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Received April 05, 2022; Revised May 09, 2022; Accepted May 18, 2022
Abstract Water provides all living beings with good health and the well-being of their organism. It allows him to
meet his basic needs and especially his food. But, for a beneficial use, the optimal quality of the water is essential. In
Senegal, most regions are fed by Lake Guiers and the latter is threatened by industrial discharges, hydro-agricultural
activities which cause a gradual deterioration in its quality. In this study, we carried out bacteriological studies and a
follow-up of the evolution of the lead content on the Keur Momar SARR-Thiès axis in order to see the degree of
potability of the water intended for human consumption of Keur Momar Sarr to the storage reservoir of the
Polytechnic School of Thiès. The microbiological parameters were determined by the colony-forming unit (CFU)
method on selective agar media. The results of the physico-chemical parameters show that the concentration of lead
is not significant with a maximum value of 0.11 mg/L. This value does not exceed the limits of the World Health
Organization (WHO). The results of the bacteriological parameters show that the Kelle 1 and Beud forage boreholes
contain the highest levels of total coliforms (110 and 115 CFU/100 mL) and faecal coliforms (34 and 85 CFU/100
mL). Faecal streptococci predominate in the borehole area (50 CFU/100 mL). A comparison with the WHO
standards, these bacteriological parameters belong to the tolerance interval for water intended for consumption.
Keywords: potability, bacteriological, content, lead, microorganisms
Cite This Article: Famara Seydi Ba, Diadioly Gassama, Alioune Ly, Baba Ngom, and Séni Tamba,
“Bacteriological Study and Monitoring of the Evolution of the Concentration of Lead in Water Intended for the
Drinking Water Supply of Keur Momar SARR in Thiès (SENEGAL).” American Journal of Materials Science
and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1 (2022): 1-7. doi: 10.12691/ajmse-10-1-1.
2. Materials and Methods content. The sampling bottles were rinsed several times
with the water to be sampled. Sampling took place
between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in January 2022 continuously.
2.1. Location of the Project Area and The role of the preservation process is to preserve the
Identification of Measurement Points integrity of the samples taken between the time of
sampling and that of laboratory analysis. This step is
The Keur Momar Sarr treatment plant is located south necessary so as not to alter the original quality of the
of Lake Guiers, along the departmental road D302, in the sample [14].
Louga region, 3 km north of the town of Keur Momar Sarr These water samples were stored at 4°C in polyethylene
[13]. bottles to be sent to the laboratories of the polytechnic
For this present work, we have chosen eight sampling school of Thiès and ONAS (National Office of Sanitation
points, namely: of Senegal) for analysis.
• Point 1: Ndiang FALL in the Keur Momar SARR
• Point 2: North Santhiaba, a neighborhood in the city 3. Results and Discussion
of Louga
• Point 3: Gueoul Table 1 provides information on the results of the
• Point 4: Kelle 1 borehole analyzes obtained after measurement at the level of the
• Point 5: Beud forage eight points.
• Point 6: Kelle 5 drilling We first made a study on the characterization of the
• Point 7: Takhy kao Thies physico-chemical parameters of the waters of Keur
• Point 8: Polytechnic School of Thiès Momar SARR to have visibility on the evolution of ions,
Figure 1 shows the different measurement points from temperature, pH, conductivity etc. A comparative study
Keur Momar SARR to Thiès. between certain measured chemical elements and the
standards of discharge or potability was then made.
2.1.1. Sampling - Sampling Methods Table 1 shows the results obtained after analysis of
The waters were sampled at the taps for bacteriological water samples taken at lake level and at the exit of the
and chemical analyzes to monitor the evolution of the lead drinking water treatment plant.
Table 1. Results of chemical and physicochemical parameters obtained from the analyses
Measuring points
Parameters Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5
(left bank) (Middle of the lake) (Right bank) (Hydrant) (factory)
Temperature (°C) 26,4 26,9 26,6 26,4 28
Turbidity (uTN) 28 23 26,7 25,2 26,8
Conductivity (µS/Cm) 257 260 256 251 271
pH (25°C) 7,64 7,69 7,83 7,87 7,26
pH saturation (Langelier’s formula) 8,04 8,07 8,17 8,21 8,35
Langelier index 0,4 0,38 0,34 0,34 1,09
Total alkalinity (mg/L) 82 76 78 64 46
Calcium hardness (mg/L) 44,9 44,89 34,69 38,76 38,77
Total Hardness (mg/L) 104,08 138,78 102,04 97,96 100
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 3
Measuring points
Parameters Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5
(left bank) (Middle of the lake) (Right bank) (Hydrant) (factory)
CO2 (Tillman’s formula) (mg/L) 3,81 3,14 2,34 1,75 5,13
Total Cations meq/L 1,64 1,52 1,56 1,28 0,92
OH- (mg/L) 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,003
HCO3- (mg/L) 99,46 92,11 94,3 77,3 55,98
HCO32- (mg/L) 0,26 0,28 0,39 0,36 0,06
SO42- (mg/L) 16,2 16,1 16,6 16,6 31
Cl- (mg/L) 39,99 39,53 33,45 36,35 44,53
Sum of anions (meq/L) 3,1 2,97 2,85 2,65 2,82
H+ (µg/L) 0,0254 0,0226 0,0164 0,0150 0,0609
Ca2+ (mg/L) 17,96 17,96 13,88 15,51 15,51
Mg2+ (mg/L) 14,38 22,81 16,35 14,38 14,87
Na+ (mg/L) 25,99 25,7 21,74 23,63 28,95
K+ (mg/L) 3 2,8 3,1 2,8 3,8
Sum of cations (meq/L) 3,3 3,98 3,08 3,07 3,37
DCO (mg/L) 17 19,2 15,9 19,9 17,9
Zn2+ (mg/L) 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03
Pb2+ (mg/L) 0,82 0,87 0,91 1,09 0,6
PO43- (mg/L) 0,39 0,39 0,32 0,18 0,13
Fe2+ (mg/L) 0,24 too low 0,13 0,12 too low
NO3- (mg/L) de N too low 0,01 Not available Not available too low
NO2- (mg/L) de N 0,01 0,01 0,01 15 too low
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) de N 25 17 Too low 15 too low
Lead is a dangerous cumulative toxic element with work to monitor the evolution of the lead content and the
widespread effects, the effects are mainly neurological, bacteriological study of Keur momar SARR in Thiès
nephrological, hepatic, cardiovascular and hematological which is the place of storage of treated water.
[15]. The results of these analyses showed the presence of Table 2 provides information on the results of the
a significant concentration of lead in the treated water. analyses obtained after measurement at the eight water
This high content shows that the WHO standard has not withdrawal points on the Keur Momar SARR-Thiès axis.
been met [16]. Faced with this situation, we plan in this
Table 2. Summary table of laboratory test results
Parameters measured
Water samples Lead Concentration Faecal streptococci Total coliforms Coliforms Faeces
(mg/L) (CFU/100mL) (CFU/100mL) (CFU/100mL)
Ndiang FALL 0,11 Not available Not available Not available
Santhiaba Nord 0,1 Not available Not available Not available
Gueoul 0,1 Not available 05 Not available
Drilling Kelle 1 ˂ 0,1 Not available 110 34
Beud Forage ˂ 0,1 50 115 85
Drilling Kelle 5 ˂ 0,1 50 20 Nd
Takhy kao Thiès ˂ 0,1 Not available Not available 20
Thies polytechnic school ˂ 0,1 Not available 05 04
Table 3 shows the standards set by the World Health Lead is toxic and is ubiquitous in the environment, the
Organization (WHO) on water quality. main sources of human exposure to lead are diffuse (air
contaminated with automobile exhaust, contaminated food
Table 3. Summary table of standards established by WHO at the source or during processing or conditioning, water
Parameters measured World Health Organization standards contaminated by the pipeline) [17].
Lead Concentration [0.01- 0.1] mg/L The results of the analyses show that the evolution of
Faecal coliforms [0-1] CFU/100mL the lead content is low and belongs to the WHO tolerance
Total coliforms [50-150] CFU/100mL range [0.01- 0.1 mg/L]. The maximum value is obtained at
Streptococci 0 CFU/100mL Ndiang FALL which is an area close to the processing
plant. The presence of this value may be caused by the
high lead content at the water intake in the lake (see
3.1. Evolution of the Lead Content Table 1).
Figure 2 shows the evolution of the lead content in Figure 3 shows the evolution of the lead content from
water from Keur Momar SARR to the polytechnic school the raw water intake through the treatment plant to the
of Thiès. distribution.
4 American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
We note a total disappearance of lead at the entrance In this figure frame we see that the treatment is
to the drilling area. Thus, we can say that the water acceptable based on lead before and after treatment.
inputs from the boreholes have led to a dilution leading
to the disappearance of lead in the water. In drinking 3.2. Evolution of the Presence of Faecal
water systems, an increase in the concentration of
lead in consumers has also been shown to be caused
Coliforms and Totals
by the use of lead valves or a lack of an effective Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the evolution of the
lead removal mechanism in the treatment plant presence of fecal and total coliforms in the water from
[18,19,20]. Keur Momar SARR to the Polytechnic School of Thiès.
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 5
Fecal coliforms are the majority in the water taken from During the field visit we noticed an absence of
the Kelle 1 (34 CFU / 100 mL) and Beud Drilling chlorination station at the level of the boreholes, and this
(84 CFU / 100 mL) boreholes, in Gueoul (05 CFU / 100 mL) can be a major factor of contamination.
and the Thiessoise part, namely Takhy Kao and the Thiès Other researchers have shown that pumping the aquifer
Polytechnic School which have respective values of 20 has an impact on water quality. Pumping changes, the
and 04 CFU / 100 mL. The presence of total coliforms in organization of flows in the aquifer by converging the
water is not significant based on WHO standards. water of its environment towards the well. The increase,
However, based on the results of analyses, only the following the emptying of wells, in bacterial contamination
boreholes have the highest levels and do not exceed the and conductivity therefore probably reflects the presence
WHO limit value. We find that chlorine is much more of nearby sources of contamination: effluents from latrines,
effective in areas close to the plant (Ndiangue FALL and leachate from garbage deposits [25].
Santhiaba) with a total absence of coliforms. Total coliforms are enterobacteriaceae that include bacterial
The presence of faecal and total coliforms may species that live in the intestines of homeothermic animals,
indicate a deterioration in water quality, due to the but also in the environment in general (soil, vegetation and
distribution system and the residence time of the water in water). They are considered an indicator of the microbial
the network. Since total coliforms are not resistant to quality of water because it contains bacteria of fecal origin,
chlorine, their presence in water samples may indicate the such as Escherichia coli [26,27,28].
existence of a biofilm or a lack of treatment efficacy The presence of E. coli in drinking water is considered
[21,22,23,24]. an extreme danger to human health. Common symptoms
The results of our analyses showed that only boreholes of these diseases caused by E. coli are fever, abdominal
have high contamination. cramps, and diarrhea [29,30,31].
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