the Transport of a
Coarse Sand
Flume Experiments on
the Transport of a
Coarse Sand
William T. Pecora, Director
Page Page
Symbols.__________________________________________ iv Results..______________________________________ B6
Abstract____________________ __________________ Bl General__ ___________________________________ 6
Introduction. ______--_____-___----_____--_____-___. 1 Sediment-transport rates_______________________ 6
Equipment and application._________________________ 2 Relations of variables.__________________________ 13
Flume______.______________________________ 2 Surface velocity._______________________________ 16
Water circuit and discharge measurement________ 2 Comparison with data of Gilbert and Murphy______ 18
Bed forms,____________________________________ 20
Sediment infeed._______________________________ 2 Interrelations between characteristics________ 22
Sediment-transport measurement_._______-__-_-__ 3 Characteristics related to fluid flow strength__ 23
Sediment._________________________________________ 3 Characteristics related to sediment-transport
Procedure.________________________________________ 3 rates._ __________________________________ 25
Initiation of runs and attainment of equilibrium con- Conclusions._______________________________________ 28
ditions. _____________________________________ 3 Description of bed configuration, by run.______________ 28
Measurements__ _ _____________________________ 5 References.________________________________________ 30
TABLE 1. Experimental results._______________________________________________________________________________ B7
2. Computed quantities.______________________________________________________________________________ 8
3. Hydraulic radius, shear stress, and stream power corrected for wall drag by methods of Einstein and of Johnson
and Brooks ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13
4. Bed-form measurements.___________________________________________________________________________ 22
Symbol Dimensions
a Coefficient in velocity-shear equation_______.____._______________________________ I^I2 T~1
b Exponent in velocity-shear equation.
c Bed-form velocity or rate of travel_______________-_________.._-___--______-_-_- LT"1
C Chezy C____-___________________-_______-____-________-__--_-----_-_-_-_---_- Ll*T-1
D Depth of water_____________________________________________________________ L
f Darcy-Weisbach /.
F Froude number.
g Acceleration due to gravity___-___-____--_____--__-_____-_----_----------_--__- LT~2
h Bed-form height_______________-__-_____-___-__-___-___-__----_-__----_--__- L
i Sediment-transport rate.__________________________________-__--_----_-_-__-__- FT~lL~l
I Bed-form length (crest to crest) ________________________________________________ L
n Manning n____--__-____________-___.___________-____________-_--__-____-____ L1/e
Q Water discharge________________________________________________________ L*T~l
Qb Discharge adjusted to eliminate that part of flow affected by sidewalls______________ L*T~1
R Hydraulic radius,_______________ _____________________________________________ L
Rb Hydraulic radius of bed (a theoretical hydraulic radius excluding that part of flow cross
section which is influenced by sidewalls) ________________________________________ L
8 Slope (ft per ft).
t Temperature (degrees centigrade).
V Mean water velocity_________-___________________________--__-_____--_-__--___ LT"1
Vs Surface velocity of water______________________________________________________ LT"1
W Width of channel___________________________________________________________ L
7 Specific weight of water (=62.4 Ibs per cu ft)____________________________________ Fir3
simulate natural alluvial conditions, the large number
A newly constructed 52-foot laboratory flume was used to of possibly relevant variables can usually be limited to
study sediment transport in a series of 37 runs with a coarse sediment characteristics (such as size, size distribution,
(1.35 mm) sand at water depths of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 foot. The
data obtained during these runs show that relations between
shape, density), sediment-transport rate, water dis-
variables can be clarified by maintaining a constant flow depth. charge, mean velocity, depth, and bed slope and rough-
For the range of conditions examined, unique relationships were ness. Other factors, such as water temperature, may
found between any two variables as long as depth was constant. have some influence under certain conditions. The
The bed forms ranged from an initial plane bed to antidunes, sediment characteristics are usually predetermined by
but ripples and a plane-bed transition from dunes to antidunes the operator and, thus, must be classified as independent
did not occur. The data obtained by Gilbert in 1914, using a
comparable grain size, agree with the results of the present variables. In the present study, the sediment-trans-
study. One method of determining the critical flow strength port rates and the water depths (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 ft)
needed to initiate sediment movement indicates that, with the were also controlled by the operator. The dependent
flume and sediment used in this study, the critical flow strength variables, therefore, were water discharge (or mean
is determined not only by such factors as sediment characteristics velocity, at constant depth and width), slope, and bed
and bed slope but also by water depth. (An exception to this
last statement was found when shear stress expressed as yRS roughness. (True independence or dependence of vari-
was used as the measure of flow strength.) Surface velocity is ables in sediment transportation is questionable, for
related to all other variables, particularly to rate of sediment the role of each variable in governing other variables
transport. or merely reacting to changes in other variables is still
INTRODUCTION poorly understood. Thus, describing a variable as
A laboratory flume was constructed in 1964 by the completely dependent or completely independert is
U.S. Geological Survey in Washington, D.C., to ex- both difficult and risky.)
plore various problems in sedimentology, geomorphol- The purposes of this report are to describe the ecuip-
ogy, and hydrology; its initial use is in the field of ment and procedures used in a series of sediment-
sediment transport. Studies of the movement of transport experiments, to present the data of the initial
debris by water aid in the interpretation of numerous group of a continuing series of experiments, and to
geologic processes, pollution, filling of dams and reser- examine some of the observed relationships between
voirs, and other phenomena. Use of the laboratory variables. Certain features of these experiments differ
permits the control of many variables which usually from most previous flume studies on sediment trans-
cannot be controlled in the natural environment. port, and the data collected during this study will
Although rivers frequently carry coarse sand and therefore supplement the published information. For
gravel, most previous laboratory studies have dealt example, the use of coarser grained sediment and con-
with medium and fine sands, with particle diameters stant depth in a nonrecirculating flume in this study
less than 1.0 mm. Therefore, coarser grain sand was will provide new data. Although a constant depth is
used in the present sediment-transport experiments. commonly maintained in flume studies in which the
Many of the available data on transport of coarse- water and sediment are continuously recirculated, the
grained sand are from the work of G. K. Gilbert (1914) writer knows of no studies involving nonrecircutating
and of E. C. Murphy, who performed most of the flumes in which the water depth was held constant.
experiments in the Gilbert study.
All laboratory investigations require a decision as to This investigation was begun under the supervision
which of the pertinent variables should be controlled by of Luna B. Leopold, to whom thanks are given for
the operator. In flume studies, which attempt only to valuable assistance and suggestions throughout the
study from design and construction of equipment to bend was a direct indication of the discharge flowing
completion. William W. Emmett assisted in planning through the elbow. 1
the laboratory and performed a major role in the design From the constant-head tank, water passed through
and construction of the laboratory equipment. Ralph pipes to a stilling tank (4 ft X 4 ft X 3.4 ft deep) at the
A. Bagnold provided valuable suggestions on various head of the flume. From this tank it flowed through
aspects of the investigation. Additional assistance in a horizontal preliminary channel 1 foot vide and 4
construction and in some preliminary runs was given feet long, on the same level as the upstream end of the
by O. Lehn Franke. flume. In passing through this preliminary channel
the water was screened by wire mesh to eliminate large-
scale disturbances in the flow. The water next went
FLUME through a 4-foot-long zone where the sediment was fed
The test section of the flume was 52 feet long. The into the system, and then entered the 52-f oot-long flume
maximum usable width was 4 feet, but for the present test section.
experiments an inner trough 1.0 foot wide was used. As the water-sediment mixture left the flume at the
This trough had transparent plexiglas walls 15 inches downstream end, it was directed into a collection box.
high and a wood floor. This box had compartments in which the sediment was
At a point 2.0 feet from the downstream end of the trapped. The excess water flowed over a lower wall of
flume the plexiglas walls were hinged vertically. the box and was channeled back to the sump, thereby
Known collectively as the tailgate, these hinged sec- completing its circuit.
tions could be converged at the end of the flume to SEDIMENT INFEKD
dam the water to any desired level. This method was
used to make the water depths as uniform as possible. Sediment was fed into the stream by gradually
On top of each of the outer (permanent) flume walls raising a supply of sand above the channel level and
was a rail traversing the entire flume length. On these permitting the flowing water to scour the material off
rails rode a carriage to which was fixed a point gage for the rising floor and into the test section. Tl e technique
depth measurements. The height of the gage tip rela- used proved to be satisfactory, except for a minor
tive to the rails was read directly from an adjacent amount of sediment leakage.
scale, to within 0.001 foot. The sediment infeed area was a bin 4 feet square and
The slope of the flume was adjustable from horizontal 3.5 feet deep located immediately upstream from the
to about 0.02 foot per foot. The test section was flume test section. Within the bin was a false bottom
hinged at the upstream end. Two large chain hoists, which could be continuously raised or lowered by means
suspended from an independent permanent steel brac- of two screw jacks run by a motor above the bin.
ing, bore the weight of the flume at the downstream Reduction gears between the motor and the screw
end. The desired slope was obtamed by raising or jacks and a speed control on the motor provided a
lowering the downstream end of the flume, using these wide range of rates at which the false bottom could be
chain hoists. Uf ted. The dial setting on the motor-speed control was
a direct indication of the rate at which the false bottom
was being raised.
A large sump located below the floor level contained Two wooden walls, 4 feet long and 1 foot apart, were
the water supply for the flume. From this sump the fixed onto the false bottom. These were placed in
water was pumped to a constant-head tank located such a position that a straight channel 60 fret long was
high on the wall of the building. The water then obtained; the last 52 feet was the flume test section,
flowed to the flume by gravity through either or both and the first 8 feet was the preliminary charnel and the
of two pipes (one 6 in. in diameter, the other 4 in.). wooden walls of the inf eed section.
The amount of water was regulated by a valve in each Sand was loaded into the 4-square-foot section be-
pipeline. Excess water was allowed to flow from the tween the walls of the inf eed bin. After the loading,
constant-head tank directly back to the sump. the top of the sand was placed at the same level as the
Also placed within each line, between the constant- top of the adjacent sand surface in the flume test sec-
head tank and the flume, was a bend meter for measur- tion. As the area within the wooden walls and the
ing the discharge. This was a common pipe elbow rate at which this area (that is, the false bottom) was
with holes drilled through the wall at the inner and being raised were known, it was easy to compute the
outer vertices of pipe curvature. These holes were
connected by tubing to a manometer, and the difference i Calibration was done at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Georgia Institute of
Technology, and the author gratefully acknowledges that departnent's kindness in
in pressure between the inside and outside parts of the permitting the use of their facilities.
rate at which sediment (immersed weight per unit time) 100
was bein^ exposed to the flow. The dial setting on the
motor-speed control was therefore directly related to
rate of sediment infeed.
Visual -accumulation-
As the false bottom slowly rose, some sand leaked out tube analysis
between the upstream and downstream ends of the 80
false bottom and the walls of the bin. During the
course of the investigation this condition proved im-
possible to correct and served to detract somewhat
from an otherwise satisfactory infeed technique. It is
believed, nevertheless, that the sand was being intro-
duced into the flume at an approximately constant rate
so that the disadvantage was an inability to state
exactly what the rate of infeed was at a given dial
u- 40
The water-sediment mixture left the flume and was
directed into a partitioned collection box just below the
downstream end of the flume. The sediment settled
to the bottom of this box, and the excess water flowed
over the top of one wall and back into the main cir-
cuit. For some of the runs, the water-overflow region 20 -
of the collecting box was covered with a fine wire screen
Sieve analysis
to insure that no sand escaped from the box. (Little
difficulty was encountered, however, because the sand
used in the tests was fairly coarse.)
The measured sediment-transport rate represented
the total quantity of sand transported, and no dis- 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0
tinction could be made between bedload and suspended PARTICLE DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS
load. The collection box rested on a large floor scale, FIGURE 1. Size analysis of sand.
and the amount of sand and water in the box was
weighed directly at the beginning and end of each run. The fall velocity was determined in a water-filled
The gain in sediment (immersed weight) and the time plastic tube that was 1.35 meters long and had an inner
interval between weighings provided the rate of trans- diameter of 29.6 cm. Particles were timed individually
port. This rate, accordingly, is expressed in pounds over a distance of 100 cm, after allowing 20 cm for the
(immersed weight) per second per unit channel width. period of acceleration. The average rate of fall for 75
During the actual weighing process, the water-sediment randomly selected grains was 14.5 cm per sec (centi-
mixture leaving the flume was diverted into a by-pass meters per second) at a water temperature of 31.5° C.
trough so that the weighing could be done undisturbed. A correction for temperature (U.S. Inter-Agency Comm.
Water Resources, 1957) would adjust this rate tc 14.2
cm per sec at 24° C.
The sediment used in the experiments was nearly
100 percent quartz sand of a rather narrow size range
(fig. 1). This range was about 0.60-2.50 mm, in terms INITIATION OP RUNS AND ATTAINMENT OF
of sieve aperture, and the median size was 1.35 mm.
A visual-accumulation-tube size analysis was also per- To begin a run, the operator first decided upon a
formed, in which the sizes are expressed in terms of fall sediment transport rate and depth (the independent
diameter (that diameter of a quartz sphere having the variables). An estimate of the probable discharge and
same fall velocity as a sand grain). The range meas- equilibrium slope was then made, and the flume was
ured by this method was 0.46-1.25 mm, and the median set at this estimated slope to shorten the time needed
fall diameter was 0.76 mm. The specific gravity and to reach equilibrium conditions. Sediment was spread
porosity of the material were 2.66 and 0.445, evenly over the floor of the flume to a depth of about
respectively. inches.
The sediment infeed and discharge were then turned On a few occasions the slope ceased changing and
on. By means of several vertical scales at the flume equilibrium appeared to have been reached; the sub-
wall a rough estimate of the depth and downstream sequent profiles, however, indicated that the bed was
change (if any) in depth was obtained. If the flow aggrading or degrading uniformly throughout the
depth was obviously not within an appropriate range flume. Repeat profiles were therefore made in nearly
(described below), the discharge was altered to change all runs to insure not only that the slope had ceased
the depth. If, on the other hand, the depth appeared changing but that the bed and water sureaces were
to be within the proper range, no change in discharge occupying the same spatial elevation with time. The
was made. The tailgate was adjusted when necessary bed elevation (relative to the flume rails) at a given
to raise or lower the water level at the downstream end, downstream location had to be within ±3 percent of
until the depth appeared to be uniform throughout the the elevation obtained from the previous profile. The
flume. criteria for equilibrium, in other words, were (a) con-
The next step hi the procedure was a rather detailed stant slope with time and (b) no net gain or loss of
measurement of depth, slope, and degree of uniformity sediment in flume, with time. Both of these factors
of depth throughout the flume. This was done by were deduced from the profiles.
making longitudinal profiles of both the water surface If the profiles indicated that the flume was gaining
and the bed surface along the center line of the channel. sediment even though the bed slope was not changing,
Depth readings were taken with the point gage on each this was interpreted as a need for greater flow strength
of these surfaces. The horizontal interval at which to accommodate a given sediment infeed. The usual
readings were taken was generally 4 feet, though some- procedure was to open the tailgate. This lowered the
times 2-foot intervals were used. The readings of water depth downstream and caused scour, eo that the
depth and distance downstream were plotted on arith- overall bed slope was increased. Conversely, if the
metic scales, and straight lines of best fit were estimated flume was losing sediment in spite of a constant slope,
visually for the bed and water surfaces. If these the tailgate was closed. Usually when this problem
straight-line profiles diverged or converged hi a down- occurred, the sediment infeed became depleted before
stream direction, the tailgate opening was changed to equilibrium conditions could be established, and a new
make depth uniform. After any change in tailgate run had to be made. The usefulness of the attempted
setting, additional profile measurements were made, procedure for arresting bed-elevation changes at con-
until the lines on the graph indicated a uniform flow. stant slope was therefore not conclusively determined.
The perpendicular distance between the two parallel Most instances of bed-elevation change at constant
profile lines was taken as the depth of flow. The range bed slope occurred in runs at the 0.1-foot depth; in
of depth tolerance was about ±7 percent of the desired fact, it was difficult to obtain equilibrium conditions
depth because experience has shown that errors involved at this depth, especially at lesser sediment transport
in depth measurements at the higher manageable dis- rates. (Rate of sediment supply of course h as a direct
charges did not justify attempts at greater accuracy. influence on time required for slope readjustments.)
If necessary, the discharge was adjusted to bring the At the 0.1-foot depth, the water-surface profile was
depth into the range of tolerance; however, it was particularly sensitive to minor changes of the tailgate
frequently unnecessary to change the original setting. and discharge. In a few runs, many days were needed
Once the desired depth and a uniform flow were to attain equilibrium at a depth of 0.1 foot. Dis-
established, the slope was allowed to adjust until it charge could generally be adjusted rather e^rly in the
became stabilized. Changes in slope were determined experiment, whereas the correct tailgate setting often
by making profile measurements at intervals ranging required considerable time and trial-and-error methods.
from 20 minutes to several hours. In many runs no After some points on the sediment-transport graph
change in slope occurred, indicating that the equilibrium had been obtained, the process was somewhat easier,
slope was the same as that of the flume itself. In because approximate tailgate settings could be ex-
most of the other runs a slight increase in slope, com- trapolated before the water was turned on. It was
pared to that of the flume, took place. necessary, therefore, to establish a consistent experi-
If the slope changes brought about a decrease or mental procedure. The writer suspects that the cor-
increase in water depth so that depth exceeded the rect tailgate setting can be influenced by the depth to
tolerance range, the discharge was adjusted accordingly. which the sediment is laid down on the flume bottom
Any such alteration in discharge necessitated additional prior to a run.
profile measurements, possible tailgate changes, and Generally, the time needed to reach equilibrium in
periods of waiting for any further slope changes, until the experiments varied from about one half hour to
equilibrium was established. many days. (This excludes nights, at which time
the pump was always stopped.) Often a run could be error which was suspected to be the cause of point
completed in a single day or less. The following scatter in sediment-transport diagrams.
factors greatly facilitated the attainment of equilib- 6. Bed-form characteristics:
rium: (a) General type of bed form and other note-
1. A high rate of sediment transport (a high value of worthy features.
the fluid flow strength). (b) Wavelengths. A rapid traverse was made of
2. Depths of 0.3 and 0.5 rather than 0.1 foot. the flume length, and in this traverse the
3. An accurate estimate of the flume slope setting. location of every well-defined bed-form
crest was recorded. From these data an
Secondary factors which could expedite attainment of average wavelength could be obtained, as
equilibrium were an appropriate initial choice of water well as an estimate of the degree of uni-
discharge to provide the desired depth, and good judg- formity of wavelengths along the flum^.
ment in determining the tailgate opening. By far the (c) Trough-crest height, perpendicular to bed
greatest hindrance to a prompt attainment of equilib- slope (usually estimated from a scale on the
rium was a shallow depth (0.1 ft) or some feature flume wall).
associated with this depth. (d) Rate of movement downstream. A single
MEASUREMENTS representative bed feature was selected and
timed while it passed over a known distance.
As soon as equilibrium conditions had been realized, Occasionally, several bed forms were timed
the run was started. This involved a measurement individually and an average rate of r^ove-
of the following: ment recorded.
1. Discharge, as read from the manometer. This was 7. Surface velocity. Two or three small pieces of
recorded at the start and finish of each run. wood were individually timed for rate of move-
2. Water temperature, also measured at the start and ment as they floated along the water surface.
finish of each run. (Most pieces were shaved from a stick wHh a
3. Slope: pocket knife and were 1-2 in. long but relatively
(a) The slope of the flume (or more precisely, that narrow and flat. In some of the runs at the
of the flume rails upon which the point gage greater depths, small blocks of woods measuring at
rode) was determined by setting up a surveyor's most 3 in. X 1 in. X 1 in. were used.) The
level independent of the flume structure and average velocity of the group was taken as the
measuring the vertical drop in a known dis- final value. This surface velocity was multiplied
tance downstream. The average of two mea- by 0.80 to provide a rough estimate of the mean
surements was taken as the final value. flow velocity, as is explained in the results section.
(b) The slope of the bed (and water surface) relative (The actual value of mean velocity was obtained
to the flume rails was taken from the plotted by dividing discharge by cross-sectional area,
profiles. Horizontal profiles on the graph in- based on depth as given in profiles.)
dicated that the bed and water surfaces were 8. Sediment samples. Material in the collectior box
parallel to the flume rails. The extent to and material left on the bed were sampled after
which the lines departed from the horizontal the completion of the run. The samples were
on the graph reflected the extent to which their dried and then sieved on a Ro-Tap. (The aver-
inclination departed from that of the flume age of 36 such analyses provided the sediment-size
rails. Slope relative to flume rails and slope characteristics described.)
of flume rails themselves were combined to Photographs were taken, usually during and after
give the actual bed (and water surface) slope. the run. Those taken during the run were made from
4. Depth, from profiles described in 3b. a side view, whereas those taken after the water had
5. Sediment-transport rate. An effort was made to drained out of the flume depicted an upstream view.
collect sediment in the collection box for as long a A pitot static tube was used for velocity measure-
period as possible. To ensure a representative ments in some early runs, but this practice was soon
sediment sample, this period was always long discontinued. Because the bed and water surfaces
enough to allow at least several (and usually were often irregular, the vertical height at which the
many) bed forms to move out of the flume and into readings were being taken was uncertain. Secondly,
the collection box. This procedure helped obviate any reading was greatly affected by the proximity of a
possible error due to variations in the transport bed form. Finally, the presence of the tube near the
rate between the trough and the crest of bed forms, bed caused scour in the sediment below the tube, and
248-117 O 67-
the effect of this scoured region on the velocity value through the infeed section had to flow very slightly
could not be determined. uphill before coursing over the sand in the flume. This
The measured values for several of the variables difference in conditions was sufficient to causi^ diagrams
were checked by various methods. The mean velocity for run 23 to be distinguishable from diagrams for other
as obtained from the discharge, and depth was com- runs made at a similar depth in many of the illustrations
pared with the mean velocity as estimated from float presented later in this report. The horizontal flume
measurements. This same estimate of mean velocity showed the following disadvantages:
could be used with the discharge to provide a check on 1. The total time needed to conduct a run increased
the depth as obtained from the profiles. Finally, the about tenfold. Some of the extra time was re-
attainment of equilibrium and the slope value were quired for slope adjustments by the water-sedi-
verified by repeated profile measurements. Repeat ment mixture, and some was required for tempo-
readings were taken on many of the variables as a rarily stopping the run to refill the sediir<ait-infeed
standard procedure. bin.
Runs in which mean flow velocities were greater than 2. The maximum discharge capacity of the flume was
about 3.5 ft per sec could not be made with the present drastically reduced by the large amount of sand
equipment. Faster velocities could not be investigated that accumulated in the flume.
because the supply of sediment in the submerged infeed 3. About 1^-2 tunes as much sediment was needed to
bin was depleted before all of the necessary experimental perform a run, because so much sediment was
measurements could be completed. Also, at the 0.5- stored in the wedge within the flume.
foot depth the maximum water capacity of the flume
system was nearly reached. RESULTS
No convenient method was available for maintaining GENERAL
a constant water temperature. In most runs the water
temperature ranged from 11° to 27°C. Temperature The measured and computed values for all runs,
during any run varied only a degree or two, if at all. excluding bed-form data, are listed in table^ 1 and 2.
A significant temperature effect on rate of sediment In these tables the runs made at each of the three
transport is doubtful for the grain sizes used in this depths have been arranged in order of increasing sedi-
study. According to Colby and Scott (1965), the ment-transport rate. The bed configurations ranged
percentage change in bed-material discharge that, from plane bed to antidunes. A plane-bed stage be-
accompanies a particular temperature change is gen- tween dunes and antidunes did not occur. (Bed forms
erally small for particles 1 mm in diameter or larger. are discussed later.) Sediment movement T^as always
Reproducibility at depths of 0.3 and 0.5 foot was hi the form of bedload, according to visual observation,
excellent. Attempts were not made to reproduce any and little if any material was transported as suspended
of the runs at the 0.1-foot depth. load. The size distribution of material caught in the
Run 23 was conducted with the flume horizontal collection box did not differ significantly from that of
rather than at a slope. This procedural deviation was material remaining on the flume bed.
made because colleagues suggested that the setting of
the flume at some particular slope (prior to the run)
was prejudicing the final slope value. That is, they Various measures of the strength of flovdng water
felt that a range of equilibrium slopes was possible; can be related to the rate at which sedimert is trans-
the measured slope value might be a minimum possible ported. Examples of such measures are the following:
slope, a maximum possible slope, or some intermediate 1. Stream power. The power for a whole channel can
slope, depending on how the operator performed the be defined as the product of the weight of fluid
experiments. For a given depth and velocity, the (in pounds) flowing per second and the energy per
various possible values of slope could presumably be unit weight of fluid (in foot pounds p-sr pound).
accommodated by changes in the bed roughness. Run This product can be written as jQ X energy, where
23 satisfied the stated prerequisites for equilibrium and 7=specific (unit) weight of water ar<i Q= dis-
is therefore included in the results, but no insight was charge of water. The dimensions are FLT~l .
obtained into a possible range of slope values. The When the flow is uniform the energy lo^s per foot
physical conditions within the flume during run 23 of channel length is given by the slope S, so that
unavoidably differed in one respect from the conditions the power per unit length of channel becomes yQS
of all other runs. The entrance region in the flume (dimensions FT7"1). The stream power per unit
was positioned vertically in such a way that after the bed area is then yQS/W, where W= channel width.
sand wedge had formed in the flume, the water passing The dimensions are FL~l T~ l, pounds per second
TABLE 1. Experimental results
Sediment transport
Run s D V R t
(°C) V.
(cfs) (ft per ft) (ft) (fps) Measurement i (ft) (ftw>
period Qbs per sec
(sec) per ft)
l____----_-___- 0. 127 0. 00411 0. 100 1. 27 17, 940 0. 00145 0 083 18. 5 1.68
2____-__.____-_ . 142 . 00495 . 100 1. 41 10, 140 . 00291 083 19.2 1.89
3____. _________ . 158 . 00590 . 102 1. 55 5,400 . 00593 085 21. 0 2.08
4____ - . . 154 . 00751 . 101 1. 53 2,460 . 00935 084 12. 5 2.22
5_- _ . 166 . 01082 . 095 1.75 1,440 . 01980 080 11. 9 2.41
6 . 191 . 01280 . 101 1. 89 1,684 . 03444 084 17.6 2.67
7__. ___________ . 220 . 01505 . 099 2. 22 2, 183 . 05772 083 15. 5 2. 86
8_________.____ . 233 . 01992 . 094 2. 48 960 . 11200 079 23. 5 3.39
9__ --------- . 292 . 02218 .097 3. 01 473 . 16810 081 24. 7 3.85
10--- . 405 . 00110 . 297 1. 36 24, 180 . 00025 186 21. 3 1. 56
11______ __ __ . 440 . 00121 . 314 1. 40 26, 040 . 00031 193 22.7 1. 67
12_ _ __--.-_---- . 440 . 00136 . 313 1.41 23, 820 . 00054 193 19. 8 1. 76
13_. ----------- .438 . 00162 . 294 1.49 23, 400 . 00107 185 18.6 1.85
14___ ------- .452 . 00182 . 294 1. 54 12, 240 . 00171 185 16. 5 1.87
15___ ------- . 470 . 00200 . 300 1.57 14, 040 . 00256 188 18.4 2. 06
16___ .- . . 498 . 00210 . 303 1.64 6, 360 . 00361 189 17. 2 2. 16
17___ . 503 . 00211 . 304 1.65 2,400 . 00375 189 17. 8 2. 10
18. _.--_----_-- . 512 . 00236 . 295 1.74 5, 040 . 00585 186 17. 1 2. 14
19--- - . 530 . 00272 . 294 1. 80 3,620 . 00925 185 17.8 2.30
20--- - . 551 . 00318 . 290 1.90 2, 340 . 01090 183 16. 1 2. 31
21____--__-__-- .570 . 00397 .288 1.98 2, 160 . 01597 183 16. 2 2. 50
22__. ---------- . 650 . 00509 .287 2. 26 1,980 . 03156 182 15.9 2.92
23___ ------- . 790 . 00471 . 298 2.65 2,940 . 03262 187 30.8 2. 86
24___ -------- .741 . 00557 . 297 2.49 2, 130 . 03826 186 12. 3 2.92
25--- .794 . 00643 . 306 2. 59 1, 353 . 04805 190 15. 5 3.05
26--- .860 . 00721 . 307 2.80 960 . 06875 190 21.8 3. 33
27___ 1. 050 . 00824 . 324 3.24 720 . 09722 197 23. 5 3.67
28. _-__-_---_-- 1. 120 . 01088 . 321 3. 49 510 . 16280 194 25. 0 3. 74
29__ - .845 . 00137 . 509 1. 66 14, 040 . 00203 252 21. 0 1.91
30-- .795 . 00133 .485 1.64 9, 180 . 00207 246 26. 0 1.92
31-- - . 866 . 00144 . 505 1.72 10, 020 . 00288 251 22.9 1.97
32. ______------ .905 . 00172 . 517 1.75 8,460 . 00479 254 23.6 2. 02
33___ .960 . 00184 . 512 1.87 18, 420 . 00610 253 23. 2 2. 25
34_____-_.--__. .958 . 00216 .502 1.91 3,840 . 00716 250 17.9 2. 20
35_____ _ ___ 1. 050 . 00251 .517 2. 03 6,300 . 01128 254 18.7 2.38
36. ____________ 1. 100 . 00314 . 504 2. 18 2,640 . 01970 250 20. 8 2. 54
37_. ----------- 1. 320 . 00416 . 510 2. 59 1,800 . 03333 252 20. 8 3. 14
per foot; these same units are used to measure the equally distributed over the walls and floor of the
sediment-transport rate. channel; the computed shear stress is then of
2. Shear stress based on depth. The shear, or tractive questionable value.
force, exerted on a unit bed area is commonly 4. Mean water velocity V, defined as Q/WD.
defined as the weight of the water above the unit 5. Regime theory bed factor, V2/D. (Except for a
bed area times the slope of the channel. The gravitational constant g, this is the square of the
volume of water (area X depth) above a unit bed Froude number F, where F= V/^/gD.)
area will be numerically equal to the depth of the No single measure of flow strength has yet gained
water D, and the weight will therefore be given by widespread acceptance. A meaningful comparison
yD (dimensions FL~2). The shear per unit bed might be obtained by relating the sediment-transport
area is therefore yDS, in pounds per square foot. rate (i) to each of the measures listed above. The
3. Shear stress based on hydraulic radius. For very relations are shown in figures 2 6.
wide channels the depth is equal to the hydraulic Several features are immediately noticeable in these
radius R, so that the shear stress over a unit diagrams. First, if depth is held constant, in any plot
bed area would be yRS. The shear stress com- the data for any chosen depth fall on a single curve and
puted in this manner is assumed to represent an show very little point scatter. This fact shoulc1 be
average shear per unit area of channel boundary. emphasized because it suggests that permitting the
However, for narrow sediment-bearing channels depth to vary may well cause much of the scatter
with smooth sidewalk the shear probably is not found in sediment-transport diagrams. (Although it
Run QS (X 103) RS (X 103) DS (X 10") V2/D W/D v/v. Chezy C Darcy- Manning n Froude No.
Weisbach / F
!_____. .. 0. 522 0. 342 0. 411 16. 1 10. 00 0. 76 68. 7 0. 0546 0. 0142 0.71
2__. _______ . 703 .412 . 495 1Q Q 10. 00 .75 69. 5 . 0533 . 0141 70
3-_------- . 932 . 500 . 602 23. 6 9.80 .75 69. 2 .0537 . 0142 86
4___-_--___ 1. 16 .631 . 758 23. 2 9.90 .69 61. 0 . 0692 . 0161 .85
5_---_---__ 1.80 . 863 1. 03 32. 2 10. 52 .73 59. 5 . 0727 . 016S 1. 00
6.-- ----- 2.44 1.075 1. 29 35. 4 9. 90 .71 57.6 . 0775 . 017C 1. 05
7_ . 3. 31 1. 243 1. 49 4.Q 8 10. 10 .78 63. 1 . 0647 . 015£ 1. 25
8 __ 4.64 1. 576 1. 87 65. 4 10.63 .73 62. 5 . 0660 . 015E 1.43
9__ . 6. 48 1. 800 2. 15 no A 10. 30 .78 71.0 . 0511 .0137 1. 70
10--------- .445 . 205 . 327 6.2 3. 36 .87 95. 1 . 0284 . 0117 .44
11__. ______ .532 . 233 . 380 6.2 3. 18 .84 91. 5 . 0307 . 012? .44
12_-_---___ . 598 . 262 . 426 6.4 3. 19 . 80 87. 0 . 0339 .012£ .44
13--------. . 710 . 300 . 476 7.6 3.40 . 81 86. 1 . 0347 . 013C . 48
14__-_---__ .823 .337 . 535 8. 1 3. 40 .82 83. 7 . 0367 . 013? .50
15 ----- _ .940 .375 . 600 8 2 3. 33 .76 80. 9 . 0393 . 013? .51
16 ------- 1. 05 . 396 .636 S Q 3. 30 . 76 84. 5 . 0360 . 013? .53
17 1. 06 . 398 . 641 Q 0 3. 28 7Q 82.9 . 0374 . 0135 .53
18.-------- 1.21 . 438 .696 in °> 3. 38 .81 83. 3 .0371 . 0134 . 56
1Q 1. 44 . 504 . 800 11. 0 °. 4.0 .78 80. 4 . 0398 . 013P . 59
20._------- 1.75 . 584 . 922 12. 4 3. 44 . 82 78. 5 . 0417 . 0142 .62
21__-_--_-_ 2. 26 . 725 1. 14 13. 6 3.47 .79 73. 6 . 0475 . 0152 .65
22__---_-_- 3. 31 .928 1. 46 17. 8 3.48 .77 74. 1 . 0469 . 0151 .74
23--------- 3. 72 . 880 1. 40 23. 6 3. 36 .93 89. 2 . 0323 . 0125 .86
24__-____._ 4. 13 1. 038 1. 65 20.9 3. 36 .85 77.3 . 0430 . 0145 . 81
25 5. 10 1. 220 1 07 91 Q 3. 26 .85 74.2 . 0467 . 0151 .83
26.-------- 6. 20 1.371 2. 21 25. 5 3. 25 . 84 75.7 . 0449 . 014? .89
27 _ 8.65 1. 620 2. 67 32 4 3. 08 .88 80. 6 . 0396 . 0140 1. 00
28 12. 19 2. 100 3.49 37. 9 3. 11 .93 76.2 . 0443 . 014? 1. 09
29_. _______ 1. 16 . 346 . 697 x, 4. 1 Qfi .87 89. 3 .0323 . 0132 .41
30--------. 1. 06 . 327 . 645 5 c 2. 06 .85 90. 6 . 0313 . 012? .42
31__------_ 1.25 . 362 . 727 x> Q 1.98 .87 90. 5 . 0314 . 0130 .43
32_----_-_- 1.56 A.V7 .889 x> Q 1 Q4. .87 83. 7 . 0367 . 0141 .43
33--------- 1.77 4-fi^ . 942 6. 8 1.95 . 83 86. 6 . 0343 . 0136 . 46
34_________ 2. 07 KA1 1. 084 7 °. 1 QQ .87 00 0 . 0379 .0143 .47
35__-_----_ 2.64 .638 1. 30 o n 1.94 . 85 80. 2 . 0400 . 0147 .50
36 ---. 3. 45 . 788 1. 58 9. 4 1.98 .86 77.9 . 0424 . 0151 .54
37__-___-__ 5. 49 1. 050 2. 12 13. 2 1.96 . 82 79. 9 . 0403 . 0147 .64
may be possible by interpolation to sketch lines of evident, though to differing extents. T1 Q. velocity-
constant depth for data from runs in which depth was transport relation suggests that the effect of depth
allowed to vary, such a procedure would certainly be might be eliminated at slightly greater depths on this
much less precise.) Thus, although the general depth particular plot. There may be a tendency on the V2/D
effect could be perceived regardless of how the experi- graph for the lines of greater depths to converge, but
ments were run (depth constant from run to run or this plot has magnified the depth effect mo^e than any
depth varying), the maintenance of a constant depth of the others. Such an influence may or may not be
permitted more accurate determination of the relations. desirable. The diagrams of stream power and shear
A second characteristic of the graphs is that, with (yDS) do not seem to show any tendency to eliminate
the exception of the yRS plot, a unique relationship the influence of depth for the range of conditions
does not exist between the measures of flow strength examined. Power and shear (yDS) both involve a
and sediment-transport rate. A given rate of sediment depth-slope product, so that in a laboratory flume the
movement, as the independent or imposed variable, main distinction between the two is the inclusion of
can be accommodated by various values of yQS, V, mean velocity in the computation of stream power.
yDS, and V2/D. Conversely, according to figures 2, Significantly, the same depth-slope product (or velocity-
3, 5, and 6, a given flow strength can transport sediment
depth-slope product) can give different sediment-
at various rates. The determining factor on these
diagrams is the water depth. Surprisingly, if shear transport rates. As depth increases, with a corre-
expressed as yES is used as the measure of flow strength, sponding reduction of slope so that DS remains constant,
the effect of depth is practically eliminated, and all the the sediment-transport rate decreases. r^he general
data can be described by a single curve (fig. 4). On depth effect on sediment-transport rates was discussed
the other four diagrams, however, the depth effect is by Colby (1964b, p. A25-A29).
I I I I II I I I I I i I I I I I I I i i r
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3
a 0.5
0.01 J__L.
0.001 0.01 0.1
Symbol Depth,
in feet
0.001 0.01 0.1
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3
D 05
0.001 0.01 0.1
The fact that a given flow strength, as defined by plot near 0.004 <i< 0.01 Ib per sec per ft. A straight
yQS, V, jDS, and V*/D, can be related to various line fits the points below this range, and a steeper
sediment-transport rates may be a reason for some of the straight line fits the data above this ran^e. If the
difficulties encountered in seeking reliable sediment- zone where the trend changes is regarded as a boundary
transport formulas. between a low transport range and a highe^ transport
What determines the particular DS or QS combina- range, the relations shown in figures 2 6 a,re approxi-
tion that will be derived for a given sediment load? mately as follows:
When sediment suddenly enters a reach of stream at a Low transport range Higher transport range
faster rate, does the slope remain constant and the
depth increase to provide the necessary flow strength?
A current hypothesis (Langbein, 1964) asserts that each
yOCiO.09 VOCtO-25
dependent variable will change in value by equal and
least possible increments, insofar as permitted by
limitations within the system. All the relations show the change in trerd, so there
A single straight line cannot be fitted to the plot is little probability that this particular feature is due
of data for the present runs at a given depth, regardless to any selected measure of flow strength. Rather, it
of which measure of flow strength is involved. All would seem that within the indicated zone some
the relations exhibit a change in the trend of the data physical change actually occurs in the mechanics of
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3
D 0.5
_L I I I I I I
0.001 0.01 0.1
the water-sediment relationship. The present data figure.) Extrapolating the stream-power lines (fig. 2)
do not explain this phenomenon. down to this transport rate shows the critical pcwer to
The steepness of the fitted lines indicates that, for the be about 0.0122, 0.0215, and 0.0245 Ib per sec per ft at
conditions examined in this study, the measure of depths of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 foot, respectively. The
flow strength which seems to be most sensitive to same procedure can be applied to the plots of shear
changes in sediment-transport rate is the mean velocity. expressed as yDS, mean velocity, and the bed factor (figs.
A small change in V is associated with a large change in 3, 5, 6). The inescapable conclusion is that, at le<\st for
i. The least sensitive measure appears to be stream the grain size used in this flume, unique values for such
power. A 10-percent error in stream power, in other factors as critical power and critical shear (yDS) do
words, would provide a more accurate estimate of a not exist. Instead, a different value of critical flow
given sediment-transport rate than would a 10-percent strength is obtained for each depth examined. How-
error in mean velocity. This is true whether or not the ever, if yRS is used as the measure of flow strength
water depth is known. An evaluation of power, (fig. 4), only one value of threshold shear exists,
however, involves the measurement of an additional regardless of depth.
variable (slope); thus, there is a greater likelihood of Because the same flow strength (except th<?. yRS
error in the power value. Colby (1964a; 1964b) data) moves different quantities of sediment at different
compared several of the currently popular measures depths, it is likely that any expression of the critical
of flow strength in connection with sediment transport. flow strength (except yRS) will have to refe^ to a
Critical, or threshold, flow strength is the minimum specific water depth, at least for channels and sediment
flow strength that will transport sediment. Two similar to those studied here. This depth influence
methods are known to the writer for determining this has been considered only in some proposed definitions
value. One method is by visual means and is very of critical flow strength. (See Sundborg, 1956, p- 177.)
subjective; owing to irregularity of particle movements, For the present data (unless yRS is used as the measure
this approach is generally considered difficult. The of flow strength), any definition of threshold flow
second method is to extrapolate a sediment-transport strength that is based only on sediment characteristics,
curve down to zero or near-zero values of sediment and perhaps on bed slope, and which is not adjusted to
transport and to accept the indicated value of flow resolve the depth effect, would appear to be inadequate.
strength. For the present purpose, suppose that the Such expressions may be in error in proportion to a
accepted lowest rate of continuous sediment transport certain range of water depths. According to this
is 0.0001 Ibs per sec per ft. (Visual observations investigation, such a depth range generally extends
during the actual runs suggest that this is a reasonable from 0.1 to 0.5 foot, and the range is probably somewhat
greater than this. Note that the problem is not neces- shallower depth, and, hence, more sediment would be
sarily solved by including depth in the computation of moved.
the flow strength ( yDS). The present data imply that, The sidewalls of the flume undeniably exert some
for comparable sedimentary material, the only possi- drag on the flow, and curiosity naturally arises as to
bility of avoiding the determination of a different whether the same values of flow strength would be
critical flow strength for each depth in a channel 1 foot required to move sediment at the present transport
wide lies in the use of yRS as the measure of flow rates in a channel of "infinite" width that is, a channel
strength, or in the hope that depth suddenly ceases to wide enough that any sidewall influence is negligible.
play a major role in sediment transport at extremely Two theoretical proposals for adjusting datr, obtained
low transport rates. The latter possibility seems re- in narrow channels to eliminate the wall-drag: effect are
mote, according to the curves in figures 2, 3, 5, and 6. the method of Einstein (1942) and the method of
Why are the data in most of the plots segregated Johnson as modified by Brooks (1954) herein called
on the basis of depth? This question would seem to the Einstein and the Johnson-Brooks methods. Briefly,
warrant some attention in future laboratory research. these methods divide the flow cross section into that
One possible influence, suggested by Einstein and by part influenced by sidewalls and that part in the center
Bagnold in written communications (1965) is the drag of the channel, unaffected by sidewalls. A hydraulic
exerted by the smooth sidewalls. A greater depth radius Rb is calculated for the latter part. A bed shear
means that a greater side wall area is in contact with stress yRbS can then be computed which presumably
the moving fluid, so that the wall drag increases as represents the shear acting on the bed and omits that
depth increases. Thus for given values of stream part of the shear acting on the sidewalls. Furthermore,
power, mean velocity, and such factors, the additional because the hydraulic radius R for an infinitely wide
wall drag associated with a greater depth would result channel is equal to Rj> (wall drag negligible) and is also
in a greater overall retardation of the movement of equal to the mean depth, the computed R* r> equal to
water and of sediment. In other words, for a given a depth Db which would be obtained if that p<\rt of flow
flow strength, a greater depth would mean a lesser affected by sidewalls were removed. If mean velocity
rate of sediment transport. If wall drag is the sole and bed width are considered to be unchanged, a new
cause of the segregation of points, then presumably if discharge Qb can therefore be computed, where Qt,=
the same 37 runs were conducted in a much wider VDbW or Qb=VR*W. This would be the d'scharge if
channel, all the plotted points would fall on a single the velocity and bed width were to remair but flow
line regardless of flow depth. (On the other hand, the affected by sidewalls were excluded. Such a discharge
question then arises as to how such data would plot can presumably be used in sediment-transport relations
if yRS is used as the measure of flow strength.) An- to represent the discharge free of wall drag. Thus,
other possible cause of the segregation, suggested by stream power unaffected by sidewalls would b^ yQi>S/W.
Bagnold, is the height to which the saltating grains The main distinction between the two methods is that
rise into the body of the flow; that is, the ratio of Einstein's is based on the Manning formulp,, whereas
saltation height to flow depth. The transport rate the Johnson-Brooks approach uses the Darcy-Weisbach
might be expected to be greater at shallow flow depths relation. Both methods have been applied to the
because the saltation zone occupies a larger proportion present data, and the computed values are listed in
of the whole flow depth. As Bagnold (written table 3.
commun., 1965) pointed out, if this is true, the varia- It can be noted from table 3 that at Z>=0.1 foot the
tion with depth is a small-scale phenomenon only, and two methods produce almost the same val'ies of Rb.
would disappear progressively as depth is increased At the other two depths the Johnson-Brooks procedure
(provided of course that any wall-drag effect in narrow yields values which are about 3-6 percent greater than
channels is also taken into account). Another pro- the values obtained by the Einstein method, and dif-
posal (Colby, 1964b) focuses attention on the vertical ferences of this magnitude are considered rather slight.
distribution of velocity. In comparing a shallow For both methods the calculations are not difficult and
depth and a deeper one, the same value of mean veloc- require about the same amount of time. Th°* adjusted
ity for both depths would require that the velocity values of flow strength obtained using the Einstein
increase much faster with height above the bed for method are plotted against sediment-transport rate in
the shallower depth. Consequently, the giv,en mean figure 7. (The constant 7 has not been included in
velocity would occur much closer to the sand bed in the computations of flow strength.) In regard to the
the shallower depth. In other words, velocities at a power-transport relations, the lines for the various
given distance from the bed (in the lower part of the depths are slightly closer together compared with the
full depth, at least) would be greater in runs at the yQS/i diagram of figure 2. There still exists, however,
TABLE 3. Hydraulic radius, shear stress, and stream power corrected for wall drag by methods of Einstein and of Johnson and B-ooks
Einstein Johnson-Brooks
*i R bS QiS=VRiS .Rb RiS QkS=VK kS
(ft) (X103) (X10») (ft) (X10«) (Xl-w)
0.005 -
0.001 -
0.0005 -
- o.ooi
FIGURE 7. Transport relations adjusted for flume wall drag (Einstein method).
I I I i i r TTI I I I
Symbol Depth,
in feet
a 1.0 0.3
0.001 0.01 0.1
0.001 0.01 0.1
seems to suggest the presence of two regimes. At low forms. After the plane-bed stage was attained in the
sediment-transport rates, slope was approximately studies just cited, slope stopped decreasing and began
proportional to i°-26. At transport rates greater than increasing again with further increase in velocity.
about 0.06 Ibs per sec per ft the relation changed to The resulting S/V curves thus showed that more than
approximately Soci° A*. ,one velocity was possible for a given slope and depth
The reason for the break in the Qfi and S/i relations within a certain range of bed configurations. The
is unknown. The same break was noticed in the absence of any such break in the present curves leads
diagrams relating flow strength to transport rate to the question of what differences existed in th°. two
(figs. 2-6), all of which involve either or both Q (or groups of experiments.
components of Q) and S. The chief differences seem to be that Brooks and
The resistance to flow was computed using the three Vanoni used relatively fine grain sizes (about 0.08-0.15
common measures currently in use: Chezy C(=Vj mm median diameter), recirculating flumes, fMines
VB§), Manning n(= 1.486 E°-67 S°-50/F), and Darcy- having dimensions different from the present flume,
Weisbach/^StfSS/F2). The calculated values (table and dependent and independent variables differing from
2) indicate that the resistance to flow did not change those of the present study. Flume dimensions seem
much within the range of conditions investigated; to be the least significant factor because two fumes
a rather slight increase in resistance occurred with were used in the Brooks and Vanoni work (flume A was
increasing sediment-transport rates. 10.5 in. wide X40 ft long and flume B was 33.5 in.
Unique relations were also found between slope and wide X60 ft long) and the present apparatus is inter-
water discharge, and therefore between slope and mediate in size between these two flumes. Little in-
velocity, for a given depth (fig. 10). (For a constant formation is available to indicate that differences
depth and flume width, velocity varies directly with should be expected in data obtained in recirculating
discharge.) Slope increased about as the 2.5 power versus nonrecirculating flumes. In both groups of ex-
of water discharge or velocity. Other investigators, periments depth was an independent variable. Sedi-
however, have reported different findings. Brooks ment-transport rate, however, cannot be an independent
(1958) and Vanoni and Brooks (1957) found that when variable in a recirculating flume; discharge (and conse-
bed forms (dunes) began to be swept away during the quently, velocity) was independent in the Brooks and
transition to plane-bed stage, the S/V trend for a given the Vanoni-Brooks studies. The same relations be-
depth was reversed so that an increase in velocity was tween variables might be expected to exist regardless
accompanied by a reduction in slope. This reversal of which factors were dependent and which were inde-
was possible because of the decrease in flow resistance pendent during the runs. The ranges of flow conditions
resulting from the gradual disappearance of the bed were comparable for the two groups of experiments.
Symbol Depth,
in feet
2 0.005
0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0
The most likely cause of the differing results in the determined.) The merit of depth as an independent
slope-velocity trends would seem to be the grain size variable in flume studies perhaps deserves emphasis.
and the associated differences hi bed behavior. With When depth is kept constant, the relations among
the relatively large grains used in the present experi- variables appear to be much more clearly defined.
ments, the bed forms gradually progressed from dunes
directly to antidunes. Bypassed completely were the
transition from dunes to plane-bed stage and the plane- Surface velocities were measured only to provide an
bed stage (at least at the greater depths), where the approximate check on the mean velocity. Inspection
reversal of the S/V trend occurred in the Brooks and of the data, however, reveals some consistent relations
Vanoni-Brooks tests. As pointed out by Simons, involving surface velocity.
Richardson, and Nordin (1965a), with coarse sand and The relation between surface velocity (V,) and rate
shallow depths the dune stage may not terminate until of sediment transport in the present experiments was
the Froude number is so large that the subsequent bed surprising (fig. 11), because the influence of depth was
form is antidunes instead of plane bed. In the absence virtually eliminated. Except in the yRS/'i plot, an
of transition and plane-bed stages similar to those that elimination of the depth effect did not occur with the
occurred when finer grain sizes were used, no marked other measures of flow strength related to sediment
reduction in flow resistance occurred in the present transport (figs. 2-6). Therefore, in the present study,
runs, and the mean velocity increased consistently the easiest and quickest method of estimating sediment-
with increase in slope. transport rate was a simple measurement of surface
In summary, the measurements made in this investi- (float) velocity. Furthermore, the point scatter in
gation indicate that as soon as depth and any other figure 11 is small enough that any estimate of i using
variable (except flow resistance) were chosen, the values Vs would be reasonably accurate.
of all other variables were uniquely determined. (The The variation between mean velocity ard surface
value of flow resistance could also be ascertained because velocity for the various depths investigated is shown
resistance is uniquely determined once D, S, and V are in figure 12. The W/D ratio is used on tha, abscissa
I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I II
0-90 -
Depth = 0.5 foot
6 10
although width was constant throughout. Average purposes to figure 13B, it would be clear that the sur-
V/VS values as indicated by the line of best fit are face-velocity versus slope proportionality is eractly
0.85, 0.83, and 0.74 for depths of 0.5, 0.3, and 0.1 foot, the same as that between mean velocity and slope, as
respectively. The V/VS ratio is thus seen to decrease would be expected. This relation is Vs ocS°A1 .
with depth by a very small increment, so that Vs de- In summary, the surface velocity in this study was
parts farthest from V at a very shallow depth. For consistently related to all the other variables. Con-
the present runs, use of the approximations would intro- sequently, use of surface velocity may be an gid in
duce possible V/VS errors of about 3.0, 12.0, and 7.0 determining the values of other variables, at least
percent for the 0.5-, 0.3-, and 0.1-foot depths, re- within the range of conditions examined here. Sur-
spectively. face velocity is obviously easier to measure, and, for
Figure 12, then, shows the proportionality that the present data, its relation to other variables is
exists between Vs and V for a given depth (or W/D dependable. Vs alone can provide a reasonably good
ratio). A fixed proportionality also exists between
appraisal of both sediment-transport rate and mean
Vs and Q for a given depth, as might be expected (fig.
ISA). Since Q varies directly with V for a constant flow velocity. When water depth is also known, Vs
depth and width, Q also varies directly with Vs. could be used to uniquely determine the slope and the
The relation between surface velocity and slope is discharge. Thus, such factors as power and shear also
shown in figure 135. If the plot of slope as a function are uniquely related to surface velocity, for a given
of mean velocity were transferred for comparison depth.
> cc.
1 I I I I I I i i i i i i
0.1 0.5 1 0.001 0.005 0.01
The surface-velocity relations may never be well Murphy points occupy the same band on th°. graph as
defined for many natural-stream situations, owing to do the points for the present data, but the points for the
the complexities of these situations, nor for other present data reveal the influence of depth much more
laboratory investigations. However, sufficient infor- clearly.
mation is not yet available to negate the possibility Because all the present runs plot on a single line if
that reliable relations exist. In future laboratory and shear (yRS) is used as the measure of flow strength, a
field studies, it may be worthwhile to measure surface graph of the yRS/i relation was also prepared (fig. 15) .
velocity and see what relations exist between it and the On this plot the point scatter of the Gilbert-Murphy
other variables. data is so reduced that the depth can not be labeled
beside each point, and symbols are used to represent
depth ranges. The depth effect is eliminated, as in the
In this section the data from the present investi- present data, but there is slightly greater point scatter
gation are compared with the Gilbert-Murphy data in this plot than in the plot of the present data (fig. 4) .
(Gilbert, 1914) for their grade E, a comparable grain The line of best fit for the present data is reproduced
size (0.84-2.00 mm, nominal diameter 1.71 mm). With in figure 15; the agreement with the Gilbert-Murphy
this grain size Gilbert and Murphy used flume widths data is very good.
of 0.66, 1.00 and 1.32 feet, and depths ranging from The relations among mean velocity, depth, slope, and
0.077 to 0.562 foot. In the present comparison, all resistance to flow in the two sets of experiments can be
their grade E data have been included regardless of seen from a plot of V versus DS (fig. 16) ; DS is, of course
widths and depths. Their results have been computed a measure of shear. A straight line on log-log scales
for unit flume width, and their transport rates (dry can be fitted to both sets of data, indicating the exist-
weight) have been converted to immersed weight by the ence of a power function, similar to the Chezy equation
i *
relation immersedA weight=
u* 2.65^-^z1.00^
Xdry, . UA
weight= of the form
0.37.. 0-39
.0.19 _
.0.56^ 0.19
Present study 0.22 .0.11
Gilbert-Murphy grade E
Number is wafer depth, in feet
9 o.i
0.001 0.01 0.1
FIGURE 14. Comparison of stream power versus transport relations with data of Gilbert and Murphy.
Gilbert-Murphy grade E
o.i x Depth<0.20 ft
? 0.20<depth<0.40 ft
+ Depth>0.40 ft
Present study
FIGURE 15. Comparison of shear versus transport relation with data of Gilbert and Murphy.
The general agreement between part of the Gilbert- Gilbert-Murphy work on stream traction using grade E
Murphy work and the present study is perhaps signifi- sand:
cant, for it indicates that some of the Gilbert-Murphy 1. Two different flumes were used. One of these had
data are reproducible. Several details of experimental a length of 24.5 feet from sediment infeed to sedi-
equipment and procedure differed in the two investi- ment catchment (31.5 ft, overall), and the other
gations, but, these differences apparently did not greatly had an overall length of 150 feet. (The present
affect the experimental results. For example, in the study employed a 52-foot-long flume.)
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3 Present study
ZQ D 0.5
Z 4
>O Gilbert-Murphy grade E (all depths)
O w
x x x
1 I__II_L
0.0001 0.001
FIGURE 16. Mean velocity versus shear (DS) relations compared with data of Gilbert and Murphy.
2. Various flume widths were used. 7. Sediment-infeed rate did not always equal the col-
3. Depth was not controlled transport rate and dis- lection rate.
charge were the independent variables. Some of the above features might account for some
4. The flume was horizontal and was devoid of sand at point scatter in the Gilbert-Murphy data.
the beginning of each run; that is, slope was not
estimated and not preset. BED FORMS
5. The method of sediment infeed was different from For sediment finer than 0.6 mm in median fall diam-
the present study. Sand wa? dropped into the eter, the usual sequence of bed forms produced in
stream from above usually by hand (by dumping flume studies by increasing stream power was defined
in a boxfull at timed intervals), but occasionally by Simons, Richardson, and Nordin (1965a) as ripples,
by a hopper (at low transport rates). ripples on dunes, dunes, transition, plane bed, anti-
6. Transport rate was measured during a relatively dunes, and chutes and pools. For mater al coarser
short period. than 0.6 mm they reported that the ripple and ripple-
on-dune stages are absent, and that the transition and of water surface irregularities (waves). At the highest
plane-bed stages may or may not occur. flow strength examined at 0.1-foot depth, the antidunes
The types of bed configuration produced in the pres- were mostly flattened out, and so was the wate~ sur-
ent study by increasing stream power were plane bed face. This rather flat bed was only occasionally
(at extremely low sediment-transport rates), dunes interrupted by a short train (3-10 ft long) of antidunes,
(at depths of 0.3 and 0.5 ft), and antidunes. A descrip- moving downstream. All the antidunes traveled
tion of the bed configuration for each run is given in downstream.
the section starting on p. B28. The initial flat-bed At depths of 0.3 and 0.5 foot, dunes were the initial
stage appeared to be relatively unstable, as extremely bed configuration (except in the first run at 0.3-f t depth,
low crests (probably incipient dunes) occasionally during which the bed remained flat). The distinguish-
formed at a few locations during the first run (D=0.3 ing characteristic of dunes as opposed to antidunes is
ft). At very low sediment-transport rates, definitive an out-of-phase relation between the sand crests and
bed forms appeared. These first bed forms were the water-surface crests. (Ripples are generally less
different in runs at the 0.1-foot depth than in runs than 1 ft in wavelength, and the present features had
at greater depths. an average minimum wavelength of 1.5 ft). These
At a depth of 0.1 foot, the run at lowest stream dunes were noticeably asymmetrical from a side view;
power produced an almost flat bed. With increase in they were characterized by a long upstream side, a
flow strength (and hence in transport rate) a peculiar crest which varied from angular to somewhat rounded
bed feature appeared that was a few grain diameters with increasing flow strength, and a relatively short
high. Such a bed form, herein called a meandering and steep downstream face. At low transport rates
scar, began at the flume wall and curved toward the the upstream face was extremely long, in comparison
center of the channel downstream (fig. 17). It usually with the downstream face, and the downstream face
faded out completely in the middle of the channel. seemed to be about at the angle of repose. The spacing
The adjacent bed feature, a mirror image of its neigh- of well-defined crests under these conditions was some-
bor, would begin from the opposite wall a short distance what irregular downstream, and the crests were usually
downstream from the first feature. (Similar features perpendicular to the flume walls and extended across
also were found under certain conditions after the the whole channel. As flow strength was increased,
water had been drained from the flume.) With three particular changes were observed in the dunes:
further increase in flow strength the meandering scars (a) the length of the upstream face progressiveTy de-
disappeared except in the downstream part of the flume creased, and that of the slip face increased; (V) the
(run 4). At the same time (run 4) symmetrical angle of the slip face tended to decrease as the sand
antidunes of very low amplitude appeared throughout grains began to be propelled down the slip face rather
most of the flume, though present only in the center than sliding down under their own weight; and (c) the
of the channel in a single row. The distinguishing angle between the dune crests and the flume walls
feature of antidunes is an inphase relation between changed though still extending from wall to wall, the
sand crests and water-surface crests. These initial crests began assuming irregular and curving fronts and
antidunes had wavelengths of about 0.5 foot. In reached the opposite wall 1 or 2 feet farther downstream
subsequent runs the meandering scars disappeared from their origin. Furthermore, the water surface
entirely and only antidunes were present. With became increasingly irregular. (At D=Q.5 foct the
continued increase in flow strength, two or possibly maximum flow capacity of the flume was reached,
three rows of antidunes occurred side by side in the while the dunes were beginning to be inclined to the
flume simultaneously. Adjacent lines of these bed walls and were showing some irregularity in crest
forms had staggered sand crests and troughs, so that directions.)
a checkerboard pattern formed. Some rhythmic pe- The characteristics just described probably represent
riodicity occurred in the formation and disappearance a transition from dunes to antidunes. This trarsition
evolved gradually; no tendency to develop a plare bed
was observed. Clearly defined antidunes, as indicated
by an inphase relation between bed and water-surface
crests, were recognizable in the final three runs at the
0.3-foot depth. For the complete series of runs at the
0.3-foot depth the bed-form heights and rates of travel
consistently increased with increase in flow strength,
except, possibly, the travel rates of the antidunes.
FIGUKE 17. Pattern of typical meandering scars. When antidunes began to form, the water surface be-
came smoother than in the preceding runs and showed form length (1), and average height (fi) are given in
rather symmetrical waves. With further increase in table 4. Heights of well-developed antidunes were
flow strength these water-surface waves tended to break generally fairly constant for any given run. The range
occasionally on the upstream side of the wave crest. in dune heights during runs under given flow conditions
In the final run the surface waves extended almost was small in some runs and several fold in others.
completely across the channel and broke with consider- The determination of dune lengths was occasionally a
able turbulence just upstream from the crest. The subjective procedure. As reported in othe^ studies,
antidunes (a) were almost symmetrical from a side dunes under certain conditions are continually dying
view, (b) possessed well-rounded crests that extended out, reforming, and overtaking other dunes. In many
across most or all of the channel and were perpendicular studies the dunes do not extend very far laterally, and
to the flume walls, and (c) moved downstream. the crests frequently trend diagonally downstream.
With antidunes the water-surface waves and sand In the present study, extremely low dune crests which
waves were not always well developed throughout the were a few grain diameters high were disregarded.
flume length; rather, any given segment of the flume Such incipient bed forms were more common at low
would possess well-developed waves during one period, sediment-transport rates. In spite of occasional sub-
and poorly developed ones during another period. jectivity in obtaining the values, they should be fairly
Two or three segments of well-formed waves existed in representative of the prevailing bed forms.
the flume at any one time; the length of time such a No well-defined relation was obtained betveen bed-
train of well-developed waves persisted ranged from a form height and length. The antidunes at D 0.1
fraction of a minute to several minutes.
Because of the variations in appearance and measure- TABLE 4. Bed-form measurements
ments of bed forms, the minimum of information which [No data for runs 1-3]
will adequately describe bed conditions must include a
description of the features (rather than a single name) Length (ft)
Run Height (ft) Velocity
in addition to some measurements of bed-form heights, (ft per sec)
During run Dried bed
wave lengths, and rates of travel. The characteristics
of the water surface must also be noted, especially the C.l-ft depth
phase relation between bed-form crests and water- '4. ________
1 5.. ....... 0 021
0 5
5 0. 0200
surface crests. The recording of this information } 6. ........ 042 6 .0216
17 083 7 .0300
should be a standard practice in flume studies. 1 8__._______ 053 1 0 . 0683
During the experiments it became evident that the 1 9. ......... 073 6 . 0683
description and measurement of bed features after the 0.8-ft depth
water has drained from a flume should be undertaken 10__________
only with great caution. No significant difference was ll._._ -_
12 _______
. 021 . 0007
found in dune wave lengths during the run and after 13 _______ 042 8.9 . 0017
the run, in those runs for which both measurements 14 15 ____
. 0027
. 0015
were taken. However, bed features existing after the 16_____.____ 063 4.3 . 0035
water was drained were frequently quite unlike those 18 17__. ______ 042 3.6 . 0050
________ 053 3. 5 . 0027
that existed during the run. Some examples of feature 19 _______ 053 2.3 . 0075
20 _______
changes are the following: (a) All antidunes were 21.......... 053 2.4 .0117
063 2. 0 . 0158
obliterated as the water left the flume; (b) the general 22 _______ 073 1. 8 1. 9 . 0267
bed-form appearance as well as the heights were often 23 24
1. 9
2. 0
. 0167
. 0250
modified as the water drained; (c) whenever the depth 25 ______ 125 1. 5 1. 9 . 0384
was relatively shallow or the bed was somewhat flat 26 _______
27 ______
1. 5
. 0083
. 0400
during the run, a peculiar type of bed feature (the 28 ______ 250 1.6 . 0350
meandering scars of fig. 17) appeared as the water C.5-ft depth
receded. In many runs the peculiar features did not 29 ____ 083 5.2 4. 6 . 0012
. 0007
form until the flume was drained. No sound explana- 30 _____
31 ________
3. 5 . 0017
tion can be offered for the formation of these features, 32 ____ 063 2.8 3. 0 . 0018
2.7 . 0022
but the writer suspects that they are associated with 33 _____
34 ________
2.5 . 0020
deflection of the water by the fixed walls of the flume. 35 _____ 167 2. 0 2.2 . 0072
36 _____ 167 2. 2 1.8 . 0063
Symbol Depth,
in feet
^. 0.1
D D o 0-;
0.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
0.001 0.01 o.i
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3
0.3 (after draining water)
D 0.5
0.5 (after draining water)
0.001 0.01 o.i
and power. (The constant 7 is dropped in the compu- in depth from 0.3 to 0.5 foot apparently die1 not affect
tation of shear and power. The fitted lines do not include the mean dune wavelengths.
the antidunes at D=Q.l ft.) The heights of the bed Velocity
features increased progressively with increase in flow
The relation of rate of bed-form travel to the various
strength. Dune heights grew with about the 3.2, 3.2,
measures of flow strength is presented in figure 22.
1.2, and 0.9 powers of mean velocity, surface velocity,
The velocity of the bed features increased with greater
shear (either definition) , and power, respectively. The
flow strength. A slight increase in flow strength caused
antidunes at D=Q.l foot differed from the bed forms
a relatively large increase in rate of bed-form movement.
at greater flow depths whose heights were greater for a
The rate of bed-form travel varied approximately with
given flow strength. In spite of the point scatter, V7 -2, Vs7 -2, (RS) 2 -6, (DS) 2 -2, and (QS) 1 -5. Liu found in
there is no clear indication (except possibly with the
certain flume experiments using finer sand that bed-
Vg plot) that the heights of the dunes occurring at the
form velocity is proportional to Vs.
0.3-foot depth were significantly different from those
at the 0.5-foot depth. The depth effect can be distinguished on the DS and
QS diagrams. As indicated earlier on the sediment-
transport diagrams (figs. 2, 3), the amount cf sediment
The relation of mean wavelength to each of the transported, at a given DS or QS value, increased as the
measures of flow strength is shown in figure 21. The water depth decreased, within the range of flow con-
antidunes that formed at the shallow flow depth had ditions studied. Figure 22 is consistent with this
short intervals and are separated from the other bed trend; it shows that the bed forms moved downstream
forms. Also, the lengths of these antidunes increased, faster as depth decreased when DS and QS were the
whereas those of the dunes decreased, as flow strength
measures of flow strength.
increased. The curves indicate that a fair estimate of
flow strength could be obtained from a determination As can be seen in the diagrams, the lines for the
of mean dune wavelength. The antidunes that formed various depths are farthest apart on the power plot.
at a depth of 0.3 foot (the last few runs) did not show They are closer together on the DS diagram, and the
any significant change in wavelength with increase in plots of bed-form velocity versus RS, V, and Vs prac-
fluid flow strength. For a given flow strength, a change tically eliminate the effect of depth.
0.2 Symbol Depth,
in feet
£ 0.1
0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.01
0.0002 0.001 0.002
FIGURE 20. Bed-form height versus measures of flow strength. (Lines exclude D = 0.l ft.)
RATES bed-form velocity versus transport diagram (fig. 24),
where the general relation is about coci0 -76. Bed-form
The general trend of bed-form measurements with heights, wavelengths, and velocities are frequently not
increase in transport rate can be seen in table 4. The constant from one bed form to the next, within a given
bed-form length versus transport relation is virtually run. In both the h/i and c/i diagrams there is a faint
the same as that shown by the plots of wavelength suggestion that if more accurate means of measurement
versus flow strength. Bed-form height increased con- were available it might be possible to draw a separate
sistently with increase in transport rate (fig. 23). The line for each flow depth.
point scatter precludes, and indeed the accuracy of the The bedload equation proposed by Simons, Richard-
height values does not warrant, an attempt to fit an son and Nordin (1965b), based on ripple and (or) dune
extremely accurate line to the data. The approximate heights and rates of travel, was tested on the present
relation for the bed forms at. depths of 0.3 and 0.5 data. The authors cited used the equation for sand
foot is A,°ci°-40. The same remarks also apply to the ranging from 0.19 to 0.93 mm in median fall diameter.
i r i i I i 1111 i r
0.001 Sy Depth,
in feet
234 3 4 0.0005 0.001 0.0005 0.001 0.001 0.01
Their data were obtained in the laboratory in a large the bed forms of the present experiments. Since tri-
recirculating flume. A basic assumption in the deriva- angular bed forms are restricted to a very limited range
tion of the equation was that the bed forms are triangu- within the spectrum of bed configurations, it would
lar from a side view. This was true for only some of seem that bedload equations which depend on the
Symbol Depth,
in feet
0.01 _LL
0.001 0.01 0.1
Symbol Depth,
in feet
A 0.1
o 0.3
a 0.5
existence of an ideally shaped bed form will have a 3. Mean velocity, stream power, shear expressed as
rather limited application. The equation is 7 DS, and a regime bed factor are uniquely related
to sediment-transport rate only for a constant
water depth. Two corollaries of this conclusion
where (a) If depth is permitted to vary, the transport rate
<2& =volume rate of sediment transport (ft3 per increases as depth decreases for a given value of
sec per ft width), any of these four measures of flow strength.
A = porosity of sand bed, (b) The critical or threshold flow strength required
c=average bed-form velocity (ft per sec), to initiate sediment transport, as expressed by
h= average bed-form height (ft), and these four measures, varies with water depth,
Ci=& constant of integration, considered equal to rather than being uniquely determined by the
zero as long as the bed is entirely covered sediment characteristics and bed slope.
with ripples or dunes. 4. The interrelationships between discharge, slope,
and sediment-transport rate are uniquely defined
Volume rate of sediment transport can be changed only for a constant water depth.
to weight rate by dividing by the measured unit 5. If water depth is known, surface velocity is the only
(specific) weight of the quartz sediment (91.5 Ibs per other measurement needed to determine the
cu ft). This dry weight in turn can be changed to values of all other major variables. Surface
velocity may be very useful in this respect because
immersedj weight,
w *v.
the ilatter
^ i,being 2.66-1.00. ,.,
^~RR~~X(dry it is so easily measured.
u. DO
weigh t) = 0.624 X (dry weight). By making these 6. The Gilbert-Murphy data for a comparable grain
changes and using the measured porosity value of size are in substantial agreement with the present
O.445, the above equation can be reduced to the form data.
7. A critical water depth somewhere between 0.1 and
ic =15.8 ch, 0.3 foot exists in the formation of bed forms. At
depths shallower than this critical depth, the bed
where ic is the computed sediment-transport rate in features have distinctly different characteristics
pounds (immersed weight) per second per foot of chan- than do features formed at greater depths.
nel width. (The constant C\ in the original equation
Although the equation was not intended to apply to The following are partial descriptions of the bed configurations
antidunes, those runs which produced antidunes were that formed during each run (numbered). The depth of water
included in the present computations merely out of for each set of runs is indicated by centerhead.
curiosity. A comparison of all the computed versus 0.1-foot depth
measured bedloads is shown in figure 25. The amount 1. Flat bed.
2. Almost flat bed, although some barely perceptible features
of point scatter is probably not excessive in view of the were present. These features were meandering scars
uncertainties involved in measuring bed-form heights which began at the wall and curved diagonally outward
and rates of travel. in a downstream direction; they generally fadod out com-
pletely in the middle of the channel. The; r points of
origin alternated systematically from wall to wall. The
amplitudes (heights) of the features were on the order of
a few grain diameters. There was a downstream distance
For the sediment, flow conditions, and flume of the of about 2 feet from the start of one scar to thn start of its
neighbor at the opposite wall.
present study, the following conclusions were drawn: 3. Same as previous run.
1. Scatter of points in the sediment-transport diagrams 4. Bed almost flat, although two different types of bed features
is vastly reduced and existing relations are clarified were faintly discernible:
(a) Symmetrical antidunes down much of the flume
by keeping water depth constant for a series of length but not present near the walls Crests of
runs that is, by using depth as a third variable. these bed forms corresponded to crests of water-
2. If shear, expressed as y RS, is used as the measure of surface crests immediately above. Amplitudes of
flow strength in computing the sediment-transport antidunes were too small to measure accurately;
wavelength estimated to be 0.5 foot.
rate, all the runs can be described by a single curve NOTE: These features disappeared PS the water
in which shear is uniquely related to transport was drained from the flume at the completion of the
rate. run.
Symbol Depth,
in feet
O o
W 0.001 -
(b) Meandering scars, like those formed in the previous 6. Symmetrical antidunes like those in the previous run, but
runs, were present, but only downstream. Heights formed in two rows in a longitudinal direction rather than
of scars were as much as a quarter of an inch at in a single row. An alternating pattern existed whereby
flume walls but decreased toward the center of the one sand crest was closer to one flume wall and the next
channel, where the bed was almost flat. Down- crest downstream was closer to the opposite wall. The
stream distance between successive scar inceptions distribution of sand crests and troughs was so regul*r that
was about 1 foot. it resembled a checkerboard pattern. The water surface
NOTE: After the water drained from the flume, was correspondingly rippled in two rows, with neigl boring
features of the latter type were found throughout crests staggered relative to each other, in a downstream
most of the flume. Rather than fading out in the direction. The amplitude of these water-surface waves
middle of the channel, each one curved from its was higher than that of the bed forms. The distance from
point of inception, at a wall, downstream and over one sand crest to the downstream range of it? offset
to the opposite wall, at which point a similar feature neighbor (parallel to flow) was about 0.35 foot.
began. Downstream distance between these two All these bed features were smoothed out and dis-
inception points averaged 1.5 feet. appeared as the water drained from the flume.
5. Rather symmetrical antidunes (crests were directly beneath 7. Same as preceding run.
the crests of the ripply water surface). As the water 8. Antidunes (sand crests directly beneath water-surface
drained from the flume, these bed forms disappeared, and crests) in a single row; moved downstream in groups or
meandering scars appeared. trains. A single sand crest sometimes extended across
the channel width but at other times occupied only about 27. Antidunes, with very well rounded crests; consistent in
0.4 foot in the middle of the channel. At times the bed wavelength. As water drained, bed forms were consider-
forms were almost obliterated (latter phenomenon was ably smoothed out, and many meandering scars (run 4b)
possibly more common in the first 10 ft and in the last appeared.
10 ft of the flume). All bed features were regularly spaced 28. Antidunes, rather evenly spaced along the flume and rather
throughout the flume length. The water surface was symmetrical in form from a side view. Crests very well
ripply but irregular. rounded. Water surface consisted of rough vraves whose
9. Mostly flat bed; an occasional train of antidunes generally crests were inphase with the dune crests. These water
about 3 feet long but sometimes as much as 10 feet long. waves were distinctive because they broke on the upstream
Water surface mostly rather smooth except where ripply side of the wave crest or peak.
above antidunes; inphase relation between water and sand
crests, where such crests existed. O.S-foot depth
O.S-foot depth 29. Dunes, whose fronts were almost normal to Hew direction
10. Flat bed. Smooth water surface. Very little sediment except near flume walls. Water surface smooth.
movement. 30. Dunes, irregularly spaced in downstream direction. Water
11. Almost flat bed; one or two widely spaced bed features surface rather smooth; very minor undulations.
(dunes). Water surface smooth. 31. Dunes, with very well defined angular crests th".t extended
12. Almost flat bed; an occasional small dune. completely across flume width, normal to flow. Water
13. Dunes, with fronts higher in center of channel than near surface rather smooth.
walls. Wavelengths of dunes increased systematically 32. Dunes, with crests nearly perpendicular to flow from wall to
in downstream direction. When bed-form observations wall. Crestline slightly irregular. Downstream dunes
were made, five dunes were present in the flume. regularly spaced; upstream dunes not as regularly spaced
14. Dunes, many of which were poorly defined. Fronts gen- and generally closer together.
erally perpendicular to flow direction across whole channel 33. Dunes, with well-defined crests normal to flow; dunes irregu-
width, and higher in channel center than near walls. larly spaced relative to one another. So^ne possible
15. Dunes. Wavelengths irregularly spaced. tendencies of clustering of similar dune lengths. Minor
16. Dunes, with fronts normal to flow and wavelengths not undulations in water surface.
consistent in downstream direction. 34. Dunes, with well-defined angular crests nornal to flow
17. Dunes, irregularly spaced and possibly tending to have direction; not very regularly spaced in downstream direc-
longer wave lengths downstream. tion. Rather smooth water surface, with very minor
18. Dunes, generally with well-defined fronts and perpendicular undulations about 1 foot long.
to flow. Wavelengths not consistent throughout flume. 35. Same as previous run, except less variation in dnne lengths.
19. Same as previous run. Wide range of wavelength
magnitudes. 36. Dunes, with crests sometimes curving downstrerm from one
20. Same as previous run. wall to the other and at other times perpendicular to the
21. Dunes, with crests often curving irregularly across the flow direction. Possible tendency for clustering of similar
channel rather than normal to flow. Fronts continually dune lengths. Water surface had undulations about 1
grew higher, receded, and moved downstream at various inch high and 1 foot long. No discernible relation between
rates. Wavelengths were longer and more inconsistent water-surface crests and bed-form crests.
in the downstream half of the flume length, but were 37. Dunes, some with crests straight acorss chanrel (possibly
regularly spaced in the upstream half of the flume. more common upstream), and others with crests curving
22. Dunes, with very irregular crests that generally curved downstream from wall to wall (mostly in downstream hall
from one wall downstream to the opposite wall. Small of flume). Dunes tended to be regularly spaced along
parts of the dunes were normal to the flow direction near flume. Undulating water surface, with troughs directly
walls. Bed forms and water surface became increasingly over dune crests.
rougher downstream. Dune lengths more variable in
downstream part of flume. REFERENCES
23. Dunes, with very irregular and poorly defined crests, par- Brooks, N. H., 1954, Laboratory studies of the mechanics of
ticularly upstream. Dune heights and wavelengths vary- streams flowing over a movable bed of fine sane1 : Pasadena,
ing considerably in magnitude. Possible tendency for California Inst. Technology Ph. D. thesis, 248 p.
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1958, Mechanics of streams with movable beds of fine
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24. Dunes, very irregular in cross-sectional and top views but
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25. Same as previous run. Water surface very rough and discharge: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Proc., v. 90, no. HY2,
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26. Antidunes, with sand crests directly beneath water-surface 1964b, Discharge of sands and mean-veloc: ty relation-
crests. Wavelengths rather constant throughout flume ships in sand-bed streams: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
length. Bed-form crests more rounded and water surface 462-A, 47 p.
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