Aristocrat-Pin Out SPC 2.0
Aristocrat-Pin Out SPC 2.0
Aristocrat-Pin Out SPC 2.0
2 20
J2 :::::::::::::::::::: 1
1 19 H2 2 Tx
Place jumper between In from 3 Rx
Pins 11 and 13 EGM 4
(6th and 7th pins in 5 Grnd
this row) to clear
H3 2 Tx
3 Rx
5 Grnd
1 o1
H4 2 Tx Tx o 2 o9
Out to 3 Rx Rx o 3 o8
System 4 o4 o7
5 Grnd Grnd o 5 o6
2 to 2
Power 3 to 3
from EGM 5 to 5
** To Clear RAM
1. Remove Power connector at H8
2. Insert Jumper between Pins 11 and 13 at J2
3. Reinstall Power Coinnector at H8-At this time the LED will "Fast Flash" at
10 times per second.
4. Remove power connector at H8
5. Remove jumper at J2 Pins 11 to 13
6. Reinstall Power connector at H8
7. LED should begin "Slow Flash" at 5 times per second indicating normal operation
If LED flashes other than a steady 5 times per second use the following table
to determine the problem:
Pulsing once = No Gampro comms from EGM
Pulsing twice = Port H3 Error (should not be an issue at this time)
Pulsing three times = Port H4 Error (Not communicating with system)
Pulsing four times = NVOL RAM not cleared properly.
Pulsing five times = SAS EGM address not set correctly