Torsion in Concrete Deep Beams With An Opening: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Torsion in Concrete Deep Beams With An Opening: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Torsion in Concrete Deep Beams With An Opening: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Twenty-six concrete deep beams with and without a transverse sional strength equations of shallow beams with and
opening were tested to failure under torsion. The variables were span- without openings, as given by Hsu 2 and Mansur and
depth ratio, concrete strength, and size and location of the opening.
The presence of an opening significantly reduced torsional strength.
Hasnat, 3 respectively.
For span-depth ratios greater than 3.0, the torsional strength of
beams remained practically constant. It increased significantly, how- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
ever, as the span-depth ratio decreased. The crack inclinations on the The experimental results described herein show the
beam surfaces followed a similar trend and were also influenced by
concrete strength and opening size. A modification has been sug- effect of span-depth ratio on torsional strength of con-
gested to the strength equations of Mansur and Hasnat for shallow crete deep beams with and without an opening. Cur-
beams under torsion to include the effect of span-depth ratio for deep rent codes do not have any design provisions for deep
beams. beams under torsion. The torsional strength increases
significantly at span-depth ratios less than 3.0. The
Keywords: beams (supports); concretes; cracking (fracturing); deep beams;
deep beam effect results in steeper tension cracks at
openings; span-depth ratio; strength; torsion.
lower span-depth ratios, and consequently vertical as
Beams whose span-depth ratio is about 5 or less and well as longitudinal reinforcements are required, as with
that are loaded at the top or compression faces are used deep beams under shear.
occasionally as structural members. Such members are
categorized by the ACI Building Code 1 as deep beams. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
Deep beams, like shallow members, may be subjected Twenty-six beams having a constant cross section of
to torsion, bending, and shear. Although a consider- 100 x 400 mm (4 x 16 in.) and lengths ranging from 0.7
able amount of research has been carried out on plain to 2.3 m (28 to 92 in.) were tested. The center-to-center
and reinforced concrete shallow beams, little has been span-depth ratio flh was varied from 1.0 to 5.0, corre-
reported on deep beams to predict their behavior under sponding to clear span-depth ratio f"!h of 0.75 to 4.75,
such loading combinations. The current ACI Building to study the relative behavior of deep beams, moder-
Code 1 has provisions for the design of deep beams sub- ately deep beams, and nearly shallow beams. The test
jected to flexure and shear only. No recommendations specimens consisted of solid beams as well as beams
have been made for the effect of torsion on deep with a transverse circular opening of 110 or 200 mm
beams, either acting alone or in combination with other (4.4 or 8.0 in.) diameter. In general, the opening was
types of loading. located symmetrically at midspan. In two beams, how-
This investigation studied the effect of torsion on ever, they were located eccentrically at midspan. Two
plain concrete deep beams with and without a trans- different grades of concrete having nominal compres-
verse opening in the web. Analysis of deep beams un- sive strengths of 20.7 and 34.5 MPa (3000 and 5000 psi)
der torsion is quite complex. Introduction of a trans- were used. All the beams were of plain concrete, except
verse opening in the beam web for the passage of ser- two in which reinforcements were used around the
vice ducts further complicates the analysis. Because of opening. Details of the beams are shown in Fig. 1.
the complexities involved, no theoretical analysis for The beams were grouped in seven different series,
predicting the torsional strength of deep beams has each designated by two letters and a two-digit number.
been attempted. Instead, an experimental approach has The A and B stand for nominal concrete strengths of
been adopted. The main parameters were span-depth
Received Mar. 16, 1987, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
ratio, concrete strength, and opening size and location. Copyright© 1989, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
For predicting the torsional strength of deep beams, the the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the November-December 1989
experimental data have been used to modify the tor- ACI Structural Journal if received by July I, 1989.
Series AP11
span t (variable) J ,f--t b= 100mm
the different series tested, as shown in Fig_ 3. For any
Series AP10, BP 20
~I 100mm
Series •Ap 20
J Spec1al
Top surtace
BP20 •
"' 70
c 60
0 4 5 6
/, replaced by J:P.
CONCLUSIONS b =beam width, mm
The following conclusions can be drawn from this d, = diameter of opening, mm
investigation: .!: = concrete cylinder compressive strength, MPa
1. Torsional strength of deep beams with or without .f = modulus of rupture of concrete, MPa
f~ = splitting tensile strength of concrete, MPa
a transverse opening remains practically constant for
h = overall depth of beam, mm
U h ~ 3.0 and can be adequately predicted by equa-
f = center-to-center span, m
tions proposed by Mansur and Has nat' with/, replaced i, = clear span, m
by J;p. For f! h < 3.0, the torsional strength varies in- T, = theoretical torsional strength, kN-m
versely with f!h ratio. A modification to Mansur and T,, = experimental torsional strength, kN-m
Hasnat's equations 3 has been proposed by the authors fJ = inclination of failure surface to normal cross section of
beam, deg
for predicting the torsional strength at lower f I h ratios.
2. Torsional strength of deep beams is influenced by
concrete strength and opening size. An increase of con- REFERENCES
crete strength from 20.7 to 34.5 MPa (3000 to 5000 psi) I. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
increases the torsional strength by about 30 percent. forced Concrete (ACI 318-83)," American Concrete Institute, De-
troit, 1983, Ill pp.
This indicates that torsional strength is proportional to
2. Hsu, Thomas, T. C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete-Plain
the square root of concrete strength. Concrete Rectangular Sections," Torsion of Structural Concrete, SP-
Introduction of an opening significantly reduced the 18, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1968, pp. 203-238.
torsional strength. An increase of d,,!h from 0.275 to 3. Mansur, M. A., and Hasnat, A., "Concrete Beams With Small
0.50 decreases the torsional strength from about 78 to Opening Under Torsion," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 105, STII, Nov.
1979, pp. 2433-2447.
65 percent of the torsional strength of solid section.
4. Hasnat, A., and Akhtaruzzaman, A. A., "An Experimental in-
3. The angle of inclination of tension or compression vestigation to Determine the Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Con-
crack on the vertical faces depends on span-depth ra- crete Beams Containing an Opening Under Bending and Torsion,"
tio, concrete strength, and opening diameter. It is ap- Final Report, Research Project No. 01-21, Scientific Research Ad-
proximately constant for f/ h ~ 3.0 but increases ministration, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Nov. 1983, 74 pp.
5. Hasnat, A., and Akhtaruzzaman, A. A., "Reinforced Concrete
sharply for f!h < 3.0. This indicates that for deep
Beams Containing an Opening Under Combined Torsion, Bending
beams with very low span-depth ratios, the addition of and Shear," Final Report, Research Project No. 03-206, Scientific
horizontal bars will be more effective than vertical stir- Research Administration, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Feb.
rups in resisting torsional moment. 1985, 76 pp.