General Lance Duggan

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Welcome to Sufficiently

Advanced Technologies!
The Secret Project Everyone in a high tech industry has

heard of Sufficiently Advanced Tech-
nologies. It’s the impressive little startup
According to the classified briefing that
that snatched up some of the world’s lead-
you received, the product is no less than a
ing physicists.
fully functional teleportation system. Such
a system could revolutionize every single
Led by maverick businessman Alan
aspect of society. No more highway system.
Smithee, the company has been spawning
No more shipping overseas. No more
rumors and buzz aplenty, even without ever
travel by space shuttle. No more border
announcing what it’s been working on.
security. How will it change transporta-
tion? Industry? Urban development? Space
Everyone seems to have a theory
exploration? Warfare?
about what the secret project is. You have
Sufficiently heard several before you were invited
to this presentation. Some theories are
mundane, some are outlandish. All of them
The Facility Advanced were wrong.

Though they are making big promises,

the SAT labs are pretty small and humble. Technologies
Just a single smallish lab and a few other
rooms. Are these three scientists the only
science staff that they have? Did they re-
ally make this amazing breakthrough as a Information packet for
modest little garage startup? You had heard
amazing things about Sufficiently Advanced
General Lance Duggan
Technologies. The reality seems to be...
smaller. Not the giant well funded lab that
you were expecting from their press re- Department of Defense
Project ISIS presentation

January 22nd, 2021

Background Goals People You Know
General Lance Duggan You didn’t spend a lifetime lead- Blow off these Eggheads. These Lt. Gladys Plinger - While serving in
ing soldiers into battle so that you could science types are just looking for some Afghanistan, Plinger saw some heavy ac-
sit through some boring science lecture. of Uncle Sam’s deficit-bought dollars so tion. She was founds miles away from her
But that dab-blasted Secretary of De- that they can keep working on their little post, with a crazy story about angels or
fense says that “the weapons of tomor- “theoretical” math problems. So show the sumthing. Turns out her entire squad had
row’s wars are unimaginable today.” Or project’s shortcomings. Ask difficult ques- been killed in an enemy ambush. Except for
something like that. tions. Poke and prod at things to see how Plinger. She’s been on psychiatric leave ever
they’d fare in a battlefield situation. Find since. Bodyguarding you is her first job
In the end, it means that you out how long it’ll be before you can use back in action. The brass chose this job so
gotta go from lab to lab seeing every this to send soldiers right into the enemy that you can babysit the kid. Watch to see
overgrown science fair project the coun- HQ. Or better yet, how long until you can if everything’s right in her noggin or if she
try has to offer. This egghead colony has teleport Osama bin Laden right into a jail still has a coupla screws loose. Keep her
produced some sort of teleportation cell for some “enhanced interrogation”. under control if she ain’t right in the head.
array. Big promise, maybe, but you’ve
seen enough of these project demos Find the technology smugglers. Alan Smithee - Money grubbin weasel
to know that it’ll come with a bunch of This junk is useless to your military objec- looking to take some of Uncle Sam’s hard
qualifications and “theoreticals” thrown tives. But that doesn’t mean that Uncle earned tax dollars to make himself rich.
in. The important thing is whether or Sam want it falling into North Korean
not you can use it to kill some terrorist hands, or Iran’s or Osama’s. Maybe our Helen Swanetsky, David Agnew,
overseas. You’re betting it can’t, rival nations would figure out proper Eleanor Braxiatel - Rich snooty types
so you’re not really interested in much teleportation first. Or maybe it’d let them that never worked hard in their lives, now
that the labcoats have to say. develop some other weird scifi weapon. looking for a company that they can buy to
America’s technological superiority is make themselves even more obscenely rich.
Your real orders are to find the maintained by keeping our technology
security leak in the company. Defense ours. So find whoever it is that’s letting Scientists - Always spouting gobbledy-
Intelligence Agency sources suggest the technology go up for sale overseas, and gook about elementary particles, timespace
that someone within Sufficiently put an end to it one way or another. fields, extra dimensions and such. Do any
Advanced Technologies is sell- of these things help you kill a man? Do
ing high end technology off to foreign Evaluate Lt. Plinger’s mental state. they save the lives of your soldiers? These
black markets. You’re supposed to sniff The girl had a bout of “Post-Traumatic physics projects are always the worst: the
the rats out and cage them up, though Stress Disorder”. Nothing shameful with least practical applications and most ex-
the DIA didn’t give you much to go on. that: you’ve seen lots of good soldiers break pensive costs. That’s why Kennedy made
You’ve been told that the smugglers use under pressure. But now you’re supposed NASA, ain’t it? So that the eggheads could
the cover of “The Temple Founda- to watch over the kid, and let the army handle the egghead stuff and the military
tion”. It’s not much to go on, but it’s shrinks know if she’s ready for action again. could get on with the “defending America”
the only useful lead. So ask around. stuff?

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