You are encouraged to cite my thesis with proper citations and
Most tourist hotels and villages on the Coral Coast of Fiji are situated
along the coastline resulting in higher observed coastal wastewater
pollution. This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of wastewater
treatment initiatives on water quality in coastal waters along the Coral
Coast, Fiji. Monitoring was undertaken on a planted gravel bed
constructed wetland at Tagaqe Village, Crusoe‘s Resort wastewater
treatment system, Coral Coast nearshore sites, Votua Village Creek, and
an ex-situ greywater treatment drum experiment. Results for the wetland
showed removal efficiency range of 94.7-99.3% for faecal coliform, E/coli,
total suspended solids (TSS) and biological oxygen demand (BOD).
Nitrogen elimination ranged between 50% for nitrite and 82.6% for
ammonia. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) declined by 75.5%, Total
Phosphorus by 69.1% and phosphate by 75.5%. The system at Crusoe‘s
Resort indicated removal range of 63.6-94.7% for faecal coliform, E/coli,
TSS and BOD. Nitrite was reduced by 50.9%; nitrate by 68.5%; ammonia
by 72.7%; and TKN by 50.1%. Total phosphorus was reduced by 60.5%
and phosphate by 70.7%. For the Coral Coast nearshore water quality,
results showed a mean salinity of 32ppt; temperature of 29.4ºC;
dissolved oxygen level of 6.10mg/L; conductivity 49.92mS/cm; nitrate
4.16µM; ammonia 2.09µM; nitrite 0.35µM and 0.43µM for phosphate
with a N:P ratio of 17. Votua Creek data showed that the lower housing,
bridge and creek mouth experience polluted wastewater discharges
relative to upper housing and the dam. The village and Mike‘s Diver tap
water were observed to be of unsafe drinking water quality standards,
without further treatment, but the housing tap water was safe. The
greywater treatment drum experiment showed general removal
efficiencies for all parameters in both mesocosms but varied considerably
between different loading regimes, sampling intervals and individual
water quality parameters.
analytical and administrative staff of the IAS; and technicians from the
monitored along the Coral Coast; tourist hotel owners, managers and
research project. Without assistance, this study would not have been
undertaken successfully.
Table of Contents Page
Abbreviations i
List of Tables ii-iii
List of Figures iv-vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-17
1.1. General 1-5
1.2. Importance of wastewater management 6-7
1.3. Contents of wastewater that cause problems 8-11
1.4. Status of wastewater legislation in Fiji 11-12
1.5. Wastewater treatment practices 12-14
1.6. Implications of the study 14-15
1.7. Research objectives 15-16
1.8. Organisation of thesis 16-17
Chapter 2 Background of Fiji & the Coral Coast 18-39
2.1. Introduction 18
2.2. Fiji Islands and Viti Levu 18-25
2.3. The Coral Coast 26-30
2.4. Water quality standards for normal coral growth 31-33
2.5. Status of water quality in Fiji & the Coral Coast 33-39
Chapter 3 Nutrient enhancement & coastal waters 40-55
3.1. Introduction 40
3.2. Importance of coastal aquatic systems 40-42
3.3. Potential effects of nutrient enrichment on corals 43-55
Chapter 4 Monitored wastewater treatment systems 56-91
4.1. Introduction 56
4.2. Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment 56-72
4.3. Commercial wastewater treatment systems 72-85
4.4. Greywater treatment drum experiment 85-91
Chapter 5 Methodology 92-108
5.1. Introduction 92
5.2. Field sampling procedures 92-95
5.3. Greywater treatment drum experiment 96-97
5.4. Analytical methods 97-100
5.5. Automated Flow Injection Analysis 100-108
Chapter 6 Results 109-128
6.1. Introduction 109
6.2. Tagaqe Village constructed wetland 109-111
6.3. Crusoe’s Resort treatment plant 111-112
6.4. Coral Coast water quality monitoring 112-117
6.5. Votua Creek water quality monitoring 118-121
6.6. Drum system model experiment 122-128
Chapter 7 Discussion 129-158
7.1. Tagaqe Village constructed wetland 129-135
7.2. Crusoe’s wastewater treatment system 135-140
7.3. Coral Coast nearshore water quality 140-147
7.4. Votua Creek water quality 147-151
7.5. Drum system model experiment 152-158
Chapter 8 Conclusions 159-164
Bibliography 165-183
Appendices 184-195
Appendix A: Tagaqe wetland monitoring data 184-186
Appendix B: Crusoe’s system monitoring data 187-188
Appendix C: Coral Coast monitoring data 189-193
Appendix D: Votua Creek monitoring data 194-195
kW kiloWatts
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
TSS Total Suspended Solids
DO Dissolved Oxygen
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
FJ$ Fijian dollars
rtPBRs Recirculation textile Packed Bed Reactors
mg/L milligram per litre
ENSO El Nino Southern Oscillation
RSF Recirculation Sand Filter
SPCZ South Pacific Convergence Zone
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
WHO World Health Organisation
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
mm/day millimetre per day
m3 cubic metres
ppt parts per thousand
m metre
µg/L microgram per litre
µmol/L micromole per litre
mmol/L millimole per litre
c/100ml counts per 100 millilitres
NH3-N Ammonia Nitrogen
NO3-N Nitrate Nitrogen
NO2-N Nitrite Nitrogen
PO4-P Phosphate Phosphorus
TP Total Phosphorus
TIN Total Inorganic Nitrogen
TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
ºC degree Celsius
± plus or minus
> greater than
< less than
% percent
cm centimetre
HLR Hydraulic Loading Rate
APHA American Public Health Association
L Litres
FIA Flow Injection Analyser
ml milliliter
m2 square metre
List of Tables
Table 1: page 29
List of general Coral Coast water quality sampling sites
Table 2: page 33
Summary of recommended standards for nearshore waters to support
coral reefs and recreation in Australia and New Zealand
Table 3: page 39
Comparison of the mean faecal coliform counts around Suva nearshore
waters and rivers from different studies
Table 4: page 39
Water quality results for the Port of Suva in 1992 as observed by Tamata
et al.
Table 5: page 91
Summary of typical greywater characteristics targeted in the experiment
Table 6: page 96
Preliminary water quality monitoring program to compare different
loading regimes
Table 7: page 97
Starting recipe for artificial greywater
Table 8: page 98
Accuracy and precision for each Lachat Quick Chem FIA method
Table 9: page 99
Method detection limit for each Lachat Quick Chem FIA method
Table 10: page 110
Summary of water quality results from Tagaqe wetland over the period
between June 2005 and October 2006
Table 11: page 111
Summary of water quality results from the Crusoe‘s wastewater
treatment plant over the period between October 2005 and September
Table 12: page 114
Summary of water quality results from the Coral Coast between July
2005 and July 2006
Table 13: page 117
Summarised ―baseline‖ water quality data from the Coral Coast over a
five year period prior to July 2005
Table 14: page 121
A summary of Votua Creek water quality monitoring between June and
September 2006
Table 15: page 123
Summary of results for ―Monitoring Period 1 – Large Doses‖
Table 16: page 124
A summary of results for ―Monitoring Period 2 – Moderate Doses‖
Table 17: page 126
Mean results for ―Monitoring Period 3 – Small Doses‖
List of Figures
Figure 1: page 1
A village and associated latrine along the Coral Coast of Fiji, within ~10
m of beach high tide level
Figure 2: page 2
A piggery about 2m from high tide mark at Votua Village
Figure 3: page 2
Black spots of algal cover in front of Namaqumaqua Village along the
Coral Coast of Fiji
Figure 4: page 3
Algal proliferation along the Coral Coast in Fiji
Figure 5: page 3
Seaweed and seagrass breakage physically pollutes the beach in front of
the Fijian Shangri La Resort along the Coral Coast of Fiji
Figure 6: page 4
Exposed shoreline in front of Votua Village on the Coral Coast of Fiji due
to coastal erosion
Figure 7: page 5
(a) Wetland at Tagaqe; (b) wastewater treatment system at Crusoe‘s
Retreat; and dry composting toilets at Komave (c) and Tagaqe (d)
Figure 8: page 7
Discharge of untreated black water into a river at Votua Village
Figure 9: page 13
A household septic tank exemplifying ―primary treatment‖
Figure 10: page 14
A basic flow chart of the wastewater treatment train
Figure 11: page 19
Location of the Fiji Island group
Figure 12: page 28
Map of Coral Coast showing the location of the two primary wastewater
treatment systems being monitored
Figure 13: page 29
Location of general Coral Coast sampling sites, villages and hotels
Figure 14: page 41
Mangroves are a classic example of a coastal aquatic system
Figure 15: page 58
A systematic diagram of a horizontal flow constructed wetland
Figure 16: page 59
Diagram of a ―surface flow‖ constructed wetland
Figure 17: page 59
Diagram of a ―subsurface flow‖ wetland
Figure 18: page 63
A simplified diagram of the nitrogen processes and the flows of different
nitrogen forms in a wetland
Figure 19: page 66
Factors affecting the biological processes of denitrification on different
spatial scales
Figure 20: page 71
Construction stages of the gravel bed wetland at Tagaqe Village
Figure 21: page 72
Similar cross section diagram of Tagaqe Village wetland
Figure 22: page 79
The AdvanTex AX100 Treatment System at Crusoe‘s Retreat
Figure 23: page 80
Biotube Effluent filters used in septic tanks at Tagaqe and Crusoe‘s
Figure 24: page 81
Schematic as built of the Crusoe wastewater treatment system
Figure 25: page 84
(a) The ProSTEP Effluent pump switchboard at the recirculation tank; (b)
the lower septic pumping system closer to the beach at Crusoe‘s Resort
Figure 26: page 84
(a) George Reece standing beside the Carbon filter and ventilation fan of
the treatment system at Crusoe‘s; (b) The AX100 textile filter pod fibre
layers for wastewater treatment at Crusoe‘s Retreat
Figure 27: page 85
(a) The recirculation splitter valve and the effluent pumping system; (b)
the recirculation splitter valve with piping connections from septic tank
effluents and the AX100 treatment system
Figure 28: page 85
The flower gardens and ground disposal area at Crusoe‘s Retreat
Figure 29: page 88
(a) An in situ greywater treatment drum system at Votua Village along the
Coral Coast; and (b) an ex-situ model at the university
Figure 30: page 89
Side view of greywater treatment mesocosm
Figure 31: page 90
Details of drainage holes in 20L buckets used to contain coconut shell
and husk
Figure 32: page 94
Acid bath for field sampling bottles and reagent/standard preparation
Figure 33: page 94
Field sampling at Crusoe‘s wastewater treatment system
Figure 34: page 94
(a) Sample collection at the Tagaqe wetland inlet; (b) sample collection at
the Tagaqe wetland outlet
Figure 35: page 100
The Auto Sampler Injector which sucks sample to be passed through the
FIA manifold
Figure 36: page 102
(a) The injector and sample zone; (b) reagents being added to samples; (c)
analyser pumps; (d) a 4 channel manifold; (e) nitrate column on
manifold; (f) the computer system that log results; (g) FIA waste outlet;
(h) peak shaped signals on computer for analyte
Figure 37: page 103
Schematic diagram of a typical flow injection analysis manifold
Figure 38: page 110
Sample of treated and untreated wastewater from Tagaqe wetland
Figure 39: page 122
Sampling the ex-situ drum system experiment
Figure 40: page 127
A graph showing the effluent flow rate vs. time for the two mesocosms
Figure 41: page 128
Some degree of clogging on the coconut husk layer within the High
Loading mesocosm
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. General
villagers and industries to utilise the coral reef and lagoon environments
Figure 1: A village and associated latrine (circled) along the Coral Coast of Fiji,
within ~10 m of beach high tide level [Tanner and Gold, 2004]
the Mamanuca Islands and along the Coral Coast, which is an indication
of elevated nutrient levels in the coastal water (Lovell and Tamata, 1996;
Studies conducted on water quality indicated high nutrient levels in
coastal waters (Mosley and Aalbersberg, 2003), above guidelines for coral
reef areas, and in some places high faecal coliform levels, an indication of
sewage pollution (Hodgson, 1999; Coral Cay, 2001; Coral Cay, 2005).
Both these phenomena are likely to lead to the degradation of coral reefs
Figure 3: Black spots of algal cover in front of Namaqumaqua Village along the
Coral Coast of Fiji
The obvious Sargassum algal overgrowth in lagoons along the Coral
Coast of Fiji is a major concern given the importance of the region for
tourists come to Fiji to enjoy tropical reefs, fish biodiversity, and scuba in
clear and clean water (Figure 4). Hence if the Coral Coast reefs and
hotel owners and local villagers that rely on tourism for income and
beaches that resorts and hotels rely on for tourism attraction (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Algal proliferation along the Coral Coast in Fiji (Tanner & Gold, 2004)
Figure 5: Seaweed and seagrass breakage physically pollutes the beach in front of
the Fijian Shangri La Resort along the Coral Coast of Fiji
In addition fish stocks that many coastal dwellers harvest from
nearshore areas for protein will also be limited. Moreover coastal erosion
along the Coral Coast (Figure 6) is likely to increase as the reefs are
Figure 6: Exposed shoreline in front of Votua Village on the Coral Coast of Fiji due
to coastal erosion
with the University of the South Pacific and other stakeholders studied
the nutrient pollution along the Coral Coast as part of the Fiji integrated
a) Upgraded hotel sewage treatment by on-site systems;
Since then, several model projects along these lines had been initiated
1.2. Importance of wastewater management
produces both solid and liquid waste and the liquid portion is essentially
the water supply after it has been contaminated by the various uses to
from laundry, kitchen, shower and sink water. Black water consists of
a) High Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) – a measure of the amount
smothering of corals.
the environment can have major impacts on coastal habitats and human
for greywater, seepage from septic tanks and soak pits, seepage from pit
1.3. Contents of wastewater that cause problems
detergents. Some of this is dissolved into the water whilst some exists as
separate particles.
In a natural system, bacteria from the soil and water usually consume
form a slime of new bacterial cells and dissolved salt waste products. On
amount of oxygen removed or the rapid growth of bacterial slime that can
of Environment, 2003).
In addition where there is an overwhelming amount of wastewater,
water columns. This can have adverse impacts on fish and other forms of
The portion of organic material that does not dissolve but remains
will tend to settle in quiet spots where there is no or little water flow. In
harmful to fish, and other oxygen dependent life forms at the bottom of
from the breakdown of organic nitrogen in protein waste matter, and the
When nitrates and phosphates are discharged into natural waters they
Coral reefs flourish in clean, nutrient poor waters and are very sensitive
mats of algae and seaweed on reef areas. The algae often overgrow and
smother the reef, preventing fish and other reef inhabitants from finding
food and shelter (Goreau and Thacker, 1994; McCook, 1999). Increases
The human gut produces a huge quantity of bacteria, which are excreted
as part of faeces on a daily basis. The most common and easily measured
because its presence indicates the presence of faecal matter from warm-
blooded animals.
pollution of the water supply can result in infections. This poses a public
health risk (i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, ear, and throat infections)
to people who use the waters for recreation or fish harvesting (New
The new Environment Management Bill (2004) which was enacted by the
(Article 45). The Bill also requires a tourism facility to establish an
household septic tanks (Figure 9). The process allows solids to settle at
bacteria. Sludge removal depends on the size and level of the tank. From
However since nitrate can flow easily through sand and groundwater
(UNEP, 2002).
Figure 9: A household septic tank exemplifying “primary treatment”
over rocks or plastic media that are coated with a slimy layer of bacteria),
(Castro and Huber, 2003; Thaman and Sykes, 2005). Another classic
Tertiary treatment is the third stage of wastewater management. Tertiary
nutrient removal and removal of anything that has not been dealt with at
the secondary stage but is deemed necessary to get out. Classic examples
are tertiary ponds and wetlands (UNEP, 2002). In certain cases, before
village and hotel wastewater treatment initiatives along the Coral Coast
Fiji and the Pacific. Results from this study will act as baseline
relevant to coastal villages and tourist resorts in Fiji and elsewhere
monitored in Fiji. If they are effective and viable then there are
The central aim of this project was to evaluate the effects of wastewater
c) To compare water quality trends and nutrient levels in Coral Coast
d) To analyse the actual pollution level along the Votua Village Creek, as
including gravel, sandy soil, coconut husk and shells, and coral
greywater solutions, and then analyse effluent samples from the drum
Islands and the Coral Coast in relation to water quality status; Chapter 3
aquatic systems and water quality standards for normal coral growth;
Chapter 2 Background of Fiji and the Coral Coast
2.1. Introduction
This chapter reviews the background of the Fiji group, particularly the
study site on the Coral Coast of Fiji. Aspects covered include location,
2.2.1. Location
archipelago of more than 322 islands excluding atolls and reefs, of which
106 are permanently inhabited, and 522 smaller islets (Vuki et al., 2000;
Singh, 2001). The Fiji group is situated between 15° and 22°S latitude
Most of Fiji‘s land area consists of two large mountainous islands that
account for 87 percent of the country‘s total human population. The two
major islands are Viti Levu with an area of 10,400 km2, and Vanua Levu
with an area of 5,540 km2 (Watling and Chape, 1992). The capital of Fiji
Figure 11: Location of the Fiji Island group
other locations throughout the Fiji group. Well developed barrier reefs
are common around the many islands off the northwest coast of Viti
Singh, 2001).
mangroves; and extensive coral reefs. The marine resources include
the ‗coral triangle‘ of Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and
coral (Veron, 2000). Furthermore it has been estimated that Fiji has
Cay, 2005). For example, some of the natural landscape has been
urban areas has also led to pollution of the coastal zone because of
Specifically Viti Levu has about 750 km of coastline, of which over 94
coastline entails undeveloped areas with mangroves and reef fringes with
low near sea elevations of less than 3 m above mean sea level. Coastal
The dominant climate feature that affects the Fiji region is the South
from moderately hot and moderately dry on the leeward side of Viti Levu
to warm and wet on the windward side of the island (Pahalad, 1995).
During all seasons the common winds over Fiji are the trade winds from
the east to southeast. On the coast of the two main islands, Viti Levu and
Vanua Levu, day-time sea breezes blow across with great regularity.
Winds over Fiji are generally light or moderate; stronger winds are far
less common and are most likely to occur in the period June to
November when the trade winds are most persistent. However, tropical
November to April when the trades die down (Koushy and Leetmaa,
In Fiji there are two major seasons including the wet, hot season lasting
from November through April and the warm, dry season, lasting from
May through October. The main island of Viti Levu is drier and more
part where Suva is located is known for its wet and cloudy weather. The
islands off the coast are generally sunny and more stable than the
mainland particularly the Mamanuca Group off the west side of Viti
At lower levels around Fiji the air temperatures are fairly uniform. In the
lee of the mountains on the largest islands however, the day time
Also, the humidity on the lee side tends to be somewhat lower. Due to
the influence of the surrounding ocean, the changes in the temperature
from day to day and season to season are relatively small. The average
Around the coast, the average night time temperatures can be as low as
18°C and the average day time temperatures can be as high as 32°C. In
around 26oC throughout the year making its crystal blue waters perfect
trades are often saturated with moisture, and any high landmass lying in
their paths receive much of the precipitation. The mountains of Viti Levu
and Vanua Levu create wet climatic zones on their windward sides and
dry climatic zones on their leeward sides resulting in wet and dry zones
with that are fairly well defined. On the outer islands and other small
Fiji‘s wet season is controlled largely by the north and south movements
system for the region. The wet season is characterised by heavy, brief
usually abundant during the wet season, especially over the larger
islands, and it is often deficient during the rest of the year, particularly
in the "dry zone" on the northwestern sides of the main islands (Fiji
Annual rainfall in the dry zones averages around 2000mm (79 inch),
whereas in the wet zones, it ranges from 3000mm (118 inches) around
the coast to 6000mm (236 inches) on the mountainous sites. The smaller
ranging from around 1500mm (59 inches) to 3500mm (138 inches). The
rainfall of 150mm (6 inches) during the dry season, and 400mm (16
inches) during the wettest months. These parts of the islands have rain
on about six out of ten days for the dry season, and about eight out of
ten days for the wet season. The northwestern parts of these islands are
in the rain shadow and receive generally less than 100mm (4 inches) per
month during the dry period. The variation in the monthly totals between
the two zones during the wet season is little (Fiji Meteorological Service,
On average, around 10 to 15 cyclones per decade affect some part of Fiji
with a few causing severe damage. Specific locations may not be directly
mouth of the four main rivers on the main island are affected the most.
scale. Storm tides and heavy swells can also result in flooding of low-
lying coastal areas during the pass of a severe cyclone (Fiji Meteorological
Service, 2004).
Moreover, droughts in Fiji can be closely linked to the ENSO (El Nino
major drought over the country, as happened during 1982 - 1983 and
1997 - 1998 ENSO events. Otherwise, even in a normal year the rainfall
in the "dry zones" of the country is so low during the Dry Season that an
incident of below average rainfall for a few months can cause a drought
2.3. The Coral Coast
The principal study site for this research was along the Coral Coast. The
Coral Coast is the name given to the southwest coastline of Fiji‘s largest
Suva on the Queen's Highway between Nadi and Suva (Coral Cay, 2005).
Along the Coral Coast are a handful of large resorts (including the Fijian
many medium and small resorts. Between the resorts are large stretches
For the purpose of this study, the Coral Coast is only defined as the
These areas represent the continuation of fringing and back reef platform
that typifies this coastline. Attractive reef and beach features combined
Coast after the sealing of the Queens Highway in the early 1970s
siltation, pollution, and the degradation of near shore habitats, such as
make use of the coastline for activities such as scuba diving, snorkelling,
glass bottom boat rides, fishing, kayaking, and sailing. Tourism forms an
however the majority of the population live in villages of between 100 and
300 people or in the market town Sigatoka, which is central to the region
and houses more than 8000 people. In addition to tourism, the fishing
grounds of the Coral Coast region provide for a large proportion of the
200m depth contour lies approximately 1km from shore. Fringing reef
1000 metres offshore. Behind the break zone, back reef habitat extends
over the comparatively flat platform towards shore. The continuity of the
reef is periodically broken by channels cut through the reef due to fresh
water influx from rivers and streams and sediment deposition. These
channels provide suitable habitat for corals, other sessile forms, and
their associated communities below the spring low tide (Coral Cay, 2005).
In particular, the two primary wastewater treatment initiatives that were
findings of Mosley and Aalbersberg (2003) was also undertaken for other
Figure 12: Map of Coral Coast showing the location of the two primary wastewater
treatment systems being monitored (monitored systems circled).
Figure 13: Location of general Coral Coast sampling sites, villages and hotels
[after Mosley and Aalbersberg, 2003].
Table 1: List of general Coral Coast water quality sampling sites, similar to Mosley
and Aalbersberg (2003)
Site Number Location
1 Fijian Resort – ocean side
2 Outrigger resort-western side
3 Tubakula resort-eastern side
4 West of Navola Village
5 East of Votua Village
6 Tagaqe Village
7 Sovi Bay Beach
8 Hideaway resort-western side
9 Front of Naviti resort
10 West of Komave Village
11 Tabua Sands resort
12 Vatukarasa Bay
13 Malevu Village-eastern side
14 Crows Nest resort
15 Korotogo Bridge
16 Matai Kandavu Beach
17 Between Malevu/Vatukarasa Villages
18 Warwick Hotel
2.3.2. Human impacts on the coastal environment
Human impacts on the coastal aquatic systems in Fiji are becoming
disastrous when fish stocks that are important for fisheries are depleted
Shellfish can also assimilate toxic pollutants over a period of time thus
2.4. Water quality standards for normal coral growth
Research on coral reefs in other locations has found that the critical
nutrient levels considered healthy for coral reefs without being overgrown
However, recent studies (Blake and Johnson, 1988; Brodie et al., 1989)
relatively high nitrogen levels within the range of 1.5 - 2 mol/L. The
Barnes (1983) for normal coral growth was within the range of 0.11 -
Johnson, 1988).
usually range from 0.5 – 4.8 mol/L (cited in Naidu et al., 1991). Nitrite
levels for unpolluted waters often varied from 0 – 0.22 mol/L (Wetzel,
1975). Besides that, ammonia levels are a better indicator for sewage
(Hawker and Connell, 1992). For the Astrolabe lagoon where there is
insignificant pollution, levels of ammonia obtained were in the range 0.05
waters range between 0.32 mol/L and 1.6 mol/L. In freshwater rivers
and creeks, the critical total phosphorus levels fall in the range 1.0 – 3.2
from 0.01 mol/L to 2.1 mmol/L in some cases. Values obtained for the
in the water. For average seawater, the nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P)
Furthermore, there are currently no country specific water quality
for nearshore waters to support normal coral growth and for recreation
and 0.07 mol/L of phosphate. The nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) mole
Coral Coast in Fiji (Mosley and Aalbersberg, 2003) found that levels for
reef ecosystems. Furthermore, nutrient levels were highest at sites
located near hotels, other populated coastal locations and in rivers. The
study has yielded nitrate concentrations ranging from 0.1 – 7.01 mol/L
with a mean of 1.69 mol/L for seawater samples. The nitrate values for
river water samples ranged from 1.9 – 24.7 mol/L with a mean of 10.8
mol/L. The phosphate levels for seawater varied between 0.07 – 1.51
samples was 8 whilst for freshwater the mean N: P ratio was 12.
reef areas (Coral Cay, 2005). For example, an earlier study by Jennings
and Polunin (1996) found low abundances of certain highly targeted fish
also been reported close to urban areas and is thought to have increased
Fiji is the world‘s second largest exporter of live reef products for the
has been operating for over 16 years exporting coral reef fishes and curio
coral (Lovell, 2001). The anthropogenic threats to reef health have been
planci) and coral bleaching events (Coral Cay, 2005). Bleaching events
temperatures and solar irradiance and cause a paling of coral tissue from
A major coral bleaching event occurred in Fiji in March and April 2000
bleaching event occurred in the Mamanucas in April 2002 but did not
significantly alter the percentage cover of live hard coral (Walker et al.,
According to a recent study of the Coral Coast in Fiji (Tanner and Gold,
2004), nitrogen export from the coastal land use practices assessed in
that study have increased by more than 60 percent in the past 20 years.
The study extrapolated that if nitrogen control measures are not adopted,
at the current growth rate of 2.7 percent per annum for village and
more than double the 1984 levels of 16,800 kg/year. However with the
1984 levels even at the current annual Coral Coast human growth rate of
2.7 percent.
Coral Coast from key coastal sources excluding rivers and streams can
Moreover a Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) funded
Coast, Nadi and Mamanuca areas has found that the standard of
sewage treatment plants (STPs) and 3 out of 5 septic tanks assessed have
total suspended solids, only 3 out of 11 STPs and 4 out of 5 septic tanks
Laucala Bay by Naidu & Morrison (1988) and Naidu et al. (1991) showed
In general, clarity of the Suva Port waters in 1987 – 1988 ranged from
Temperature variations within the water column were less than 0.5 C
and seldom exceeded 1 C. Salinity of surface water in the Laucala Bay
and Suva Harbour varied from 7 parts per thousand (ppt) to 35 ppt.
Respective mean nitrate and phosphate levels of 17.29 µmol/L and 5.61
µmol/L were also attained for the Suva Port nearshore waters by Naidu
et al., (1991). Dissolved oxygen level in the Suva Port in 2003 ranged
from 1.8 mg/L to 8.2 mg/L with a mean of 6.1 mg/L (MS312 Class,
unpublished Report).
Campbell et al. (1982) found extremely high faecal coliform levels from
heavy rainfall when septic tank effluent and sewage effluent from pit
latrines seep into creeks and rivers. In 1981 when population was not as
also found alarming faecal pollution in the Suva nearshore area (Table 3).
Table 3: Comparison of the mean faecal coliform counts around Suva nearshore
waters and rivers from different studies (cfu/100ml)
Site Campbell et al., (1982) Corless (1995) MS312 Class 2003
Vatuwaqa River 5,100 20,100 14,900
Raiwaqa Outfall 350,000 not assessed not assessed
Samabula River 830 not assessed not assessed
Nasinu River 4,200 not assessed not assessed
Rewa River 110 not assessed not assessed
Nabukalou Creek not assessed 6,267 10,000
Walu Bay bridge not assessed 670 >20,000
Tamavua River not assessed 3,700 9,400
Navesi River not assessed 1,500 1,900
Vatuwaqa I/estate not assessed 10 29,000
Nasese foreshore not assessed 100 17,600
MSP jetty not assessed 23 110
Kings wharf not assessed 140 1,700
Another study of the Port of Suva by Tamata et al. (1992) found variable
Table 4: Water quality results for the Port of Suva in 1992 as observed by Tamata
et al.
Parameter Range Mean
Temperature (C) 22 – 28.5 27.7
pH 7- 8.5 8.0
Salinity (ppt) 0.5 – 35 27.6
Clarity (m) 0–3 1.9
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 3.2 – 9.8 6.0
Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (µmol/L) 3.57 – 271.4 60.7
Nitrates (µmol/L) 0 – 98.57 5.47
Nitrite (µmol/L) 0 – 6.02 0.59
Ammonia (µmol/L) 0 – 184.4 6.61
Total phosphorus (µmol/L) 0.1 – 14.2 1.63
Phosphate (µmol/L) 0 – 10.32 1.26
Faecal coliform (counts/100ml) 0 – 8.5 x 106 156,917
Chapter 3 Nutrient Enhancement and Coastal Waters
3.1. Introduction
This chapter outlines the potential effects of nutrient enrichment on
enhancement on coral reefs with proven case studies of the Kaneohe Bay
healthy coastal systems serve as shelter and food for numerous plants
and animals that are vital for biodiversity. Another reason for
implication is that any coastal or inland activities can pose threats to the
and other materials from the land are a key feature, whilst an offshore
boundary begins from a zone that receives insignificant influence from
et al., 1995) even though the linkage process may involve multiple steps
addition from watersheds to coastal waters that are cited as the most
pervasive human impacts on coastal areas and coral reefs (GESAMP,
1990; Short et al., 1993; National Research Council, 1994; Valiela et al.,
Of all the essential nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus are the two key
nutrients that often limit the growth of primary producers. Hence, excess
addition to coastal waters will yield genuine concerns, as they are likely
3.3. Potential effects of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs
and Thacker, 1994). They are extremely important in the Pacific for
Aalbersberg, 2003).
Despite coral reefs being more productive and species rich, they are very
coastline and utilisation of coastal resources over the past years have
Maintaining the health of coral reefs within the South Pacific is therefore
houses and hotels) and employment (in fisheries, tourism and services).
that reefs provide (Goreau and Thacker, 1994). Degraded reefs have most
population and virtually lacking both growing corals, which break waves
in shallow water and sand producing algae such as Halimeda that helps
to renourish a small fraction of beaches (Bell, 1992). These impacts have
Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are required for the growth
of phytoplankton and other algae, which form the base of the ocean food
decomposition consumes oxygen and sometimes can lead to oxygen
nutrient poor water are not entirely negative. Increased growth of algae
begin with. Fish production rises, for instance (Clark, 2002). But if
eventually clouds the water. The resultant darkness below the surface
depleting the numbers of predator fish species more sought after for
quantities, in what is termed ―algal bloom‖. Such algae can give the water
an unpleasant smell or taste and some are even poisonous. The best-
documented examples of algal bloom were from the Hong Kong Harbour
(Songhui Lu and Hodgkiss, 2004) and Seto Sea in Japan (Imai and Itoh,
increased. The linkage between water pollution and algal bloom was
Huber, 2003).
herbivores (e.g. sea urchins, grazing fishes) to graze the algae is equally
shift from coral to algal dominance and not primarily driven by nutrient
which, counter intuitively, is not beneficial for the coral host.
and the balance of nitrogen-carbon fluxes between the coral host and
bleaching, white pox and the black band disease. It also enables the
worms, boring molluscs and ascidians, many of which bore into corals
Aalbersberg, 2003).
and a loss of settlement sites for coral larvae. Overgrowth of algae may
also impact fish and invertebrate biodiversity due to the resulting habitat
According to Thrash (2003), nutrient enhancement in tropical waters has
1999; Szmant, 2002), Florida Keys (Lapointe and Clark, 1992; Thrash,
2003) and the Discovery Bay in Jamaica (Goreau, 1992; Goreau and
Thacker, 1994). The incidents showed that elevated nutrient levels favour
grow slowly in low nutrient waters. Thick algal turfs are likely to smother
corals. The problem is disastrous in areas where there is overfishing
since grazers like parrotfish are depleted. Grazer fish usually controls
Thacker, 1994).
Kaneohe Bay, located on the northeast shore of the island on Oahu, once
had some of the most luxuriant reefs in Hawaii. Until the 1930s the area
around the bay was sparsely populated. In the years leading up to the
World War Two, with military build up of Oahu, the population began to
rise. The increase continued after the war as the shores of the bay were
developed for residential use (McCook, 1999; Szmant, 2002; Castro and
Huber, 2003).
The sewage from this expanding population was dumped right into the
sewage were dumped into the bay every day. Long before then, by the
middle of the bay. Loaded with nutrients, the sewage acted as fertiliser
the bottom in many parts of the bay. Bubble algae began to overgrow and
nutrients, clouding the water. Kaneohe Bay‘s reefs began to die because
of such accelerated algal growth due to excess nutrient loading (Castro
sewage discharge into the bay, as sewage was diverted offshore. The
result was dramatic. Bubble algae in much of the bay died and corals
were fairly scarce and corals had started to grow healthier. The reefs
were not what they once were, but they seemed to be on track for
fragile and crumbly. During the hurricane, this weak layer collapsed and
The rapid recovery of reefs in Kaneohe Bay observed during the early
1980s did not continue. By 1990 the recovery seemed to have leveled off.
though most sewage was now discharged outside the bay, some
nutrients continue to enter the bay from boats, septic tanks and
from old sewage outfalls adsorbed and accumulated onto sediments were
being slowly released even after the outfall was diverted offshore. There
was also evidence that overfishing had reduced grazing fish population
that was likely to graze on the bubble algae, thus controlling their growth
In addition, few grazing fish species that remained prefer to eat other
introduced species of seaweed from outside Hawaii rather than the green
southerly point of the continental United States. The Florida Reef Tract is
the most widespread living coral reef system in North American waters
and the third largest system in the world. Extending over 1,550 square
these reefs consist of a series of ridges and channels that form parallel to
the Straits of Florida. The reefs comprise a bank reef system of almost
(Thrash, 2003).
south Florida and the Keys. Past research has shown that there is
decline of healthy corals; invasion by algae into sea grass beds and reefs;
inhabit the Florida Keys each year and there are considerable direct and
white pox and black band disease along with coral bleaching and
The most significant source of nutrient input in the Florida Reef Tract
Florida Keys alone there were roughly 200 sewage treatment plants,
22,000 septic tanks, 5,000 cesspools and 139 marinas harbouring over
associated with sewage and carried through the region by more than 700
health and welfare of people in southern Florida and the Keys. Therefore,
The third known case of the implications of excess nutrient on coral reef
survival was observed in the Discovery Bay in Jamaica. Coral reefs are
the most important natural resource for Jamaica and other Caribbean
in 1980 within the Discovery Bay found nitrate levels within the range of
the 1980s provided local phosphorus inputs which had been previously
Thacker, 1994).
Negril, located at the western tip of the island, had explosive tourism
general phenomenon. Eutrophication has been so severe that many reefs
which formerly had more than 95 percent live coral cover are now more
1990s showed that only least developed and populated areas have coral
Chapter 4 Monitored Wastewater Treatment Systems
4.1. Introduction
Fiji, which had been consistently monitored by this study since 2005.
Resort, both of which are situated along the Coral Coast of Fiji. This
Natural wetlands are land areas that have prolonged high water tables or
are at least covered with shallow water which tend to support plants
of substrate, usually soil or gravel, and planted with vegetation tolerant
over the surface or through the substrate, and is discharged at the other
end through a weir or other structure which controls the depth of the
improve the quality of water that flows through them by filtering out
chemicals that flows from upstream. The discovery of this attribute led to
treat wastewater. Water flows in and slows down as it spreads across the
wetland surface. This slowing of flow allows soil and sediment particles
Biological and chemical treatment processes transform materials
Inflow Outflow
ensuring slow flow rates and extra surface area provided by wetlands
(Figure 15). Plant stems and roots provide surface areas that promote
Fiji is the first of its kind to be trialled in Fiji or any other small Pacific
Island country.
There are two main categories of constructed wetlands comprising (i)
surface flow, and (ii) subsurface flow designs. In a surface flow wetland
Figure 16: Diagram of a “surface flow” constructed wetland [Kadlec et al., 1996]
In subsurface or gravel bed designs (Figure 17), the wetland if filled with
gravel or similar substrate and plants are grown rooted in the gravel.
contact of the water with the substrate and litter; (iii) chemical
soluble inorganic and gaseous nitrogen forms. The nitrogen cycle is very
vegetation, water depth and water flow (Tanner, 2001a; Bastviken, 2006).
nitrate, nitrite, and nitrogen gases. Inorganic forms are essential to plant
fungi (Patrick and Reddy, 1976; Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986). The
conditions (Keeney, 1973). The ammonium ion (NH4+) is the primary form
Upon formation, the ammonium ion can be absorbed by the plants and
algae and converted back into organic matter, or the ammonium ion can
Gosselink, 1986).
process in which the end product is nitrate (NO3-); this process is limited
nitrite (NO2-), and then (ii) nitrite is oxidised to nitrate (NO3-). The overall
ii) 2 NO2- + O2 2 NO3-…………(Davies and Hart, 1990)
nitrite via reaction (i) and Nitrobacter bacteria oxidises nitrite to nitrate
(1983) is as follows:
The end products, N2O and N2, are gases that re-enter the atmosphere.
acceptor for the reduction of organic matter (Patrick and Reddy, 1976).
to be the predominant microbial process that modifies the chemical
Figure 18: A simplified diagram of the nitrogen processes and the flows of
different nitrogen forms in a wetland [adapted from Bastviken, 2006]. “ON” is
organic nitrogen, “AN” ammonium nitrogen and “NN” nitrate nitrogen.
Nitrogen fixation is a bacterial process, which transfers dinitrogen gas to
removal when the nitrogen load is high (Tanner et al., 1995), which is the
case in most free water surface treatment wetlands (Kadlec and Knight,
Furthermore, plant uptake does not play an important role in the annual
nitrogen removal during the growth period with rapid nitrogen uptake
(Bastviken, 2006).
fluxes that can occur in a wetland are sedimentation and resuspension of
will make the nitrogen less available to living plants and organisms,
(Bastviken, 2006).
described at different spatial scales; the process scale, the wetland scale
and the landscape scale. At the process scale, the process rates
load and different plant communities. Finally, the wetland scale factors
are affected by landscape factors such as climate and land use (e.g.
higher nitrogen load the more agricultural areas there is in the upstream
Figure 19: Factors affecting the biological processes of denitrification on different
spatial scales [adapted from Trepel, 2002].
On the wetland scale, plants can play an important role for the total
(Tanner et al., 1995; Zhu and Sikora, 1995; Bachand and Horne, 2000;
4.2.4. Phosphorus transformation processes in wetlands
the phosphate back into the water column. Uptake by the macrophytes
occurs in the sediment pore water by the plant root system. Uptake
occurs during the growth phase of the plant and release occurs during
plant death followed by decomposition in the plant litter (US EPA, 2000).
The removal and storage of phosphorus from wastewater can only occur
wetlands can be less expensive to build than other treatment options; (ii)
operation and maintenance expenses (energy and supplies) are low; (iii)
in flow; (v) they facilitate water reuse and recycling; (vi) they provide
habitat for many wetland organisms; (vii) they can be built to fit
4.2.6. Limitations of constructed wetlands
and affordable.
and drought. While the average performance over the year may be
4.2.7. Description of the constructed wetland at Tagaqe Village
―subsurface flow‖ gravel bed design (Figures 20 & 21). It was set up in
December 2004 by villagers and staff from the University of the South
and 0.4 m deep lined with heavy duty plastic and filled with 19 m3
purify the water and nutrients. Once the liquid reaches near the gravel
Fiji. The operational concept of the wetland at Tagaqe was for blackwater
subsurface-flow gravel-bed. The septic tank was also fitted with Biotube
Figure 20: Construction stages of the gravel bed wetland at Tagaqe Village
[Photos: courtesy of Chris Tanner]
(a) Briefing before beginning work (b) Original septic tank before work
(c) Addition of biotube filters to septic (d) Preparing piping for greywater
(g) Completion of wetland less plants (h) Fully grown sedge on wetland
At a depth of 0.4 m and porosity of 0.38, gives nominal resident time of
Figure 21: Similar cross section diagram of Tagaqe Village wetland [adapted from
EPA, 2000]
such as sand and gravel have been used successfully for treating small
to medium volume wastewater flows for decades. Over the past fifteen
years, two types of packed bed sand filters have been most commonly
treatment levels or better. Single-pass filters have been most successful
inches of the filter is where most biological treatment occurs. Here is also
where suspended solids and BOD are removed. Sand filters are very
onto the solids well. Faecal coliform bacteria removal ranges from 99-
Recirculating filters, like single pass units pre-treat effluent from septic
tanks before it is released into the environment. Instead of all the water
in the underdrain flowing to the soil absorption system, the pipes return
with the effluent from the septic tank. Recirculating filters can be smaller
and have less odour than single pass units. Recirculating filters use a
more coarse material and have a higher hydraulic loading than single
While sand/gravel media Packed Bed Filters are an excellent choice for
Land area — some sites lack the land area required for a sand
Serviceability — the ease of maintaining a buried onsite single-
pass sand filter has been a long-term design concern that resulted
in robust designs with low loading rates. The low loading rates are
extensive research into a wide variety of media (e.g., foam, glass, styrene,
etc.). Over the past decade, this research has led to the development of
all the benefits inherent in the packed bed filter design but overcomes
that for sand filters because loading rates are 5 to 30 times higher.
Thus, the footprint area for a textile filter serving a typical four-
Media quality and availability — the manufactured textile medium
the greater its air space (which enhances the capacity of passively
ventilated systems and free air movement), and the greater its
potential for air and effluent to interface and come in contact with
the biomass.
Water holding capacity — the water-holding capacity of textile
(Bounds, 2002).
maintenance, and are much less prone to upsets from abuse. For
The components of the system include a septic tank, the AdvanTex unit
itself, and a drain field. Like sand filters, AdvanTex are biological reactors
which rely on bacteria for treatment of the wastewater. The textile of the
filter is where the colonies of bacteria grow and treat the water. Typical
total nitrogen levels of less than 10 mg/L. For proper operation AdvanTex
filter that has been configured like a recirculating sand filter (RSF).
surface area, lots of void space, and a high degree of water holding
2,000 mm/day or one fortieth the footprint of the wetland. This implies
that AdvanTex can treat high volume commercial and multi-family flows
Navua and Sigatoka agreed to install this system for their small resort.
Installation of the AdvanTex AX100 wastewater management system
and construction of all tank work was completed in April 2005 by local
ensure suitability, with two lower tanks feeding to a new pumped tank
and an upper tank that flows directly via gravity into the recirculation
tank. All tanks were also fitted with Biotube Effluent filters to improve
below ground, the site constraints at Crusoe‘s Retreat did not allow for
burying the treatment plant. As a result the system was just installed
Figure 23: Biotube Effluent filters used in septic tanks at Tagaqe and Crusoe’s
Retreat [Photo: courtesy of Chris Tanner]
―bures‖, due to increased water consumption in resorts (longer showers)
from lower septic tanks and transport up to the recirculation tank with a
Crusoe’s Entrance,
Reception & Car Park Upper septic
tank fitted with
biotube filters
AX100 Textile Filter POD
Gravity discharge
Point to flower beds Flow via pump
The operational concept was that blackwater and greywater would first
be treated initially via three septic tanks. Wastewater from one upper
septic tank would then flow into the recirculation tank due to gravity,
the recirculation tank would then pump the wastewater into the Textile
Filter Pod and then comes back into the recirculation tank through an
run for 2.1 hours per day at 0.75 kW per pump at peak periods. The
process from the recirculation tank through to the Textile Filter Pod and
then back to the recirculation tank takes 4 cycles, before the treated
existing ones and a new one built). These were modified slightly by
b) Secondary treatment – the wastewater from the septic tank gets
is more efficient for microbial growth and it will last a life time if
uptake by plants.
lot of nitrate is discharged into the sea and other water bodies like rivers
by the plants. Hence only 10 percent would be going out to the sea which
will help keep the reef ecosystem healthy (Hasan, 2005). The rate of
predicted to be less than 15 mg/litre (Innoflow, 2005). Total cost for the
Crusoe‘s wastewater treatment system was about FJ$62,500 which was
Figure 25: (a) the ProSTEP Effluent pump switchboard at the recirculation tank;
(b) the lower septic pumping system closer to the beach at Crusoe’s
(a) (b)
Figure 26: (a) George Reece standing beside the Carbon filter and ventilation fan
of the treatment system at Crusoe’s; (b) The AX100 textile filter pod fibre layers
for wastewater treatment at Crusoe’s Retreat
(a) (b)
Figure 27: (a) The recirculation splitter valve and the effluent pumping system; (b)
the recirculation splitter valve with piping connections from septic tank effluents
and the AX100 treatment system
(a) (b)
Figure 28: The flower gardens and ground disposal area at Crusoe’s Retreat
Rather than the daily hydraulic load being distributed evenly throughout
shower). It is expected that the treatment efficiency of a greywater system
(and underlying soil) will be different for large pulses of inflow with rest
of the systems under different dosing regimes (that is, by dividing the
The mesocosms were set-up and operated for at least 4 weeks before the
= 0.875 m3 day-1
The areal hydraulic loading rate (HLR) for one greywater drum per
household (High Loading Rate) = [Q] / [surface area of drum (≈ 0.24 m2)]
= 3.65 m day-1
= 3650 mm/day
The areal HLR for two greywater drums per household (Low Loading
= 1.82 m day-1
= 1820 mm/day
Thus, if the surface area of the 20L buckets used in the mesocosms is
(amount of greywater to be added each day) for the two mesocosms will
= 0.255 m3 day-1
= 255 L/day
= 0.127 m3 day-1
= 127 L/day
dosed with artificial greywater twice per day (morning and afternoon).
Thus, at each dose the High Loaded mesocosm received 127.5 L and the
Figure 29: (a) an in situ greywater treatment drum system at Votua Village along
the Coral Coast; and (b) an ex-situ model at the university
(a) (b)
Figure 30: Side view of greywater treatment mesocosm. All lengths in cm
[diagram: courtesy of Tom Headley, 2007]
Greywater inflow
Ventilation pipe:
10-15 20mm PVC, ends
open, sitting on top of
gravel under-drain.
90 Coral rock:
5-10cm diameter rocks
Sandy soil:
Soil typical of Votua,
placed in drum to
resemble in-situ soil.
Gravel under-drain:
10 layer of 10mm gravel
to allow free drainage.
Figure 31: Details of drainage holes in 20L buckets used to contain coconut shell
and husk [diagram: courtesy of Tom Headley]
hair, and potentially some small amounts of faecal matter and urine.
et al., 1999 & 2001; Eriksson et al., 2002; Brown and Palmer, 2002; Toifl
Table 5 provides a summary of typical greywater characteristics from
other studies, which was used as target concentrations for the artificial
Chapter 5 Methodology
5.1. Introduction
treatment initiatives, freshwater creeks, and near shore sites along the
Coral Coast of Fiji. It also attempts to detail the sampling plan and recipe
undertaken on 15th June 2005, 18th July 2005, 20th October 2005, 11th
May 2006, 8th June 2006, 5th July 2006, 14th September 2006, and 8th
five sampling trips were completed on 20th October 2005, 8th June 2006,
5th July 2006, 13th August 2006, and 14th September 2006. For general
Coral Coast sites, five sampling trips were carried out on 18th June 2005,
20th October 2005, 11th May 2006, 8th June 2006, and 5th July 2006.
Votua Creek sampling was done on 8th June 2006, 5th July 2006, 13th
Unfortunately, the loading rates or flow rates for each device was not
Water samples for dissolved inorganic nutrients including ammonia
(NH3), nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-) and phosphate (PO43-) were filtered in
proof caps. Prior to collection, each sampling bottle and cap was soaked
each sampling bottle was rinsed at least three times with sample solution
before the final sample was collected. For the Tagaqe wetland and the
samples were collected at the inlet and outlet pipes from both treatment
the Whatman GF/C, 1.2 µm pore size filters to remove large particles,
plankton and bacteria. This was conducted in-situ using the suction
in ice and upon arrival they were either analysed immediately (i.e.
Figure 32: Acid bath for field sampling bottles and reagent/standard preparation
Figure 34: (a) Sample collection at the Tagaqe wetland inlet; (b) sample collection
at the Tagaqe wetland outlet
(a) (b)
5.2.2. Bacteria
The specific bacteria that were monitored in water samples from this
study include faecal coliform and E/coli. For coliform counts, the
(TSS), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
5.3. Greywater treatment drum system experiment
After the completion of the drum system experiment set up in mid April
Hydraulic performance:
the partially treated greywater infiltrates into the natural soil. A ―bio-
be the main cause of such clogging. The degree of clogging was expected
effluent flow rate versus time) for the two mesocosms following
application of a single dose, both when first set-up (i.e. clean system) and
at the end of the experiment. It was anticipated that the time taken for a
becomes clogged.
At the very end of the experiments, the various components of the system
were visually inspected for signs of clogging, organic matter build-up and
used. This starting recipe can be refined after preliminary analysis of the
drum system during the start up phase. Where necessary, urea could
Analyser (FIA) based at the University‘s Institute of Applied Science
analysis (Loder, 2000). Nitrate and/or nitrite analysis was adapted from
Table 8 and their detection limits in Table 9. Data obtained for the
Table 8: Accuracy and precision for each Lachat Quik Chem FIA method
Nutrient Method (reference) Conc Mean conc Standard % RSD
species (µmol/L) (µmol/L) deviation
Nitrate/ 31-107-04-1-A 10.0 10.1 0.090 0.89
nitrite (Lachat Inc., 1994)
Ammonia 31-107-06-1-B 1.0 1.0 0.04 3.5
(Lachat Inc., 2002)
Phosphate 10-115-01-1-B 1.0 0.98 0.04 4.0
(Lachat Inc., 1994)
Nitrite 31-107-04-1-A 0.50 0.49 0.011 2.24
(Lachat Inc., 1994)
Table 9: Method detection limit for each Lachat Quik Chem FIA method
Nutrient Method Known Mean Standard Method
species (reference) conc. conc. deviation Detection
(µmol/L) (µmol/L) Limit
Nitrate/nitrite 31-107-04- 0.28 0.25 0.015 0.04
1-A (1994)
Ammonia 31-107-06- 3.57 3.64 0.138 0.27
1-B (2002)
Phosphate 10-115-01- 0.50 0.48 0.005 0.01
1-B (1994)
Nitrite 31-107-04- 0.25 0.24 0.005 0.01
1-A (1994)
Typically, four standards (high, medium, low, and zero) were used in the
and known standard were sampled at least every ten samples throughout
were averaged together and subtracted from the standard and unknown
and Wastewater (Clesceri et al., 1998; APHA, 2005). For instance, faecal
coliform (method reference number APHA 9221-B); E/coli (APHA 9222-G);
Figure 35: The Auto Sampler Injector which sucks sample to be passed through
the FIA manifold
a discrete zone using an injection device into a liquid carrier which flows
dispersed into the carrier, initially by convection, and later by axial and
these mix with the sample zone under the influence of radial dispersion,
area of the peak-shaped signal thus obtained can be used to quantify the
standards and samples are dispersed to the same extent and processed
Figure 36: (a) The injector and sample zone; (b) reagents being added to samples;
(c) analyser pumps; (d) a 4 channel manifold; (e) nitrate column on manifold; (f)
the computer system that log results; (g) FIA waste outlet; (h) peak shaped signals
on computer for analyte
(a) (b)
(e) (f)
5.5.2. Components of a Flow Injection Analyser
1999) are:
2. ‗Flow tubing or conduit‘ with an internal diameter of 0.3 -1.0 mm
occurs and enhances the radial mixing with minimal gains in axial
acquisition software.
5.5.3. General guidelines for using the FIA for nutrient analysis
University of the South Pacific‘s Institute of Applied Science laboratory in
press ENTER to save, press menu button once to show the current
run. Always analyse for ammonia when sample is still fresh whilst
within 7 days.
in air. Ensure to add reagents in the order that they appear on the
staining. Also prepare fresh reagents and ensure that EDTA in the
the spaces provided beside each cup number and click ‗START‘.
Now turn the Cadmium column switch to ―On line‖ and system will
achieved and should not give a peak. If the blank peak is negative,
is contaminated.
5. Place respective nutrient standards and/or samples in the
blanks, moos, field blanks and so forth. Click Start and injection of
8. Click on icon for graph enlargement on the bottom left hand corner
of the computer and left click on graph and move bars to detect
9. Flash all tubes with DI water for at least 10 minutes while turning
ammonia separately in deionised water. Then place all lines in
10. Save Report or Print customized copy on printer installed and close
computer and turn off all switches including the main power-point.
Chapter 6 Results
6.1. Introduction
This chapter progressively presents the results and monitoring data from
general Coral Coast sites, Votua Village Creek monitoring, and an ex-situ
December 2004 and left for about six months to allow for the wetland
and ended in October 2006 (Appendix A). The frequency of sampling was
undertaken on 15th June 2005, 18th July 2005, 20th October 2005, 11th
May 2006, 8th June 2006, 5th July 2006, 14th September 2006, and 8th
October 2006. The overall wetland monitoring period was around sixteen
Figure 38: Sample of treated and untreated wastewater from Tagaqe wetland
Treated Sample - clear and
earthy smell
Table 10: Summary of mean water quality results from Tagaqe wetland over the
period between June 2005 and October 2006 (n=8)
Parameters Influent Effluent % Removal
Temperature (˚C) 28.6 27.2 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 0.16 0.82 -
Conductivity (mS/cm) 0.12 0.02 -
pH 6.80 6.85 -
Faecal Coliform (c/100ml) 3.6 x 106 2.4 x 104 99.3
E.coli (c/100ml) 1.4 x 106 1.5 x 104 98.9
Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 886.6 30.6 96.5
BOD5 (mg/l) 324.8 17.3 94.7
NH3-N (µmol/L) 4596.8 798.1 82.6
NO3-N (µmol/L) 1.04 6.08 -
NO2-N (µmol/L) 0.14 0.07 50.0
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (µmol/L) 4598 804.3 82.5
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (µmol/L) 8169.2 1997.6 75.5
PO4-P (µmol/L) 392.0 96.1 75.5
Total Phosphorus (µmol/L) 539.0 166.6 69.1
TIN: P ratio 9 5
Results for the Tagaqe wetland showed that removal efficiency of faecal
ranged from 50.0 percent for nitrite (NO2-N) to 82.6 percent for ammonia
regard to phosphorus, the removal rate was 75.5 percent for phosphate
(PO4-P) and 69.1 percent for total phosphorus (TP). The total inorganic
October 2005 until September 2006 (Appendix B). Results for the
Table 11: Summary of mean water quality results from the Crusoe’s wastewater
treatment plant over the period between October 2005 and September 2006 (n=5)
Parameters Influent Effluent % Removal
Temperature (˚C) 30.3 30.7 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 0.17 4.20 -
Conductivity (mS/cm) 0.74 0.02 -
pH 6.76 6.90 -
Faecal Coliform (c/100ml) 8.9 x 105 5.8 x 104 93.5
E.coli (c/100ml) 1.0 x 106 5.3 x 104 94.7
Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35.2 12.8 63.6
BOD5 (mg/l) 63.6 18.0 71.7
NH3-N (µmol/L) 2702.4 872.7 72.7
NO3-N (µmol/L) 19.3 6.07 68.5
NO2-N (µmol/L) 0.57 0.28 50.9
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (µmol/L) 3214.2 879.1 72.7
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (µmol/L) 3194.3 1347.6 50.1
PO4-P (µmol/L) 220.4 64.6 70.7
Total Phosphorus (µmol/L) 263.1 103.9 60.5
TIN: P ratio 12 8
E/coli 94.7 percent; total suspended solids 63.6 percent whilst 71.7
was removed at 72.7 percent; nitrate (NO3-N) 68.5 percent; and nitrite
(NO2-N) 50.9 percent. In addition, phosphate (PO4-P) removal reached
70.7 percent while total phosphorus yielded 60.5 percent. The nitrogen
between July 2005 and July 2006 (Appendix C). The average results are
detailed in Table 12. A comparative baseline data for the Coral Coast
Table 12 showed that salinity for the 17 sites monitored varied between
27.3 ppt at Korotogo Bridge and 34.1 ppt at Malevu Village shoreline.
Average salinity for the 17 sites was 32.0 ± 0.4 ppt. Water temperature
ranged from 27.2 ºC for Tabua Sands and Komave to 32.1 ºC for Naviti
Resort shoreline with a mean of 29.4 ± 0.3 ºC. Dissovled oxygen (DO)
mean DO level for the 17 sites was 6.10 ± 0.20 mg/L. Conductivity
fluctuated within 36.76 mS/cm (i.e. Matai Kadavu Beach) and 56.0
In reference to nutrients, Komave and Tagaqe shorelines yielded the
level for the 17 monitored sites was 4.16 ± 0.35 µmol/L. Ammonia (NH3-
Korotogo Bridge with a mean of 2.09 ± 0.29 µmol/L. Site number 17 (e.g.
0.51; 0.58; and 1.14 µmol/L, respectively. A mean PO4-P of 0.43 ± 0.05
µmol/L was obtained for the Coral Coast water quality monitoring. The
Table 12: Summary of mean water quality results from the Coral Coast between July 2005 and July 2006 (n = 5)
Site Place & (GPS Location) Sal Temp DO Cond NO3-N NH3-N NO2-N PO4-P TIN:P
# (ppt) (ºC) (mg/l) (mS) µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L ratio
1 Fijian Resort (18-08.62S;177-25.76E) 33.0 29.2 5.77 53.45 3.09 1.71 0.38 0.31 17
2 Outrigger Resort (18-10.82S;177- 32.2 28.3 7.13 52.9 6.68 1.61 0.39 0.36 24
3 Tubakula Resort (18-10.86S;177- 32.7 29.1 7.06 51.95 6.18 1.25 0.37 0.33 24
5 Votua Village (18-12.69S;177-42.89E) 31.6 29.3 5.90 54.38 2.85 2.34 0.32 0.51 11
6 Tagaqe Village (18-11.91S;177-39.75E) 32.6 28.2 6.32 45.91 2.58 1.07 0.28 0.45 9
7 Sovi Bay (18-12.30S;177-36.39E) 33.4 30.1 5.86 53.97 3.74 2.14 0.33 0.35 18
8 Hideaway Resort (18-11.92S;177- 33.0 30.2 6.33 47.15 3.99 3.75 0.35 0.28 29
9 Naviti Resort (18-12.31S;177-41.84E) 31.5 32.1 5.97 51.83 3.59 3.07 0.29 0.37 19
10 Komave Village (18-13.38S;177-45.71E) 31.6 27.2 5.49 45.14 2.33 2.0 0.29 0.35 13
11 Tabua Sands (18-11.62S;177-37.89E) 32.1 27.2 5.95 51.63 3.90 0.98 0.30 0.33 16
12 Vatukarasa (18-10.85S;177-36.22E) 31.7 29.7 6.62 50.7 3.14 2.44 0.34 0.58 10
13 Malevu Village (18-10.85S;177-33.62E) 34.1 29.3 6.50 56 6.88 1.40 0.37 0.44 20
14 Crows Nest (18-10.65S;177-32.60E) 32.9 29.4 6.81 53.25 5.45 1.22 0.36 0.43 16
15 Korotogo Bridge (18-10.67S;177-32.59E) 27.3 28.9 3.47 45.9 5.68 5.82 0.47 1.14 11
16 Matai Kadavu Beach (18-10.77S;177- 31.8 30.1 5.81 36.76 2.97 1.69 0.63 0.35 15
17 Between Malevu & Vatukarasa (18- 30.6 29.9 6.30 46.69 3.53 1.31 0.24 0.35 15
18 Warwick Hotel (18-13.69S;177-44.37E) 31.7 30.8 6.43 51.05 4.11 1.73 0.28 0.37 17
Mean 32.0 29.4 6.10 49.92 4.16 2.09 0.35 0.43 17
Mean Standard Error ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.20 ±1.16 ±0.35 ±0.29 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±1
Standard Deviation 1.5 1.2 0.8 4.8 1.5 1.2 0.1 0.2 5
Table 13 which displayed a summary of Coral Coast ―baseline data‖ prior
to the monitoring period under this study (e.g. July 2005 to July 2006)
showed that salinity ranged from 27.2 ppt at Votua to 36.4 ppt for the
Fijian Resort shoreline with a mean of 33.8 ± 0.6 ppt. Water temperature
ºC for Fijian Resort and Sovi Bay. Average temperature for the 17
monitored sites was 27.5 ± 0.5 ºC. Dissolved oxygen fluctuated between
2.29 mg/L for Korotogo Bridge and 8.3 mg/L for Tagaqe with an overall
coliform level for the Coral Coast sites was 169 ± 68 counts/100ml.
(2.13µmol/L). Mean nitrate level was 1.11 ± 0.20 µmol/L. Site number 13
N) level for the Coral Coast prior to July 2005 was 5.24 ± 0.71 µmol/L.
The level of phosphate (PO4-P) was observed to be lowest at site number
7 (Sovi Bay) with 0.09µmol/L and varied between other sites, for
concentration for the Coral Coast prior to July 2005 was 0.73 ± 0.10
Total inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratio for the Coral Coast ranged
Table 13: Summarised “baseline” water quality data from the Coral Coast over a five year period prior to July 2005
(courtesy of Bale Tamata, Sarabjeet Singh, Luke Mosley & Bill Aalbersberg – IAS monitoring)
Site Place GPS location Sal Temp DO F/Coliform NO3-N NH3-N PO4-P TIN:P
# (ppt) (ºC) (mg/l) (c/100ml) µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L ratio
1 Fijian Resort 18-08.62S; 177-25.76E 36.4 29.6 8.0 1 1.11 3.75 0.59 8
2 Outrigger 18-10.82S; 177-33.08E 34.5 27.9 6.54 45 1.78 2.37 1.39 3
3 Tubakula 18-10.86S; 177-33.46E 35.6 27.0 6.5 24 1.08 6.10 0.79 9
5 Votua Village 18-12.69S;177-42.89E 27.2 28.5 7.6 507 3.34 - 0.47 7
6 Tagaqe Village 18-11.91S; 177-39.75E 30.9 28.2 8.3 29 1.21 4.37 0.67 8
7 Sovi Bay 18-12.30S; 177-36.39E 31.7 29.6 7.54 7 0.35 - 0.09 4
8 Hideaway 18-11.92S; 177-39.32E 36.0 28.0 8.0 137 0.64 7.93 0.63 13
9 Naviti Resort 18-12.31S; 177-41.84E 33.6 28.8 7.4 31 0.63 3.98 0.71 7
10 Komave Village 18-13.38S; 177-45.71E 31.3 26.2 7.6 87 0.40 - 0.47 1
11 Tabua Sands 18-11.62S; 177-37.89E 35.8 28.6 7.9 4 1.08 6.71 0.89 9
12 Vatukarasa 18-10.85S; 177-36.22E 34.5 26.5 6.4 289 2.13 9.36 1.33 9
13 Malevu Village 18-10.85S; 177-33.62E 35.0 27.3 6.35 109 1.80 1.39 0.79 4
14 Crows Nest 18-10.65S; 177-32.60E 34.3 27.8 7.38 191 1.60 6.20 1.0 8
15 Korotogo Bridge 18-10.67S; 177-32.59E 33.9 21.2 2.29 - 0.25 - 1.51 0.2
16 Matai Kadavu 18-10.77S; 177-31.05E 34.0 28.7 5.98 - 0.10 - 0.28 0.4
17 Between Malevu 18-11.17S; 177-33.57E 34.1 27.4 7.35 - 0.71 - 0.20 3
& Vatukarasa
18 Warwick Hotel 18-13.69S; 177-44.37E 36.1 26.9 6.8 902 0.65 5.51 0.59 10
Mean 33.8 27.5 6.94 169 1.11 5.24 0.73 6
Mean Standard Error ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.33 ±68 ±0.20 ±0.71 ±0.10 ±1
Standard Deviation 2.4 1.9 1.4 253 0.8 2.4 0.4 4
6.5. Votua Creek water quality monitoring
Institute of Applied Science has shown that Votua Creek is one of the
relatively higher sources of pollution input into the coastal water due to
downstream to the creek mouth. For instance Votua Dam had 140
Mike‘s Diver tap water. E/coli for creek water quality was lowest at the
mouth (483 counts/100ml). The highest E/coli level was observed at the
Votua Bridge with 751 counts/100ml). Votua Housing tap water reached
<1 counts/100ml while the Village and Mike‘s Diver tap water yielded 48
water flow, it was generally ‗fast‘ at the Votua Dam and Upper Housing
sites; ‗medium‘ at Lower Housing; and ‗slow‘ at Votua Bridge and Creek
mouth. Votua Dam also obtained the lowest total suspended solids
reading with 8.3 mg/L followed by Upper Housing (9.7 mg/L), Lower
Housing (14.0 mg/L) and Creek Mouth (14.3 mg/L). Votua Bridge
displayed the highest suspended solids level of 15.3 mg/L. For biological
3.1µmol/L at the Dam site and 11.4µmol/L at the Bridge. Lower Housing
had the second highest ammonia level with 10.7µmol/L. Nitrate (NO3-N)
also showed a similar trend to ammonia at all the monitored sites along
11.9µmol/L at the bridge. Nitrite (NO2-N) was least at the dam with
the creek mouth. Total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was least from the upper
creek dam site and relatively increased downstream to the creek mouth
ranging from 7.2 to 23.8 µmol/L. Total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) reached a
0.78µmol/L for lower housing, Votua Bridge with 0.99µmol/L, and the
trend as compared to phosphate with the dam site showing the lowest
attained 1.35µmol/L.
Table 14: A summary of Votua Creek mean water quality monitoring between June and September 2006 (n = 4)
Site FC E.coli Sal Temp Cond pH TSS Flow BOD NH3 NO3 NO2 TIN TKN PO4 TP
c/100ml c/100ml ppt ºC mS mg/l mg/l µM µM µM µM µM µM µM
Dam 140 95 0.0 19.3 0.110 7.7 8.3 Fast <18 3.1 1.96 0.46 5.5 7.2 0.36 0.44
Upper 165 135 0.0 18.1 0.111 7.4 9.7 Fast <18 4.7 6.45 0.56 11.7 11.6 0.39 0.50
Lower 535 296 0.0 20.7 0.115 7.3 14.0 Med <18 10.7 11.0 0.75 22.5 26.5 0.78 0.67
Votua 664 751 0.2 20.9 0.124 7.3 15.3 Slow <18 11.4 11.9 1.07 24.4 23.3 0.99 0.93
Votua 813 483 15.6 22.6 0.230 7.8 14.3 Slow <18 10.3 10.7 1.12 22.1 23.8 1.36 1.35
Village 58 48 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tap water
Mike‘s 33 21 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Diver tap
6.6. Drum system experiment
Sampling and actual monitoring started in mid May until early June
2007 (Figure 39). For monitoring period 1 (i.e. large doses) which
every 8am, 1pm and 5pm. After 3 days, samples were collected from
every 8am, 10am, 12midday, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. After 2 days,
(small doses) included 12 doses per day, hence doses were added
were collected for the 12midday dose. Results for the different dosage
Table 15: Summary of results for “Monitoring Period 1 – Large Doses”
Parameter Artificial High Loading Low Loading
Greywater (HL) (LL)
Temperature (ºC) 23.8 24.6 25.7
Salinity (ppt) 0.19 0.23 0.23
Conductivity (mS) 0.586 0.592 0.588
pH 6.3 7.6 8.2
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 1.96 2.33 2.31
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) 0.466 0.421 0.430
Faecal coliform (c/100ml) 1.2x106 1.7x105 2.2x105
E.coli (c/100ml) 5.0 x103 2.0x103 2.0x103
BOD (mg/L) 81 76 63
Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 119 93 113
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) 8.3 5.45 8.27
Phosphorus (mg/L) 9.2 8.33 7.61
E/coli showed very small variance between the High Loading and Low
Loading drum effluent and 0.588mS/cm for the low loaded system. A
dissolved oxygen level of 2.33 mg/L was obtained for high loading and
2.31 mg/L for low loading whilst E/coli levels remained constant at
was 76 mg/L for high loading and 63 mg/L for low loading. The low
increased from 5.45 mg/L for high loading to 8.27 mg/L for the low
loading regime. Phosphorus decreased from 8.33 mg/L for high
coliform 1.7x106 5.9x105 1.6x105 1.6x105 1.6x105 1.6x105 1.6x105
Loading drum effluent, while low loading ranged between 0.869 and
0.877 mS/cm. Salinity levels were slightly higher in the low loaded
drum than the high loaded system. The low loaded effluent was more
oxygen, levels were higher for the low loaded drum ranging from 2.01
mg/L to 2.24 mg/L where as the high loading drum attained lower
concentrations for the low loaded drum as opposed to the high loading
was a middle sample collected 30 minutes after the first sample; and
sample. From Table 16 it can be seen that the pH levels slightly rose
dissolved oxygen levels fell in the order from samples #1 to #3. For
Loading drum whilst for the Low Loading drum there was reduction.
samples #1 – 3 for both mesocosms. TKN was stable for the High
sample #3.
Table 17: Mean results for “Monitoring Period 3 – Small Doses”
Parameter Artificial High High High Low Low Low
Influent Loading Loading Loading Loading Loading Loading
Solution #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #3
Temp (ºC) 24.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 25.3 25.3 25.4
coliform 1.7x106 9.0x105 3.0x105 1.7x105 3.0x105 1.3x105 2.2x105
TSS (mg/L) 36 32 22 20 29 11 26
from the low loading drum appears to be more basic than the effluent
from the high loading system. Dissolved oxygen was also higher for
the low loaded effluent than high loading. Faecal coliform, phosphorus
design exceeded that of the low loading drum. However, E/coli and
total kjeldahl nitrogen levels were higher for the low loading drum
In relation to the variance between 30 minute interval samples;
#1 to sample #2 for both drums. For the high loaded drum obvious
oxygen demand were observed to rise in the low loading effluent from
comparing the hydrograph (i.e. effluent flow rate versus time) for the
for the High Loading mesocosm and 42.5 litres/dose for the Low
Loading regime, both when first set-up (clean system) and at the end
Time (minutes)
80 66 Clean system
60 Clogged system
HL - 85 litres/dose LL - 42.5 litres/dose
Mesocosm regime
the experiment was first set up (clean system) and 118 minutes to
elute when the same dose was added at the end of the experiment.
for the clean system and lasted 66 minutes for the clogged system at
layers within the two mesocosms, it was found that signs of clogging
and organic matter build up were relatively higher within the ‗High
matter build up was obvious on the coconut husk and shell layers and
the coconut husk layer within the High Loading drum is highlighted in
Figure 41.
Figure 41: Some degree of clogging on the coconut husk layer within the High
Loading mesocosm
Chapter 7 Discussion
Monitoring data for the Tagaqe Village constructed wetland which are
untreated influent and treated effluent. For example the influent and
remained constant at zero ppt for both the untreated and treated
samples. These results are consistent with the warmer climate in Fiji
and the amount of daily household freshwater that enters the Tagaqe
levels are also related to the wetland pH levels of 6.80 (i.e. influent)
Despite both wetland influent and effluent being slightly acidic, the
Dissolved oxygen concentrations showed slight improvement at the
outlet sampling point with 0.82 mg/L in comparison to 0.16 mg/L for
available in water which is vital to fish and other aquatic life and for
samples from the wetland (see Figure 40), which characterised treated
effluent as being clearer with an earthy odour rather than the clogged
83.3 percent. The influent yielded a mean of 0.12 mS/cm while 0.02
efficiency for faecal coliform was 99.3 and E/coli 98.9 percent. The
100ml and faecal coliform count of 24,000 per 100ml. Both levels lie
exceeding 98 percent for both faecal coliform and E/coli signify that
from an average 886.6 mg/L in the inflow sample to 30.6 mg/L in the
from 324.8 (i.e. influent) to 17.3 mg/L for the treated effluent
significant rate of TSS and BOD removal is also higher than results
reported higher removal efficiencies for TSS and BOD. For example,
investigations into reed bed filters for sewage treatment from small
communities in France yielded 92.5 percent for BOD and 94.5 percent
elimination rates far better than 90 percent for BOD. Tanner (1996)
can be absorbed by the plants and algae and converted back into
the water column) to nitrite (NO2--N), and then (ii) nitrite is oxidised to
gaseous end products, nitrous gas and dinitrogen gas, through the
which nitrate is reduced to gaseous end products, N2O and N2, that
percent) and total kjeldahl nitrogen (75.5 percent) removal from the
et al. (1997) who reported higher total nitrogen and total phosphorus
This was initially predicted (Tanner, 2001; Headley, 2007: pers. com.).
Results for the Crusoe‘s Resort wastewater treatment plant (see Table
and 6.90 for the effluent imply that the wastewater comprised ‗natural
al., 2004). Dissolved oxygen was significantly improved for the system
from 0.17 mg/L for the influent to 4.20 mg/L for the effluent. This
to sites that experience a high degree of pollution but can still support
mS/cm for treated effluent with a mean efficiency of 97.3 percent. The
percent for faecal coliform and 94.7 percent for E/coli. The coliform
values found in this study are similar to those found by Louden et al.,
Roy and Dube, 1994), and Wisconsin (98 percent; Ayres Associates,
percent while biological oxygen demand (BOD) was 71.7 percent. TSS
was eliminated from 35.2 mg/L for the influent to 12.8 mg/L for the
than 15 mg/L. BOD fell from 63.6 mg/L at the inflow to 18.0 mg/L at
TSS and BOD removal efficiencies attained for the Crusoe‘s treatment
removal for BOD and 85.7 percent for TSS (Louden et al., 1985); in
BOD and 89.3 percent for TSS (Piluk and Peters, 1994); whilst in
Quebec by Roy and Dube (1994) cited 94.1 percent for BOD removal
and 96.1 percent for TSS; in Wisconsin (Ayres Associates, 1998) BOD
was eliminated at 98.3 percent and 98.4 percent for TSS; where as
Owen & Bob (1991) obtained average BOD and TSS removal
reached 70.7 percent while total phosphorus yielded 60.5 percent. The
processes. Mean N: P ratio for this system was 12 for the influent and
wetland influent and 12 for the wetland effluent. This ratio gives an
this ratio between the Tagaqe wetland and the Crusoe‘s Resort system
between the influent and effluent but it appears that the wastewater
Generally nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency at the Crusoe‘s
Resort system were less than 73 percent and did not meet the initial
into the coral reef areas (Shortt, April 2005: personal communication).
percent of TIN were observed by Ronayne et al., (1982). Roy and Dube
(1994) found 79.1 percent for TKN and 46.7 percent for TIN while a
percent removal for TKN and 75.7 percent for TIN. Other studies
showed >95 percent of TKN removal (Owen and Bob, 1991) and 64.9
noted in the results obtained that the influent to the Crusoe device
was much cleaner than the influent to Tagaqe. Therefore, it was more
complex and larger primary treatment via at least four separate septic
Water quality data from the Coral Coast sites monitored in this study
(i.e. Table 12) showed that short term temporal differences were the
flushing and dilution effects (Clark, 2002; Castro and Huber, 2003).
along the Coral Coast may have some influence on this result. Water
32.1 ºC for Naviti Resort shoreline with a mean of 29.4 ± 0.3 ºC. The
Table 13).
Outrigger Resort shoreline. The mean DO level for the 17 sites was
study is slightly lower than the level observed for a Coral Coast
mg/L for the same sites. However, both values fall within the
(ANZECC, 2000).
Despite this study not investigating the coliform pollution along the
902 count/100ml. The average coliform level for the Coral Coast sites
nitrate level for the 17 monitored sites was 4.16 ± 0.35µmol/L. Site
The average nitrite value for the Coral Coast was 0.35 ± 0.02 µmol/L.
levels for unpolluted waters often varied from 0 – 0.22 mol/L (Wetzel,
1991). Therefore the mean nitrite level found in this study (0.35 ±
still below a mean nitrate value of 0.59µmol/L reported for the Port of
critical nitrogen levels considered healthy for coral reefs without being
ammonia or nitrite (Bell et al., 1987; Bell, 1992; Goreau and Thacker,
1992); and 357.1 µmol/L (Naidu and Morrison, 1988) were also
reported for other studies on the Coral Coast, Laucala Bay, Suva
Morrison (1988) and Naidu et al., (1991) yielded a mean nitrate level of
17.29mol/L. Similar study by Tamata et al., (1992) found a mean
status in Laucala Bay from 2003 – 2004 found an average nitrate level
(Taloiburi, unpublished).
2005 showed that site number 13 (i.e. Malevu Village) attained the
7.93µmol/L. The average ammonia (NH3-N) level for the Coral Coast
prior to 2005 was 5.24 ± 0.71 µmol/L. According to Tanner and Gold
(2004) coastal sites that attain higher nutrient levels are likely to be
this study with the baseline data, it is obvious that there was a
general decrease in the mean ammonia level from 5.24 ± 0.71 µmol/L
before 2005 to 2.09 ± 0.29 µmol/L by 2006. For the Astrolabe lagoon
a better indicator for sewage pollution and anaerobic conditions
0.05 µmol/L was obtained for the Coral Coast water quality
at site number 7 (Sovi Bay) with 0.09µmol/L and varied between other
phosphate concentration for the Coral Coast prior to 2005 was 0.73 ±
0.10 µmol/L. Comparatively the average phosphate level for the Coral
Coast declined from 0.73 ± 0.10 µmol/L before 2005 to 0.43 ± 0.05
(ANZECC, 2000).
Other studies (Crossland and Barnes, 1983) observed phosphate
levels suitable for normal coral growth to be within the range of 0.11 -
seagrass bed was lower at 0.08 – 0.15 mol/L (Yamamuro et al., 1991)
al., 1992).
Phosphate levels for seawater varied between 0.07 – 1.51 mol/L with
(Taloiburi, unpublished).
The nitrogen to phosphorus (N: P) ratio for this study ranged between
for similar sites along the Coral Coast prior to 2005 (IAS Monitoring
same sites monitored in this present study along the Coral Coast. In
water. For average seawater the nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) mole
sites in this study, but in general the seawater within the fringing reef
on the Coral Coast is similar to the N: P ratio (i.e. 15) in open ocean
Results (Table 14) showed that there was 5-6 fold increase in faecal
coliform from the dam and above housing down to the creek mouth.
the dam were very high for a human drinking water supply without
bathing sites at the lower housing vicinity and the bridge indicated
of the water supply can result in infections. This poses a public health
coliform and E/coli were observed for the Votua Housing tap water.
count/100ml (WHO, 2004) only the Votua Housing tap water is safe
for usage, but the village and Mike‘s Divers tap water are unsafe as
village and diving centre drinking water was channelled directly from
sourced near the upper housing sampled site and pumped up into a
chlorine treated storage tank on the ridge before distribution to the
Conductivity increased from the dam to the creek mouth with a range
housing; and ‗slow‘ at the bridge and creek mouth. Total suspended
solids at the dam was 8.3 mg/L but elevated to the creek mouth with
14.3 mg/L. Votua Bridge displayed the highest suspended solids level
of 15.3 mg/L. The stream flow and relative suspended solids trend
flows from the upper stream pollution points including human and
yielded <18 mg/L. This is likely due to the minimum detection level of
mouth data.
ammonia at all the monitored sites along the Votua Creek with a low
kjeldahl nitrogen was least from the dam and relatively increased to
the creek mouth ranging from 7.2 to 23.8 µmol/L. Total inorganic
Coast also showed higher nitrate values that ranged from 1.9 to 24.7
nitrite (Bell et al., 1987; Bell, 1992; Goreau and Thacker, 1994). The
lower housing, Votua bridge with 0.99µmol/L, and the creek mouth
the dam showing the lowest value of 0.44µmol/L. Upper housing had
selected river water along the Coral Coast by Mosley and Aalbersberg
levels observed at the creek mouth are higher than normal accepted
fats, oils, soil, hair, and potentially some small amounts of faecal
Australia, 1996; Jefferson et al., 1999 & 2001; Eriksson et al., 2002;
Brown and Palmer, 2002; Toifl et al., 2006) suggest that greywater has
with three large doses per day between 8am to 5pm (i.e. working
showed very small variance between the High Loading and Low
while the Low Loading drum correlates to ‗two‘ onsite drum per
household (Tanner and Headley, 2007: personal communication).
doses per day (e.g. morning, midday, evening) into the onsite drum
the one drum per household (i.e. High Loading drum) and the two
drum per household (i.e. Low Loading drum) in how they treat
The faecal coliform concentration was relatively higher for the Low
counts/100ml for the High Loading regime. The same trend was
observed for total suspended solids where the low loaded drum
high loading and 8.27 mg/L for the low loading regime. These results
may imply that for three large periodic doses per day (e.g. morning,
Votua Village, the one drum per household would be more efficient
high loading and 63 mg/L for low loading. Phosphorus was 8.33 mg/L
for high loading and 7.6 mg/L for low loading. This indicates that for
between 8am and 6pm (i.e. period greywater discharges every two
mS for the High Loading drum effluent, while low loading ranged
between 0.869 and 0.877 mS/cm. Salinity levels were slightly higher
in the low loaded drum than the high loaded system. The low loaded
regard to dissolved oxygen levels, the values were higher for the low
loaded drum ranging from 2.01 mg/L to 2.24 mg/L where as the high
12midday, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm), then the two drum per household
(i.e. low loading drum) would be the better set up to improve salinity,
high loading).
Total suspended solids and total kjeldahl nitrogen showed
signifies that for total suspended solids (TSS) and total kjeldahl
nitrogen (TKN) treatment, the one drum per household (i.e. high
either one drum per household (high loading) or two drum per
household (low loading drum) in Votua does not necessarily matter for
the first sample collection (#2), and 60 minutes after the first sample
mesocosms at the end sample. This means that for both mesocosms,
removal efficiency was greatest at the immediate sample (#1) for BOD,
for the high loading drum was higher in the immediate sample and
least in the end sample whilst for the low loading drum; elimination
was elevated at the end sample. TKN was stable for the high loading
#3, which implies that TKN removal efficiency for the low loading
added every forty minutes (i.e. 8am, 8.40am, 9.20am, 10am, 10.40am,
Results indicated that the pH from the low loading drum appears to
be higher than the effluent from the high loading system. Dissolved
oxygen was also higher for the low loaded effluent than high loading.
concentrations for the high loading design exceeded that of the low
loading drum. However, E/coli and total kjeldahl nitrogen levels were
higher for the low loading drum than the high loading regime. These
small doses per day; then the two drum per household (i.e. low
demand whilst the one drum per household (i.e. high loading drum)
set up would enhance total kjeldahl nitrogen and E.coli removal.
treatment efficiency at the end sample (#3) for the high loaded drum.
where the partially treated greywater infiltrates into the natural soil. A
hydrograph (i.e. effluent flow rate versus time) for the two mesocosms
following application of a single dose, both when first set-up (i.e. clean
took 73 minutes to elute in the clean system and 118 minutes for the
same volume at the end of the experiment. The difference was 45
system and lasted 66 minutes for the clogged system at the end of the
Chapter 8 Conclusions
the Coral Coast of Fiji are situated along the coastline. As a result of
other initiatives that were not monitored under this study. Monitoring
percent for faecal coliform, E/coli, total suspended solids (TSS) and
50 percent for nitrite and 82.6 percent for ammonia. Total kjeldahl
The wastewater treatment system at Crusoe‘s Resort indicated
and BOD. Nitrite yielded 50.9 percent; nitrate 68.5 percent; ammonia
72.7 percent; and TKN 50.1 percent. Total phosphorus reached 60.5
for the Coral Coast was 0.43 ± 0.05 µmol/L. The N: P ratio for the
Results for Votua Creek showed a 5-6 fold increase in faecal coliform
from the dam and above housing down to the creek mouth. Faecal
coliform and E/coli were observed for the Votua Housing tap water.
Conductivity increased from the dam to the creek mouth with a range
housing; and ‗slow‘ at the bridge and creek mouth. Total suspended
solids at the dam was 8.3 mg/L but elevated to the creek mouth with
14.3 mg/L. Votua Bridge displayed the highest suspended solids level
ammonia at all the monitored sites along the Votua Creek with a low
kjeldahl nitrogen was least from the dam and relatively increased to
the creek mouth ranging from 7.2 to 23.8 µmol/L. Total inorganic
nitrogen reached a maximum at the bridge with 24.4µmol/L with the
housing, Votua bridge with 0.99µmol/L, and the creek mouth with
signified that there would be little variation between one drum per
household (i.e. High Loading drum) and two drum per household (i.e.
only three large periodic doses per day into the onsite drum greywater
one drum per household would be more efficient than two drum per
more efficient.
and pH as opposed to one drum per household (i.e. high loading). For
total suspended solids and total kjeldahl nitrogen treatment, the one
drum per household (i.e. high loading) would be the ideal system
choice. However, the choice of either one drum per household (high
loading) or two drum per household (low loading drum) in Votua does
an average of 12 small doses per day; then the two drum per
biological oxygen demand whilst the one drum per household (i.e. high
loading drum) set up would enhance total kjeldahl nitrogen and E.coli
system and 118 minutes for the same volume at the end of the
took 38 minutes to elute for the clean system and lasted 66 minutes
for the clogged system at the end of the experiment. The difference
was 28 minutes.
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Appendix A: Tagaqe Constructed Wetland Monitoring
Date of Sampling: 15 June 2005 (Tagaqe wetland)
Influent Effluent % removal
Temperature (˚C) 24.6 23.7 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 0.13 0.41 -
Conductivity (mS) 0.03 0.04 -
pH 6.78 6.82 -
Faecal Coliform (c/100ml) 9.29 x 106 6.85 x 104 99.3
TSS (mg/L) 1254.5 38.5 97.0
Mean BOD5 (mg/l) 452 18 96.0
Mean NH3-N (µM) 2564.3 662.1 74.2
Mean NO3-N (µM) 2.14 5.57 -
TIN (µM) 2566.44 667.67 74.0
Mean PO4-P (µM) 337.7 79.0 76.6
N : P ratio 8 8
Date of Sampling: 18 July 2005 (Tagaqe wetland)
Influent Effluent % removal
Temperature (˚C) 25.8 24.9 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 0.16 0.47 -
Conductivity (mS) 0.03 0.05 -
pH 6.76 6.81 -
Faecal Coliform (c/100ml) 4.5 x 10 6 1.2 x 10 3 99.97
TSS (mg/L) 809 47 94.2
Mean BOD5 (mg/L) 265 18 93.2
Mean NH3-N (µM) 6242.86 814.29 87.0
Mean NO3-N (µM) 0.21 5.0 -
TIN (µM) 6243.07 819.29 86.9
TKN (µM) 10214.3 735.7 92.8
PO4-P (µM) 406.45 51.61 87.3
TP (µM) 598.1 57.4 90.4
N:P ratio 15 16
Date of Sampling: 20 October 2005 (Tagaqe wetland)
Influent Effluent % removal
Temp (˚C) 31 26.2 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.25 0.85 -
Cond (mS) 0.01 0.002 -
pH 6.79 6.84 -
Mean FC (c/100ml) 2.6 x 10 6 1.9 x 10 4 99.3
Mean TSS (mg/l) 434 11 97.5
Mean BOD (mg/l) 182 18 90.1
Mean NH3-N (µM) 2314.29 470 79.7
Mean NO3-N (µM) 2.14 5.21 -
TIN (µM) 2316.43 475.21 79.5
TKN (µM) 7985.71 1907.14 76.1
Mean PO4-P (µM) 330 76.45 76.8
TP (µM) 445.16 141.94 68.1
N:P ratio 7 6
Date of Sampling: 11 May 2006 (Tagaqe wetland)
influent effluent % removal
Temp (˚C) 29.8 28.4 -
Sal (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.14 0.93 -
Cond (mS) 0.03 0.01 -
pH 6.81 6.85 -
FC (c/100ml) 2.3 x 10 5 4.8 x 10 3 97.9
BOD (mg/l) 500 18 96.4
NH3-N (µM) 4471.43 565.36 87.4
NO3-N (µM) 0.32 0.64 -
NO2-N (µM) 0.14 0.07 50.0
TIN (µM) 4471.89 566.07 87.3
PO4-P (µM) 359.35 71.94 80.0
N:P ratio 12 8
Date of Sampling: June 2006 (Tagaqe wetland)
influent Effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 29.3 29.2 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/L) 0.19 0.89 -
Cond (mS) 0.04 0.01 -
pH 6.83 6.89 -
Mean FC (c/100ml) 9.0 x 106 4.8 x 104 99.5
Mean BOD (mg/L) 942 18 98.1
Mean TSS (mg/L) 855 22 97.4
Mean NH3-N (µM) 5738.57 740.7 87.1
Mean NO3-N (µM) 2.64 10.1 -
Mean NO2-N (µM) 0.14 0.07 50.0
TIN (µM) 5741.35 750.87 86.9
TKN (µM) 8272.4 2357.1 71.5
Mean PO4-P (µM) 282 92.97 67.0
TP (µM) 690.3 331.29 52.0
N:P ratio 8 8
Date of Sampling: 5 July 2006 (Tagaqe wetland)
influent effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 28.6 30.3 -
Sal (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.15 0.96 -
Cond (mS) 0.03 0.01 -
pH 6.79 6.86 -
FC (c/100ml) 1.6 x 105 3.5 x 104 78.1
E.coli (c/100ml) 9.0 x 105 3.5 x 104 96.1
BOD (mg/L) 211 18 91.5
TSS (mg/l) 420 10 97.6
NH3-N (µM) 4607.14 582.14 87.4
NO3-N (µM) 0.36 7.14 -
NO2-N (µM) 0.14 0.07 50.0
TIN (µM) 4607.64 589.35 87.2
TKN (µM) 6135.71 4064.29 33.8
PO4-P (µM) 301.29 70.32 76.7
TP (µM) 316.77 92.26 70.9
N:P ratio 15 6
Date of Sampling: September 2006 (Tagaqe wetland)
influent Effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 30.1 27.5 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/L) 0.15 0.89 -
Cond (mS) 0.30 0.005 -
pH 6.84 6.87 -
Mean FC (c/100ml) 1.6 x 10 6 7.0 x 10 3 99.6
E.coli (c/100ml) 1.6 x 106 4.0 x 103 99.8
Mean BOD (mg/L) 28 18 30.8
Mean TSS (mg/L) 291 51 82.5
Mean NH3-N (µM) 6014.29 1164.29 80.6
Mean NO3-N (µM) 0.29 7.86 -
Mean NO2-N (µM) 0.14 0.07 50.0
Total Inorganic N (µM) 6014.72 1172.22 80.5
TKN (µM) 6121.43 1271.43 79.2
Mean PO4-P (µM) 525.81 110.97 78.9
TP (µM) 564.52 126.45 77.6
N:P ratio 11 11
Appendix B: Crusoe’s Resort STP Monitoring
Date of Sampling: 20 October 2005 (Crusoe’s STP)
Influent Effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 32 31.4 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.14 4.37 -
Cond (mS) 0.116 0.01 -
pH 6.76 6.85 -
Mean FC (c/100ml) 1.2 x 105 8.6 x 103 92.8
Mean TSS (mg/l) 16 3 81.3
Mean BOD (mg/l) 85 18 78.8
Mean NH3-N (µM) 3185.7 470 85.2
Mean NO3-N (µM) 55.7 15 73.1
TIN (µM) 3241.4 485 85.0
TKN (µM) 3557.14 1078.57 69.7
Mean PO4-P (µM) 180 31 82.8
TP (µM) 206.45 109.68 46.9
N:P ratio 18 16
Date of Sampling: June 2006 (Crusoe’s STP)
influent effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 29.6 30.2 -
Sal (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.15 4.64 -
Cond (mS) 1.12 0.02 -
pH 6.77 6.96 -
FC (c/100ml) 9.0 x 105 7.0 x 104 92.2
TSS (mg/L) 18 4 77.8
BOD (mg/L) 87 18 79.3
NH3-N (µM) 3498.57 618.57 82.3
NO3-N (µM) 7.14 3.57 50.0
NO2-N (µM) 1.43 0.71 50.3
TIN (µM) 3507.14 622.85 82.2
PO4-P (µM) 166.45 90.65 45.5
N:P ratio 21 7
Date of Sampling: 5 July 2006 (Crusoe’s STP)
influent effluent % removal
Temp (ºC) 30.3 30.7 -
Sal (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.25 3.79 -
Cond (mS) 0.97 0.015 -
pH 6.76 6.87 -
FC (c/100ml) 7.4 x 10 5 3.9 x 10 4 94.7
E.coli (c/100ml) 6.6 x 105 3.8 x 104 94.2
BOD (mg/L) 76 18 76.3
TSS (mg/l) 26 5 80.8
NH3-N (µM) 3685.71 573.57 84.4
NO3-N (µM) 7.14 2.86 60.0
NO2-N (µM) 0.14 0.07 50.0
TIN (µM) 3692.99 576.5 84.4
PO4-P (µM) 223.2 68.71 69.2
N:P ratio 17 8
Date of Sampling: August 2006 (Crusoe’s STP)
influent Effluent % Removal
Temp (ºC) 29.8 31.2 -
Salinity (ppt) 0.0 0.0 -
DO (mg/l) 0.18 4.43 -
Cond (mS) 0.69 0.02 -
pH 6.70 6.92 -
FC (c/100ml) 2.4 x 10 6 9.0 x 10 4 96.3
E.coli (c/100ml) 2.4 x 106 9.0 x 104 96.3
Mean TSS (mg/L) 61 42 31.1
Mean BOD (mg/l) 25 18 28.0
NH3-N (µM) - - -
NO3-N (µM) - - -
NO2-N (µM) - - -
TIN (µM) - - -
TKN (µM) 1971.43 1235.71 37.3
PO4-P (µM) - - -
TP (µM) - - -
Appendix C: Coral Coast Water Quality Monitoring
Date of Sampling: 18 July 2005 (Coral Coast Sites)
Site Place GPS location NO3-N NH3-N PO4-P TIN:P
(µM) (µM) (µM) ratio
1 Fijian Resort: ocean side 18-08.62S; 177-25.76E 6.43 0.97 0.49 15
2 Outrigger Resort: western side 18-10.82S; 177-33.08E 6.41 0.49 0.18 38
3 Tubakula Resort: eastern side 18-10.86S; 177-33.46E 5.53 0.61 0.37 17
5 East of Votua Village 18-12.69S; 177-42.89E 3.58 0.52 0.24 17
6 Tagaqe Village 18-11.91S; 177-39.75E 5.71 1.44 0.37 19
7 Sovi Bay beach 18-12.30S; 177-36.39E 5.23 0.85 0.33 18
8 Hideaway Resort: western side 18-11.92S; 177-39.32E 6.63 6.24 0.26 49
9 Front of Naviti Resort 18-12.31S; 177-41.84E 4.85 0.92 0.25 23
10 West of Komave Village 18-13.38S; 177-45.71E 2.48 0.98 0.31 11
11 Tabua Sands Resort 18-11.62S; 177-37.89E 5.73 0.62 0.28 23
12 Vatukarasa Bay 18-10.85S; 177-36.22E 4.95 0.65 0.45 12
13 Malevu Village: eastern side 18-10.85S; 177-33.62E 5.93 0.81 0.33 20
14 Crows Nest Resort 18-10.65S; 177-32.60E 6.57 0.84 0.35 21
15 Korotogo Bridge (River water) 18-10.67S; 177-32.59E 6.13 5.37 1.03 11
16 Matai Kandavu Beach 18-10.77S; 177-31.05E 2.99 0.57 0.10 36
17 Between Malevu/ Vatukarasa Villages 18-11.17S; 177-33.57E 4.86 0.49 0.31 17
18 Warwick Hotel 18-13.69S; 177-44.37E 11.50 0.99 0.54 23
mean 5.62 1.37 0.36 19
Date of Sampling: 20 October 2005 (Coral Coast Sites)
Site Place GPS location Time Temp Sal DO Cond. NO3-N NH3-N PO4-P TIN:P
(ºC) (ppt) (mg/l) (mS) (µM) (µM) (µM) ratio
5 Votua Village 18-12.69S 1219 30 30.3 6.2 50.9 2.38 0.32 0.18 15
6 Tagaqe Village 18-11.91S 1327 20.2 32.7 6.8 32.24 1.57 0.79 0.32 8
8 Hideaway Resort 18-11.92S 1336 31.6 33.2 5.67 40 3.63 3.24 0.23 29
9 Naviti Resort 18-12.31S 1230 32 30.3 6.23 54.2 4.43 0.87 0.25 21
10 Komave Village 18-13.38S 1143 24 31.1 4.97 22.25 2.18 0.83 0.28 10
11 Tabua Sands 18-11.62S 1351 23 31.6 6.12 48.3 3.41 0.48 0.31 11
18 Warwick Hotel 18-13.69S 1202 32.3 29.4 6.7 53.5 4.5 0.49 0.33 15
mean 27.6 31.2 6.1 43.06 3.15 1.0 0.27 15
Date of Sampling: 11 May 2006 (Coral Coast Sites)
Site Place Time Tide Sal Temp DO Cond NO3-N NH3-N NO2- PO4- N:P
(ppt) (ºC) mg/l (mS) (µM) (µM) N(µM) P(µM) ratio
1 Fijian Resort [18-08.62S;177- 1110 H+6 33.4 28.8 5.87 54.5 1.86 0.489 0.13 0.29 9
2 Outrigger [18-10.82S;177-33.08E] 1210 H-5 33 28.6 7.48 54.3 5.35 0.09 0.14 0.42 13
3 Tubakula [18-10.86S;177-33.46E] 1220 H-5 32.8 28.9 7.68 54.2 4.93 0.16 0.10 0.32 16
5 Votua Village [18-12.69S;177- 1410 H-3 31.3 28.9 5.67 56.2 1.97 0.22 0.10 0.20 11
6 Tagaqe Village [18-11.91S;177- 1321 H-4 32.6 30.8 6.81 52.3 1.71 1 0.32 0.23 13
7 Sovi Bay [18-12.30S;177-36.39E] 1246 H-5 34.4 29.1 6.6 56.7 3.96 0.10 0.06 0.27 15
8 Hideaway Resort 1315 H-4 33.2 28.9 7.51 43.5 3.23 0.28 0.12 0.24 15
9 Naviti Resort [18-12.31S;177- 1343 H-4 34.6 32.4 6.64 53.8 3.76 0.31 0.08 0.26 16
10 Komave Village 1430 H-3 32 27.7 5.75 51.2 2.11 0.23 0.11 0.29 8
11 Tabua Sands [18-11.62S;177- 1305 H-4 31 29.6 6.57 54.1 2.62 0.27 0.12 0.33 9
12 Vatukarasa 18-10.85S;177-36.22E 1253 H-5 31.7 28.4 7.77 48.9 1.72 0.13 0.09 0.17 11
13 Malevu Village 1230 H-5 34.7 28.9 6.34 56.8 1.20 0.20 0.10 0.15 10
14 Crows Nest [18-10.65S;177- 1205 H-5 33.6 28.9 7.68 55.2 1.91 0.33 0.08 0.19 12
15 Korotogo Bridge 1154 H-6 27 28.4 3.50 47.96 6.79 4.58 0.23 1.24 9
16 Matai Kadavu Beach 1130 H-6 31.2 30.6 6.32 26.14 0.60 0.12 0.07 0.14 6
17 Between Malevu & Vatukarasa 1240 H-5 29.7 30.3 6.78 43.45 1.09 0.16 0.09 0.20 7
18 Warwick Hotel 1355 H-4 33.1 29.8 6.64 43.9 2.12 0.29 0.08 0.31 8
mean 32.3 29.4 6.57 47.6 2.76 0.53 0.12 0.31 11
Date of Sampling: June 2006 (Coral Coast Sites)
Site Place Time Tide Sal Temp DO Con NO3-N NH3-N NO2-N PO4-P T:P
(ppt) (ºC) mg/l (mS) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM)
1 Fijian Resort [18-08.62S;177- 1110 H+1 32.6 29.6 5.67 52.4 0.98 3.67 0.63 0.16 32
2 Outrigger Resort [18-10.82S;177- 1235 H+3 31.4 27.9 6.78 51.5 8.29 4.26 0.64 0.47 28
3 Tubakula Resort [18-10.86S;177- 1243 H+3 32.5 29.2 6.43 49.7 8.07 2.98 0.63 0.31 37
5 Votua Village [18-12.69S;177- 1408 H+4 32.8 27.5 5.88 54.3 3.89 6.48 0.64 1.08 10
6 Tagaqe Village [18-11.91S;177- 1321 H+3 32.1 30.3 5.92 46.7 1.86 1.14 0.30 0.71 5
7 Sovi Bay [18-12.30S;177-36.39E] 1258 H+3 33.3 31.2 5.75 55.4 3.06 4.27 0.63 0.38 21
8 Hideaway Resort [18-11.92S;177- 1332 H+3 31.2 29.5 5.74 53.6 3.26 5.29 0.64 0.23 39
9 Naviti Resort[18-12.31S;177- 1355 H+4 30.7 31.5 5.69 52.1 2.56 9.14 0.64 0.58 21
10 Komave [18-13.38S;177-45.71E] 1430 H+4 31.6 29.8 5.30 53.4 2.78 4.31 0.58 0.46 16
11 Tabua Sands [18-11.62S;177- 1323 H+3 32.7 27.9 5.54 52.8 5.84 1.75 0.65 0.36 22
12 Vatukarasa [18-10.85S;177-36.22E] 1310 H+3 29.5 29.3 5.36 49.8 3.47 5.77 0.66 1.22 8
13 Malevu [18-10.85S;177-33.62E] 1250 H+3 33.4 29.6 6.65 55.2 13.5 3.18 0.64 0.83 20
14 Crows Nest [18-10.65S;177-32.60E] 1228 H+3 32.1 29.9 5.94 51.3 7.86 2.49 0.64 0.75 14
15 Korotogo Bridge [18-10.67S;177- 1222 H+3 27.6 29.3 3.43 43.8 4.11 7.50 0.70 1.14 11
16 Matai Kadavu Beach 1200 H+2 32.4 29.5 5.30 47.3 5.31 4.39 1.18 0.82 13
17 Between Malevu & Vatukarasa 1240 H+3 31.5 29.4 5.81 49.9 4.64 3.29 0.39 0.53 15
18 Warwick Hotel 1355 H+4 32.9 30.3 6.13 53.6 0.97 3.33 0.63 0.32 15
mean 31.7 29.5 5.73 51.3 4.73 4.31 0.64 0.61 19
Date of Sampling: 5 July 2006 (Coral Coast Sites)
Site Place Time Tide Sal Temp. DO Cond. NO3-N NH3-N NO2-N PO4-P TIN:P
(ppt) (ºC) (mg/l) (mS) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM) ratio
5 Votua Village 1210 H-2 31.9 30.7 5.85 56.1 2.45 4.23 0.21 0.83 8
6 Tagaqe Village 1355 H+0 32.9 31.5 5.76 52.4 2.07 1.0 0.23 0.64 5
7 Sovi Bay 1445 H +1 32.5 29.9 5.23 49.8 2.71 3.34 0.31 0.41 10
8 Hideaway Resort 1410 H+0 34.5 30.6 6.41 51.5 3.13 3.71 0.29 0.43 15
9 Naviti Resort 1330 H-1 30.3 32.3 5.32 47.2 2.33 4.11 0.15 0.51 13
10 Komave Village 1120 H-3 31.7 27.4 6.11 53.7 2.08 3.65 0.19 0.42 14
11 Tabua Sands 1420 H+0 33.1 28.1 5.57 51.3 1.92 1.78 0.14 0.36 11
12 Vatukarasa 1435 H+1 33.8 31.3 6.72 53.4 2.43 3.22 0.26 0.47 13
18 Warwick Hotel 1140 H-2 31.4 30.6 6.23 53.2 1.47 3.54 0.12 0.33 15
mean 32.5 30.3 5.91 52.1 2.29 3.18 0.21 0.49 12
Appendix D: Votua Creek Water Quality Monitoring
Monthly Sampling: June 2006 (Votua Creek)
Site Faecal Coliform (c/100ml) NH3-N (µM) NO3-N (µM) NO2-N (µM) PO4-P (µM)
Votua dam 168 - - - -
Upper housing 273 5.34 12.50 0.71 0.41
Lower housing 1100 14.0 12.57 0.75 1.20
Votua bridge 300 14.14 13.36 0.95 1.17
Votua creek mouth 1700 10.07 9.14 1.0 1.42
Monthly Sampling: August 2006 (Votua Creek)
Site FC E.coli Sal Temp Cond pH TSS Flow Tide BOD NH3 NO3 NO2 TIN PO4 TP
c/100ml c/100ml ppt ºC mS mg/l mg/l (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM)
Votua dam 57 50 0.0 18.4 0.111 7.71 2 Fast Rising <18 2.73 1.67 0.46 4.86 0.40 0.40
Upper housing 60 60 0.0 16.9 0.107 7.22 3 Fast Rising <18 4.51 3.89 0.49 8.89 0.40 0.42
Lower housing 300 240 0.0 21.2 0.113 7.24 5 Fast Rising <18 7.90 8.91 0.73 17.54 0.64 0.65
Votua bridge 800 800 0.1 20.7 0.125 7.10 7 Slow Rising <18 8.79 10.74 1.11 20.64 0.89 0.88
Votua creek 500 500 1.7 26.1 0.224 7.78 6 slow rising <18 9.48 11.81 1.22 22.51 1.30 1.31
Housing tap 2 <1
Votua village tap 36 36
Mike diver‘s tap 37 19