Baliwag Polytechnic College 2nd Semester A.Y. 2020 - 2021
Baliwag Polytechnic College 2nd Semester A.Y. 2020 - 2021
Baliwag Polytechnic College 2nd Semester A.Y. 2020 - 2021
Your success to finish this module lies in your hand. This module is prepared for you to
learn new concepts and invaluable skills diligently, intelligently, and independently. As a future
young professional, doing these will greatly help and prepare you to become a responsible
student. Set your goals and invest for your future. This is your first step towards your priceless
investment for a brighter tomorrow. Do not waste your time, effort and energy. Always stay
motivated and inspired to make your dreams come true. The following guides and house rules
will help you further to be on track and to stay at the end of the module.
1. Schedule and manage your time wisely for you to accomplish the given tasks
in this module.
2. If there are things that you do not understand, go over and focus on the lesson.
If this will not work, seek the help of your family members or leave me a
message so I can give assistance.
3. Before you start doing anything else, read and understand the learning tasks
carefully. Always aim for the best and do not settle with low grades.
4. Think before you write. In answering all the assessment activities, write
legibly and follow the instructions as needed.
5. Do not hesitate to keep an open communication with me through any available
platforms. I am more than willing to help you to accomplish your goals.
6. Once you are done in the module, you can proceed doing other tasks in the
succeeding units that are scheduled for the finals.
7. You are expected to answer all the printed-based activities, assignments and
reflection guides for you to pass in this course.
8. Remember you are the student hence you are expected to accomplish and
study the module on your own. You can seek help and support from your
family members and friends but the actual activities must be done by you.
Midterm Grade
Self-paced activities, Quizzes -60%
Examination -40%
Module 8
Feelings and Moral Decisions
This module was comprised of one lesson
Before we begin this discourse, let us differentiate feelings and emotions. Feelings are
defined as an emotional state or reaction while emotions are distinctive feeling distinguished
from reasoning or knowledge. Simply put emotions or feelings do not play any role in a human
act and is not justifiable with regard to moral decisions. As mentioned in many books human
acts are human actions men perform knowingly, freely and voluntarily. Ergo a human act must
have these three qualifications a) he must be fully be aware of what he is doing or what he will
do, b) he used his freedom of choice to decide using his innate free will and 3) his decision is
not coerced by any outside factor. Feelings and emotions are one and the same for it plays
merely to the weakness of men which some sociologists dubbed as “human frailties”. It can
never be used as an excuse for our negative actions for if we allow our emotions to “decide”
then we are not acting as human beings. Brutes react only to mere instincts for they lack
reason, emotions are devoid of reason and rely to spur-of-the-moment decisions or the mood
of the doer.
The ethics of Love
Many people are confused between love and emotions. We think that emotions are
strong because of love for it propels people to feel it. We have to refute this perverted claim, in
the scientific world emotions can be seen through the face of the doer (see emoticons) from
there we can discern happiness, sadness, anger and content but what moves them, it is not
love but drives. By drive me mean the cravings of men that they simply can’t do without such as
hunger, need for sex, companionship and the likes. From these needs man developed a desire
to acquire them by any means possible and emotions are born, if we succeed in doing so, we
felt happy or contented if not it led to frustration that may later result into anger or sadness.
These craving of man boosted his competitive nature that he won’t stop until he achieved it. In
short, emotions are simply attachments that resulted due to man’s desires. Love on the other
hand is an intense feeling of deep affection that is also a drive but compared to emotion which
is solely for self-aggrandizement, love does not necessarily have to be reciprocated. Man can
love another person, thing or event even if it does not render love in return. In relation to love
when it comes to moral decision such love is acceptable just as long as it is guided by morality
and reason.
Moral Values – are those pertaining to the functions of the intellect and the will – that
may be our choices, decisions and actions that became habits. This later will develop spiritual
growth that is part of human perfection. Moral values have the following characteristics: a)
they have intrinsic work – they are good acts in themselves without any shadow of doubt, b)
they are universally accepted by all people and c) they are obligatory which means everyone is
expected to abide by it considering that it is a universally accepted good.