Response Modification Factors For Seismic Design of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Response Modification Factors For Seismic Design of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Response Modification Factors For Seismic Design of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
The response modification factors for circular reinforced concrete over” analysis) is normally used to calculate the ultimate
single column bridge bents were calculated for a wide range of displacement capacity of reinforced concrete bents based on
periods based on three target values: the capacity to demand the plastic hinge rotation capacity of columns.6,7 Thus, the
displacement, displacement ductility ratio, and longitudinal rein- ratio of the ultimate displacement capacity to the elastic
forcement ratio. The validity of using the ratio of capacity to
displacement demand of bridge columns has become a check
demand displacements as a check in the column design process
and the effect of confinement steel ratio on the response modifica- in the column design process.
tion factors were also investigated. The study represented in this paper investigated the
validity of this check in a wide range of period spectra and
Keywords: bridges (structures); columns (supports); ductility; dynamic
determined its influence on the reinforced concrete column
structural analysis; earthquake resistant structures. design. The response modification factors were calculated
based on target values for the ratio of the ultimate displace-
INTRODUCTION ment capacity to displacement demand (ΔC/ΔD), the
The current practice in seismic design of concrete bridges displacement ductility ratio (μ), and the longitudinal rein-
is to limit the inelastic response to the columns, which are forcement ratio (ρs).
normally designed and detailed to withstand severe cyclic
deformations during strong earthquakes. It is customary to CAPACITY ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED
calculate the design strength of bridge columns by obtaining CONCRETE SINGLE COLUMN BRIDGE BENTS
The seismic design concept for bridge columns aims to
the moments from an elastic dynamic analysis based on a
design the column to a force level less than the elastic
specified response spectrum. To account for inelastic defor-
response and to adequately detail the column for ductility so
mation of the column, the elastic moments are subsequently
it can undergo large inelastic deformation without signifi-
divided by a response modification factor R that is specified
cant strength degradation. Therefore, in addition to the
in design codes.1,2 The force level of the response spectrum
strength, there is an implied level of deformation capacity to
and the value of R control the size and reinforcement of the
insure an adequate seismic performance. Hence, a check of
column. Hence, the R value can play a significant role in
the ultimate deformation capacity seems necessary in bridge
characterizing the bridge dynamic properties.
column design. This check may be carried out by an inelastic
AASHTO bridge specifications1,2 specify constant R values lateral load analysis of the column, also known as the “push-
for the entire range of the fundamental period when designing over” analysis.
bridge columns. The rationale used in the development of the
specified R values was based on consensus, engineering judg-
ment, and the performance of highway bridges in previous The ultimate displacement capacity for a single column
earthquakes. Recent studies3,4 have questioned the use of bent in the transverse direction can be obtained by
constant R values in seismic codes since these values should performing a pushover analysis on a cantilever column fixed
be dependent on the structure’s strength and the fundamental at the base and free at the top where an incremental hori-
period of vibration. This has raised some questions and zontal load is applied. It is assumed that under the influence
concerns about the reliability of the specified constant R of the lateral load the column yields in flexure at the base and
values in the AASHTO design codes. thus the flexural deformation can be obtained by adding the
elastic curvature over column height to the inelastic curva-
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE ture concentrated in a plastic hinge at the base. Therefore, for
The recent introduction of the capacity design method in
concrete bridges5 clarified the need for additional checks
beyond obtaining moments from elastic dynamic analysis ACI Structural Journal, V. 94, No. 1, January-February 1997.
Received August 29, 1995, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
and dividing them by R value. These additional checks right © 1997, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies
address the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
author’s closure, if any, will be published in the November-December 1997 ACI Struc-
sections. Nonlinear analysis under horizontal loads (“push- tural Journal if the discussion is received by July 1, 1997.
lp = 0.08h + 9db f′
ρ ≥ 0.12 ----c- 0.5 + 1.25 ⎛ -----------
P ⎞
fy ⎝ f c′ A g⎠
where db is the diameter of the longitudinal bar reinforce-
ment of Grade 60.5 Therefore, the total displacement
capacity is equal to where ρ is the ratio of the volume of circular hoop reinforce-
ment to the volume of the concrete core, Ag is the gross area
Δ c = δy + δp of concrete, fy is the yield strength of confining reinforce-
ment, P is the column axial load, and f c′ is the compressive
COMPUTER MODEL strength of concrete. The new AASHTO LRFD2 uses a
This study utilized Caltrans column ductility program similar equation for the design of confinement steel; however, it
“Col-Duct”8 to perform the pushover analyses. This uses 0.16 instead of 0.12 in the previous equation.
program has been calibrated to experimental results of The main function of the transverse reinforcement is to
bridge column tests that were conducted at the University of insure that the axial load carried by the concrete column after
California at San Diego.8 The program calculates the mono- spalling of the concrete cover is at least equal to the load
tonic moment-curvature responses of reinforced concrete carried before spalling and that buckling of the longitudinal
sections and then determines the magnitude of deflection at reinforcement is prevented. Therefore, the spacing of the
various curvatures. The program is based on an assumption confinement steel plays a vital role in the seismic perfor-
that plane sections remain plane, and therefore the longitu- mance of RC columns. The spacing requirements for
dinal steel and concrete strains vary linearly across the confinement that were used in this study were based only on
section with a gradient equal to the curvature φ. Also, it is the previous equation and the maximum spacing that is
assumed that the stress gradient does not significantly affect suggested by Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications. There-
the behavior of the constituent materials within the section, fore, this study is limited only to the flexural behavior of
and thus the stress-strain models for these materials can be bridge columns since the lateral reinforcement was not
based on uniaxial behavior. checked for shear requirements.
T = 2Π -----
Fig. 1—Caltrans ARS Spectra Curve D.
where M is the tributary mass and K is the lateral stiffness of
and 3 percent. These ratios were chosen because they represent the cantilever column that is equal to
common bridge column reinforcement ratios.
K = 3EIeff /h3
To obtain the response modification factors for the three However, at this point the EIeff is not known yet; therefore, the
target values that were identified earlier, several aspects of initial lateral stiffness of the section is calculated by assuming
column properties were considered in the parametric anal- that the section cracked moment of inertia is approximately
ysis, such as height, diameter, axial force, and longitudinal equal to one-half of the section gross moment of inertia. Thus,
reinforcement ratio. To facilitate this parametric study, a the lateral seismic force H and its corresponding lateral
preprocessor and postprocessor were developed for the displacement ΔD can be calculated as discussed earlier.
“Col-Duct” program to automate the calculations. The The design moment at the base of the column can be
following procedure was used in this study: approximated by
1. Choose a design response spectrum.
2. Choose a column diameter. This defines the column ME = H × h + P × ΔD
axial load based on a selected axial load ratio.
3. Choose a column height. This height will be varied at the where ME is the elastic moment demand on the column base,
end of the operation to obtain a wide range of natural periods. H is the applied lateral force, P is the axial load on the
4. Choose a target value for ΔC /ΔD, μ, or ρs. This permits column, and ΔD is the demand lateral displacement due to the
the lateral seismic force to be calculated by an iterative applied lateral force. P-Δ accounts for the second order
procedure requiring sequential estimation of the member effect that is caused by the lateral displacement of the
stiffness, natural period, and therefore the lateral force. column under seismic load and the gravity load. This effect
5. Design (for ΔC /ΔD and μ target values) or choose (for ρs causes the moment at the column base to increase. At high
target value) the column longitudinal reinforcement. displacement ductility, the influence of the P-Δ effect
6. Design transverse reinforcement for ductility provisions. becomes significant due to the high value of the lateral
7. Calculate the effective flexural rigidity, ultimate displacement. Previous study16 has shown that the deflected
displacement capacity, plastic moment, period, lateral shape and hence the bending moment diagram are almost
seismic force, and corresponding displacement demand linear at high ductility levels, with the majority of the rota-
based on the column reinforcement. tion being concentrated at the plastic hinge forming at the
8. Calculate the design base moment (“moment demand”) column base. This linear approximation was used in this
at the base of the column. study to account for the second-order effect.
9. Calculate the response modification factor The longitudinal reinforcement is normally assumed in the
10. Repeat this operation by varying the column height. first cycle of iteration; thus the lateral stiffness of the column
The conventional method for describing the ground motion is is modified according to the calculated EIeff, which is based
a smoothed elastic response spectrum for single degree of on the actual longitudinal reinforcement. A revised period is
R = ME /MP
sponding ΔC /ΔD based on longitudinal reinforcement ratios constant R value would possess different displacement ductili-
of 1, 2, and 3 percent. Figure 3 shows that the values of R ties, and, therefore, would have distinct seismic responses.
increase with the period since the R values start from less Figure 5 illustrates the corresponding values of ΔC/ΔD
than one, i.e., elastic behavior, and reach maximum values of ratios. The curves start with values close to 15 in the short
5 and 3 for reinforcement ratios of 1 and 3 percent, respec- period range, which indicates high reserves in displacement
tively. Fig. 4 shows the corresponding displacement ductili- capacity in stiff structures, and then drops down to nearly 1.2
ties that decrease with the period. The maximum for long periods.
displacement ductility was equal to 11 and 8 and then drops The column diameter had no significant effect on the
down to 5 and 4 for reinforcement ratios of 1 and 3 percent, displacement ductility or on the ΔC/ΔD ratios. However, it
respectively. In general, these figures show an increase in affected the R values, especially in the long period range, by
both the R values and the displacement ductility as the rein- showing that columns with smaller diameters required
forcement ratio decreases. higher R values than columns with larger diameters. For
Figures 3 and 4 show that columns with less reinforcement example, for all ρs values, the 1.22-m (4-ft) column required
ratios have higher R values and do possess higher displacement R values that were approximately 35 percent higher than
ductility. This means that columns designed to high R values are those for the 2.44-m (8-ft) column.
more ductile than columns designed to low R values. For The influence of the selected bar sizes at specific rein-
example, using a constant R equal to 3, as specified in the forcement ratios was also checked because they affect the
code,1,2 would require ρs = 2 percent for a period equal to 1 sec length of the plastic hinge. It was concluded that the bar size
and ρs = 3 percent for a period equal to 2 sec. This shows that influence on R factors was negligible; however, it influenced
columns with different periods of vibrations designed for the ductility and ΔC/ΔD ratios in short period range.