MAC II: Collision Avoidance and Controlled Random Access: Reading

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Lecture 2

MAC II: Collision Avoidance

and Controlled Random Access

• V. Bharghavan, A. Demers, S. Shenker, and L. Zhang, "MACAW: A Media Access
Protocol for Wireless LAN's," Proc. SIGCOMM '94 , September 1994, pp. 212-225.
• D. Goodman, R. Valenzuela, K. Gayliard, and B. Ramamurthi, "Packet Reservation
Multiple Access for Local Wireless Communications," IEEE Transactions on
Communications, Vol. 37, No. 8, August 1989, pp. 885-890.
• J.-C. Chen, K. Sivalingam, P. Agrawal, and S. Kishore, "A Comparison of MAC
Protocols for Wireless Local Networks Based on Battery Power Consumption,"
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '98, April 1998.
Location-Dependent Carrier
„ CS depends on location of the node
„ Transmitter performs CS
„ Know the state of the channel at transmitter
„ Cannot determine the state of the channel at the receiver
„ Causes three problems
„ Hidden Nodes
„ Exposed Nodes
„ Capture

Hidden Terminal Problem
„ A node that is within range of the receiver but not within range of
the transmitter
„ A hidden node will sense an idle channel and transmit data
„ Suppose node A is transmitting to node B
„ Node C will sense an idle channel
„ A is outside the range of node C

„ C will transmit data to node B A B C

„ Causes collision
„ Problem: collisions must be detected
at the transmitter but actually occur at
the receiver
„ Nodes outside the range of the transmitter “hidden” to the
transmitter Æ CSMA not effective

Exposed Nodes
„ A node that is within range of the sender but out of range of the
„ An exposed node will sense a busy channel and not transmit
„ Suppose node B is transmitting to node A
„ Node C will sense a busy channel
„ However, node C could transmit
to node D
„ D is outside the range of node B

„ No collision

„ Node C (exposed node) backs-off

„ Causes underutilization of the channel

Capture Effect
„ When receiver can cleanly receive a transmission from
one of two simultaneous transmissions
„ Collisions may not cause both packets to be “lost”
„ Strongest user can successfully capture receiver
„ Packet from strongest user may survive collisions
„ Often closest user captures receiver due to small
propagation path loss

Node C captures
A B C the channel from
Node A

Capture Effect (cont.)
„ Minimum power ratio of an arriving packet relative to
other colliding packets such that arriving packet
received = capture ratio
„ Capture ratio depends on receiver and mod. method
„ Minimum power ratio which one arriving packet must
have relative to the other colliding packets in order that it
can be received successfully

Capture Effect (cont.)
„ If capture is included in throughput analysis, MAC protocols can
achieve higher throughput
„ Throughput analysis typically assumes no capture and is a lower
bound on throughput in practice
„ Upper bound on throughput can approach one if some station always
captures the colliding packets
„ True throughput lies somewhere between two bounds but closer to
lower bound
„ Capture results in unfair sharing of the bandwidth
„ Near-far effect: Nodes close to the receiver can easily capture the
receiver and prevent nodes further away from communicating with
the receiver
„ Wireless MACs aim to ensure fairness in the presence of capture

CSMA/CA: CSMA with Collision
Avoidance (CA)
„ Collision avoidance implemented using ACKs, backoffs, packet
„ CA implemented using
„ Out-of-band signaling
„ Receiving nodes transmit a signal to let nodes in their range

know that the channel is busy

„ Eliminates hidden nodes

„ Increases the number of exposed nodes

„ BTMA, DSMA, etc.

„ Control handshaking
„ Each stage of the handshake lets nodes know if they are in range

of the transmitter, receiver, or both

„ Tradeoff in overhead for handshaking and the number of hidden

nodes eliminated
„ MACA, MACAW, etc.

CSMA with Busy-Tone
Signaling (BTMA)
„ CSMA with Busy-Tone Signaling (BTMA)
„ Whenever node receiving message, can send a signal on
the “busy-tone” channel to let all nodes in communication
range know that the medium is busy
„ In centralized network, BS sends busy-tone signal
„ In decentralized network, all nodes must transmit busy-
tone signals when they detect busy channel

Data Sense Multiple Access
„ Forward control channel used to inform nodes if reverse
channel is idle or busy
„ Nodes detect a busy-idle msg on forward control
„ If busy-idle message indicates no users transmitting on
reverse channel, a user can send its packet
„ Does not eliminate collisions
„ Multiple nodes might note free channel and send data
simultaneously Æ collision
„ Retransmission strategy as in CSMA
„ Similar to BTMA but busy-tone information piggy-backed
on control information being sent from BS to mobiles
„ Problem with CS is that transmitter cannot determine state of
carrier at receiver
„ Hidden terminal problem
„ Exposed terminal problem
„ MACA implements hand-shaking collision avoidance
„ Precede data transmission with request-to-send (RTS) packet
„ RTS contains length of expected data transmission (all phases)

„ All nodes in vicinity of Tx node enter backoff for duration of

message delivery
„ If Rx node successfully receives RTS, replies with a clear-to-send
(CTS) packet
„ CTS packet contains length of expected data transmission

„ All nodes in vicinity of Rx node enter backoff for duration of

message delivery
„ Upon receipt of CTS, Tx node sends data
MACA (cont.)
„ MACA successfully alleviates the hidden terminal and
exposed terminal problems
„ All nodes that could corrupt transmission (any nodes
hearing CTS) know to not transmit – virtual carrier sense
„ All nodes that would not corrupt transmission (any nodes
only hearing RTS and not CTS) know can transmit
without corrupting communication between Rx and Tx
„ MACA assumes transport layer reliability (e.g., TCP)

MACA (cont.)
„ Backoff
„ If a node does not receive a CTS in response to an RTS,
it will eventually assume a collision occurred
„ Other nodes in vicinity also trying to use the channel
„ Node backs off before retransmitting RTS to reduce
probability of another collision
„ Node chooses a random number x between 1 and BO
„ Node must wait x time slots before retransmitting
„ MACA uses binary exponential backoff (BEB)
„ If an RTS is unsuccessful (i.e., it does not elicit a CTS), the
BO is doubled (up to a maximum value)
„ Otherwise, wait time set to minimum value

MACA (cont.)
„ Collisions usually occur in RTS/CTS packets
„ If RTS/CTS packets successful, most nodes know that channel is
busy and will defer their own transmissions
„ Some nodes may not receiver RTS or CTS due to other

transmissions in their vicinity

„ Data has a high probability of no collision
„ RTS/CTS packets short compared to data packets
„ Packets destined to collide do not use much of the channel resources
„ Packets that do require large amounts of channel resources have a
high probability of being successfully transmitted
„ Good policy!

„ MACAW adds functionality to ensure reliable delivery of
data at the link layer
„ Suppose node A sending data to node B
„ Node A sends RTS
„ Node B sends CTS
„ Node A sends Data
„ If data received successfully, node B sends ACK

MACAW (cont.)
„ If node A does not receive ACK after a certain time, node
A retransmits RTS
„ If node B had received the data
„ ACK message was lost, not data message
„ Node B sends ACK in response to RTS
„ If node B did not receive the data
„ Node B sends CTS in response to RTS
„ Data is retransmitted
„ Node A’s backoff counter increases if initial data transfer
was unsuccessful to minimize future collisions

DS Messages in MACAW
„ Nodes in range of transmitter (A) but not receiver (B) (e.g.,
exposed nodes) may not hear CTS and thus not know if RTS-CTS
exchange successful
„ If these nodes backoff until end of expected data transfer, might
be a waste if CTS not received by A
„ Nodes can employ CS when expect node A to be tx data
„ If channel sensed idle, nodes can assume RTS-CTS unsuccessful and
node A is currently backed-off
„ If channel busy, nodes must defer their own transmission
„ Instead of CS, MACAW uses Data Send (DS) msgs
„ Transmitter (A) sends DS message after receiving CTS to inform
exposed nodes that A will now send data packet
„ Nodes receiving DS must defer their tx for the allotted time
„ DS messages ensure fairness

RRTS Messages in MACAW
„ RRTS messages
„ Possible to “starve” nodes from channel access
„ A transmitting to B, D transmitting to C
„ If A is sending data when C receives D’s RTS, C cannot
send a CTS due to required deferral
„ D will backoff
„ Since data messages are long, D may backoff to
maximum backoff value
„ A will continuously be able to transmit successful RTS-
CTS messages and capture the channel

RRTS Messages (cont.)
„ D must be lucky enough that the random time chosen
to transmit an RTS falls during the time between an
ACK and RTS from the A-B stream
„ Use request-RTS (RRTS) messages
„ When A-B data transfer complete, C sends an RRTS
packet to D
„ When D receives RRTS packet, D sends RTS
„ D-C stream can now commence
„ Ensures fairness

Backoff in MACAW
„ BEB can result in one stream starving another
„ With every unsuccessful RTS, node will BO
„ Node with successful RTS will have BO at minimum value
„ Node with unsuccessful RTS will have BO at maximum value
„ If no max BO, one node would eventually have infinite BO
„ Other node would permanently capture channel

„ High throughput but not fair allocation

„ All pkt headers modified to include node’s BO value

„ Nodes receiving packet copy this BO value
„ All nodes will have equal BO values
„ BO algorithm modified to mult inc, linear dec
„ Upon collision, BO increased to min(1.5*BO, BOmax)
„ Upon success, BO decreased to max(BO-1, BOmin)

Distributed Foundation
Wireless MAC (DFWMAC)
„ 4-way handshake: RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK
„ Node with data sets a timer for a random time
„ Timer decremented while channel is idle
„ When timer expires, node sends an RTS
„ Receiving node sends CTS if RTS received successfully
„ Sender sends data to receiver
„ Receiving node responds with an ACK
„ If ACK not received, packet assumed lost and sender retransmits
the packet
„ If the RTS fails, node backs-off using a BEB policy
„ Preference given to sending ACK over RTS
„ Node must wait at least DIFS interval before attempting RTS
„ Node must wait at least SIFS (< DIFS) interval before attempting
DFWMAC (cont.)
„ DFWMAC uses CS before handshaking
„ Virtual CS in addition to physical CS
„ Each packet has time fields that determine expected length of entire
data exchange sequence
„ RTS time field includes time for CTS, Data, and ACK packets
„ CTS time field includes time for Data and ACK packets
„ Data time field includes time for ACK
„ ACK time field set to 0 to signify end of the message exchange

„ Nodes receiving any of these packets set their Network Allocation

Vector (NAV) field
„ Nodes are not allowed to access the channel for NAV amount of

„ All nodes wait until their NAV timer expires before they begin

sensing the channel

„ DFWMAC used as the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol
Controlled Random Access
„ RA methods can have low throughput due to collisions
„ When tx begun, full time and frequency resources of
channel are being used even though sender cannot be
certain transmitted packet will not encounter collision
„ Packet destined to collide Æ channel resources wasted
during transmission of these packets
„ Requires more control to better utilize resources

„ Reservation-ALOHA (R-ALOHA)
„ Use ALOHA contention to reserve slots, TDMA for data tx
„ Time axis divided into frames, frames divided in slots
„ Some slots subdivided into reservation subslots
„ In unreserved mode, each user with data sends a
reservation request in one of reservation subslots
„ Intended recipient sends ACK and slot assignment if
reservation request does not suffer collision
„ In reserved mode, one slot assigned to hold reserv.
subslots, all other slots pre-reserved data tx slots

Reservation-ALOHA (cont.)
„ Node that has been granted slot sends its data in reserved slot
„ Reservation exchanges heard by all nodes
„ Nodes know which slots are reserved and not to send data during

these slots
„ Flexible-TDMA
„ Contention-based reservation exchanges confined to short

reservation subslots
„ Message slots shared among nodes with data to send in

noninterfering manner
„ Design tradeoff of how many reservation slots and how many

data slots
„ Control distributed among all nodes in the network Æ each

receiving node grants reservations when tx node requests a slot

Polling Techniques
„ Controller polls each node to see if has data to send
„ If node has data to send, it sends data to controller after
being polled
„ If not, node sends negative reply (or nothing) and
controller polls the next node
„ Requires centralized control
„ High overhead if nodes do not have data to send
„ Requires controller to know about all nodes in the

MAC for Different Traffic
„ Bursty, short messages
„ Contention protocols
„ Bursty, long messages, large number of users
„ Reservation protocols
„ Bursty, long messages, small number of users
„ Reservation protocols with fixed TDMA reservation
„ Stream or deterministic (voice)
„ Fixed access

Integration of Voice and Data
„ Objectives of 3G systems: use single wireless system for all types
of communication (voice, data, image/video)
„ MAC that is efficient for voice not efficient for data
„ Contention-based protocols (e.g., ALOHA, CSMA)
„ Best for data communication
„ Best for large number of users with bursty traffic
„ No centralized control required
„ Can support variable number of users
„ Become inefficient when traffic load is heavy
„ Unpredictable and possibly excessive time delays not suited for real-
time applications (e.g., voice)
„ Fixed access protocols (e.g., FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
„ Ensure fixed time delays needed for real-time applications
„ Lack flexibility for efficient integration of multiple services

Integration of Voice and Data
„ Voice application requirements
„ Packets can tolerate errors and packet loss (< 1-2%) without
degrading service
„ Real-time constraints
„ Fixed assignment (FA) protocols most appropriate
„ Data application requirements
„ Packets can tolerate delays
„ Cannot tolerate errors or lost packets
„ Random access (RA) protocols most appropriate
„ Can separate frequencies into 2 bands
„ One band for isochronous packets (packets with real-time
„ Other band for asynchronous packets

Integration of Voice and Data
„ Obtain more efficient system by taking advantage of voice activity
factor to send data during silent periods (~60% of typical voice
„ Data users can transmit during free TDMA time slots or free FDMA
frequency channels as they become available
„ In CDPD, data users simply transmit in frequency bands not currently
being used by mobile telephone users
„ Eventually will take advantage of “talk spurts” to increase data

communication capabilities
„ In CDMA, each user has access to all BW-time resources
„ Resource to be managed is signal power

„ Integration of data communications with voice communications is

straightforward: each user (either voice or data) uses a unique

code to access the channel
Integration of Voice and Data
using TDMA
„ Movable boundary TDMA with silence detection
„ Frame divided into two regions with movable boundary between
„ First region used for both voice and data traffic, but voice traffic has
„ If empty slots in first region (not enough voice traffic to fill first
region), remaining slots used for data traffic
„ Second region reserved for data traffic
„ Boundary between voice and data regions moves depending on
number of active voice packets in each frame
„ Max number of voice packets per frame fixed to ensure some
minimum data traffic capacity yet ensure blocked voice packets kept
to some minimum value

Packet Reservation Multiple
Access (PRMA)
„ MAC for variable mixture of voice and data packets
„ For use in centralized networks
„ Time segmented into frames
„ Frames contain fixed number of time slots
„ Frame rate = arrival rate of speech packets
„ Information either periodic or burst
„ Periodic: speech, data if it is a long stream of information
„ Burst: short data packets
„ A bit in the header of the packet specifies what type of
packet it is

PRMA (cont.)
„ Nodes identify each slot as reserved or available
based on feedback message received from BS
„ A reserved slot can be used only by the user terminal
that reserved the slot
„ An available slot can be used by any terminal not holding
a reservation that has information to transmit

PRMA (cont.)
„ If a node has periodic information to send
„ Start transmitting in contention for the next available time slot (using
„ When the BS detects this first packet successfully, BS grants node a
reservation for exclusive use of the same time slot in the next frame
(via ACK msg)
„ Node now “owns” that time slot in all succeeding frames as long

as it has an unbroken stream of packets to send

„ After the end of the information burst, node sends nothing in its

reserved slot
„ BS transmits a NACK feedback message indicating that the slot is

once again available

„ If first packet unsuccessful, node retransmits packet with probability
q in subsequent unreserved slots

PRMA (cont.)
„ To contend for unreserved slot, node must have permission
„ Determined by permission probability
„ Permissions of nodes independent
„ Node attempts to transmit initial packet until BS ACKs successful
reception of the initial packet or until packet is discarded by the
node b/c it has taken too long to transmit the data
„ Dmax = maximum holding time for a packet
„ Design parameter of the PRMA system
„ Must be determined by delay constraints on speech communication
„ If node drops first packet, continues to contend for a reservation to
send subsequent packets

PRMA (cont.)
„ Node drops additional packets as they exceed Dmax
„ FIFO buffer ensures all packet losses occur at the
beginnings of talkspurts
„ Less objectionable to listeners than random packet losses
„ Data can tolerate large delay, so Dmax can be set to ∞
„ If a node has burst data to send
„ Node transmits data in an unreserved slot
„ If collision occurs, packet retransmitted with prob. r
„ If r < q, system gives priority to periodic information

Power Consumption of MAC
„ Radio operates in 3 modes: transmit, receive, standby
„ Relative powers
„ PTX > PRX >> PSB for long-range communication
„ PTX ~ PRX > PSB for short-range, low power transceivers
„ Different MAC protocols will be “low-power” depending on model of
transceiver power dissipation
„ Time delay and power dissipation switching between states
„ To minimize energy dissipation
„ Place nodes in standby mode as much as possible
„ Nodes do not need to be on when not receiving data

„ Requires nodes to know when they must listen to the channel

and when they can “sleep”

„ MAC protocols cannot use “promiscuous” mode to listen to other

„ Node must know when other nodes have data to tx to it

Power Consumption (cont.)
„ Tradeoff energy consumption and delay in receiving a
„ Approaches
„ Directory approach: BS broadcasts directory of packets
waiting in its queue
„ Node receives directory and knows when to wake up and
listen for data
„ Grouped-TDMA approach: nodes grouped and each
group wakes up at given slot to determine if data needs
to be received
„ Pseudo-random approach: nodes have unique pseudo-
random sleep/wake cycles known to BS
Power Consumption (cont.)
„ Collisions should be minimized
„ Retransmissions expend energy
„ Introduce delays
„ Reduce number of ACKs required
„ Use contention for reservations and contention-free for
data transmission
„ Allocate contiguous slots for transmission/reception
„ Avoids power/time in switching from Tx to Rx
„ Have the BS buffer packets for a node and transmit all
packets at once
„ Allows node to remain asleep for long time
„ Trade-off in delay to receive packets and BS buffer size
Power Consumption (cont.)
„ Centralized scheduling is most energy-efficient
„ Energy advantages depend on relative power in the
transmit and receive mode


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