General Lance Duggan
General Lance Duggan
General Lance Duggan
Advanced Technologies!
The Secret Project Everyone in a high tech industry has
heard of Sufficiently Advanced Tech-
nologies. It’s the impressive little startup
According to the classified briefing that
that snatched up some of the world’s lead-
you received, the product is no less than a
ing physicists.
fully functional teleportation system. Such
a system could revolutionize every single
Led by maverick businessman Alan
aspect of society. No more highway system.
Smithee, the company has been spawning
No more shipping overseas. No more
rumors and buzz aplenty, even without ever
travel by space shuttle. No more border
announcing what it’s been working on.
security. How will it change transporta-
tion? Industry? Urban development? Space
Everyone seems to have a theory
exploration? Warfare?
about what the secret project is. You have
Sufficiently heard several before you were invited
to this presentation. Some theories are
mundane, some are outlandish. All of them
The Facility Advanced were wrong.