Creating Change in The Blink of An Eye

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The Eye Issue 5 15th February 2018

Creating Change in
The Blink of an Eye
A Tribute to Arthur
Newsletter of the Association for
IEMT Practitioners
Editor: Sonia Richards

Association for IEMT Practitioners Members

This is your newsletter.

Do you have an article, case study, book review etc, that

you would like featured in forthcoming issues?

If so contact:

General Data Protection Regulation -

GDPR - By Sonia Richards
As many of you may be aware there is a new set of Data Storage/
Data Protection regulations, the GDPR, which takes effect May 25,
2018 and is designed to unify data privacy requirements across
the European Union (EU). If you market to or process the informa-
tion of EU Data Subjects – which include end users, customers
and employees – you need to learn how to address these key

A key website to access full information on GDPR is:
It is with sadness that I
What constitutes personal data?
learned that Arthur died Any information related to a person or ‘Data Subject’ that can be
suddenly in late directly or indirectly identify the person e.g. names, contact
information, social media/networking posts, medical information,
December.  bank details, computer IP address.

Data controller vs data processor

Many of us have known Controllers determine the purposes, conditions and means of the
Arthur for many years and processing, whilst a processor will process personal data on
enjoyed his company at behalf of the controller.

social and training events. 
Arthur was known for his Conditions for Consent
These have been strengthened to simplify Terms & Conditions,
great sense of humour and with consent required to be given in an intelligible and easily
enthusiasm for learning accessible form, with the purpose for data processing attached to
that consent. Consent must be clear and distinguishable from
and will be missed by other matters. It must also be easy for the person to withdraw
many. consent.
15th February 2018

Under the age of 16

Parental consent is required to process the personal data of
Remembering “Ay Pee”
children under 16 for online services. Legislation may lower this
By: Sonia Richards
age to 13.

For PDF’S on how to comply, please access the Information

Commissioners Office:

Remember these new regulations will be implemented regardless

of our membership of the EU and large fines can be levied for non-
compliance: 1) Up to €10 million, or 2% annual global turnover –
whichever is higher. 2) Up to €20 million, or 4% annual global
turnover – whichever is higher.

Recent IEMT News Items - By Andrew Austin

I first encountered the wonderful
Arthur Partridge at the inaugural Marketing Tools
IEMT Trainer Training in Southampton In a bid to assist practitioners with their online marketing, I have
June 2013. We immediately got on, added links to a number of useful marketing tools that you may
sharing a similar sense of humour wish to take advantage of. I have also added a video showing
some useful strategies for online marketing that I highly
and as we found out some mutual recommend you begin using if you wish to expand your client
old friends.
base. Please remember to keep your claims about the efficacy of
IEMT “modest”.

Ay Pee as he liked to be known, had

an ease about him that comes from The Association’s IEMT Page
someone very comfortable with their Recent marketing campaigns for IEMT have grown the member-
ship of the Facebook page to just over 19,000, and it is currently
own identity.

growing by around 2000 per week. In the past week alone at the
time of writing, posts on the page have been viewed 23231 times.
A huge advocate of Andrew Austin’s Some of you may wish to start posting your own interesting
work, he generously promoted all of material on there, as well as the occasional self-promotion in
us who worked to spread the word order to raise your own profile.

about IEMT and also Metaphors of

Movement. He would often re-post Save Our Soldier
Save Our Soldier (SOS) is The Association’s nominated charity.
my IEMT Training on Facebook and SOS offers support and treatment for servicemen affected by
Twitter and directed people along to issues related to PTSD. IEMT provided one of the core practices
my courses. I met Ay Pee many for intervention and practitioners who wish to get involved are
times after that first training, invited to make themselves known to Save Our Soldier via their
wether at one of Andy’s training website: 

events, other trainings or occasional

Old Pain 2 Go
social events.

Old Pain 2 Go is a treatment model for chronic pain developed by

Steven Blake. IEMT trainer, Alan Johnson, is also an approved
Everyone who met Arthur was trainer for Old Pain 2 Go and is offering a discount to Association
struck by his infectious laughter and members who would like to learn this interesting area of work.

sense of positivity, no matter what

was happening in his life.
Regular Press Releases
We will be sending out another batch of press releases in the next
couple of weeks. If you have anything that you’d like to have
Sadly a huge piece of the IEMT considered for inclusion, do please get in touch.
Association has been lost, but his
enthusiasm, wit and generosity will
always be remembered.

I raise my cup of tea to Arthur and

thank him for being a valued friend. 2

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