Ecology MCQ بيئة وتلوث
Ecology MCQ بيئة وتلوث
Ecology MCQ بيئة وتلوث
11. What is the harm from the depletion of Earth's ozone layer?
a) The average temperature of earth's surface will increase gradually
b) The oxygen content of the atmosphere will decrease
c) Increased amount of Ultra violet radiation will reach earth's surface
d.) Sea levels will rise as the polar ice caps will gradually melt
12. Acid rain is formed due to contribution from the following pair of gases
a). Methane and ozone b) Oxygen and nitrous oxide
c) Methane and sulpher dioxide d) Carbon dioxide and sulpher dioxide
13. Which of the following is a prime health risks associated with greater UV
radiation through the atmosphere due to depletion of stratospheric ozone?
a) Damage to digestive system b) Increased liver cancer
c) Neurological disorder d) Increased skin cancer
18. The increase in the concentration of CO2 in our environment in last fifty years;
since 1960 is about
a) 20% b) 10% c) 14% d) 6%
21. Which of the following are the example of Municipal and industrial discharge
a) Nonpoint sources of pollution. b) Violations of the Clean Water Act.
c) Point sources of pollution. d) Irrigation.
23. How the biological oxygen demand gets affected with the increased presence of
organic matter in water?
a) The oxygen demand increases b) the oxygen demand decreases
c) The oxygen demand remains unchanged d.) None of the Above
25. Which of the following is not considered as part of water use planning?
a) waste water treatment b) water diversion projects
c) storm sewer drainage d) salinization
e) Water use planning considers all of the above issues
26. The stage in which the biological processes is used to purify water in a
wastewater treatment plants is called
a) secondary sewage treatment b) primary sewage treatment
c) Wastewater reduction d) biochemical reduction
30. Which of the following are negative effects on the soil and water due to
conventional, mechanized farming practices?
35) which of the following is not a mission listed under NATIONAL ACTION PLAN
a) national mission on sustainable development
b) national mission on enhanced energy efficiency
c) national mission on sustainable Himalayan ecosystem
d) national mission on strategic knowledge for climate change
45) Growing rice results in the release of ________ into the atmosphere
a) methane b) nitrous oxide c) ozone d) hydroflurocarbons
46) What is the difference between a threatened species and an endangered species?
(a) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangeredAn
endangered species has population numbers so low that it is likely to become extinct
(b) A threatened species is already extinct. An endangered species means that the
population’s numbers have increased greatly over the last 5 years
(c) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangered. An
endangered species is already extinct
(d) A threatened species and an endangered species are the same
49) Which book written by Rachel Carson resulted in banning DDT in USA?
a) silent spring b) the environmentalism
c) biomagnifications d) food chain
51) The water (prevention and control ) pollution act came into force in the year
a) 1972 b) 1974 c) 1977 d) 1981
52) The conference on 'the human environment" held from 5 to 16 June 1972 was
held in
a. Stockholm, Sweden b. Tbilisi, Soviet Union
c. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil d. Kyoto, Japan
53) Man and biosphere programme is affiliated with...
55). The term "ecology" was defined for the first time in 1970 by...
a. Haeckel b. St. Hilaire c. Jackson Mivart d. H. Reiter
57) Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmosphere
a. nitrogen b. Oxygen c. argon d. Carbon dioxide
60) Identify the correct match of a tiger reserve and the state in which it is located
a. Corbett—Madhya Pradesh b. darra—rajasthan
c.perambakulam—karnataka d. Bandipur—Tamil Nadu.
52. An increase in the atmospheric level of automobile exhaust gases does not lead
(a) Pb Pollution (b) O2 Pollution (c) Particulate air pollution (d) O3 Pollution
53. The compound mainly responsible for pollution which caused the ill famed
Bhopal gas tragedy was-
(a) NH4OH (b) CH3NCO (c) CH3NH2O (d) CHCl3
55. Eutrophication of water bodies resulting to killing of fishes is mainly due to-
(a) Non-availability of food (b) Non-availability of light
(c) Non-availability of oxygen (d) Non-availability of essential minerals
59. The pyramid of number of a parasitic food chain in forest ecosystem is-
(a) Always inverted (d) Always upright
(b) Mixture of inverted & upright (d) Sometimes inverted and sometimes upright
63. “Green house effect” with respect to global warming refers to-
(a) Cooling & moist condition (b) Warming effect
(c) Increased rainfall & greenery (d) Desertification
66. Atmospheric ozone layer which protect us from UV-B & C is getting depleted
most by addition of-
(a) Chloro fluorocarbon (b) Carbon monoxide
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Sulpur dioxide
67. A high BOD value in aquatic environment is indicative of-
(a) A pollution free system
(b) A highly polluted system due to excess of nutrients
(c) A highly polluted system due to abundant heterotrophs
(d) A highly pure water with abundance of autotrophs
71) Which of the following most directly relates to the current biodiversity crisis?
A) Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide
B) Ozone depletion
C) The rate of extinction
D) introduced species
E) Zoned reserves
75) The most accurate assessments of current extinction rates probably come from
studies of-
A) reptiles, because they are ectothermic and susceptible to population declines during
frequent past glacial periods.
B) birds and mammals, because they are relatively well-known taxa.
C) marine invertebrates, because of their relatively long and complete fossil history.
D) insects, because they comprise the vast majority of extant multicellular organisms.
E) vascular plants, because they do not move around.
77) Which of the following is a valid conclusion about the outcome of Biosphere II?
A) Natural ecosystems are complex and not easily duplicated.
B) Humans cannot live in small spaces for an extended period of time.
C) Closed ecoystems must be made airtight.
D) Small populations are more likely to go extinct.
E) Fragmented habitats can reduce species diversity.
78) According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global
biodiversity is
A) insufficient recycling programs for nonrenewable resources.
B) global climate change resulting from a variety of human activities.
C) stratospheric ozone depletion.
D) chemical pollution of water and air.
E) alteration or destruction of the physical habitat.
82) Which of the following does not represent a potential threat to biodiversity?
A) importing a European insect into the United States to control an undesirable weed
B) letting previously used farmland go fallow and begin to fill with weeds and shrubs
C) building a new mall on a previously unoccupied piece of midwestern prairie.
D) harvesting all of the oysters from an oyster bed off the Atlantic coast
E) shooting wolves because they pose a threat to cattle farmers.
83) All of the following apply to the concept of the extinction vortex except:
A) Populations of the species entering it are small.
B) It is a concept developed by conservation biologists who adopt the “small population
C) The genetic variation of the species’ population decreases.
D) The key factor driving the extinction vortex is intraspecific competition.
E) Interbreeding leads to smaller populations, this leads to more interbreeding, and so on.
84) Which of the following is a method of predicting the likelihood that a species will
persist in a particular environment?
A) source-sink analysis B) minimum viable population size
C) population dynamic analysis D) population viability analysis
E) None of the above can predict whether a species will persist.
89) Organisms in which of the following taxa are responsible for most of the
conversion of organic materials into inorganic compounds that can be utilized in
primary production?
A) autotrophs B) bacteria C) fungi D) B and C E) A, B, and C
92) The concept that energy cannot cycle through an ecosystem is best explained by
A) the law of conservation of energy.
B) the principle of biomagnification.
C) the second law of thermodynamics.
D) the competitive exclusion principle.
E) the Green World hypothesis.
93) Subtraction of which of the following will convert gross primary productivity
into net primary productivity?
A) the energy fixed by photosynthesis
B) all solar energy
C) the energy contained in the standing crop
D) the energy used by heterotrophs in respiration
E) the energy used by autotrophs in respiration
94) The difference between net and gross primary productivity would likely be
greatest for
A) prairie grasses.
B) sphagnum moss in a bog.
C) phytoplankton in the ocean.
D) corn plants in a farmer’s field.
E) An oak tree in a forest.
95) Which of these ecosystems accounts for the largest amount of Earth’s primary
A) open ocean B) savanna
C) tundra D) salt marsh E) tropical rain forest
97) Which of these ecosystems has the highest primary productivity per square
A) open ocean B) tropical rain forest
C) boreal forest D) temperate forest E) savanna