Sample Question Paper Nutrition Class-XI
Sample Question Paper Nutrition Class-XI
Sample Question Paper Nutrition Class-XI
Full Marks - 70
Time - 3 hours
General instructions :-
i) All questions are compulsory
ii) Attempt all parts of a question at one place.
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Q3. Answer in brief : 4x6=24
(i) What is Nutrition? How is it related to health? 1+3=4
State the role of food in preventing diseases. Why is health education essential for maintenance
of good health.
(ii) What is Nutrient? All food are Nutrients but all Nutrients are not food--Explain 2+2=4
(iii) Name one water soluble and one fat soluble vitamin and state their deficiency symptoms. 1+3=4
(iv) What are the precautions to be taken for maintaning nutritive value of food during cooking? 2+2=4
What is grilling and simering? Mention their importances.
(v) State the factors affecting daily food pattern.
(vi) What type of food is pulse? Discuss its food value . 1+3=4
4. !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ ÉÈÙÈ 6x2=12
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Q4. Answer the following questions 6x2=12
(i) What do you mean by positive and negative water balance? Describe briefly the mechanism
of water balance in human body. 2+2+2=6
Distingnish between animal protein and plant protein. What is biological value of protein?
How can it be determined? 3+1+2=6
(ii) What is food planning State the criteria to be cansidered during food planning. 2+4=6
Describe the nutritive value of rice. Distingnish between rice and perboiled rice. 3+3=6
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