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Sample Question Paper Nutrition Class-XI

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Full Marks - 70
Time - 3 hours

General instructions :-
i) All questions are compulsory
ii) Attempt all parts of a question at one place.

1. xV §!ë˛Ü˛ í˛z_Ó˚ !öÓ≈yã˛ö ܲÓ˚ ÉÈÙÈ 1x14=14

ܲV ˆ˛õˆÏ°@ˇÃy ˆÓ˚yà !öÓ˚yüˆÏÎ˚ §•yÎ˚ï˛y ܲˆÏÓ˚ !û˛ê˛y!üö
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2.3/ 4.3/7.3/9.3
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Q1. A) Choose the correct answer :

(i) Pellagra preventing vitamin is
Thiamin / Niacin/ Retinol/ Riboflavin.
(ii) Calorie value of fat is
2.3/4.3/7.3/9.3 cal
(iii) The method of cooking by boiling for long time with minimum water is called
Stewing / Steaming/ Boiling/ Frying
(iv) Balanced diet for children upto 6 months
cow milk/ powder milk/ chicken soup/ Breast milk.
xyV x!ï˛ §Ç!«˛Æ Óy ~ܲܲÌyÎ˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ ÉÈÙÈ
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Page : 1
1. B) Answer in one word or very briefly the following questions. 1x10=10
(i) Name the body protective nutrient.
(ii) Write the full name of BMI
(iii) Name one method for assesment of nutritional status.
(iv) Which instrument is used for measuring the caloric value of food?
(v) Name two essential amino acids
(vi) Which vitamin is lost with rice extract during cooking of rice?
(vii) Write the advantage of steaming method of cooking
(viii) Name the best method of cooking green vegetables.
(ix) What is the calory demand of a sedentary adult woman
(x) Name the mineral which is absent in milk.
2. §Ç!«˛Æ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ ÉÈÙÈ 2x10=20
ܲV ˛õ%!T˛Ó˚ à%Ó˚%c !°á–
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ê˛V R.D.A Ó°ˆÏï˛ !ܲ ˆÓyé˛⁄
Q2. Answer in brief :
(i) Write the importance of Nutrition
(ii) What do you mean by protein sparing action of food?
(iii) Write the role of fibres in food.
(iv) Define first class protein
(v) What is water balance?
(vi) Mention the necessity of cooking food
(vii) What is standard food?
(viii) What are the purpose of food planing
(ix) State the factors affecting food planning of a pre-school children.
(x) What is R.D.A?
3. §Ç!«˛Æ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ ÉÈÙÈ 4x6=24
ܲV ˛õ%!T˛ ܲyˆÏܲ ӈϰ⁄ ˛õ%!T˛ Ä fl∫yfĩ !ܲû˛yˆÏÓ ˛õÓ˚flõÓ˚ §¡õÜ≈˛Î%=˛ !°á– 1+3=4
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Page : 2
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Q3. Answer in brief : 4x6=24
(i) What is Nutrition? How is it related to health? 1+3=4
State the role of food in preventing diseases. Why is health education essential for maintenance
of good health.
(ii) What is Nutrient? All food are Nutrients but all Nutrients are not food--Explain 2+2=4
(iii) Name one water soluble and one fat soluble vitamin and state their deficiency symptoms. 1+3=4
(iv) What are the precautions to be taken for maintaning nutritive value of food during cooking? 2+2=4
What is grilling and simering? Mention their importances.
(v) State the factors affecting daily food pattern.
(vi) What type of food is pulse? Discuss its food value . 1+3=4
4. !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ ÉÈÙÈ 6x2=12
ܲV ˛ôöydܲ Ä }îydܲ ç°§yüƒ ܲyˆÏܲ ӈϰ– ˆòˆÏ• ç° §yüƒ Ó˚«˛yÓ˚ í˛z˛õyÎ˚ Ä ˛õÂô!ï˛ §ÇˆÏ«˛ˆÏ˛õ !°á– 2+2+2=6
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!§Âô ã˛y° Ä xyï˛˛õ ã˛yˆÏ°Ó˚ ˛õ%!T˛ü)°ƒ ï%˛°öy ܲÓ˚– 3+3=6
Q4. Answer the following questions 6x2=12
(i) What do you mean by positive and negative water balance? Describe briefly the mechanism
of water balance in human body. 2+2+2=6
Distingnish between animal protein and plant protein. What is biological value of protein?
How can it be determined? 3+1+2=6

(ii) What is food planning State the criteria to be cansidered during food planning. 2+4=6
Describe the nutritive value of rice. Distingnish between rice and perboiled rice. 3+3=6

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