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Global Perspective Cyberlaw, Regulations and Compliance

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 4 Issue 5, August 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Global Perspective: Cyberlaw, Regulations and Compliance

Syed Meharanjunisa
University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Syed

Cyber security provides protection to the internet connected networks and Meharanjunisa "Global Perspective:
system from the cyber-attacks. To stop attacks everyone must know and Cyberlaw, Regulations and Compliance"
aware of all cyber law, regulations and compliance to secure the cyber. Cyber Published in
security is all about to stop cyber-crime. Cyber security is must and we have to International Journal
know about all safety measures required to stop cybercrime. This paper give of Trend in Scientific
details information about cyber security and its safety measure. Also we will Research and
discuss about the activities related to it and how actually cybercrime happens Development
and all steps taken by the various organization and Government to have cyber (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
ethics everywhere. Cyber security provides protection against the cybercrime 6470, Volume-4 | IJTSRD31684
and teach us what essential safety measures one need to follow from all Issue-5, August
cybercrimes. Securing online information is priority where everyone is 2020, pp.4-7, URL:
involved with technology. Whenever anyone talked about cyber security, www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31684.pdf
straight one thing comes in mind that is cybercrime and what safety measures
need to take to be safe from it. Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
KEYWORDS: Cyber security, cybercrime, safety measures, cyber ethics Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
A cyber security regulation comprises of ordinances that associated with cyber security but it is more than that. The
protect information technology and computer systems to modern hackers are there who are breaking down cyber
protect the organization from cybercrimes and cyber-attacks securities. Method have increased of hacking, new
of viruses, phishing, unauthorized access etc [1]. There are techniques and new ways came up of cybercrime. These
many measures to prevent from all these. Cyber Security tools know a exploit kits which is designed to exploit human
refers to the all safety measure taken to protect from all and to blackmail them and get all information. Effective
deception practices done online to steal personal data and to cyber security will protect but not necessary to protect
protect networks, programs, devices, damage and any network where hackers will not attempt to attack and target
unauthorized access. Any information which transferred to track the system or whole server. But by cyber security, it
through network can be easily hacked these days and will difficult for hackers to crack the firewall and get into it
everyone access most of the things only whether it is [3-6].
professional or personal. In organisation most of the work
done through email, audio video conferences, HRMS, etc. and II. CYBER LAW
in personal people do online banking as well. Even the online Cyber law is the law which deals with overall legal system of
chats are also not safe these days [2-4]. Anyone while doing cyberspace and internet legal issues which covers broad area
work ever think of that how much it is secured to access of cyber and all legal issues including right to freedom on
everything online. Cyber-crime is increasing day by day internet, freedom of expression, access to and usage of
therefore there are various organisation and Government internet and privacy of individual on internet. In common
who come in front to deal with all kind of cyber-crimes. IT language cyber law is the law of internet. In 1986, first cyber
industry must focus on safety measure as 60 percent of total law was enacted which covers computer fraud and abuse act
transactions are done online so this field must have high [7].
quality of security to give all safety to users while doing any
transactions. Even the cyber space these days are not safe. III. REQUIREMENT OF CYBER LAWS
Latest technologies like E-commerce, mobile computing, Like existence of any other law, a cyber law is also created to
cloud computing need high cyber security standards. Making help people and organization to protect them from all legal
the internet safer is the important and integral part of the cases which is done online. It protects and safe against any
development IT Services and for Government also important crime done online. For example, if anyone do any crime
to look into it to safeguards IT Services. Though we have online, victim can take action against that person and fight
individual cyber cells to deal every individual case and the till the time criminals get punished or sentenced. If you
response time is great. In 1903, first attack came into break cyber law there are different kinds of punishment
existence and after that frequent crimes came up. People depends upon what you affronted, where you broke and

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
where you live. There is situation when your website gets new ways to treat with threats and any kind of
suspended or banned if your IP address is found in any vulnerabilities [13].
criminal activity and it will get blocked also. If someone
committed more serious crime such as hacking, misusing of VII. GOVERNANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND
any personal data, hacking website, company distress etc. COMPLIANCE (GRC)
then some serious action must take against you where one ca As compliance and risk go simultaneously organization must
have to give good amount of penalty or may get into prison implement governance, risk and compliance (GRC) program
as well [8,9]. to improve sharing information among one another. The
compliance feature of GRC is to define to take legal
IV. CYBER REGULATION requirement in the organization for management process to
A cyber regulation is the regulation which comprises of identity the role of legislation, policies and regulations to
ordinances to protect individual and organization of any deal with legal aspects and develop the compliance report.
kind of fraud related to cybercrimes like phishing, GRC will help in analysing the gap to know the risk potential
unauthorized access, viruses, worms, personal online associated with compliance versus potential costs of non-
damage etc. Regulations are meant to prevent from all these. compliance actions [14].
In India, the Information Technology Act, 2000 came into
existence to provide legal acknowledgement to online VIII. CHALLENGES OF CYBER SECURITY
communication and to facilitate filing of online records with There are many challenges while doing effective cyber
the Governments. Regulations covers all aspects of crime security in an organization or for personal reasons [15-18].
related to cyberspace and provide judgement basis on Few of them are as follows-
ordinance [10]. 1. Network Security - The networks are not secure as there
are many unwanted users sitting online and ready to
V. CYBER COMPLIANCE attack and destruct the interventions.
Compliance is defined as rules and requirements meeting.
2. Application Security- Regular updating of mobile and
Cyber compliance is to create compliance which controls risk
computer application is must to ensure any kind of
based crime and protect the integrity, confidentially and
attacks and need to check on time to time.
accessibility of information which are stored safely so that it
can be processed and transferred. Every organization have 3. Data Security - Second layer of security is required to
their own cyber department which look after the cases and secure data on applications and network which is very
they have there on compliance to deal with the cybercrimes challenging. The use of two factor authentication safety
[11,12]. is must these to protect themselves from cybercrime.
4. Cloud Security- Cloud protection is must which require
large amount of space and online safe environment to
protect from data stolen.
There are 5 steps which may create cyber security
compliance program as follows- 5. Mobile Security- It involves every type of security from
1. Develop Compliance Team- An organization must have login to space, from chat to banking which again require
compliance team whether the company is small or big, conscious user’s involvement
must have team of compliance to handle all work and
issues related to cyberspace and can communicate to IX. CYBER ETHICS
across business and IT departments. Organization must aware of cyber ethics of internet and use
this practice for proper use of knowledge to safe internet.
2. Determine a Risk Analysis- Organization must follow There are few points which need to consider for cyber
and have approach on risk based to compliance and easy ethics-
flow risk analysis process.  Do not use any offensive and violent language
 Identity of all information systems, assets, networks and
 Cyber Bully is a crime so don’t bully
data access.
 One can access the risk at all level and determine high  Plagiarism of any content come under stolen and
risk information stored, collected and transmitted. hacking.
 After access of risk, one need to analyse the risk by using
formula  Involve with someone other computer or network
 Once the risk is analysed, one need to determine how to comes under cybercrime.
handle it whether to keep or reject the risk.  Follow the copyright rules, never download material or
software’s which involve the information of other.
3. Arranged Controls- Based on risk analysed one need to Always us free data available on internet or software’s.
set risk controller like arrange of firewalls, strong
password policies, encryption, two factor authentication Cyber ethics is significant and must be trailed by everybody
protection, insurance, training of employee etc. and takes the responsibility to decline the cybercrimes [13-
4. Generate Policies- Create policies documents which
controls and aware about all compliance of activities X. SAFETY MEASURES FOR CYBER LAW SECURITY
and controls. SYSTEM
Basic precautions must be taken by everyone who use
5. Monitor and Respond- All compliance must be check internet and online transactions and work:
and monitor to respond on time to time and find out 1. Security Suite- Keep real time full security through

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
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