Narrative Text
Narrative Text
Narrative Text
1. Orientation
Once upon a time, there is a poor farmer and his wife. One day,
they tried to pluck fruits from the neighbor's garden. But their
neighbor was actually an old, wicked witch. He screamed "How
dare you steal from my garden, I will turn you both into rats!". he
couple trembled with fear. Finally, the witch said, "Very well, I'll let
you go. But, you have to give me your first child," they were so
scared, they were immediately agreed.
2. Complication :
Once later, a beautiful baby girl was born to the farmer and his wife.
Immediately, the old witch came and snatched the girl away from them. He named
her Rapunzel and kept her lock in a high tower. He grew up to be a beautiful girl.
But most beautiful of all was her log, golden hair.
He only person she ever saw was the old witch. Every day, the witch used to
come to the foot of the tower and call, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!,
she then used to let her long plait fall out the window, and the witch used to hold
onto it and climb up.
One day, a prince who was passing by, hid behind the trees and watch the
witch. As soon as she left, he too decided to try, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down
your hair!, he tried and climbed up into her room. She was stunned to see the
prince. She had never before seen anybody so handsome. The prince too fell in
love with her. They began to secretly met everyday after the witch left.
One day however, the witch realized what has been going on. She screamed
and shouted in anger. She cut off her hair and send her off deep into the forest. That
day, when the prince came, he found the witch waiting for him at the top of the
tower. She cursed and screamed some more, before casting a spell on him , that
make the prince lost his sight. The prince, now blind and broken heart, wandered
through the forest
3. Resolution :