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Welcome to Sufficiently

Advanced Technologies!
The Secret Project Everyone in a high tech industry has

heard of Sufficiently Advanced Tech-
nologies. It’s the impressive little startup
According to the classified briefing that
that snatched up some of the world’s lead-
you received, the product is no less than a
ing physicists.
fully functional teleportation system. Such
a system could revolutionize every single
Led by maverick businessman Alan
aspect of society. No more highway system.
Smithee, the company has been spawning
No more shipping overseas. No more
rumors and buzz aplenty, even without ever
travel by space shuttle. No more border
announcing what it’s been working on.
security. How will it change transporta-
tion? Industry? Urban development? Space
Everyone seems to have a theory
exploration? Warfare?
about what the secret project is. You have
Sufficiently heard several before you were invited
to this presentation. Some theories are
mundane, some are outlandish. All of them
The Facility Advanced were wrong.

Though they are making big promises,

the SAT labs are pretty small and humble. Technologies
Just a single smallish lab and a few other
rooms. Are these three scientists the only
science staff that they have? Did they re-
ally make this amazing breakthrough as a Information packet for
modest little garage startup? You had heard
amazing things about Sufficiently Advanced
Bella Spelvin
Technologies. The reality seems to be...
smaller. Not the giant well funded lab that
you were expecting from their press re- MSNBC
Project ISIS presentation

January 22nd, 2021

Sentient Races
The Clockmaker Background But this Clockmaker followed as
relentlessly as the pull of a black hole. The Clockmakers are unlike literalists
This being is unlike other ape-
Stepping through the gateway between or empiricists. Clockmakers do not value
men. This being is like a cuckoo, a being
worlds, you seized the form of one of the the physical or obvious, so like poets they
that hides in waiting disguised as an-
gateway’s watchers, Bella Spelvin. never describe things directly. All their
other species. The human king Bella
communication is via analogy, metaphor or
Spelvin has been dethroned and exiled
For three risings of the Sun, the simile. Speak in riddles rather than answer
while the this being sits as usurper upon
Grubber has used these apemen as hid- questions directly.
Spelvin body-throne. This being, on of
ing holes. But no longer. The light of your
The Clockmakers, wears Spelvin’s
seeking will shine into their caves and The Humans - Obnoxious monkeys
skin as a cloak. This Clockmaker is a
show you the Grubber. Then you will kick dancing for any banana offered to them.
ghost possessing Spelvin’s body. A virus
the doorway open once more and drag the Encaged in their own greed and sloth and
in his computer system. A radio signal
Grubber back through to the swift justice stupidity and they don’t even realize it. The
jamming Spelvin’s control.
of the Clockmaker army. stupid Manciple does not yet realize that
you stole his keys.
Clockmakers are foreign, un-
known to this world, like a strange light Goals The Infinity Guardians - Cosmic Jail-
of distant stars. Clockmakers’ home is
ers, more like. One of these tyrants called
so far away that no light can reach it, Find the Grubber and eliminate it. “Ushas” imprisoned your entire race in-
that no sound travels there. Clockmak- Grubbers exist only to die, like the fleeting side the Hell-like Negative Dimension.
ers sing songs very different from those of an instant. You were dispatched to catch Like panicked children, your people thought
sung on earth. No human can sing the and consume this Grubber, like a messenger that a way out would never be found. But
songs a Clockmaker sings. bearing death. Deliver your terrible news now you found one. Oh, yes. You will be
to the unknowing Grubber. the torch that lights the way to freedom.
This being is a hunter, seeking
The hammer that breaks down the wall.
its prey in secret. Grubbers are prey, Open the gateway to the Negative The destroyer of the jail walls. And then
hunted criminals, heretics and witches. Dimension. Your brethren are stilled the Clockmaker’s revenge will crash across
The war with Grubbers will last as long trapped in the deep well of the Negative time and space like a wave against the
as the stars themselves, for Grubbers Dimension. Power on the teleportation shore.
are as guilty as sin itself, and because device and lower a rope down to let them
Clockmakers must feast on the Grub- climb out. The Grubbers - Once the entire uni-
bers. This Clockmaker had cornered a
verse was prey to the Clockmaker’s hunt-
Grubber like a scared animal, but a shim- Reveal to the humans the folly of ers. Once imprisoned in the Negative
mering field of light made your conquest their ways. Once you have freed the Dimension, the Clockmakers found a single
a fading dream. The Grubber escaped as others of your people, expose the truth and other race locked in as well. These became
the wind through a net. rejoice at their terror. Humanity will be the your new prey, out of feelings impossible to
new prey, and prey should know fear. describe to a human. Hunting Grubbers is
your primary pasttime.

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