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ETHIOPIAN ES 10211-2:2005

ES 4050

First edition

Thermal bridges in building

Calculation of heat flows and surface
Part 2:
Linear thermal bridges

ICS: 91.120.10

Reference number
Price based on 15 pages. ES ISO 10211-2:2005
ES ISO 10211-2 :2005

National Foreword

This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of Construction Materials, Building and Civil
Engineering Technical Committee and published by the Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE).

It is identical with ISO 10359-2, First edition, 1994 "Thermal bridges in building construction - Calculation of heat
flows and surface temperatures - Part 2: Linear thermal bridges ", published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).

For the purposes of this Ethiopian Standard, the adopted ISO text shall be modified as follows:

a) The word "International Standard" shall be read as " Ethiopian Standard ".

b) A full point (.) shall substitute a comma (,) as a decimal marker.

c) Reference to the ISO standard shall be read as reference to the corresponding Ethiopian Standard listed

STANDARD 10211-2

First edition

Thermal bridges in building construction —

Calculation of heat flows and surface
temperatures —
Part 2:
Linear thermal bridges
Ponts thermique dans les bâtiments — Calcul des flux thermiques et des
températures superficielles —
Partie 2: Ponts thermiques linéaires

Reference number
ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

© ISO 2001
ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 10211 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard ISO 10211-2 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in
collaboration with ISO Technical Committee TC 163, Thermal insulation, Subcommittee SC 2, Calculation methods,
in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

Throughout the text of this standard, read "...this European Standard..." to mean "...this International Standard...".

ISO 10211 consists of the following parts, under the general title Thermal bridges in building construction —
Calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures:

— Part 1: General calculation methods

— Part 2: Linear thermal bridges

Annexes A and B of this part of ISO 10211 are for information only.

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)


Foreword v

Introduction v

1 Scope 1

2 Normative references 1

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units 1

4 Rules for modelling 3

5 Calculation values 7

6 Calculation method 7

7 Input and output data 9

Annex A (informative) Determination of temperature weighting factors for three boundary

temperatures 11

Annex B (informative) Simplified method for the calculation of internal surface temperatures
at intersecting linear thermal bridges 12

iv © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

The text of EN ISO 10211-2:2001 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 89 "Thermal
performance of buildings and building components", the secretariat of which is held by SIS, in
collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 163 "Thermal insulation", subcommittee 2 "Calculation

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by September 2001, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by December 2001.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This standard consists of two parts. The title of part 1 is "Thermal bridges in building construction -
Calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 1: General methods".

This standard is one of a series of standards on calculation methods for the design and evaluation of the
thermal performance of buildings and building components.

Part 1 of this standard gives general methods for the calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures
of thermal bridges of arbitrary shape and with an arbitrary number of boundary conditions. This part deals
with linear thermal bridges bounded by two different thermal environments. For the calculation of surface
temperatures, a third boundary temperature applies only if the thermal bridge is in thermal contact with
the ground.

A linear thermal bridge can be represented by its cross-section, which provides the basis for a two-
dimensional geometrical model.

As the two-dimensional model is a simplification of the real construction, the calculation results are
approximations of the results calculated with a three-dimensional model according to EN ISO 10211-
1:1995. The errors due to this simplification are related to the length of the linear thermal bridge which is
often not specified. The calculation methods given in part 2 are termed "Class B" methods in order to
distinguish them from the "Class A" methods given in part 1.

Although similar calculation procedures are used, the procedures are not identical for the calculation of
heat flows and of surface temperatures.

Part 2 of this standard lays down criteria which have to be satisfied in order that a calculation method for
linear thermal bridges can be described as being "Class B".

Part 2 can be used for the calculation of the linear thermal transmittance of the linear thermal bridge.

Part 2 does not provide reliable results for the assessment of surface condensation. Although accurate
internal surface temperatures can be calculated with a two dimensional model, the actual minimum
surface temperature can be lower,as a result of other linear or point thermal bridges in the vicinity.

At the intersection of two or three linear thermal bridges a drop of the internal surface temperature occurs.
A method to calculate the lower limiting value of the temperature factor at the intersection is given in
annex B.

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

1 Scope

This part 2 of the standard gives the specifications for a two-dimensional geometrical model of a linear
thermal bridge for the numerical calculation of:

- the linear thermal transmittance of the linear thermal bridge;

- the lower limit of the minimum surface temperatures.

These specifications include the geometrical boundaries and subdivisions of the model, the thermal
boundary conditions and the thermal values and relationships to be used.

The standard is based upon the following assumptions:

- steady-state conditions apply;

- all physical properties are independent of temperature;
- there are no heat sources within the building element;
- only one internal thermal environment applies;
- one or two external thermal environments apply.

A second external thermal environment only applies when surface temperatures are calculated and the
soil is a part of the geometrical model. In that case the temperature at the horizontal cut-off plane in the
soil is the second external thermal environment.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications
apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the
latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN ISO 7345 Thermal insulation - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO7345:1987)

EN ISO 10211-1:1995 Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface
temperatures - Part 1: General calculation methods (ISO 10211-1:1995)

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard the terms and definitions given in
EN ISO 7345, EN ISO 10211-1:1995 and the following apply.

linear thermal bridge
thermal bridge with a uniform cross-section along one of the three orthogonal axes

2-D flanking element
part of a two-dimensional (2-D) geometrical model which, when considered in isolation, consists of plane,
parallel material layers

2-D central element
part of a 2-D geometrical model which is not a 2-D flanking element

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

F1 to F4 have constant cross-sections. C is the remaining part.

Figure 1 - 2-D model with four flanking elements and a central element

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

3.2 Symbols and units

Symbol Physical quantity Unit

L linear thermal coupling coefficient W/(m×K)
Rt surface to surface thermal resistance m²×K/W
Rse external surface resistance m²×K/W
Rsi internal surface resistance m²×K/W
U thermal transmittance W/(m²×K)
b ground floor width m
f R3D
si temperature factor at the intersection of linear thermal
bridges -
2D temperature factor of a linear thermal bridge -
f Rsi

f R1Dsi temperature factor of a plane building element with uniform

thermal resistance -
g temperature weighting factor -
l length m
q density of heat flow rate W/m²
q Celsius temperature °C
l thermal conductivity W/(m×K)
zRsi temperature difference ratio -
F heat flow rate W
Y linear thermal transmittance W/(m×K)


e external
i internal
s surface
l length


1D refers to a one-dimensional geometrical model

2D refers to a two-dimensional geometrical model
3D refers to a three-dimensional geometrical model

4 Rules for modelling

4.1 Cut-off planes of the geometrical model

The geometrical model includes the 2-D central element, the 2-D flanking elements and, where
appropriate, the subsoil. The geometrical model is delimited by cut-off planes.

Cut-off planes shall be positioned as follows:

- at least 1 m from the central element if there is no nearer symmetry plane (see Figure 2);
- at a symmetry plane if this is less than 1 m from the central element (see Figure 3);
- in the ground according to Table 1 (see Figure 4).

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 2 - Location of cut-off planes at least 1 m from the central element

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 3 - Example of a construction with linear thermal bridges at fixed distances W, showing
symmetry planes which can be used as cut-off planes

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

Table 1 - Location of cut-off planes in the subsoil

(foundations, ground floors, basements)

Direction Distance to central element

Surface temperature Heat flow
calculations, calculations, see
see Figure 4a) Figure 4b)
Horizontal inside the building at least 1 m 0,5 b
Horizontal outside the building same distance as 2,5 b
inside the building
Vertical below ground level 3m 2,5 b
Vertical below floor level 1m -
1) If the value of b is not given the default value b = 8 m shall be applied.
2) This value applies only if the level of the floor under consideration is more than 2 m
below the ground surface.

Dimensions in millimetres Dimensions in metres

a W 1000 Figure 4b) - Soil dimensions for

Figure 4a) - Soil dimensions for calculation of heat flow
calculation of surface temperatures

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

4.2 Adjustments to dimensions

Adjustments to the dimensions of the geometrical model with respect to the geometry as specified in the
architectural drawing are only allowed if they have no significant influence on the result of the calculation;
this can be assumed if the conditions of 5.2.1 of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 are satisfied.
Point thermal bridges that may be part of the architectural drawing (e.g. screws) should be ignored. The
thermal effect of distributed point thermal bridges should be incorporated into the thermal conductivity of
the material layers according to clause 5 of EN ISO 10211-1:1995.

4.3 Auxiliary planes

Planes which are necessary to separate blocks of different materials are called construction planes.
Planes which are neither construction planes nor cut-off planes are called auxiliary planes.
The number of auxiliary planes in the model shall be such that doubling the number of subdivisions does
not change the linear coupling coefficient by more than 2 %, otherwise further subdivisions shall be made
until this criterion is met.
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 5 - Example of construction planes supplemented with auxiliary planes

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NOTE this requirement is in many cases fulfilled when the distance between adjacent parallel planes does not
exceed the following values
(see Figure 5):
- within the central element 25 mm;
- within the flanking elements, measured from the construction plane which separates the central element from the
flanking element: 25, 25, 50, 50, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 mm.
For constructions with indentations of small dimensions (e.g. window profiles) a finer subdivision is needed.

5 Calculation values

Clause 6 of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 applies. 6.2.1 and 6.2.3 of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 are optional. For the
determination of the thermal conductivity of air voids and cavities 6.2.2 of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 shall be
NOTE A separate standard is under preparation which gives values for irregular shapes.

6 Calculation method

6.1 Calculation programs

Calculation programs shall be validated according to annex A of EN ISO 10211-1:1995.

6.2 Calculation rules

The cut-off planes shall be adiabatic (i.e. zero heat flow) with the exception of the horizontal cut-off plane
in the soil in the case of calculation of the surface temperature. The temperature of this cut-off plane is to
be taken as the value of the yearly average external air temperature.

6.3 Determination of the thermal coupling coefficient, the heat flow rate, and the linear thermal

6.3.1 Boundary conditions

Only two boundary temperatures apply, the external temperature and the internal temperature.

6.3.2 Determination of the thermal coupling coefficient and the heat flow rate

The heat flow rate per metre length, F l, of the linear thermal bridge from the internal environment i to the
external environment e is given by:

. l = L2D (G i - G e ) (1)


L2D is the linear thermal coupling coefficient obtained from a 2-D calculation of the component separating
the two environments being considered.

1) prEN ISO 10077-2 "Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance -
Part 2: Numerical method for frames (ISO/DIS 10077-2:1998)" is in preparation.

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

6.3.3 Determination of the linear thermal transmittance

The linear thermal transmittance is given by:

; = L2D - åU j l j (2)
j =1


Y is the linear thermal transmittance of the linear thermal bridge separating the two environments being
Uj is the thermal transmittance of the 1-D component j separating the two environments being
lj is the length within the 2-D geometrical model over which the value Uj applies;
N is the number of 1-D components.

When determining the linear thermal transmittance, it is necessary to state which dimensions (e.g.
internal or external) are being used because for several types of thermal bridges the value of the linear
thermal transmittance depends on this choice.

6.4 Determination of the temperature at the internal surface

6.4.1 General

Normally two boundary temperatures apply. A third boundary temperature shall be used as specified in
6.2 only in the case where the subsoil is a part of the geometrical model.

6.4.2 Two boundary temperatures

When there are only two environments involved, the surface temperatures can be expressed in a
dimensionless form according to equation (3) or equation (4):

q i - q si(x,y )
z Rsi(x,y ) = (3)
(q i - q e )


G si(x,y ) - G e
f Rsi(x,y ) = (4)
(G i - G e )


zRsi(x,y) is the temperature difference ratio for the internal surface at point (x,y);
fRsi(x,y) is the temperature factor for the internal surface at point (x,y);
qsi(x,y) is the temperature for the internal surface at point (x,y);
qi is the internal air temperature;
qe is the external air temperature.

The temperature difference ratio or the temperature factor shall be calculated with an error of less than

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

6.4.3 Three boundary temperatures

If there are three boundary temperatures involved, temperature weighting factors g shall be used.
Temperature weighting factors provide the means to calculate the temperature at any location of the
internal surface with coordinates (x,y) as a linear function of any set of boundary temperatures.

The temperature weighting factors at the location (x,y) are given by:

q si(x,y) = g1(x,y) q 1 + g2(x,y) q 2 + g3(x,y) q 3 (5)


g1(x,y) + g2(x,y) + g3(x,y) = 1 (6)

NOTE The weighting factors at the location of interest can be calculated according to annex A. Normally the location
of interest is the point with the lowest internal surface temperature. This location can vary if the boundary
temperatures are changed.

Calculate the internal surface temperature qsi at the location of interest by inserting the calculated values
of g1, g2 and g3 and the actual boundary temperatures q1, q2 and q3 in equation (5).

7 Input and output data

7.1 Input data

The report of the calculation shall contain the following information:

a) Description of structure:
- building plans including dimensions, materials and thermally relevant information;
- for a completed building, any known alterations to the construction and/or physical measurements
and details from inspection;

b) Description of the geometrical model:

- 2-D model with dimensions;
- input data which show the location of the construction planes and any auxiliary planes together with
the thermal conductivities of the various materials;
- the applied boundary temperatures;
- the surface resistances and the areas to which they apply;
- any non-standard values used with justification of the deviation from standard values.

7.2 Output data

7.2.1 General

The following calculation results shall be reported as values which are independent of the boundary

- thermal coupling coefficient L between the internal and external environments;

- the linear thermal transmittance, Y, of the linear thermal bridge;
- temperature factors ¦Rsi or temperature difference ratios zRsi for the points of lowest surface
temperatures in each room involved (including the location of these points); if three boundary
temperatures are used, the temperature weighting factors shall be reported.

NOTE An example showing how to report temperature weighting factors is given in Table A.1.

All output values shall be given to at least three significant figures.

7.2.2 Calculation of the heat flow rate using the thermal coupling coefficient

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

The heat flow rate from the internal to the external environment is given by equation (1).

7.2.3 Calculating surface temperatures using weighting factors

The lowest internal surface temperature in each of the rooms that are part of the internal environment is
the minimum temperature calculated using equation (5).

7.2.4 Additional output data

For a specific set of boundary temperatures the following additional values shall be presented:
- heat flows (in watts per metre) for each room of interest;
- minimum surface temperatures (in degrees Celsius) and the location of the points with minimum
surface temperature in each room of interest.

7.2.5 Estimate of error

In order to estimate errors arising in the numerical solution of the equation system, the algebraic sum of
heat flows over all boundaries of the building component divided by half the sum of the absolute values of
these heat flows shall be given.

NOTE Annex A of EN ISO 10211-1:1995 specifies that this quotient is to be less than 0,001.

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

Annex A

Determination of temperature weighting factors

for three boundary temperatures

For a model with three boundary temperatures (i.e the internal and the external environment and the
temperature of the horizontal cut-off plane in the ground), the weighting factors can be calculated by twice
performing the calculation of the temperature at the selected point; in both calculations all the boundary
temperatures are equal to zero except one boundary temperature, which equals 1 K, as shown in Table

Table A.1 - Scheme for calculating g-values

in the case of 3 boundary temperatures

Calculation Values of boundary temperatures Weighting

number factor

q1 q2 q3

1 1 0 0 g1
2 0 1 0 g2

g3 follows from equation (6).

Report the set of Rsi values used in the calculation of the temperature weighting factors and provide a
sketch that shows to which internal surface area each Rsi value applies.

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

Annex B

Simplified method for the calculation of internal surface temperatures

at intersecting linear thermal bridges

B.1 General

The calculated temperature factor is used to assess the risk of surface condensation and mould growth
(see EN ISO 10211-1:1995).

At the intersection of two linear thermal bridges (e.g. the intersection of a column and a floor edge) or at
the intersection of three linear thermal bridges (e.g. a junction of two external walls and the roof) the
minimum temperature factor f R3D si , calculated with a 3-D geometrical model is lower than at either of the
intersecting linear thermal bridges when considered in isolation (see Figure B.1). Therefore the calculated
temperature factors f R2D
si , calculated with a 2-D geometrical model in accordance with this part of the
standard do not provide safe values for the assessment of surface condensation in a room.

Figure B.1 - Example of two intersecting linear thermal bridges

with the location of the minimum temperature factor

In order to provide safe values for the minimum temperature factor at the intersection of two or three
linear thermal bridges, a simplified calculation method for a preliminary assessment is given in this annex.
This simplified method gives equations to calculate the lower limiting value at these intersections when no
3-D calculation results are available. If these lower limiting values indicate a risk of surface condensation,
or do not comply with prescribed minimum values, a more accurate result can be obtained using a 3-D
calculation in accordance with EN ISO 10211-1:1995.
The simplified calculation method cannot be used for the calculation of the temperature factor at single

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

point thermal bridges. These cases can be calculated in accordance with EN ISO 10211-1:1995.

B.2 Simplified calculation method for intersecting linear thermal bridges

The lower limiting value of f R3D 2D

si can be calculated from the minimum temperature factors f Rsi of the
intersecting linear thermal bridges under the following conditions:

a) the 3-D thermal bridge is the result of two or three intersecting linear thermal bridges (see Figure B.1);
b) if more than two linear thermal bridges are part of the same plane, only the two linear thermal bridges
with the lowest values of f R2D
si apply (see Figure B.2);

c) the ratio between the highest and the lowest thermal transmittance of any part of the envelope
adjacent to the linear thermal bridges considered, does not exceed 1,5.

If condition c) is not met, the calculated value of f R3D

si may still be used as an indicative value.

Only the two linear thermal bridges with the lowest temperature factors are to be considered.

Figure B.2 - Example of four linear thermal bridges in one plane (the floor)

For three intersecting linear thermal bridges, the lower limiting value of f R3D
si is given by:
f R3D
si = (B.1)
1 1 1 2
2D, x
+ 2D, y + 2D, z - 1D
f Rsi f Rsi f Rsi f Rsi


f R3D
si is the lower limiting value of the minimum temperature factor at the 3-D thermal bridge, calculated
with the Rsi-value used;
f R2D, x
si is the minimum temperature factor of the linear thermal bridges along the x-axis, calculated with
same Rsi-value (similarly for y-axis and z-axis);
f R1D
si is the arithmetic mean value of the temperature factors of the thermally homogeneous parts of the
envelope adjacent to the linear thermal bridges.
If only two linear thermal bridges intersect, equation (B.1) reduces to:

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ISO 10211-2:2001(E)

f R3D
si = (B.2)
1 1 1
+ -
f R2D,
f R2D,
f R1D

The temperature factors of the thermally homogeneous parts of the envelope follow from:

R t + R se
f R1D
si = (B.3)
R t + R se + R si

B.3 Calculation example: the junction of two walls and a flat roof

Figure B.3 shows the 3-D geometrical model of an upper corner.

The following surface to surface thermal resistances are used for the calculation:
- external walls: R t = 2,5 m ×K/W;
- roof: R t = 3,8 m ×K/W.

The values of the surface resistances are:

- Rsi = 0,25 m ×K/W;
- Rse = 0,04 m ×K/W.

The calculated temperature factors for the three planes are consequently:
- external walls: f 0,25 = 0,910;
- roof: f 0,25 = 0,939.

The arithmetic mean value for the three planes is: f 0,25 = 0,920.

The temperature factors f 0,25 of the linear thermal bridges calculated with a 2-D geometrical model are
in this example:
2D, x
f 0,25 = 0,788 (roof-wall junction along the x-axis)
2D, y
f 0,25 = 0,788 (roof-wall junction along the y-axis)
2D, z
f 0,25 = 0,843 (wall-wall junction along the z-axis)

These values are inserted in equation (B.1):

3D 1
f 0,25 = = 0,645 (B.4)
1 1 1 2
+ + -
0,788 0,788 0,843 0,920

The accurate 3-D calculation of f 0,25 according to EN ISO 10211-1:1995, using the same input values
gives f 0,25 = 0,648.

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The cross sections of both roof edges are identical

Figure B.3 - Junction of two walls and a flat roof where

three linear thermal bridges intersect

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ICS 91.120.10
Price based on 15 pages

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