This document discusses anxiety disorders and provides information on specific types of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific phobias. It notes that anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses and discusses cultural variations in manifestations of anxiety in different parts of the world.
This document discusses anxiety disorders and provides information on specific types of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific phobias. It notes that anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses and discusses cultural variations in manifestations of anxiety in different parts of the world.
Original Title
Anxiety & Related Disorders PowerPoint (19-20).pdf
This document discusses anxiety disorders and provides information on specific types of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific phobias. It notes that anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses and discusses cultural variations in manifestations of anxiety in different parts of the world.
This document discusses anxiety disorders and provides information on specific types of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific phobias. It notes that anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses and discusses cultural variations in manifestations of anxiety in different parts of the world.
(attached article) Facts & Statistics Most common mental illness in the U.S. – Anxiety disorders affect over 18% of the U.S. population Can be comorbid with depression or substance abuse – Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are also diagnosed with depression. Most people with one anxiety disorder also have a related disorder Normal vs. Problem Anxiety Reasonable Excessive Productive Disruptive Manageable Uncontrollable Mobilizing Paralyzing Specific Pervasive Time-limited Chronic Age-matched Age-mismatched Fears vs. Phobias • Remember the 4 D’s of disorders: 1. Deviation (from the norm) 2. Disruption 3. Distress 4. Duration Anxiety in the DSM-V Anxiety in the DSM-V Anxiety in the DSM-V Most Common Types Type # of Adult % of U.S. Sufferers Pop. 1. Specific Phobias 19 million 8.7%
2. Social Phobia 15 million 6.8%
3. PTSD 7.7 million 3.5% 4. GAD 6.8 million 3.1% 5. Panic Disorder 6 million 2.7% 6. OCD 2.2 million 1-3% “All Fears are the Same Fear” Irrational fears that cause someone to avoid some object, activity, or situation. Specific Phobias • Persistent fear and avoidance of specific objects or situations • The person does recognize that the fear is excessive or unreasonable, but can’t help it • Typically begin in childhood (median age of onset is age 7) Specific Phobia Subtypes Animal type: Dogs, insects, mice, etc. Most common specific phobia Situational type: Flying, bridges, etc. Natural environment type: Storms, heights, water, etc. Blood-Injection-Injury type: Seeing or giving blood, invasive medical procedures Other: Clowns, feet, marriage, etc. 10 Most Common Specific Phobias Acrophobia: Trypanophobia: heights injection or needles Claustrophobia: Astraphobia: enclosed spaces thunder & lightning Nyctophobia: the Nosophobia: having a disease dark Mysophobia: germs Ophidiophobia: snakes Triskaidekaphobia: the number 13 Arachnophobia: Source: spiders Other Interesting Phobias Androphobia: Fear of men Gynophobia: Fear of women Gamophobia: Fear of marriage Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth Thanatophobia: Fear of death Social Phobia • Also called Social Anxiety Disorder • Persistent fear of scrutiny by others or of doing something humiliating or embarrassing • Tend to avoid social situations • Begins in childhood or adolescence (around age 13) • Excessive anxiety, worry, & tension occurring more days than not for at least 6 months • The person finds it difficult to control the worry • The anxiety and worry are associated with 3 or more of the following symptoms: 1. Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge (tense, jittery, racing heart, perspiration, twitching eyelids) 2. Being easily fatigued 3. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank 4. Irritability 5. Muscle tension 6. Sleep Disturbance Panic Disorder • Both 1 and 2 are present 1. Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks 2. At least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 or more months of 1 or more of the following a. Persistent concern about having additional attacks b. Worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences c. Significant change in behavior related to the attacks A Look at Panic Disorder • Common factor: Panic disorder can develop after major life transitions • E.g. Going to college Obsessions Compulsions • Unwanted, • Ritualistic behaviors repetitive irrational or mental acts that thoughts that cause the person feels anxiety or distress driven to perform in • Not simply response to an excessive worries obsession. about real-life • Aimed at preventing problems. or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation. Typical Obsessions Doubts (e.g. Did I turn off the stove? Did I lock the door? Did I hurt someone?) Worry that one has become dirty or contaminated NOT just excessive worries about real-life problems Typical Compulsions Excessive washing Ordering/ Repeating arranging Checking Reassurance seeking Doing & then undoing things Hoarding (now own category in Touching DSM-V) Counting Other OCD Statistics The median age of onset is 19, with 25 percent of cases occurring by age 14. One-third of affected adults first experienced symptoms in childhood.
Equally common among males and
females. Do you or anyone you know have obsessive thoughts or conduct compulsive behaviors? Living w/ OCD Neil Hilborn – “OCD” PTSD The person has been exposed to a traumatic event and has experienced 4 or more weeks of 1 or more of the following symptoms:
1. Haunting memories or flashbacks
2. Nightmares 3. Social withdrawal 4. Sleep problems 5. Jumpy anxiety PTSD • Can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a natural disaster, serious accident, terrorist attack, sudden death of a loved one, war, violent personal assault such as rape, or other life-threatening events. • 67% of people exposed to mass violence have been shown to develop PTSD, a higher rate than those exposed to natural disasters or other types of traumatic events. Warm-Up Take out your Anxiety & Related Disorders notes. Answer the following: 1. What is the difference between Specific Phobias and Social Phobias? 2. What are the major symptoms of GAD? How long do they have to last for to be diagnosed with GAD? 3. In relation to OCD, how are obsessions and compulsions different AND related? Fight or Flight Freeze Response An over-active frontal lobe
• The anterior cingulate cortex (monitors our actions and checks for errors)
Hyperactive in an OCD patient.
3) Observational Learning
• Wild monkeys transmit
their fear of snakes to their watchful offspring • Human parents similarly transmit fears to their kids Cognitive Perspective • Dysfunctional & irrational ways of thinking • GAD & unrealistically high standards for own behavior • Panic disorder: Heightened, intense focus on potential threats Psychodynamic Perspective • Anxiety stems from unresolved, unconscious conflicts from childhood • Id vs. superego • Basic anxiety develops during childhood & continues (Karen Horney) Psychodynamic take on OCD
• Fixation in the anal stage
• Compulsions = attempts to keep those impulses repressed (exaggerated defense mechanisms) Anxiety Disorders Cultural Variations Fear, Anxiety, and Anxiety Disorders exist in all cultures Prevalence rates vary, but are generally the most common mental illness in all countries Fear stimulus and content of anxiety differ greatly between cultures Dhat (India), Jiryan (India), Sukra Prameha (Sri Lanka), & Shen-k’uei (China) Severe anxiety, panic symptoms, somatic complaints, hypochondriachal symptoms associated with the discharge of semen Excessive semen loss is feared because of the belief that it represents the loss of one’s vital essence and can thereby be life threatening Koro (South and Southeast Asia) Sudden and intense anxiety that one’s genitalia will recede into the body and possibly cause death Can occur in epidemics Taijin Kyofusho (Japan) An intense fear that one’s body, its parts, or its functions (sweating, body odor, facial expressions, etc.) displease, embarrass, or are offensive to other people Similar to the DSM’s Social Phobia