Eggplant PH Indicator PDF

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Suggested time allotment: 5 to 6 hours

In Module 1, you identified common properties of solutions using
different methods. You learned how to report the amount of the components
in a given volume of solution. You also found out that not all solutions are
liquid. Some of them are solids and others are gases. Towards the end of the
module, you investigated the factors that affect how fast a solid dissolves in

In Module 3 you learned about compounds. In Module 4 you will

study a special and important class of compounds called acids and bases.
Examples of acids are acetic acid in vinegar and citric acid in fruit juices.
The solution used for cleaning toilet bowls and tiles is 10-12% hydrochloric
acid. It is commonly called muriatic acid. These acids in these mixtures
make the mixtures acidic. We can say the same about bases and basic
solutions. An example of a base is sodium hydroxide used in making soaps
and drain cleaners. Sodium hydroxide is also called lye or caustic soda. A
common drain cleaner used in most homes in the Philippines is called sosa.
Another base is aluminum hydroxide used in antacids. The bases in these
mixtures make the mixtures basic.

In this module you will investigate the properties of acidic and basic
mixtures using an indicator, a dye that changes into a specific color
depending on whether it is placed in an acidic solution or in a basic one.
Aside from knowing the uses of acidic and basic mixtures, you will also find
out the action of acid on metals and think of ways to reduce the harmful
effects of acids. Knowing the properties of acids and bases will help you
practice safety in handling them, not only in this grade level, but in your
future science classes.

How acidic or basic are common household materials?

Does water from different sources have the same acidity?
What is the effect of acid on metals?

Grade 7 Science: Matter 46

Diversity of Materials in the Environment

Activity 1

How Can You Tell if a Mixture is Acidic or Basic?

How will you know if a mixture is acidic or a basic? In this activity,
you will distinguish between acidic and basic mixtures based on their color
reactions to an indicator. An indicator is a dye that changes into a different
color depending on whether it is in acid or in base. There are many
indicators that come from plant sources. Each indicator dye has one color in
an acidic mixture and a different color in a basic mixture. A common
indicator is litmus, a dye taken from the lichen plant. Litmus turns red in
acidic mixtures and becomes blue in basic mixtures.

You will first make your own acid-base indicator from plant indicators
available in your place. This is a colorful activity. You may select a local
plant in your community. You can use any of the following: violet eggplant
peel, purple camote peel, red mayana leaves or violet Baston ni San Jose.
These plant materials contain anthocyanins. These plant pigments produce
specific colors in solutions of different acidity or basicity.

In this activity, you will:

1. Prepare a plant indicator from any of the following plants: violet

eggplant peel, purple camote peel, red mayana leaves or violet
Baston ni San Jose; and

2. Find out if a given sample is acidic or basic using the plant


It is dangerous to taste
or touch a solution in
order to decide if it is
CARE! acidic or a basic.

Part A. Preparation of Indicator*

In this part of Activity 1, you will prepare a plant indicator that you
will use to determine if a given sample is acidic or a basic.

*University of the Philippines. National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
Development (2001). Practical work in high school chemistry: Activities for students.
Quezon City: Author, pp. 29-33.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 47

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Materials Needed

 1 pc mature, dark violet eggplant or camote leaves of Mayana or

Baston ni San Jose
 alum (tawas) powder
 sharp knife or peeler
 small casserole or milk can
 plastic egg tray or small transparent plastic cups
 brown bottle with cover
 alcohol lamp
 tripod


1. Peel an eggplant as thin as possible. (You may also use the skin of
purple camote or the leaves of red mayana or Baston ni San Jose.)

Cut the materials into small pieces and place in a small casserole or
milk can. You may keep the flesh of the eggplant or camote for other

2. Add about ⅓ to ½ cup tap water to the peel depending on the size of the
eggplant or camote used. Boil for 5 minutes. Stir from time to time.

3. Transfer the mixture into a bottle while it is still hot. There is no need to
filter, just remove the solid portion. The mixture may change if left in
open air for more than 5 minutes.

4. Immediately add a pinch (2-3 matchstick head size) of alum (tawas)

powder into the solution or until the solution becomes dark blue in
color. Stir well while still hot. This is now the indicator solution.

Note: Alum will stabilize the extract. The extract will be more stable with alum
but it is recommended that the solution be used within a few days. Keep the
extract in the refrigerator or cool dark place when not in use.

Part B. Determining the acidity or basicity of some common household


In this part of the activity, you will find out if a given household
material is acidic or basic using the plant indicator you have prepared in
Part A.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Materials Needed

 plant indicator prepared in Part A

 vinegar
 distilled water
 tap water
 baking soda
 baking powder
 calamansi
 Other food/home items with no color:
(toothpaste, shampoo, soap, detergent, fruit juice like buko
juice, sugar in water, soft drink)
 2 plastic egg trays or 12 small plastic containers
 6 droppers
 6 plastic teaspoons
 stirrer (may be teaspoon, barbecue stick or drinking straw)


1. Place one (1) teaspoon of each sample in each well of the egg tray.

2. Add 8-10 drops (or ½ teaspoon) of the plant indicator to the first

Note: If the sample is solid, wet a pinch (size of 2-3 match heads) of the solid
with about ½ teaspoon of distilled water.

Use one dropper for one

TAKE kind of sample. Wash each
dropper after one use. Do
not mix samples!

3. Note the color produced. Record your observations in column 2 of

Table 1.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Table 1. Acidic or basic nature of household materials

Sample Color of indicator Nature of sample

tap water (water from
the faucet)
Distilled water
sugar in water
baking soda
baking powder
soft drink (colorless)
coconut water (from

4. Repeat step number 1 of Part B for the other samples.

5. Determine the acidic or basic nature of your sample using the color
scheme below for eggplant or camote indicator and record the nature of
each sample in Table 1.

Strongly acidic: red to pale red

Weakly acidic: blue
Weakly basic: green
Strongly basic: yellow

Part C. Determining the acidity or basicity of water from different


In this part of Activity 1, you will find out how acidic or basic the
samples of water from different sources are.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Materials Needed

At least one cup water from each of the following sources of water:

 plant indicator prepared in Part A

 rainwater
 river, lake or stream
 pond
 canal
 faucet
 deep well or hand pump
 bottled water (mineral water) or distilled water
 2 plastic egg trays or 8 small plastic containers
 6 droppers
 6 plastic teaspoons


1. Place one (1) teaspoon of each sample in each well of the egg tray.

2. Add 8-10 drops (or ½ teaspoon) of the plant indicator to the first

Note: If the sample is solid, wet a pinch (size of 2-3 match heads) of the solid
with about ½ teaspoon of distilled water.

Use one dropper for

one kind of sample.
Wash each dropper
after one use.
Do not mix samples!

3. Note the color produced. Record your observations in column 2 of

Table 2.

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Table 2. Acidic or basic nature of water from different sources

Water sample from

Color of indicator Nature of sample
river, lake or stream
water from faucet

4. Determine the acidic or basic nature of your sample using the color
scheme below for eggplant or camote indicator and record the nature of
each sample in Table 2.

Strongly acidic: red to pale red

Weakly acidic: blue
Weakly basic: green
Strongly basic: yellow


You can now operationally distinguish between acidic and basic

mixtures using plant indicators. More than that, using the plant extract you
have prepared allowed you to further determine the degree of acidity or
basicity of a mixture, that is, you were able to find out how strongly acidic or
basic the mixtures were. It should now be clear to you that the samples you
used in Activity 1, Parts B and C are not called acids nor bases but rather
these samples may have either acids or bases in them which make them
acidic or basic.

Another method can be used to distinguish acidic from basic

mixtures. It is through the use of the pH scale, which extends from 0 to 14.
The pH scale was proposed by the Danish biochemist S.P.L. Sorensen. In
this scale, a sample with pH 7 is neutral. An acidic mixture has a pH that is
less than 7. A basic mixture has a pH that is greater than 7. In general, the
lower the pH, the more acidic the mixture and the higher the pH, the more
basic is the mixture.

It is useful for you to know the pH of some samples of matter as

shown in Table 1 and illustrated in the pH scale drawn in Figure 1.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Table 3*. The pH values of some samples of matter

Sample of Matter pH
Gastric juice 1.6-1.8
Lemon juice 2.1
Vinegar (4%) 2.5
Softdrinks 2.0-4.0
Urine 5.5-7.0
Rainwater (unpolluted) 5.6
Milk 6.3-6.6
Saliva 6.2-7.4
Pure water 7.0
Blood 7.4
Fresh egg white 7.6-8.0
Seawater 8.4
Laundry detergents 11
Household bleach 12.8
Drain cleaner 13.0

*Adapted from: Hill, J. W. & Kolb, D. K. (1998). Chemistry for changing times, 8th
ed., p. 187.

Figure 1. The pH values of some samples of matter.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment

Activity 2
Color Range, pH Scale!
In this activity, you will use the results in Activity 1, Parts B and C, to
determine the pH of the solutions you tested. Use the following pH scale for
eggplant indicator to determine the pH of the common mixtures you tested
in Activity 1. Present your results in a table similar to Table 4.
The eggplant indicator shows the following color changes.

pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
red/ pale/ blue /green /yellow

becoming more acidic R becoming more basic

Table 4. pH of samples from Activity 1

Sample pH based on eggplant/camote Acidic or Basic



Now that you are aware of the pH of some common mixtures, why do
you think is it important to know about pH? The following facts give you
some information on how pH affects processes in the body and in the
environment, as well as in some products you often use.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 54

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Importance of pH

pH and the Human Body

Acids and bases perform specific functions to balance the pH levels in

the body. When your body has too much carbon dioxide, the blood becomes
too acidic. You breathe slowly. Breathing is slowed to increase the pH in the
blood. If pH in the body is too basic, you will hyperventilate to lower the pH.
This acid and base control is an important part of biological homeostasis
(balance) in humans. In fact, human life is sustained only if the pH of our
blood and body tissues is within a small range near 7.4.

Use of pH in Food Processing and Fruit Preservation

During food processing, pH is closely followed. Changes in pH affect

the growth of microorganisms, which cause food spoilage. Most bacteria
grow best at or near pH 7. To prevent the growth of harmful bacteria,
pickling is an effective food preservation method because it lowers pH.

The control of pH is also needed in wine and jam preparation. A few

species of bacteria grow in a basic medium of pH 9-10. This is the pH range
of stale eggs. Most molds grow within the pH range of 2- 8.5. In acidic
conditions, many fruits and products made from fruits are easily attacked
by molds unless the fruits are properly protected.

Control of pH in Soil

The pH of soil is very important. Some plants grow well in acidic soil
while others prefer basic soil. Farmers need to know the pH of their soil
since plants will only grow in a narrow pH range. The pH also affects how
much nutrients from the soil become available to plants.

Most plants in the Philippines grow in acidic soils. These plants are
banana, kaimito, durian, pineapple, soybean, coffee, eggplant, squash,
kamote, and rice. Other plants like grapes and pechay require basic soils.
Some plants grow best in almost neutral soil like orange, peanut,
watermelon, beans, cabbage, tomato, corn garlic, and onion.

pH of Rainwater

The average pH of rain is 5.6. This slightly acidic pH is due to the

presence of carbon dioxide in the air. In many areas of the world, rainwater
is much more acidic, sometimes reaching pH 3 or even lower.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 55

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Rain with a pH below 5.6 is called “acid rain.” The acidic pollutants in
the air that come from the burning of fuels used in power plants, factories,
and vehicles produce gases which are acidic. These gases enter the
atmosphere and dissolve in water vapor in the air. Some acid rain is due to
natural pollutants like those from volcanic eruptions and lightning.

Maintaining pH of Personal Care Products

Most personal care products have pH kept at specific levels to avoid

harmful effects on the body. This is true for hair products. For example, at
pH 12, hair already dissolves, that is why hair removers usually have pH of
11.5 to12. Most shampoos are within the pH range of 4 to 6. This is
because the pH of the product must be compatible with that of the hair,
which is in the range pH 4 to 5. Hair is least swollen and is strongest at this
pH range. But very often, using shampoo leaves the hair basic. So, in order
to avoid eye irritation and stinging, shampoos for infants and children have
a pH similar to that of tears (pH 7.4).

Hair has a protective covering called sebum. The use of conditioners

after using shampoo puts back this oily coating and penetrates the hair
shaft itself.

You may look up other references to learn more about the importance
of knowing about pH.

Now that you have discussed with your teacher the importance of
keeping the proper pH in the human body, in food processing and food
preservation, in farming and in personal care products, it is also essential
that you know the effects of acids on some common metals. An important
property of acids is their tendency to react with certain metals. At higher
grade levels, you will learn that the nature of the metal determines how it is
affected by specific types of acid. However, in this grade level, you will
simply investigate the effect of an acid on a common metal like iron.

Effect of an Acidic Mixture on Metal

What do you think will happen when an acid and a metal come in
contact with each other? What happens after the metal has been in contact
with the acid for some time? What changes take place?

In Activity 3, you will investigate the effect of an acid on a common

metal like iron. In Module 1, you have learned that vinegar is about 5%
acetic acid. You will be using vinegar in this investigation since it is safe to

Grade 7 Science: Matter 56

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
handle and easily available. Vinegar will simply be an example that can
show the action of an acidic solution when it comes in contact with a metal.
There are other acids that affect metals but you will learn about them in
Grades 8 and 9.

Activity 3
What Happens to a Metal when Exposed to an Acidic

In this activity, you will find out the effect of an acidic mixture, like
vinegar, on iron.

Materials Needed

 3 pieces, small iron nails (about 2.5 cm long)

 1 cup white vinegar (with 4.5 to 5 % acidity)
 3 small, clear bottles or 100 mL beaker
 1 cup water
 2 droppers


1. Prepare a table similar to the one below.

Setup Observations
After one day After 2 days After 3 days
Iron nail (1)

Iron nail (2)

Iron nail (3)

2. Clean and wipe dry all the iron nails and the bottles.

3. Place one piece of the iron nail in each bottle.

Q1. Why do you think are there three different bottles for each sample of
iron nail?

4. Put two to three drops (just enough to barely cover the sample) of vinegar
on top of the iron nail in each bottle.

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment
5. After adding vinegar to all samples, put aside the bottles where you can
observe changes for three days.

6. Write your observations after one day, two days, and three days on the
data table in step #1.

Q2. At the end of three days, describe completely what happened to each

Q3. Give explanations for the results you have observed.

You have observed the action of vinegar, an acidic mixture, on metal

such as iron in Activity 3. Do you think other types of acidic mixtures act in
the same way with other metals? What about other types of materials? You
will learn a lot more about the action of acids on metal and on different
types of materials in Grades 8 and 9.

Safety in Handling Acids and Bases

Now that you know the properties of acidic and basic mixtures, you
can handle them carefully. Acids and bases with high concentrations can
cause serious burns. For example, hydrochloric acid (commonly called
muriatic acid) is used in construction to remove excess mortar from bricks
and in the home to remove hardened deposits from toilet bowls.
Concentrated solutions of hydrochloric acid (about 38%) cause severe
burns, but dilute solutions can be used safely in the home if handled
carefully. You can find the following caution in a bottle of muriatic acid:

Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Strong

irritant to eye, skin, and mucous
membrane. Do not take internally.
Avoid contact with eyes, nose and
mouth. Use only in well ventilated
areas. Keep tightly sealed. Do not
store above 60oC. Keep out of reach
of children.

Acidic mixtures can easily “eat away” your skin and can make holes in
clothes. However, since vinegar is only 5% acetic acid, it will not irritate the
skin and destroy clothes.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 58

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
Sodium hydroxide (commonly called lye or liquid sosa) is used to open
clogged kitchen and toilet pipes, sinks, and drains. Its product label shows
the following warning:

POISON. Avoid contact with any part

of the body. Causes severe eyes and
skin damage and burns. Store in a cool dry
place and locked cabinet. Harmful or fatal if

For your safety, you should make it a habit to read product labels
before using them. It is also important to know the proper way of storing
these products, as shown in the label of liquid sosa.

What happens when acids and bases combine?

Look back at the pH color chart of Activity 2. You will find a pH value
that is not acidic or basic. Mixtures that are not acidic or basic are called
neutral. When an acid mixes with a base, water and salt are produced.
Such a process is called neutralization.

If a basic mixture is added to an acidic mixture, the resulting mixture

will no longer have the properties of the acidic mixture. In the same way, if
enough acidic mixture is added to a basic mixture, the properties of the
basic mixture are changed. This is because the acid and the base in each of
the mixtures neutralize each other to produce a mixture with a different set
of properties.

The process of neutralization has some uses in everyday life. The

following are some examples:

 Treating indigestion. The acid in our stomach, gastric juice, is

hydrochloric acid with low concentration. It helps in the digestion of food.
If we eat too much food, the stomach produces more acid which leads to
indigestion and pain. To cure indigestion, the excess acid must be
neutralized by tablets called antacids. These contain bases to neutralize
the excess acid in the stomach.

 Using toothpaste to avoid tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth can

change sweet types of food into acid. The acid then attacks the outermost
part of the tooth and leads to tooth decay. Toothpaste contains bases
that can neutralize the acid in the mouth.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 59

Diversity of Materials in the Environment
 Treating soil. You will recall in the earlier part of this module that some
plants grow well in acidic soil while others prefer basic soil. Farmers
need to know the pH of their soil. Most often, the soil gets too acidic.
When this happens, the soil is treated with bases such as quicklime
(calcium oxide), slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or calcium carbonate.
The base is usually spread on the soil by spraying.

 Treating factory waste. Liquid waste from factories often contains acid.
If this waste reaches a river, the acid will kill fish and other living things.
This problem can be prevented by adding slaked lime (calcium hydroxide)
to the waste in order to neutralize it.

After completing this module, you learned about the properties of

acidic and basic mixtures. You can now prepare indicators from plants
anytime you need to use them. You are more aware of the use of the pH
scale, which will become more helpful as you study science in higher grade
levels. You now recognize the importance of knowing the acidity or basicity
of common mixtures we use, as well as the relevant uses of the process of

References and Links

Brady, J.E. & Senese, F. (2004). Chemistry: Matter and its changes, 4th
edition. River Street Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Bucat, R.B. (Ed.) (1984). Elements of chemistry: Earth, air, fire & water,
Volume 2. Canberra City, A.C.T., Australia: Australian Academy of
Bucat, R. B. (Ed.) (1983). Elements of chemistry: Earth, air, fire & water,
Volume 1. Canberra City, A.C.T., Australia: Australian Academy of
Burns, R. A. (1999). Fundamentals of chemistry, 3rd edition. Upper Saddle
River, N.J. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Elvins, C., Jones, D., Lukins, N., Miskin, J., Ross, B., & Sanders, R. (1990).
Chemistry one: Materials, chemistry in everyday life. Port Melbourne,
Australia: Heinemann Educational Australia.
Gallagher, R. & Ingram, P. (1989). Co-ordinated science: Chemistry. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press.
Heffner, K. & Dorean, E. (n.d.) Must it rust? The reaction between iron and
oxygen. Retrieved Feb 16, 2012 from
Heyworth, R. M. (2000). Explore your world with science discovery 1. First
Lok Yang Road, Singapore. Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Hill, J.W. & Kolb, D.K. (1998). Chemistry for changing times, 8th edition.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Philippines. Department of Education. (2004). Chemistry: Science and
technology textbook for 3rd year. (Revised ed.). Quezon City: Author.

Grade 7 Science: Matter 60

Diversity of Materials in the Environment

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