14 - Thermodynamics and Metamorphism
14 - Thermodynamics and Metamorphism
14 - Thermodynamics and Metamorphism
Although the stability relationships between various phases can be worked out using the experimental
method, thermodynamics gives us a qualitative means of calculating the stabilities of various compounds or
combinations of compounds (mineral assemblages). We here give an introductory lesson in thermodynamics
to help us better understand the relationships depicted on phase diagrams.
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that "the internal energy, E, of an isolated system is constant". In a
closed system, there cannot be a loss or gain of mass, but there can be a change in energy, dE. This change
in energy will be the difference between the heat, Q, gained or lost, and the work , W done by the system.
dE = dQ - dW (1)
Work, W, is defined as force x distance. Since Pressure, P, is defined as Force/surface area, Force = P x
surface area, and thus W = P x surface area x distance = P x V, where V is volume. If the work is done at
constant pressure, then W = PdV. Substitution of this relationship into (1) yields:
dE = dQ - PdV (2)
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the change in heat energy of the system is related to the
amount of disorder in the system. Entropy is a measure of disorder, and so at constant Temperature and
dQ = TdS
The Gibbs Free Energy, G, is defined as the energy in excess of the internal energy as follows:
G = E + PV - TS (4)
Equation (6) tells us that phases with small volume are favored at higher pressure, and equation (7) tells us
that phases with high entropy (high disorder) are favored at higher temperature.
Equation (5) tells us that the Gibbs Free Energy is a function of P and T. We can see this with reference to
the diagram below, which shows diagrammatically how G, T, and P are related in a system that contains two
possible phases, A and B.
A <=> B
Note that ∆G is defined as Gproducts - Greactants for the chemical reaction as written above.
Where in general,
0 = ∆ VdP - ∆ SdT
( 9)
This relation is known as the Clausius - Clapeyron Equation. It is important because it tells us the slope of
the equilibrium boundary or reaction boundary on a Pressure versus Temperature phase diagram.
We next look at two cases of chemical reactions. In the first case, the chemical reaction is between only
solid phases. In the second case a fluid or gas is involved as one of the products of the reaction.
dP/dT = ∆S/∆V
In general, both the entropy, S, and the Volume, V of any phase varies with temperature and pressure. As
temperature increases, both S and V tend to increase (things become more disorganized at high temperature,
increasing the entropy and molecules vibrate more at high temperature, increasing the volume). Similarly,
both S and V tend to decrease with increasing pressure (less room to vibrate means better organization and
lower volume). In addition, the change in volume and entropy at any given temperature and pressure tends to
be small. The net result of this is that for solid - solid reactions the effects of increasing temperature tend to
be offset by the effects of increasing pressure, and thus dP/dT remains more or less constant. A curve whose
slope is constant is a straight line.
Let's use these principles to analyze some solid - solid reactions, such as those
in the Al2SiO5 phase diagram. Note that for the solid-solid reaction
Andalusite <=> Kyanite, dP/dT is positive. This is what we expect, because
the product kyanite, occurs on the low T side of the reaction boundary and
should have a lower entropy, making ∆S positive. Increasing the pressure
causes a decrease in volume, so Kyanite should have lower volume than
Andalusite and thus ∆V is also positive. With both ∆S and ∆V positive, the
slope of the boundary curve dP/dT is positive.
For the reaction Kyanite <=> Sillimanite, the product Sillimanite occurs on the high T side of the boundary,
and thus SKyanite < SSillimanite, so ∆S is negative. Since Kyanite occurs on the high P side of the boundary
curve, VKyanite < VSillimanite, so ∆V is also negative. Thus, dP/dT is also positive.
But, note that the reaction boundary for Andalusite <=> Sillimanite has a negative slope on the diagram.
The product of the reaction, Sillimanite, has a smaller volume than the reactant Andalusite. So, ∆V is
negative. But, Sillimanite occurs on the high temperature side of the reaction and thus has a higher entropy
than andalusite. Thus, since the reactant, andalusite, has a lower entropy then the product, sillimanite, ∆S is
negative, making dP/dT negative.
For the reaction Kyanite <=> Sillimanite, the product Sillimanite occurs on the high T side of the boundary,
and thus SKyanite < SSillimanite, so ∆S is negative. Since Kyanite occurs on the high P side of the boundary
curve, VKyanite < VSillimanite, so ∆V is also negative. Thus, dP/dT is also positive.
But, note that the reaction boundary for Andalusite <=> Sillimanite has a negative slope on the diagram.
The product of the reaction, Sillimanite, has a smaller volume than the reactant Andalusite. So, ∆V is
negative. But, Sillimanite occurs on the high temperature side of the reaction and thus has a higher entropy
than andalusite. Thus, since the reactant, andalusite, has a lower entropy then the product, sillimanite, ∆S is
negative, making dP/dT negative.
Devolatization Reactions
Unlike sold-solid reactions, devolatilization reactions appear as curves on Pressure - Temperature diagrams.
to see why this is true let's analyze the simple dehydration reaction:
A <=> B + H2O.
Eventually because of the compressibility of the gas or fluid phase, ∆Vsolids becomes equal to VH2O and thus
∆V of the reaction becomes 0, making dP/dT infinite. At pressures above this point, the fluid becomes so
compressed that VH2O gets smaller and smaller, making ∆V for the reaction increasingly negative. Thus,
dP/dT becomes increasingly negative.
G = H - TS
where G is the Gibbs Free Energy, H is the enthalpy, T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, and S is the
∆G = ∆H - T∆S (10)
where again:
In general ∆G, ∆H, ∆S, and ∆V are dependent of Pressure and Temperature, but at any given T & P:
If ∆G < 0 (negative) the chemical reaction will be spontaneous and run to the right,
and if ∆G > 0 (positive) the reaction will run from right to left.
As stated above, G, H, and S depend on Temperature and Pressure. But, because G depends on H and S, it is
usually more convenient to consider the temperature dependence of H and S, so that if we know H and S at
any given temperature, we can calculate G.
where Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure. The heat capacity is the amount
of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the substance by 1o K.
Or, since data are usually available at 298 K and 0.1MPa, for a reaction, this can be
written as:
Equation 10 can then be combined with equations 11 and 12 to give the dependence of ∆G on temperature:
We can simplify this even further if we assume that for a reaction, ∆Cp = 0:
Thus, using the assumptions above, we can now calculate ∆G at our reference pressure, P1 at any
temperature, if we know ∆H and ∆S at our reference temperature of 298 K.
Notice that the second term on the left in equation 14 is the same equation (13),
above. Thus, we can substitute equation 13 into equation 14, and rearrange to get
our final expression for ∆G as a function of Pressure and Temperature:
Again, however, we must remember the assumptions involved in using this equation. The assumptions are
that ∆CP = 0 and ∆V is not a function of pressure.
If we have thermodynamic data for minerals involved in a chemical reaction, then we can use equation 15 to
calculate reaction boundaries on a Pressure - Temperature diagram. Let's consider the following chemical
∆H298, 0.1Mpa S298, 0.1Mpa V298, 0.1Mpa
(joules/mole) (joules/Kmole) (cm3/mole)
albite -3921618.201 224.12 100.83
jadeite -3025118.24 133.574 60.034
quartz -908626.77 44.207 23.7
To be consistent we should have ∆V in units of m3/mole, in which case P will have units of Pa (Pascals).
But since our initial atmospheric pressure is 0.1 MPa, if we leave ∆V in units of cm3/mole, the results will
come out with pressure units of MPa (note that 103 MPa = 1GPa).
Plugging in the values of ∆H, ∆S, and ∆V, as shown above, we can then plug in a value of T (in Kelvin)
and solve for P (in MPa).
We next consider the more complicated case of a dehydration reaction. The reaction we will consider is:
In this reaction, the Al2SiO5 mineral is shown as sillimanite, whereas in reality we would have to take into
consideration that the reaction boundary may cross the stability fields of andalusite, sillimanite, and kyanite.
For simplicity sake, however, we will just consider sillimanite.
Because this reaction involves a fluid or gas phase, our assumption about ∆V being a constant will more
than likely not be true, since we know that fluids and gases are easily compressed with increasing pressure
and expand with increasing temperature, much more so than do solid phases.
As a first approximation, we note that for a gas phase, the ideal gas law states that:
PV = nRT
V = nRT/P
again, showing that the volume of the gas is a function of temperature and pressure. Thus, substituting V
from the ideal gas law into equation 6, above, results in:
For the gas phase we can let P1 be the reference pressure (0.1 MPa), and the values
of G can be at the pressure, P, and temperature, T, of the reaction, so that we can
rewrite this as:
If, as we did before, we calculate ∆G for this reaction, including all phases including
the gas as part of the ∆H and ∆S terms, including only the solids in the ∆V term, and
expressing the variation of the volume of gas as a function of pressure, as shown
above, then:
Then, substituting these values along with equation (16) into equation (15),
This equation is difficult to separate so that T can solved for P or P solved for T.
With a spreadsheet, however, one can set up the equation so that for each T on can
guess at a value of P until one is found that makes ∆G = 0. One can then make a
plot of P vs. T to show the reaction curve.
The assumptions about the lack of solid solution in the solids is pretty good to for these solids to a first
approximation (with the possible exception of k-spar), but in the earth, it is likely that the fluid phase is not
pure H2O, and is more likely a mixture of H2O and CO2.
We can take this into account by substituting the partial pressure, pH2O of H2O in equation (17).
pH2O = XH2OP
where XH2O = the mole fraction of H2O in the fluid or gas phase. Equation (17) then becomes:
Before looking at the results of this equation, let's reason out what effects we should
see. If we look at the reaction:
we should be able to see that reducing the amount of H2O on the right-hand side of the equation should make
the reaction run from left to right, thus decreasing the stability of muscovite + quartz.
we should be able to see that reducing the concentration of KAlSi3O8 in the kspar solid solution should have
a similar effect as reducing the concentration of H2O in the fluid phase. That is the stability curve would
move to lower temperature at any given pressure, thus reducing the stability of muscovite + quartz.
By similar reasoning, if one of the reactants, say muscovite were not pure muscovite, but instead was a solid
solution, the reaction would begin to run from right to left, thus increasing the stability of the products and
moving the reaction boundary to higher temperature at any given pressure.
Unfortunately, we do not have time in this course to explore how impure phases are taken care of in the
thermodynamic treatment.
The basic principals of the thermodynamic treatment presented here allow metamorphic petrologists to work
out reactions that can serve as geothermometers (to determine temperature) and geobarometers (to determine
pressure), and thus determine where in the earth metamorphism took place in a given suite of metamorphic
Thermodynamics can tell us what mineral phases are in equilibrium at a specific temperature and pressure,
but does not tell us anything about the rates at which chemical equilibrium is achieved. During prograde
metamorphism, temperatures are generally increasing, and rates of chemical reactions tend to increase with
increasing temperature. Thus, during prograde metamorphism there is usually ample time for equilibrium to
occur. But, as these minerals are brought back to the pressure temperature conditions present at the Earth's
surface, temperature will be decreasing. The rates of the reactions will thus be much slower, and phases
stable at high pressure and temperature will often be preserved when we find the rocks exposed at the
surface. Thus, it is common to find metastable phases, i.e. phases that are not stable at the surface, but
represent equilibrium at some higher temperature and pressure.