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Table 2 Factors associated with slower time to resolution of DKA using insulin. Patients requiring ICU, and those with concur-
a Cox proportional hazards model rent infection, tended to have a greater delay. We also
Individual factors HR (95% CI for HR) P value attribute this delay to other factors such as delay to tran-
sition over meal-times; and ‘after-hours’ factors with
Admission pH 393 (28.7, 5400)† <0.001*
fewer experienced medical personnel to oversee man-
Admission potassium 1.53 (1.06, 2.22) 0.03*
Concurrent infection 0.56 (0.32, 0.99) 0.05 agement. This delay subsequently impacts LOS, which is
notably longer than the time taken for resolution of
*Significance (P<0.05). †Equates to a HR of 1.77 (1.38, 2.28) for every
DKA. Additional factors that may influence delay to dis-
0.1 decrease in pH level. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.
charge include treatment of concurrent precipitants; time
taken to involve the diabetes multidisciplinary team and
Using the VAED, there were 2175 adult admissions
other specialty teams; and complex discharge planning
over a 4-year period with a coded diagnosis of ‘DKA’ to
such as those with psychosocial issues. There was no
Victorian hospitals. The median overall LOS was 2 days.
mortality related to DKA in our institution over the 4-
LOS at SVHM was 1 day longer than the state-wide LOS.
year period.
This may be due to a higher percentage at SVHM requir-
Our findings demonstrated that nearly half of the
ing mechanical ventilation (5.1% vs 2.2%, NS). There
admissions were attributable to insulin omission. This
was a significant association between LOS and higher
was followed by infection, which is typically reported as
comorbidity score (P < 0.001) and greater psychiatric
the most common precipitant for DKA in the literature.9
comorbidities (P < 0.001). A total of six (0.3%) deaths
Psychological issues, including eating disorders and sub-
occurred over the 4-year period; the causes of death
stance use, are also known to constitute a significant
were not available.
proportion of DKA presentations.9,14 Our small percent-
age of patients in whom we identified psychosocial
stressors as a precipitant is likely a gross underestimate
given the interplay with insulin omission, as well as
This is the first reported study in Australia to assess fac- potential under-reporting due to fear of judgement.15
tors that influence time to resolution of DKA. The major Early identification and appropriate management of pre-
findings are that lower admission pH and higher admis- cipitants are important for the acute recovery of DKA,
sion potassium levels are independent predictors of a and also to minimise LOS and future episodes of DKA.
slower time to resolution of DKA, based on normalisa- The optimal choice of intravenous resuscitation fluid
tion of biochemical markers. This suggests that these two in the management of DKA still remains to be deter-
biochemical markers are most reflective of the severity mined. Crystalloids are favoured over colloids however
of the acidosis. Hyperkalaemia is common initially in evidence is lacking.16 Traditionally, 0.9% sodium chlo-
DKA despite a total body potassium-deplete state.2 This ride is first-line treatment due to its efficacy, safety, cost
is due to the extracellular shift of potassium in an aci- and availability; and its ability to be readily mixed with
dotic state due to insulin insufficiency, and further exac- potassium. However, recent observational data have
erbated in those with DKA by severe dehydration and raised concerns over hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis
acute renal failure. Concurrent infection also trended as a consequence of excessive sodium chloride use.17,18
towards slower resolution time. We propose that this is Although some studies suggest that hyperchloraemic
due to a more severe metabolic acidosis in patients pre- metabolic acidosis may prolong acidosis and precipitate
senting with concurrent infection, demonstrated by oliguria,19 the clinical significance remains unknown.
lower admission pH levels. Our study did not show that use of sodium chloride slo-
In our study, DKA was treated effectively with a wed the resolution of DKA however rates of hyperchlor-
median time to resolution of 11 h, similar to previous aemic metabolic acidosis were not assessed.
UK and US studies.7,12 Hyperglycaemia was faster to nor- The association between CSL use and slower resolu-
malise than ketoacidosis, also consistent with previous tion of DKA is likely explained by the biochemical char-
findings.9 However, the optimal rate of resolution for the acteristics of patients at time of admission. Those with a
metabolic derangements that characterise DKA remains greater degree of acidosis received CSL more commonly
to be defined. One recent study has suggested that inten- than sodium chloride, presumably because of the per-
sive compared with partial early correction of hypergly- ceived risk of worsening the acid–base status by promot-
caemia is associated with a higher risk of hypoglycaemia, ing hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis due to the lower
hypo-osmolarity and death.13 chloride content in CSL. Another proposed hypothesis
There was also considerable delay after resolution of for the delay in resolution of DKA is that CSL contains
DKA in implementing transition to subcutaneous lactate which requires additional metabolism in the
liver.20,21 Data on lactate were not collected in this study The Victorian dataset is likely an overestimate of the
and would be of interest in future studies. Two large ran- true number of DKA episodes in Victoria. Coded dis-
domised trials comparing sodium chloride with CSL in charge diagnoses were used rather than biochemical
DKA have shown that neither fluid type was superior in parameters, and the dataset also included recurrent DKA
terms of clinical outcomes;20,22 however, glycaemic episodes. The VAED does not have any unique identifiers
recovery was slower in those given CSL.20 or pathology linked to each episode. However, this is the
More recently, Plasma-Lyte, a balanced electrolyte first study to assess comorbidity indices in patients admit-
solution, has been proposed as the fluid of choice in the ted with DKA to Victorian hospitals. The finding that
management of DKA.23 It contains organic acid buffers higher comorbidity scores are associated with longer LOS
and less chloride content than sodium chloride, thus may help to predict patient outcomes and associated mor-
may prevent hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis.24 Sev- bidity. It is also a timely reminder that diabetes is a multi-
eral studies suggest that Plasma-Lyte may hasten recov- system condition that requires optimal management of
ery of DKA with more rapid increases in mean arterial associated comorbidities and mental health disorders.
pressure and urine output.25 However like CSL, Plasma- There are several limitations to this study. First, our
Lyte contains acetate and gluconate which require addi- sample size was small. Nevertheless, the final patient
tional metabolism and may slow resolution of DKA. cohort was a highly select group, truly reflective of the
These balanced electrolyte solutions may then negate metabolic changes seen in DKA. Furthermore, blood
the proposed benefits in reducing rates of hyperchlorae- ketone measurements are now performed regularly in
mic metabolic acidosis. Moreover, Plasma-Lyte’s safety the management of DKA, and should be incorporated
profile and long-term cost-effectiveness remains largely into the criteria for resolution of DKA. However, bicar-
unknown.24 In our study, Plasma-Lyte was used in only bonate levels are still commonly used as a surrogate
14% of patients, limiting our ability to draw any firm marker. Moreover, as the VAED is purely an administra-
conclusions about the potential benefits of this solution. tive dataset, it only provides preliminary Victorian data
Hemosol, a bicarbonate-buffered solution, was used on DKA episodes and does not allow further clarification
only in patients who were haemofiltered in ICU. The into the clinical and biochemical details of these
role of bicarbonate in the treatment of DKA remains episodes. Future multi-centre prospective studies com-
controversial.26 While there may be some indication for paring the VAED to biochemical criteria for DKA would
its use in severe DKA with pH <6.9,16 there have been provide a more accurate estimate of rates of DKA in Vic-
no prospective randomised studies to support this torian hospitals.
approach. There are also concerns that bicarbonate
replacement may be associated with hypokalaemia, cen-
tral nervous system acidosis and cerebral oedema.27
Hypokalaemia was common following initiation of the Time to resolution of DKA in this Australian study was
insulin infusion. Information was not collected on the comparable to similar studies in the UK and
rates and quantity of potassium supplementation pre- US. Independent predictors of a slower time to resolu-
scribed, and this would be useful for future studies. We tion of DKA are lower admission pH levels and higher
hypothesise that this occurred due to potential lack of admission potassium levels. Implementation of these
adherence to aggressive intravenous potassium replace- findings may assist to stratify patients with DKA using
ment recommended in the hospital DKA protocol. Regu- biochemical markers to determine who may benefit
lar review of patients’ biochemical parameters, and strict from closer surveillance and monitoring, and to predict
implementation of hospital protocols may reduce com- LOS. There still lies debate around the optimal choice of
plications, such as insulin-induced hypokalaemia. Rates fluid resuscitation in DKA. Further prospective rando-
of other adverse events such as hypoglycaemia and other mised trials are required to establish greater evidence for
electrolyte disturbances were not collected in this study the optimal management of DKA. Reassuringly, mortal-
but should be considered in future studies. ity rates for DKA in Victoria remain low.
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Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Appendix S1. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) policy.