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B . E / B . T e c h ( Full T i m e ) D E G R E E E N D S E M E S T E R E X A M I N A T I O N S , A P R I L / MAY 2013


VI Semester

C E 9050 A I R P O L L U T I O N C O N T R O L

(Regulation 2008)

Time: 3 Hours A n s w e r A L L Questions Max. Marks 100

P A R T - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. W h a t are all the causes of air pollution from automobiles?

2. Define air pollution index.

3. Draw a temperature altitude profile .

4. List out the assumptions of G a u s s i a n Dispersion model.

5. W h a t are the controlling technology of air pollutant emission from industries?

6. W h a t is m e a n t by incineration?

7. What are the features of high efficiency particulate air filters?

8. What are the sources of R a d o n gas?

9 . What are all the effects of noise on h u m a n health?

10. How to detect noise level?

P a r t - B ( 5 x 1 6 = 80Marks)

11 .(a) (i)Write the ambient air quality standards as per C P C B ? (8 Marks)

(ii)What is isokinetic sampling? W h a t are all the conditions for isokinetic sampling? (8 Marks)
12. (a)(i) Give a different P l u m e behavior pattern b a s e d o n the stability conditions. (8 Marks)

(ii)What is the use of w i n d rose diagram? Write a short notes about it. (8 Marks)


(b) A thermal power plant releases particulate matter from its stack at a rate of 3g/s.The stack height
is 6 5 m while the t e m p e r a t u r e of the s t a c k g a s e s if 150°C a n d the ambient air temperature is
32°C.The wind velocity at stack height is 2.5m/s. The stack diameter is 2.5m.The atmospheric
pressure is I b a r . T h e wind s p e e d at 10m height f r o m the ground is 2m/s. E s t i m a t e the g r o u n d level
concentration of t h e pollutants at 2.5 and 4 . 5 k m d o w n w i n d distance. (16Marks).

13. (a)Discuss the controlling method of gaseous pollutants f r o m Industries. <16marks)


(b)With the help of schematic diagram explain the working m e c h a n i s m of Electrostatic precipitator.
List its merits and demerits. (16Marks)

14. (a)Listout the sources of Automobile pollution.What are the w a y s to control automobile
pollution?Explain in detaii. (16Marks)


(b)What are the sources of Indoor air pollution? Discuss the m e t h o d to control Indoor air pollution.



15. (a)(i)Write about the sources of noise pollution. <8Marks)

(ii) Mention the acceptable noise level for various activities. . (8Marks)
Table 5.7 Atmospheric stability classifications
Night cloudiness
Surface Day solar insolation
Cloudy Qear
wind H S l r « _
r Moderate Sl.ght_
<2 A
2- 3 A-B
3- 5 B
5-6 C
>6 C
A-vcry stable; B - m o ^ I ^ ^ E
^ M y

3 x 10 3

5 10 J
2 5 10" 2 10°

Distance from source (m) Distance from source (in)

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.36 Gaussian dispersion coefficients as a function of distance downwind{a) Horizontal

dispersion coefficient o; (b) Vertical coefficient a.

Table 5.9 Values of constants to be used in equation as a function ofdownmnd distanced

stability condition
Stability J S i km x > I kin
a c d / c d f
A 213 440.8 1.941 9.27 459.7 2,094 -9.6
B 156 106.6 1.149 3.3 108.2 1.093 2.0
C 104 61.0- 0.911 0 61.0 0.9 U 0
D 68 33.2 0.725 -1.7 44.5 0.516 -13.0
E 50.5 22.S 0.678 -1.3 55.4 0.305 -.•ii.fi
F 34 14.35 0.740 . -0.35 62.6- 0.1 SO -4S.6
Source: D. 0 . Martin, 1976. / Air Pollution Control Assoc. 26. No. 145. [151

^ai^7^r lUeS
° °> ^ f
"< " a f U n C t i m
° f d O W M
Distance Stability Classes and a Values
(km) Stability Classes and a Values
A - B C D ' E F A
B C D * E F
0.2 51 37 25 16 12 29 20 14 9 6 4
0.4 94 69 46 30 22 15 84 40 26 15 II 7
0.6 135 99 66 43 32 22 173 63 38 21 15 9
0.8 174 128 85 56 41 .28 295 86 50 27 18 12
1.0 213 156 104 68 50 34 450 110 61 31 22 14
2.0 396 290 193 126 94 63 1953 234 115 51 34 22
4.0 736 539 359 235 174 117 498 216 78 51 32
8.0 1367 1001 667 436 324 218 1063 406 117 70 42
16 2540 1860 1240 811 602 405 2274 763 173 95 55
20 3101 2271 1514 990 735 495 2904 934 196 104 59
S O , m e :
°- - B T u r
" - e r i 9 T O
- W o M
° atmospheric disperse estimates. Washington B.C. [u]

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