Microsoft Word - Pha613 - 1st (DE) v2
Microsoft Word - Pha613 - 1st (DE) v2
Microsoft Word - Pha613 - 1st (DE) v2
Pharmacists Devices
- indispensable and knowledgeable member of the health - instruments, apparata, contrivances, components
team licensed to dispense medicines
5. Herbal or traditional drugs
Philippine Pharmacy Act (RA 10918) - as defined in RA 9502 in the Universally Accessible
- an act regulating and modernizing the practice of Pharmacy Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008
in the Philippines - are articles of plant or animal origin used in folk medicine
- repealing RA 5921 (The Pharmacy Law) which are : (RA 9502, Sec. 4)
o Shamans Genesis
- quack doctors - myrrh as astringent, carminative, and protectant
Pedianos Discorides (1st AD) o De Viribus Herbarum (Herbs Used by the People)
- Father of Pharmacology - Abbot Odo in France
- his texts were considered basic science as late as the 16th
century o Causae et Curae
- Abbess Hildegard in Germany (exploration of the human
o De Materia Medica body)
- 600 plants & 90 minerals
- recorded what he observed, promulgated excellent rules The Arabs (980-1037 AD)
for collection of drugs, their storage and use (The Herbal) - separated the arts of apothecary and physician
- treaties were more influential and authoritative in Europe
Clausius Galen (130-200 AD) - more refined and elegant way of administering drugs
- first Pharmacist / Botanist
- practiced and taught both Pharmacy and Medicine in Rome o Established in Bagdad (late 8th century) the 1st privately
- his principles of preparing and compounding medicines ruled owned drugstore
in the Western world for 1,500 years
- his medical writings were basis of treaties on simple drugs o Ibn Sina
- the “Persian Galen”
o Galenicals - known as Avicenna by the Western world
- class of pharmaceuticals compounded by mechanical - pharmacist, poet, physician, philosopher, diplomat
means - his pharmaceutical teachings contributed to the sciences
of Pharmacy and Medicine
o Cold cream
- originator of the formula (Galen’s cerates)
Dale Ellivera | Page 4
Magna Carta of 1240 AD French Pharmacists
- separation of Pharmacy and Medicine
o Bernard Courtois - iodine in algae, bromine (sea water)
o Issued by Frederick II, head of the Holy Roman Empire o Joseph Caventou & Pierre Pelletier - quinine (used against
o Edict creating pharmacy as an independent branch of malaria), caffeine
public welfare service o Pierre Robiquet - codeine
o Pharmacy was separated from Medicine in Sicily and o Henri Moissan - fluorine by electrolytic methods
southern Italy
o Limitation of the numbers of pharmacies German Pharmacists
o Fixed the prices of remedies
o Required official supervision to pharmaceutical practice o Frederick Serturner - morphine
o Made the use of prescribed formulary compulsory o Johannes Buchner - salicin from willow bark, nicotine from
tobacco; aspirin and nicotinic acid production
The First Official Pharmacopoeia o Rudolf Brandes & Philipp Geiger - hyoscyamine & atropine
- opened by unqualified persons to serve and dispense simple
medicines, but not to compound prescriptions
The Philippine Pharmacy Act (RA 10918) a. UST Faculty of Pharmacy Alumni Association and
- one of its objectives is the regulation and standardization of Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (3rd or 4th Year ; 10 scholars)
Pharmacy Education in the country b. Josephine Sarau Scholarship
c. Mercury Drug Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
Technical Committee on Pharmacy Education (TCPE) d. Daewong Pharma Scholarship
- responsible for the regulation of pharmacy education in the e. DOST Scholarship
- its purpose is to develop and prescribe minimum standards Pharmacy Curriculum
for colleges of Pharmacy - BS Pharmacy is currently offered as a 4-year program
- the last year is comprised of a 1200-hour internship or
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) supervised pharmacy practice expertise
- carries out the implementation of pharmacy education
Course Requirements
Mission Statement o General Education Courses (47 units)
- the main concern of the Pharmacy Education is to provide o Professional Courses (131 units)
the country with pharmacists who are scientifically competent o Internship (30 units)
to deliver the full spectrum of pharmaceutical services
required in health care delivery system Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (page 50)
- has 34 members, including UST
At the end of the program, the student should have acquired
and developed the knowledge, skills, aptitude, and Schools with Associate Membership (page 52) – 7
competencies in :
Non-PACOP Member Schools (page 52) – 50
1. Practicing Pharmacy in a professional and ethical manner
2. Providing pharmaceutical care Internship Requirements
3. Conducting relevant research and disseminating findings - a total of 1200 hours in the last year of the curriculum
4. Applying managerial and entrepreneurial skills
5. Communicating and facilitating learning effectively Institutional Pharmacy 120 hrs
Public Health and Regulatory Pharmacy 180 hrs
Scholarships Community Pharmacy 300 hrs
Hospital Pharmacy 300 hrs
UST Scholarship Programs Industrial Pharmacy 300 hrs
b. Santo Domingo de Guzman Scholarship (Special) Qualifications for the Licensure Examination
- for those inclined in arts, music, and sports (RA 10918, Art III, Sec 14)
- rules set by the Institute of Physical Education and
Athletics (IPEA) 1. Citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign country that has a
law/policy on reciprocity for the practice of the pharmacy
c. San Martin de Porres Scholarship (Equity) profession
- for the poor but academically deserving 2. Of good moral character and reputation
3. Degree holder of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy or its
d. San Lorenzo Ruiz Scholarship (Service) equivalent degree conferred by an HEI in the Philippines,
- financial assistance to those willing to render assistance or an institution of learning in a foreign country duly
for 20-30 hours per week to the university recognized by the CHED
B. Nomenclature
- contains comprehensive info of a drug
Examples :
United States Pharmacopeia (USP/NF)
Japanese Pharmacopeia
British Pharmacopeia