2: 4 Ford Single Carburetor (Manual Choke)

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2 : 4 Ford single carburetor (manual choke)

This carburetter is shown in component form in FIG 2 : 2 and is the one fitted to standard 1300 cc and 1600 cc
engines with manual transmission. The smaller engine has a carburetter with a smaller throttle barrel and venturi.
Each carburetter incorporates an idling and a main jet, a power valve and diaphragm pump, and a throttle stop
screw. Float level setting, choke plate pulldown, fast idling, and accelerator pump stroke can be adjusted by bending
tabs and operating rods.

Upper body 2 carries the fuel inlet tube, the float needle valve assembly 4, the choke Spindle and plate 5, the
complete main and power valve system with discharge beak into the air stream, the idling jet and air bleed and the
discharge nozzle from the accelerator pump. Slow-running adjustment is by volume control screw 12 and throttle
stop screw 13 in the lower body 1.

Routine maintenance—idling adjustment:

At 600 miles and then every 6000 miles, check the idling mixture settings and adjust if required. Refer to FIG 2 :3.
The left hand screw is the throttle stop and the right hand screw the volume control screw.

With the engine at normal running temperature, adjust the slow-running throttle stop screw until the correct idling
speed is obtained. Do not try to achieve extremely slow idling. A speed around 600 rev/min is correct.

Now unscrew the volume control screw until the engine 'hunts' and then screw it in until the engine runs evenly.
If necessary, readjust the throttle stop screw, repeating the operations until the engine runs satisfactorily. The
crankcase emission valve and distributor vacuum pipes must be connected during these adjustments.


1 Partially drain the cooling system. Remove the arr cleaner (see Section 2 :8). Disconnect the cable from the
throttle lever (see Section 2:9).

2 Disconnect the fuel pipe and the distributor vacuum pipe. Disconnect the choke cable by undoing the screw of the
inner cable clamp (part of assembly 15).

3 Unscrew the flange nuts and lift the carburetter and gasket off the inlet manifold.

1 Separate lower body 1 from upper body 2 (six screw3). Ensure that gasket 3 is not sticking to the lower body and
lift off the upper part, unhooking the choke link (part of 15) at the same time.

2 Remove float assembly 8 by extracting the pin. Extract needle valve (part of 4) and lift off gasket 3. Tap out
accelerator pump ball valve and weight 9 from the lower body.

3 Unscrew the needle valve housing 4 and extract the gauze filter. Unscrew main jet 7. To remove the choke plate
and shaft 5, first remove the air cleaner retaining bracket by removing the two fixing pins with side cutters. The
choke plate is secured to the shaft by two screws. Remove burrs round the screw holes and withdraw the Spindle.
The pull-down stop which connects to the link, and the return spring, can be pulled Off the Spindle, noting how the
spring ends are located.

4 Remove the accelerator pump 10 (four screws). Disconnect assembly 11 by unhooking the pushrod from the pump
lever and from the arm on the throttle spindle. Remove the screw and take off the arm.

5 Remove choke lever assembly 15. Note how the spring 8 hooked on.

6 Undo the two screws and remove the throttle plate irom the spindle of assembly 14. Remove screw hole burrs and
withdraw the spindle.

7 Unscrew the volume control needle with Spring 12. Remove the throttle stop screw and Spring 13.

Cleaning and inspection

Clean all the parts with fuel and a brush. Do not use fluffy rag. Do not insert wire to clear jets but use compressed
air or a tyre pump. Immerse the float in hot water.
Bubbles will emerge from a perforation. Renew defective parts it the body holes and choke and throttle sprindles are
worn. Renew the float needle .valve if the seating on the valve is shouldered and there has been trouble with
flooding. Check the pump diaphragm. It must be flexible and without tears or perforations.
Clean out all sediment from inside the float chamber and make sure the gauze filter is clean. Renew the gaskets if

Reassembling :
1 Fit throttle spindle and plate 14. The two indentations in the plate face the same way as the screw head recesses in
the shaft. Close the throttle to centralize the plate and tighten the screws.

2 Fit volume control screw and spring 12. Tighten till it just seats and back off one turn. Fit screw and Spring 13. Fit
the arm to the pump rod end of the throttle spindle. Connect the rod and spring 11 to the arm and to the pump lever.

3 Assemble the pump 10, locate the Spring in the housing and fit the cover.

4 Fit the choke control and spring to the spindle and slide the spindle into the upper body. Fit the choke plate and
centralize it in the bore. The plate indentation and the screw head recesses in the shaft must face the same way.

5 Fit the air cleaner retainer with two new pins pressed into place. Refit main jet 7. Fit the gauze filter in the needle
valve housing and replace the housing. Fit the needle, pointed end Up. Position 3 new gasket on the body.

FIG 2 : 6 Fast-idle adjustment (Ford carburetter with manual choke). Adjust by bending tab indicated by

6 Replace the float and pin 8. Check the float level by referring to FIG 2:4. As in the lefthand view, hodl the upper
body with the float h'a nggin down. The distance from the boottm of the float to the gasket sh u Id be 1.12 to 1.14
inch. Adjust by bdgenin the tab which contacts the needle valve seen boelw the float pin.
Turn the body Upgriht as in the righthand view and check the distance at the same points. It should be 1.3 to 1.4
inch. Adjust this, if necessary, by bgendin the tab which contacts the needle valve h u s i n .

7 Refit the choke lever and fast-idle cam assembly 15 Refit the pump discharge valve ball and weight 9. Fit the
choke link (part of 15) into the pulldown stOp on the choke Spindle and the other into the fast—idle cam. Carefully
assemble the two body parts together. Fit and tighten the six screws. Note that the rear lefthand screw also secures
the choke cable abutment bracket 6. Tighten the screws while holding the choke lever in the closed position. If this
is not done, the choke lever may be over-centred so that the choke will be inoperative. Do not force the lever back to
the correct position if this occurs, or the link will be damaged. Just slacken the body fixing screws so that the lever
can be turned to the correct position and then retighten.

8 Check and adjust, if necessary, the choke plate pull-down, the fast idle setting and the accelerator pump stroke as

Choke plate pulldown :

Refer to FIG 2 : 5 and turn the choke lever to its stop. Depress the choke plate and check the clearance between the
lower edge of the plate and the inside of the air intake, using a suitable size of drill as a gauge. The measurement
should be .14 to .16 inch on 1300 cc engines and .16 to .18 inch on 1600 cc engines. If necessary, adjust by bending
the tab on the choke spindle, as arrowed.

Refer to FIG 2:6. Run the engine up to normal operating temperatureand use atachometer (revolution indicator) to
set the speed to between 580 and 620 rev/min. With the engine still running, hold the Choke plate fully opened in
the vertical position and turn the choke lever until it is stOpped by the choke linkage. Check the engine speed and
adjust to 1300 to 1500 rev/min for 1300 cc engines and 900 to 1100 rev/min for the 1600 cc engines. Do this by
bending the tab contacting the fast—idle cam as arrowed.

FIG 2:10 Choke plate pulldown adjustment (Ford carburetter with automatic choke). Bend choke thermostat
lever at point indicated
Accelerator pump stroke:
Refer to FIG 2 :7. U nscrew the throttle stop screw a few turns until the throttle is fully closed (see FIG 2 : 3 ) .
Depress the pump plu nger a nd check the clearance between the plunger and the Operating lever. This should be .
145to .155 inch for 13“ cc engines and .135 to .145 inch for 160 cc engines. Adjustment can be made at the point
arrowed. When satisfied, reset the throttle stop screw to its original position.

Refitting carburetter :
Use a new gasket, fit the carburetter and tighten the nuts securely on the spring washers. Connect the fuel and
distributor vacuum pipes. Refit the throttle shaft to the throttle lever (see Section 2:9). Pass the inner cable of the
choke control through the trunnion which is part of lever 15. Clamp the outer cable to the bracket 6 with the choke
control knob and the choke lever in the Oil position.

Refit the air cleaner (see Section 2:8). Adjust the slow-running as instructed in Routine Maintenance earlier in this

2:5 Ford single carburetter (automatic choke)

The difference between this carburetter and the one fitted with the manual choke can be seen in FIG 2:8. Note the
fully automatic choke assembly 6 to 6d. This comprises a water housing 6 connected to the cooling system, a
thermostatic spring and lever 6a, a vacuum piston and lever 6b and a choke control lever and shaft 6d. This fully-
automatic choke and carburetter is fitted to engines of both capacities using automatic transmission.
The remainder of the carburetter parts are virtually identical to those described to the type with manual choke.

Routine maintenance:
Refer to the instructions early in Section 2 : 4 for this Operation. They are under the same heading.

Removing :
If the carburetter is to be dismantled, follow the instructions in Section 2 : 4 describing the same Operation, but
partially drain the cooling system, disconnect the automatic choke hoses and remove the thermostatic spring and
water housing.

Follow the instructions given in Section 2 : 4 which cover the carburetter with manual choke control. In addition do
the following:
1 If not already removed, take off the thermostatic Spring and water housing 6. Remove the securing screw and take
off the thermostatic Spring lever 6a and remove the choke piston and lever 6 b from the inner housing 6e.

2 Remove the two retaining screws and withdraw the inner housing and gasket from the carburetter Upper body 2.
Remove the choke control lever and Shaft assembly 6d. Remove the choke control rod and carefully remove the
'Teflon' bushing.

Cleaning and inspection;

Follow the instructions given under this heading in Section 2:4.

Reassembling :
Refer to the instructions given in Section 2 : 4 under this heading. In addition, do the following.

1 Assemble the 'Teflon' bushing and the choke control lever and Shaft 6d Into the inner housing Be. Fit piston lever
and link 6b into the inner housing. Locate the link in the inner position on the lever, and the lever on the shaft. Fit
the thermostatic spring lever (part of Ga) and secure to the shaft with the screw. .

2 Posrtion the two control rods in lever 6d. Fit the small gasket to the upper body. locate the inner housrng in the
correct position and secure it with the two screws. .

3 For the next operation, refer to FIG 2:9. Fit the spring and the water housing (seen on the left) to the inner housing
with the spring engaged in the central slot in the lever as indicated by the lowest arrow. Align the index mark (t0p
lefthand arrow) with the centralmark on the inner housing (t0p righthand arrow). Fit the three screws.
4 Check and adjust, if necessary, the choke plate pulldown, the fast-idle, the dechoke and the accelerator pump
stroke as follows:

Choke plate pulldown :

Refer to FIG 2:10. Remove the water housing and Spring. Hold the vacuum piston fully depressed (lower finger).
Close the choke plate (upper finger) until the linkage stops its movement. Partially open the throttle If It is
necessary, so that the fast- idle tab will clear the cam.
The bottom of the choke plate should now be Open .130 to .150 inch for 1300 cc and 1600 cc engines. Measure with
a suitable drill or gauge rod. If adjustment is needed, bend the extension of the choke thermostat lever which is
arrowed. This is the part that rests against the vacuum piston lever.

Fast-idle adjustment :
Refer to FIG 2:11. With the choke plate pulldown correctly adjusted as in the preceding instructions, hold it in the
pulldown position and check that the fast-idle tab on the throttle lever (part 143 in FIG 2:8) is in the first, or high-
speed, step on the fast-idle cam (part of assembly 15). If necessary, bend the fast-idle rod at the point indicated by
the arrow.

Refit the water housing and Spring, locating the tongue of the spring in the central slot in lever Ba. Align the
housing marks as shown in FIG 2:9. Run the engine up to normal operating temperature and use a tachometer to
check the rev/min. With the throttle lever tab on the first step of the cam, adjust the speed if necessary, by bending
the tab connecting the fast-idle cam. The speed should be 1800 to 2050 rev/min for 1300 cc engines, 1850 to 2050
rev/min for 1600 cc engines (temperate climates) or 2200 to 2400 rev/min for both capacities of engine in cold

Dechoke :
Open the throttle fully and hold it against the stop as shown in FIG 2 :1 2. Check the clearance at the bottom of the
choke plate by using a drill or piece of gauge rod. If necessary, bend the projection on the fast-idle cam until the
clearance is .17 to .21 inch.

Accelerator pump stroke:

This check is the same as the one for the carburetter with manual choke as covered in Section 2 1'4- F07 1300 u;
engines the clearance should be .145 to .155 inch, .1a 17 to .13 I0! 1600 CC engines.

Carburetor choke = clapeta de aer a carburatorului

Choke (chock) = soc, starter, clapeta de pornire

2 : 4 Ford single carburetor (manual choke)

This carburetter is shown in component form in FIG 2 : 2 and is the one fitted to standard 1300 cc and 1600 cc
engines with manual transmission. The smaller engine has a carburetter with a smaller throttle barrel and venturi.
Each carburetter incorporates an idling and a main jet, a power valve and diaphragm pump, and a throttle stop
screw. Float level setting, choke plate pulldown, fast idling, and accelerator pump stroke can be adjusted by bending
tabs and operating rods.

Upper body 2 carries the fuel inlet tube, the float needle valve assembly 4, the choke Spindle and plate 5, the
complete main and power valve system with discharge beak into the air stream, the idling jet and air bleed and the
discharge nozzle from the accelerator pump. Slow-running adjustment is by volume control screw 12 and throttle
stop screw 13 in the lower body 1.

Routine maintenance—idling adjustment:

At 600 miles and then every 6000 miles, check the idling mixture settings and adjust if required. Refer to FIG 2 :3.
The left hand screw is the throttle stop and the right hand screw the volume control screw.
With the engine at normal running temperature, adjust the slow-running throttle stop screw until the correct idling
speed is obtained. Do not try to achieve extremely slow idling. A speed around 600 rev/min is correct.

Now unscrew the volume control screw until the engine 'hunts' and then screw it in until the engine runs evenly.
If necessary, readjust the throttle stop screw, repeating the operations until the engine runs satisfactorily. The
crankcase emission valve and distributor vacuum pipes must be connected during these adjustments.


1 Partially drain the cooling system. Remove the arr cleaner (see Section 2 :8). Disconnect the cable from the
throttle lever (see Section 2:9).

2 Disconnect the fuel pipe and the distributor vacuum pipe. Disconnect the choke cable by undoing the screw of the
inner cable clamp (part of assembly 15).

3 Unscrew the flange nuts and lift the carburetter and gasket off the inlet manifold.

1 Separate lower body 1 from upper body 2 (six screw3). Ensure that gasket 3 is not sticking to the lower body and
lift off the upper part, unhooking the choke link (part of 15) at the same time.

2 Remove float assembly 8 by extracting the pin. Extract needle valve (part of 4) and lift off gasket 3. Tap out
accelerator pump ball valve and weight 9 from the lower body.

3 Unscrew the needle valve housing 4 and extract the gauze filter. Unscrew main jet 7. To remove the choke plate
and shaft 5, first remove the air cleaner retaining bracket by removing the two fixing pins with side cutters. The
choke plate is secured to the shaft by two screws. Remove burrs round the screw holes and withdraw the Spindle.
The pull-down stop which connects to the link, and the return spring, can be pulled Off the Spindle, noting how the
spring ends are located.

4 Remove the accelerator pump 10 (four screws). Disconnect assembly 11 by unhooking the pushrod from the pump
lever and from the arm on the throttle spindle. Remove the screw and take off the arm.

5 Remove choke lever assembly 15. Note how the spring 8 hooked on.

6 Undo the two screws and remove the throttle plate irom the spindle of assembly 14. Remove screw hole burrs and
withdraw the spindle.

7 Unscrew the volume control needle with Spring 12. Remove the throttle stop screw and Spring 13.

Cleaning and inspection

Clean all the parts with fuel and a brush. Do not use fluffy rag. Do not insert wire to clear jets but use compressed
air or a tyre pump. Immerse the float in hot water.
Bubbles will emerge from a perforation. Renew defective parts it the body holes and choke and throttle sprindles are
worn. Renew the float needle .valve if the seating on the valve is shouldered and there has been trouble with
flooding. Check the pump diaphragm. It must be flexible and without tears or perforations.
Clean out all sediment from inside the float chamber and make sure the gauze filter is clean. Renew the gaskets if

Reassembling :
1 Fit throttle spindle and plate 14. The two indentations in the plate face the same way as the screw head recesses in
the shaft. Close the throttle to centralize the plate and tighten the screws.

2 Fit volume control screw and spring 12. Tighten till it just seats and back off one turn. Fit screw and Spring 13. Fit
the arm to the pump rod end of the throttle spindle. Connect the rod and spring 11 to the arm and to the pump lever.

3 Assemble the pump 10, locate the Spring in the housing and fit the cover.
4 Fit the choke control and spring to the spindle and slide the spindle into the upper body. Fit the choke plate and
centralize it in the bore. The plate indentation and the screw head recesses in the shaft must face the same way.

5 Fit the air cleaner retainer with two new pins pressed into place. Refit main jet 7. Fit the gauze filter in the needle
valve housing and replace the housing. Fit the needle, pointed end Up. Position 3 new gasket on the body.

FIG 2 : 6 Fast-idle adjustment (Ford carburetter with manual choke). Adjust by bending tab indicated by

6 Replace the float and pin 8. Check the float level by referring to FIG 2:4. As in the lefthand view, hodl the upper
body with the float h'a nggin down. The distance from the boottm of the float to the gasket sh u Id be 1.12 to 1.14
inch. Adjust by bdgenin the tab which contacts the needle valve seen boelw the float pin.
Turn the body Upgriht as in the righthand view and check the distance at the same points. It should be 1.3 to 1.4
inch. Adjust this, if necessary, by bgendin the tab which contacts the needle valve h u s i n .

7 Refit the choke lever and fast-idle cam assembly 15 Refit the pump discharge valve ball and weight 9. Fit the
choke link (part of 15) into the pulldown stOp on the choke Spindle and the other into the fast—idle cam. Carefully
assemble the two body parts together. Fit and tighten the six screws. Note that the rear lefthand screw also secures
the choke cable abutment bracket 6. Tighten the screws while holding the choke lever in the closed position. If this
is not done, the choke lever may be over-centred so that the choke will be inoperative. Do not force the lever back to
the correct position if this occurs, or the link will be damaged. Just slacken the body fixing screws so that the lever
can be turned to the correct position and then retighten.

8 Check and adjust, if necessary, the choke plate pull-down, the fast idle setting and the accelerator pump stroke as

Choke plate pulldown :

Refer to FIG 2 : 5 and turn the choke lever to its stop. Depress the choke plate and check the clearance between the
lower edge of the plate and the inside of the air intake, using a suitable size of drill as a gauge. The measurement
should be .14 to .16 inch on 1300 cc engines and .16 to .18 inch on 1600 cc engines. If necessary, adjust by bending
the tab on the choke spindle, as arrowed.

Refer to FIG 2:6. Run the engine up to normal operating temperatureand use atachometer (revolution indicator) to
set the speed to between 580 and 620 rev/min. With the engine still running, hold the Choke plate fully opened in
the vertical position and turn the choke lever until it is stOpped by the choke linkage. Check the engine speed and
adjust to 1300 to 1500 rev/min for 1300 cc engines and 900 to 1100 rev/min for the 1600 cc engines. Do this by
bending the tab contacting the fast—idle cam as arrowed.

FIG 2:10 Choke plate pulldown adjustment (Ford carburetter with automatic choke). Bend choke thermostat
lever at point indicated

Accelerator pump stroke:

Refer to FIG 2 :7. U nscrew the throttle stop screw a few turns until the throttle is fully closed (see FIG 2 : 3 ) .
Depress the pump plu nger a nd check the clearance between the plunger and the Operating lever. This should be .
145to .155 inch for 13“ cc engines and .135 to .145 inch for 160 cc engines. Adjustment can be made at the point
arrowed. When satisfied, reset the throttle stop screw to its original position.

Refitting carburetter :
Use a new gasket, fit the carburetter and tighten the nuts securely on the spring washers. Connect the fuel and
distributor vacuum pipes. Refit the throttle shaft to the throttle lever (see Section 2:9). Pass the inner cable of the
choke control through the trunnion which is part of lever 15. Clamp the outer cable to the bracket 6 with the choke
control knob and the choke lever in the Oil position.

Refit the air cleaner (see Section 2:8). Adjust the slow-running as instructed in Routine Maintenance earlier in this

2:5 Ford single carburetter (automatic choke)

The difference between this carburetter and the one fitted with the manual choke can be seen in FIG 2:8. Note the
fully automatic choke assembly 6 to 6d. This comprises a water housing 6 connected to the cooling system, a
thermostatic spring and lever 6a, a vacuum piston and lever 6b and a choke control lever and shaft 6d. This fully-
automatic choke and carburetter is fitted to engines of both capacities using automatic transmission.
The remainder of the carburetter parts are virtually identical to those described to the type with manual choke.

Routine maintenance:
Refer to the instructions early in Section 2 : 4 for this Operation. They are under the same heading.

Removing :
If the carburetter is to be dismantled, follow the instructions in Section 2 : 4 describing the same Operation, but
partially drain the cooling system, disconnect the automatic choke hoses and remove the thermostatic spring and
water housing.

Follow the instructions given in Section 2 : 4 which cover the carburetter with manual choke control. In addition do
the following:
1 If not already removed, take off the thermostatic Spring and water housing 6. Remove the securing screw and take
off the thermostatic Spring lever 6a and remove the choke piston and lever 6 b from the inner housing 6e.

2 Remove the two retaining screws and withdraw the inner housing and gasket from the carburetter Upper body 2.
Remove the choke control lever and Shaft assembly 6d. Remove the choke control rod and carefully remove the
'Teflon' bushing.

Cleaning and inspection;

Follow the instructions given under this heading in Section 2:4.

Reassembling :
Refer to the instructions given in Section 2 : 4 under this heading. In addition, do the following.

1 Assemble the 'Teflon' bushing and the choke control lever and Shaft 6d Into the inner housing Be. Fit piston lever
and link 6b into the inner housing. Locate the link in the inner position on the lever, and the lever on the shaft. Fit
the thermostatic spring lever (part of Ga) and secure to the shaft with the screw. .

2 Posrtion the two control rods in lever 6d. Fit the small gasket to the upper body. locate the inner housrng in the
correct position and secure it with the two screws. .

3 For the next operation, refer to FIG 2:9. Fit the spring and the water housing (seen on the left) to the inner housing
with the spring engaged in the central slot in the lever as indicated by the lowest arrow. Align the index mark (t0p
lefthand arrow) with the centralmark on the inner housing (t0p righthand arrow). Fit the three screws.

4 Check and adjust, if necessary, the choke plate pulldown, the fast-idle, the dechoke and the accelerator pump
stroke as follows:

Choke plate pulldown :

Refer to FIG 2:10. Remove the water housing and Spring. Hold the vacuum piston fully depressed (lower finger).
Close the choke plate (upper finger) until the linkage stops its movement. Partially open the throttle If It is
necessary, so that the fast- idle tab will clear the cam.
The bottom of the choke plate should now be Open .130 to .150 inch for 1300 cc and 1600 cc engines. Measure with
a suitable drill or gauge rod. If adjustment is needed, bend the extension of the choke thermostat lever which is
arrowed. This is the part that rests against the vacuum piston lever.

Fast-idle adjustment :
Refer to FIG 2:11. With the choke plate pulldown correctly adjusted as in the preceding instructions, hold it in the
pulldown position and check that the fast-idle tab on the throttle lever (part 143 in FIG 2:8) is in the first, or high-
speed, step on the fast-idle cam (part of assembly 15). If necessary, bend the fast-idle rod at the point indicated by
the arrow.
Refit the water housing and Spring, locating the tongue of the spring in the central slot in lever Ba. Align the
housing marks as shown in FIG 2:9. Run the engine up to normal operating temperature and use a tachometer to
check the rev/min. With the throttle lever tab on the first step of the cam, adjust the speed if necessary, by bending
the tab connecting the fast-idle cam. The speed should be 1800 to 2050 rev/min for 1300 cc engines, 1850 to 2050
rev/min for 1600 cc engines (temperate climates) or 2200 to 2400 rev/min for both capacities of engine in cold

Dechoke :
Open the throttle fully and hold it against the stop as shown in FIG 2 :1 2. Check the clearance at the bottom of the
choke plate by using a drill or piece of gauge rod. If necessary, bend the projection on the fast-idle cam until the
clearance is .17 to .21 inch.

Accelerator pump stroke:

This check is the same as the one for the carburetter with manual choke as covered in Section 2 1'4- F07 1300 u;
engines the clearance should be .145 to .155 inch, .1a 17 to .13 I0! 1600 CC engines.

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