Syllabus/Learning Program NWU - ACA - 010: Laoag City

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Laoag City
College of Teacher Education
First Semester AY 2018-2019

Course Code : EDU 132

Course Title : Special Topics 3 in Education

Credit Units : 1 unit

Time Allotment : 18 hours

Co-requisite : 4th year level

I. Vision:

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY envisions itself to be a premier institution of learning in Asia committed to Excellence and
Ethical Formation for Global Relevance

II. Mission:

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY is dedicated to develop individuals to become Highly Competent, Socially Responsible and
Ethically Upright leaders.

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Laoag City

III. Institutional Objectives:

Concomitant to its role as a University in which higher learning, research and community extensions are developed and nurtured,
Northwestern University adopts the following objectives where excellence as a way of life is its rallying point.

1. To provide a strong educational foundation by offering and maintaining comprehensive basic/general education programs and
strengthening pillars of knowledge in the academe in order to produce functional graduates who will be able to meet the needs of both
local and global markets.
2. To train and develop students and employees for responsible leadership, effective citizenship and social responsibility through the
inculcation of the ideals of democracy and positive values, manifested by a great concern for their fellow men.
3. To provide a strong and comprehensive human resource development program for professional advancement and to remain
competitive in changing times.
4. To align and harmonize the research and extension programs with the local, regional, national and global thrust.
5. To explore and expand linkages with local and international agencies.

IV. Program Objectives

Specifically, the Teacher Education programs will assist the student to:
1. be conscious of its significant role in the early realization of the social, economic, and spiritual development goals of the institution.
2. value high moral integrity and abide by ethical principles in the pursuit of both professional and personal actuations.
3. develop the culture of research among its teachers and students.
4. develop the esprit’ de corps among students.
5. increase social awareness and instills real meaning of social concern among CTE students through active involvement in the
outreach activities.
6. apply the principle of human rights as a foundation for sound citizenship.
7. appreciate the essence of sportsmanship among students through their active participation in school-related competitions.

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Laoag City
V. Course Description: This course focuses on selected problems, issues and trends related to the field of education. This allows the
student to have a wider knowledge and perspective of the teaching profession through attendance and conduct of seminars on the latest
trend in education. It explores emerging concerns, new direction, and reforms through examining the critical issues and problems that
brought about the different paradigm shifts and transformations currently found in the aims, processes, and delivery of education.

VI. Course Outcomes : At the end of the course, the students shall be able to
1. State and Discuss the IPVMO, Core Values of the University and the University policies,
the VMO of the CTE and its Program Objectives and Outcomes.
2. Demonstrate competence in discussing identified problems and issues in education..
3. Establish the relevance of the new directions and trends in education to the present day needs of the learners and society.
4. Analyze the critical issues and problems in education.
5. Reflect on the philosophy of lifelong learning as sets of goals, procedures, and values.
6. Develop social awareness and responsibility in analyzing the effectiveness and relevance of the different trends to the
problems in instruction.

VII. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes/ Student Outcomes:

Program Outcomes
After finishing the course, the student must be able to:
a b c d e f
Course Outcome 1. Discuss the IPVMO and Core Values of the University, VMO
of the college, Program Educational Objectives and Outcomes, and P P P P P P
University policies.
Course Outcome 2. Demonstrate competence in discussing identified problems and issues
in education.
Course Outcome 3. Establish the relevance of the new directions and trends in education to
the present day needs of the learners and society.
Course Outcome 4. Analyze the critical issues and problems in education. P P P P P P
Course Outcome 5. Reflect on the philosophy of lifelong learning as sets of goals,
procedures, and values.

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Course Outcome 6. Develop social awareness and responsibility in analyzing the
effectiveness and relevance of the different trends to the problems in P P P P P P
Legend:I = Introduced Concept/Principle P = Practiced with Supervision D = Demonstrated across different clinical setting with minimal supervision

VIII. Program Outcomes

CMO 74 series 2017 – Policies and Guidelines for Bachelor of Elementary (BEEd) Section 6 Program Outcomes

a. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas.

b. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas.
c. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
d. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching.
e. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
f. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.

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Laoag City

IX. Course Plan

Intended Learning Outcomes

Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
At the end of the unit, the  University and CTE Vision  The students will memorize the
students must have memorized,  The Key Words of the Vision vision and mission statements  Recitation
accepted and expressed the  University and CTE Mission of the university as well as that  Discussion 1st week
VMO of the university, the  The Key Words of the of the college. 
CTE and its program Mission  The students will memorize the
educational objectives and  ISO and Accreditation program educational objectives
program outcomes. General Concepts and program outcomes.
 Program Educational  The class will be arranged into
Objectives groups and discuss the VMO
 Program Outcomes and program outcomes within
 University Policies groups.
 Insights of what was
learned from the
At the end of the topic, the Topic 1. The K to 12 Basic topic
student should be able to Education Curriculum and Its  Reflection paper (as
1. State and explain at least Implications to Pre-service to career path of
nine (9) important features Teacher Education student)
of the K to 12 curriculum. 1. Introduction 1. Participative and 2nd week
2. Cite the implications of 2. Why the name K to 12 Collaborative Learning
these features of pre- Curriculum?
service teacher education
and development.

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Laoag City
Intended Learning Outcomes
Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
3. Salient Features of the K to 12
3. Explain the reasons behind Curriculum that have a
the introduction of this bearing in Pre-Service
curricular reform. Teacher Education and

Topic 2. Bridging Between

At the end of Topic 2, the
Languages: What Every 1. Participative and  Write personal
student must be able to
Mother-Tongue Based Collaborative Learning reflections
1. Cite research findings that
Multilingual Educator  Illustrate through a
are in support of
(MTBMLE) Need to Know 2. Discuss the concept of diagram how the 3rd - 4th
MTBMLE and the bridging teacher should do the week
2. Complete matrix of the
1. Concepts and Definitions concept. bridging in teaching.
describe how the teacher
2. Benefits of MTBMLE
does the bridging in the
3. Components of MTBMLE
4. The Bridging Process
5. MTBMLE Bridging in the K
to 12 Curriculum

At the end of Topic 3, the Topic 3. Quality Assurance in

student must be able to Education through Voluntary
1. Participate, orally and in Accreditation
writing, in discussions of  Reflection Essay
the salient features of 1. Introduction (Written 5th – 6th week
voluntary accreditation as 2. History of Quality Assurance reflection/insight on
the acknowledged process 3. Legal Bases of Voluntary 1. Participative and progress of
of quality assurance in Accreditation in the Collaborative Learning understanding quality
education; Philippines assurance through
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Intended Learning Outcomes
Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
2. Apply the principles of 4. Voluntary Accreditation as 2. Resource Person voluntary
voluntary accreditation on Measure of Quality Assurance accreditation before
Outcomes-Based Education in Education reading about this
(OBE) by formulating 5. Outcomes-Based Education topic and after
Program Objectives (PO), (OBE): Recent Development reading it.)
Student Learning in Quality Assurance
Outcomes (SLO) and 6. Determining the Attainment
Outcomes-Based of Student Learning
Assessment (OSA); and Outcomes (SLO) Through
3. Demonstrate an Outcomes-Based Assessment
appreciative understanding (OBA)
of the importance of
voluntary accreditation in
ensuring quality assurance
in education.


At the end of Topic 4, the Topic 4. Curricular Landscape
student must be able to: for the 21st Century: Curriculum
1. Describe the guides in the for the 21st Century Teaching
selection of content in and Learning
curriculum. 1. Participative and  Reflection paper
2. Apply the different 1. Introduction Collaborative Learning  e-portfolio 7th - 9th
approaches about school 2. Emerging Curricula for the 2. Collaborative Group week
curriculum. 21st Century Learners Activity
3. Reflect on the basic  Curriculum Blueprint for  Activity 1: Visualizing the
principles of curriculum the 21st Century 21st Century Curriculum

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Laoag City
Intended Learning Outcomes
Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
content.  The Global Classroom in the Philippine Context
3. Skills for the 21st Century  Building Teaching
Learners and Teachers Resources from the Web
4. Core Values at the Heart of
the 21st Century Curriculum
5. Educational Implications

At the end of Topic 5, the Topic 5. Spiral Progression in

student must be able to: Science, A New Feature in the K
to 12 Curriculum: Spiral
1. Describe a spiral progression Curriculum
2. Discuss how concepts and 1. The Spiral Curriculum 1. Participative and 10th – 11th
skills and attitudes are Collaborative Learning Reflection paper week
sequenced to show 2. The Learning Spiral 2. Prepare an example of a
integration; and spiral progression for Grade
3. Design a spiral curriculum in 4 Science

MIDTERM E X A M I N A T I O N (12th week)

At the end of Topic 6, the Topic 6. Ethical Issues in

student must be able to: Cyberspace

1. Explain what cyberspace 1. Understanding Cyberspace 1. Participative and  Insights gained from 13th – 14th
means;. Collaborative Learning the topic week
2. Cite at least three ethical 2. The Positive Role of 2. Research on  Reflection paper

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Laoag City
Intended Learning Outcomes
Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
issues in the use of Information and  ethical issues in  Draw a symbol of
cyberspace Communication Technology cyberspace cyberspace
3. Take an informed stand on 3. Efforts at Cyberspace  reaction of Filipinos on indicating its power
the issue on cyberspace as Protection RA 10175
boon or bane; and
4. Describe efforts at
cyberspace protection.

At the end of Topic 7, the Topic 7. Co-Curricular

student must be able to: Activities as Laboratory of
1. Define co-curricular 1. Types of Co-Curricular 1. Participative and Collaborative  Insights gained on 15th - 17th
activities; and Activities Learning the topic week
2. Enumerate the types of co-  Literacy Activities  Reflection on how
curricular activities; and  Physical Development 2. Library Activity, Search for participation in co-
3. Discuss the need and Activities thesis/dissertation regarding curricular activity
importance of co-curricular  Leisure time Activities co-curricular activities using a can help become a
activities.  Social Welfare Activities template better person or
 Civic Development teacher
Activities  Accomplished
2. Co-Curricular Activities have Multiple Checklist
a number of Values Inventory
 Educational Value
 Psychological Value
 Social Value
 Civic Value
 Cultural Value
 Physical Development

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Laoag City
Intended Learning Outcomes
Topics Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tools Time Frame
 Recreational Value
3. Role of Teacher in Organizing
Co-Curricular Activities

F I N A L E X A M I N A T I O N (18th week)

X. Course Requirements
1. Insights gained
2. Reflection paper
3. Diagram/Symbol
4. Accomplished templates/checklist
5. e-portfolio

XI. Grading System

Three periodical examinations are given every semester Prelim, Mid-term, and Final scheduled in the Academic Calendar.

The standard formulas in computing grades are as follows:

Preliminary Grade (PG)

PG = (Average Class Standing x 0.60) + (Preliminary Examination Rating x 0.40)

Midterm Grade (MG)

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MG = (Average Class Standing x 0.60) + (Midterm Examination Rating x 0.40)

Endterm Grade (EG)

EG = (Average Class Standing x 0.60) + (Endterm Examination Rating x 0.40)

Final Grade (FG)

FG = (PG + MG + EG) ÷ 3

Note: Class Standing includes the following: Insights gained, Reflection paper, Diagram/Symbol, Accomplished
templates/checklist, and e-portfolio

XII. Classroom Management

1. The bases in the computation of grade are the class standing (60%) and major examinations (40%).
2. Attendance in class is very important, however, it is not included in the computation of grade.
3. Late students are not allowed to attend the class.
4. Inasmuch as absences cannot be avoided, a student may be excused from class for meritorious reasons.
5. The No Permit, no Exam Policy is strictly implemented.

XIII. Bibliography
Corpuz, B. B., Giron, P. R., Navarro, R. L., Andrada, L. M., Bilbao, P. P., et al. (2013) Special Topics 4. Phili.: Lorimar Pub. Inc
Corpuz, B. and Lucas, M. R. (2010) Child and Adolescent Psychology, Philippines: Lorimar Pub., Inc.
Lucas, M. R. and Corpuz, B. (2010) Facilitating Learning. Philippines: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc
Reyes, E. and Dizon, E. 2015. Curriculum Development. Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc..
Retrieved from
Retrieved from
resources/curriculum/#topPage August 21, 2018
Retrieved from

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episode-1-the-school-as-a-learning-environment/ on August 21, 2018

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