Gen Chapter Summary 5
Gen Chapter Summary 5
Gen Chapter Summary 5
-Sex chromosomes contain genes which -During oogenesis,an even reduction occurs
serve as basis for sex determination producing gametes with seven
chromosomes that includes one X-
-Sex chromosomes are designated as the chromosome
23rd pair ,which may be XX(female) and
XY(male),in humans -During spermatogenesis,gametes are
produced containing either six
Autosomal Chromosomes chromosomes,without an X chromosome or
Seven chromosomes including one X
-All other chromosomes in a cell except the
sex chromosomes
-Fertilization by X-bearing sperm results in a offspring determines its sex
female offspring
Heterogametic sex
Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan(1956) -Slight enlargement of the breasts
(gynecomastia) is common
-They discovered an effective way to
prepare chromosomes for -rounded hips (female characteristic)
accurate viewing which is called a -mixture of male and female traits called
karyotype intersexuality that can lead to abnormal
social development
-The karyotype proved that there are 46
chromosomes in a human cell during the -below normal rang intelligence
metaphase stage
Turner’s syndrome
E.Ford and John L.Hamerton
-Has 45 chromosomes in total but only one
-Later after the discovery of karyotype, Ford X chromosome in the 23rd pair(45,X)
and Hamerton, researchers of testiscular
-the affected individual has female external
tissue,confirmed Tjio’s and Levan’s findings
genitalia and internal ducts, but the ovaries
*The following variation in the 23rd pair of are rudimentary.
chromosomes proves that the Y
-short stature (usually under 5 feet)
chromosome really determines maleness in
humans -skin flaps on the back
- triplo-X women are perfectly normal and - it has became clear that there are many
may remain unaware of their abnormality in XYY males present in the population who
chromosome number unless a karyotype is do not exhibit antisocial behavior and who
conducted. lead normal lives. Therefore, we must
conclude that there is a high, but not
- In other cases, underdeveloped secondary
constant, correlation between the extra Y
sex characteristics, sterility, delayed chromosome and the predisposition of
development of language and motor skills, these males to exhibit behavioral problems.
and mental retardation may occur.
Sexual Differentitation in Humans
syndrome),49,XXXXX(penta-X syndrome)
-Scientists and researchers attempted to - The cortex is capable of developing into
pinpoint a specific gene or genes capable of an ovary, while the medulla may develop
providing the “signal” responsible for sex into a testis.
- two sets of undifferentiated ducts called
-During early development, every human the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts exist in
embryo undergoes a period when it is each embryo.
potentially hermaphroditic.
-Wolffian ducts differentiate into other
By the fifth week of gestation, gonadal organs of the male reproductive tract,
primordia (the tissues that will form the
gonad) arise as a pair of gonadal (genital) - Müllerian ducts differentiate into
ridges associated with each embryonic structures of the female reproductive
kidney. At this stage male or female tract.
reproductive structures cannot be
-Gonadal ridges are commonly referred to
distinguished, and the gonadal ridge as bipotential gonads,because they can
tissue can develop to form male or form either ovaries or testes,
female gonads.
-The presence or absence of a Y
chromosome triggers gonadal ridge’s
development into testes or ovaries.
-Normal XX mouse egg cells injected with -Since half of the male gametes contain half
the mouse chromosomal region analogous X or Z chromosome,and the other half
to the human SRY region developed into contains Y or W chromosomes,It is
males further supporting that the SRY gene expected that there is 1:1 sex ratio.This
is responsible for spermatozoa would then fertilize an egg and
undergo meiosis which will result into a
- Testis-determining factor(TDF) is now male or female offspring.This means that
believed to function as a transcription factor. the probability of having a male and a
female offspring are expected to be
equal.Observations and experiments
Transcription factor- a DNA binding protein regarding number of male or female births,
that interacts directly with the regulatory and in-vitro fertilization show that the
sequences of other genes to stimulate their
primary sex ratio-the ratio of male or female
offspring upon the prenatal period is 1:1
-Thus, TDF behaves as a master switch that .However,
controls other genes in the process of
female mortality or deaths is greater than
sexual differentiation.
male mortality resulting in a secondary sex
-many transcription factor identified thus far ratio,which males are greater females
reside on autosomes, including the human (M>1:F=1)
SOX9 gene located on chromosome 17.
secondary sex ratio-the sex ratio at birth or Klinefelter (47,XXY) males; two in (47,XXX)
the ratio of male to female born. females; three in( 48,XXXX) females; and
so on . Therefore, the
Barr Bodies
-Number of Barr bodies = N − 1, where N is
-Murray L Barr and Ewart G.Bertram the total number of X chromosomes present
observed darkly stained body using a DNA- in a female somatic cell.
staining dye in the interphase nerve cells of
female cats that was absent in similar male
cells. .
-The genetic expression of Xic occurs only 5.5 The Ratio of X Chromosomes to Sets
on the X chromosome that is inactivated. of Autosomes Can Determine Sex
-The Xic is about 1 Mb (10 6 base pairs) in -There are cases when the Y chromosome
length and is known to contain several does not play a role in sex determination.
putative regulatory units and four genes. An example is the fruit fly, Drosophila
melanogaster.Even though most males
contain a Y chromosome, the Y plays no
role. Second, in the roundworm,
Caenorhabditis elegans, the organism lacks -Fertilization of gametes with nondisjuncted
a Y chromosome altogether. In both cases, chromosomes with a haploid gamete
we shall see that the critical factor is the produces (2n + 1) or (2n - 1) zygotes. As in
ratio of X chromosomes to the numbersof humans, if nondisjunction involves the X
sets of autosomes. chromosome, in addition to the normal
complement of autosomes, both an XXY
Drosophila melanogaster and an X0 (no additional x or y)sex-
chromosome composition may result.
-Males and females in the genus Drosophila
Contrary to what was later discovered in
have the same generalsex-chromosome
composition as humans (males are XY and
females are XX), we might assume that the -Bridges found that the XXY flies were
Y chromosome also causes maleness in normal females and the X0 flies were sterile
these flies. males.
Calvin Bridges -The presence of the Y chromosome in the
XXY flies did not cause maleness, and its
-The studies of Calvin Bridges in 1921
absence in the X0 flies did not produce
showed showed varied chromosome
composition leading him to conclude the Y
chromosome is not involved in sex -Bridges concluded afterwards that the Y
determination chromosome in Drosophila lacks male-
determining factors, but since the X0 males
. -Instead, Bridges proposed that the X
were sterile, it does contain genetic
chromosomes and autosomes together play
information essential to male fertility.
a critical role in sex determination.
-Bridges was able to clarify the mode of sex
-Bridges’ work is divded into two phases:
determinationin Drosophila by studying the
(1) A study of offspring resulting from progeny of triploid females (3n), which have
nondisjunction of the X chromosomes three copies each of the haploid
during meiosis in females and complement of chromosomes. Drosophila
has a haploid number of 4,(3 autosomes
(2) Subsequent work with progeny of and 1 sex chromosome)
females containing three copies of each
chromosome, called triploid (3n) females. -Triploid females apparently originate from
rare diploid eggs fertilized by normal haploid
-Nondisjunction is the failure of paired sperm.
chromosomes to segregate or separate
during the anaphase stage of the first or -Triploid females have heavy-set bodies,
second meiotic divisions. The result is the coarse bristles, and coarse eyes, and they
production of two types of abnormal may be fertile.
gametes, one of which contains an extra
-Because of the odd number of each
chromosome (n + 1) and the other of which
chromosome (3), during meiosis, a variety
lacks a chromosome (n - 1).
of different chromosome complements are
distributed into gametes that give rise to
offspring with a variety of abnormal -Male gametes containing one of each
chromosome constitutions. Correlations autosome plus a Y chromosome result in
between the sexual morphology and male offspring not because of the presence
chromosome composition, along with of the Y but because they fail to contribute
Bridges’ interpretation, are shown in this an X chromosome.
-This mode of sex determination is
explained by the genic balance theory.
Bridges proposed that a threshold for
maleness is reached when the X:A ratio is
1:2 (X:2A), but that the presence of an
additional X (XX:2A) alters the balance and
results in female differentiation.
H. Sturtevant