25.02.2004/EN FCI-Standard #338: Federation Cynologique Internationale (Aisbl)
25.02.2004/EN FCI-Standard #338: Federation Cynologique Internationale (Aisbl)
25.02.2004/EN FCI-Standard #338: Federation Cynologique Internationale (Aisbl)
FCI-Standard N° 338
ORIGIN : Thailand.
Length of body : Height at the withers = 11 : 1O
Depth of chest : Height at the withers = 1: 2
Skull : The skull is flat between the ears but slightly rounded
when seen from the side.
Forehead : Wrinkles when the dog is attentive.
Stop : Clearly defined, but moderate.
Nose : Black. In blue dogs, the nose is bluish.
Nasal bridge : Straight and long.
Muzzle : Wedge-shaped, slightly shorter than skull.
Lips : Tight with good pigmentation.
Mouth : Black marking on the tongue is preferable.
Jaws : Upper and lower jaws are strong.
Teeth : White and strong with scissors bite.
Eyes : Medium size and almond shaped. The eye colour is dark
brown. In blues, amber-coloured eyes are permitted.
Ears : Set on sides of the skull. Medium sized, triangular, inclining
forward and firmly pricked. Not cropped.
TAIL :Thick at base with gradual tapering toward the tip. The tip
can reach hock joints. Carried vertically and slightly curved.
Shoulder : Well laid back.
Forearm : Straight.
Pastern : Straight when seen from the front and very slightly
sloping when seen from the side.
Feet : Oval
Nails : Black but can be lighter depending on coat colour.
Thighs : Well developed with well bent stifles.
Hocks : Strong and well let down.
Rear Pastern : Straight and parallel when seen from the rear.
Feet : Oval
Hair : Short and smooth. The ridge on the top region is formed by the
hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. It
should be clearly defined from other parts of the back. There are
various shapes and lengths of ridge, but must be symmetrical on
either side of the backbone and within the width of the back.
Crowns or whirls at the head of the ridge are acceptable.
Colour : Solid colour : red, black, blue and very light fawn
(isabella). Black mask is preferable in reds.
SIZE : Ideal height at the withers : Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm)
Bitches 20-22 inches (51-56 cm).
There is a tolerance of plus or minus one inch (2.5 cm).
• Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities
shall be disqualified.
• Dogs without ridge
• Long hair.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully
descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical
conformation should be used for breeding.