MAC II: Collision Avoidance and Controlled Random Access: Reading
MAC II: Collision Avoidance and Controlled Random Access: Reading
MAC II: Collision Avoidance and Controlled Random Access: Reading
• V. Bharghavan, A. Demers, S. Shenker, and L. Zhang, "MACAW: A Media Access
Protocol for Wireless LAN's," Proc. SIGCOMM '94 , September 1994, pp. 212-225.
• D. Goodman, R. Valenzuela, K. Gayliard, and B. Ramamurthi, "Packet Reservation
Multiple Access for Local Wireless Communications," IEEE Transactions on
Communications, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 1989, pp. 885-890.
• J.-C. Chen, K. Sivalingam, P. Agrawal, and S. Kishore, "A Comparison of MAC
Protocols for Wireless Local Networks Based on Battery Power Consumption,"
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '98, April 1998.
Location-Dependent Carrier
CS depends on location of the node
Transmitter performs CS
Know the state of the channel at transmitter
Cannot determine the state of the channel at the receiver
Causes three problems
Hidden Nodes
Exposed Nodes
Hidden Terminal Problem
A node that is within range of the receiver but not within range of
the transmitter
A hidden node will sense an idle channel and transmit data
Suppose node A is transmitting to node B
Node C will sense an idle channel
A is outside the range of node C
Exposed Nodes
A node that is within range of the sender but out of range of the
An exposed node will sense a busy channel and not transmit
Suppose node B is transmitting to node A
Node C will sense a busy channel
However, node C could transmit
to node D
D is outside the range of node B
No collision
Capture Effect
When receiver can cleanly receive a transmission from
one of two simultaneous transmissions
Collisions may not cause both packets to be “lost”
Strongest user can successfully capture receiver
Packet from strongest user may survive collisions
Often closest user captures receiver due to small
propagation path loss
Node C captures
A B C the channel from
Node A
Capture Effect (cont.)
Minimum power ratio of an arriving packet relative to
other colliding packets such that arriving packet
received = capture ratio
Capture ratio depends on receiver and mod. method
Minimum power ratio which one arriving packet must
have relative to the other colliding packets in order that it
can be received successfully
Capture Effect (cont.)
If capture is included in throughput analysis, MAC protocols can
achieve higher throughput
Throughput analysis typically assumes no capture and is a lower
bound on throughput in practice
Upper bound on throughput can approach one if some station always
captures the colliding packets
True throughput lies somewhere between two bounds but closer to
lower bound
Capture results in unfair sharing of the bandwidth
Near-far effect: Nodes close to the receiver can easily capture the
receiver and prevent nodes further away from communicating with
the receiver
Wireless MACs aim to ensure fairness in the presence of capture
CSMA/CA: CSMA with Collision
Avoidance (CA)
Collision avoidance implemented using ACKs, backoffs, packet
CA implemented using
Out-of-band signaling
Receiving nodes transmit a signal to let nodes in their range
Control handshaking
Each stage of the handshake lets nodes know if they are in range
nodes eliminated
CSMA with Busy-Tone
Signaling (BTMA)
CSMA with Busy-Tone Signaling (BTMA)
Whenever node receiving message, can send a signal on
the “busy-tone” channel to let all nodes in communication
range know that the medium is busy
In centralized network, BS sends busy-tone signal
In decentralized network, all nodes must transmit busy-
tone signals when they detect busy channel
Data Sense Multiple Access
Forward control channel used to inform nodes if reverse
channel is idle or busy
Nodes detect a busy-idle msg on forward control
If busy-idle message indicates no users transmitting on
reverse channel, a user can send its packet
Does not eliminate collisions
Multiple nodes might note free channel and send data
simultaneously Æ collision
Retransmission strategy as in CSMA
Similar to BTMA but busy-tone information piggy-backed
on control information being sent from BS to mobiles
Problem with CS is that transmitter cannot determine state of
carrier at receiver
Hidden terminal problem
Exposed terminal problem
MACA implements hand-shaking collision avoidance
Precede data transmission with request-to-send (RTS) packet
RTS contains length of expected data transmission (all phases)
message delivery
If Rx node successfully receives RTS, replies with a clear-to-send
(CTS) packet
CTS packet contains length of expected data transmission
message delivery
Upon receipt of CTS, Tx node sends data
MACA (cont.)
MACA successfully alleviates the hidden terminal and
exposed terminal problems
All nodes that could corrupt transmission (any nodes
hearing CTS) know to not transmit – virtual carrier sense
All nodes that would not corrupt transmission (any nodes
only hearing RTS and not CTS) know can transmit
without corrupting communication between Rx and Tx
MACA assumes transport layer reliability (e.g., TCP)
MACA (cont.)
If a node does not receive a CTS in response to an RTS,
it will eventually assume a collision occurred
Other nodes in vicinity also trying to use the channel
Node backs off before retransmitting RTS to reduce
probability of another collision
Node chooses a random number x between 1 and BO
Node must wait x time slots before retransmitting
MACA uses binary exponential backoff (BEB)
If an RTS is unsuccessful (i.e., it does not elicit a CTS), the
BO is doubled (up to a maximum value)
Otherwise, wait time set to minimum value
MACA (cont.)
Collisions usually occur in RTS/CTS packets
If RTS/CTS packets successful, most nodes know that channel is
busy and will defer their own transmissions
Some nodes may not receiver RTS or CTS due to other
MACAW adds functionality to ensure reliable delivery of
data at the link layer
Suppose node A sending data to node B
Node A sends RTS
Node B sends CTS
Node A sends Data
If data received successfully, node B sends ACK
MACAW (cont.)
If node A does not receive ACK after a certain time, node
A retransmits RTS
If node B had received the data
ACK message was lost, not data message
Node B sends ACK in response to RTS
If node B did not receive the data
Node B sends CTS in response to RTS
Data is retransmitted
Node A’s backoff counter increases if initial data transfer
was unsuccessful to minimize future collisions
DS Messages in MACAW
Nodes in range of transmitter (A) but not receiver (B) (e.g.,
exposed nodes) may not hear CTS and thus not know if RTS-CTS
exchange successful
If these nodes backoff until end of expected data transfer, might
be a waste if CTS not received by A
Nodes can employ CS when expect node A to be tx data
If channel sensed idle, nodes can assume RTS-CTS unsuccessful and
node A is currently backed-off
If channel busy, nodes must defer their own transmission
Instead of CS, MACAW uses Data Send (DS) msgs
Transmitter (A) sends DS message after receiving CTS to inform
exposed nodes that A will now send data packet
Nodes receiving DS must defer their tx for the allotted time
DS messages ensure fairness
RRTS Messages in MACAW
RRTS messages
Possible to “starve” nodes from channel access
A transmitting to B, D transmitting to C
If A is sending data when C receives D’s RTS, C cannot
send a CTS due to required deferral
D will backoff
Since data messages are long, D may backoff to
maximum backoff value
A will continuously be able to transmit successful RTS-
CTS messages and capture the channel
RRTS Messages (cont.)
D must be lucky enough that the random time chosen
to transmit an RTS falls during the time between an
ACK and RTS from the A-B stream
Use request-RTS (RRTS) messages
When A-B data transfer complete, C sends an RRTS
packet to D
When D receives RRTS packet, D sends RTS
D-C stream can now commence
Ensures fairness
Backoff in MACAW
BEB can result in one stream starving another
With every unsuccessful RTS, node will BO
Node with successful RTS will have BO at minimum value
Node with unsuccessful RTS will have BO at maximum value
If no max BO, one node would eventually have infinite BO
Other node would permanently capture channel
Distributed Foundation
Wireless MAC (DFWMAC)
4-way handshake: RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK
Node with data sets a timer for a random time
Timer decremented while channel is idle
When timer expires, node sends an RTS
Receiving node sends CTS if RTS received successfully
Sender sends data to receiver
Receiving node responds with an ACK
If ACK not received, packet assumed lost and sender retransmits
the packet
If the RTS fails, node backs-off using a BEB policy
Preference given to sending ACK over RTS
Node must wait at least DIFS interval before attempting RTS
Node must wait at least SIFS (< DIFS) interval before attempting
DFWMAC (cont.)
DFWMAC uses CS before handshaking
Virtual CS in addition to physical CS
Each packet has time fields that determine expected length of entire
data exchange sequence
RTS time field includes time for CTS, Data, and ACK packets
CTS time field includes time for Data and ACK packets
Data time field includes time for ACK
ACK time field set to 0 to signify end of the message exchange
All nodes wait until their NAV timer expires before they begin
Reservation-ALOHA (R-ALOHA)
Use ALOHA contention to reserve slots, TDMA for data tx
Time axis divided into frames, frames divided in slots
Some slots subdivided into reservation subslots
In unreserved mode, each user with data sends a
reservation request in one of reservation subslots
Intended recipient sends ACK and slot assignment if
reservation request does not suffer collision
In reserved mode, one slot assigned to hold reserv.
subslots, all other slots pre-reserved data tx slots
Reservation-ALOHA (cont.)
Node that has been granted slot sends its data in reserved slot
Reservation exchanges heard by all nodes
Nodes know which slots are reserved and not to send data during
these slots
Contention-based reservation exchanges confined to short
reservation subslots
Message slots shared among nodes with data to send in
noninterfering manner
Design tradeoff of how many reservation slots and how many
data slots
Control distributed among all nodes in the network Æ each
Polling Techniques
Controller polls each node to see if has data to send
If node has data to send, it sends data to controller after
being polled
If not, node sends negative reply (or nothing) and
controller polls the next node
Requires centralized control
High overhead if nodes do not have data to send
Requires controller to know about all nodes in the
MAC for Different Traffic
Bursty, short messages
Contention protocols
Bursty, long messages, large number of users
Reservation protocols
Bursty, long messages, small number of users
Reservation protocols with fixed TDMA reservation
Stream or deterministic (voice)
Fixed access
Integration of Voice and Data
Objectives of 3G systems: use single wireless system for all types
of communication (voice, data, image/video)
MAC that is efficient for voice not efficient for data
Contention-based protocols (e.g., ALOHA, CSMA)
Best for data communication
Best for large number of users with bursty traffic
No centralized control required
Can support variable number of users
Become inefficient when traffic load is heavy
Unpredictable and possibly excessive time delays not suited for real-
time applications (e.g., voice)
Fixed access protocols (e.g., FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
Ensure fixed time delays needed for real-time applications
Lack flexibility for efficient integration of multiple services
Integration of Voice and Data
Voice application requirements
Packets can tolerate errors and packet loss (< 1-2%) without
degrading service
Real-time constraints
Fixed assignment (FA) protocols most appropriate
Data application requirements
Packets can tolerate delays
Cannot tolerate errors or lost packets
Random access (RA) protocols most appropriate
Can separate frequencies into 2 bands
One band for isochronous packets (packets with real-time
Other band for asynchronous packets
Integration of Voice and Data
Obtain more efficient system by taking advantage of voice activity
factor to send data during silent periods (~60% of typical voice
Data users can transmit during free TDMA time slots or free FDMA
frequency channels as they become available
In CDPD, data users simply transmit in frequency bands not currently
being used by mobile telephone users
Eventually will take advantage of “talk spurts” to increase data
communication capabilities
In CDMA, each user has access to all BW-time resources
Resource to be managed is signal power
Packet Reservation Multiple
Access (PRMA)
MAC for variable mixture of voice and data packets
For use in centralized networks
Time segmented into frames
Frames contain fixed number of time slots
Frame rate = arrival rate of speech packets
Information either periodic or burst
Periodic: speech, data if it is a long stream of information
Burst: short data packets
A bit in the header of the packet specifies what type of
packet it is
PRMA (cont.)
Nodes identify each slot as reserved or available
based on feedback message received from BS
A reserved slot can be used only by the user terminal
that reserved the slot
An available slot can be used by any terminal not holding
a reservation that has information to transmit
PRMA (cont.)
If a node has periodic information to send
Start transmitting in contention for the next available time slot (using
When the BS detects this first packet successfully, BS grants node a
reservation for exclusive use of the same time slot in the next frame
(via ACK msg)
Node now “owns” that time slot in all succeeding frames as long
reserved slot
BS transmits a NACK feedback message indicating that the slot is
PRMA (cont.)
To contend for unreserved slot, node must have permission
Determined by permission probability
Permissions of nodes independent
Node attempts to transmit initial packet until BS ACKs successful
reception of the initial packet or until packet is discarded by the
node b/c it has taken too long to transmit the data
Dmax = maximum holding time for a packet
Design parameter of the PRMA system
Must be determined by delay constraints on speech communication
If node drops first packet, continues to contend for a reservation to
send subsequent packets
PRMA (cont.)
Node drops additional packets as they exceed Dmax
FIFO buffer ensures all packet losses occur at the
beginnings of talkspurts
Less objectionable to listeners than random packet losses
Data can tolerate large delay, so Dmax can be set to ∞
If a node has burst data to send
Node transmits data in an unreserved slot
If collision occurs, packet retransmitted with prob. r
If r < q, system gives priority to periodic information
Power Consumption of MAC
Radio operates in 3 modes: transmit, receive, standby
Relative powers
PTX > PRX >> PSB for long-range communication
PTX ~ PRX > PSB for short-range, low power transceivers
Different MAC protocols will be “low-power” depending on model of
transceiver power dissipation
Time delay and power dissipation switching between states
To minimize energy dissipation
Place nodes in standby mode as much as possible
Nodes do not need to be on when not receiving data
Node must know when other nodes have data to tx to it
Power Consumption (cont.)
Tradeoff energy consumption and delay in receiving a
Directory approach: BS broadcasts directory of packets
waiting in its queue
Node receives directory and knows when to wake up and
listen for data
Grouped-TDMA approach: nodes grouped and each
group wakes up at given slot to determine if data needs
to be received
Pseudo-random approach: nodes have unique pseudo-
random sleep/wake cycles known to BS
Power Consumption (cont.)
Collisions should be minimized
Retransmissions expend energy
Introduce delays
Reduce number of ACKs required
Use contention for reservations and contention-free for
data transmission
Allocate contiguous slots for transmission/reception
Avoids power/time in switching from Tx to Rx
Have the BS buffer packets for a node and transmit all
packets at once
Allows node to remain asleep for long time
Trade-off in delay to receive packets and BS buffer size
Power Consumption (cont.)
Centralized scheduling is most energy-efficient
Energy advantages depend on relative power in the
transmit and receive mode