Tara Samms), Though Two of Them Are Mentally
Tara Samms), Though Two of Them Are Mentally
Tara Samms), Though Two of Them Are Mentally
Sorry that this is long. There are a lot of The Clockmaker and the Grubber are
notes that I’ve written up so far. If it’s too much, members of two races trapped in a violent war
then just read the introduction stuff and wait for in a pocket universe. The first test run freed
more final versions of PC backgrounds. Right these two as immaterial beings, and they quick-
now I probably have more written for most char- ly possessed nearby human bystanders. The
acters than I can fit on the character sheet, so Clockmaker possesses George Spelvin, a journal-
most writeups will need pared down in size. A ist covering the event. The Grubber possesses
few still need substantial material added. Dr. Kim Bread, one of the scientists.
When I started planning for this LARP, I If we have enough players, we may also
asked Amber what sort of game she wanted for use Cavis, a legitimate authority in time and
her birthday. She said “something like a Doctor space trying to stop rogue time travelers (such
Who episode”. So we have Amber acting as as Amber’s PC) from modifying the time stream.
Ushas, a time travelling do-gooder, interfering Cavis is accompanied by Fangshi, a human
with human history and with a human sidekick from the future encountered and defeated by
along to be impressed and get in trouble (Cyr- Ushas once before. Due to being thrown into a
ian, a roman poet/philosopher). If you’re un- temporal warp field, Fangshi can sense unusual
familiar with Doctor Who A) don’t worry, you’ll time energy zones such as those around a time
be fine without external knowledge and B) get traveler or the Jagoroth’s timeship.
thee to Netflix and start watching already.
The Jagoroth, an immortal alien who is The Jagoroth wants the device set up one
one of the PCs, has been engineering this proj- way. The scientists and Clockmaker want it a dif-
ect to construct a specific technical device. He ferent way. The Grubber and others don’t want
has the human scientists convinced that it creates it functional at all, and a lot of PCs are up in the
a teleportation window. In reality, the device air about the device. The ideas Neel presents
can’t be tuned to terrestrial coordinates. The gives us a framework for letting the players play
last usage opened a gateway to a strange part around and actually make meaningful choices
of existence called the Negative Dimension. about the device and us as GMs to actually
Anyone with some superscience abilities will be make consistent decisions about the device’s
able to figure this out. responses.
There are several parts to the device. I’ve got a chart worked up for how the
Initially, they are scattered among different par- device works in various states, but need to en-
ticipants and larp locations. Assembling them in code it into something legible.
the proper way can get a properly functioning
machine. Assembling them in improper ways
might be non-functional or dangerous.
You’re real orders are to find the security leak Investigate and uncover the wrongdoings of The
in the company. Defense Intelligence Agency Temporal Foundlings.
sources suggest that someone within Sufficiently
Advanced Technologies is selling high end Prove to everyone that you’re sane. Which
technology off to foreign black markets. You’re should be easy, because you are sane, right?
supposed to sniff the rats out and cage them up, Right?!? I mean, sure, your raving about a
though the DIA didn’t give you much to go on. global conspiracy bent on mankind’s downfall
You’ve been told that the smugglers sometime may sound paranoid. But is it paranoia if they
use the cover of “The Temple Foundation”. It’s really are out to get you?
not much to go on, but it’s the only useful lead.
So ask around. Protect General Duggan. That’s your actual
[insert much more text] military mission. See that no harm comes to Mr.
Four Stars.
Escape the Clockmaker. You think one may have The humans - you don’t know much about the
followed you through the portal. He wants to natives of this planet, and very little about their
kill you, so you need to avoid or defeat him culture. Smithee acts as chieftain of this tribe,
somehow. Unfortunately, the Clockmaker has that is devoted to experimentally investigating
probably taken a human form like you did, so this universe. Samms and Manciple follow his
you can’t be sure who the Clockmaker is. orders. Other humans are new here today,
some sort of visitors.
Hide your alien nature - the humans do not
know of other sentient life in the universe. They
would likely react poorly if they discovered an
alien being in their midst.
You are one of the richest and most powerful Find out who these other investors are. You
women in the world. You’ve made your billions have the best investigators and researchers that
by investing in up and coming tech industries money can buy, but you couldn’t find anything
while they were still small. out at all about “David Agnew” or “Helen
Swanetsky” or the businesses they claim to work
You don’t usually work by traditional business for. Who are they, really, and what are they
methods, though. Which is why you’ve been really up to?
blackmailing Alan Smithee. When you heard
about the mystery project, you hired a team of
detectives and investigators to discover what it People:
was. They briefed you all about the teleporta-
tion portal system, but also informed you that Alan Smithee
Smithee is hemorhaging money. He’s deeply
in debt, and desperately wants to hide this fact. “David Agnew” and “Helen Swanetsky” - not
You think that this might be because he’s wor- who they say they are. They lack any back-
ried about appearances, or it might mean that ground or Social Security Number or anything,
he’s been embezzling from the company. Either and their companies don’t exist.
way, it gives you leverage if you decide to buy
out his company.