FAQs - Broker Regulations PDF

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FAQ’s on Insurance Brokers Regulations 2018

FAQ 1, Whether an Insurance Broker can provide any additional

services to its clients? (reg 27 & 28)

Ans 1, Yes an Insurance broker can provide to its clients the additional
services like claim consultancy, risk management, services and other
services like risk mitigation, risk advisory risk audit in addition to the
insurance broker business and charge additional fees from the clients.
FAQ 2, What is the monetary limit for providing claim consultancy to
clients? Reg 28

Ans 2, Insurance Broker can provide claim consultancy for the claim
amount up to Rs 10 crs to any client even if the policy emanate from any
other insurance broker subject to intimation to the Authority. If the claim
amount is more than Rs 10 crs, the prior approval of IRDA is required.

FAQ 3, Whether an Insurance broker can charge an additional fees for

providing claim consultancy to the clients who insurance business is
solicited by the Broker ? (Reg 28)

Ans 3, No, an Insurance Broker cannot charge any additional fee for the
business solicited by him as per code of conduct of the regulation the Broker
has to provide assistance to its clients in case of claim.

FAQ 4, For what type of insurance lines the claim consultancy can be
provided by an Insurance Broker? Reg 28
Ans 4, The claim consultancy can be provided only for commercial general
lines of business not for the life and retail line of business.

FAQ 5, What is capital requirement for the Direct Broker in the Brokers
Regulations 2018 ?

Ans 5, The capital requirement for the Direct Broker is Rs 75 lakhs.

FAQ 6, What is capital requirement for the Reinsurance Broker in the
Brokers Regulation 2018? Reg 19

Ans 6, The capital requirement for the Reinsurance Broker is Rs 4 crs.

FAQ 7, What is capital requirement for the Composite Brokers in the

Brokers Regulations 2018? Reg 19
Ans 7, The capital requirement for the Composite Broker is Rs 5 crs.

FAQ 8, Is there any time limit by which the share capital to be

increased for the existing brokers? Reg 19

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Ans 8, As per regulation no. 58(2), the existing broker can compliance the
provision of the paid up capital within 2 years from the date of new
regulations i.e 19/1/2018. It means by 18/1/2020

FAQ 9, Whether any additional equity in form of cash to be introduced

by the existing Brokers? Reg 19

Ans 9, The existing Brokers can transferred its reserve and surplus to share
capital by way of bonus shares and additional cash if required.

FAQ 10, What is the ceiling on business from single client? Reg 35
Ans 10, It should not be more than 50% of the remuneration not the
premium as in the Brokers Regulations 2013.

FAQ 11, Whether the business of Govt will be counted to compute the
business of the single client? Reg 35

Ans 11, No the insurance business from Reinsurance and business

emanating from Govt or Public sector undertaking will not be considered
while computing the limit of single client.

FAQ 12, Who are clients for the Reinsurance Broker?

Ans 12, Only Insurers and /or Reinsurers in India or abroad are clients for
reinsurance brokers. (Refer functions of Composite Broker)

FAQ 13, Can an Insurance Broker carry another business in addition to

insurance broking as defined in Regulations? Reg 13(1)

Ans 13, No, an Insurance Broker cannot carry any other business except
insurance broking and other services i.e. Risk assessment and claim
FAQ 14, Is there any limit of insurance policies to be solicited by any
Insurance broker? Reg 13(5)

Ans 14, No, such limit is defined but the Insurance broker shall solicit
insurance business commensurate with number Broker Qualified persons.

FAQ 15, Whether an Insurance broker can undertake multilevel

marketing for solicitation and procuring insurance products? Reg 13(7)

Ans 15, No, it is not permitted.

FAQ 16, Whether the payment fees to become insurance broker is
lesser than renewal of broking license? Reg 5(4) & 9

Ans 16, Yes, at the time of granting a direct broking license the total fees of
Rs 75000/- is payable (Rs 25000/- non refundable at the time of
submission of application and Rs 50000/- is payable after In-principle
approval granted by IRDAI). After that, at time of renewal of license, which is

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three years Rs 1,00,000/- is payable. Similarly Reinsurance Broker Rs
2,00,000/- (Rs 50000/- along with application and Rs 1,50,000/- after in-
principle approval) and Rs 3,00,000/- at the time of renewal of license after
3 years. In the case of Composite Broker Rs 3,25,000/- is payable( Rs
75,000/- along with application and Rs 2,50,000/- after in-principle
approval) and Rs 5,00,000/- at the time of renewal of licenses after 3 years.
The probable reason at the time of granting the licenses as the insurance
broking business does not commence with immediate effect and it takes
some time start earning brokerage.

FAQ 17, How many Broker Qualified Persons required by an Applicant

are required to apply for the license? Reg 8(C)

Ans 17, Minimum two Broker Qualified Persons should be in employment.

If application for Direct Broker (Life & General)-one Broker Qualified Person
of General and other Broker Qualified person of life is required.
FAQ 18, Whether any part time Director who is Broker qualified person
can solicit the insurance business? Reg 2(d)

Ans 18, Yes he can solicit the insurance business.

FAQ 19, How many Broker Qualified Person is required at each Branch?
Reg 8(C)
Ans 19 One Broker Qualified Person can be appointed at each branch.

FAQ 20, Who can be a Principle Officer of Insurance Broking Company

? Reg 2(n)

Ans 20, A person who is broker qualified person who can perform the duties
and responsibilities of executive role as defined in the regulations. A
Principal Officer may not be Director but will be designated as Chief
Executive Officer. In case any Director who is Broker qualified Person is
also a Principal Officer can designated as Director cum PO or Managing

FAQ 21, Is it compulsory that shareholders are brokers qualified

persons or having experience in insurance field? Reg 8

Ans 21, Though it is not mandatory but key management persons should
have experience in insurance field.

FAQ 22, What is the procedure to become an insurance broker?

Ans 22, Read latest insurance brokers Regulations carefully, apply in

prescribed form to the Authority along with requisite documents and fees.
The Authority may seek additional document and ask for personal
representation in respect of application. (Ref Reg 5,6,7,8)

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FAQ 23, Whether the regulations stipulate any time limit after
submitting the application, to grant the broking license?

Ans 23, No such time limit is defined but if all requisite information’s and
documents are provided with the application and clarifications are provided
promptly, In–principle approval may be granted immediately not exceeding
2-3 months.

FAQ 24, Whether application is to be submitted “Online” only or hard

copy is also to be sent?

Ans 24, The application is to be submitted “Online” and take the print out of
the online application and submit to the Authority with all enclosures. All
the enclosures to be enclosed “Online” in PDF and size of any enclosures
should not be more than 3 MB, otherwise the documents will not be
FAQ 25, What is the period of validity of the license/ certificate of
Registration ? Reg 11
Ans 25 , The certificate of Registration is valid for three years only.

FAQ 26, Whether an Insurance Broking company can solicit the

insurance business if the certificate of registration for renewal is
pending at the Authority even after submitting all the documents? (Reg

Ans 26, Till the expiry of license the business can be solicited but not after
expiry of certificate of registration but the Insurance broking company have
to serve the existing policyholders.
FAQ 27, Is there any penalty for solicit the business pending renewal of
license? Reg 47

Ans 27, Yes the Authority may imposed the fine.

FAQ 28, Can the shares of the insurance broking company be
transferred freely to any person as permitted under Companies Act
2013? Reg 25

Ans 28, The approval of the Authority is required if the total holding of the
transferee exceeds 20% of the total paid up or the total value of shares to be
transferred by an individual or group under the same management exceeds

FAQ 29, Whether any Indian Investor can invest in Insurance Broking
Company? If yes what is the limit? Reg 25

Ans 29, Yes Indian Investor can invest in Indian Broking company subject to
the following conditions:

i, No investor shall hold more than 25% of the paid up equity

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ii, If an investor is in more than one broker company, then he should not be
promoter in more than one insurance broker

FAQ 30, Who is Indian Investor ?

Ans 30, An Indian Investor who is citizen of the Indian origin and can be
shareholder only and cannot act as a director and take participate in the
day to day activities of the insurance broking company.
FAQ 31, What are the responsibility of the Insurance Broking Company
in case the certificate of Registration is not renewed by the Authority?
Reg 16

Ans 31, The Insurance Broking Company cannot solicit the business from
the date of expiry of certificate of registration but he has to serve all those
policyholders till the expiry of those policies whose business solicited by
him. He has also to maintain the records of the policies if any legal
proceedings are going on.

FAQ 32, Is it compulsory to add the word ‘Insurance Broking/Insurance

Brokers/Insurance Broker” in the name of the broking company? Reg

Ans 32, Yes it is compulsory to add the word “Insurance Brokers/Insurance

Broking/ Insurance Broker” to identify the line of activity of the registered
with the Authority.

FAQ 33, What is the form of contribution for the capital? Reg 19

Ans 33, The contribution will be in the form of shares for the insurance
broking companies are either registered under Companies Act 2013 or
cooperative society and contribute cash if the entity of insurance broking
company is LLP or partnership.

FAQ 34, What is the maximum permissible limit for the foreign
investor to invest in India Insurance Broking company? Reg 20

Ans 34, The regulations prescribe that the maximum limit as per the limit
defined by the Central Government and the such limit as on date is 49% of
total capital of the Insurance Broking Company.

FAQ 35, What is meaning of Net worth of an broking company? Reg 22

Ans 35, The regulations define “net worth’ as defined in the Companies Act
2013 where it is defined as paid up share capital plus Reserve and surplus
(excluding revaluation reserve ) less debit balance of profit and loss account
and misc. Expenses not written off.

FAQ 36, What is minimum net worth requirement for a Direct Broker?
Reg 22

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Ans 36, The minimum net worth of the Direct broker should be Rs 50 lakhs
against the minimum capital requirement of Rs 75 lakhs.

FAQ 37 , What is minimum net worth requirement for a Reinsurance

and Composite Broker? Reg 22

Ans 37, The minimum net worth of the Reinsurance and composite broker
should be 50 % the minimum capital requirement i.e Rs 200 lakhs and Rs
250 lakhs for Reinsurance and Composite broker respectively.

FAQ 38, What is minimum Deposit requirement under the Insurance

Brokers Regulations? Reg 23

Ans 38, The Direct broker has to keep Rs 10 lakhs as a minimum deposit in
the shape of FDR with any commercial bank and having lien of IRDA on it.
The interest accrued on FDR can be credited to the broker bank account.
Similarly, Reinsurance and composite broker has to keep 10% of the
minimum capital requirement as fixed deposit and other conditions are the
same as applicable to the Direct Brokers.
FAQ 39, Whether any broker can take loan against the FDR of
minimum deposit requirement? Reg 23

Ans 39, No it is not permissible.

FAQ 40, What is the procedure to encash the FDR if the bank account
to shifted to other bank?

Ans 40, To encash the FDR the prior permission of the Authority is must
and facilitate it is advisable to get new FDR of the minimum deposit from
the desired bank and sent to the Authority to approve the removal of lien on
the old FDR.

FAQ 41, What is minimum requirement of Professional Indemnity

Insurance ? Reg 24
Ans 41, Direct Broker : 2 times of the remuneration received at the end of
every financial year, minimum Rs 100 lakhs and maximum Rs 50 crs.
Reinsurance Broker: 2 times of the remuneration received at the end of
every financial year, minimum Rs 400 lakhs and maximum Rs 75 crs.

Composite Broker: 2 times of the remuneration received at the end of every

financial year, minimum Rs 500 lakhs and maximum Rs 100 crs.

FAQ 42, What is the time limit for any new insurance broker to take
such insurance? Reg 24

Ans 42, Within 12 months from the date of issuing the certificate of

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FAQ 43, What are consequences if the professional indemnity
insurance is not taken or taken for lesser limit? Reg 48

Ans 43, This violation may attract penalty.

FAQ 44, Whether the limit of professional indemnity insurance to be

increased if the remuneration increases during the year as compared to
the previous financial year?
Ans 44, As per terms and conditions of the policy and practice followed by
the Insurers, the limit of indemnity cannot be increased during the period of
policy, therefore to enhance the limit of indemnity, new policy to be taken.

FAQ 45, What should be the ratio of AOA: AOY? Reg 24

Ans 45, It should be in the ratio of 1:1 and kindly ensure that the PSU
Insurers generally who have the standard limit of indemnity of 25% for each
and every claim and the same should be deleted.

FAQ 46, What should be the maximum excess? Reg 24

Ans 46, The excess should not be more than 5% of the capital employed of
the broking company under any single claim .

FAQ 47, Is it mandatory to have Board approved policy for

comparison and distribution of insurance products? Reg 29

Ans 47, Such practice to be followed if any broker have tie up with any
insurer for any specific product. The broker have to sell one product of
minimum of 5 insurers which should be approved by the Board.
FAQ 48, Whether all categories of Brokers to appoint the Compliance
Officer ? Reg 31
Ans 48, All Reinsurance and Composite Brokers have to appoint the
Compliance officer as an employee who will ensure the existence of Internal
Audit system. The Direct Broker whose total remuneration including reward
exceeds Rs 500 lakhs have to appoint Compliance Officer who will be
responsible for internal control and systems.

FAQ 49. How the limit of claim amount is computed under Regulation
no 28 Claim Consultancy? Is it policy wise or event based?

Ans 49, It is event based not a policy wise.

FAQ 50, Who is a single client to calculate more than 50% of the
remuneration emanate from any client in the financial year? Reg 35

Ans 50, The client shall include in the case of firm or a company , an
associate or a subsidiary or a group concern under the same management.

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FAQ 51, Can a Corporate group have multiple insurance broking
registration ? Reg 37

Ans 51, No, a Corporate Group is permitted only single broking registration
subject to conditions as under:

I, The clients of the Promoter group will not be compelled to buy insurance
from that broking company.
II, If promoter group is having an insurance company, the Broking company
will not place more than 25% insurance business with the group insurance

III, The related party transactions must be disclosed in the audited and
accounts and balance sheet.

IV, The group insurance company will not pay higher remuneration or
reward to the Insurance broker of the Group.

V, The Group insurance company will not offer favourable terms to the
group broking company.

FAQ 52, Which information’s, if any change, are to be disclosed to the

Authority during the currency of the certificate of registration? Reg 40

Ans 52, The following information’s to be furnished through BAP module


I, Opening/closing of branch office,

II, List of Broker Qualified persons and point of sales

III, Claim under the Professional Indemnity

IV, Acquiring of Immovable property

V, Change in the principal place of business within the same city

FAQ 53, Which changes during the currency of the certificate of

registration requires the prior approval of the Authority? Reg 40

Ans 53 The following changes require the prior approval of the Authority:
I, Change of the Principal Officer

II, Changes of Director/Partner provided in the case of resignation only

intimation is required

III, Change in the name of the company

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IV, Change in place of corporate /registered office, if such change is not
within the same city.

FAQ 54, Whether two certificate of registration of insurance broker can

merged or amalgamate and do the insurance business without any
approval from the Authority? Reg 41

Ans 54, No amalgamation or merger of certificate of registration is permitted

without the approval of the Authority.

FAQ 55, Who can conduct the inspection of the Broking company? Reg

Ans 55, Only Officers of the Authority can inspect the Broking company at
the premises of the Broker.

FAQ 56, Who can conduct the Investigation of the Broking company?
Reg 43

Ans 56, The Authority may appoint any Chartered Accountant or Actuary or
experience in the insurance field to conduct investigation.

FAQ 57, Whether an Insurance broker can sell the insurance online ?
Reg 44

Ans 57, Yes an Insurance broker can sell the insurance product through
web portal of the insurer. Further the Broker has to follow the IRDAI(
Insurance web Aggregators) Regulations 2017.

FAQ 58, Whether an Insurance broker can generate the lead through
offline or on line mode. ? Reg 45
Ans 58, Yes an Insurance broker can generate the lead but has to follow the
IRDAI (Insurance Web Aggregators) Regulations 2017

FAQ 59, Whether an Insurance can be sold through distance marketing

mode? Reg 46

Ans 59, Yes it can be sold where the leads are generated either online or
offline and completed through IRDAI (Insurance web aggregators
)Regulations 2017.

FAQ 60, What are consequences for the violations or breach of any
regulations or provisions of Insurance Act or IRDA act or any other
regulations under Insurance Act ? Reg 48

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Ans 60, The Authority may impose appropriate penalty depending on the
nature /gravity of violation.

FAQ 61, Who is the Appellate Authority against any decision of the
Authority? Reg 48

Ans. Securities Appellate Authority (SAT) is the Appellate authority to fiel an

appeal if aggrieved by the decision of the Authority.

FAQ 62, Whether the Authority has the right to suspend the certificate
of registration without giving any opportunity being heard? Reg 49

Ans 62, No the Authority has to give opportunity of being heard as a

principle of natural justice

FAQ 63, Under what circumstances the certificate of registration can

be cancelled without notice ? Reg 50

Ans 63, The certificate can be cancelled without notice subject to violation
of code of conduct or, found guilty of fraud or convicted of criminal offense
or nor commenced any business within six months of being granted a
registration but enquiry is to hold before cancelling the certificate of

FAQ 64, What is the time limit to resolve the grievances/complaints of

the policyholders? Reg 8(2)

Ans 64, The Broker will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint of the
policyholder within 14 days from the receipt of the correspondence as per
8(c) of the code of conduct further the complaint to resolved within 14 days
from the acknowledgment of the complaint as per Regulations 13(4).

FAQ 65, Who are clients under the insurance business?

Ans 65, The Clients for the director broker are other than Insurer and
Reinsurance company while the clients for Reinsurance business is only
Insurer and/or Reinsurer

FAQ 66, Whether Co broking is permissible under Retail or an

Individual insurance business? Reg 32

Ans 66, No, the co-broking is not permissible for Retail or an Individual

FAQ 67, Whether the claim consultancy can be provided in the retail
insurance business? Reg 28

Ans, No, it is not permissible.

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FAQ 68, What documents are to be submitted by the Corporate Buyer
to the Authority while transferring the shares more than 20% ? Reg 25

Ans 68, The following documents are to be submitted:

1, A certified copy of resolution of the Board of Directors approving the

proposed change in shareholding.

2, A copy of the proposed shareholding pattern and duly certified by CA/ CS

3, A certified copy of the Board Resolution of the transferee to acquire the

4, The details of the monetary consideration for transfer of shares.

5, A certified copy of the shareholding pattern of the transferee.

6, A confirmation, if any of the proposed shareholders is an FII, NRI, PIOs or

Foreign Nationals.

7, A confirmation if any of the present directors of the Broking Company are

already associated with the transferee.

8, The audited accounts of the transferee for the past three years, along with
the certified copies of IT returns.

9, A certificate from the auditors to the effect that the transferee is not an
NBFC, if applicable. No Objection Certificate obtained from RBI for
acquisition of these shares if transferee is a Non-banking financial company

10, The detailed list and activities of associate companies/ concerns of the

11, Rationale for the restructuring of the share capital of the insurance

12, An undertaking from the transferee that none of the Directors, Principal
Officer and Key management personnel of the applicant company are
holding any directorship/ employment in any other insurance related

13, Any other document, if so required by the Authority.

FAQ 69, Can an Insurance broker arrange premium financing for the
client? Reg 4 (functions)

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Ans 69 , No the Insurance broker is not permitted to arrange the financing
for any client but it is the duty of the insurance broker to explain to the
client the obligations that the client may owe to that party.

FAQ 70, Whether any Indian Insurance broker can share the
remuneration and reward with any foreign broker for placing the
insurance business of his clients in India? Reg 38

Ans 70, No , it is not permissible as it may lead to hawala or transfer of FE


FAQ 71, Is it permissible that any client pays fees for Risk
management services and at the same time the Broker gets the
Remuneration for placing its insurance business? Reg 27

Ans 71, No , it is permissible to get the both fees and remuneration on the
same insurance business of the client.

FAQ 72, Whether any broker can outsource any activity (Preparation of
accounting documentation) on accounting of an expert (Chartered
Accountant) for the claim for which he is providing claim consultancy?
Reg 28

Ans 72, Yes an Insurance Broker can outsource it.

FAQ 73, Whether any activity outsource to an individual? Reg 28

Ans 73, If the activity to be outsourced is more than 5% of the total

outsourcing expenditure , it should other than individual.

FAQ 74, What is basic requirement of “sale of insurance by

telemarketing mode”? Reg 45

Ans 74, The Telemarketer should be registered with TRAI and the person
who is making call should be Authorised Verifier.
FAQ 75, Who is an Authorised Verifier?

Ans 75, An authorised verifier is to pass the examination conducted for

Broker qualified persons but the percentage of passing the examination is

FAQ 76, What action is taken by IRDA if the BAP return is not
submitted on time? Reg 48

Ans 76, It will be considered as violation of regulation and at the time of

renewal of license , the Authority may impose penalty depending upon the
gravity (occasionally or regular of violation)

FAQ 77, If the retroactive date of the professional indemnity insurance

is not certificate of registration, what is the penalty? Reg 24

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Ans 77, This condition is introduced only in these revised regulations as it
was not one of the requirements. Generally Insurers should agree to change
the retroactive date under professional Indemnity Insurance as earlier
insurance business solicited have already expired and no claim has arisen
under those policies.
FAQ 78, Is it required an annual certificate of the Insurer to be
submitted in addition to the policy document? Reg 24(1)
Ans 78, Yes the certificate to be obtained from the Insurer stating name and
address , including the registration number of the Broker, policy number,
limit of indemnity , the excess etc.

FAQ 79, What should be the excess under Professional Indemnity

Insurance? Reg 24

Ans 79, The uninsured excess should not exceed 5% of the capital employed
(Net fixed assets plus current assets). Advise do not calculate of capital.

FAQ 80 Whether a certificate ( Sch II- Form W) from the Insurer to be

submitted even if the remuneration does not exceed the prescribe
limit? REg 34(9)

Ans 80, No, such certificate to be submitted unless and until the
remuneration exceeds the prescribed limit received from the Insurer. But
every broker has to submit the certificate Annexure I-D half yearly if not
received otherwise with rider of that Insurer who has paid the remuneration
over and above the limit.

FAQ 81, What is difference between Authorized verifier and telecaller?

Ans 81, In the Regulations of Web Aggregator the terminology is used
Authorized verifier who can make a call to prospective customer to solicit
the insurance business. Earlier it was through Telecaller.

FAQ 82, Is it mandatory for every broker to become member of

Insurance Brokers Association of India? Reg 30(3(a)

Ans 82, Yes , it is mandatory as per code of conduct and every broker to
confirm to the Authority that he is member of the Association and submit
the proof.

FAQ 83, What precautions should taken while framing the “ Board
Approved Policy ” for comparison and distribution of the Insurance
products? Reg 29

Ans 83, While framing the policy consider functions and code of conduct of
the broker defined in the regulations.

FAQ 84, What immediate action should be taken by every broker after
releasing of the revised Brokers Regulations 2018?

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Ans 84, Immediately, it should be put to the Board for their information and
instruction to the PO/Compliance Officer to ensure for the compliance all
the regulations.

Some specific resolution may also be passed like tagging of policy with BQP,
Increase in capital , outsourcing activity, Board policy for comparison and
distribution of insurance products, Indian controlled, no co broking in retail
business, Designated of Compliance Officer, Professional Indemnity

FAQ 85, What is the last date to submit the annual accounts to
Authority? Reg 34(2)

Ans 85, A copy of audited balance sheet along with the auditor’s report
thereon within 30 days of holding the AGM or before 30 the Sept every year
whichever is earlier.
FAQ 86, Is there any additional statement/annexure to be submitted
along-with the annual audit accounts? Reg 34 (6)
Ans 86, Yes, the details of remuneration and reward from every insurer and
and any other income from insurer or its group companies in broking entity
or its group companies.

FAQ 87, Whether, in co-broking, any lead Broker can pay remuneration
to the co broker after getting 100% remuneration from Insurer? Reg 32

Ans 87, It can be paid by the lead broker to co broker.

FAQ 88, Is there any agreement among the co-brokers? Reg 32

Ans 88, Yes there should be an agreement among the co-broker defining the
responsibility of each co broker.

FAQ 89, Whether unaudited accounts on 30th April or 31st Oct every
year to be submitted?

Ans 89, As such no-where it is stated under any of the regulations that
unaudited accounts to be submitted on 30th April or 31st Oct except various
certificates and written under BAP module. (Assumptions: either typing
error or format of BAP is modified, yet to be verified from IRDA)

FAQ 90, How the dispute between Insurer and Insurance Broker is to
be resolved? Reg 59(2)

Asn 90, The matter may referred to IRDA who may conduct investigation to
resolve the same.

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