Open-Throated Singing: A Roadmap For The Instructor: Part 1

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Open-Throated Singing: A Roadmap for

the Instructor: Part 1

So a student walks into your studio door for the first lesson. Considering that the teacher
wants to help the singer find his/her fullest vocal potential, it is imperative that the open
throat be defined in the first session. One of the first things that Lindquest shared with me
was Lamperti's concept that the vowels were actually made in the pharynx, not the mouth.
He shared that it is also the primary resonator and the source of sound amplification. The
coordination of the open throat, forward tongue, wide/high soft palate, back jaw position, and
healthy closure of the vocal folds establish the foundation of resonant sound without pushing
too much air pressure. Every singer needs to find this coordination in order to produce
professional-level competitive sound.

Step 1: Diagnosing Issues: What is the first thing I look for when a singer starts to phonate? I
look at the shape of the neck. If I see the neck reflecting 2 half-moon indented shapes, I
know that the larynx (and therefore the throat) is squeezed. It could be from previous 'high
light bright forward training', or it could be just from lack of understanding the voice. When I
see this particular shape of the neck, it is am immediate red light for me as an instructor.
When the pharynx is fully open, the lower laryngeal muscles actually expand at phonation. I
like to call it the 'secondary opening of the throat' when the body engages or resists the
outflow of air at the attack or onset.

Step 2: Where to start? The first thing I begin with as an instructor is the wide base of the
neck, as reflected in the pre-yawn or pre-vomit. If the singer cannot feel this release at
inhalation, then I have them use Dixie Neill's exercise, sticking the tongue out of the mouth
and making a vomit sound. This stretches the sides of the neck wide without tongue
retraction. Considered a rather dramatic approach, it can make some singers uncomfortable.
But it works, and it works immediately. The throat begins to expand instead of squeeze at
phonation. I also use a humming exercise with the tongue between the lips, staying in the
middle register. When the singer begins to make sound, notice that the neck expands
instead of squeezes. An example of this exercise applied to open-throated vowels is on my
instructional CD.

Step 3: Achieving all directions of space. One reason that the Alexander Technique is so
helpful to singers is that it teaches them to think multi-directionally. In doing this, the singer
can begin to have a healthy dialogue with his/her own body and later with their voice. What
is my body doing? How am I standing? What shape is my neck actually achieving when I
phonate or make sound? How much breath do I take in, and is it too much or too little? Why
do I push breath pressure at phonation? Is my body suspended open? Are my knees and
hips locked when I breathe, compromising my breath capacity? All of these questions are
important to ask ourselves during the study of the body and the voice.

Beginning Laryngeal Release: Many singers have never worked on releasing the larynx
before they come to my studio. I am amazed by this. Perhaps they just don't remember the
experience. However, I would remember any time a teacher manipulated my laryngeal area.
Lindquest first presented the fact that I needed to 'breathe my larynx downward at inhalation'
using the 'ng' tongue position so that the tongue released forward in the mouth space. Many
singers depress the larynx with the tongue-root at inhalation. Considering this, I believe that
many teachers become afraid of the laryngeal release because of past experience with the
'depressed-larynx' technique. Of course this is not healthy, but it should not stop us from
helping singers to find their fullest potential of resonance. 

North-South Space: Direction #1: Lindquest had me feel the space between the hyoid bone
and the thyroid cartilage when I took a breath. At first, it would not descend or open. Then,
after several attempts, I succeeded in releasing the larynx at inhalation. This was my first
success at beginning to open my throat. However there are several spaces to achieve in
opening the throat including north-south, east-west, and front to back. Only covering one
direction in instruction is incomplete and will not help the singer to find full vocal potential. As
an instructor, it can be greatly helpful to cover all directions in order to help the singer
successfully find a fully and healthily opened throat.

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