Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Ayoub Abdollahi, Hussein A. Mohammed, Sh.M. Vanaki, Rajnish N. Sharma
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Ayoub Abdollahi, Hussein A. Mohammed, Sh.M. Vanaki, Rajnish N. Sharma
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Ayoub Abdollahi, Hussein A. Mohammed, Sh.M. Vanaki, Rajnish N. Sharma
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Thermal and hydraulic characteristics of laminar nanofluid flow in square microchannel with longitudi-
Received 26 May 2016 nal inner fins are numerically investigated. The external walls of microchannel are heated at constant
Revised 10 September 2016 heat flux and four rectangular fins are fixed on the internal walls. Four different types of nanofluid are
Accepted 3 May 2017
used as working fluids which are SiO2, Al2O3, CuO and ZnO dispersed in pure water base fluid.
Available online 22 November 2018
Different volume fractions of 1–2% and different nanoparticle diameters of 30–60 nm are employed.
The results show that the SiO2 nanofluid has the highest heat transfer rate among all of four tested
nanofluids. The increase in nanoparticle volume fraction and the decrease in the nanoparticle diameter
would increase the Nusselt number value. The friction factor does not change significantly by using nano-
Nanofluid fluid with different volume fractions and different nanoparticle diameters. Moreover, the results indicate
Laminar flow that nanofluid can enhance the performance of microchannel with longitudinal fins.
Thermal field Ó 2018 Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
Fins the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction Peng et al. [7–9] experimented with the flow and heat transfer
characteristics of water through rectangular stainless steel
In the last two decades the application of microchannel heat microchannels. The hydraulic diameters of microchannel varied
sink is noted when high heat flux elimination is required in small from 133 mm to 367 mm with aspect ratios from 0.33 to 1. They
devices such as electronic chip, heat exchangers, and spaceships, found that fluid flow deviates from the values which had been pre-
etc. Tuckerman and Pease [1] in 1981 introduced the idea of utiliz- dicted by classical correlations. The transition heat occurred at
ing microchannel heat sink. Many experimental, analytical and Reynolds numbers of 200–700. Xu et al. [10] experimentally
numerical studies have been done recently in order to improve investigated flow friction for liquid flow in microchannels with
the performance of microchannel due to its high heat transfer coef- 30–344 lm hydraulic diameter and Reynolds numbers ranged
ficient, small size and small heated volume. Following this, using from 20 to 4000. They obtained that conventional behavior of flow
nanofluid as working fluid is a recent development in nanotechnol- characteristics in microchannels agree with the values predicted
ogy. Nanofluids are fluids with suspended nanoparticles such as by Navier–Stokes equations. Palm [11] predicted that the utiliza-
metals and oxides. Fluid pressure does not drop when using nano- tion of microchannel will be enhanced in future due to the high
fluid as the nanoparticles stay suspended in the base fluid [2–5]. cooling performance. Lee et al. [12] investigated numerically and
The concept of microchannel has made a significant innovation experimentally the heat transfer in rectangular microchannel.
in the use of microchannel as a heat sink dissipation device [6]. The width of microchannel was 194–534 mm. In order to predict
heat transfer in microchannel, the Navier-Stokes equations were
recommended. The same result was obtained by Qu and Mudawar
⇑ Corresponding author.
[13] when they performed both numerical and experimental study
E-mail addresses:,
on microchannel heat sink with dimension of 231 mm (width) and
(H.A. Mohammed).
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
713 mm (depth). Lee and Garimella [14] investigated experimen-
tally and numerically the laminar fluid flow characteristics in
rectangular microchannels with hydraulic diameter range of
244–974 mm. They reported that conventional theory is useful to
Production and hosting by Elsevier predict flow behavior in the mentioned dimensions.
2090-4479/Ó 2018 Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
3412 A. Abdollahi et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 3411–3418
Lee and Garimella [15] studied numerically a three dimensional found that while the concentration of the nanoparticles is
laminar thermally developed flow in microchannel. They proposed increased, the heat transfer coefficient is increased and the thermal
a reliable correlation in order to calculate Nusselt number as a resistance is decreased. The pressure drop inside microchannels
function of axial distance. Fedorov and Viskanta [16] numerically increases when the volume fraction increases. Furthermore, there
investigated the three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer in a is no improvement in the thermal performance of the microchan-
microchannel heat sink. They found a negative local heat transfer nel heat sink (MCHS) at the volume fraction 5%, almost the same
at the corners of channel. result as pure water.
The effect of internal fin on flow field and heat transfer in nor- It is obvious from the above literature review that the effects of
mal size channels on both experimental and numerical works have using nanofluids flow on heat transfer characteristics and perfor-
been previously examined by many researchers. Alam and Ghosh- mance of microchannel with longitudinal fins seems not to have
dastidar [17] investigated numerically fully developed flow been studied in detail previously and this has motivated the cur-
through finned circular tube. The fins were longitudinal with rent study. Moreover, recent research on microchannel involved
tapered lateral profiles. They concluded that the heat transfer is conventional fluid and there is no work reported in the open liter-
significantly enhanced when using internal fins. Huq et al. [18] ature which involved nanofluid in square microchannel with longi-
experimentally studied pressure drop and heat transfer of ther- tudinal fins. The current study numerically examines 3D laminar
mally developing flow through the internally finned tubes. They forced convective flow in square microchannel with longitudinal
reported a significant enhancement in heat transfer rate through fins utilizing different nanofluids in water base fluid, different vol-
the finned tube. ume fractions and different nanoparticle diameters. Nusselt num-
On the other hand, engineers and researchers have been moti- ber, skin friction factor and performance evaluation criterion for
vated to develop possibilities of using nanofluid especially in laminar forced convective in finned microchannel are reported in
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) applications since the order to show the effect of fins and nanofluid on these parameters.
advantages of utilizing nanofluids as working fluid are enticing
[19,20]. Chein and Chung [21] experimented with the effect of
CuO-H2O nanofluid on heat transfer performance of trapezoidal 2. Numerical model
microchannel. They reported that in low flow rate, nanofluid work-
ing fluid has better performance compared to using pure water. Lee 2.1. Physical model
and Mudawar [22] used experimentally Al2O3 nanofluid with
water as base fluid with small concentration in microchannel. They The schematic diagram of square microchannel with longitudi-
observed higher heat transfer coefficients in the entrance region of nal fins is shown in Fig. 1. Both microchannel and fins are made of
the microchannel. They concluded that nanofluids are not suitable aluminum. The microchannel width (W) and height (H) are set to
in the case of two phase microchannels. Ho et al. [23] examined be 200 mm while the length (L) of microchannel is 120 mm. The
experimental forced convective of Al2O3-H2O nanofluid in rectan- thickness of channel walls (tw) and fin (tf) are 10 mm and 20 mm,
gular shape microchannel. They reported that the heat sink with respectively. Fin height ratio H* is considered to be 0.67 since it
nanofluid coolant compared with pure water has higher average has the best performance among all different values of H* [30].
heat transfer coefficient, lower thermal resistance and lower wall In order to reduce the computational time, a symmetric bound-
temperature at high pumping power. ary condition is considered as shown by dashed lines in Fig. 1. The
Recently Mohammed et al. [24–29] studied numerically the inlet boundary condition of the microchannel is specified to be
fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of various nanofluids velocity inlet based on Reynolds number (1300) with temperature
with various volume fractions in different MCHS shapes. It was of 300 K and the outlet boundary condition of the microchannel is
A. Abdollahi et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 3411–3418 3413
kw r2 T ¼ 0
Reynolds number, Nusselt number, friction factor, and Perfor-
mance evaluation criteria are calculated as follows:
quav Dh
Re ¼ ð6Þ
Nu ¼ ð7Þ
f ¼ Dp ð8Þ
Lqðuav Þ2
Nuav ;pw
Performance evaluation criterion ðPECÞ ¼ 13 ð9Þ
f pw
where Nuav ;pw and f pw are respectively the average Nusselt number
and friction factor for pure water in microchannel with longitudinal
fins (H* = 0.67).
The applied boundary conditions are given as follows:
2.2. Governing equations A grid independent test was done using water to find the effect
of mesh size on the results. In order to choose the best grid size,
In order to analyze the effect of nanofluid on fluid flow and heat three sets of hexagonal mesh were made with size of
transfer through square microchannel with longitudinal fins, the 10 10 400, 20 20 400 and 40 40 400. It was detected
following assumptions are considered: (i) the three-dimensional that for three different grid sizes the value of Nusselt number are
fluid flow and heat transfer assumed to be steady- state; (ii) The similar with percentage error of 2%. Hence, in order to shorten
fluid flow is laminar and single phase with constant properties. the computational time, the mesh size of 20 20 400 was
The considered flow is governed by steady-state three- selected.
dimensional form of continuity, momentum and energy equations The code validation was performed based on the geometry and
which can be written as follows: boundary conditions of the work of Foong et al. [30]. They analyzed
Continuity equation: laminar convective heat transfer in a microchannel with
@u @v @w longitudinal fins using water fluid flow. Figs. 2 and 3 shows the
þ þ ¼0 ð1Þ comparison of the present results of average local Nusselt number,
@x @y @z
velocity profile and the fluid velocity across the diagonal of finned
X-momentum equation: microchannel with the results of Foong et al. [30] using
@u @u @u 1 @p l @ 2 u @ 2 u @ 2 u
u þv þw ¼ þ þ þ ð2Þ
@x @y @z p @x q @x2 @y2 @z2 35
Y-momentum equation: 30
@v @v @ v 1 @p l @ 2 v @ 2 v @ 2 v
u þv þ ¼ þ þ þ ð3Þ 25
@x @y @z p @y q @x2 @y2 @z2
Z-momentum equation:
! 15
@w @w @w 1 @p l @ 2 w @ 2 w @ 2 w
þ þ ¼ þ þ 2 þ 2 ð4Þ
@x @y @z p @z q @x2 @y @z 10
8 kstatic ¼ kf ð12:1Þ
knp þ 2kf þ / kf þ knp
6 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
kBrownian ¼ 5 10 b/qf Cp;f
f ðT; /Þ ð12:2Þ
Present work 2qnp dnp
2 Foong et al. where K is Boltzmann constant (1.3807 ⁄ 1023 J/K). Table 1 shows
the values of b for different nanoparticles. Moreover, f(T,/) is calcu-
0 lated as follows [32]:
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 T
X coordinate (µm) f ðT; /Þ ¼ 2:8217 102 / þ 3:917 103
Fig. 3. Comparison of the present work with the results of Foong et al. [30] for
velocity distribution in the cross-section of microchannel.
þ 3:0669 10 / 3:91123 103
Table 2
The thermophysical properties of different nanoparticles and water at T = 300 K [33].
70 70
SiO2 Volume Fracon=0.02
Average Local Nusselt number
Volume Fracon=0.015
6 3.2. The effect of different nanoparticles volume fractions
4 ZnO To study the influence of nanoparticles volume fractions on
CuO thermal and flow fields, the range of the nanoparticle volume frac-
Water tion is varied from 0% to 2%. The 0% concentration is related to pure
0 water with no nanoparticle. SiO2 nanofluid is chosen as working
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 fluid since it had the highest value of PEC among all other tested
X coordinate (µm) working fluids. Fig. 6 shows the average local Nusselt number
along finned microchannel for SiO2 nanofluid using constant
Fig. 5. Velocity distribution on one diagonal of microchannel cross-section for
nanoparticle diameter of 30 nm. Fig. 6 indicates that increasing
different nanofluids and water.
the nanoparticle volume fractions from 0% to 2% causes an
enhancement in the average local Nusselt number. This is because
of increasing energy exchange rates in fluid from the anarchical
Nusselt number and it signifies the main reason to give a high Nus- nanoparticle movement [30].
selt number. Fig. 7 shows the velocity distribution on one diagonal of
Table 3 lists the pressure drop, average velocity, friction factor, microchannel cross-section for SiO2 nanofluid with different vol-
average Nusselt number (ANN) and PEC for different nanofluids, ume fractions. It indicates that the SiO2 nanofluid with 2% volume
respectively. As Table 3 shows, SiO2 has the highest amount of fraction shows the highest velocity among all. Table 4 gives the
pressure drop among all other nanofluids and pure water. The pressure drop, average velocity, friction factor, average Nusselt
main reason can be clarified by the value of fluid viscosity, velocity number and PEC for SiO2 nanofluid with different volume fractions.
and density. Viscosity plays an important role on the pressure drop As given in Table 4, the pressure drop increases with increasing
along finned microchannel. Pure water has the lowest pressure volume fraction from 0% to 2%. This can be explained as the viscos-
drop due to the lowest viscosity. As illustrated in Fig. 5, and Table3, ity of nanofluid tends to increase with nanoparticle volume frac-
the SiO2 nanofluid has the highest velocity due to the lowest den- tion enhancement. Therefore, the SiO2 nanofluid with 2% volume
sity. Therefore, SiO2 nanofluid shows the highest amount of pres- fraction presents the highest pressure drop. The pressure drop,
sure drop followed by Al2O3, ZnO and CuO. As shown in Table 3, moreover, drastically increases at higher velocity because of
Table 3
PEC for water and four different nanofluids (Volume fraction = 0.02 and dp = 30 nm).
16 70
dp= 30 nm
6 30
4 Volume Fracon=0.02 20
Volume Fracon=0.015
2 Volume Fracon=0.01 10
Volume Fracon=0.00
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0
X coordinate (µm) 0 0.05 0.1
Fig. 7. Velocity distribution on one diagonal of microchannel cross-section for SiO2
nanofluid with different volume fractions. Fig. 8. Average local Nusselt number for SiO2 nanofluid 2% (dp = 30, 40, 60 nm) as a
function of distance from inlet of the microchannel.
Table 4
PEC for SiO2 nanofluids with different volume fraction (dp = 30 nm).
Table 5
PEC for SiO2 nanofluids 2% (dp = 30, 40, 60 nm).
dp (nm) Water 30 40 60
Dp (Pa) 2,533,376 3,720,553 3,424,222 3,424,223
Vav (m/s) 6.536014 7.82639 7.508251 7.508251
f 0.197675 0.198074 0.198074 0.198074
fnf/fpw 1 1.002017 1.002016 1.002017
ANN 9.097279 11.97151 11.73208 11.61237
ANNnf/ANNpw 1 1.315944 1.289626 1.276466
PEC 1 1.315061 1.28876 1.275609
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