J Minpro 2004 07 010 PDF
J Minpro 2004 07 010 PDF
J Minpro 2004 07 010 PDF
A large-scale continuous stirred media mill called the MaxxMillR system in dry mode was used to investigate the
comminution characteristics. A limestone powder below 2 mm was used as a feed material. A statistical experimental design
was prepared with the major influencing parameters of the MaxxMillR, such as rotational speed of stirrer, feed rate and bead
size. The fineness of the ground products obtained under various conditions of the MaxxMillR and the corresponding energy
utilisation have been evaluated and analysed. The results have been empirically correlated with the operating parameters. In
addition, product size–energy input relations can be described empirically, independent of the parameters used.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
approach. In the experiments, the major parameters eccentricity. The grinding media, like steel, glass or
(rotational speed of stirrer, bead size and feed rate) ceramic beads with sizes of 3 to 10 mm, are filled up to
of the dry system have been statistically analysed. In 80 vol.%. A coarse feed material enters the machine
addition, product size–energy relations obtained in through the pipe in the wall scraper together with the
the system have been also discussed. carrier fluid (air or water). The material will be mixed
intensively with the beads, which have a pulverising
effect on the product. The fine product will be sucked
2. Experimental from the upper layer of the beads through the product
outlet. Most of the grinding beads do not leave the mill
2.1. Materials used because of their weight. The coarse material and a few
small beads will be recirculated by an air classifier into
Limestone material b2 mm (d 50: 890 Am; specific the bottom of the grinding chamber with the feed
surface area: 0.26 m2 g1) from Partek Nordkalk OY, material. However, for high-viscosity slurries, a sieve
Finland, was selected as an experimental sample. X- is needed to retain the beads. The MaxxMillR is most
ray diffraction analysis identified that calcite (CaCO3) effective with a feed particle size up to 5 mm. The
is a common mineral in the sample. Berolamine-10 or throughput ranges from 100 kg/h to 20 t/h depending
BA-10 (AKZO NOBEL Chemicals GmbH, Germany) on the mill size and the product requirement. This mill
was used as a dispersant for dry comminution of the can be used for milling of the hard components in the
powdered limestone material in the MaxxMillR. ceramic industry and for grinding of minerals like
limestone and quartz in the mineral industry.
2.2. MaxxMillR system An experimental system with the MaxxMillR for
continuously performing dry grinding tests on a
Fig. 1 shows a general design of the MaxxMillR. production scale was used in this study (see Fig. 2).
This mill consists mainly of a rotating drum, a stirrer A variable screw conveyor, which together with the
and a stationary wall scraper with an integrated filling feed tank, is mounted on load cells. The conveyor’s
pipe. The grinding chamber capacity is 190 l with an delivery rate can be controlled with high precision by
installed power rating of 45 kW. The stirrer is located weighing the complete screw tank material and
eccentrically to the middle of the drum with the varying the conveyor drive frequency accordingly. A
2.4. Measurements
the feed rate. The probability for this parameter to When introduced into the operating mill, the
have no effect for the null hypothesis is 5.77%. The particles segregate rapidly via a feeding pipe to the
results indicate that the rotational speed of stirrer bottom of the grinding chamber. The beads with the
and the feed rate both are the important factors, particles to be ground circulate radially within the mill
which influence the product fineness obtained in the but can also be removed from the mill top by
dry MaxxMillR system. However, the bead size has virtue of bead motion. The beads (with the
no effect on the variation of the median size of the particles) vacated in this way are replaced and
ground product, as its probability is 64.73%. dispersed by an induced airflow (from vacuum), as
well as radial displacements in the mill. The
particles and beads, which move into the stirrer
4. Effects of parameters core, are subsequently displaced toward the wall of
the grinding chamber.
4.1. Rotation of stirrer and feed rate Lower feed loading in the mill appeared at a low
feed rate, which causes a significant enhancement of
The results of ANOVA illustrate that the per- product fineness (Fig. 5). However, the energy
formance of the dry comminution using the inducing to beads for the breakage of particles may
MaxxMillR is significantly affected by the rotational not be efficiently utilised at a lower feed rate. Clearly,
speed of the stirrer and the feed rate. Fig. 3 shows a decrease in the feed rate results in a widening of the
the product size distributions with respect to the normalised residence time distribution (Stehr and
effect of rotational speed of stirrer at various feed Schwedes, 1983).
rates. As the rotational speed is increased, the Both rolling and sliding and direct impacts occur
curves of the size distribution shift to a finer size, in the stirrer of the MaxxMillR. Rolling at a low
resulting in a reduction of the median size and an rotational speed may occur in the mill volume
increase of the specific surface area (see Fig. 4). For outside the core. In addition, because rolling on the
instance, a rotation of 350 rpm produced a median bottom of the grinding chamber differs from that on
size of 13.6 Am with its BET surface area of 3.07 the mill sides in terms of the forces and velocities
m2 g1, while at 588 rpm a median size of 8.3 Am characteristic of each. The rolling in the different
with the surface area of 4.03 m2 g1 was obtained mill regions will have correspondingly different
at the feed rate of 500 kg h1 for the case of using efficiencies. It is considered that rolling at the
5- to 7-mm bead size. It is also shown that the bottom can affect a plastic deformation of the
product fineness increases with decreasing feed rate particles to be ground there. The weight of the
at given rotational speeds of stirrer and bead sizes. beads provides a normal force on the particles
An increase in the rotational speed of stirrer or a located at the bottom. This may be an advantage
decrease in the feed rate increases the energy input of the MaxxMillR design, which feeds the coarse
per unit mass. particles from the bottom. The elastic limit of the
Rydin et al. (1993) observed the milling dynamics particles is exceeded if the force exceeds the hard-
of an agitated media mill in dry mode. It was found ness of the particle on its contact area. Moreover, the
that the rotation velocity gradients exist along both stresses on the wall of the grinding chamber
radial and vertical directions in a stirrer at various originate from centripetal acceleration of the stirred
rotations. These give rise to sliding/rolling events, beads. It was calculated that the rolling force on the
and occurrences are far more common than are direct wall is smaller than the value for the mill bottom.
impacts, which occur more frequently in the stirrer Thus, it is unlikely that rolling alone can produce the
core. However, direct impacts do occur outside of plastic deformation on the chamber wall. It is also
the core, and although they are relatively few in supposed that impacts of beads are responsible for
numbers, they take place at a rapid rate. The the plastic deformation of particles. The pertinent
centripetal force displaces beads toward the chamber parameters are the impact velocity and frequency, as
wall. This force arising from the mill rotation may be well as the variation of these parameters with the
considered analogous to a grinding energy. grinding chamber.
S70 Y. Wang et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 74S (2004) S65–S74
Fig. 3. Particle size distributions of the ground products obtained at various rotations and feed rates.
Y. Wang et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 74S (2004) S65–S74 S71
Fig. 4. Median size and specific surface area of the ground products obtained at various rotations of stirrer and feed rates.
4.2. Bead size mill is not related to the bead size range used in this
study when coarse limestone below 2 mm was
According to some studies (Stehr, 1988; Wang and ground. This resultant insignificance may be, because
Forssberg, 1997), it is possible to optimise the grinding a ratio of median size of feed treated (d 50=890 Am) to
efficiency of the stirred media mill if the bead size is mean size of each bead is slightly different for two
chosen to optimally correspond to the feed size. This sizes of beads used, i.e., between 0.197 for the bead
is because the impact events of the small beads are size of 4–5 mm and 0.162 for the bead size of 5–7
insufficient for the coarse particles in the feed, mm. The coarser beads of 5–7 mm can be used as the
resulting in a poor grinding efficiency. The velocities grinding media when coarse limestone is dry-ground
of small beads in the tangential direction are low when in the MaxxMillR.
they are pressed tightly, which leads to a reduction of
their abrasive energies. The large beads provide a
higher velocity gradient difference. However, it is 5. Energy utilisation
interesting to see in Fig. 4 that the variation between
two levels of the bead sizes (4–5 and 5–7 mm) appears Fig. 5 shows the variations of the energy utilisation
to have an insignificant effect on the fineness of the (DS/E m) with respect to the effects of the feed rate and
ground product obtained in the MaxxMillR. This the rotation of stirrer. It is apparent that the energy
means that the performance of dry comminution in the utilisation is significantly affected by either the feed
S72 Y. Wang et al. / Int. J. Miner. Process. 74S (2004) S65–S74
For the purpose of prediction, empirical models for Experimental results indicate that the main factors
the estimation of the performance of dry grinding a influencing the energy utilisation (DS/E m) in a
coarse limestone material using the MaxxMillR decreasing order of importance are feed rate and
system were established from the results by the rotational speed of stirrer. The rotation of stirrer is the
statistical approach. The variables involved were the most dominant effect on the median size (d 50) of the
bead size (B), the feed rate ( F), and the rotational ground product. The bead sizes in the range of 4 to 7
speed of stirrer (R) as well. No interaction effects were mm did not influence the grinding results.
considered in these models due to their insignificant An increase of rotational speed of stirrer or a
effects. The following estimated models for the decrease of feed rate results in an increased fineness of
energy utilisation (DS/E m) and the median size of the ground product with a higher specific energy
the ground product (d 50) could be thus expressed for input. Energy to the MaxxMillR for dry comminution
dry comminution of the limestone material. of limestone below 2 mm is utilised more efficiently
at a lower rotation of stirrer or a higher feed rate.
DS B0:1226 F 0:4108
¼ k1 Rsq ¼ 76:91% ð1Þ Empirical models can be used to predict the
Em R0:2641 comminution characteristics with respect to the major
parameters in the MaxxMillR in dry mode. Product
B0:0805 F 0:1534
d50 ¼ k2 Rsq ¼ 78:08% ð2Þ size–energy input relations have been also established,
R0:6128 independent of the operating parameters used.
where k 1 and k 2 are constants, equalling to 2.11104
for the DS/E m in Eq. (1), and 1.57102 for the d 50 in
Eq. (2), respectively. It is seen that the empirical Acknowledgements
models may be appropriate for the predication due to
their higher correlation indications. The models are This work was supported by the Swedish Mineral
primarily valid for the ranges of the parameters used Processing Research Association (MinFo). The
for the dry grinding of the limestone in this authors thank Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH
comminution device. & Co KG, Germany for providing the MaxxMillR
The prediction of comminution behaviour in the system, as well as the corresponding experimental
MaxxMillR and the subsequent development of facility, and Partek Nordkalk OY, Finland, for
scale-up design relationships require a mathematical supplying the limestone sample. Dr. Stefan Gerl of
model relating energy input to the resultant product Eirich is thanked for sincere assistance and valuable
fineness. The product median size (d 50) and the new discussions during the tests.
surface area (DS), respectively, are plotted as a
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