Influence of Geometrical - A.A. Alfaryjat

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131

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Influence of geometrical parameters of hexagonal, circular, and rhombus

microchannel heat sinks on the thermohydraulic characteristics☆
A.A. Alfaryjat a, H.A. Mohammed b,⁎, Nor Mariah Adam a,⁎, M.K.A. Ariffin a, M.I. Najafabadi a
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Thermofluids, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 11 January 2014 Microchannel heat sink (MCHS) can be done with several cross-section channel shapes. Water flow and heat
transfer characteristics are affected by the geometrical parameters of the microchannel which are numerically in-
Keywords: vestigated in this paper. This study covers Reynolds number values in the range of 100–1000 and heat flux is
Microchannel heat sink maintained at 500 kW/m2. Finite volume method (FVM) is used to solve the governing equations and 3D steady
Hexagonal microchannel state conjugate heat transfer problem. The effects of three different channel shapes (hexagonal, circular, and
Circular microchannel
rhombus) on the MCHS performance are investigated in details. The assessment of MCHS performance is
Rhombus microchannel
based on a number of exclusive attributes which are temperature profile, heat transfer coefficient, pressure
drop, friction factor, and thermal resistance. The results show that the smallest hydraulic diameter of the hexag-
onal cross-section MCHS has the highest pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient among other shapes. The
highest value of the top wall temperature, friction factor and thermal resistance are found with the use of rhom-
bus cross-section MCHS.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction friction factor and temperature profile taking into its account the size of
the channel used to predict the behavior of water flow in circular MCHS.
Downscaling of micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) advances It was found that the diameter and the length of the channel have a
and devices in microchannel procedure have assisted to drive a way the great influence on the temperature profile of the circular microchannel.
electronic tools heat flux. The (MEMS) power and growth are necessary Wu and Cheng [4] experimentally investigated the friction factor
to steer the cooling tools in avionics electronics, robotics, and medicine value with diverse aspect ratios in silicon straight trapezoidal
industry. In recent years, the fundamental study of heat transfer and liq- microchannels. The results yielded that using the same hydraulic
uid flow in MCHS has been given a significant attention by many re- microchannel diameter with various cross-sectional shapes can give
searchers. MCHS cooling device was first studied by Tuckerman and different results for the friction factor. Wu and Little [5] experimentally
Pease [1] in 1981, it was found that if the dimensions of the cooling investigated the laminar gas friction factors in the trapezoidal cross-
channel decrease to microscale channel, it led to improve the heat trans- section glass microchannels. It was observed that in the laminar flow
fer level. Additionally, the heat sinking capability of the silicon case, the surface roughness affected the values of the friction factors
microchannels was improved up to forty-fold due to extensive lab ex- which are different from the conventional microchannel flow.
periments which attached the top plat of Pyrex. An experimental study was carried out on the pressure drop laminar
Kroeker et al. [2] analyzed numerically the pressure drop in the cir- flow and water heat transfer in 13 diverse trapezoidal silicon
cular microchannel heat sink and its thermal performance by using the microchannels by Wu and Cheng [6]. It was concluded that using differ-
continuum model. Water was used as a working fluid and the Reynolds ent geometric factors would influence the values of Nusselt number and
number was fixed at 500. Their results show that as the heat sink thick- friction factor. The apparent friction and laminar Nusselt number in-
ness increases, the surface temperature becomes uniform. It was also crease with the increase of surface hydrophilic property and surface
found that the overall thermal resistance of the heat sink decreases con- roughness. In another study, Weilin et al. [7,8] experimentally studied
siderably with the decrease of the geometry dimensions, or increase in the water flow characteristics across trapezoidal silicon microchannels.
Re number. In another study, Khan et al. [3] carried out experiments in Their results show that the conventional laminar current, because of the
an effort of MCHS performance on the validity of classical correlation of effect of the microchannel surface roughness, is much lower than the
pressure drop and flow friction in microchannel shapes.
Arkilic et al. [9] studied experimentally the helium rarefaction and gas-
☆ Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
⁎ Corresponding authors.
eous flow in long cross-section channels. The results show that for the no-
E-mail addresses: (H.A. Mohammed), slip flow regime, the pressure drop through the microchannel was higher (N.M. Adam). than the system with slip flow. Another experimental study was

0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
122 A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131

Nomenclature Moreover, the fluid flow affects the rectangular cross-section MCHS
cooling performance was also outlined by Choi and Cho [11].
A channel flow area, (m2) Heat transfer value and laminar liquid-water flow through wavy
Ac area of the cross-section of the channel, (m2) MCHS with rectangular shape were numerically studied by Sui et al.
B half height of the hexagon, (m) [12]. The simulation results stated that the Dean vortex patterns may
C half width of the hexagon, (m) change considerably along the flow channel direction. The high heat
Cp specific heat, (J/kg·K) transfer values can be found in the long channel fluid direction of the
D edge length of the hexagon, (m) wavy microchannel. Extending this study, Mohammed et al. [13] investi-
D diameter of the circular, (m) gated numerically the water flow characteristics and heat transfer in
Dh hydraulic diameter, (m) wavy MCHS (WMCHS). The results show that wavy microchannel has
f friction factor better heat transfer performance than the straight microchannels. It was
Hhs depth of heat sink, (m) also found that as the wavy amplitude decreases, the temperature of
k thermal conductivity, (W/m·K) the MCHS increases and it is lower than the straight MCHS. Judy et al.
κs solid thermal conductivity, (W/m·K) [14] investigated experimentally the pressure driven liquid flow through
Lch length of channel, (m) square and round microchannels. It was indicated that an increase in
Lhs length of heat sink, (m) viscosity led to increasing the pressure drop and decreasing the friction
N number of channels factor product at higher Re number. The fluid and heat transfer for four
P channel wet perimeter, (m) heated microchannels was studied numerically by Toh et al. [15]. It was
P channel high of the rhombus, (m) concluded that at lower Reynolds number, water viscosity value and
p dimensionless pressure frictional losses lead to raise the water temperature in the microchannel.
Pr Prandtl number Aghanajafi et al. [16] and Shams et al. [17] carried out a numerical
Q channel width of the rhombus, (m) simulation of fully developed laminar slip gas flow characteristics and
qw heat flux at the top plat of microchannel heat sink, heat transfer in rhombus microchannels. It was concluded that the max-
(kW/m2) imum gas velocity decreases when the aspect ratio of the channel in-
Re Reynolds number creases. The results also show that the value of the Nusselt number
Rth thermal resistance became more significant when the Reynolds number decreases unlike
S distance between two microchannels, (m) the moderate Reynolds number which has no effect on the Nusselt
Tmax maximum temperature, (K) number. Gunnasegaran et al. [18] conducted a numerical investigation
Tf fluid temperature, (K) that analyzes the impact of geometrical parameters of trapezoidal,
Tin inlet temperature fluid, (K) rectangular and triangular MCHS for Reynolds number in the range of
Tw wall temperature, (K) 100–1000. It was found that the rectangular shaped MCHS gives the
uin inlet fluid velocity, (m/s) best heat transfer enhancement value followed by trapezoidal and trian-
U dimensionless velocity in X-coordinate gular MCHS. In a separate study, Tamayol and Bahrami [19] analyzed nu-
V° total volume flow rate merically the laminar water fully developed within micro–minichannels
V dimensionless velocity in Y-coordinate of regular polygonal and hyper elliptical cross sections. The numerical
W dimensionless velocity in Z-coordinate results show that hexagonal ducts have the minimum pressure drop in
Whs width of heat sink, (m) comparison with other polygonal shapes.
X channel hypotenuse of the rhombus, (m) Chein and Chen [20] studied numerically the heat transfer enhance-
X,Y,Z dimensionless Cartesian coordinates ment and fluid flow for different inlet and outlet water arrangements in
ΔP Pressure drop MCHS with rectangular cross section. They indicated that low-
temperature happens in the region where microchannel heat sink is
placed, notably at the entrance of the channels. The inlet and the outlet
Greek symbols locations affected the temperature distribution in the heat sink. In a dif-
Φ channel angle ferent study, Chiu et al. [21] studied experimentally and numerically the
μ viscosity, (kg·m/s) effects of the pressure drop and channel geometry on the heat transfer
ρ density, (kg/m3) performance of microchannel heat sink. It was indicated that the pres-
θ dimensionless temperature, θ = θ = Tf − Ti/Tw − Ti sure drop increased when the flow rate increased. Moreover, the high
temperature zone was not affected by changing the pressure drop or
the geometry dimensions of the channel. Li et al. [22] studied numeri-
Subscripts cally forced convection heat transfer in a silicon MCHS. It was concluded
ch channel that the thermophysical properties of the fluid flow can considerably in-
f fluid fluence both the heat transfer and fluid flow in MCHS. The effect of
h hydraulic MCHS geometry shapes was studied numerically by Li and Peterson
in inlet [23]. It was found that both substrate thermo-physical properties and
hs heat sink the microchannel physical geometry are very significant parameters in
s solid MCHS design and optimization. Qu and Mudawar [24] numerically in-
w wall vestigated the fluid water flow and heat transfer enhancement through
rectangular MCHS. The highest point temperature was noticed at the
heated surface of the heat sink. In addition, the Nusselt number and
heat flux have high values next to the inlet channel. It was also found
conducted by Peng and Peterson [10] to investigate the convective heat that the length of the flow developing area is affected by Reynolds num-
transfer and pressure drop for water current in rectangular shape MCHS. ber. The polymeric MCHS thermal performance which is invented for
It was concluded that the flow characteristic and convective heat transfer small plane cooling surfaces was numerically investigated by Barba
had an important influence by the geometrical parameters. It was also et al. [25]. Their results show that the thermal resistance decreases con-
found that the laminar flow and the heat transfer were reliant on the siderably when the mass flow rate increases. Other recent works on
aspect ratio and hydraulic channel diameter ratio of the microchannel. MCHS with different shapes can be found in Refs. [26–33].
A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131 123

From the above literature review, it is clear to see that MCHS 2. Numerical model
was studied widely but the research of MCHS performance with dif-
ferent cross-section channel shapes such as circular, hexagonal, and 2.1. MCHS model
rhombus is very limited and there is no extensive study to examine
the channel shape effect on the heat transfer and fluid flow charac- The schematic diagrams of the geometrical shape of the micro-
teristics of MCHS. Moreover, the past research has not given a great channel heat sinks are shown in Fig. 1. The size of microchannel heat
attention to the MCHS case using various channel shapes, and this sink is fixed at Whs = 22 mm, Lhs = 12 mm, and Hhs = 1.5 mm. The
has motivated the present study. The current study is aimed to investi- width of the edges of the heat sink is maintained at 1 mm. In this
gate numerically the effect of different channel shapes and the paper, hexagonal, circular, and rhombus cross-section microchannels
geometrical parameters on the hydraulic and thermal water flow per- were examined. The height of the channels is varied from 200–300
formance of MCHS. Reynolds number, for all flow channel shapes μm. The water flows through a number of microchannels and the
is employed in the range of 100–1000. The assessment of MCHS heat flux is supplied at the heat sink top plate. The dimensions of
performance is based on a number of exclusive attributes which are di- three different channels of each cross-section shape of microchannels
mensionless temperature profile, heat transfer coefficient, pressure are given in Tables 1–3. The results of the heat transfer enhancement
drop, friction factor, and thermal resistance and it is presented and which is affected by the geometrical shape parameters of the
interpreted in this paper. microchannel heat sink with distinct channel shapes were presented.

(a) qw

Y Outlet




(b) S
Lch=10mm φ


Lch=10mm c

Aluminum Liquid

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the computational domain, (b) sections of the rhombus, circular, and hexagonal cross-section MCHS with its dimensions.
124 A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131

Table 1 Table 3
Dimensions of three different sets of hexagonal cross-section MCHS. Dimensions of three different sets of rhombus cross-section MCHS.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

c (μm) 90 110 130 Q (μm) 200 250 300

b (μm) 100 120 150 p (μm) 340 440 540
d (μm) 100 125 150 x (μm) 200 250 300
ϕ (μm) 120 120 120 ϕ (μm) 60 60 60
Lch (μm) 10,000 10,000 10,000 Lch (μm) 10,000 10,000 10,000
S (μm) 613 571 530 S (μm) 447 343 259
Dh (μm) 170 216 260 Dh (μm) 170 216 260
Number of channel 26 26 26 Number of channel 26 26 26

2.2. Governing equations The channel heat sink entrance is assumed at Z = 0, as it can be
seen in Fig. 1. There are two important kinds of boundary conditions
The heat of the microchannel is transferred from the fluid flow to the in these studies which are water flows through the microchannel
wall. In order to examine the water utilization on different geometrical heat sink and the top surface removes the heat. The rest part of the
parameters of MCHS cooling performance, the following assumptions channel entry is made of aluminum. The temperature of the inlet
are adopted: (i) Both heat transfer and fluid flow in MCHS are in three water is 290 K and the inlet water velocity in microchannel depends
dimensional and steady-state; (ii) fluid flow is incompressible, single on the Reynolds number value. In this paper, the range of the
phase, and laminar flow; (iii) the physical properties of both fluid flow Reynolds number is from 100 to 1000. The top plate heat flux of
and heat sink materials are temperature independent; and (iv) all the the heat sink is maintained at 500 kW/m2. The solid and water phys-
surrounding surfaces of MCHS are adiabatic except for the microchannel ical properties used in the computation are ρ = 998.2 kg/m3 ,
top plate which is exposed to heat flux. Based on the above assump- C p = 4182 J/kg·K, μ = 0.001003 kg/m s, κ = 0.6 W/m·K, and
tions, the continuity, momentum and energy equations for this study κs = 202.4 W/m·K.
can be written as [34]:
Continuity equation:
2.3. Grid testing and model validation
∂U ∂V ∂W
þ þ ¼ 0: ð1Þ
∂X ∂Y ∂Z A grid independence test was conducted to assess the effect of the
grid size numbers. Three sets of mesh were produced using hexagonal
X-momentum equation: elements with 250,000 nodes, 610,000 nodes, and 810,000 nodes.
! Fig. 2 shows the result of the heat transfer coefficient with Reynolds
∂U ∂U ∂U ^
dp 1 ∂2 U ∂2 U ∂2 U number ranged from 100 to 1000. It can be noticed that the values of
U þV þW ¼− þ þ þ : ð2Þ
∂X ∂Y ∂Z dX Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂Z 2 heat transfer coefficient of 610,000 and 810,000 are almost equal.
Therefore, the computation with 610,000 grids is used for all the numer-
Y-momentum equation: ical computations presented in this paper.
The code validation was done based on the boundary conditions and
∂V ∂V ∂V ^
dp 1 ∂2 V ∂2 V ∂2 V microchannel geometry which were first used by Gunnasegaran et al.
U þV þW ¼− þ þ þ : ð3Þ [18]. They used water as a working fluid at Reynolds number = 500
∂X ∂Y ∂Z dY Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂Z 2
and the heat flux = 500 kW/m2. As it can be seen in Fig. 3a the temper-
ature profile results are in good agreement with Gunnasegaran et al.
Z-momentum equation: [18]. The code was further validated by comparing the present results
! with the results of Gunnasegaran et al. [35] as shown in Fig. 3b. It can
∂W ∂W ∂W ^
2 2
1 ∂ W ∂ W ∂ W
be seen that the pressure drop values fall between the accepted ranges.
U þV þW ¼− þ þ þ : ð4Þ
∂X ∂Y ∂Z dz Re ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂Z 2

Energy equation
810000 grids
Heat Transfer Coefficient (kW/m2-K)

610000 grids
2 2 2
∂θ ∂θ ∂θ 1 ∂ θ ∂ θ ∂ θ 250000 grids
U þV þW ¼ þ þ : ð5Þ
∂X ∂Y ∂Z Re:Pr ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂Z 2 18

The dimensionless parameters are: 16

x y z u v w
X¼ ; Y¼ ; Z¼ ; U¼ ; V¼ ; W¼ ; θ 14
Dh Dh Dh uin uin uin
¼ T f −T in =T w −T in :

Table 2 10
Dimensions of three different sets of circular cross-section MCHS.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 8

D (μm) 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Lch (μm) 10,000 10,000 10,000
S (μm) 590 540 488
Dh (μm) 200 250 300
Fig. 2. Heat transfer coefficient for different Reynolds numbers for hexagonal cross-section
Number of channel 26 26 26
MCHS (Dh = 0.26 mm) using three different grids.
A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131 125

(a) (b)

Gunnasegaran et al.
1 Gunnasegaran et al.
Present Work
2500 present work
Temperature Distribution


Pressure drop (pa)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Number of Channels Re

Fig. 3. Comparison of the present results with the results of Gunnasegaran et al. [18,35] for rectangular cross-section MCHS, (a) the variation of temperature distribution with number of
channels, (b) the variation of pressure drop with different Reynolds numbers.

2.4. Numerical procedures where Tf is the fluid temperature, Tw is the wall temperature, and Tin is
the inlet temperature.
Finite volume method (FVM) is used to perform the numerical cal- The water temperature inside the channels and near to the side of the
culations by solving the governing equations along with the boundary MCHS is higher this is due to the high heat transfer at the sides of the
conditions. The single phase domain conjugate heat transfer problem MCHS. Fig. 4b shows the temperature contours of the top wall tempera-
was used to solve the fluid and solid phase equations. SIMPLE algorithm ture of the hexagonal cross-section MCHS with c = 90 μm, b = 100 μm,
was used to solve the flow field [36]. The second-order upwind ϕ = 120 and Re = 500. For all types of microchannel heat sink studied,
differencing scheme is implemented to solve the convective terms. it is observed that the maximum temperature occurs at the side walls
This is an iterative solution procedure initialized by predicting the while the lowest temperature occurs in the middle of the MCHS.
fluid field pressure. The pressure drop is efficient to use the continuity The temperature profile distribution for various Reynolds numbers
equation. Even the pressure drop is not found in the continuity equa- for hexagonal, circular, and rhombus shapes using the smaller hydraulic
tion, it is easy to be changed through the pressure equation corrections. diameter is presented in Fig. 4c. It can be seen that rhombus cross-
The iterations were continued until the sum of residuals turn into neg- section shape has the lowest temperature; this mainly attributed to
ligible (less than 10− 7) and the iteration of velocity components area of the rhombus cross sectional MCHS which has better heat trans-
became constant. Finally, solving the equation of the energy leads to fer between the fluid and solid. The MCHS of circular cross-section has
calculate the temperature value. the highest value. While, the value of the temperature profile of the
hexagonal cross-section MCHS is in between the circular and rhombus.
3. Results and discussion Moreover, the results show that as Reynolds number increases, the tem-
perature decreases linearly. Fig. 4d shows the top wall temperature for
The influence of channel shapes such as hexagonal, circular, and various Reynolds numbers for hexagonal, circular, and rhombus shapes
rhombus on the MCHS thermal and hydrodynamic performance by using the smaller hydraulic diameter. It can be seen that rhombus cross-
using water as a working fluid is analyzed. The Reynolds number is section shape has the lowest temperature. The MCHS of circular cross-
employed in the range of 100 to 1000 for all channel flow shapes. The section has the highest value. While, the value of the temperature of
heat flux on top wall of MCHS is maintained at 500 kW/m2. the hexagonal cross-section MCHS is in between the circular and rhom-
bus. The temperature of the top wall of the MCHS decreases as the
3.1. Dimensionless temperature Reynolds number increases.
The decrease of velocity causes the kinetic energy along the channel to
The dimensionless temperature for hexagonal cross-section micro- decrease in order to satisfy the needs of energy conservation equation.
channel at Re = 500 and qw = 500 kW/m2 is presented in Fig. 4a. It Consequently, the temperature along the channel flow direction should
can be seen that the extreme dimensionless temperature region took raise [18]. Fig. 5a shows the temperature of water along the length of
place at the edge of the MCHS since the heat inside the channels is dis- channel number 1 and channel number 14 of the hexagonal shape. The re-
sipated by convection fluid flow while the low point temperature area sults show that the temperature of both channels increases along the flow
occurred where the microchannel is located, particularly at the middle direction. By using hydraulic diameter Dh = 170, Re = 500, and
part of the MCHS due to the high heat transfer coefficient. The temper- Q = 500 kW/m2, it is noted that the temperature of channel number
ature profiles decrease when L/Dh increases and the trend is the same 14, the middle channel of MCHS is lower than channel number 1.
for each cross sectional shape of MCHS. The dimensionless temperature The water temperature increases between the channel outlet and
profile for each microchannel can be calculated using the following inlet of the MCHS for the hexagonal cross-section with different hydrau-
equation [37]: lic diameters of 170, 216, and 260 μm, channel length = 1000 μm and
qw = 500 kW/m2 as shown in Fig. 5b. As expected, for constant water
inlet temperature and heat flux, the outlet temperature value of the
T f −T in water decreases with the increase of Reynolds number. Fig. 5b shows
θ¼ ð6Þ
T w −T in the fluid temperature rise with the increase of Reynolds number; this
126 A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131

(a) (b)
L/Dh = 58.823
L/Dh = 46.296
L/Dh = 38.461
Temperature Distribution







2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Number of Channel

(c) (d)

0.6 Circular 390 Circular

0.55 Rhombus
Top Wall Temperature (K)
Temperature Distribution


0.3 340

0.25 330

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Re Re

Fig. 4. (a) Average temperature profile for each channel for hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (b) temperature contour of the hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (c) average temperature profile
for various Reynolds numbers for different cross-section shapes of MCHS, (d) top wall temperature for various Reynolds numbers for different cross-section shapes of MCHS.

(a) (b)
Channel 1 L/Dh = 58.823
Channel 14 L/Dh = 46.296
60 L/Dh = 38.461
Fluid Temperature Rise (K)

290.8 50
Temperature (K)

290.6 40



1 2 3 4 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Z (mm) Re

Fig. 5. (a) Water temperature along the length of the channel, (b) fluid temperature rise versus Reynolds number for hexagonal cross-section MCHS.
A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131 127

(a) (b)
22 28

L/Dh = 58.823 26 Hexagon

L/Dh = 46.296

Heat Transfer Coefficient (kW/m2-K)

Heat Transfer Coefficient (kW/m2.K)
21 L/Dh = 38.461
24 Rhombus

20 22


17 14


15 8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of Channels Re

Fig. 6. (a) Average heat transfer coefficient in each channel of the hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (b) average heat transfer coefficient for different cross-sectional shapes of the MCHS.

(a) (b)
35000 27000

L/Dh = 58.823 24000 Dh = 0.2mm

30000 L/Dh = 46.296 Dh = 0.25mm
L/Dh = 38.461 Dh = 0.3mm
Pressure Drop (Pa)
Pressure Drop (Pa)


20000 15000

15000 12000


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Re Re

(c) (d)
P/Q = 0.588 35000
P/Q = 0.568
P/Q = 0.555 Hexagon
25000 30000 Rhombus
Pressure Drop (Pa)

Pressure Drop (Pa)




0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Re Re

Fig. 7. Pressure drop variation versus Reynolds number for, (a) hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (b) circular cross-section MCHS, (c) rhombus cross-section MCHS, (d) different cross-sectional
shapes of the MCHS.
128 A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131

is due to the huge quantity of fluid which carried the same amount of This figure shows that the heat transfer coefficient value for hexagonal
heat. The trend of the present results agreed qualitatively with the re- cross-section MCHS has the highest value at qw = 500 kW/m2 and
sults obtained by Ambatipudi and Rahman [38]. Re = 500. Rhombus cross-section MCHS has the lowest value of heat
transfer coefficient, while circular cross-section MCHS lies in between
the hexagonal and rhombus MCHS. The area of the hexagonal cross-
3.2. Heat transfer coefficient section MCHS has an advantage of improving the heat transfer coefficient
than the circular and rhombus channels. It can be noted that the heat
The averaged heat transfer coefficient of the hexagonal cross-section transfer coefficient increases for each cross-section shape MCHS with
MCHS for various hydraulic diameters is illustrated in Fig. 6a. While the the increase of Reynolds number.
L/Dh decreases, the heat transfer coefficient value decreases; the trends
of the results are the same for each cross sectional shape of the MCHS.
The highest heat transfer coefficient is found with the smaller channel; 3.3. Pressure drop
this is due to the lower pressure drop in larger channel diameter which
has lower inlet velocity driven into MCHS [18]. The middle channel The pressure drop effects on the MCHS performance for the hexago-
(channel number 14) has the highest value of the averaged heat transfer nal, circular, and rhombus cross-sections respectively are depicted in
coefficient as expected. For other channels, the average heat transfer co- Fig. 7a–c. The region of high pressure is located at the channel entrance
efficient value decreased continuously based on their distances from the and the channel outlet has the lowest pressure drop. This is due to the
channel wall. It can be seen that the lowest heat transfer coefficient is constant inlet velocity and heat flux for a fixed hydraulic diameter for
close to the edge. a fully developed channel flow in the present study. The fluid kinetic en-
The calculated average heat transfer coefficient with various Reynolds ergy causes an increase in minor loses, which is found to be equivalent
numbers for different cross sectional shapes MCHS is presented in Fig. 6b. to the Reynolds number square [35]. It is also found that the water

(a) (b)
0.36 0.27

Dh = 0.2mm
0.32 Dh = 0.25mm 0.24 L/Dh = 58.823
Dh = 0.3mm L/Dh = 46.296
L/Dh = 38.461
0.28 0.21
Friction Factor

Friction Factor

0.24 0.18

0.2 0.15

0.16 0.12

0.12 0.09

0.08 0.06

0.04 0.03
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Re Re

(c) (d)
0.32 Circular
P/Q = 0.588, Dh = 0.17mm
P/Q = 0.568, Dh = 0.216mm Hexagon
0.24 P/Q = 0.555, Dh = 0.26mm Rhombus

0.2 0.24
Friction Factor
Friction Factor


0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Re Re

Fig. 8. Friction factor at different length-hydraulic diameter ratios for (a) hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (b) circular cross-section MCHS, (c) rhombus cross-section MCHS, (d) different
cross-sectional shapes of the MCHS.
A.A. Alfaryjat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 121–131 129

pressure drop variation of microchannels increases when the hydraulic The results show that the flow behavior is very similar for all
channel's diameter decreases; this is related to the fact that forcing a liq- types of cross-sectional shapes of the MCHS where the friction factor
uid through a small hydraulic diameter channel produced a higher pres- in microchannels decreases with the increase of Reynolds number.
sure drop compared to larger hydraulic diameter. From Fig. 7d, it is also In overall, it can be noticed from Fig.8d that the circular cross-
noticed that the pressure drop for the smallest channel for hexagonal section MCHS has the most friction factor, for the hexagonal cross-
cross-section microchannel is the highest, for circular cross-section section MCHS is the least, and rhombus cross-section is in between.
microchannel is the smallest than other shapes, and for rhombus This may be due to the high pressure drop of the hexagonal cross-
cross-section microchannel is in between the two channel shapes. section compared with the rhombus cross-section. In MCHS having
equal channel hydraulic diameter with different cross-sectional
3.4. Friction factor shapes, the friction factor of water flowing in microchannels can be
very much different.
Friction factor variation, f, for hexagonal, circular, and rhombus
cross-section shape microchannels versus Reynolds number is shown 3.5. Thermal resistance
in Fig. 8a–c. The friction factor for different MCHS cross sections using
Darcy equation [39] is given by: MCHS water cooling performance is evaluated by finding the ther-
mal resistance (Rth) which depends on temperature inlet fluid (Tin)
2Dh Δp and maximum wall heat sink temperature (Tw, max). Thermal resistance
f ¼ ð7Þ
pu2in Lch can be calculated using the following equation [40]:

where Dh is the hydraulic diameter, Δp is the pressure drop, ρ is the

water density, uin is the inlet velocity of the water, and Lch is the length T max −T in
R¼ : ð8Þ
of channel. qw

(a) (b)
0.2 0.22

c/b = 0.9 , L/Dh = 58.823 0.2 Dh = 0.2 mm

0.18 Dh = 0.25 mm
c/b = 0.916, L/Dh = 46.296
Dh = 0.3 mm
Thermal Resistance (K/kW/m2)

Thermal Resistance (K/kW/m2)

c/b = 0.866, L/Dh = 38.461




0.06 0.06

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Pumping Power (W) Pumping Power (W)

(c) (d)
P/Q = 0.588 0.2 Circular
P/Q = 0.568
P/Q = 0.555
Thermal Resistance (K/kW/m2)

Thermal Resistance (K/kW/m2)

0.14 Rhombus


0.08 0.1


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Pumping Power (W) Pumping Power (W)

Fig. 9. Thermal resistance at different length-hydraulic diameter ratios for (a) hexagonal cross-section MCHS, (b) circular cross-section MCHS, (c) rhombus cross-section MCHS, (d) dif-
ferent cross-sectional shapes of the MCHS.
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