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Diass First Quarter Exam

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8/3/2019 First Quarter Exam

My courses Week 10: Quarterly Examination

8/3/2019 First Quarter Exam

This is under the principle of relative to respect for human

Question rights
1 Not that social workers should respect, promote, and support people's dignity and right to make their own choices and d
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Creating each person as a whole.
Respecting the right and self-discrimination
Promoting the right to participation
Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being

This is under the principle of relative to professional

Question 2 Not yetintegrity
answeredwhich is social workers should make judgments based on balanced and considered reasoning, maintaining aw
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Upholding the values and reputation of the profession
Being trustworthy
Maintaining professional boundaries
Making considered professional judgments

This is under the principleQuestion

of relative
3 Nottoyetprofessional
answered integrity which is social workers should be prepared to account for and justify their judgments and action
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Maintaining professional boundaries
Being professionally accountable
Upholding the values and reputation of the profession
Making considered professional judgments


under the principle ofQuestion
yet answered integrity which is social workers should work in a way that is honest, reliable and open, clearly explaining their roles, interventions and roles.
Marked out of 1.00
aining professional boundaries
ding the values and reputation of the profession
g considered professional judgments

Question 6 Not yet answered These are professionally trained and certified to perform counseling.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
None of the choices
Discipline of Counseling

This is counseling may involve advice-giving as one of the several functions that counselors perform.
Question 7 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Helping to set goals
Clarified thinking
Helping to maintain change

Question 4 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is the core values of social work is necessary in all human endeavors and in social work, nothing can be accomplished without integrity.

Select one:
Dignity and worth of the person
Social Justice

s under the principle of relative

Question 9 to
Notsocial justice that social workers have a duty to bring to the attention of their employers, policy makers, politicians and the general public the situations.
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
t one:
buting resources
enging unjust policies and practices
enging discrimination
gnizing diversity

This is under the counseling as context that it constitutes the actual counseling undertaking.
Question 10 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Counselor Factors
Contextual Factors
Process factors
Client Factors

This is under the11

Question context
Not yetand the basic concepts of counseling that culture provided meaning and coherence of life to any orderly life such as organization.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Neighborhood as Context
Peer as Context
Culture as Context
None of the choices

Question 8 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is under the context and the basic concepts of counseling that friend's attitudes, norms, and behaviors have a strong influence on adolescents.

Select one:
None of the choices
Culture as Context
Peer as Context
Neighborhood as Context

It is a branchQuestion
deals with the institutions, the functioning of human society, and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society.
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Applied Social Science
Social Sciences
None of the choices

ple of relative to social justice14

Question that social
Not workers should recognize and respect the diversity of the societies in which they practice, taking into account individual, family , group and communi
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00


cies and practices

This is the core15

Question values of answered
Not yet social work is very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving from social work professional practice.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Dignity and worth of the person
Social Justice

Question 12 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is under the principle of relative to social justice that social workers have a responsibility to challenge discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as ability, age, culture, ge

Select one:
Recognizing diversity
Challenging discrimination
Challenging unjust policies and practices
Distributing resources

is is the core values of social 17

Question work
Notthat can be considered as an important value for all humankind but in social work, it occupies a special impetus to the functioning of the profession.
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
lect one:
cial Justice
gnity and worth of the person

ect for human rights that social

Question 18workers should promote the full involvement and participation of people using their service in ways that enable them to be empowered in all aspects of decisio
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00


This is under the principle

Question of
19relative to social justice that social workers have social workers, individually, collectively, and with others have a duty to challenge social conditions.
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Challenging discrimination
Challenging unjust policies and practices
Working in solidarity
Distributing resources

Question 16 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or decisions have to be made about himself or herself and his or her life course.

Select one:
Discipline of Counseling
None of the choices

This is under the principle of21

Question relative
Not yettoanswered
social justice that social workers have social workers should ensure that resources at their disposal are distributed fairly, according to need.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Challenging discrimination
Distributing resources
Challenging unjust policies and practices
Recognizing diversity

the principle of relative to respect

Question 22 Notfor
answeredrights that social workers should respect, uphold, and defend each person's physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual integrity and well-be
Marked out of 1.00

e right to participation
h person as a whole.
he right and self-discrimination
nd promoting human dignity and well-being

23 Notis tends to take place while the counselor and counselee are
yet answered talking and therefore becomes a logical emotional release.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Release of emotional tension
Clarified thinking

Question 20 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is the core values of social work as value for social workers, is a basis of their functioning of the need to ensure that everyone get serviced and that everyone get a share of what

Select one:
Dignity and worth of the person
Social Justice

This is under the

Question 25process
Not yet factor that implies that assurance are here that guarantee the process is being directed by the client and toward independence.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Agreeing when to end the helping relationship
Exploring problem Areas
Helping to set goals
Helping to maintain change

This is under the process factor that involves setting and managing goal-directed interventions.
Question 26 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Helping to maintain change
Exploring problem Areas
Developing trust
Helping to set goals

These skills
Question 27include the ability to actively listen , demonstrate understanding, ask appropriate questions, and provide information as needed.
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Motivational skills
Reflective skills
Communication skills
Problem solving skills

Question 24 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is an integrated science cutting across and transcending various social science disciplines in addressing a wide range of issues in a contemporary, innovative, and dynamic way.

Select one:
Applied Social Science
None of the choices
Social Sciences

These skills are the ones that influence a help to take action after the helping session or consultation.
Question 29 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Problem solving skills
Reflective skills
Motivational skills
Communication skills

ues of social work as aQuestion

value, 30
makes it possible
Not yet answeredfor social workers to do their job as most human situations they seek to address require collaborating with so many others professionals and in
Marked out of 1.00

of the person

man relationships

This is under the principle of relative

Question to answered
31 Not yet professional integrity which is social workers should act at all times in accordance with the values and principles of the profession at all times.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Making considered professional judgments
Maintaining professional boundaries
Being trustworthy
Upholding the values and reputation of the profession

Question 28 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is under the counseling as context that the context in which counseling takes place can define the outcomes.

Select one:
Process factors
Counselor Factors
Client Factors
Contextual Factors

Question 33 Not yet answered These skills are concerned with the other person's frame of reference.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Reflective skills
Motivational skills
Communication skills
Problem solving skills

nclude differentiatingQuestion
between 34symptoms and the problem, pinpointing probable causes and triggers for the problem, and then generating a range possible solution to the actual problem.
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
tional skills
m solving skills
unication skills
tive skills

This is under the process factor that involves providing warmth, genuineness, and empathy
Question 35 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Helping to set goals
Exploring problem Areas
Developing trust
Helping to maintain change

Question 32 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is the listening attentively to client's is the counselor's attempt to understand both the context of the client's problem as they see it, and the emotions they are experiencing rela

Select one:
Empowering into actions
Clarified thinking
Listening skills

 This is involves a change in the client's emotional self through a change in basic goals and aspirations.
Question 37 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Clarified thinking
Listening skills

This is the
Question 38 counseling provides clients the opportunity to get emotional release from their pent-up frustrations and other personal issues.
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Empowering into actions
Exploring problem Areas
Release of emotional tension

Question 39 Not yet answered This is under the process factor that means fostering action to achieve set goals.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Helping to set goals
Clarified thinking
Release of emotional tension
Empowering into actions

This is under the context and These skills involve learning

andstyles of conflict resolution.
Question 40theNotbasic concepts of counseling that the interactions
yet answered between the family its neighborhood as immediate context are also important to consider.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one: Select one:
None of the choices Conflict resolution skills
Neighborhood as Context Communication skills
Peer as Context Motivational skills
Culture as Context Reflective skills
Question 36 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

nciple of relative to professional
Question 42 integrity which is social workers should establish appropriate boundaries in their relationships with their roles, clearly explaining their roles, interventions, and
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00

professional judgments
onal boundaries
s and reputation of the profession

This is thatQuestion
in all circumstances, clients must be treated with respect, no matter how peculiar, strange disturbed, weird, or utterly different form the counselor.
43 Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Listening skills

This counseling involves providing

Question 44 Notclients with reassurance, which is a way of giving them courage to face a problem or confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of action.
yet answered
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Empowering into actions
Clarified thinking
Release of emotional tension

Question 41 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is under the counseling as context that the personality, skills, and personal qualities of a counselor can significantly impact the outcomes of the counseling relationship.

Select one:
Counselor Factors
Contextual Factors
Client Factors
Process factors

Question 46 Not yetThis is under the counseling as context that are everything that a client brings to the counseling context.
 Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Counselor Factors
Contextual Factors
Process factors
Client Factors

This is under theQuestion

factor that
Not yet involves providing a clear and deep analysis of what the problem is, where it comes from, its triggers, and why it may have developed.
Marked out of 1.00
Select one:
Agreeing when to end the helping relationship
Exploring problem Areas
Helping to set goals
Helping to maintain change

tionship characterizedQuestion
by the48application of one or more psychological theories and a recognized set of communication skills appropriate to a client's intimate concerns, problems, or aspiratio
Not yet answered
Marked out of 1.00



Question 45 Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00
This is the core values of social work as a value, directs social workers to go beyond purely performing a service for a pay and allow them to be generous with their time.

Select one:
Dignity and worth of the person
Social Justice

Question 49
This is under the process factor that means providing support
Not yet
and other techniques to enable the client to maintain
Marked out of
 1.00
Select one:
 a. Exploring problem Areas

b. Agreeing when to end the helping relationship

c. Helping to set goals

 d. Helping to maintain change

Clear my choice


 50 Not yet
This is the core values of social work is a value that provides
the determination and drive for social workers to seek the
 Marked out of
marginalized in all forms without much regard as to whether
such problem is self-inflicted.

Select one:
a. Service

b. Dignity and worth of the person

c. Social Justice

Clear my


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