaluation of equation
B.(l) for the cesuiting extreme values shows that the amount of error in assuming a constant
circular section ranges between 0 and 16 %. Therefore, a directly correspondent range also
occurs in the estimation of stresses. The important point bere is that the deviation of the
cross-section from a circular one should be observed and its importance never underestimated,
and that the actual conditions of the sample in this respect should be added to the report, to
make comparisons possible.
A second problem, very much related to the above-mentioned irregularity of the cross section
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
is tllat the thickness of the specimen is not constant, and neither is the density on the surface
of the cross-section. This means that some concentration of stresses may occur during testing
and this produces very different faiture patterns, some of them merely due to higher contact
stresses at the points of larger stiffness.
A third problem is that the steel plates of the apparatus act as a lateral reinforcement, teading
to possible overestimations of the mechanic properties, as found by Meyer (ref. 7 chapter 3).
Tests done in machines, which are very stiff in the movement of the heads, are likely to be
influenced by the rigidity of the plates. In some cases the plates are supported by a ball-like
connection, but even then some other measures should be taken to eosure that the test is a fair
approximation to the envisaged conditions.
Figure B.l shows the results of a test using a machine in which the upper plate was hinged,
but no special measures were taken in relation to friction. Results are stresses vs. vertical
strains calculated using the vertical displacement of the plates, as has traditionally been in the
case of bamboo.
The result can be misteading in many ways. Firstly, the initial section of the curve registers
the 'consolidation' of the plates. In other words, all the movement that takes place till all the
pieces fit each other, including the specimen in relation to the plates. So, this is not a plot tllat
gives information about the material only, but about the whole mechanism present in the test
Secondly, some recovery is observed after failure. Insome cases even higher loads than the
ftrst peak can be recorded, but this is due to the fact that, because of the high normal stresses,
friction k:eeps the specimen trapped between the plates, so that it can sustaio some extra force.
Besides the above-mentioned factors, and purely from a teehoical point of view, the making
of the specimen is a very laborious and difficult task, due to the tapering and to the fact that
the cross-section is oot circular. Most of the time this leads to specimens in which the
surfaces in contact with the plates are oot parallel to each other, thus inducing accidental
eccentricities during the test What is more, the problem is worsened by the fact that an
increase in the height of the specimen implies increments on the eccentricity of the load as
well, inducing radial bending moments towards the inside of the specimen resulting as in
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
figure B.2.
Control of the conditions during a compression test is therefore a factor of the major
50 ··--···-----·· . ··-·--····················-······-·····-·················································
Figure B.3 shows a test specimen tested using the special support shown in figures B.4, B.5
and B.6. 1t can be seen that in these cases the culm could expand freely in the lateral
direction, displaying longitudinal cracking as a main feature.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure B.2: Bamboo specimen after a compression test with no special consideration for
the machine interaction problem.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure 8.3: Bamboo specimen after a compression test with special supports.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure B.S: Hinged support showing thin teflon layers and greased surfaces.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure 8.6: Hinged support showing radial sliding elements made of steel.
The radial elements one can observe in tigure B.6, displace radially with the lateral expansion
of the specimen, as a result of remaining friction. They are made of pieces of galvanized steel
l mm thick, that are independent from each other, so that they completely fill the surface of
the supporting fitting. A layer of grease and teflon separates the galvanized steel radial sheets
from the support.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
8.2-ExperimentaJ resuJts
Table B.l shows the descriptive stalistics for the maximum strains, both Iongitudinal and
transversal, for a sample of Bambusa blumeana.
It was found that at a 95% confidence level, the peak value of tangential strains found for
Bambusa blumeana in compression is equal to the average value found for the pea.k tangential
strain from tangential tension tests. This suggests that it is possible to estimate the maximum
compression capacity by using the values of strains from perpendicular tension tests, if
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Appendix B: Experimental analysis of short elements
which would obviously depend on the number of fibres
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
Table B.3: Descriptive stadstics for the sample of Guadua s.p.[kglm3 , N/mm 2]
The skewness and the Kurtosis coefficients of the distributions give further evidence on the
differences between the sample in relation to density, on the one hand, and strength and
elastic modulus on the other.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
•t- TAN3.1!11"'MtN
22 ---.-------------------.-- --------------------------
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11 -------.~·-:;fk ........."•.:t--------·'-.:··------!".. _
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&TREIGTH w....-e
2lJ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - • • - - • - - -
20 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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~110 ............... ,F··t··;·············.;..t............... .
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11 - •
14 111 1a aa :za a.. 2&
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
800 .. -..............................- ................ ~ ......................... ............................ -
"' ..
J 3
DENSITY C lc0frn"3J
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
1t is important to add some comments on the way the elasticity modulus was calculated,
because, though it is customary to report its value from compression tests, the way it is
calculated is rarely stated with clarity. Most of the time the elasticity modulus is calculated
as the secant value between zero and the peak load, though somelimes the 'limit of
proportionality' is taken for the calculation.
Figure B.ll shows the resulting plots of strains and stresses for four specimens of Guadua
s.p., from tests done using the frictionless set-up. As explained before, friction is eliminated
somelimes so that the failure is absolutly brittle, but, as is shown in the examples, it may be
that the cracked specimen is trapped between the supports, giving the impression of some
plasticity, which is not the case. The point is that under these conditions, which can be
ambiguous, it is difficult to establish what the 'limit of proportionality' is, which probably
leads to results that are difficult to compare. As can be appreciated from the comparison of
figures B.ll and B.l. it is even more difficult to avoid ambiguity where the test is run in a
traditional way.
The results presented in figure B.ll show that there is also some ambiguity at the beginning
of the loading path, which makes it seem as if the specimen was stiffer.
Tak:ing into account the purpose of using the elasticity modulus in the prediction of
deformations, and the need to make results comparable and self-consistent, it would perhaps
be actvisabie to calculate theelastic modulus asthesecant value, between ranges of 10 and
80% of the strength, or in any case, in a region where the curve strain stress is less influenced
by extreme conditions. During this research project the values calculated in this way were
compared tothesecant values between 0 and 100%, and between 0 and 50%. It was found
that there can be very big differences betweenone criterion and another, and therefore it is
of the major importance to clearly state the way the modulus is calculated in each report.
Finally, gratitude is expressed to the staff memhers of the Costa Rican Bamboo National
Project, who kindly supplied the studied sample of Guadua s.p..
Q 110 ...
Bil Bil
"" ...
sn:ESIS H/ ......2
•• ••
,. ...
i ~
_" ....
•• .., •• 80
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
glued surfaces
cross section lateral elevation
matenals and to be able to rate the quality of the specimen. For normal measurements, only
the pins on wood are considered necessary. It has to be stated though that the readings from
such pins correspond to the movement of a partienlar point on the skin of the wood cylinder,
but not to the actual strains at the gluing surface, though the metbod does give an indication
of the shape of the load deformation path for these glued phases. The area of glue is kept as
small as possible, so that the wood cylinder does not significantly deform during loading.
The speed of toading was set according to ISO 6891-1983 (E)(Anonymous, 1983).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamhoo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
~ 4 -···-··-··-··-···--·····-···-·····-· ··········-····· -·····-·····-···-···-···-···········-······--·
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
(for a reference on this equation see for example, Huybers, 1990). Here v. is the
To add an extra element to the analysis, a statistica! comparison of the two sets of results was
undertaken, and the result of the test of hypothesis is given in table C.2.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
As can be deduced from the table it can be stated that there is no difference between the
strengtbs of the two types of glues. The difference is even less significant for the design
values, as shown in the previous table.
One fmal element concerning the influence of the two glues is examined.
When dealing with structures, the stress level is not the only concern matter, deformations
should be looked at too. In order to see the effect of the different factors on this parameter,
an analysis of varianee for the final deformations was undertaken. Table C.3 shows the
resnlts, and table C.4 shows the results of calculating the 95% confidence limit for the means.
Certainly, it is clear that though the results are below significance, different glues give
different end deformations. The same can be said of bamboo density, and the table also shows
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The results seem to suggest that phases tend to fail at about the same level of deformation.
At the level of the design stress, deformations are also similar.
The analysis of the corresponding values shows that the average deformation at the design
level of stresses is about 0.09 mm, without a noticeably significant difference between the two
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
h 0.27349 .012573 .0201963 0.22690 0.32007
s 0.26610 .022508 .018891 0.22252 0.30968
glue type
r 0.25301 .010497 .0201963 0.20643 0.29960
w 0.28401 .021957 .0188919 0.24044 0.32759
h r 0.25277 .014465 .026717 0.19115 0.31440
h w 0.30110 .004563 .030850 0.22994 0.37226
s r 0.25330 .018782 .030850 0.18217 0.32449
s w 0.27376 .035687 .023896 0.21864 0.32888
Total 0.26955 .013797 .0137967 0~23772 0.30137
In otller words, evidence shows that no correlation exists between strengtil and fmal
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
In order to observe the way strains vary along the Iength of glue, a different test specimen
was designed as shown in figure C.4. Small strain gauges were glued along the length of the
specimens, and readings of the strains were taken constantly during loading. Data were later
summarized so that strains at each one of the strain gauges could be plotted against the
position of the strain gauges along the length, as seen in tigure C.S. In this way it is possible
to obtain a plot for specific levels of force. Two of these plots are given in the figure with
an indication of the force level as a percentage of the maximum reached value. The graph
gives an indication of the approximate linear varlation of the strains from one end to the
other. The angle of the linear varlation increases with increments in load.
D bamboo
D culm
The plot helps to visualize to what extent one can be precise in assuming a certain
distribution of strains along the length of glue. lt can be seen that at the design level a
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
8 ----- --------------
0 --------------------
0 20 "'O ao ao 100
constant distribution of strains (and therefore of stresses) can be justified, but for higher levels
of load the distribution becomes more complex. According to the plot, strains tend to be
larger towards the side where the wood cylinder projects beyond the connecûon. A possible
explanation for this is that the culm is completely glued to the piece of wood on this side ,
so that it is constrained to move radially. At the other extreme, the culm expands more freely,
due to compressive forces, so therefore less stresses can be transferred along the glued phase.
The higher the load, the more important this mechanism becomes, and thus the more
pronounced the effect shown in figure C.5 is.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Five groups of six specimens each were prepared using soft wood and PVAc glue, as
explained insection C.l. The frrst group was set as a reference, each specimen was steadily
loaded till failure, and relevant infonnation was recorded.
Each one of the remaining groups was subjected to different load conditions, and the result
of fmal capacity and defonnation was compare(l to that of the reference group. In other
words, each load condition was regarded as a different treatment from a statistical point of
view. As will be seen, statistica! comparisons were not always necessary, because of the
clarity of the results.
the ultimate load reduced by tbe material factor calculated following eq.C.(l).
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
within the frrst mm inside bamboo, however, in this case far more deterioration is observable
in the matrix of lignin. 1t was thought that perhaps the total amount of deformation, and not
necessarily the amount of stress was the souree of this early failure, so the next experiment
was set to observe if that was the case when the stresses were kept under the design value.
6 ----------·-· ·-·---··--·-----------------·---------------------··----·-·---·
~ "' ···-·· -···- . . ..........................................·-···--···--·--·----·-----·-··-··-··-···
0 1 2 3 5
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
C.4-General Remarks
A large number of observations were additionally made in the laboratory, related to the
response of gluing phases to dynamic loads, beyond the initial goal of the experiments.
Results are, clearly, indicative, including the calculation of the design level of stresses.
The major goal of this phase of the project was to study the feasibility of gluing in
bamboo construction, and not the prescription of design parameters, because to reach
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
This specimen was subjeeled frrst to two cycles of -100,+100% of the design load, then two
cycles of -200,+200% of the design load, and then loaded to failure. The plot shows how
deterioration happens soon after stresses get closer to expected non-dynamic strengths.
But after the observation of the results of the different types of loads, evidence suggests that
up to the design value glued phases are able to sustaio cyclic and repetitive loading without
significant loss of properties, though, again, somewhere above this limit deterioration happens
after a very low number of cycles, even at very low speeds of loading. The same evidence
suggests that the speed of loading is not a critical condition in the testing of this type of
specimen. 1t can be concluded that gluing can be an interesting option for the solution of
certain problems pertaining the use of bamboo for applications like fumiture mak:ing, but in
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
construction actlvities as well, though more facts are shown regarding this respect in appendix
Finally, some tests were run to observe the behaviour of full-scale connections made by
gluing, following the design proposal described in chapter 5. Some traditional connections
were also tested to have a reference.
200 - .. ·-· -· ..•.... --·- ··-
0 ··-····
0 20 '10 60 60 100
All tests were done on cantilever specimens. Traditional connections were made using
galvanized wire 3 mm in diameter, wound around the culm and a wooden support, as shown
in tigure C.12. The surfaces of contact between the culm and the support were made to
perfectly fit each other, to avoid undesirable concentration of stresses. Figure C.IO shows an
example of one of the resulting force deformation diagrams. It is noticeable that a large
amount of rotation happened during the test. Actually, the culm became loose, being unable
to snstain any reversion of loads, deformation at the ends of the culm were very large under
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
20 so BO 100 120
Figure C.ll:Force deformation for glued ( upper) and traditional ( lower) supports.
Figure C.ll shows one example of a force deformation plot for a glued conneetion (as
indicated in tigure C.l3), together with the previously shown result, that is included here to
facilitate the comparison. The straightness of the glued conneetion plot indicates the small
degree of or nonexistent rotation at the support up until the failure load was reached.
To confirm this, a plot of maximum strains at 20 mm from the support is presented in figure
C.14. There, one can see that continuity is achieved to a good level, with no observable
participation of rotations in the end deformation of the culm.
Figure C.15 shows maximum strains at sections located 20 mm from the end of the wooden
support, one of them in the support itself, and the other on the free standing part of the culm.
The distance between the two sections is comparatively small, so the difference between the
two levels of strain is due to the change in the second moment of area, but it can be seen that
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
plots remain straight, indicating üttle rotation in this other example. Tested beams had a
gluing length of about two times the diameter, which, as will be shown in appendix D, should
leave no room for failure in the connection, as happened in reaüty. Failure occurred by
compression. Maximum strains were well within the same range of those observed during
compression tests for bamboo, as indicated in chapter 3 and appendix B.
Table C.4 contains a description of the two beams presenled in the previous plots .
steel frame
wood support ..
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
(X 1000) IIEAMD1'
2 ~====~====~-===~-===~~~==~====~
Figure C.14: Glued connection, beam 01, maximum strains at 20 mm from the support on
the free standing culm.
ex 1E-3:l eeAM os
- SAMeco
Figure C.l5:Comparison of strains at both sides of the limit between the support region
and the culm.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
l Huybers, P.; 1990. Thin Poles of roundwood for Structural Engineering Applications
in Building. Structural Engineering Review.2, pp.l69-182.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
FUndamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
For an infinitesimal element in the body of the connection, as the one shown in figure D.l
(bottom), the following well known equations of elasticity are examined (see for example,
If no body forces are present tben the state of equilibrium of the element is given by the
On the other hand, for a particular element on the extemal boundary of the conneetion it
holds that
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Appendix D: Glued connectors for bamboo
o=o=~ =0 eq.D.(13)
' y ;'/
0 =- eq.D.(14)
% I
I." is the equivalent second moment of area of the two material section, and will be dealt
with later.
Substitution of the above values in equations D.l to 0.3 implies that
0 eq.D.(lS)
ék eq.D.(16)
__l:! =0
z ék a~
-M '+ ___!:! + --l:! = 0 eq.D.(17)
1." ' az ay
Note that this is true when the length of the conneetion is small compared to the length
of the culm.
ae M'
-àz =-'
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
M' eq.D.(29)
~1: = .,
rx (v + l)I..,
1: = -at, eq.D.(31)
"' az
<p is a stress function on y and z, and f(y) depends on the boundary conditions.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
= __z!_
[ 21.,
M' 2 -Jf:y) dy
Since <p must be constant along the boundary, then j(y) must be such that the right side
of equation 0.33 becomes zero. If the attention is now concentrated on the glued region of
the connection, then, for a circular section of extemal radius re , the extemal boundary is
defmed by
and thus
f'(y) = _=z:.. eq.D.(36)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
cp _
- -1 (1+2v)M,'(
-- - z2+y 2 -r 2\.,
V eq.0.(39)
8 1 +v 1., •
In order to obtain stress values and taking the convenience of using know polar coordinates
into account, this boundary function can be now back substituted in 0.30 and 0.31 to obtain
-r M,'[
_- (3+2v) - r 2 -r 2~-~2. el-2v 2~•-'Ze]
CO"> - - r sur eq.D.(40)
~ 8 (1+v) I*" " 3+2v
M,' 2 case sine eq.D.(41)
yz 4(1 +v) I .,
lf a unit are is defined on the gluing surface, tben dA = dr and the force acting on sucb
elementary sector is
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
d , "., _
- - --- - r 2-r 2---2"'
M,'[ - - r 2...:-ze]dr
con::J -1-2v llW.l
8(1 +v) I • 3 +2v
lt is conventent to convert shear stresses into tangentlal and nonnal stresses on the sarface
of contact between the two materials, which can be done as
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The maximum valnes of these shear forces occur at the value of e , for which the frrst
derivatives of the above equations are zero. It can be shown that the maximum normal force
occurs at 8 =0 and it takes the value of v~ , and that the maximum value of the
tangentlal fórce occurs at 8 = 2!. , and that it takes the value of v~ . Now, in order to
see the significanee of these stresses, a parametrie analysis is ondertaken in the next section.
1M Cl
BOUNDA:R.Y oX -1 1- dx
[3 lt v'b.b 181
.b.. •
Figure D.2:Stresses on an elementary bamboo sector.
The total resistant moment of the section can be calculated by taking moments around the
neutral axis, so that
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Eu.x T sin9 .
dM.1 = drdS .! E111 r sin9 eq.D.(S3)
dS = rd9
The term in brackets is the equivalent stiffness of the composed section of two materials.
Equation D.55 can be simplilled as
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
M,r" eq.D.(59)
E =--
m E6 11Ml
and therefore
=-- eq.D.(60)
.. I
= __l_.oosO(r
2I i
-r• 2) eq.D.(Ci2)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
0.2-Parametric study
respectively, then
1t can be assumed that v = 0,3 . On the other hand, the author found that for Bambusa
Blumeana from the Philippines, and for Guadua s.p. from Costa Rica, t =0,09 «!> f),or
(8=0) eq.D.(67)
See appendix G.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
(8=0) eq.D.(69)
l 1 0,23V"
ob-- = --=--_;;;,_..---= eq.D.(71)
22 'ltr., (o.4s-P;l]
0,2944 vCIIIrn
[o.45 _p;I] 06t~t~m
The extreme right tenn of the equation is the ratio of maximum design values, for the
Furulamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
transversal shear in the culm, and bonding capacity in the glue, respectively.
It is convenient to see the effect of changes in the parameters involved, what can be done via
a plot li.k:e shown in figure 0.3.
It can be seen that for average material properties a glue length of about 1.5 times the
extemal diameter of the culm will guarantee that failure will not occur within the region of
the conneetion due to bending alone.
+ p.1.5
* p.1
•••• ,(ji......,.O..$........................................... .
0 ••••••
0 1 2 ,3
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
cf>(x)=:E C,.sin(n7t~) eq.E.(l)
n=l l
The figure shows how fibres elongate under the twisting of the culm. It is assumed though
that straight fibres before loading remaio so afterwards.
It can be seen that
--l.nn ~)r
Ë c,.",../
dll.x =[r 1t eq.E.(4)
dx l,.=l l
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
or simply
and since
df.J=K dx eq.E.(lO)
this results in
On the other hand the work done by the axialload is, using eq.E.4
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Since the second integral vanishes only the last one remains associated with the initial
twisting deformation of the culm. If a further assumption is taken, in the sense that it is
always possible to express the angle of twisting using the ftrst term of the series only, the
contribution of this term only remains important depending on the values of deformations
actually occurring during loading. It is assumed bere for the time being that this value is
random with respect to the force and that it is very small, but this point will be discussed
later on in the section on experimental results.
With this in mind and due to the fact that
Fundamentals of the Structures
which is the first Euler Ioad, unaffected by the presence of initiaJ twisting of the culm.
E.2-Buclding load of an iuitiaJiy crooked tapered bar with variabie modulus of elastidty
Let us soppose that the bar shown in figure E.2 is initially deformed in a random way, that
can be described by the series
Let us also suppose that the solution of the differentlal equation for the pin-ended strot can
be approximated by
Two further assumptions will be made in relation to the elasticity of the element and its cross
section. First, soppose that the Young's modulus varles from the smallest section following
the rule
Fundamentals Structures
and second, that the moment of inertia of the section follows the rule'
Actually a linear relationship would do as well, as explained in appendix G, though at
the time this section of the research project was undertaken evidence for this was not
available. An option in that sense is added at the end of this appendix.
and that
The critlcal load of the strut can be calculated by finding the maximum potentlal energy of
the system.
The potentlal energy due to bending in the bar is equal to
Ub = - 1 I'E(x)l(xlJtP<w-wJf
dx dx
2 0
It also can be shown that the potentlal energy due to the shortening of the bar is given by
Substltutlon of the respective values of the derivatlves and products and the fact that the
b = __ eq.E.(30)
" A-Njl
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
w = b,.-a,. eq.E.(31)
w an w
--- =- eq.E.(32)
Nz A A
A,. B
which is the equation of a straight line with intersection at and slope
Eq.E.32 is a varlation of the Southweli Plot (see for example, Gregory, 1967) procedure that
accounts for variations in the second moment of area and the modulus of Young.
Forther examination of the valnes of eq.E.27 can be done taking into account that in order
to have a maximum value for the equation of energy
so that
which is therefore the magnitude of the criticalload of a perfectly straight bar with a tapered
cross-section and variabie Young's modulus, as a function of properties at the extreme of the
elements and their variations.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
+ E1=10000
"'*" E1=12DDD
80 ------------------------------------=&- ~-1=-1-4.000.------
* E1=16000
~ E2=18000
C\1 -- E3=20000
60 -----------------------------+--Ë4;;2-2öoö____ _
1- 40
20 ---------------------
Figure E.3:First component of the critica! stress for bamboo [N/mm 2].
+ E1-E2=1000
* E1=E2=2000
12 -------------.. -... -..... ------%-- -E-1- E2-4DOO.-·-------.. -
* E1-E2=6DOO
+ E1-E2=8000
< 9
er 6
3 ·········-
Fundamentals of Bamboo Structures
* E=12000
-& E=14000
* E=16000
~ E:::18000
C\1 -- E=20000
+ E=22000
'z 9 ------
3 --------·--····--····-
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
+ E1-E2=1000
"* E1- E2=2000
-& E1-E2=4000
30 ·····································*·-E-1-E2=fi00&·······--··
~ E1-E2=8000
'z 20
Each term represents the different contributions to the boelding load of the ideal strut
In this way eq.E.32 can be written in a simpter way as
w a w
--=- eq.E.(39)
This is the equation of aso-called" Southweli Plot ofDefonnations", as shown in figure E.7.
So it is possible to run an experiment on an initially crooked strut and get rid of the influence
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
of initial deformations, by ta.king the inverse of the slope of the line shown in figure E. 7. In
the case of bamboo culms this may be a powerfut instrument, because crookedness is more
the normal case than the exception. In the following lines an experimental set-up for the
determination of force deformation relations in the case of bamboo culms is presented.
E.4.2-Experiment set-up
Due to the fact that both rotations and displacements are expected to occur during a bockling
test, it is not possible to read lateral displacements by simply attaching a device to a point on
the culm skin. This is because the movement of the point of contact between the device and
the culm will be affected by both the lateral movement of the piece and whatever rotation of
its section has.
In the following lines a test set-up is proposed. 1t takes into account the above mentioned
facts and therefore allows us to make a Southweli Plot for bamboo columns.
The general lay-out is shown in figure E.8. lt is basically an arrangement of four rotating
potentiometers, each attached to the extreme of a 6 mm diameter needle, which passes
through the centre of the culm. The attachment points between the ropes and the needie are
set equally apart from the centre of the culm. When the needie moves due to any son of
movement of the specimen, it makes the potentiometers rotate thus allowing for registrations
of the angle of rotation of each potentiometer, rogether with the force producing the change,
the longitudinal deformation of the culm and whatever other variabie of interest.
From geometrie relations as shown in figure E.8, it follows that
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
2 2 d2
r2 -rl + 13 eq.E.(41)
With this value it is now possible to calculate the coordinates of point number 1 on the needie
2 2 2
r3-r4 +~ eq.E.(4S)
b = -2d:w--
and this leads to the calculation of the coordinates of point 2 of the needie as
If the coordinates of the end-points on the needie are known, then it is easy to calculate the
coordinates of the centre. They are
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The lateral absolute displacement of the middle of the culm at any time is
po-t: 2
C:j •
.._",_..._ - - ---' $lj
pot 4
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
E.4.2.1-Aiternative procedure
The experimental lay-out of the previous section may present some limitations or may be
found too cumbersome, and therefore it is convenient to have a second option. In order to
find out whether this alternative does exist, it is frrst necessary to return to the basic
tormulation of the Southweli Plot
If the initia! deformation of the bar can also be described by the series
w =a SUl1t-
. x eq.E.(54)
t 1 l
al . x
w= --SUl1t-
N% l eq.E.(SS)
and thus the maximum lateral deformation at half the length of the culm is
The maximum stress somewhere in the periphery of the culm at this level can easily be
calculated by superposition of the bending and the compressive effects. This stress is
0 =2
"' A eq.E.(SS)
= --+--
Np1 r"
"' AE N IE eq.E.(S9)
-A- = _1_ [E N:s ]
_ + a,r, eq.E.(60)
N:s N:!
:s " A E EI
It should be noted that eq.E.60 is the equation of a straight line with intersection at
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
1 , in a plot of " EI against e - -
N"- as indicated in figure E.9.
and slope
N: N" "A E
e - Nx
x AE
precise way of calculating the position of the point of maximum strains and of calculating this
value too.
e (+) ci:-
go.uge <:'e
stro.ln go.uge
go. u ge
Figure E.lO shows an option to the solution of this problem. Three strain gauges are attached
to the prepared surface of the culm. If great precision is to be achieved, then different sets
can be glued at different levels of the culm near the point of maximum initia! lateral
In the figure, the position ofthe y axis on which the points of maximum and minimum strain
lay has been guessed.
It is a matter of simple geometrie relations that, under the conditions shown, the value of the
maximum strain can be calculated as
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
in this expression
a = 2 r. cos30
The value of e( +) in the equations is chosen from any positive value of the readings of
strains, and e3 is one of the remaining different sign strains (or the different sign strain if
E.S-Experimental results
A sample of bamboo canes was selected from a larger random sample, so as to have a good
description of the possible varlation in the value of l . Following the procedure of the
above paragraphs, a Southweli Plot was generated as can be seen in tigure E.ll.
The value of the combined criticalload N: was determined in each case by calculating
a linear regression model for each one of the graphs, after which results were compared with
those predicted by the theory.
The two sets of results were statistically compared, resulting in a correlation of r 2 = .81
between predicted and measured critical load. As can be seen the amount of agreement
between the theory and the experimental results is remarkably high, and therefore gives a
good indication of the potentlal of the proposed model to explain the relation between
slendemess and buckling load of bamboo culms.
~:5 ~
~ ...
VJ D:i
Cl Cl
35~==~==~==~~~==~ Ob:==============~===d
0 20 40 50 80 100 0 30 150 so 120 1:50
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Appendix E: Bamboo columns
the decision not to take the twisting energy into account in the general equation.
z z
o 0.2 o.4 o.e o.e -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
then the result of integrating eq.E.26, and further simplifying it as in eq.E.28, is that the
critical load can be calculated as
In this equation the term in brackets represents a 'correction factor'. In other words, a factor
by which the average critical load bas to be corrected, to account for the varlation in
geometrie and mechanical properties.
A sample of Guadua s.p. was taken to run a parametrie study using this last equation, and see
the effect of combinations of some real values on the criticalload.
Figure E.13 shows the results of such study. In the ftgure the valnes of the right term of
eq.E.(64) are plotted against the product a1 6 8 for each specimen in the sample.
As can be observed, for this partienlar batch, the calculation of the criticalload using average
properties gives conservative figures for most of the specimens, but this is not a general rule,
since, as can be seen in the plot, there are culms for which the average valnes give
underestimations of the critical load.
Eq.E.(64) can be used for the study of partienlar batches of bamboo, so that, with the right
input, the range of valnes of the factor of figure E.13 can be estimated, and proper design
Appendix E: Bamboa columns
1.1 ·························:~································
1: ·~
.a.+ +
rr·+·······························------------·· ........ .
o. 9 r-·······················································---
Figure E.13:Result of the estimation of the correction factor for Guadua s.p.
1 Gregory, M.;l967. Elastic Instability: Analysis of Buckling Modes and Loads of
Framed Structures. E.& F.N. Spon Itd., London.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Bquations to calcu1ate forees and displaceorms
.. of parameters for the selected sample - ·
CtlcuJation of sliffness matrix
<ilcuJation of av~~f'I.S for the sample -
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
F.2·Theoretical model
F.2.1-The effect of conicity
Several assumptions are made in order to set up a theoretica! model.
-.The material is elastic.
-.Elements are perfectly straight.
-.The conicity can bedescribed as in eq.F.(l-3). 2
-.The varlation of the elastic modulus can be described as in eq.F.(4)
average properties are calculated by taking the average of the valnes at the extremesof
the culm.
see appendix G for more details on this matter.It is also possible to express the varlation
in terms of the average values, but it can be proved that that way does not contribute to the
simplification of the final equations.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
• (x) = •
• ~A
(1-.,•l x) eq.F.(l)
The element stiffness depends upon a combination of its elasticity, Poisson ratio and
geometry. The stiffness matrix of prismatic elements is readily available in many books (for
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
. ---'
instance, Norris,Ch.; Wilbur, J.B.; 1960; Willems, N.; Lucas, W.M.; 1978) and it permits the
full analysis of such elements and of structures made of those elements.
In what follows details of the calculation of the stiffness matrix for non prismatic elements
are shown, according to the assumptions depicted by equations F.l to F.4.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Soppose that the beam-column of figure F.2 is displaced and rotated at the extremes as
Following the principles of the Reduced Area Moment metbod the equations of displacements
and rotations for the beam-column can be set as
UA =U8 - [ti-j 0
(l-x)d:x] eq.F.(5)
UA = Us-+J-f0 E(x)J(x) dx eq.F.(6)
+A -- c!»s+J E(x)l(x)
M dx eq.F.(9)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
If the element is allowed to displace or to rotate at the extremes, in such a way that only one
possible displacement or rotation is permitted at a time, then four cases can be distinguished
as explained in the following lines.
F.l.l.l-Case one
UA = "z = 1
"• =u, = 0
+.t = u3 = 0 eq.F.(ll)
+s = u6 = 0
u1 = 0; u4 = 0
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
F.2.1.2-Case two
UA "' ":z = 0
"• =u, = 0
4».. = "3 = 1 eq.F.(IS)
4». = "6 = 0
u1 = 0; u4 = 0
Fundamentals of the Design. of Bamboo Structures
F.2.1.3-Case three
· Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
UA = Uz = 0
u8 = u5 = 1
.Á = 143 = 0 eq.F.(19)
•• = "6 = 0
"t = 0; "4 = 0
F.2.1.4-Case four
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
UA"'~= 0
"• =u, = 0
t ... = u3 = 0 eq.F.(23)
t 8 = u6 = 1
u1 = 0; u4 = 0
For the sake of simplification the following notation will be kept throughout :
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
If the values of equations F.l5 to F.26 are substituted one case at a time into equations F.5
to F.lO then it is possible to write the following expressions:
From case one,
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The solution of the above equations can be expressed in terms of K32 and of the following
z1 =F.Ft- eq.F.(41)
z.2 = ___!
to fmd that
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Kn=Klz eq.F.(47)
K" = zt KD eq.F.(53)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
F. = In
(1 +aE' Xl-&/) ,z eq.F.(60)
(li/+l'JE1 ) E,IA
F. = _1_
' aE'a'I
The members K11 and K44 of the stiffness matrix can be found taking
and all the other displacements and rotations equal to zero. Then
and therefore
~ I +~ I
.J 1-~ IJ eq.F.(64)
Equations F.43 to F.58 and F.64 describe the members of the stiffness matrix of a tapered
beam-columnn element with linearly varying elastic modulus. It is possible to show that, for
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
I 1l l
which are tbe corresponding merobers of tbe stiffness matrix of a prismatic beam-column witb
constant modulus of elasticity.
F.3-Parametric study
The major difficulty in tbe use of tbe stiffness matrix, to see tbe effect of changes in tbe
various parameters, rises from the fact tbat valuable data to facilitate a practical exploration
is not available. Data do exist, of course, but tbey have been gatbered and produced under a
different focus of attention.
Basically, tbe metbod followed consisted of changing tbe values of the different parameters
involved, so tbat a more complete picture of tbeir effect could be produced.
To set an adequate reference to tbe valnes tbat tbe different parameters may take, a sample
out of a larger sample of 120 culms of Guadua s.p. from Costa Rica was studied.
A total of 24 pieces of different lengtbs were taken. The sample was not completely
randomized, because part of tbe current stock at Eindhoven University has been attacked by
borers, so all tbe damaged culms were regarded as unsuitable. Every one of tbe culms was
closely examined and its relevant properties determined, namely tbe geometrie and mechanica!
characteristics as described in previous chapters.
In tbe search fora way to easily carry out a parametrie study, it was of initia! interest to
know whetber tbere was a way of relating tbe stiffness calculated using tbe proposed matrix,
and tbat calculated taking only average properties for every culm into account, because tbe
formulae suggest tbere should be some straightforward relation between tbem. Should tbe
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
formulae be close to reality, that type of relation would then come forward in an obvious way
after the examination of a sample. Results are encouraging, as can be seen in the following
Some basic information about element properties is given to put results in the right
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
8 ··---·-··-··-···--···········-····-····-·--···-··-··-·············-··-;··-·----·-··-
B ···-·-··-··-·---·-·········-···············-···-·····;···:---···-········-···-······--·-·---
2 ·····-···-···-···········... ···-···-····-··-··-····-···-·············-··-··---·-···-··-···-·
0 .....
0 2
"' 6
a 10
THEORY ex 1oooo::~
Next, the most relevant elements of the stiffness matrix were compared to those from average
values for all the elements in the sample, so that a more general picture could be gained.
Figure F.lO shows the ratio between theoretical values and average ones, on the y axis and
the identification label number of the element is located on the x axis.
There it cao be seen that, at least for this sample, the range of varlation of the coefficients
for different stiffness elements is within -.92 and + 1.05 times the average value. The plots
show that in general, values tend to fall below 1.0, meaning that the average approach tends
to overestimate stiffness.In order to broaden the picture on these effects, and to see how
general this .conclusion cao be, a limited sensitivity analysis was carried out
Culms were studied in such a way that the ratio changed while the remaining factors
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
were kept constant. The results of the calculations of the ratlos for different stiffness merobers
are given in figures F.ll to F.l4.
The studies of the author on samples of Bambusa Blumeana from the Philippines and Guadua
s.p. from Costa Rica allow us to conetude that in these two cases the conicity rates spread
over a wide range of values (though the conicity itself is small). More refmed anatomical
studies show that conicity rates change along the length. Therefore, equations F.l to F.4 are
only a simplification, of course, but as indicated in appendix G they are precise enough for
structural calculations, as long as the length of the element is bellow say one third of the
total lengtb of the original culm , which seems to be the case in structural applications.
The figures show that in most of the cases the error, in the estimation of the stiffness by
taking average properties, is about 15% and that average values overeslimate tbe sliffness
of bamboo elements.
Further calculations were undertaken in order to show the individual effects of different
combinations of parameters, as shown in figures F.l5·to F.32.
Hopefully this analysis covers all the extreme possibilities that can be found in structural
applications. of bamboo, though it is acknowledged that further data should be gathered to be
conclusive about on these results. Nevertheless, some observations can be made.
-The sample of Guadua s.p. showed that the ratio has a large variation, in the
range from 60 to about 400, with some concentration of valnes in !}le region of 350.
According to the plots, it is possible to have overestimations as large as 25% on the bending
stiffnesss, though a typical figure would tend to be closer to the 5% mentioned above, for all
ranges of initial diameters and initia! elasticity moduli examined in this study.
-So, for most of the cases of structural interest, it probably does not pay to go into any
refinement in taking the influence of the variation of the diameter and the elasticity modulus
in the bending stiffnesss of the culms into account. In relation to the axial stiffness, this
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
" ··-··-··--------··-···-···---·····-···-·-----··-···-···-········-·-···-···-······
~ g !-······-···-··-··-----··-··--··-·····:-··-··-·-·---··-··-···-······-···-
2 ...................................:~·-·--·-··-·--···-······-···-···--·-·-·-··--···-·-··-·
1 !-··-··-·---;·-····-···-········-··········-··-···-·---··-···-·-···-·--·-·--·--····
................ .
0 2 3 " 5 6
THEORY ex 1ooo)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
"1 , OB •-•-••~•••-••---•·•-•••-•••--•••-•••••••••••••••-•••••n••-••-•-••••-••••••••••••••••••••••-••n••••-•--
0.9 ......................
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure F.lO: Ratio of theoretica! stiffness to average ones for different stiffness elements.
t.1. --- -·· ...... -···· ·-··· -·· - · -· ............ ···-· ·-··· ·-·
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
t.18 .. ···- ·-··· ···-· ·-·· -··· ···- ·-·· ··- ····- ··-- - - --·
'·' --·-··-·-·-··-···-····-··-··-·-···--······-···-··-···-·-··-··-···-··-··-·-··-
. .==~==~·--=·-~--~·=·-=··=···-==····~
. ..
~.~. !~'==·=····=·
..•... ············································································-·························-···
·-··--·· ·········-·
.. .. ---
- 3'
Figure F.13 Case 3: 1=2000 mm; Cll1 110 mm; E1=10000 Nlmm!.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
0."111 ····-··-··-····-···-·····-····-···-······-·-······-····-..·--..·-··-......._ ........_ .._,
..·~~=··=·==-=·=··-=·=-~=-·~····=·=···=-=·-=.. =-=-·~=-~·-·=·=·-·=·-=·..=·=·..~~
·- -............. ,_.. _,..
- ---- - 3'
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Figure F.16: Correction factors for average stiffness, conditions as indicated.
----- -------
I u
o:rs ·······-···--·--·········--·-····-··············--····-····-=·..Ji:!l$1111111..........- ..
- 11!-1-
~ '!'o=····""· ....
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
u• ··- --·· ...... -·· ...... ...... ..... ..... ·-·- -- ...... ...... ...... ..... .....
1.1 ···············-····-·-···--····-··-···-·················--··--···--····-···-···--·············
u• -- --· -··· . . . . . . ...... ·--- . . . ...... . . . ..... ............ ·---- ···-· -·-·
1.1 ··-····-···-···········-·····-····--··············-------------·-··········-····-········-···-··
.. ·······-··-----------------------·····-·········-···---=--Jii!!UIIIIIIL._______ _
0.7 -------·-··········--··----·--·-----------···------·-···-··
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
..,. ro===="""'==·-=·""···""-"'···=···F-··=-""·-=··==--=·"'·""-""··'-"-·"'·=···=·=----
1.1 ·----·-·--·--·--·-·---------·--···········-··-··-·--
o.e -·····-·-----·-··--··--·-··--··-·················-··------···-··-·········
G.7& ···-··-···--·-·-··--·-········--··-··--·--·--=-II'!!!JIIIAQ.............
.............. ~
1.1 -------------··-···········------·-·--------···-···········-·-···-
..,.._ .._______
-- ----·-·-·----···-···-··-···-······-····-·-·-=-Ji,!IJIIIAA.
··- .....................
.a .. --
Figure F.21: Correction factors for average stiffness, conditions as indicated.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
- -
. ........................-··-·---..-.........................=...11!!11111111-..- .....
- -- -
· - · - - · - · -..- · - - - - - · - · - - - - - · - - -..- - · - · - - - - ·
0 .. -
ua ~!='==="""""-=··=-=--~·-·=-·=-=·""-=·-=·=-==-=
1.1 ..................................... - ........................... ____...........-·-·--·····-··
...~.. ........._ ..........
; - f/
I _,__
_ .................- ..................._ .. _,............- ...........=-~...............
- - - --
- -
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- .....
1.1111 ··········································-··················-------·····-·····--···---······-····
u ···············································································································-
0.7 ......
.._ .....
M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.1 ····-·····-············-··-·-······-·······································································
1.1111 ·································································-··-···········································
G.M ···································································--······-·············-·-··············-·
0.7 ......
··················-----------------······------···-··············......·· ..........................
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
ua FF=="""'"""'===-~.......rn --
•• =···""··=··=···""··"'·=~=-====-!!
1.1 ·······················-·····-···-·-···--···-··--····-·-······-··-··-·--·--·--···-··-
o.a --·--·-··-····-·····-···-····-····--..·-···-····-········-···-····-··-·-···-·-·
:: c:::::::::~:::::::::~~:~~~=::::::::::::::::~:~;:;:.::~=~J
0 ~ u u u u
-· . .... ... ... .... ... --
... - .. ... -· . ............
I a..:- =~--~···--·=-·-·--·--~--=····-~------·-·-···-·~===:
o.a ·····-··-·-----···-·--··········-···-····-··--·---·--··-·····················
u -··--····---·--···--·-·····-····-······················-···-····--·-···-··..···········
0.711 --···-···-···············-····-···-·-·--··--··················=·~---·--
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
ua 11""'==='<'=-=--=--=-=·=-·=·=··=··=·=··=·"<·-=···=··=··=··=·=·.".
•• -=··=·-=·=·-=·-="A··
1.1 ·-··-·-·-·-··-··-·-----------------·--·-··-··-···-----------····
1.011 --------------------------------------------·-···-···-····
__________________________........,...._ _ _ _ _ _
Figure F.28: Correction factors for average stiffness, conditions as indicated.
1.GII ··-··-····-···-··-···-···------------------------··-···-·---------------····
- ·-·-·-··········-·--···-···--···-·-···-···----·-··-··-···-···········-··-······-···-···
u ·-···-···--···-···-···-·····-···-·-···-···-········-···--·-···-···-···-·-··-···-·-···-···
0.7 ··············-·············-··············--··--···-···-·····------·············
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
-·········-·······-········ -- --····-··-··
03 --
ua ..... -· ··- -··· -- .................... ··- . ---· ............ -
1M ··--····-··············-·····-··-·-·--····-··-···················-······--·--·---···
o.e ··-··-··-···--··········-···--··--··----·-····-···············-·-······-···-···-···-··-
.. ~--·=·==--=--~4A7=--·=
o.a~o======~~,~,~---~·--==---~~~-~-=·--=-=··=--~·~~-~ ..
..=·--=--·=-~à. ~
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
1.1 ---------------------------------------------------······
O.lll ---------------------------------=--II!!1GIIII)________ _
0.7 -+- - -
~~o====~~~;·=··=--=---~·-=-~-Öa7···=··=·==~ ---
. .~====u~====~.. a•
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
K = B eq.F.(74)
32 Bz+CA
A= EI (-l+a,.N (1-REI)) A REI = internode stilfness
node stiffness eq.F.(76)
1 1
Fundamentals of the Design ofBamboo Structures
This solution has been written in terms of the average properties, so that comparisons can be
done in a more direct way.
One aspect that can be notleed after examination of the above equations is that, as common
sense dictates, the length of the nodes a,. plays an important role in the calculation, but the
determination of that tigure is a matter subject to great discussion, as has been already pointed
out in chapter 2. In what follows, the assumptions made in this respect in that chapter also
hold for the. sake of the present arguments.
The recalculation of the longitudinal stiffness can be done in an easy way as well. It is
possible to model the element as indicated in tigure F.33.
Using basic principles the sum of the stiffness of the different components along the cane can
be written as:
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamhoo Structures
- I NTe!RNOCE!-30
...,.... t NTERNOOE-20
. 0 ,
~ r-·······--........... ~-== .
-4l_. ---r-·v··.,---&--·r·...--- .........., ...,,,.. __,.....
0 3 -4 5
L..ENGTH mm ex>
o .a -----···-·-·-------------------·-··-----------··--·-----------·-·-·-·--·-----··----·----------·-
~ 0 .7 ..............................-··-···-······---·---·-·--·---·--·--·---····--·--·--------------·----·"""'""'"""''''
0.-4 ~-·=========-==·--=·=--·=--=--·=--=--c-=·=-=·=--=-=--=·=-~--=·=··=--~--·=·=·--=·=·-=+·=·-=--=··=--=-=--=--~-~
0 -4 5
L..ENGTH mm ex>
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
., -.
NOOe WiCTH - 300 Re-2.0
~ ... ..... ..
o .e
~ 0 .7 ....................-·-···..........- ..--..··---··-··..--------·--·--·-···--···-·..-·.................._,_
0 • :5 - · · - · - · - · - · - - - - · - - -..---·-·-··-------+N'I'ERNOOE•=EII!tt11-..····-·-
...... INTERNCDE•2tl0
3 . 5
ex -1ooo:.
., .......
NOCE WtOTH- 300 Re•2.C
~ 0.7
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
o . e -··-·················-··········-·····-··-·-·········-·················-···-···-····--·--·············-········-·····
~ 0 .7 ··--···-·······-····--·-----················-···-···-·········-······-···-·······················-···-···------
0 . e ------w·············-·················--·-···----···········-·····················~ ···--········•n••············-········
0 .8 ........-·-------···-········-·····-···---·----·--·-·--·------·-······--·-.. ··-·-----
~ 0 .7 ···············-·--···---·-·..--·-····-···--·····-·"····--................ - ......................................
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboa Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
FRAME 1-02
40 ············· ···~· ................ ..
0 2 4 s s
FORCE N ex 1000)
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
FRAME 1-01
ex 1ooo)
0 10 20 30 40
case energy dissipation is needed, this can be concentraled in the region of the steel
connectors. (lt is good to remember that such a possibility does not exist anywhere else in
the structure of bamboo culms).
Figure F.43 .presents the result on a frame-truss. In this case, and in relation to the elements,
transversal forces are applied, increasing the amount of bending moments. Still, it can be seen
that performance is very good. Capacity and stiffness are high. Failure happens in a brittie
way here too, in the highly compressed diagonal element
Finally, figures F.44 and F.45 show the result of testing a portal frame. In figure F.44 the
scale is kept the same as in figure F.43 to facilitate the comparison, but the plot is repeated
in figure F.45 to permit further observation of the behaviour. lt is clear that this type of
Fundamentals the Design of Bamboo Structures
FRAME 2-01
ex 1ooo)
~ 12 -·· --···--·-·--···········--········-············-·········-···-····-··-···-···-···········-···-····
L .... -J
application is not the most promising for bamboo culms. Deformations are very high for very
low rates of loading. The induced rotations of the conneetloos are also high, leading to early
local failure.
One aspect that deserves attention is the fact that in all these tests, the amount of rotation of
the conneetloos was very high, though it always happened outside the region of the glued
bamboo wood connection. This is a fact that bas to be given special attention in the
calculation of bamboo structures, though its treatment lies beyond the scope of this research
This observation led us to make the proposal in chapter 6, that a connecting system in which
elements are put together using a steel fitting, helps to keep rotations under more control
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
FRAME 3-01
ex 1ooo)
20 r-··-··-·-···········--·-···----·---·-······-··········-·········--·--·-····-··-··········-···-·
1s r································----·-····-················-······-··-·-----·········-·-·······-·······-···-
~ 12 -·-··-··-·-···---··-··-····-···-···--····-········-·--··--··---·········-·····-··-··-···········-
8 -··-·-·---·-················-··-··--·--·-···-············-·-·····-····--·--·-·-···-··-
4 f----···-···-···-················-····-···-·---·····-···············--··-······-·-----··················
0 40 80 120 160 200
Some limited laboratory experience suggests that even in the case of frames, this proposal
might significantly improve their structural performance. In spite of that, cost may be the
major limiting aspect in this type of application, thus the recommendation of using bamboo
for trusses and frame-trusses is still valid.
From figure F.46 onwards, details of the tested frames are given. The respective indications
are found at the bottorn of each of the figures.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
FRAME 3-01
990 ............................ ······ ····························· ········-···· ...... ............................
390 ................................ ··········-·····················································································
- 1a .............. ...... ....... ··-··· -····· ........ ···-·· ...... ···-·· ··-··· .................... ......
a "10 80 120 160
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The above figure shows the 1 mm thick steel plate used for joining the wood components of
the connection. The conneetion was made in two steps. First, the waoden components were
glued to the culms, and temporaly aligned to each other. Once the glue settled, the steel plates
were screwed in position.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
This figure shows how, within certain margins, size differences between the culm and the
wood fitting, mean no major problem for the making of the connection.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The load was applied as indicated in figure F.42. In this particular case a maximum load of
9.5 kN was reached, with a deformation of about 35 mm. The total weight of the truss was
120 N.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
As seen in the figure, vertical loads were hung using collom towing bands, Lo keep their
position on the beam. AL the momentthe photo was made, the test was about half way before
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The tigure shows the beginning of the test of a bamboo frame. The structure proved to be
very flexible, as will be shown in tigure F.52.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
The above figure shows a bamboo frame right after failure. Large plastic rotations of the top
connections initiated early during the test. Final mechanism of failure included explosive
splitting of the culms, in the bottorn connections to the steel reacting frame.
Fundamentals Structures
1 Grosser, D.; Liese, W.; (1971). On the Anatomy of Asian Bamboos with special
reference to their vascular bundles.
Wood Science and Technology. Vol 5, pp 290-312.
2 Liese, W.; (1981). Anatomy and Properties of Bamboo. Proceedings of the
International Bamboo Workshop.
October 6-14, Hangshou, People's Republic of China,
pp 196-312.
3 Norris, C.; Wilbur, J.B.; (1960). Elementarv Structural Analysis. Me Graw Hili, New
4 Willems, N.; Lucas, W.M.; (1978). Structural Analysis for Engineers. Me Graw Hill,
New York.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamhoo Structures
To have a better idea of the level of accuracy in this assurnption, an estimation of the 97%
limits for the mean was undertaken, as shown in table G.2. Here, one can see that such a
simplification can not lead to any significant change in calculation output, because the level
of varlation of the probable error is far below that related to other variables.
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Sample size 87
Average 0.0919237
Median 0.0849339
Mode 0.06875
Geometrie mean 0.0897555
Varianee 4.44906xl0-4
Standard deviation 0.0210928
Standard error 2.26138xto·3
Minimum 0.0632911
Maximum 0.154762
Range 0.0914708
Lower quartile 0.0763889
Upper quartile 0.103659
Interquartile range 0.0272696
Skewness 0.981581
Standardized skewness 3.73775
Kurtosis 0.328252
Standardizeà kurtosis 0.624972
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
r= o.9stt
A further look can be taken by calculating a regression of thickness and diameter. The result
of such a calculation is shown in table 0.3, where the resemblance between the regression
coefficient and the average of the ratio in the previous tables turns out to be self-evident
In the same way the area and the second moment of area can be calculated respectively as
0.16381t4>A6t 2 eq.G.(S)
6A = • - 0.0819'11:6
l ••
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Now, though these relationships may represent the varlation of geometrie parameters in
bamboo in an appropriate way, it is worth seeing whether it is possible to say that, for
example, both the area and the moment of area vary according to a linear relationship with
the length of the culm.
A sample was studied with the purpose of estimating the possible error of such a
simplification. The errors in the estimation of the middle area and the middle moment of area
for the culms are statistically analyzed in table G.4.
The 97% confidence limits for the means are also calculated. It can be seen that a linear
relation between moment of area and length is good enough for structural purposes, and the
same can be said for the area, though the 97% confidence limit for the mean error is much
wider, due to two outlying values in the sample. Without them, the results are equally good.
It can in any case, be seen facts suggest that it is possible to assume linear relations between
area and moments of area and the length, without significantly affecting the accuracy of
structural calculations. In this simplified approach, of course no rational relation would exist
between the expression for area and that for moment of area, and thus the respective
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
moment of area
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Sample Statistics: Number of Obs. 51
Confidence Interval for Mean: 97%
Sample 10.0725023-0.436036 %
4 :change
-6.1 , but m
. section
. E6. , where tt. ts
. 2 2 Iz
14 3 3 !<IV
em :maximum strain
v :Poisson's ratio
p :density [kg/m3]
:stress function
A :when used as an index, it refers to the culm extreme with the largest cross
sec tion
B :when used as an index, it refers to the culm extreme with the smallest cross
Fundamentals of the design of Bamboo Structures
Fundamentals Structures
:stiffness coefficient
K :curvature [1/mm]
l :length [mm]
m :slope
N :number of nodes
. :criticalload [N]
Fundamentals Structures
:time coefficient
Fundamentals of the design of Bamboo Structures
:coefficient of varlation
a a a
Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo Structures
Curriculum Vitae
The author graduated as a civil engineer from the University of Costa Rica. He obtained a
Post-graduate Diploma in Advanced Structural Engineering from the University of
Southampton in England, and he later undertook a Course on Seismie Engineering in the
National Autonomous University of Mexico.
He was the coordinator of the Structural Design Section of the Bridge Department of the
Ministry o(Public Works of Costa Rica, Head of Construction of the Program of Rural
Health eentres of the same Ministry, and Chief Engineer of the Civil Aviation Authority
of Costa Rica. For many years he has been a private consultant on structural and seismie
engineering. His professional work includes structural design and field supervision of the
construction of buildings and bridges, and the structural design of especialized port
facilities in Costa Rica. The evaluation of buildings after earthquake damage and the
reinforcing of existing ones has been an area of professional concentration in the last
years. This includes the reinforcing of hospitals and telecommunication centres.
He is Senior Lecturer on Concrete and Masonry Structures at the Department of Construc-
tion Engineering of the Costa Rican Institute of Technology. He has also served as Head
of this Department, as Dean of the Faculty of Construction Engineering and Forestry, and
as Vice-Rector for Research and Extension, in that University. He has contributed papers
to international technica! congresses on bamboo and masonry structures, having been the
chairman of the First Central American Seminar on Masonry Design and Construction. He
has been merober of organizing committees of regionat congresses on Science and
Technology Policy Making.
He has worked as advisor for the Ministries of Housing and of Science and Technology of
Costa Rica. With the support of the Organization of American States he carried out an
evaluation mission of Housing Research eentres in Latin America. In 1988 he was invited
by Appropriate Technology Intemational, to be guest speaker of the Committee of Foreign
Affairs of the Congress of the United States of America, when he spoke about Develop-
ment and the Role of Universities.
Since 1989 he joined the Department of Structural Design of the Faculty of Architecture
and Planning of the Eindhoven University of Technology, where he carried out the
research project reported in this thesis.
pertaining to the thesis of O.A.Arce-Villalobos
1-Tests on the tangentlal tensile capacity and on compression for three different species show
the possible existence of a common maximum for tangentlal strain in bamboo (see sections
2.2.1 and appendix B).
2-Bamboo culms do not fail in compression, in bending or shear, but do fail when a
maximum tangentlal tensile stress is reached (see chapters 2, 3, and appendices B and D}.
3-The majority of fittings based on some sort of peneteation normally used in construction,
are not suitable for bamboo because they create high tangentlal stresses (see section 2.2.2).
4-The use of glue and a wooden fitting has not only proven to be a way of taking and
transmitting farces to the culms, but it actually reinforees them (see chapters 4 and 5, and
appendices C and D).
5-Contrary to general belief not the fibres, but the matrix, is the major souree of strength in
bamboo culms (see sections 2.2.2, 5.1, 5.4 and 5.6).
6-The nodes contribute negatively to the axial and bending stiffness of the culm, and to the
parallel tension capacity of bamboo (see sections 2.2.2 and 0.4}.
7-The calculation of bamboa structures can easily be made by using a factor to take the
variation of the modulus of elasticity, and the cross-section along the culm into account (see
appendices G and H, and chapter 7).
8-The results of tests on bamboo trusses are highly encouraging. The balance between
lightoess, on one hand, and capacity and stiffness, on the other, gives a vote of confidence
to the pnssibilities of this material (see appendix 0 and section 7.10).
9-Bamboo culms can be appropriately employed in trusses, space trusses and frame trusses,
provided connections are well taken care of. Bamboo culms are not adequate for frames nor
for beams.(see appendix G and chapter 7).
lO-lt is necessary to pay more attention to practical design problems in future bamboo
research actlvities (see chapter 7).
11-Some people would like to 'preserve third world cultures' like keeping monkeys in a cage.
There has to be a balance between cultural preservation and the right of people to decide
about their own future. This is only possible through education and knowledge. No lasting
freedom is possible in the darkness ofignorance.
12-Through the power of science we have managed to develop our knowledge to unthinkable
horiwns. Our brain has reached formerly unimaginable frontiers. Now it is time we start
developing our hearts, and to embrace ethics as the centre piece of our behaviour.
13-0ur ego is so huge that we believe it is we who will destray this planet with our careless
treatment of the environment. The truth is that we will destroy ourselves ftrst, not the earth,
by making it uninhabitable, unless we seriously incorporate environmental considerations as
a routine part of everything we undertake.
14-We no langer elect our leaders, we only 'buy' images. Like with other things in the
market, we do not buy what is the best for our interests, but just what is sold in the best
manner. No wonder actors become politicians. No wonder politicians are becoming actors.
15-0n top of the unfair division of the world according to the level of one' s possessions, or
according to the colour of our skin, there is the unfair distinction between men's and women's
chances of success and happiness. Even in the most developed countries wamen are still
destined to 8econdary roles, violence of all kinds, even the right access to knowledge and
education, being men's main instrument of domination. Men's appreciation of wamen is
limited to Mother' s day and to the sexist concession that bebind every great man there is a
great woman.
16-Some people blame science and technology for everything that is going wrong on our
planet. But even if they are right, science and technology, in a proper moral context, are the
most powerfut instruments to make a better life possible.
17- My family and I have been favourably impressed by the Dutch people. We have found
people who are warm, hospitabie and generous. Everywhere we went, people made us feel
wen treated, respected. Part of our hearts will remain bere, with our friends, for ever.
nr.9 nr.19
Strukturering en verwerking van tijdgegevens Supporting deelsion making processes
voor de uitvoering van bouwwerken A graphical and interactive analysis of multivariate
ir W.F. Schaeter data
ir P.A. Erkelens drsW. Adams
Eerste druk: februari 1988 Eerste druk: maart 1991
• Uitverkocht
nr.10 SeH-help bullding productivity
Stedebouw en de vorming van een speciale A method for improving house bullding by low-
wetenschap income groups applied to Kenya 1990-2000
K. Doevendans ir P.A. Erkelens
Eerste druk: februari 1988 Eerste druk: mei 1991
nr.11 nr.21
Informatica en ondersteuning van ruimtelijke Oe verdeling van woningen:
beslultvorming een kwestie van onderhandelen
dr G.G. van der Meulen drs V. Smit
Eerste druk: februari 1988 Eerste druk: mei 1991
nr.12 nr.22
Staal in de woningbouw, korrosiebescherming van Flexibiliteit en kosten in het ontwerpproces
de begane grondvloer Malthijs Prins
ir E.J.F. Delsing Eerste druk: augustus 1992
Eerste druk: februari 1988
nr.13 Spontane nederzettingen begeleid
Een thermisch model voor de berekening van Po Hin Thung
staalplaat-betonvloeren onder Eerste druk: juni 1993
ir A.F. Hamerlinck
Eerste druk: februari 1988
Oe wijkgedachte In Nederland
Gemeenschapsstreven in een stedebouwkundige
dr ir K. Doevendans
dr R. Stolzenburg
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Oiaphragm effect of trapezoidally proflied steel
sheets. Experimental research into the influence of
force application
ir A.W.A.M.W. v.d. Bogaard
Eerste druk: juli 1989
Versterken met spuit-ferrocement.
Het mechanische gedrag van met spuit-ferrocement
versterkte gewapende betonbalken
ir K.B. Lub
ir M.C.G. van Wanroy
De traetaten van Jean Nlcolas Louis Ourand
Ir G. van Zeyl
Eerste druk: oktober 1990
Wonen onder een plat dak.
Drie opstellen over enkele vooronderstellingen
van de stedebouw
dr ir K. Doevendans
Eerste druk: januari 1991
ISBN 90-6814-524-X