Everyone Is Shudra by Birth - ISKCON Times
Everyone Is Shudra by Birth - ISKCON Times
Everyone Is Shudra by Birth - ISKCON Times
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is also mother. The Vedic knowledge is mother, and the spiritual The amount of happiness and
distress is already predestined
master is the father. So samskarad bhaved dvijah.
for every living entity. No one can
increase or decrease the
The spiritual master trains the student gradually. That is called
happiness of the materialistic
initiation. That is called dvija. Janmana jayatesudrah: "By birth by the
way of life. The Sudama
father and mother, everyone is sudra." It doesn't matter where he brāhmaṇa, therefore, did not
takes his birth, not that only India they are brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, exert himself for more material
sudra. Everywhere. There are ten kinds of samskaras, happiness; instead, he used his
reformatory. This Vedic system is very scientific system to elevate time for advancement of Kṛṣṇa
the humankind to the highest perfection of life. consciousness.
one, anyone wants to study law, if he wants to enter into the law offer Me very valuable things, I
do not like to accept them. I
college, then he must be a graduate first of all, at least B.A. Otherwise
actually accept only things
he cannot. So if somebody says, "It is injustice," why? "Everyone
offered to Me in devotion and
love; otherwise, however valuable
a thing may be, I do not accept
Everyone cannot understand. Similarly, without being initiated by it.”
proper spiritual master, nobody can understand. The Vedas is not
like that: you purchase a book, the Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata, and –Krishna Book, Chapter 81
study at home, and you learn. Oh, it is not possible just like simply by
purchasing some medical books and study at home you cannot Facebook
become a doctor, medical man. That is not possible. Neither you can
become a lawyer. The books are available in the market, but that is
not the process. You have to enter yourself in an institution, take
lessons from the professors, must attend lecture classes, seventy-
five percent at least. Then you are allowed to sit in the examination.
The Lord then assured King Mucukunda, "In your next life you will take
your birth as a first-class Vaisnava, the best of brahmanas, and in that
life your only business will be to engage yourself in My
transcendental service." The Vaisnava is a first-class brahmana,
because one who has not acquired the qualification of a bona
fide brahmana cannot come to the platform of a Vaisnava. When one
comes to the platform of a Vaisnava, he is completely engaged in
welfare activities for all living entities. The highest welfare activity for
living entities is the preaching of Krishna consciousness. It is stated
herein that those who are specifically favored by the Lord can
become absolutely Krishna conscious and be engaged in the
preaching work of the Vaisnava philosophy.
—-KRSNA, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Chap 52 – Krishna,
the Ranacora
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