Quadrox Adults

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| The Gold Standard | Cardiovascular | QUADROX |  |



The innovative technologies within our QUADROX oxy-   Exceptionally low pressure drop
genation system offer exceptional features for state-of-   Particularly low priming volume
the-art perfusion. Engineered for minimal priming volume   Minimized foreign surface contact
and foreign surface contact. The QUADROX oxygenation   Excellent O 2 and CO 2 transfer performance
system is a proven concept. As oxygenation technology   Highly efficient heat exchanger
be­­comes more sophisticated, QUADROX is leading the way   O ptimum surface refinement with standard
with performance and versatility for today‘s perfusionists. Its SAFELINE coating
unique diamond design and special flow geometry provide   QUADROX D also available with BIOLINE coating
clinical benefits which the perfusionist will appreciate. Its
functional flexibility is optimized for ease of use. The QUADROX MAQUET – The Gold Standard.
is at your side, safe, and dependable: an unbeatable classic.
|  | Quadrox | Cardiovascular |

Committed to meeting individual patient needs

Superior fiber technology: The QUADROX D with diffusion Individual ways to enhanced biocompatibility: For opti-
membrane: Its tight hollow-fiber membrane made of poly- mum blood handling, both QUADROX and QUADROX D are
methylpentene eliminates plasma leaks. It effectively prevents available with SAFELINE coating. Our standard SAFELINE
the formation of microbubbles. QUADROX D provides the same coating minimizes transmembrane pressure increases with
outstanding handling characteristics and performance data of exceptional reliability. Our long established BIOLINE coating
the QUADROX oxygenator with its microporous membrane. is available for QUADROX D and shows a significant improved
hemocompatibility. Thrombocyte adhesion and activation are
considerably reduced with BIOLINE COATING.

Heat Exchange Performance Pressure Drop Oxygen Transfer

QUADROX + QUADROX D Quadrox + Quadrox D Quadrox + Quadrox D

Carbon Dioxide Transfer Carbon Dioxide Transfer

Quadrox Quadrox D
gas to
gas to blood
500 500
CO2 Transfer · ml/min

CO2 Transfer · ml/min

blood flow
450 flow 450 2:1
400 400

350 350
1:1 1:1
300 300

250 250
0,5: 1 0,5:1
200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

blood flow (l/min) blood flow (l/min) Reference: ISO 7199 standard. Gastransfer
rates and pressure drop at 37°C
| Cardiovascular | Quadrox |  |



Membrane surface without SAFELINE treatment: Un- QUADROX membrane surface with SAFELINE treatment:
coated membrane with depositions potentially leading to The advantage of the Safeline treatment under the electron
high pressure drop phenomena. microscope: significant reduction in surface deposition on the
Quadrox membrane. The typical transmembrane pressure
increase is minimized consistently.


Blood flow rate 0.5 - 7 l/m 0.5 - 7 l/m
Priming volume 250 ml 250 ml
Effective surface area gas exchange 1.8 m 2 1.8 m 2
Material of microporous membrane Polypropylene Polymethylpentene
Effective surface area heat exchange 0.6 m 2 0.6 m 2
Material of heat exchange capillary Polyurethane Polyurethane
|  | Quadrox | Cardiovascular |


Refined in every detail, the VHK meets the demands of

operating and perfusion techniques in the field of open-heart
surgery. It offers a minimum operating volume of 300 ml and
a capacity of 4200 ml. Its volume scale is easily readable
from all sides ensuring precise measurability, even for small
amounts of blood. A transparent blue cover permits viewing
the interior filter unit.

Designed for optimum positioning flexibility, the VHK

allows tubing lengths to be reduced and priming volume to
be minimized. The QUADROX rotates 360° under the VHK
reservoir and can be locked into any position. The VHK venous
inlet also rotates 360° independently. The reservoir and oxy-
genator units can be separated in seconds. Optionally, a
sealed version of the VHK is offered to enable the application
of vacuum to assist venous drainage (VAVD) during extracor-
poreal circulation or for post-operative thoracic drainage. The
sealed version features a pressure relief valve.

Technical Data
Minimum operating volume 300 ml
Maximum capacity 4200 ml
Maximum blood flow:
- venous filter 7 l/min
- cardiotomy filter 5 l/min
- combined 7 l/min
Defoamer Polyurethane foam
Antifoaming agent Medical antifoaming C
Cardiotomy filter 40 µm
Filter Polyester

VHK (profile)
| Cardiovascular | Quadrox |  |

Holder for single QUADROX, Quadrox D Holder for VHK, VKMO, and VKMOD Holder for VHK (for ICU)

Product Code No. Quantit y

QUADROX HMO 2030 4 pcs./box
QUADROX D HMOD 2030 4 pcs./box
QUADROX D BIOLINE coated BEQ-HMOD 2030 1 pc./box
VHK VHK 2000 1 pc./box
VHK sealed VHK 2001 1 pc./box
QUADROX and VHK VKMO 2030 1 pc./box
QUADROX D and VHK VKMOD 2030 1 pc./box
QUADROX and VHK sealed VKMO 2031 1 pc./box
QUADROX D and VHK sealed VKMOD 2031 1 pc./box

Holder for:
QUADROX 01 60 62
VHK, VKMO, and VKMOD 01 60 60
VHK (for ICU) 01 60 70


® MAQUET Registered Trademark of MAQUET GmbH & Co. KG · Reg. QUG:MCP-BR-50000140-EN-02 · Copyright by MAQUET, Rastatt · 2000 · 07/08 · We reserve the right to make
MAQUET Cardiovascular LLC
170 Baytech Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: 1-888-880-2874
Fax: 1-888-899-2874

technical and construction changes.

MAQUET Cardiopulmonary AG
Hechinger Straße 38
D-72145 Hirrlingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7478 921-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7478 921-100
info@maquet-cp.com GETINGE Group is a leading global provider of equipment and
systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency
www.maquet.com within healthcare and life sciences. Equipment, service and tech-
nologies are supplied under the brands ArjoHuntleigh for patient
For local contact: handling and hygiene, disinfection, DVT prevention, medical beds,
therapeutic surfaces and diagnostics, GETINGE for infection control
Please visit our website and prevention within healthcare and life science and MAQUET for
www.maquet.com Surgical Workplaces, Cardiovascular and Critical Care.


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