Pembahasan SS10 1. Day 1 Week 2
Pembahasan SS10 1. Day 1 Week 2
Pembahasan SS10 1. Day 1 Week 2
Sentence: S+V
3V = 2 CONJ
4V= 3 CONJ
- Cari subject
- Cari Verb
- Cari conj
- Analisa yang kosong butuh apa.
l . The acting of Mary Ann Duff was characterized by subdued dramatic force, fidelity
to------- and a marked unity of effect.
To: preposisi
(C) is composed
(D) is composing it
3 --S+V that ornithischians, plant- eating dinosaurs, lived about 225 million years ago.
4. –S+V-- that took American art out of the romanticism of the mid-1800 ‘s and carried it
to the most powerful heights of realism.
5. Settlers of the western United States had a sense of equality in the face of hardship ------
democratic political practies.
Sudah ada 1 S+ 1 V
6. The National Medal of Science is the------- given by the United States government
Article+ N/NP
8. The concept of television, the transmission of images over distances, had intrigued
scientists. even before the invention of moving pictures or radio.
(B) transmits to
S, App, V
S app, V
App, SV
N, app
I 0. ---S- at a music store was one of Lil Armstrong's first professional jobs as a young
pianist when she- came to Chicago in 1917.
(A) Demonstration tunes
- analisa struktur
l 1 The first people to live in ------- Hawaii were the Polynesians, who 'sailed there in large
canoes from other Pacific Islands about 2.006 years ago.
(C} it is now
12. The Alaskan blackfish exhibits --O-- to both extreme cold and low concentrations of
oxygen under the ice.
15. If a diamond is heated without oxygen, it will turn to graphite, a form of--OP-- that it is
used as a lubricant.
16. Today's farmers have increased milk production greatly through improved methods of
breeding, feeding, and manage dairy cattle.
17. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which a rapidly drop in blood sugar most often results
from an oversecretion of insulin from the pancreas.
19. The Chippewa and Santee Sioux of the Upper Mississippi River regional have used
catlinite to produce carvings for almost l50 years.
20. Absolutely nothing that floats, neither a corked bottle nor a 50,000-ton ships, can
escape the effects of water currents.
21. The Wright Brothers were owner of a bicycle shop, and they used a number of bicycle
parts to make the original motorized airplane.
The owner
22. Gemstones are usually bright, color, opaque or transparent minera is found in the rocks
of the Earth.
23. The modern detective story, in which a detective solves a crime by discovering and
interpretation evidence, is considered to have originated with Edgar Allan Poe's “The
Murders in the RueMorgue" in 1841.
25. Slow growth in the early 1900's, linked with rising unemployment, less spend, and
meager business investments, led many experts to declare a recession.
26. Orchestrating musical works requires a understanding of the range and charateristics of
each instrument.
An understading
27. The Canadian province of British Columbia is rich of minerals and, because over 50
percent of the land is covered with forests, lumbering is its major industry.
Rich in
28. Each major styles of architecture emerged because new problems in building or
challenges in design appeared for architects to resolve.
29. Much of the significant research related for the theory of numbers concerns the
distribution of prime numbers.
Related to
30. Lauren Bacall made her film debut in To Have and Have Not, starring together
Humphrey Bogan, who later became her husband.
31. The black leopard is very dark that its spots are difficult to see.
Too+adj+to infinitive
Is so
32. On steep hillsides, tree roots bind to soil that might otherwise be washed away if heavy
If (conj): If+S+V
33. Carson McCullers was only 23 when she published her first novel, The Hean Is a
Lonely Hunter, for what she received much acclaim.
34. Through the process of imprinting, the young of a species rapidly learn to recognize
and follow other members of own species.
Of its own
35. The invention of fresh metaphors today continues to make it possible the vivid
expression of emotions.
Make possible
36. Proteins are made up of long, folded irregularly chains, the links of which are amino
37. Although most species of small birds gather in groups at feeders provided by bird-
watchers, the bright red cardinals usually appears alone or with its mate.
38. The astronomy is the oldest science, but it continues to be at the forefront of scientific
The astronomics
39. Henry David Thoreau was an American writer who is remembered for his faith in the
religious significance of the nature.
40. Gold or silver bullion serve into commerce as mediums of exchange all over the world.