The Quadrifilar Helix Antenna: Sec 22.1 Introduction
The Quadrifilar Helix Antenna: Sec 22.1 Introduction
The Quadrifilar Helix Antenna: Sec 22.1 Introduction
he quadrifilar helix antenna, the quadrifilar in this book is that it is an
shown in Fig 22-1, is seeing use inherently excellent antenna for ground
on commercial and military, as station use in the amateur satellite ser-
well as amateur spacecraft. vice. Once you study the following engi-
For amateur applications it first saw use neering aspects of the quadrifilar, you’ll
on AMSAT-OSCAR 7 in November 1974. discover its advantages over other circu-
I prepared the basic information in this larly polarized antennas, such as crossed
chapter while I was employed as an an- Yagis. It is useful at 144 MHz, and up,
tenna engineer at RCA’s Astro-Electron- and all the critical dimensions are in-
ics Division in Princeton, New Jersey. In- cluded in this chapter. The dimensions are
formation also appears in Chapter 20 of listed in wavelengths, so all you have to
The ARRL Antenna Book, 15th edition do is convert them to the desired fre-
(Ref 71). While working at RCA, I assisted quency. The details of feeding, phasing,
in the development of the quadrifilar he- and infinite balun construction are given
lix.1 We consider this antenna to be an in the drawings and photos, long with
outstanding contribution to practical sufficient explanation for you to construct
spacecraft antenna engineering from the your own quadrifilar.
viewpoint of flexibility in design. The Radiation from the quadrifilar helix
quadrifilar helix provides a large range antenna is circularly polarized and of the
of radiation characteristics from a radia- same screw sense everywhere throughout
tor of extremely small size and weight, the radiation sphere. The antenna embod-
from which we can select a pretested de- ies a unique configuration and method of
sign to match the radiation requirements feeding loop elements to produce radia-
of any particular spacecraft. tion having a controllable pattern shape.
The quadrifilars shown in Fig 22-1are Refer again to Fig 22-1. The quadrifilar
flight-model units for operation at 1800 antenna comprises two bifilar helical
and 2200 MHz. I also assisted in the de- loops oriented in a mutually orthogonal
sign of quadrifilars for 121.5, 243, and relation on a common axis. The terminals
1600 MHz, which are flying on TIROS-N of each loop are fed 180° out of phase, and
(NOAA 9 through 14) weather spacecraft the currents in the two loops are in phase
in the worldwide Search and Rescue quadrature (90° out of phase).
(SAR) Emergency Locator Transmitter By selecting the appropriate configu-
(ELT) service. The service is primarily for ration of the loops, a wide range of radia-
downed or stricken aircraft, over either tion pattern shapes is available, with ex-
cellent axial ratio appearing over a large novel feed system that includes the infi-
volume of the pattern. The basic form of nite balun. The feed system also includes
the quadrifilar antenna was developed by a means for attaining the required 90° dif-
Dr C. C. Kilgus of the Applied Physics ferential current phase relationship with-
Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, out requiring additional components to
who has published several papers that achieve separate differential-phase exci-
establish the theoretical basis for its op- tations.
eration. (See Refs 88 through 96). The The quadrifilar antenna is applicable
Brown and Woodward citation (Ref 90) is for general use in the frequency range
especially helpful in understanding the above 30 MHz. It is especially attractive
radiation characteristics of the quadri- for certain spacecraft applications because
filar. That paper describes radiation from it can provide omnidirectional radiation
the combination of a dipole and a circular in a single hemisphere (a cardioid volume
loop sharing a common axis, and fed in of revolution) without requiring a ground
phase, which produces radiation charac- plane. This no-ground-plane feature af-
teristics similar to the quadrifilar. This fords a dramatic saving in weight and
version of the quadrifilar helix uses a space. In addition, the inherent cardioid
22-2 Chapter 22
radiation characteristic that eliminates sult, the radiation characteristics of the
the need for the ground plane also affords quadrifilar antenna are sometimes mis-
freedom in the choice of a mounting posi- understood. Although the term quadrifilar
tion on a spacecraft. The profile of the is not incorrect, the term itself often fails
volume beneath the antenna has rela- to conjure up a true picture of the physi-
tively little effect on the radiation pattern, cal characteristics. Therefore, since sev-
provided that the quadrifilar is mounted eral characteristics of the quadrifilar an-
at least λ/4 above conducting surfaces tenna differ radically from those of the
which would form a reflective plane. conventional helical antenna (for ex-
Quadrifilars designed to operate in ample, opposite screw sense of circular
the frequency range of 1800 and 2200 polarization), the following paragraphs
MHz can be extremely light, weighing examine some aspects of both the physi-
only about 0.7 ounce. Developed by RCA cal and the radiation characteristics of the
Astro-Electronics, several of these anten- quadrifilar to clarify the confusion.
nas are flying on U.S. Air Force satellites In describing the physical character-
of the Defense Meteorological Support istics of the quadrifilar, I will concentrate
program, also built by RCA. A slightly on the simple half-turn λ/2 configuration.
smaller version of similar design (donated As I stated earlier, the quadrifilar helix
by RCA Astro-Electronics) is the is a combination of two bifilar helicals
2304.1-MHz beacon antenna, which flew arranged in a mutually orthogonal rela-
on AMSAT-OSCAR 7. tionship along a common axis, and envel-
Quadrifilars having a somewhat dif- oping a common volume.
ferent configuration from that shown in What is a bifilar helix? One way of
Fig 22-1 have also been developed by RCA visualizing the half-turn λ/2 bifilar helix
for use on RCA-built NOAA TIROS-N is to develop it from a continuous square
weather satellites. The design differs be- loop of wire one wavelength in perimeter,
cause the radiation pattern requirements as shown in Fig 22-2. As in the driven el-
are different. The design of the quadri- ement of the conventional cubical quad
filars for transmitting the principal video antenna, each side of this square loop is
signals from the TIROS-N spacecraft is λ/4, and the feed terminals are formed by
noteworthy because the radiation pattern opening the loop at the midpoint of the
has been shaped to maintain a nearly con- bottom side. We call this square-loop con-
stant signal level versus slant-range dis- figuration a zero-turn, λ/2 bifilar loop.
tance between the spacecraft and the There is a half wavelength of wire radia-
ground station during the in-view portion tor extending away from each feed termi-
of the spacecraft orbit. (RCA-built TIROS- nal around the loop to the antipodal point
N, or NOAA spacecraft launched around on the opposite side of the square (loop
1979 are still in service today, in April half-length lenE° equals λ/2). The draw-
1999.) ing shows length len° with a script letter
L. This loop is a balanced input device,
Sec 22.2 Physical requiring a balanced, two-wire feed line
Characteristics with push-pull currents.
There is a tendency to confuse the To visualize the development of the
quadrifilar with the conventional helical quadrifilar helix, imagine inserting an
antenna, probably because portions of the imaginary cylinder of diameter D = λ/4
quadrifilar are helically shaped. As a re- inside the loop. Then, while holding the
bottom side of the loop fixed, grasp the the 1/2-turn, λ/2 bifilar, some of the ra-
top side and give it a half turn of rotation diation characteristics are not particu-
with respect to the bottom. As a result, larly attractive. However, some physical
shown in Fig 22-3, each of the two verti- parameters of the loop may be selected to
cal sides of the square loop becomes a obtain characteristics that make this an-
half-turn helix as it curves around the tenna especially attractive. Such param-
surface of the imaginary cylinder. How- eters include the electrical length of the
ever, because of the curved paths of the conductors, the number of turns, the cy-
once-straight vertical sides, the distance lindrical diameter D, and length lenp°. In
between the top and the bottom has addition, for a given conductor length, the
shrunk, and the axial length, lenp°, is less length-to-diameter ratio, abbreviated len/
than the λ/4 diameter. diam, of the cylinder is also an important
With these particular proportions of variable, controlled by the diameter and
22-4 Chapter 22
Fig 22-3—Half-turn bifilar helix loop. Distance lenE° equals the loop half-length.
number of turns. For example, the an- elements, with the top element being volt-
tennas shown in Fig 22-1 are 1/2-turn, λ/ age fed from the bottom element. In this
2 quadrifilars. But by reducing the diam- loop the currents in the top and bottom
eter from 0.25 λ to 0.18 λ for this model, sides flow in the same direction, as shown
the axial length is inherently increased in Fig 22-2. The horizontally polarized
to 0.27 λ. This results in vastly improved fields produced by the currents in both top
radiation characteristics. and bottom sides are therefore in phase.
Sec 22.3 Electrical The two fields add to form the conven-
tional figure-8 broadside radiation pat-
Characteristics tern. The bidirectional lobes in the pat-
Let’s take a short qualitative look at tern are at right angles to the plane of
some basic changes in the radiation pat- the loop. The null in the pattern appears
tern that result from the 1/2-turn twist of bidirectionally on a horizontal line that
the square loop. First, recall that the is in the plane of the loop midway between
square loop having a perimeter P = I λ is the top and bottom sides.
basically a broadside array of two dipole In the vertical sides of the loop, the
22-6 Chapter 22
Fig 22-4—Half-turn
quadrifilar (two half-turn
bifilar loops).
requirement for circularly polarized radia- lier findings as well as extending them.
tion. When the vertical and horizontal
fields are also equal in magnitude, the Sec 22.5 Development of the
resulting radiation is circularly polarized, Quadrifilar Helix Antenna
with the same screw sense everywhere In this section we examine the intrin-
throughout the radiation sphere. sic cardioid, or omnidirectional hemi-
Experimental data obtained by spheric radiation characteristic of the
Kilgus supports his theoretical analysis, quadrifilar. In doing so, the toroidal ra-
and confirms the similarity of radiation diation pattern of the bifilar helix becomes
characteristics between the half-turn, λ/ of initial primary interest. Recall that in
2 bifilar helix and the loop-dipole combi- the toroidal radiation pattern of the
nation. For the purpose of obtaining ad- loop-dipole, maximum radiation occurs
ditional data pertinent to the development broadside to the axis, with the null on the
of quadrifilar antennas for use on the axis. On the other hand, as mentioned
TIROS-N spacecraft, I performed exten- earlier, maximum radiation from the bifi-
sive measurements of pattern shape, po- lar loop occurs bidirectionally along the
larization, axial ratio, and terminal im- axis of the loop, while the null appears in
pedance on more than a thousand differ- the direction perpendicular to the plane
ent bifilar and quadrifilar helix configu- formed by the top and bottom sides, or
rations. The data obtained from these radials of the loop. Except for this 90° ro-
measurements agree with the Kilgus tation of the axes, the radiation charac-
data, adding further validity to the ear- teristics of the two antennas are similar.
22-8 Chapter 22
Fig 22-6—Quadrifilar radiation pattern when illuminated with a spinning dipole. This
illumination adds axial-ratio data, represented as the difference between adjacent
maximum and minimum values of a ripple wave.
tive nulls and maxima of the two indi- ranges of the parameter values. However,
vidual bifilars compensate each other to let us now examine how the Air Force 5D,
produce a uniform omnidirectional radia- the amateur AMSAT-OSCAR 7 and the
tion pattern around the axis. TIROS-N quadrifilar designs were tai-
lored to obtain the radiation characteris-
See 22.6 The Quadrifilar Shape tics required for their particular missions.
Factor When using bifilars having a diam-
As I stated earlier, the radiation pat- eter D = 0.25 λ, formed by placing a half
tern shape and the axial ratio of the po- twist in the square loop of Fig 2, the len/
larization can be controlled. This is done diam ratio is less than one, which yields
by tailoring both the length of wire and poor front-to-back and axial ratios. By
number of turns in the loop, and the decreasing the diameter to D = 0.18 λ
length-to-diameter ratio, len/diam, of the while retaining the half-turn, λ/2 loop, the
formed cylinder. Kilgus’ data shows these axial length increases to lenp° = 0.27 λ.
relationships graphically for certain The resulting ratio, len/diam. = 1.5, yields
22-10 Chapter 22
Fig 22-8 — Half-turn
bifilar loop with infinite
balun ffed.
be determined from the difference be- that was required to determine the con-
tween adjacent maximum and minimum figuration that would satisfy the radia-
values. Thus, the axial ratio of this de- tion-pattern requirements was to search
sign is seen to be less than 2 dB over a through the hundreds of patterns ob-
beamwidth of ±30°. tained during the research to find the one
As mentioned earlier, the that fit the requirements. The bifilar pa-
shape-factor parameters for the TIROS-N rameters which yield this pattern shape
configuration were determined empiri- were found in to be 11/2 turns, 1.25-λ loop,
cally from the results of my research mea- D = 0.1 λ lenp° = 1.0 λ, and len/diam =
surements. I took measurements on more 10.0. These quadrifilars, flying on
than a thousand combinations of TIROS-N, are used for transmitting
quadrifilar configurations in which each weather and other data in the 1600-MHz
physical parameter was separately var- region, completely separate from the
ied in small increments while holding the 121.5, 243, and 1600-MHz SAR-ELT
other variables constant. Hundreds of quadrifilars flying on the same spacecraft.
shape-factor combinations were mea-
sured, which provided families of patterns See 22.7 Methods of Feeding
from which to select the parameters for the Quadrifilar Antenna
the desired pattern shape. The TIROS-N Feeding the quadrifilar with a single,
mission required a radiation-pattern unbalanced coaxial line requires special
shape which provides a nearly constant attention. Because the individual bifilar
signal level to the ground station during loops are balanced-input devices, some
in-view time. This pattern shape is shown form of balun is required to provide bal-
in Fig 22-7. The configuration that yields anced push-pull currents to the terminals
this radiation pattern was one of the hun- of each bifilar. In addition, to obtain the
dreds measured during my research. All unidirectional radiation characteristic of
22-12 Chapter 22
Fig 22-10 — Impedance versus frequency plot of self-phased quadrifilar antenna.
line thus cancel each other, decoupling the Such a device is called an “infinite balun.”
feed line from the loop. In other words,
from the external viewpoint of the loop Sec 22.9 Self-Phased
radiator, the source generator can be con- Quadrature Feed
sidered to exist directly between the two As stated, a quadrature-phase cur-
input terminals of the loop at the feed rent relationship is required between the
point, and the feed line effectively disap- two bifilar loops of the quadrifilar array.
pears. Thus, the current-mode transition This requirement is met by using the
in the coaxial-line portion of the loop — self-phasing method. The orthogonal bifi-
from an internal unbalanced mode enter- lar loops are designed such that one loop
ing at the antipodal point, to an external is larger relative to the desired resonant
balanced mode emerging at the feed point frequency length and therefore inductive,
— constitutes an inherent balun device. while the other loop is smaller and there-
22-14 Chapter 22
Fig 22-11 — Comparing the size of a quadrifilar antenna and a flight model, circularly
polarized crossed dipole over a ground plane system, which it replaced. The two
antennas have identical radiation characteristics, but the quadrifilar obviously requires
less space and is lighter.
quadrifilar helix antenna is shown Astro-Electronics Division of Princeton,
mounted on an OSCAR 7 test model at New Jersey.
the RCA Space Center, attached to an The OSCAR 7 antenna is circularly
ITOS weather satellite (TIROS-M) in the polarized, radiates hemispherically with-
piggyback launch configuration. Fig 22-13 out requiring a ground plane, and has a
shows another view of the test model, gain of 5 dBic on axis going down smoothly
while Figs 22-14 and 22-15 show the to 0.0 dBic 90° off axis over the entire 360°
quadrifilar mounted on the OSCAR 7 around the edge of the hemisphere, with
spacecraft as it is being readied for flight. good polarization circularity at the hemi-
In spite of its small size (0.7 ounce), the sphere edges. It is fed with an infinite
quadrifilar antenna boasts tremendous balun, and has elements phased at 90°
performance for spacecraft use. RCA Engi- with no phasing line. With a modification
neers Randy Bricker, Herb Rickert, and I devised to operate at the 2304.1MHz
myself developed the original design, for beacon frequency, this antenna was fab-
use on the highly successful USAF space- ricated under the direction of Bricker and
craft, the Block 5-D Meteorological Satel- myself specifically for the OSCAR 7 ama-
lite, which was built by the RCA teur spacecraft, and presented to AMSAT
22-16 Chapter 22
Fig 22-13 — The OSCAR 7 quadrifilar on its test model in its piggyback launch
configuration alongside the flight-model ITOS spacecraft with which it flew. Left to right
are Bricker, Maxwell (W2DU), and Ozman (W2WGH).
22-18 Chapter 22
Fig 22-15 — A close-up view of the OSCAR 7 quadrifilar during prelaunch readiness.
by RCA, which designed and built the would form a cylinder approximately 13
TIROS-ESSA-ITOS-TIROS-N weather inches in diameter and 20 inches high,
satellite series. (After being accepted by while at 432 MHz, the diameter and
the U.S. Weather Bureau these RCA-built height would be 4.4 inches and 6.8 inches.
spacecraft became known as NOAA, with At 29 MHz the dimensions would be 5.5
a number designation to determine the feet and 8.4 feet, respectively. The circu-
specific spacecraft of the series.) I also lar polarization reduces polarization fad-
served as consulting engineer for all an- ing caused by Faraday rotation of the elec-
tenna systems on AMSAT OSCAR 7. RCA tric field vector, especially on the 10-meter
Technicians Walt Ozmon, W2WGH, and downlink. The quadrifilar scaled for use
Joe Rovenski, W2HLO, performed many at 137 MHz is used quite extensively by
of the impedance and radiation pattern weather buffs for receiving APT weather
measurements during the final testing of pictures, with excellent results on both
the OSCAR 7 quadrifilar antenna. 137.5 and 137.62 MHz. One note is of par-
Scaled up for lower frequencies, the ticular importance for those intending to
quadrifilar has similar performance char- build the quadrifilar. The diameter of the
acteristics. At 146 MHz, the quadrifilar conductors in the bifilar loops is especially
1 Among other tasks on the quadrifilar project, I performed the R & D research on
more than 1000 different configurations of the quadrifilar helix, which led to the de-
velopment of the six quadrifilar antennas flying on the polar-orbiting TIROS-N NOAA
weather spacecraft. A copy of my research report appears in the Appendix.
22-20 Chapter 22