Assignment: Information Security

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Information Security
Submitted to:
Mam Ammarah Maqbool
Submitted by:
Rameeza Sarwar
Roll no (15-227)
Section ‘B’ (morning)
Semester 7th
Computer Science

Government College Women University

What is network security?
Network security is protection of the access to files and directories in a computer
network against hacking, misuse and unauthorized changes to the system.
An example of network security is an anti virus system.

Define Network
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources
(such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The
computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves,
satellites, or infrared light beams.
Two very common types of networks include:
1. Local Area Network(LAN)
2. Wide Area Network(WAN)

Define OSI Model

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model is a conceptual and logical layout that
defines network communication used by systems open to interconnection and
communication with other systems.

The model is broken into seven subcomponents, or layers, each of which represents a
conceptual collection of services provided to the layers above and below it. The OSI
Model also defines a logical network and effectively describes computer packet transfer
by using different layer protocols.

The seven layers of OSI model

Layer 7 – Application
The application layer is where the user inputs data and data is output to the user. The
application layer is usually software that is run off the local machine, however this
depends on the network architecture. The software could be cloud based, meaning it
runs off a server in a remote location and data is transferred over the internet, or the
software could be run on a local server. The application layer provides services for
email, Telnet and file Transfer for example. An example of the application layer is an
internet browser, an FTP client or even Microsoft Word.

Layer 6 – Presentation
The presentation layer is where the operating system lies.This operating system could
be Windows,OS X,a UNIX based operating system or one of the many others available.
Where the human user interacts with the application layer described above,the
application layer interacts with the presentation layer. This may be done directly, or
through a runtime environment such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Layer 5 – Session

Operating system on the presentation layer and other, third party machines. For
example, when a user is browsing the internet, they are interacting with the application
layer, the application layer is interacting with the presentation layer and the session
layer allows the operating system to interact with the web server.

Layer 4 – Transport
The transport layer is responsible for the logistics of the session. In the example used
above, the transport layer would be responsible for determining what and how much
information is transferred between the operating system and the web server.

Layer 3 – Network
The network layer is where routers operate. A router is a hardware device that forwards
packets of information between computers on a network. This is where your IP address
comes from and in the example used above, the router is responsible for sending
packets of information out into the internet and receiving them. These packets origin
and destination is determined by the IP address of your router.

Layer 2 – Data link

The data link layer is where switches operate and provides a reliable link between two
directly connected nodes. The data link layer is also responsible for detecting and
possibly fixing any packet errors that may form on the physical layer. The data link layer
is divided into two separate layers, the Media Access Control (MAC) and Logical Link
Control (LLC) layers. The MAC layer is responsible for controlling how devices
connected to the network gain access. The LLC layer controls error checking, possible
fixes and packet synchronization.

Layer 1 – Physical

The physical layer is literally the physical hardware that makes up the network. This
layer has several major functions:

 Defining physical specifications

 Defining protocols
 Defining transmission mode (half duplex & full duplex)
 Defining the network’s topology

Hardware such as the physical components of Ethernet cables and Bluetooth are just
some examples of the physical layer.

Use of protocols
Protocols are certain sort of rules that help us make our communication possible with
network. Here the protocols are used to helps users to communicate with different

1. Telnet- Able to remote logging with the system. Communications are in clear text

2. SSH- A more sure protocol than Telnet. Here communication are in an encrypted

3. FTP- File Transfer Protocol helps to transfer files between systems.

4. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)- which uses a set of rules to exchange

messages with other internet points at the information packet level.

5.Internet Protocol (IP)- which uses a set of rules to send and receive messages at the
internet address level; and additional network protocols that include the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP), each of which has defined
sets of rules to exchange and display information.

6- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)- is the protocol used to transfer data over the
web. It is part of the Internet protocol suite and defines commands and services used
for transmitting webpage data. HTTP uses a server-client model. A client, for example,
may be a home computer, laptop, or mobile device.

How security is implemented on network

Perform auditing and mapping. ...
Keep the network up-to-date. ...
Physically secure the network. ...
Consider MAC address filtering. ...
Implement VLANs to segregate traffic. ...
Use 802.1X for authentication. ...
Use VPNs to encrypt select PCs or servers. ...
Encrypt the entire network.

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