Why File Sharing Networks Are Dangerous
Why File Sharing Networks Are Dangerous
Why File Sharing Networks Are Dangerous
Peer-to-peer (P2P) software clients have become part of the standard suite of PC
applications for many users. With millions of users world-wide sharing music, video,
software, and pictures1, file movement on these networks represent a significant
percentage of internet traffic. Beyond the much discussed copyright infringement
issues, P2P networks threaten both corporate and individual security. Our research
shows that confidential and potentially damaging documents have made their way
onto these networks and continue to do so. The research also shows that criminals
trawl P2P networks and opportunistically exploit information that they find.
P2P file sharing represents a growing security threat because of the evolution of
these networks. Internet service providers (ISPs), firms, and copyright holders have
responded to the rise of P2P both technically (site blocking, traffic filtering and
content poisoning2) and legally. These challenges have prompted P2P developers to
create decentralized, encrypted, anonymous networks that are difficult to track, are
designed to accommodate large numbers of clients, and are capable of transferring
vast amounts of data.
We analyze the P2P security issues, establishing the vulnerabilities these software
clients represent. Then we present experimental evidence of the risk through honey-
pot experiments that expose both business and personal financial information and
track the resulting consequences. This analysis and experimental results clearly show
the security risk of P2P file sharing networks.
We are grateful for the assistance of Tiversa Inc and Scott Dynes of the Center for Digital Strategies at
the Tuck School. Experiments described in this paper were conducted in collaboration with Tiversa who
has developed a patent pending technology that, in real-time, monitors global P2P file sharing networks.
This work was supported under Award number 2000-DT-CX-K001 from the Office for Domestic
Preparedness, Department of Homeland Security. Points of view in this document are those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
Peer-to-peer file-sharing networks enable users to “publish” or “share” files – any file
from music to video to spreadsheets. P2P networks provide a ready-made sharing
infrastructure that is difficult to block and even harder to track, providing cover for
espionage and criminal activity. They encourage users to leave their computers on and
connected to the internet at all times, running software that heavily uses their network,
disk, and processor. Recent legal battles being won by the content industry
(RIAA/MPAA) seem to have done little to really reduce file sharing, but have rather
pushed users onto new clients and networks that are even harder to track.
Peer-to-peer file sharing came of age during the dot.com boom and the rise of
Napster. Between its debut in 1999 and its eventual failure in 2001, Napster enabled
tens of millions of users to easily share MP3-formatted song files with each other.
However, its success and failure paved the way for many new P2P file-sharing
networks such as Gnutella, FastTrack, e-donkey, and Bittorrent, with related software
clients such as Limewire, KaZaA, Morpheus, eMule, and BearShare. This next breed
of sharing systems has proven far more difficult to control and a much larger security
A number of firms and internet service providers (ISPs) block or throttle traffic
associated with P2P systems using a simple, fast approach known as port filtering. In
response, P2P clients responded by using ports associated with other services (web
traffic, email traffic, etc.) to exchange data. The P2P traffic then blends in with other
traffic. Indeed, recent traffic studies suggest that P2P connections are now distributed
across all ports with concentrations at a few preferred points3.
Today P2P traffic levels are still growing, but no single powerhouse application is
driving it4. The aggregate numbers suggest that usage has more than doubled in the
past three years, from less than 4 million to nearly ten million simultaneous users.5
This does not include Bittorrent traffic, which is one of the most popular P2P
applications for video and is more difficult to monitor. It also doesn’t include users
on private networks. Private networks, sometimes called dark networks (or darknets),
are typically accessed through invitations from other users. Such networks, like
OinkMe, may include millions of users.
Many users shift from network to network based on features and popularity. For
example, the FastTrack network (used by KaZaA) has seen declines over the past
three years while others like Gnutella have grown (Figure 1). Semi-successful
attempts by content holders to disrupt access, coupled with KaZaA developers’ efforts
to increase revenue, quickly drove users to other networks, and even fostered the
creation of new networks. This suggests low barriers to entry for new file sharing
systems and also suggests that P2P networks serve a very mobile, well-informed user
base that is willing to explore new alternatives as they arise.
P2P Network Usage
8,000,000 Total
6,000,000 FastTrack
4,000,000 Other
O 03
O 4
O 5
Ju 3
Ju 4
Ju 5
Ap 3
Ap 4
Ap 5
Ap 6
Ja 3
Ja 4
Ja 5
l- 0
l- 0
With the constant introduction of new file sharing systems, one might wonder what
is driving the innovation. While there have been some astounding attempts to sell the
computational services of the user network, the typical business models of the
software client developers are fairly simple, either community-driven open source or
advertising supported.
P2P may have once been exclusively for the technologically elite, but today P2P
adoption is widespread. One study found that 27% of adult Americans admit to
sharing files from their computer with others.7 Income, race, and sex seem to play
little role in determining whether an individual will engage in file sharing.8 Age is by
far the largest signal of an inclination to share: Students are almost twice as likely to
share as non-students.
To illustrate the problem, we spent a couple hours searching the Gnutella network
for sensitive personal documents; the resulting files we found should be disconcerting
to users of P2P networks:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the U.S. Government’s
“EFILE” program both encourage individuals to complete forms online. When these
forms are complete and full of potentially harmful information, applicants are asked to
save a copy for their records. Similarly, those who are worried about credit scores
often visit sites such as freecreditreport.com and annualcreditreport.com which, after
asking several questions, return the customer a pdf file with their credit history.
These types of files leak out onto the P2P networks because of their inherent digital
We downloaded a selection of these files and verified that they were indeed real.
We observed one particular individual who was sharing a scanned copy of his
passport. However, he did not only scan his passport, he also decided to scan his
driver’s license at the same time and include both in the same file. This information
made him an easy target for anyone looking to commit identity theft. The passport
and driver’s license gave us two recent photographs of him, as well as his full name,
address, date and place of birth, height, eye color, driver’s license number, passport
number, and two signatures. Furthermore, we were able to obtain his phone number
and aerial photos of his house by using the gathered information in Google and
Google Earth. Thieves are likely to download many more files from the individual’s
computer after finding such a document knowing that they have found much of the
needed information to commit fraud.
In many ways, the security risk of P2P clients is similar to Trojan horses, malware,
and phishing scams: security breeches that depend on human intervention, abetted by
a carelessness or lack of proper security education among users. The remedies are also
similar: user education, proper controls on corporate information, site blocking,
periodic tests, and P2P network monitoring. We believe that the vast majority of
information leaks are the result of accidentally shared data rather than the result of
malicious outsiders extracting data from an organization. However, there are many
other trends that are driving more security concerns.
Growing Usage and Network Heterogeneity Means More Leaks – Assuming that
current usage patterns persist, more and more confidential information will find its
way on to these networks. Despite the significant positive network effects associated
with using a particular P2P client (the larger the network, the more diverse the
content, the greater the reliability, and the greater the speed), P2P networks are far
more heterogeneous and faster moving than operating systems. With many networks
and clients, users are not likely to grasp the security issues and P2P developers will
likely not focus on security.
Set and Forget Increases Losses – Research indicates that P2P clients tend to be “set
and forget” applications that run in the background and while the user is not at the
computer.10 This suggests that the user is not carefully tracking the activities of the
P2P client, increasing the opportunity for abuse. Further, even benign file sharing
programs consume significant processor time and network bandwidth, conditioning
the P2P user to tolerate sluggish performance that, for others, might be a first sign that
a system has been compromised.
Digital Wind Spreads Files – A firm that has the unfortunate circumstance of sharing
a name with a popular performer or song will experience far more activity. Users
looking for a media target may upload unrelated files with similar names thus
spreading a file. For example, the group Death Cab for Cutie recently recorded a
popular song State Street Residential, which may increase the threat for documents
from State Street Bank. While most takers looking for the song may have no
malicious intent for the bank, the business files will be found and spread, increasing
the likelihood that they will be found by others. We call this “digital wind.” Many
factors can drive the spread of files including the file naming conventions. Moreover,
second generation P2P networks typically create file indexes using the names of files
and metadata associated with them (the MS Word user who created it or the company
the software is registered to). For example searching for a live performance from the
Wachovia Center in Philadelphia may turn up customers’ records of their discussions
with the bank (where “Wachovia” is a useful way to separate a bank conversation
from a health insurance conversation). It also could snare Wachovia’s internal
documents because the bank name may appear in the company metadata tag of the
Grandma sent you a $25 prepaid visa card and a telephone calling
card in the mail for Christmas. She didn’t have your address there at
school. She said you better call her or else because now you don’t have
any excuses. Here’s the info from the cards:
Phone card:
Here’s what the back of the calling card says on how to use it:
1. DIAL 1-800-471-1805
Cumulative Downloads
9-Jan 11- 13- 15- 17- 19-
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan
Singapore 1/22
Sterling, VA 1/24
Bakersfield, CA 1/25
Germany 1/30
Montreal, Canada 1/31
Chattanooga, TN 2/1
New Orleans, LA 2/2
Next we developed an experiment that was more closely focused on the threat to
firms. We created and shared three mock business documents. The first was a
request for proposal (RFP) for a fictional bank that was looking for IT services to
support the integration of a yet-to-be announced merger. Such a document represents
strategic business information that could be valuable in many ways, including the
possibility of exploiting the information in stock trades. The second was simply as a
(publicly available) press release from a major bank announcing the completion of a
merger. It would again represent business information that the takers might think
valuable. The last was a draft of a fictional patent application for a new
nanotechnology. This intellectual property is far more specialized, requiring a more
sophisticated thief who could sell it to someone who could, in turn, exploit its value.
Again, we placed the files in a music directory that was shared over a seven day
period via Limewire. With the help of a Tiversa, our objective was to see both the
file movement and the actions of those who took the file. We hypothesized that
professional thieves who took the document would be careful not to share it while
amateurs might take the documents and reshare.
Over the week, the two banking documents were taken twelve times – eight for the
major bank document and four for the fictional bank. The patent application was not
taken during the week. We also observed that some of the takers immediately hid the
document after taking it – saving it into a directory that was not shared. Others
continued to share the documents leading to another six secondary disclosures.
Again, our experiment illustrated the risk of disclosure. Obviously, in this
experiment, the risk appears much higher for financial documents than specific
intellectual property like our patent application. While some of the takes may have
taken the documents hoping to commit identity theft with personal consumer
information, it appears likely that others were looking for business related documents.
Whatever their motives, these business documents were taken and retaken. They also
were taken by purposeful individuals who were quickly hiding their finds.
The popularity of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing has created many new security risks
for individuals and organizations. In this paper, we have presented an analysis of the
security vulnerability in P2P networks and provided accompanying evidence of the
threat. There is little doubt that P2P presents a real security risk to both individuals
and organizations. Certainly many individuals have likely been victims of identity
theft as a result of their participation in these networks. Ironically, many of those
victims may never realize the source of their misfortune. Rather than reducing the
problem, we see many of the current trends further increasing the problem. While it is
possible to use P2P sharing networks safely, the evolving security threats mean that
the best security advice for many users is to avoid these networks altogether. In most
cases, firms are well advised to block P2P activity on their networks and devices.
However, P2P sharing can be a very effective mechanism for distributing files and
collaborating with other users. We see several approaches to reduce security risk
User interface design – As discussed by Good and Krekelberg, interface design has
a significant impact on security. Client developers should incorporate features that
clearly show users what files are being shared and uploaded along with reducing the
ease of sharing (or even blocking) nonmedia files. Visualizing system activity and
integrating the client configuration into routine user action as suggested by de Paula et
al15 would certainly improve security. However, as we noted earlier, given the
business models of many P2P client developers it is not clear they currently have the
incentives to improve the security of their interfaces. Thus users must beware and
select appropriate clients. Likewise, firms should consider steps to improve user
visibility of security gaps.
User education – Understanding the risks is a key step in reducing exposure. Firms
should ensure employees, contractors, suppliers, and customers understand the risks.
File naming and organization – Firms and users should also introduce file naming
conventions and policies to reduce the “footprint” of their documents. These types of
initiatives reduce the threat of documents being found and spread. Folder
organization to segregate files types is also important. For many firms, steps to block
P2P participation on firm equipment along with policies for storing data on home
machines are often warranted.
In ongoing work, we are examining the implications for financial services firms.
With thousands of employees, contractors, suppliers, and customers, spread over
many countries, we believe large firms face significant risk from information leakage
into P2P networks.
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