Thiem Method
Thiem Method
Thiem Method
Water Resources
Geological Survey,
Box 3106, Car
Abstract. ____-____----______________---_______----_-------------- 1
Introduction __ ____-________--__---__--__--_-__---_------------- 2
Investigation in the Platte Valley, Nebr______________---_____--_ 2
Acknowledgments. ____________--_--__-_-_----_---------------- 3
Hydrologic properties of water-bearing formations_______-__-____,--- 4
Outline of Thiem and pumping-test methods-_______-_---____-------- 8
Permeability. ______--_--_--________--___---_________--------- 8
Specific yield-______-____--___________-------_-_____---------- 9
Development of TMem 'a formula.__________-_-_-_----_-___--------- 10
Confirmation of Thiem's formula from other work done in the United
States..___________________________---___-_._.- IS-
Formula for determining the cone of depression-___.-______-------_---- 23
Graphic solution of Thiem's formula____________________-------_-__ 25
Pumping tests in Nebraska_________-________________--------_--_- 26
Results obtained from the pumping tests_______________--__--_-___- 32
Draw-down curves.____________-_----_________-----------____- 32
Recovery curves__________----_-___---______-_-_--------__l___ 34
Cones of depression______-___--_---_________-.-----------__---- 36
Computation of coefficients of permeability_____________________ 41
Differences between field and theoretical conditions _______________ 50
Determination of specific yield by the pumping method.___________ 53
PIRATE 1. Graph for computing coefficients of permeability.____________ 24
2. A, Line SW of 1-inch observation wells; B, Measuring the depth
to the watertable_______________________________________ 28
3. A, Weir for measuring the discharge of the pumped well;
B, Pumping arrangement in second test_________________ 29
4. Typical draw-down and recovery curves for test l____-____-__ 36
5. Typical draw-down and recovery curves for test 2____________ 36
6. Contours on the water table before pumping and at several times
after pumping began__________________________________ 36
FIGURE 1. Plan and section of ideal ground-water conditions assumed
by Thiem__________-___-_-_________________________ H
2. Plan and section showing assumed ground-water conditions for
the development of the formula from horizontal water table. 16
3. Plan and section showing assumed ground-water conditions
for the development of the formula from horizontal artesian
conditions____________________________________________ 17
4. Map showing location of wells used in pumping tests._______ 27
5. Computed recovery curve for well 5, test !_________________ 37
6. Profiles of the cone of depression at several times after pumping
began and location of cylindrical sections used for comput-
ing specific yield-_______-_-__-_-----____________._____ 39
7. Relation of 2z>2 to P__________________________________ 48
1. Physical properties of samples of alluvium._________.--_____-___-__ 28
2. Log of well 84_-..----_-___._......___--__.__-_-._..___. 28
3. Location, diameter, depth, and altitude of wells______.......--___-_ 29
4. Record of pumping time_________________________________________ 31
5. Draw-down of the water table during test 1_.______________________ 36
6. Coefficients of permeability computed by Thiem's formula for all pos-
sible combinations of observation wells on line A_______-..--__--_ 42
7. Coefficients of permeability computed by Thiem's formula for several
combinations of observation wells on line A and for.several periods
of pumping.____._--__-______-_____-----_--___-_--__-------- 43
8. Coefficients of permeability computed by Thiem's formula, using a
50 feet_---_____.-....-._._.____.....__-____--.___ 44
9. Draw-down of water table for several distances and directions from
the pumped well._----_-____-_--------- _.__----_---___---_ 45
10. Differences in average draw-down on lines A and C____------------ 45
11. Final computation of coefficients of permeability__________-- _--_- 47
12. Computation of v* for P=975......-..._-----_------------------ 48
13. Observation equations for t/2 _______________-_-_-_____-------_--_ 49
14. Volumes of water-bearing material unwatered around the pumped
well _________-_-__-_-_--__-___--___----__-_-________------- 54
15. Computed quantities of ground water that percolated through several
concentric cylindrical sections around the pumped well-______..._ 54
16. Quantities of ground water taken from storage___-_--_-__--_-_---- 55
17. Specific yield as computed for several concentric cylindrical sections
and for several periods of pumping-____-_____--___-_---____--- 55
Direction of ground-water movement / \
Observation well
Pumped well
18274 36 3
Thiem states at this point that P is very small and therefore can
be assumed to be zero, thus introducing a small error. If P Q,
equation 31 becomes
cos <j>I+y)xyd<j> __ _ __ _ (32)
Pxyd<}>( cos 0 ------ ---(33)
V (36)
loge# f) 9 I
L H? L *Jh
i , ll2 h2
loge di loge a= ~Q-
, ,
loge fli log. a=
A) -- -- -(46)
and (hi h) is equal to the difference of draw-downs (s «i). Thus
V-A2 =$i+fc)(s-Si) ----- (47)
and equation 45 becomes
p=@ (loge fli loge a) -------- _ (48)
~2Trm(s Si)
logeX=2.30259 logiocc
2.30259 Qlogw ^
thus P= -= ?
2irm(s Si)
If the rate of pumping is expressed in gallons a minute, the equation?
2.30259(/l,440g Iog10-) 527.7g Iog10-
p= V g /_ <
Si) m(s Si)
which is Thiem's formula in modified form, for convenient use in
the United States.
Pumped well
_. . . , , Pumped well
Static water table ^ \,
FIGURE 2. Plan and section showing assumed ground-water conditions for the development of the for-
mula from horizontal water table.
/[*] * - -(53)
and .(54)
By integrating x and y,
Cdx 2irP C , ,.-.
I -0- I ydy--.-- - _-__(55)
and « -*_*
Observation we//\
Observation we//-^
Pumped well.
Pumping / we//s \i
Static piezometr/c surface r
/ / 7 / / /
FIGUKE 3. Plan and section showing assumed ground-water conditions for the development of the formula
from horizontal artesian conditions.
Cttl dx 2irmP C hl
By integrating, = n <fy___ ___ _____________(60)
Ja <*' V Jh
,N ,_.,.
i h)--- ___________ (61)
The velocity varies inversely with the distance from the axis of
the well, so
in which c is a constant to be determined. After equating 63 and
__________ __ ...__. (65)
y ................(71)
^ '___ ................ (73)
K, as previously defined, is really a coefficient of permeability. There-
fore the symbol P may be substituted for K, giving
(R+r) corresponds to the distance ax in Thiem's formula, and r
corresponds to the distance a. Equation 74 can then be written
The term h is equal to the draw-down at the pumped well, at the dis-
tance r from the axis of the well. The draw-down at the distance
(R-\-r) was assumed by Slichter to be zero. Therefore, h represents
the difference in draw-downs between the two points on the cone of
depression r and (B-\-r) and is equivalent to Thiem's term (s «i).
Substituting in equation 75, we have
The product Kp corresponds to Thiem's coefficient of permeability,
P. Hence
Cl 1
V °Sea^
This equation is Thiem's final formula 48, for computing the coef-
ficient of permeability from water-table conditions.
As shown above, there is little difference between the formulas of
Slichter, Turneaure and Russell, and Thiem. The principal variance
occurs in that Thiem determined the coefficient of permeability,
18274 36 4
whereas the others determined the quantity of water entering the well
and obtained the coefficient of permeability from laboratory analyses
of the water-bearing material. Thiem's formula includes the draw-
down of the water level in observation wells at two definite and meas-
urable points on the cone of depression, but the formulas of the others
contain the draw-down at the more indefinite points r and R. The
draw-down at the wall of the well at a distance r from the axis of the
well has usually been taken to be the water level in the well while
pumping was in progress. This sometimes introduces a large error,
because a part of the draw-down in the pumped well is caused by the
loss of head of the water as it enters the well. Moreover, the texture
of water-bearing material, if it is sand or gravel, is likely to be dis-
turbed for several feet around a pumped well by the development of the
well, and therefore the effective diameter r may be considerably
larger than the nominal diameter of the well.
The formulas of Slichter and of Turneaure and Russell include the
determination of the radius of the cone of depression, R. Slichter
assumed . this distance to be 600 feet, and Turneaure and Russell
determined it with a formula derived by the following reasoning:
"Assuming that all the water in the circle of influence flows into the
well, the width of the strip of the ground-water stream tributary to
the well will be 2R, and the original cross section of this portion of th&
ground-water stream is 2RH." Then from formula 1, Q=PI(2RH)
and R o PJTJ' By substituting the value of Q, from equation 82 the
formula, after reduction, becomes
_ ,..............
2IH log."
This formula involves the draw-down in the pumped well and the
radius of the well, and therefore it is subject to the difficulties
previously enumerated in ascertaining these items. It is certain
that R is rather difficult to determine, and under some conditions it
has been known to exceed 5,000 feet.
Recently the results of laboratory experiments on the flow of
water through sand by Wyckoff, Botset, and Muskat 18 were pub-
lished. They constructed a small apparatus in which the ground-
water conditions around a pumped well were reproduced. They
observed the draw-downs of the water table and piezometric surface
at several distances from the well under various rates of flow. A
formula was prepared from the data obtained from these experiments,,
by which the flow into a well could be computed from a knowledge
is Wyckofl, R. D., Botset, H. Q., and Muskat, M., Flow of liquids through porous media under the-
action of gravity: Physics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 90-113, August 1932.
.... ...............(88)
527.7 Io 10
or h2*=hi2 p ________________(92)
s ~Sl ~
............... .(97)
If di is a fixed point in any given pumping test, then log^ is a con-
stant in that test. Therefore the quantity E log^x is also a constant
and may be represented by L. Then
s Si=L E \ogea _____ __ ___ (98)
and s=i+Si Elogtd _ _ __.___.__. (99)
oi «f II ! ! II I I I ! in
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .3 .9 1.0 U 1.2 1.3 IA 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.9 2.O 3.1 22 2.3 2.4 2.6 26 2.7 2.8
400 , 500 i 60O ! 7OO ! 800 '. 900 , 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,3OO 1,400
0 IO 2O 3O 40 SO 6O 7O 80 30 100 110 12O 13O 14O I5O 160 17O 180 190 ZOO 2IO 220 23O 24O 25O 26O 27O 28O
and i= 2irPmx
0 ____________ _________(104)
^ J
---- --008)
This formula differs from equation 104 for artesian conditions only in
that the thickness of the water-bearing formation, m, is replaced by
the thickness of the saturated water-bearing material, y.
The slope of the cone of depression, i, at any point may be computed
for both water table and artesian conditions by substituting for x,
the distance of the point from the pumped well.
Two pumping tests were made near Grand Island, Nebr., during
the summer of 1931 on the farm of Fred Meyer, about 4 miles east
of Grand Island, in the NW% sec. 17, T. 11 N., R. 8 W. This location
was selected after a thorough inventory of existing irrigation wells
in the vicinity, as the one that most nearly approached the ideal
conditions desired for the pumping tests. The irrigation well used
for test 1 was in a pasture just west of a large field of corn (well
83, fig. 4). The land near the well was rather flat, although the
field of corn was slightly higher than the pasture. There was a dry
slough about 800 feet west of the well, but as no drainage had entered
it for some time preceding the pumping tests, it probably did not
affect the normal level of the ground water. Throughout the area
covered by figure 4 the water table ranged only from 2 to 10 feet
below the land surface, and hence the sinking of observation wells
was not difficult. It is probable that the water table was lowered
sjomewhat during the period of tests by drafts made on the zone of
saturation by plants, but the amount of lowering was small,, as indi-
cated by the small decline of the water table in those wells located
farthest from the pumped well. There were three irrigation wells
within a mile of the test wells, but none of them were operated during
the tests or for several days before the tests were begun.
Before the pumping tests were made a test hole was drilled near
observation well 76 to determine the thickness of the water-bearing
materials. Sand and gravel showing a great range in size and some
clay were penetrated to a depth of about 110 feet, where bedrock
was struck. The hole was continued into the bedrock to a depth of
143 feet below the ground surface. Later a well was drilled about
25 feet south of the existing irrigation well for the second pumping
test, and samples of the water-bearing materials penetrated were sent
to the hydrologic laboratory of the United States Geological Survey
for determinations of porosity, moisture equivalent, and permeability
and a mechanical analysis (table 1). A log of the materials encoun-
tered in this well (84, fig. 4) is given in table 2. This well was 12
inches in diameter and was drilled to a depth of 105 feet; the lower
48 feet and the upper 24 feet of the casing were perforated. The
existing irrigation well used for the first pumping test was 24 inches
in diameter and 40 feet deep, and all the casing was perforated.
TABLE 1. Physical properties of samples of alluvium taken from well 84, near
Grand Island, Nebr.
[Determined in the hydrologic laboratory of the U. S. Geological Survey by V. C. Fishel]
Moisture equivalent
Apparent Porosity Coefficient
Depth (feet) specific (percent) of perme-
gravity Percent Percent ability
by weight by volume
Thick- Thick-
ness Depth ness Depth
A transit was set up over well 83, and six radiating lines of wells
were laid out. Lines C and D were projections of lines A and B,
and line W bisected the 90° angle formed by the intersecting lines
A and B. lines N and S only approximately bisected the angles
formed by the intersections of lines A and D and lines B and C,
because the topographic features were such that actual bisections
would have been difficult. Line SW was laid out from well 84
(pl. 2, A).
More than 80 observation wells were sunk, most of them relatively
close to the pumped wells, where the decline of the water table during
pumping would be the greatest. Some of the observation wells were
1 inch in diameter and were fitted with 18-inch screen drive points.
These wells were driven into the saturated sand and gravel -to such
depths that the water table during pumping would not drop below
the bottoms of the wells. Several observation wells 3 inches in
diameter were fitted with drilling bits at their lower ends and were
jetted down with a drilling rig. Holes in the bits allowed water to
enter the wells freely. The diameters and depths of the observation
wells are recorded in table 3.
TABLE 3. Location, diameter, depth, and altitude of wells used in the pumping
Depth of meas-
Diam- of well uring Altitude of D istance
Well no. Line eter below point measuring pumped pumped
measur- above point
ing point land well 83 well 84
TABLE 3. Location, diameter, depth, and altitude of wells used in the pumping
tests Continued
Depth of meas-
Diam- of well uring Altitude of Distance
Well no. Line eter below point measuring pumped pumped
measur- above point
ing point land well 83 well 84
73 . ___________ . _ . s 1 Qi K QX m 105.3
74-- . _ . _______ . ..... s 12 0 .7 1 ci K nn OOK O 9fifi Q
75-- ________ ...... 8 1 12.6 .5 1, 816. 05 OKK 1
77 N 1 6.1 1, 813. 08 Q7 1
78-- . _ ........ N 1 12.8 1.7 1, 815. 32 160.0 183.5
79 ....................... N 1 to n .7 1,815.48 OCR 0
Each observation well was pumped with a pitcher pump until the
water discharged was clear, indicating that the ground water had
free access to the well and that the water level in the well showed the
level of the water table outside the well. Definite points were
established at each well from which measurements of depth to the
water level could be made, and the distance of these measuring points
above the land surface was recorded. To determine the altitude of
the measuring points, instrumental levels were run to all the obser-
vation wells and to the two pumped wells (table 3).
Both pumping tests were started early in the morning. During the
day preceding each of the tests several measurements were made of
the depth to water in the observation wells, in order to determine
the static level of the water table, and a few minutes before pumping
began additional measurements were made as a check on the measure-
ments of the day before. The measurements were made with a steel
tape graduated in hundredths of a foot. The end of the tape was
loaded with a swiveled weight, so that the tape would hang plumb, and
the lower foot or so of the tape was coated with blue carpenter's chalk,
so that the depth of immersion of the tape into the water could be
plainly seen. The period of pumping in the first test was about 48
hours, and the average rate of pumping 540 gallons a minute. During
the second pumping test the pump was stopped several times because
of trouble with the 50-horsepower gasoline engine that was used to
drive it. In order to make the two tests as comparable as possible,
pumping in the second test was continued a few hours longer than
the 48-hour period, so that the total quantity of water pumped was
about equal to the quantity pumped during the first test. Records
of pumping time are given in table 4.
TABLE 4. Record of pumping time
Well 83 (test 1) Well 84 (test 2) Continued
Started___ July 29, 1931, 6:05 a. m- Started___ Sept. 10, 1931, 9:32 a. m.
Stopped.___ July 31, 1931, 6:04 a. m. Stopped_____________ 9:36 a. m.
Started....___________ 9:38 a. m.
Well 84 (test 2)
Stopped________________ 9:39 a.m.
Started___ Sept. 9, 1931, 8:05 a. m' Started_____________ 9:40 a. m.
Stopped__________-_____ 11:18 a. m' Stopped_________-______ 9:48 a. m.
Started_______________ 11:35 a. m. Started...______________ 9:51 a. m.
Stopped________________ 12:35 p. m. Stopped________________ 11:17 a. m.
Started_________________ 12.37 p. m. Started,.____________ 11:19 a. m.
Stopped._______________ 2:00 p. m. Stopped_____-__________ 11:49 a. m.
Started_______________ 3:38 p. m. Started ------..-.---- 11:55 a. m.
Stopped_____-_-________ 5:55 p. m. Stopped...._____.-- 12:06 p. m.
Started_______________ 6:31 p. m. Started____________ 12:11 p. m.
Stopped__ Sept. 10, 1931, 4:26 a. m. Stopped_ Sept. 11, 1931, 10:28 a. m.
Started___________ 6:03 a. m. Started___________ 10:34 a. m.
Stopped____ __________ 8:57 a. m. Stopped__-_______-_---- 2:05 p. m.
temporarily in the sand and gravel close to the pumped well. This
process tended to reduce the draw-down in the wells close to the
pumped well, and therefore the coefficients of permeability computed
from draw-downs observed in the second test are believed to be
greater than the true permeability of the material. For this reason
more study has been devoted to the first test, in which pumping was
carried on at a nearly constant rate. It is probable that the
inequalities in the cone of depression in the second test would have
disappeared if pumping had been continued without interruption
for several more days.
24.9 4.03 1.187 1.32 1.12 0.98 0.86 0.77 0.70 0.64 0.59 0.55 0.51 0.48
2. ... ... 59.9 2.81 1.69 1.33 1.13 .99 .87 .77 .70 .64 .59 .55 .51 .47
3 _ 114.4 2.03 1.49 1.25 1.17 .94 .85 .77 .70 .64 .59 .55 .51 .48
4. 164.2 1.62 1.30 1.11 .98 .88 .80 .72 .67 .60 .56 .52 .49 .46
5. 229.0 1.14 1.01 .91 .83 .76 .70 .64 .59 .55 .51 .48 .45 .43
6 ....... 354.1 .65 .64 .60 .56 .53 .50 .48 .45 .43 .41 .39 .37 .35
7 .-.. ... 429.3 .52 .51 .49 .47 .45 .43 .41 .40 .38 .36 .35 .33 .32
8. ...... 478.9 .44 .44 .44 .43 .42 .41 .39 .38 .36 .35 .33 .32 .30
9 ....... 604.0 .26 .27 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 .27 .27 .26 .26 .25 .24
10 754.6 .15 .16 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .18 .18 .18 .18 .17
11 903.8 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 13 .13 .13 .14 .14
Table 5 also illustrates the decline of the water table after pumping
ceases in wells comparatively far from the pumped well. Recovery
started almost at once in wells 1 to 7, but in well 8 there was a lag of
a few hours, and it was 6 hours before the water level reached a point
0.01 foot above its level at the time when pumping stopped. In
well 9 there was an actual decline of 0.02 foot during the first 4 hours
of recovery, and it was not until 14 hours after pumping had stopped
that there was any recovery from this low level. In well 10 there was
a decline for 22 hours after pumping had stopped, and in well 11 the
water level was apparently still declining after 24 hours. This lag
is also shown by the recovery curves in plate 4.
The writer has devoted some time in an attempt to develop an equa-
tion for the recovery curves and their relation to the permeability of
the water-bearing material. It would seem that the rate of recovery
of the water level in an observation well is dependent on the quantity
of water pumped, the draw-down of the water level at the time pump-
ing stopped, the distance of the observation well from the pumped
well, the initial hydraulic gradient, the thickness of the water-bearing
formation, and the permeability of the formation. No equation was
found that could be used for the draw-down curves of all the obser-
vation wells. However, the following general equation is suitable
for many of the curves:
R= D
rpn l !
Probable draw-down
Pump not operating
Water level
Pump not operating
6a.m 8a.m. !0a.m. 12 m. 2p.m. 4p.m. 6p.m 8 p.m. 10p.m. 12p.m. 2a.m. 4a.m. 6a.m. 8a.m. 10a.m. 12m. 2p.m. -4p.m. 6p.m. 8p.m. 10p.m. 12p.m. 2a.m. 4a.m. 6a.m. 8a.m. 10a.m. 12m. 2p.m. 4p.m. 6p.m. 8pm. K)p.m. 12p.m. 2am-4a.m. 6a.m. 8a.m. 10a.m.
1, Before pumping began; 2, noood boor; 3, nidi hoar; 4, twelfth hour; 5, twenty-ftmrth hoar; 6, forty-eighth hour.
from the pumped well, which were obtained from profiles of the cone
of depression.
The coefficients of permeability computed by using the difference
in draw-down at any two points on the cone of depression would be
equal if the iorm of the observed cone of depression was the same as
that of the theoretical cone of depression obtained by Thiem's formula.
However, the cones of depression in both pumping tests were not
identical with the theoretical cone, and the computed permeability
ranged through wide limits. Computations of permeability were
made by using the draw-downs in all possible combinations of obser-
vation wells on line A, after 48 hours of pumping, in test 1 (table 6).
The coefficients of permeability thus computed ranged from 535 to
5,630. The equation used was
527.7X540Xlog^ Clr
Well no. 71 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
72...... _ .. 535
1.. ...... ...... . 615 840
2............... 668 885 919
3_ -..-.. 690 927 974 1,058
4....... ........ 729 949 1,000 1,079 1,112
5_ - 746 941 976 1,014 983 866
6 -.-_ --. 767 956 998 1,038 1,030 1,045 1,188
7...... ......... 785 984 1,027 1,096 1,098 1,262 1,830
8_. .......... ... 778 998 1,043 1,130 1,315 1,786 1,760
9............... 810 1,018 1,180 1,192 1,374 1,700 1,630 1,605
10 -- 835 1,052 1,113 1,196 1,292 1,500 1,880 1,895 1,950 2,505
11...... _ ..... 845 1,090 1,160 1,260 1,345 1,420 1,660 2,150 2,255 2,320 3,320 5,630
TABLE 9. Draw-down of water table, in feet, after 48 hours of pumping during test 1,
for several distances and directions from the pumped wett
50.. ......... ......... ...... . ........... 3.06 3.14 2.98 2.93 3.02 3.08
75.. . 2.52 2.505 2.48 2.50 2.52 2.50
loo....................................... 2.17 2.11 2.08 2.20 2.13 2.16
150............ ........................... 1.74 1.57 1.52 1.68 1.63 1.63
200... ................................. 1.35 1.22 1.17 1.33 1.26 1.28
260.. . ................................. 1.03 .95 .92 1.06 .96 1.01
300. . . . ......... ... .82 .74 .73 .86 .78 .80
350.. ...... ........................... .66 .575 .57 .70 .62 .64
400.. .......... . .57 .455 .44 .56 .51 .52
450. ................................... .49 .36 .35 .445 .42 .41
500.----.. ..... .41 .29 .28 .37 .35 .33
650 .................................. .34 .23 .23 .305 .29 .27
600 .28 .195 .195 .245 .24 .23
650-. _ .. ... . .22 .16 .16 .195 .19 .18
700. .................. ............... .18 .14 .14 .155 .16 .15
750...... ................... . ....... .15 .115 .12 .13 .14 .13
800... . ........... ............. .125 .085 .10 .11 .11 .10
850 .12 .075 .075 .10 .10 .09
900 ............. ............... .105 .065 .06 .085 .08 .08
950... .......................... ...... .06 .05 .08 .07
1,000.. . ..... ................. .05 .04 .065 .06
1,050 .05 .025 .065 .06
2 6 12 24 36 48 >48+
about 997 (table 11). In table 1 are given the coefficients of permea-
bility of samples of the sand and gravel taken from well 84 during the
process of drilling, as determined in the hydrologic laboratory of the
United States Geological Survey. These coefficients reach a maximum
of 4,350, but their average, weighted as to thickness, is about 1,200.
TABLE 11. Final computation of coefficients of permeability from the average
draw-downs on lines A and C where the cone of depression had reached approxi-
mate equilibrium in form
0.1 , a\ TO S Sl
(feet) (feet) loga~ (feet) (feet) P
Average, 997.
(feet) ^log.x c y° y* »
The differences (r) between tile observed and computed values, the
residuals, are tabulated in the last column, and we find 2y2 =0.0017.
Proceeding in a similar manner for the values P=775 and 1,175,
we find for Sp2 the respective values 0.2835 and 0.0948. Plotting all
the values as shown in figure 7, we see at once that the value of P
that makes 2r* a minimum is slightly less than 1,000. This, in accord-
ance with the principle of least squares, is the most probable value
of P.
Another method of procedure arrives at the correct result in a
more direct manner.' Let us write down an observation equation
(40) for each observed value of y as given in table 12.
TABLE 13. Observation equations for y2
The conditions found in the field rarely approach closely the theo-
retical considerations from which Thiem's formula was developed.
The water-bearing formations usually differ from place to place in
thickness and in permeability. Wells usually do not extend to the
bottom of the formation, and the bottom is not always parallel to
the water table or piezometric surface. Most water tables and
piezometric surfaces are not horizontal, and few pumping tests are
continued until the cone of depression reaches approximate equilib-
rium in form over a large area.
The errors introduced into Thiem's formula by the differences be-
tween field and theoretical conditions can be minimized. The thick-
ness of the water-bearing material can be obtained from as many well
logs as possible, and an average value used for m. Of course, the
value used in Thiem's formula is not important if the computed
coefficient of permeability is to be used to determine the quantity of
water that percolates through some cross section of the material in
which the factor of thickness appears, because in that case m cancels.
The effect of variations in the permeability of the water-bearing ma-
terial can be lessened by selecting an average value for the computed
coefficient by one of the methods previously explained. Other
differences such as pumped wells that do not extend through the
formation, water tables that are not horizontal, and cones of depres-
sion that have not reached equilibrium in form cause part of 'the
cone of depression to differ from the theoretical cone. The effect of
these differences can be minimized by substituting in Thiem's formula
only the draw-down of the water table from that part of the cone of
depression which corresponds with the theoretical cone.
The reason why the observed cone of depression differs from the
theoretical cone may be made clear by a review of the behavior of the
water table during the first pumping test. As soon as the pump began
discharging water from the well a hydraulic gradient from all direc-
tions was established toward the well, and the water table was lowered.
The lowering of the water table unwatered a considerable volume of
downs shown in table 10. The differences are practically equal for
distances up to 200 feet from the pumped well, but for distances
farther from the pumped well the theoretical difference is larger.
The theoretical difference in draw-downs of the water table at 40
feet and 1,000 feet from the pumped well is 4.12 feet, and the observed
difference after 48 hours of pumping was 3.28 feet. This indicates
that with further pumping the water table at 40 feet and 1,000 feet
from the pumped well would lower in such amounts that the difference
between the declines would be increased by 0.84 foot. There is no
way of ascertaining the net decline of the water table at either of
these distances from the pumped well, as the net decline depends
upon the length of the period of pumping.
The pumped well used in test 1 did not extend through the water-
bearing sand and gravel, and it seems probable that this influenced
the cone of depression close to the pumped well. As shown in table 6,
the coefficients of permeability computed by using the draw-downs
in wells 71 and 72, 2.6 feet and 12.3 feet, respectively, from the center
of the pumped well, were comparatively small, indicating that the
draw-downs near the pumped well were relatively great. It seems
probable that these comparatively large draw-downs were an effect
of the well's failing to penetrate the entire thickness of the formation,
because the form of the cone of depression reached essential equilib-
rium from 40 feet to 200 feet from the pumped well, and the draw-
downs were of such magnitude that the computed coefficients of
permeability were practically equal, whereas the water table within
40 feet of the pumped well reached essential equilibrium but did not
correspond to the theoretical cone. A part of these large draw-downs
may also have been caused by changes in the permeability of the
formation due to the rearrangement of the sand and gravel during
the development of the well.
It is unfortunate that there were interruptions during the period .of
the second test, for these interruptions so changed the normal draw-
downs in the observation wells that the computations of permeability
from.the data obtained in this test are of doubtful value. Some
computations were made, and the coefficients averaged about 1,300
for wells 56 to 61 on line SW. Because there were interruptions
in pumping it would be expected that the draw-downs would be
smaller and consequently the coefficients larger. It is difficult to
make an intensive study of this test, because only line SW extended
through pumped well 84. The draw-down measurements made
during these tests indicate the behavior of the water table at several
distances from the pumped well when pumping is not continuous, and
the measurements of depth to the water table made after the pumping
stopped are valuable for determining the rate and amount of the
recovery of the-water table.
The data obtained during the first pumping test are adequate for
detailed study of the use of the pumping method for determining the
specific yield of water-bearing materials. This method was suggested
by Meinzer 19 and essentially consists of determining the ratio of (1)
the quantities of ground water that in a given time are taken from
storage between concentric cylindrical sections around the pumped
well to (2) the volumes of sediments between the cylinders that are
unwatered in that time. A preliminary report by the writer on this
method, with reference to the pumping tests described in this paper,
has been published.20 As the quantities of water taken from storage
are determined by ascertaining the difference in the quantities of
water that percolate through the cylinders in a given time, the
specific yield may be expressed by the equation
-- (107)
TABLE 14. Volumes of water-bearing material, in cubic feet, that were unwatered
between concentric cylindrical sections around the pumped well for several periods
of pumping
50 and 280. _________________________ 160, 500 227, 700 275,600 308, 300 336, 400
50 "arid 320 .- . .._ -.. .- 179,800 260, 100 319, 300 361, 400 397,000
50and»360 ..... .................... _ ............ 196,000 289,200 359, 500 411,400 455,200
50 and 400........ ................................... 209,400 315, 000 395, 800 458,200 510, 600
50 and 500......... .... __ __._- __ ... _ . _ -. 234,200 367, 300 474, 300 561, 500 632, 400
248, 900 401,000 532, 100 640,000 731,000
259, 100 421, 600 575,000 699,300 806, 700
263, 800 437,000 608,000 745, 200 865, 600
263,800 449,000 634,800 785, 300 916, 300
The quantities of water that were taken from storage between the
concentric cylindrical sections were determined by computing the
quantity of water that percolated through the smaller cylinder and
subtracting from it the quantity of ground water that percolated
through the larger cylinder. The quantities of water that percolated
through each cylinder in a given time were computed by the formula
7.48X24-------------- (108)
TABLE 17. Specific yield as computed for several concentric cylindrical sections and
for several periods of pumping
This quantity added to the 155,400 cubic feet (determined in the same
manner) that percolated through this cylinder in the preceding 36
hours gives a total of 206,800 cubic feet ground water that perco-
lated through the 50-foot cylinder in 48 hours. The quantity of
water that percolated through the 280-foot cylinder in the last 12
hours of pumping was as follows:
2= 2X3.1416X975X0.00369X280X99.42X12
7 4SV24 Qnn cubic
=41,900 . . feet
This quantity added to the 97,700 cubic feet that percolated through
this cylinder in the preceding 36 hours gives a total of 139,600 cubic
feet of ground water that percolated through the 280-foot cylinder
in 48 hours. The quantity of ground water taken from storage
between the* 50-foot and 280-foot cylinders equals 206,800 minus
139,600, or 67,200 cubic feet; the volume of material that was un-
watered between these cylinders was 336,400 cubic feet (table 14),
Hence the specific yield is computed as follows:
336,400 ~^ U ' U